Integration Issues in Communication Environments
Dmytro Zhovtobryukh
Department of Mathematical Information Technology, University of Jyväskylä,
40014 Jyväskylä, Finland
Abstract. The integration of diverse communication systems is currently one of
the primary evolutionary trends in telecommunication networks. The ultimate
goals of the integration are ubiquitous and seamless service and communication
provisioning across the variety of the platforms and unprecedented mobility
freedom. Terminal-based, network-based and service-based network integration
approaches are briefly examined in this paper. However, the paper mainly
focuses on the service provisioning aspect of network integration. Transition
from vertical to horizontal services will facilitate a network interoperability
solution on the service level. Current research efforts are focused on the
exhaustive service characterization that is necessary in order to facilitate the
development of adaptive service applications and to split the service
provisioning process into independent design and provisioning efforts.
1 Modern Perspective
Today’s telecommunications world features a number of communication technologies
and is subjected to serious technological diversity. On the other hand, the current
technologies are, to a certain extent, functionally narrow. Moreover, since most of
them are approaching their maturity, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to
either introduce significant technological enhancements to them or cease using them
in favor of the other technologies. Modern communication standards can be roughly
split onto fixed and mobile technologies. The fixed sector is much more mature and
well developed. It is almost entirely presented by the Internet, the nearly global
computer network system. The Internet relies on interconnected packet-switched
wireline networks, which allow provisioning of rich data and multimedia services at
high speeds. This, along with the robust network vehicle and global accessibility,
makes the Internet a peculiar communication standard. On the opposite side are the
mobile communication technologies that primarily utilize circuit-switched voice-
oriented wireless networks and, most importantly, establish advanced support for user
mobility, which is missed in the Internet. However, wireless technologies constantly
suffer from low data rates, and therefore lack support for data and multimedia.
Recently, new technological challenges have been presented to communications
with the emergence of the “next generation networks” concept. Most of them are
predictable and strive to preserve the most valuable features of the second-generation
networks and the Internet. Next generation networks will be characterized by superior
quality in wireless communication at the highest speeds and with advanced reliability.
Zhovtobryukh D. (2004).
Integration Issues in Communication Environments.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing, pages 28-37
DOI: 10.5220/0002664800280037
Rich data and multimedia services, along with traditional voice capabilities, will be
supported. Future networks must facilitate unprecedented mobility freedom and
anytime access from anywhere. Service applications must express intelligent
behavior. The list of the features to be added is endless. However, the most-
mentioned challenges are not new. The research areas of the Mobile Internet, 3G
networks, and Ubiquitous Computing have been facing them for a long time.
The Internet could be a perfect foundation for next generation communications
because of its global coverage, robust network vehicle and high speed. Furthermore, it
has been the base of the information society for years, and the majority of services
have been already developed within it. These services require mere adjustments to
meet the demands of tomorrow. Unfortunately, the fixed nature of the Internet makes
it unsuitable to face the challenges of mobility support and ubiquitous access. Mobile
computing poses new requirements to communication systems in addition to further
complicating the fundamental challenges inherent in distributed systems. Frequent
handoffs and disconnected operation force a system to become ever more dynamic
and adaptive. Ubiquitous access creates further challenges to the terminal equipment
and to the network system in order to handle dynamic, integrated and personalized
access to the available services.
Modern communications apparently are moving towards a global, integrated
computing environment. The idea of such a convergence is to combine the existing
communication standards into one single communication system, while preserving
their advantages and overcoming their drawbacks. There are two major ways to
achieve that. The revolutionary approach consists of the design of a totally novel
technological standard that is effectively compliant to the above demands. It may
imply a purely novel technological basis, software and hardware architectures,
although the best achievements of the modern technologies could be reused. Its first
reflection the approach found within the Ubiquitous Computing paradigm.
An alternative way is rather extensive and can be called an evolutionary one. It
focuses on the integration of the existing communication standards within a single
system. This concept currently seems to be more reasonable since it does not require a
complete reconstruction of the existing systems. Instead, it entails the technological
reinforcement of today’s communication platforms in order to create an integrated
global communication environment. However, it appears substantially complicated
but may make contemporary communication systems interoperable. Terminals,
network architectures, services and even users may be highly diverse in the various
systems. Significant modifications must be made to them to introduce a unified
system platform that powers their interoperability. Whether such integration is tight or
loose depends on many factors, such as how flexible the system is to modifications,
and which degree of modifications is affordable and reasonable for network operators.
