Kazutaka Maruyama
Information Processing Center, The University of Electro-Communications
Chofugaoka 1-5-1, Chofu, Tokyo, 182-8585, Japan
Kiyotaka Takasuka, Yuta Yagihara, Satoshi Machida, Yuichiro Shirai, Minoru Terada
Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications
Chofugaoka 1-5-1, Chofu, Tokyo, 182-8585, Japan
Peer-to-peer, clustering, web browsing, browser extension.
The amount of information on web increases explosively, so it is difficult for web users to find web pages they
want. There are some approaches to resolve this problem, such as semantic web which make web information
systematic, the improvement of search engines’ algorithm, and so on. Dealing with web as a huge database,
these technologies works well, however, they cannot provide any useful solutions to get hot news which
expands quickly to the world because of their time lag.
In this paper, we propose a system whose users can know currently and heavily viewed web pages. The
key features of this system are as follows: (1) to find hot news in web, (2) to provide recommendations to
users without any content analysis, and (3) to apply the system to other communication tools like IM as their
infrastructure to find appropriate contact targets. We describe our policy of the system implementation and
show the result of a pilot experiment with a pilot implementation.
In the recent web, the amount of information on web
increases explosively, for example consumer gener-
ated media like blog, and the pace seems to be ac-
celerated much more in future. Users know that
web pages they want to find exist somewhere in web
world, but they can find only part of the target pages
and always worry about the lack of useful ones.
Two major approaches to this problem are seman-
tic web and the improvement of search engines. Web
contents with rich meta data and search engine algo-
rithms such as PageRank can produce more appropri-
ate answers to users’ queries. However these solu-
tions have three problems. First, it is considerably
difficult to add appropriate and sufficient meta data to
all existing web contents, and also probably all ones
generated in future. Second, the intervals of crawl-
ing by search engine robots and of updating the in-
dexes do not become much shorter and are not in real-
time. Third, the solution cannot create any clusters of
the users, not the contents. We call them communi-
ties. In real life, communities exist everywhere such
as in schools, offices, web bulletin boards, and so on.
We can always talk with each other about various hot
topics in such communities. For instance, a person
who knows music scene thoroughly may tell us about
not only recent trends of CD charts, but also a rumor
about unpublished next iPod. Search engines provide
results only to explicitly given terms by users, but we
cannot find other topics which implicitly relate to the
terms because they have no user communities.
We propose an infrastructure to find currently and
heavily viewed web pages in real-time by exchanging
viewed URLs at the client side. Three advantages of
this architecture are as follows.
1. We can quickly discover web pages which are at-
tracting considerable attention, such as a new beta
service of Google disclosed tonight.
2. We can know web pages which most of friendly
users view. The term of friendly users means ones
who usually view the same web pages as we have
3. Communication tool developers or researchers can
use our system as an infrastructure of new tools
they are developing, such as IM, because it cre-
ates communities of users who usually view the
same web pages, and probably have the same pref-
Since our system does not need any meta data, all
the existing web contents in the world are available
Maruyama K., Takasuk K., Yagihara Y., Machida S., Shirai Y. and Terada M. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 352-359
DOI: 10.5220/0001250503520359
and the content providers and consumers can use the
system without any special actions (the first problem
above is solved). The system provides currently and
heavily viewed web pages mostly in real-time, be-
cause exchanging URLs need not crawl or index any
web pages (the second is solved). In addition, it can
very easily introduce the mechanism correspondent
to mouth-to-mouth advertising in real life by creat-
ing user communities with only usual actions of web
users, that is to view web pages in their browsers (the
third is solved).
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 shows the features of our proposal with an
use case scenario. In section 3, we discuss the losses
against gains of the implementation strategies of the
client and server side subsystems, and describe the
implementation of our currently developing system.
Section 4 shows the result of a pilot experiment with
a pilot system. Other applications of our system are
described in section 5 and the related works are dis-
cussed in section 6. Section 7 and 8 describe conclu-
sion and future works respectively.
In this section, we show the features of our proposal in
the view point of users and the current user interface
through an use case scenario.
2.1 An Use Case Scenario
Alice is a very common user of web, every day crawls
her favorite news sites and blogs, and looks for a
reputation of a restaurant which she found on her
way home by using search engines. She changed
her jobs recently and was not satisfied because she
could not find interesting topics in web well, which
a well-informed colleague in the former office told
her, through news sites, blogs or search engines. She
could not find news sites or blogs just suitable for her
interests and was tired of reading so many RSS feeds.
