Mariagrazia Fugini^, Piercarlo Maggiolini*, Krysnaia Nanini^
^ Department of Electronics and Information (DEI), * Department of Management Engineering (DIG)
Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32-I, 20133 Milano
Keywords: Employment, eGovernment, Information Systems, Cooperativeness, Public Administrations.
Abstract: This paper presents the basic developments and architectural issues of the Italian “Borsa Continua
Nazionale del Lavoro” (BCNL), an eGovernment project aimed at developing a Portal for Services to
Employment. It consists in a network of nodes structured at three main levels: the National level, managed
by the Ministry of Welfare; the Regional level, in which Regions are grouped in local federations in order to
interoperate, and the Provincial level, in turn structured as a federation of local domains. The federation is
the structural tool supporting proactive and reactive policies aimed at enhancing job-placement. The paper
describes each level, and the cooperation occurring in the domains and across levels. Advantages and
drawbacks of this architecture are discussed. Finally, the paper illustrates the basic issues related to security
and privacy in the networked environment, in particular presenting cooperative federated authentication.
During the last few years, Government and Public
Administrations (PAs) felt the necessity to renovate
their relationship with the administered territory, in
terms of increased efficiency and efficacy both in
services and communication exchange towards the
users’ communities, such as individuals, companies,
Administrations (Chambers of Commerce, Public
Pension Offices, Local Governments, and so on).
For these reasons, eGovernment was conceived as a
tool to define and manage the relationships between
citizens and PA, and among PAs, through a capillary
and digitalized modernization of services.
EGovernment in Italy has been mainly delegated
to Regions, which are autonomously proceeding in
the implementation of public on-line advanced
services through the activation of Regional
Competence Centres. The achievement of
eGovernment processes requires much time and
various efforts to reach a standardization of the
electronic procedures, because eGovernment
comprises not only the digitalization of bureaucratic
procedures, but also many regulations on privacy
and user authentication; identification of minimal
levels of provisioning regarding social rights;
coordination and integration of ICT in local and
central administrations; protection of concurrency
and provisioning of institutional information.
One of the fields where eGovernment in Italy is
more fertile is related to Services to Employment. At
the beginning of the 1990’s, the ineffective status of
the National Public Employment System brought the
necessity for a radical change in services to
employment, where efforts were to be concentrated
not only in finding a job, but also in education,
professional training and job qualification.
Moreover, during the years 1996-97, some Local
PAs signed a partnership with the Ministry of
Welfare for engineering of new on-line service
network devoted to citizens, enterprises, and PAs
themselves. The first design of this network of
services led to the creation of the Networked
Employment Centres distributed over the regional
territories and Provinces to support the whole
employment, educational and training process
towards citizens. This way, the Regional autonomies
began to design their own Workfare Portals
providing the opportunity to automatically match job
Offers and Requests (O/R) over a territory of
competence. At the same time, the need arose to
integrate the local Workfare Portals within a unique
distributed and cooperative Information System (IS).
This paper gives an overview of the Italian
Project aimed at developing the distributed and
Fugini M., Maggiolini P. and Naninî K. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - DISI, pages 245-250
DOI: 10.5220/0002498502450250
cooperative Web based IS supporting the
employment workfare. This project called “Borsa
Continua Nazionale del Lavoro” (BCNL) standing
for National Workfare Information System is framed
in the Italian National Plan of eGovernment started
in 2002. The goal of BCNL is to support real-time
electronic transactions through a network of Portals,
regarding job O/R in a virtual e-marketplace.
The project is not unique in its area of interest:
in Europe, many projects directed to Services to
Employment are active, one for all, the EURES
project (EURES, 2005). Recently, the Single
European Employment Marketplace (SEEMP)
launched by the EU (EEO, 2005; EIF, 2005) has the
purpose to create a network of Services to
Employment distributed all over Europe to increase
workers’ mobility in the EU and to stimulate the
renewal of competences, and knowledge within
European Member States and within the single
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
describes the BCNL project dedicated to e-
employment. Section 3 illustrates the problems
related to security and privacy in this project; some
solutions aimed at protecting personal data from
unauthorized manipulation are explained. Section 4
describes a proposal of integration of the BCNL into
the SEEMP project.