2 Ubiquitous Computing
The concept of Ubiquitous computing (Ubicomp) was initially proposed in the early
1990s [1], [2] and particularly established to denote a new paradigm of distributed
computing. Being user-centric rather than the traditionally service-centric, Ubicomp
focuses on the demands of a user encompassed by a computing environment. The
environment is no longer seen as a separate computing facility; rather it is embedded
into the physical environment so that the user lives in it naturally. The concept of
invisibility arises from this point. As a matter of fact, truly appropriate and advanced
technology must disappear into the background, allowing the user to use it
unconsciously but deliberately. Conversely, the modern personal computer brings
itself to the foreground and, as a consequence, a user not only makes a conscious
decision to use it, he/she must learn in advance how to use it. The fork and knife that
people use while having meals can be a good example of invisible technology.
Another important aspect of Ubicomp is immersion. Since the computing
environment is embedded in the physical neighborhood and is effectively invisible to
the user, one becomes immersed in a new type of reality that combines the physical
surroundings with the computing system. In contrast to virtual reality environments,
the real world in an immersive system is not replaced by an imaginary one but is just
altered appropriately. Invisibility and immersion are the properties that make
computing really natural and user-friendly.
In Ubicomp a computing environment highly populated with computing devices
embraces the entire physical surroundings. The user can get access to computing
facilities from anywhere within the environment. The computing devices dwelling
within the environment are networked through wireless and/or wired media on a
certain technological basis. They represent conventional tools for acquiring access to
and manipulation of the services that are available through the environment. Those
devices are as simple as possible to learn and to use. They are envisioned to replace
such standard communication tools as pens, paper, work desks, cord phones, etc., and
to automatically store, process, and manage information via the specific applications.
Applications would be seen not as an interface to the user but as a specific
functionality for accomplishing service-related tasks, similarly to personalized user
agents. Personalization is a subject of great importance since, in the Ubicomp
paradigm, terminals are not necessarily personalized for every single user, but
applications most likely are. The applications should be even able to migrate between
terminals, tracking the user’s movements and performing the tasks on the move (the
“follow-me” principle) [4]. Finally, the applications are adaptive. They are capable of
adjusting their behavior according to the changes occurring through user’s demands,
communication conditions and the computing environment. The majority of the tasks
can be automated in ubiquitous computing. Due to adaptability, applications can
autonomously manage personal information, schedule appointments, find other users
within the environment, and so on. Context-awareness is a capability of the
applications to take into account various environmental data and their changes for
consequent adaptation of their behavior. Such data is widely referred as context [5].
So far, Ubicomp addresses an interesting contemporary viewpoint of distributed
computing. In addition to being a more natural paradigm for communications from
the user’s point of view, it also addresses and resolves in a graceful and efficient
manner some crucial challenges of modern computing [6] but poses new ones [3].
Despite the fact that Ubicomp environments are still a long way from being deployed
widely, some of the solutions proposed within this approach can be effectively
adopted now to settle the same challenges in current communication environments,
such as ubiquitous access, mobility, and adaptive applications.
3 Integration of Communication Environments
Three principal integration approaches can be considered to enhance interoperability
among the originally non-interoperable standards. Terminal-based, network-based and
service-based approaches address different subsets of interoperability and offer
particular solutions for system integration, which are to be seen as complementary,
rather than exclusive or competitive. A combination of all three approaches would be
the most comprehensive solution for the network integration problem.
3.1 Terminal-Based Approach
The terminal-based approach essentially features a functional convergence of the end
terminals so that they possess a number of necessary capabilities to enable ubiquitous
access throughout heterogeneous communication environments. As a result, the
underlying network standards should not be strictly interoperable because the terminal
- be it laptop computer, pocket computer, or mobile phone - handles the network
access functions itself, depending on the network accessed. However, this does not
settle the problem of cross-network service provisioning and service integration.
Services originally residing in certain network systems are not available if this
network is currently inaccessible, i.e., out of the terminal’s range. But even if multiple
network systems can be accessed simultaneously, the integration of two services
designed for different systems is yet impossible. Appropriate modifications have to be
made to the applications in order to integrate those services. Moreover, although the
networks themselves remain unaltered within this approach, certain modifications to
the provider’s service network would be needed to handle the integrated billing and
subscription. Another crucial factor is terminal complexity. If two or three diverse
communication systems are accessed, the complexity might be still acceptable. But
with a growing number of systems, the terminal complexity will become a serious
flaw of the approach. Therefore, the described solution can be effectively applied only
to integrate a small number of platforms, e.g., in GPRS-WLAN internetworking [7].