Search engines are very powerful tools when she is
looking for topics with explicit purpose, but they do
not help her to look for recently popular topics or
somehow nice events.
One day, she began to use a system mentioned in a
certain blog. It was said that users of the system ex-
change URLs they are just viewing. The information
exchanged is only URL, so she did not have to take
care of copyright violation in contrast to file sharing.
Following the instruction of the official site of the sys-
tem, she installed a tiny extension for Mozilla Firefox,
an add-on program for the web browser, to her own
Firefox. She clicked an icon added by the extension
at the lower right of Firefox, then a pop-up menu ap-
peared there. It controls the appearance of the sidebar
described below, and enables or disables the mecha-
nism of sending out URLs she is viewing. Turning
on the sidebar, she saw the appearance of her Firefox
such as figure 1. The sidebar lying on the left side of
the window has a few buttons to list the correspondent
rankings, and clicking these buttons causes switches
of the list displayed in the pane. Entries of blogs or di-
aries in social network services viewed heavily were
listed at the top of the lists. Alice attempted to partic-
ipate in the project of exchanging URLs and enabled
the mechanism of sending out URLs by the menu of
the lower right icon. Therefore URLs she is viewing
became to be shared in the world.
One week after, URLs listed in the sidebar be-
came suitable for Alice’s preference. The project web
page said that the system connects users to each other
with fewer hops, who tend to view the same web
pages, and consequently provides more appropriate
rankings. She viewed web pages in the same way
as before, but she became to know some cool prod-
ucts which she had never known or some recipes of
healthy diets. Using the new way of retrieving in-
formation different from news sites, blogs or search
engines, she became to use web more efficiently and
had fun with various hot topics.
2.2 Summary of Features
We described a basic use case of our proposal through
Alice’s experience. The summary of the features is as
A quite new channel for information retrieval is es-
tablished. In real life, for instance, a crowd on
a street shows that there is something interesting
such as a street performer. While the same method
of information retrieval did not exist so far, it is in-
troduced into the world of web.
The proposed system provides real-time informa-
tion. Users need not to wait for a blog entry to be
submitted by the owner who saw a news source.
For example, we can reach an entry of Slashdot, to
which comments are increasing.
Communities are created. The server side system
connects friendly users to each other with fewer
hops by using URLs they have viewed. In other
words, unfriendly users are kept away from each
other and S/N ratio of the provided rankings would
be improved.
All users have to do is an installation of a single
extension once, in contrast to social bookmarkings
which need their users to continue submitting each
entry for exchanging URLs. The users of our sys-
tem can provide useful information of web pages
only by viewing web pages in their usual way and
can get useful URLs from others in the world.
Figure 1: Alice’s Firefox with our extension.
The use case described in this section includes the
functions which are not implemented yet, but shows
the user experience through our proposal. Another
aspect of the system, an infrastructure of communica-
tion tools, is described in section 5.
In this section, we describe the implementation strate-
gies of the client side and the server side subsystems,
discuss the losses against gains of the strategies, and
describe the current system implementation.
3.1 Extension vs. Proxy
One of the important behavior is to capture URLs an
user is viewing in real-time without any interferences.
There are two implementation choices: (1) add-on
program for web browsers such as extension or tool-
bar, and (2) web proxy server.
The best way for users is web proxy. All users have
to do is to set up their browsers so that the proxy is
used, then all the web behavior of the users is cap-
tured by the proxy in real-time. The proxy would be
placed at school or office, or be installed as a quite
small Java program without cache facility into each
user’s PC. The greatest benefit of this choice is that
the installation procedure of users is the minimum.
When a proxy is used by many users, for example for
all students in a college, the single client side subsys-
tem can capture so many users’ web behavior. How-
ever, this solution has a disadvantage of collecting too
many meaningless URLs. When an user clicks a cer-
tain link, his browser, and the proxy of course, must
retrieve many resources in the clicked document, such
as images, style sheets, flash applications including
advertisements. The ranking of captured URLs will
place the Google logo image at the top of the list. Of
course such the result is not expected. Using Ref-
erer fields in HTTP or analyzing transferred HTML,
clicked images may be distinguished from ones in-
cluded clicked web pages. But the analysis makes the
system complex and the performance down, conse-
quently, the users must become irritated.
Another implementation choice is extension or
toolbar, which have the opposite features. These add-
on programs work as a part of a web browser and can
capture explicitly clicked URLs only. This feature is
an obvious advantage against the proxy. On the other
hand, the extension has a few disadvantages. First,
users have to install the extension or toolbar, even if it
is a very small program and only two or three clicks
finish the installation. Second, at least two implemen-
tations for Firefox and Internet Explorer are required
in order to support over 90% of web browsers in the
world. Since a Firefox extension works on all plat-
forms supported by Firefox, such as Windows, Linux,
Figure 2: Three buttons of the sidebar.