The BCNL is conceived as a National Network
providing advanced services to employment such as
the O/R matching in the job environment (BLL,
2004; Fugini et al., 2004). This distributed and
cooperative IS (Coulouris et al., 1994) is composed
of a cluster of logically and independent
applications and databases which collaborate to
pursue common objectives through a hardware and
software communication and interoperability
infrastructure (Hendrikse, 2003). Being cooperative,
the BCNL correlates pre-existing and autonomous
informative and application resources regarding
many subjects, both public (Pas) and private (e.g.,
work agencies). Advantages of this approach are the
autonomy of sites in local policies and in
technological choices. Drawbacks arise in the
management of the overall system, e.g., when
tackling problems of access to distributed
applications and databases, of ensuring that
individual data are unique, or when dealing with
data privacy and distributed user authentication
(CoopIS, 2005).
The main target of the BCNL is summarized in
Figure 1: it provides matching procedures among job
O/R loaded on the Workfare Portal. On one side, the
citizen who joins the marketplace publishes his
Offer in terms of Curriculum Vitae (CV) in a
standard format on the Web: personal data are
protected by Privacy Laws and can circulate in the
BCNL only upon the citizen’s (who is the owner by
default) explicit consensus. On the other side,
enterprises, or job intermediaries, publish their job
Requests, while preserving the privacy of their data.
The BCNL system, through a Search Engine,
searches the “best” match, and provides the results
back to the users. As an additional function, when an
individual is hired, the system communicates the
individual’s and enterprise’s data to the National
Pension Registry and to the Social Security Registry,
thus tracking the users’ social positions and updating
the National statistics about employment, using a
Data Mining engine. Besides citizens and
enterprises, other actors are involved in the system:
1) the Provincial Employment Centres (EC)
distributed on the territory, which are usually the
physical mediators between citizens and enterprises;
2) schools, institutions or universities, that can
promote re-qualification courses for workers, stages
and training programmes; 3) Regional and National
offices, which inspect data on market trends in order
to update statistics and to tune the system. To these
users, the Portal offers many advanced job search
functions or consultation of the most up-to-date
professions, or access to a Statistical Information
System (SIS) and a Data Warehouse.
The BCNL architecture is organized at three
1) the National level;
2) the Regional level of cooperative nodes of
Regions that have negotiated a cooperation
contract (Ciborra et al., 1987);
3) the Provincial level of cooperative nodes;
all the Provinces in a Region adhering to
the Regional domain must adhere to a
Provincial cooperation contract.
These levels interoperate through a dedicated
proprietary network built over the Internet for the
Web portion. Cooperative nodes are grouped in
domains, linked in a multilayer infrastructure. Figure
2 reports a simplified scheme of the interconnection
among the domains. At the Provincial level, each
Province in a Region is connected to all the
Provinces of that region via the Regional Node
which coordinates data exchange.
Pen s io n an d
Social Sec urity
and w ork
Regis tr y
Job Offer
Matc h O /R
Regis tr y
Job Re ques t
Figure 1: Scheme of the BCNL (Borsa Continua Nazionale del Lavoro).
The second level links the Regions which coordinate
their Provinces, while referring to the National
Node, managed by the Ministry of Welfare. An end-
user (citizen, company, work agency, EC) can
register at one node of the network, and select the
access domain where the inserted data are made
visible. Such entry point node is considered the
subject’s competence (master) domain: each time the
subject accesses the BCNL from a different node, the
National level (which is in charge of subjects’
authentication), requires the subject’s credentials to
the master domain of that subject.
2.1 Cooperative Issues of the BCNL
Cooperativeness is one of the basic features of the
BCNL; therefore, distributed data are reachable from
any site, due to the adopted Web Service
technologies for interoperability based on Web
Services. Cooperativeness has various advantages
(Fugini et al., 2003). First of all, data stored in the
databases (available 24/7) can be accessed in an
interoperable way, via user Web Sessions through
Web Service technologies and interoperability
formats (i.e.: XML and JDBC for data).