3.2 Network-Based Approach
The main idea of the network-based approach is to rebuild communication networks
appropriately so they become interoperable. In essence, this means bringing the
common network vehicle inside all of the communication networks that are subject to
interoperability. The Internet layer 3 network protocol (IP) is most likely to become
such a common network vehicle. This indeed appears to be a reasonable solution
since IP is the robust protocol, widely used, and the majority of applications have
been already developed for IP networks. Unfortunately, IP suffers the drawback of
being oriented toward fixed network access. Therefore, substantial research efforts are
focused on the design of a mobility-driven version of the protocol, widely referred to
as Mobile IP [8], [9]. However, the IP addressing of mobile network nodes seems to
be a complex problem that is further complicated by the necessity of support for
cross-network mobility. So far the approach is challenging but not yet full-fledged.
Should it be successful, this approach would seal the network-based interoperability
challenge and allow the direct interconnection of the IP-based networks into a global
system. However, a disadvantage of the approach is the possible redesign of the
services from former non-IP networks. Instead, this will enable service portability and
service integration among all IP systems. Such a solution would expand the
understanding of the Internet and force the implementation of the Mobile Internet.
3.3 Service-Based Approach
The principal idea of this approach is to separate the phase of service design from the
service application load and run inside a particular communication network. First of
all, such separation would create a base for service portability across the diversity of
communication environments. Secondly, due to a generic service design, it would
substantially simplify service integration. However, this does not seem to be possible
without the introduction of a unified programming model for service application
development and its implementation on top of a number of communication networks.
The model also requires special mechanisms that decide how to create and/or adjust
applications with respect to specific systems and on the basis of the given
programming model. These mechanisms comprise what is called middleware [10],
[11]. Reflective middleware [12] is an intelligent interface for a dynamic application
adaptation/customization in compliance with the specifics of a concrete
communication system, service properties and context changes in the computing
environment. The approach is widely used but is still far from its ideal state.
Currently, there are several completed middleware standards that are even
interoperable with one another. However, universal applications capable of operation
on top of the multiple middleware platforms are still subject to development.
This approach is primarily in the research scope of this paper. The main ideas
powering this approach are best described within the concept of Pervasive computing
[13] and are as follows:
Abstract view of services. In order to make services portable, they should be
presented in a rather abstract way, e.g., only general functionality of the service is
specified. All of the network, terminal and user-specific aspects of service
presentation would not be determined within the service itself, but within the
application. The application presents certain functionality for the user to manipulate
with the service in the way that the user prefers and in the form his/her terminal
allows. Thus, the application concretizes the generic service to a specific functionality
and presentation. Service portability across different environments is enabled via
accounting on environmental specifics in every concrete application.
Service integration and discovery. The services populating the computing
environment could be combined on demand to create some form of integrated
functionality for accomplishing sophisticated tasks. If such functionality can be
discovered within the services available through the environment, the application can
call on the appropriate service and compile the functionality of multiple services.
Adaptation of applications. Since applications represent services customized to the
form suitable for a concrete network, terminal and user, and since those factors tend
to dynamically change, the applications need to be adaptable to possible changes in
the environment. Appropriate reaction of the application to any changes occurred
should preserve the quality and convenience of the service being provided.
Adaptability itself means only that the application can change its behavior and knows
how to perform, e.g., it may apply different strategies for achieving its goals, or can
reconfigure its own structure appropriately.
Context-awareness. Adaptive applications capable of reacting to environmental
changes necessitate the use of mechanisms for tracking and interpreting those
changes. Such information is referred to as context and requires treatment to be
present in the form appropriate for applications. Environment monitoring, context
acquisition, and context interpretation are generic mechanisms of context-aware
systems. An important issue for both adaptability and context-awareness is the place
within the system where these features are built. Different approaches try to balance
the distribution of the adaptation mechanisms between the application itself and the
system (middleware). Giving total control of adaptation procedures to the application
makes the program too large and complicated, whereas the system, which manages
the adaptation, is less reliable and requires significant modifications.