Figure 3: Pop-up menu.
Mac OS X and so on, a toolbar for Windows IE and
the extension can cover almost all the client environ-
As described in section 2, we chose the exten-
sion/toolbar implementation, but the toolbar for IE is
not implemented yet. The appearance of Firefox with
the extension is shown in figure 1. In the current ver-
sion, the sidebar on the left of the window has three
buttons (figure 2), and three rankings appear by the
correspondent buttons, i.e. recent top 1000, weekly
chart and monthly chart. An additional ranking of
URLs to which accesses increase suddenly would be
added. Figure 3 shows the pop-up menu from the icon
at the lower right of the window. Sending URLs is
disabled in the default setting.
3.2 Server Centric vs. Peer-to-Peer
The extension is the client side half of our system.
The server side one collects URLs sent from the client
side. There are also two choices: (1) server centric
and (2) peer-to-peer.
Obviously, the server centric approach is simpler.
Powerful servers with high speed CPUs and large
disks in a data center could deal with URLs sent from
all users in the world. For example, Google and Ya-
hoo! start their services which save the search histo-
ries of each user. They must use such many servers
and disks. In this approach, it is easier to exchange
users’ web behavior and to analyze relevance among
users. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that the
large system of many servers is too expensive and re-
quires a large amount cost for maintenance.
Another approach is P2P. The users install a tiny
program running on background written in Java into
their PC and the program works as a node of the
GET Rankings
Figure 4: Current system structure.
P2P system. The client side programs, extensions
or proxy servers, send URLs to and receive rankings
from the node. The large system need not be con-
structed. However, a simple and flat P2P network
such as Gnutella cannot deal with so many URLs
from so many users in the world and cannot connect
friendly users to each other. Clustering P2P nodes
and a layered architecture, such as Skype(Skype - The
whole world can talk for free, nd) or Winny(Kaneko,
2005), could resolve this problem.
At present, we choose the server centric approach
because of the ease of development. The server con-
sists of some CGI programs, the extension sends
URLs to it as POST data of HTTP and receives the
rankings from it by GET method of HTTP. Note that
there is an explicit interface between the client side
subsystem and the server side one. The interface is
defined as URLs and CGI parameters over HTTP.
When we replace the server with P2P based subsys-
tem, if the interface between the extension and the
server is preserved, no changes are required for the
extension. In addition, the interface of HTTP is ex-
tremely suitable for web browser extensions.
3.3 Current System Structure
The current system structure is shown in figure 4. The
client side subsystem consists of Firefox web browser
and the extension and the server side subsystem con-
sists of Apache web server and some CGI programs
written in Perl. The extension sends clicked URLs
to the server by POST method and the server stores
them into disks. When the user clicks a button of
the sidebar shown in figure 2, the extension sends a
GET requests to the CGI program correspondent to
the clicked button, then receives the list of the rank-
The system produces any explicit recommenda-
tions of web pages, because the ranking of the re-
cent top 1000 shows the recommendations from users
of the system. The weekly and monthly charts show
the recommendations from them in the week and the
month respectively. The ranking of URLs to which
accesses increase suddenly, which is still developing,
Internet Explorer with our
toolbar (developing)
Pilot system client
Firefox with our extension
Client side subsystem Server side subsystem
Server with CGI programs
Figure 5: Three kinds of clients and two of servers.
shows the recommendation at the moment.
Prior to developing the extension, we developed
a pilot implementation of the client side subsystem,
the top in figure 5 (Takasuka et al., 2005). In fact,
the server side subsystem was developed for the pi-
lot client. The current client, the middle in figure 5,
preserves the interface between the pilot client and
the server, and replaces the pilot one without any
changes of the CGI programs. The coming toolbar
of IE shown in figure 5 would work together these ex-
isting clients.
Clustering users are not introduced yet into our sys-
tem. First, users of our system are still around ten.
Because the extension has some problems, our sys-
tem is not released yet to the outside of our laboratory.
Second, the clustering is relevant to the identification
of URLs. This point is described in section 8.
In order to examine the usefulness of our proposal,
we implemented a pilot system to do a pilot exper-
iment. In the pilot system, a client side subsys-
tem is a simple and tiny web browser written in C#
with IE component on Windows (shown in figure 5),
and a server side subsystem consists of the CGI pro-
grams described above. The simple browser has for-
ward/backward buttons, a simple bookmarklet and a
facility of sending URLs to the server side subsystem.
