Rieko Kadobayashi
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, 3-5 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Kyoto 619-0289 Japan
3D Blog, 3D viewpoint information, Community support, Blog search, TrackBack, Viewpoint similarity.
The 3D Blog system allows a user to interact with a 3D model, annotate any spot on the model, and publish the
annotations in a blog so that the user can easily communicate with other people and share interests, idea, and
questions about 3D models of interest to the user. The main features of the system is that each annotation is
saved as a blog entry with 3D viewpoint information, i.e., the user’s viewpoint and view direction as well as 3D
information on annotated points. With this 3D viewpoint information, readers of a 3D Blog can reconstruct the
exact same 3D scene the blogger saw when reading the blog entry, and, therefore, the readers may understand
it better. The system also uses the 3D viewpoint information to detect similar entries and sends trackback
links automatically to enable users to easily find people who may have similar interests. Users can easily and
intuitively compare the similar entries using the “playback” function which renders the 3D scene in the similar
entries. The 3D Blog system is expected to promote emergence of communities of people who share interests
and support their communication.
The number of 3D Computer Graphics (CG) models
available on the Internet is rapidly increasing due both
to strong demand for 3D models in such domains as
online catalogues and cultural heritage sites and to the
advancement of digitizing and CG technology. For
example, in the cultural heritage sector, there is an
increasing demand to be able to record and visual-
ize cultural heritage items in 3D CG models because
these models have many advantages over traditional
recording and presentation media such as 2D draw-
ings. In online catalogues, 3D models can provide
consumers with more detailed information and inter-
activity than photographs can. This means that users
can change points of view as freely as if they were
looking at an object in a real space, and change the
texture or color of a 3D model as many times as they
want to test how its appearance changes, which may
actually be more difficult in real space.
The number of blog users (bloggers) is also
rapidly increasing. Blogs are now a very important
and widespread medium for people to express and ex-
change ideas. One of the key features of a blog is that
it allows readers to comment on blog entries, meaning
that the owner of a blog site and its readers can eas-
ily communicate with each other. This bi-directional
communication is facilitated by “TrackBack” mecha-
nism which some blog systems use.
However, the use of 3D models is still restricted.
Many 3D model applications provide users with some
interactivity but do not provide users with a commu-
nication function for using the models. Assume that
you are browsing an online catalogue and you like the
design of a particular object. You may need to write
a long sentence that explains why you think the de-
sign is excellent or take a snapshot of your computer
display of the 3D model of the object if you want to
recommend it to your friend. If the online catalogue
supports communication using 3D models, the task is
much easier, and you may only need to send a link to
a 3D view of the object in a particular orientation and
a comment to your friend.
Another example in the cultural heritage sector
arises when people visit a museum. Visitors can usu-
ally share the experience with their family, friends,
Kadobayashi R. (2007).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Web Interfaces and Applications, pages 18-25
DOI: 10.5220/0001264100180025
or schoolmates, watching how they interact with ex-
hibits. This observational or social learning is thought
to be very important (Falk and Dierking, 2000). Shar-
ing knowledge, interests, impressions, and experi-
ences can deepen each person’s understanding and ap-
preciation of the exhibits. In addition, there are a lot
of hands-on exhibits in real museums that enable vis-
itors to interact, which facilitates their understanding.
However, existing 3D applications support only
limited sharing and interactivity. This is especially
true of applications for the general public. Experts
can interact with 3D models using proprietary or ex-
pensive commercial software, but the general public
is allowed only to view them passively, e.g. to see still
images or animation in most cases. The experts may
convey their interpretation of cultural heritage via 3D
visualization, but the general public does not have any
such opportunity.
Of course, there are 3D applications targeting the
general public such as virtual 3D museums. For ex-
ample virtual Leonardo provides on-line chat func-
tions so that users can communicate with each other
(Paolini et al., 1999). The main problem in vir-
tual 3D museums, from the viewpoint of communi-
cation and collaboration, is that users need to be in
a virtual museum at the same time. Practically, this
may be an overly restrictive requirement, and other
means of collaboration should be provided (Barbieri
and Paolini, 2000).
To overcome these problems, the 3D Blog system
has been proposed. This system allows a user to inter-
act with a 3D model, annotate any spot on the model,
and publish the annotations in a blog so that the user
can easily communicate with other people and share
interests, ideas, and questions about 3D models of in-
terest to the user (Kadobayashi, 2005). One of the
main features of a 3D blog is that each annotation
is saved as a blog entry with 3D information on the
user’s viewpoint. Readers of a 3D Blog can recon-
struct the exact same 3D scene the blogger saw when
reading the blog entry, perhaps helping the readers to
understand it better.