However, passing the responsibility of shaping and adapting the service to the
system allows researchers to separate the service provisioning into the distinct stages
of service creation and service delivery. Service creation here corresponds to the
process of designing generic service functionality that consequently can be provided
in various ways for different environments and contexts. The service delivery phase is
responsible for creating an application based on the generic service or set of services,
but for a concrete environment. Here one can distinguish between the application load
phase and the application run phase. At load phase, the application is being
constructed from the set of generic elements [14]. Generic service is one of these
elements. The other elements are related to various environmental characteristics, e.g.,
the terminal form-factor, medium type, quality requirements, contexts of interest, etc.
At this stage, the application is enforced with certain strategies that define the range
of its possible behaviors. Obviously, at the load phase, the application can be defined
as portable across multiple heterogeneous environments. In this case the application
should contain necessary strategies for other environments as well. Meanwhile, the
application at run phase is just operating in a way determined at its construction.
Whenever essential context changes occur, the application may change its behavior
by choosing another strategy from those available at the construction. The handoff to
another environment is also an essential change. Having detected it, the portable
application adapts to a new environment by picking up an appropriate strategy.
Speaking about service-based interoperability, it is necessary to assume that some
basic mechanisms for roaming among heterogeneous networks would be established
and the networks themselves would be somehow physically interconnected.
4 Service Portability Framework
Service portability is the ability of the service to be reused across multiple
communication systems. Current understanding of the service in communications is
rather static and flat. Once created, the service can no longer be altered during its
lifecycle. For the development of portable services, two main perspectives exist. The
first is to build portability directly into service. In this case, service is portable, but is
limited to a set of environments and cannot be altered to map other emerging
possibilities. Furthermore, service definition becomes tremendously huge with the
increase of the number of supported environments.
Another approach is to free the service from any details concerning the
environment of its use. So, the portability is built into a particular service application
instead. Whenever the need for porting the service arises, the appropriate application
is constructed or an existing one is modified accordingly. So far, a particular service
application can be created for either a portable or a local use. For each supported
environment application has a set of operational strategies for appropriate behavior
adaptation. Such a service portability framework is a core aspect of the service-based
integration approach.
4.1 Scenarios
In order to illustrate how the service portability framework operates, let us consider a
few of the most general operation scenarios. The home network is understood as the
network where the service originally resides. A foreign network is a network to which
the service is supposed to be ported.
The first scenario corresponds to the case in which a user at foreign network
requests a service (see Fig.1.a). This case can be named as static, since no efforts for
run-time adjustments of the service application are needed. In the most general case
applications are constructed and launched on demand. So far, the user’s request for a
service must result in an appropriate service application launch in the foreign
network. Assuming a generic service design, the application can be issued in a foreign
environment as so it is intended for a local use in this environment. Thus, a static
service portability scenario illustrates the importance of a generic service design.
Figure 1.b illustrates a dynamic service portability scenario. A user in home
network requests the service and then moves to another network. The application is
constructed and launched while the user is connected to the home network. But when
the user with her terminal makes a handoff to another network, the application is
perhaps no longer suitable for service delivery. One alternative way to resolve the
situation is to terminate the current application and to issue a new one in the foreign
environment. The main flaw of this option is the service session discontinuity. This
may be unacceptable to the user, who expects seamless service delivery.
To preserve access transparency and service quality, the application should be
adapted to a new environment instead of being re-launched. In this case, a service
session persists during the handoff and the user is relieved from possible service
terminations. Being handed over to another environment the portable application
senses the environment and selects an appropriate strategy or reconfigures itself.
The dynamic service portability scenario addresses the situation of Single Terminal
and Multiple Environments (STME) with the terminal mobility involved, whereas the
static scenario corresponds to Single Terminal and Single Environment (STSE)
without mobility. However, there is a case of multiple terminals (MTSE and MTME)
with the user mobility involved.
MTSE case is basically irrelevant to the integration problem. Therefore, only
MTME case is considered (see Fig.1.c). The scenario makes principal difference from
STME from the adaptation point of view. The application must not only adapt to
another environment, but also find a terminal to which the user switched and adapt to
that terminal. So, the application gets two execution contexts: network and terminal.
The “follow-me” principle for tracking user mobility in pervasive systems has been
previously used for development of Teleporting applications at Olivetti Research Lab
[4]. This experience can create a foundation for portable “follow-me” applications.
Portability of service applications across diverse networks becomes possible
because of applications’ adaptability. Generic service design benefits in the existence
of unique service instance that needs no alteration to be reused among heterogeneous
environments. The burden of service adjustment is given under control of
applications. This can also facilitate service integration inside an application. The last
but not least issue to be addressed is adaptation frameworks for portable applications.
