How to survive in the actual dotcom reallity
Felipe Zurita Quadros Phd. Cadidate, