Information Extraction from Medical Reports
Liliana Ferreira
, Ant
onio Teixeira
and Jo
ao Paulo da Silva Cunha
Institute of Electronics and Telematics Engineering of Aveiro,
Campus Universit
ario de Santiago,
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Department of Electronics and Telecomunications,
Campus Universit
ario de Santiago,
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Abstract. Information extraction technology, as defined and developed through
the U.S. DARPA Message Understanding Conferences (MUCs), has proved suc-
cessful at extracting information primarily from newswire texts and in domains
concerned with human activity. This paper presents an Information Extraction
(IE) system, intended to extract structured information from medical reports writ-
ten in Portuguese. A first evaluation is performed and the results are discussed.
1 Introduction
Information Extraction (IE) is a technology dedicated to the extraction of structured
information from texts to fill pre-defined templates [1]. IE still suffers a number of
limitations that prevent its dissemination through general public presentations. Among
these limitations, we can consider the fact that systems are not really portable from one
domain to another.
Textual reports of patient are a vast source of clinical information, but information
in textual form is not useful for automated clinical applications, and even if electron-
ically available, the information remains locked up within the text. Text is difficult to
access because it is extremely diverse and the meanings of words vary depending on the
context. IE systems offer potential solutions because they not only extract individual but
also represent well-defined relations among words.
In this paper we describe the first steps toward the development of an IE system
from medical reports written in Portuguese. The following section describes, briefly, IE
technology, section 3 describes the principal processing stages and techniques of our
system and section 4 describes the evaluation methodology. The analysis of the results
and its discussion ends the paper.
While this system isn’t yet complete, indications are that IE can indeed be success-
fully applied to the task of extracting information from medical reports.
2 Information Extraction Technology
The most recent MUC evaluation (MUC-7)[2] specified five separate component tasks,
which illustrate the main functional capabilities of current IE systems:
Ferreira L., Teixeira A. and Paulo da Silva Cunha J. (2006).
Information Extraction from Medical Reports.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Understanding and Cognitive Science, pages 149-155
DOI: 10.5220/0002499901490155
1. Named Entity Recognition (NER) finds and classifies named entities such as orga-
nizations, persons, locations, dates and monetary amounts.
2. Coreference Resolution (CO) identifies identity relations between entities in texts.
These include variant forms of name expression, definitive noun phrases and their
antecedents, and pronouns and their antecedents.
3. Template Element construction (TE) adds descriptive information to NE results
(using CO).
4. Template Relation filling (TR) finds relations between TE entities.
5. Scenario Template filling identifies relations between template elements as partic-
ipants in a particular type of event, or scenario, and the construction of an object-
oriented structure recording the entities and various details of the relation.
State-of-the-art (MUC-7) results for these five tasks are as follows (in the form
recall/precision): named entity - 92/95; coreference - 56/69; template element - 86/87;
template relation - 67/86; scenario template - 42/65.
3 A Brief Description of the System
The past few years have witnessed a growing interest in applying NLP techniques to
process and understand biological and medical texts. There have been created many
resources and processing tools which facilitate access to desired information.
We are currently investigating the use of IE to provide a formalized description of
Portuguese neurological reports reported at Hospital Geral de Santo Ant
onio (HGSA),
Porto, Portugal.
The utility of an IE system for health professionals and doctors lies on the ability
to obtain sequences of neurological activity that would only be accessible by several
searches over the documentation generated after each examination.
The IE system developed to carry out this task is derived from GATE [4]. GATE
is an infrastructure for developing and deploying software components that process
human language. GATE has been in development at the University of Sheffield since
1995 and has been used in a wide variety of research and development projects [5].
The architecture consists of a pipeline of processing resources which run in series.
Many of these processing resources are language and domain-independent (e.g. Tok-
enizer and Sentence Splitter). However, the main processing, carried out by a gazetteer
and by a set of grammar rules, had to be enriched with language and domain-specific
parameters. This process is described in the following subsections.
VMP Tagger. We have chosen to substitute the POS tagger available in GATE for one
developed by Valentina Mun˜oz and available at
vmptagger. The VMP tagger needs as input 4 lists: a lexicon, a lexical rule file, a
context-rules file and a bigram list. The lists used in our system are from a POS tagger
developed at the University of Minho [6], available at
Gazetteer. The original names in the lists were in English and represented no particular
domain. Unfortunately, we have no access to a Portuguese electronic medical lexicon,
however, we translated some concepts and included biomedical terms (e.g. names of
medical examinations) in order to reuse this processing resource.
Grammar Rules. GATE’s IE system is rule-based and requires a developer to manually
create rules, so it is not totally dynamic. The grammar rules developed are written in
JAPE (Java Annotations Pattern Language)[7]. The rules do not just match instances
from the Gazetteer with their occurrences in the text, but also find new instances in the
text which do not exist in the Gazetteer, through use of contextual patterns, part-of-
speech tags and other indicators.
4 Evaluation Methodology
Our evaluation focused, for now, on the identification and classification of atomic ele-
ments in text into predefined categories such as the proper names, names of diseases,
time expressions, etc. in the text, that is, on Named Entity Recognition (NER).