In this experiment, nine student users used the pi-
lot system for four days. The total accesses from the
browser to web pages were 448 times. 70 accesses in
them were from the rankings of the simple browser.
Table 1 shows the result of the questionnaire. Each
item is rated in one to five, one means the best and
ve the worst. The usefulness of the system we pro-
pose is evaluated comparatively highly. In addition,
note that the rate of the psychological barrier in shar-
ing web history is neutral. While the experiment is
really small, the proposed system was accepted favor-
ably, and the increase of the number of users would
make the benefit more and the barrier lower.
While we do not implement the facility to connect
friendly users yet, once the facility is introduced, it
could be used as an infrastructure of communication
tools. Two application examples are described below.
The first is a chat among the users who are viewing
the same web page. In contrast to Instant Messenger,
of which the users designate their partners to talk to
in advance, the chat we propose connects users who
are viewing or have been viewing the same web page
and helps them to talk to each other about the web
page or some topics about it. In web bulletin boards
such as Slashdot, the users who have never met before
can talk to each other, but the place for the discussion
must exist already and they cannot know whether the
user who wrote a certain comment is viewing the page
now. Our proposal provides the interchange between
the web users through ordinary web pages. The users
need not look for a thread, in which they are inter-
ested, and can talk to friendly users only by viewing
their favorite web pages usually. Improving the chat
system, as IM users can know that their friends have
logged in, the users could know the others are view-
ing a certain web page. The improvement makes web
pages rendezvouz.
The second is a P2P based bulletin board system.
It is difficult for P2P based BBSs to gather friendly
users in the same thread because of the structure of
P2P. However, using our system as its infrastructure,
the P2P based BBS could gather many users, who
tend to view the same web pages and may have the
similar preferences.
The core application is the rankings extension de-
scribed in section 3, which sends data to web his-
tory exchange layer in order to connect friendly users
to each other and receives the rankings from the
layer (figure 6). The other two applications described
in this section only receive location information of
friendly users from the layer.
Table 1: Evaluation of the pilot system.
Questions (1:good, 5:bad) Av.
Serviceability of the browser 3.1
Usefulness of sharing web history
To watch URLs others view is helpful
There is no psychological barrier in sharing web history
Web history exchange layer
(Server centric or P2P)
TCP/IP and lower layers
Figure 6: Web history exchange network as a basis of com-
munication tools.
Other projects of communication tools would use
the layer as their infrastructure. Whenever a quite
new network service starts, there are two problems,
the scalability of the server and the gathering of the
sufficient initial users. Our system is useful for new
network services or communication tools. Singh et
al.(Singh et al., 2001) said that P2P networks can pro-
vide a substrate for community-based service loca-
tion. The system we propose just can be applicable
to it.
Webmemex(Alaniz et al., 2003) provides the web
page recommendations based on sharing web behav-
iors among the well-known users. They register each
other in their contact list of Yahoo! Messenger, prob-
ably also well-known in real life. The proxy server
gathers the viewed URLs and the back end system
computes the relevance among the web pages by
HTML analysis. When an user clicks a certain link,
the system recommends some web pages which are
related to the clicked web page and are viewed by
other users of the group. It is similar to our proposal,
but there are some essential differences.
Our system deals with only URL strings, not the
contents of the web page. The vocabulary in the
web world is changing very quickly, so it is too
difficult for such the analysis based system to con-
tinue following the changes, especially in some
languages which do not place a space between the
words such as Japanese. Since the data format used
in the web world is also changing quickly, it seems
not to be realistic to analyze the various contents of
the web pages in the various areas.
We aim for the discovery of the web pages which
are attracting considerable attention with little time
lag. The computation of the relevance of the con-
tents among the web pages causes the opposite
result to the purpose and it is suitable for post-
processing. It should be dealt with as a different
Our system does not limit the range of exchanging
URLs. Limiting the range to the well-known users
leads to the consequence of losing chance of com-
ing across information in different areas. In addi-
tion, since the well-known users strongly connect
to each other both in real and virtual life, their psy-
chological barriers avoid exchanging URLs.
Social bookmarking services such as, nd) aim for the similar
goal. When an user finds others who bookmarks
some web pages in which the person are also
interested, the person implicitly gets their recommen-
dations of hot topics or good web pages through their
bookmarks. The first disadvantage is that the social
bookmarking users have to explicitly go into action
to add the URLs they prefer. The second is that the
users looking for hot topics or good web pages have
to look for friendly users too.