In this paper, we propose a new mechanism for
viewing 3D Blog entries that enables users to find
similar entries easily and that intuitively calls their at-
tention to the similarities among entries by using 3D
models. It also enables them to find people who may
have similar interests and to promote emergence of
communities of people who share interests.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 introduces the 3D Blog system and describes
3D viewpoint information. In Section 3, the algo-
rithm for finding similar entries and the mechanism
that links them are described. In Section 4 the al-
gorithm for playing back similar entries is explained.
Section 5 discusses the features of the 3D Blog sys-
tem that make it a very useful communication tool.
Section 6 concludes the paper.
List of 3D
Figure 1: Top page of a 3D Blog. Annotations to 3D mod-
els are listed as blog entries in reverse chronological order.
Each entry has a snapshot of the 3D scene the user saw when
2.1 Features
3D Blog enables users to interact with a 3D model,
annotate any spot on the 3D model, and publish the
annotations as a blog. It does not require any ex-
pensive proprietary software to make annotations or
read blog entries. It only requires a 3D model viewer
that runs as a browser plug-in for interacting with
3D models. The current 3D Blog system uses lily
(lily, 2005) as a blogging tool and Cortona VRML
Client (ParallelGraphics, 2006) as a viewer for the 3D
models. Lily is a Ruby implementation of blosxom
(Blosxom, 2006) written in Perl. Users need to down-
load and install the plug-in, i.e., Cortona VRML
Client, to their web browser (we are currently using
Internet Explorer only) before they start 3D blogging.
The main feature of 3D Blog is that it uses the
3D viewpoint information of the 3D scene that the
user (blogger) sees when adding an annotation. The
3D viewpoint information is composed of viewpoint
and view direction, which are expressed as 3D coor-
dinates, and a 3D vector. The 3D viewpoint infor-
mation, as well as the position of an annotated spot,
is automatically added to the annotation by the sys-
tem and stored in the database. It is then used to re-
construct the same 3D scene the blogger saw when a
reader reads entries. This is thought to greatly help
readers to understand the content of the entries.
The viewpoint is the point from which a user looks
at the point being annotated. The view vector is a vec-
tor from the viewpoint to the point being annotated.
The view direction is derived by normalizing the view
vector. In implementation, these items are altered by
the parameters specific to a computer graphics soft-
ware. For example, in VRML, which we used in our
system, the viewpoint and the view direction are ex-
pressed as parameters “translation” and “rotation” of
a camera.
This system is based on the assumption that im-
pressions may change if the user’s point of view
changes, even if the user looks at the same thing. The
resulting design may enable users to convey their feel-
ings more accurately if they can show the object as it
looked when they saw it.
The 3D viewpoint information is also useful for
searching (Kadobayashi and Tanaka, 2005; Fujita and
Arikawa, 2005) and in the 3D Blog system is used
to find similar entries. When a new entry is posted,
the system detects similar entries based on a thresh-
old set by users and sends links from the new entry
to similar entries. We call this mechanism “automatic
TrackBack. It helps users find other users with sim-
ilar interests and create communities and facilitates
communication among users.
To summarize, by embedding 3D viewpoint infor-
mation into blog entries, the system enables users to
easily understand the idea of blog entries by playing
back a viewpoint of the annotated point, finding sim-
ilar entries, and communicating with similar users,
which facilitates forming communities.
2.2 Writing 3d Blog Entries
When a 3D Blog user logs in, the top page of the
user’s blogsite will open and show recent entries in
reverse chronological order, as in ordinary blogsites
(Figure 1). By selecting a 3D model from the list on
the left-hand side of the window and clicking on the
model’s name, the 3D model viewer will appear at the
top of the list of entries enabling the user to browse
and interact with the model in the walk-through, fly-
through, or study mode and to add notes about the
model (Figure 2).
When the user clicks on a spot that he/she wants to
annotate, a small ball, i.e. a marker, appears and cov-
ers the spot in the 3D model viewer. The user types
an appropriate title and a comment in the dialogue box
3D model viewer
Text input box
Entries on
this 3D model
Figure 2: Typical page layout for interacting with and an-
notating 3D models. 3D model viewer is displayed on top
of entry list.
below the 3D model viewer and then clicks the ‘post’
Information, such as the position of the annotated
area, the viewpoint of the virtual camera which is
treated as that of the user, the date and time, the snap-
shot of the 3D model with the marker, and the anno-
tation (i.e., the title and comments) are converted into
a blog entry and stored in the blog database. The an-
notation is then added to the top of the entries of the
user’s blog site as the latest entry.
Users can annotate a 3D model as often as they
desire. All annotations are automatically added to the
blog site as separate entries. The user can change 3D
models by clicking on a model’s name and continuing
to blog on a different model.