The elaboration of the system resources was a constructive process: we first, man-
ually, extracted a set of relevant expressions of the domain (e.g. name of diseases and
examinations performed), and later these expressions were described in a grammar that
was applied on a larger corpus.
The next sections present the corpus used to evaluate the system and the annotations
used to classify the predefined categories.
Corpus. The IE system for Portuguese medical reports was run on a part of the corpus
mentioned before. All the text came from the Neurological database from the HGSA,
and have been reported between 1992 and 2001. The full corpus is composed from more
than 11 000 texts, containing more than 1 104 677 words. About 30 reports have been
processed to elaborate the system. The evaluation was made on 200 new texts (about
2575 entities) from the corpus. These texts have not been used during the elaboration
of the extraction patterns.
Annotations. The entities to be identified for this task include person names (in this
case the names of the doctors responsible for the examination), time expressions, con-
ditions of the patients, substances, numeric expressions and others that do not fit the
previous categories.
The set of annotations defined to extract the desired informations is described in
table 1. These annotations are based on the ones set for the Evaluation Contest of Named
Entity Recognition Systems for Portuguese (HAREM) [8].
5 Results
Evaluation metrics mathematically define how to measure the system’s performance
against human-annotated gold standard. Traditional IE is evaluated in terms of Preci-
sion and Recall [9]. These are metrics used to measure the system performance in this
Table 1. NER Annotation Set (in brackets the annotations in English).
Category Type
Fig.1. Example of the result retrieved by the system.
Named Entity Recognition. An example of the result retrieved by the system can be
analyzed in Figure 1 where is possible to see the annotation of the entity PESSOA
Named entity recognition results are summarized in Table 2. The lines show the
number of entities correctly matched by the system, the ones partially correct, the num-
ber of entities the system was not able to identify and the ones that were falsely matched.
Results in terms of recall, precision and F-measure are in the bottom lines of the table.
Table 2 shows results for each annotation type, while Table 3 presents the overall re-
Template Element filling. Currently, whenever a scientist wants to find a report with a
specific type of characteristics he has to perform several searches through large volumes
of indexed text. The elaboration of a summary (template) for each report would greatly
benefit this kind of searches.
Table 2. Evaluation Results for the several entities.
Correct matches 332 86 211 278 1046 498
Partially Correct matches 1 0 10 9 12 0
Missing 5 2 14 8 2 3
False Positives 3 0 0 0 55 0
Recall 0,9822 0,9773 0,8979 0,9424 0,9868 0,9940
Precision 0,9881 1,0000 0,9548 0,9686 0,9398 1,0000
F - measure 0,9852 0,9885 0,9254 0,9553 0,9627 0,9970
Table 3. Overall Named Entity Recognition Results.
Correct Matches 2451
Partially Correct matches 32
Missing 34
False Positives 58
Recall 0,9738
Precision 0,9646
F - measure 0,9692
In this particular case scientists and health professionals have an ongoing interest
in the type of wave and activity revealed by the patient’s Electroencephalogram (EEG).
Thus, and to demonstrate the interest of this type of approach, we have designed a tem-
plate to capture the main information from the results produced by the system described
above. The template filling was done through the manipulation of the XML document
retrieved by the system with the help of a XSL stylesheet. The stylesheet determines
how the information existing in the XML document, returned by GATE, should be pre-
The template definitions for this experiment include three Template Elements: ac-
tivity (ACTIVIDADE), type of wave (Tipo de ONDA) and the doctor responsible for
the examination (M
edico(a) Respons
avel). An example of a result can be analyzed in
Figure 2.
6 Information Extraction Used in Information Retrieval
Another experiment that demonstrates the interest of this type of approach is the use of
the results obtained with IE techniques to perform Information Retrieval (IR).
Figure 3 presents a table with some of the results from this experiment. This table
lists the reports in which is described some type of activity and resumes the type of
activity described for each one of these (in terms of Type and Value). About 30 reports
were used to perform this experience.
This type of approach allows the accomplishment of more complex searches, such
as, for example, find the report that contains an activity with Type1 = LENTA’, Type2
= DELTA’ and Value >= ’2 Hz’. In this case the result is the retrieval of report 270.
No formal evaluation of the IR results were performed yet.
Fig.2. Example Template: report 270 summary (original on the left, manually translated at right).
Fig.3. Reports summarized by activity (in bold the result of the search described in the text).
7 Discussion
This paper presents the first steps given to develop an IE system intended to extract
structured information from medical reports written in Portuguese. Our first evaluation
focused on NER. This evaluation is described, the results are analyzed and some experi-
ences that demonstrate the potential of this kind of techniques are presented. However,
it should be noticed that the evaluation results are preliminary and we expect to improve
with further development.
The results presented and the progress so far provides convincing grounds for be-
lieving that IE techniques will deliver effective ways for the extraction of information
from unstructured text sources, in particular, in the medical domain.
The author would like to thank the Neurophysiology department of the HGSA, Porto,
for the anonymized database access.
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