Fast el al.(Fast et al., 2005) introduce a social net-
working in order to cluster the nodes of P2P file shar-
ing based on the downloaded music file categories of
the P2P users. In comparison between P2P file shar-
ing and P2P URL sharing, search queries in file shar-
ing correspond to advertising of URLs in URL shar-
ing, and downloaded files correspond to really viewed
URLs by the users who receive the others’ advertise-
ments. The number and frequency of the transmis-
sion between the queries and the advertisements seem
to be considerably different, and URL sharing mostly
deals with statistical information, for instance many
users are viewing a certain URL, in contrast to file
sharing which finds the real entities, music files. The
different knowledge from the paper about P2P clus-
tering would be found.
Winny(Kaneko, 2005), a P2P file sharing software
with over 200,000 users in Japan, uses three key-
words for a background file downloading process.
The keywords are also used for P2P clustering, but
the users have to set the keywords in advance. In
the Winny network, the files opened to be shared by
a certain node is cached at the other nodes, such as
Freenet(Clarke et al., 2002), and the network load is
heavy. Therefore, in order to realize more efficient
file sharing, Winny constructs the layered P2P net-
work based on each node’s connection speed, for ex-
ample, up to 64kbps, xDSL or fiber. The P2P URL
sharing distributes much smaller data such as URLs,
so it have to make much of whether the reboot inter-
vals of the nodes are long or whether the nodes have
a fixed global IP address, rather than the connection
Exchanging URLs which users are viewing in real-
time brings hot topics, which are attracting consider-
able attention, without any keywords explicitly desig-
nated. The effective way to realize it is that the client
side subsystem should be implemented as an add-on
program for web browsers, and the server side as P2P.
In the current version of our system, the server side
is implemented as the server centric CGI programs,
but the P2P could take the place of it by preserving
the interface, which consists of HTTP and CGI, be-
tween the server side and the client side. The pilot
experiment showed the usefulness of our proposal. In
addition, the system for exchanging URLs could be
applied to other communication tools as their infras-
The top pages of portal sites tend to be placed at the
higher rank. This problem could be resolved through
the user interface of the extension. The users disable
the appearance of such entries in the rankings, for ex-
ample by a right click on a target entry, and exchange
the disabled portal sites via the server side subsystem.
The strategy of clustering users is quite important
and difficult. Creating clusters is an effective way
to reduce the number of connections, the traffic on
P2P network, and the computation of the similarity of
users. The separation of clusters, however, may make
users lose opportunity to be offered interesting web
pages(Linden et al., 2003). In ordinal recommenda-
tion systems such as e-commerce marketing systems,
each user’s purchases in a day may be usually less
than ten items, even if they are heavy users of the sys-
tem. But web pages each user views in a day are at
least ten pages, and heavy web users view more than
100 pages. In addition, there are web users obviously
more than e-commerce site users. Reduction by clus-
ters must be introduced for effective exchange of web
histories. Parameters for establishing clusters, such
as the number of connections of each node, the limit
of hops of web history transfer, and so on, could be
found through simulation by using huge amount of
proxy logs of our university.
The identity of URLs is also important. While
CMSs generate different URLs to each blog entry,
known as permalink, visitors can read the entries not
only in their permalinks but also in the summary
pages of recent entries, of the day, of the month and
so on. Consequently, a certain entry has many URLs
where it can be read. It is desirable that these URLs
are dealt with as the same. This problem could be re-
solved by the introduction of scores between similar
URLs. The URLs which indicate the same entry are
similar, because most CMSs add the date of the entry
to its permalink. In addition, the similarities between
URLs would help us to cluster users. Users who often
see different entries of the same blog should be placed
in the same cluster.
In the view of the privacy, it is important not to
send URLs which should not be shared. Our exten-
sion does not send any URLs in the default setting and
explicitly shows its setting, whether sending URLs is
turned on or off, by the correspondent icons. On the
other hands, the web pages without appropriate access
controls, such as password authentications or Limit
directives of web servers, must be seen by outsiders.
It is equivalent to being opened even if the URLs are
not opened. This problem is known as “Google hack-
ing” among security experts. Appropriate settings of
access controls would make the problem trivial.
Spammers may attack this system by sending
URLs which they want to advertise. This problem
is known as “shilling attacks”. However, since the
information for clustering is URLs themselves, the
spammers may be classified to a spammers’ cluster
and cannot influence the ordinal users. The clustering
of spammers would be inspected through simulation.
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