2.3 Reading 3d Blog
At first glance, the top page of a 3D blogsite looks
similar to the top pages of an ordinary blog, but there
is a big difference. Every entry in the 3D blog in-
cludes information about the 3D viewpoint, i.e., the
viewpoint from which the 3D model was annotated
and about the spot to which the annotation was added.
The snapshot included in each entry is an an-
chor to the 3D scene and, once it is clicked by a
reader, the 3D model viewer pops up to render the 3D
scene using the 3D viewpoint information while at the
same time enabling the reader to read the entry (Fig-
ure 3). When rendering the 3D scene, the system first
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
3D model viewer
Anchor to the 3D scene
Figure 3: 3D model viewer pops up when a snapshot of an
entry is clicked since a javascript is embedded as an anchor
to the 3D scene. The user can read the entry and confirm
how the 3D model looks.
shows the 3D model in a default orientation and then
changes the orientation of the model so that the 3D
scene is exactly the same as the blogger saw. This an-
imation brings to the reader’s attention how the blog-
ger changed viewpoints when annotating. This is a
great help to readers in understanding the content of
entries, because it enables them to visually confirm it.
Readers can add comments to an entry by click-
ing the ‘comment’ button at the bottom of the entry
to open a dialogue box. Other basic functions such
as viewing old entries and searching entries are also
The 3D Blog system uses the 3D viewpoint informa-
tion to find similar entries and to render 3D scenes
and calls user attention to these similar entries by au-
tomatically setting TrackBack links. There is a blog
service that connects entries that share the same key-
words (hatena, 2007), i.e., semantic similarities. In
contrast, the 3D Blog system uses the physical per-
spective similarities.
In the current implementation, four measures are
used to detect similar entries: target, viewpoint, direc-
tion, and gaze. Target is the distance between anno-
tated points while viewpoint is the distance between
viewpoints. Similarity in direction is obtained by co-
(1) Targets are similar.
(2) Viewpoints are similar.
(3) Directions are similar.
(4) Gaze is similar.
Figure 4: Similarity measures.
sine similarity of view direction vectors. Since the
value of cosine theta is not linear, it is not reasonable
to expect users to set the threshold. As a result, the
degree of the angle between two vectors is used as
a measure and users set the threshold from 0 to 180
degrees. Gaze is a combined measure of target and
viewpoint. If target is less than or equal to the thresh-
old and viewpoint is less than or equal to the thresh-
old, the entries are similar in terms of gaze. Figure 4
depicts examples that are similar for each measure.
Usually the TrackBack link is used by a blogger
who writes an entry referring to another blogger’s en-
User A User B(1) (2)
Figure 5: Automatic TrackBack is conducted by the system
when similar entries are found. Users may easily find other
users with similar interests.
try to explicitly notify the other blogger of the refer-
ence. In the 3D Blog system, the system also auto-
matically sends TrackBack to entries in the database
if it finds similar entries as new entries are written.
The system checks the similarities between each
new entry and the stored entries whenever a new en-
try is posted. Then it makes the TrackBack links from
the new entry to the stored entries. This means the
latest entry by any user of the 3D Blog system has no
automatic TrackBack links. The 3D Blog system in-
cludes the information about the similarity measures,
i.e., the similarity score, as well as such information
as the title and URL of the blog, which is normally in-
cluded in the TrackBack ping (SixApart, 2004). The
blogger’s own entries are excluded from the similar-
ity check since it is unremarkable that entries by the
same blogger tend to be similar.
This automatic TrackBack mechanism helps 3D
Blog users find similar entries and others who may
have similar interests or perspectives. Users can set
the threshold according to their preference. For exam-
ple, some people may want to find people who have
similar interests and set a low threshold for the dis-
tance between annotated spots. Others may want to
find people who have a similar (physical) perspective
and set that distance threshold low.
3.1 Finding Similar Entries: A Scenario
Assume that user A has written an entry about a 3D
model and the entry is stored in the database (see
(1) in Figure 5). After user B writes an entry about
the same 3D model (see (2) in Figure 5), the system
Similarity measures
target = 0.22 viewpoint = 9.1 direction = 71.92 gaze = 9.1
Figure 6: List display of similar entries. Entries are sorted
in ascending order of the score of the measure selected by
the user. In this case entries are sorted using the score of
“target” measure.
checks for similar entries in the database. In this case,
the system finds that an entry written by user A is sim-
ilar to the entry that user B has just posted because the
distance between the annotated spots of the two en-
tries is very small and is less than the threshold spec-
ified by user A. It then sends TrackBack to user As
entry so that user A will notice user B’s entry (see (3)
in Figure 5).
The 3D Blog system enables a user to see similar en-
tries in playback mode as well as in list mode. The
list mode, which is shown in Figure 6, looks similar
to many blog pages. The user’s entry is shown on top
of the blog page and similar entries written by other
bloggers are shown below the user’s entry. Users can
choose the sort key from the four measures. For ex-
ample, if target is chosen, the entries are sorted in
ascending order of the target score.