Distributed transactions are granted to be
correctly executed and traced by the technical
components belonging to the Envelope of
eGovernment standard. Users are authenticated
through security mechanisms preserving the
autonomy of sites in defining their own security
policies. Such policies are defined within users’
profiles, according to which users can read and write
the authorized data only.
Applicative cooperation (Fugini et al., 2002) is
granted by the adoption of a pair of <Applicative
Gateway, Delegated Gateway>, together with a
Manager of Events, a Workflow Engine, a Web
Service Gateway, a UDDI Registry and a Service
Broker, as shown in Figure 3. All these components
are used in the same Web session. Each domain
communicates with other domains through the
Domain Gateway whose role is a proxy for access to
the applicative resources of the BCNL.
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region n
Prov. 1
Prov. 2
Prov. q
Prov. q
Prov. 1
Prov. q
Prov. 1
Figure 2: The three levels of the BCNL.
Applicative Cooperation components
Applicati ve Gateway Delegate d Gate way
Service Broker
Manager of the E vents
Web Service Gateway UDDI Re gis try
Workflow Engine
Figure 3: Applicative Cooperation Components.
The Gateway function is twofold: it acts as an
Application Gateway whenever it provides data and
services, and as a Delegated Gateway, when it
invokes services or requires data.
The BCNL comprises front-end and back-end
functions (Figures 4 and 5). The Web based front-
end implements the end-user interface; it includes
multi-channel gateways (web, phone, and wireless
access). It manages both contents and layout of the
Website, and tracks the correct sequence of events
and queries sent to the Portal and forwarded to the
back-end portion.
The back-end manages the communications
among the network nodes, for example, for remote
access to databases, or for distributed application
execution, granting the correct execution and
sequence of operations, and managing error
messages if some operations could not be properly
concluded. It manages external communications to
provide cooperation among nodes and with other
analogous systems (e.g., Social Security, National
Healthcare IS, European Job Marketplace systems,
such as EURES).
Considering the issue of minimal requirements
for Private Job Placement Agencies and
Organizations (e.g., temporary work companies or
head hunters) to join the Portal, the interoperability
architecture includes a Passive back-end component,
located at each organization, sharing data with the
Portal. Such organizations are required to install in
their IS only a Web Service module, in order to
share data in the environment, according to a
standard format. This component is passive in that,
according to the Web Service paradigm, it reacts to
events forwarded by the Portal Web Services and
cannot start any conversation.
A further core component of the BCNL is the
distributed Search Engine. It executes the O/R
match spreading over the user-specified domains in
the e-marketplace. It retrieves the best matching
results as well as a set of results that partially fulfil
the requests, ranked according to a similarity rank.
Thus, subjects are enabled to explore a large set of
opportunities; meanwhile, the Portal is aware of the
most requested jobs and can update its internal
Statistical Information System and the research
m ana gem ent
m ana gem ent
m ana gem ent
Figure 4: Front-end components.
As mentioned in the previous sections, the
constitution of a federation at a National, Regional
and Provincial level, led to focus on the mechanisms
of users’ authentication to protect subjects’ privacy
(Chopra et al., 2003), according to the Italian law
196/2003. For this reason, our purpose is to provide
the description of a distributed end-user
authentication process in the BCNL. The case
regards, as an example, a worker, first registered in a
competence domain A, invoking a service offered by
domain B of the federation (Fig. 6). In the same
Web session, after the first authenticated access
operation, the worker requires access to a second
service offered by a different domain C in the net.
When the user, registered in domain A, connects to
domain B to invoke the service, domain B redirects
the user to the National domain which has been
designed as the node responsible for coordination of
the authentication process in the BCNL. The
National node presents a log-in mask where the user
fills in the credentials, currently a user-id and a PIN
code, which are checked by the competence domain.