4.2 Adaptation of Portable Applications
The separation between service creation and service delivery necessitates considering
a service not a black box but the object that has an internal structure and properties.
Despite the service obtains only the abstract description on the stage of creation, it is
concretized to the form of application on the delivery stage. The service is processed
several times to adsorb the specific properties that correspond to the concrete context.
The initial abstract form of the service would be seen as a rough core that needs an
appropriate shaping. In face of different contexts, such as terminal form factor,
network bandwidth, etc., the same abstract service may result in a variety of specific
service applications. Such a vision is more complex than current service provisioning
frameworks, but is more flexible. Once created, the service can be modified
dynamically with respect to the momentary conditions found in the environment.
a b
Fig. 1. Service portability scenarios: a. static service portability; b. dynamic service
portability; c. “follow-me” dynamic service portability
The services that users are used to receive are vertical services. A traditional
vertical service is what a user gets at her end terminal after the service has been
processed and shaped appropriately. More specifically, the sequence of modifications
the abstract service undergoes to obtain its final form is the vertical service.
Metaphorically, at the service load stage the initial abstract service accumulates
implementation-specific properties like a snowball rolling down a hill. Every time the
service acquires one more layer of specifics it becomes less general and more
concretized. In reality, these layers of specifics – let us call them abstraction layers –
should be precisely defined. Otherwise, adaptation strategies of the service
applications cannot be designed. Abstraction layers can be user-, software-, hardware-
and network-related. They should be arranged in a certain type of vertical
infrastructure in particular order to reflect the sequence of modifications the service
undergoes on its path from its abstract to the final form. In such service architecture
service modifications propagate down to the bottom layer, while the constraints
established by each layer - to the top. Basically, every abstraction layer comprises
multiple variable characteristics that describe the service-related functionality of the
layer. The generic service gets concretized as its application is adapted to the
requirements of every abstraction layer. The layer-specific functionality features a set
of variable characteristics that comprise a horizontal service. A horizontal service is
an entire functional capacity of a single abstraction layer. Every single value of its
characteristics is a service primitive, a minimal service-related construction unit. The
service primitives are precisely the bricks of which a vertical service is constructed.
When environmental conditions are changing, particular service primitives on certain
abstraction layers are reselected to match the changes occurred.
Adaptation strategies built in the service application represent such particular sets
of service primitives that reflect concrete context situations in the environment. For
example, when a user with a terminal moves to another network, environmental
conditions immediately change, e.g.; different connectivity, traffic classes, etc. These
context parameters correspond to concrete service primitives on the concrete
abstraction layers (network, transport). When the application realizes that the context
changed, it selects such primitives that match the observed conditions. The set of
newly selected primitives identifies the new strategy, which the application will use to
operate adequately in the new environment. In other words, the application uses the
horizontal services that are available in the new environment to construct a valid
vertical service in this environment.
However, to implement the described adaptation framework, it is necessary to
introduce new types of middleware services that are capable to derive service
primitives and provide them to the applications. The first step is the design of a
service abstraction model with an appropriate layering. Such an attempt has been
made in [16]. After it is developed and validated, every horizontal layer must be
thoroughly examined for service-related mechanisms and their properties. This would
create a base for exhaustive service characterization. The service characterization
implies determining exhaustive set of service primitives in each horizontal service,
relationships between the primitives and their natural combinations for different types
of vertical services. If exhaustive service characterization can be achieved, then the
described reflective middleware can be developed, which would force the
development of adaptable and portable service applications.
5 Conclusions and Future Work
The rapid proliferation of telecommunications revealed the solid trend towards
serious technological divergence. Convergence is highly desirable instead to
introduce a global communication environment. Revolutionary approaches propose
complete redesign of existing systems. As a compromise, evolutionary approach
implies complex integration to be solved on all of the layers of network architecture.
The service portability is the core concept of the service-based integration. Portable
services can be reused across communication environments. To develop portable
services, avoidance of specific service design is a must. Separation of service creation
and service delivery allows for unique but generic service instance in interconnected
environment. Such service design also facilitates service integration.
Essential place in the service portability framework occupy adaptable applications.
As the service implementations they perform actual service porting across the
environments. Passing this function to the application complements to the generic
service design. Applications customize services to various environmental contexts.
They are launched on demand and can adapt at run-time, without service interruption.
Future work will focus on practical issues of design of service reference model
with appropriate horizontal layering and service characterization on top of the model.
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