In the playback mode, by contrast, the user can
playback the 3D scene in each similar entry so that
she or he will notice which spots on a 3D model are
of interest to other users and which of those spots are
annotated by other users. First, the user chooses “user
WEBIST 2007 - International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Selected user name
Figure 7: All markers placed by a selected user in similar
entries are shown when “show markers” button is clicked.
Users can easily grasp the distribution of annotated points.
Figure 8: Playback of 3D Blog entries. Choose a user from
pull down menu and then click the playback button. The
system automatically shows the 3D scenes of the entries in
sequence in the 3D model viewer.
name” from the pull down menu located just below
the 3D model viewer. This menu shows the names
of those who have made entries similar to the user’s.
Second, the user chooses a function by checking ei-
ther “show markers” or “play views.
The “show markers” function shows all the mark-
User A's Blog
User B's Blog
User C's Blog
Figure 9: Relation of similar entries. For simplicity, auto-
matic TrackBack links from user As entries to other users’
entries are not shown.
ers from similar entries written by the selected user, as
shown in Figure 7. Playback of the 3D Blog entries
in “show markers” mode thus helps users to visually
grasp the distribution of other user’s interests. If the
user selects the entries of another user from the pull
down menu, the user can graphically see which spots
she or he annotated.
Alternatively, the “play views” function renders
all the 3D scenes of similar entries one by one,
smoothly changing the viewpoint. This helps users
see which other users saw and annotated the 3D
model and how the viewpoint changed spatially. The
algorithm for “play views” is as follows: First the sys-
tem collects all of a particular user’s similar entries for
a particular 3D model and then categorizes them by
writer. Finally the system sorts the entries in reverse
chronological order by writer.
Figure 9 shows an example of a relation among
entries. User A wrote five entries about a particular
3D model, and three of them have automatic Track-
Back links from users B and C’s entries. Although
entry B2 has two links to user As blog, it is treated
as one link. In this case, user A can choose user B
or user C in addition to himself from the pull down
menu, and playback user B’s entries B1, B2, B4 or
user C’s entries C2, C3, C5 or his or her own entries
A1, A2, A3, A3, A5 in the 3D model viewer.
The most essential feature of the 3D Blog system is
that it uses 3D viewpoint information of a user. In
other words, the system places importance on from
where the user observes the 3D model as well as on
to which the user has an interest.
Considering a way of asking in our daily life, it is
quite often that we ask a question like “what is that?”
when we do not know the name of what we are look-
ing at. Those who are talking with you can under-
stand what is of interest to you since they can share
your viewpoint and follow your glance. It is, there-
fore, 3D viewpoint-based search is very natural way
to find things of interest.
In contrast, information about what a user looking
at in the 3D Blog system is similar to a keyword in
keyword-based search. If a user uses keyword-based
search system, the user needs to know keywords or
choose keywords from a list to formulate appropri-
ate queries. This requires the user to have knowl-
edge a priori about what he/she will search while
3D viewpoint-based search does not require such as-
The automatic playback function enables users to
take advantage of the 3D viewpoint information easily
and intuitively. As the system automatically changes
the 3D scene according to the viewpoint of entries,
users do not need to struggle with the 3D model to
recreate the 3D scene and therefore they can con-
centrate on understanding similarities among entries
written by other users.
Although the 3D Blog system has many advan-
tages, there are many topics that need further research
and development to make it fully functional.
Development of an excellent user interface for 3D
models, especially for annotating and comparing 3D
models, is crucial. It is difficult, intuitively and oth-
erwise, to select an arbitrary part of a 3D model, but
this is essential when adding annotation. In addition,
easy-to-use interfaces that compare 3D models in a
single viewer should be provided since comparing ob-
jects is fundamental to research and discussion.
Functions for analysis are also important in terms
of community support tools. The “show markers”
function can provide an overview of a spatial distribu-
tion of annotated points. Users can know which areas
are of interest to community members while they can-
not know why the areas are of interest. That is func-
tions to support semantic analysis as well as physical
analysis are needed.
We discussed the automatic playback function for 3D
Blog entries. This function is useful especially when
viewing similar entries that the 3D Blog system au-
tomatically finds based on 3D viewpoint information
since users can easily and intuitively understand the
similarities among entries by viewing 3D scenes.
The 3D Blog system uses 3D viewpoint informa-
tion to display blog entries and to find similar entries
and users. With this tool, people can easily discuss
a particular topic using 3D models. The automatic
playback function expands this advantage.
Although further investigation is needed on addi-
tional functions of the system to support user com-
munication and knowledge sharing via 3D blogging,
we believe 3D blogging with the automatic playback
function has great potential and can be applied to
many domains.
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