A challenge-based mechanism is used by the nodes
for mutual authentication, in order to prevent
shadow server or repudiation issues. Once verified
the security credentials, the National Authentication
Server releases a SAML token (Bellettini et al.,
2004), that uniquely identifies the user. By using this
token, the user can access the desired service. If in
the same session, the user requires the service on
domain C, he is not required to re-insert the
credentials due to the Single Sign On (SSO)
technology adopted to implement the distributed
authentication and access control mechanism.
Through SSO, the user is authenticated only once
over the whole network: the SAML (Secure
Assertion Mark-up Language) Token, contains all
the information necessary to correctly authenticate
the user (Fugini et al., 2001).
Es traction
Analysis and
Data Mining
Database tier
Application Services
Presentation tier
Integration tier
Business tier
Orientativ e
Figure 5: Back-end Components.
A second case of federated authentication is
shown in Fig. 7. An Enterprise requires access to a
service offered by the National node. The hypothesis
is that the user is registered in the National Pension
registry (INPS). The user gets connected to the
National node where it is specified that the user’s
data are collected in the INPS Registry. The
National node delegates the authentication procedure
to the INPS node; the user inserts his credentials.
After the check and the positive result, the INPS,
which is the other node in the BCNL network
enabled to release authentication tokens, generates
an INPS token and sends it to the National domain.
This last one authenticates the user and provides the
user with the SAML token. Once in possess of the
SAML, the enterprise is now authorized to use the
requested service. The federation of domains
constituting the BCNL must guarantee the minimal
requirements of authentication in the interactions
using encrypted channels (e.g., using the SSL-3
protocol), or digital certificates applied on the
Domain Gateways to control the correct provenience
of the messages. These mechanisms are
implemented to protect truthfulness of the
connections and the data stored in the Data
Warehouses linked through the Database tier. The
technical issues of the Portal BCNL adhere to the
indications of the Envelope of eGovernment,
promoted by CNIPA (CNIPA, 2002), the National
Centre for ICT in PAs.
In Domain A
Authenticatio n
Web Server
Cens us
Domain A
Application in
Domain B
Service request
RedirectLog-in mask
Log-in Credentials
Check and resultSAML
Figure 6: Sequence diagram describing cooperative user's
National Domain
re g is try
Figure 7: Cooperative authentication of an Enterprise
accessing a service of the National node.
In Europe, the situation of eGovernment varies from
Country to Country; however, each Member State
started specified programmes dedicated to
eGovernment (Kubicek et al., 2000; Lenihan, 2002).
Differences are not only about territorial policies but
also even in the level and model of services provided
to citizens (Liikanen, 2003). Services towards
companies are more developed than those directed to
private citizens. This is partly due to the limited
access to large band Internet by citizens and also to
low Internet security. Also in Europe, one of the
most developed services concern employment
services to citizens and companies. A proposal exists
to connect the BCNL into a European Workfare IS.
In such streamline, the EU recently launched a new
project on e-employment called SEEMP (Single
European Employment Market Place). It is a
definition of a further level of the BCNL: people can
become more visible on the market through the
publication of their O/R all over Europe. SEEMP
adheres to the new EU policies of federalism and
power decentralization. It is aimed at designing and
implementing an interoperability architecture for
public e-Employment services which encompasses
cross-governmental business and decisional
processes, interoperability and reconciliation of local
professional profiles and taxonomies, semantically
enabled web services for distributed knowledge
access and sharing. Moreover, the efforts to be made
in SEEMP imply the integration and the unification
of the data format and of the services semantics, by
means of ontologies. Security is treated considering
the privacy laws in the EU, and is based on token
passing mechanisms and SSO. SSL will be the basis
for encryption, but smart card authentication will be
experimented. Database security in a shared
environment is also a basic issue that is going to be
treated via distributed views and protected JDBC
connections. Physical security will be provided
through ad hoc firewall based architecture. A
challenging issue is the harmonization of security
policies, and their expression (e.g., through WSDL,
WSMO, or WS policy). The first outcomes of
SEEMP will be available by June 2006.
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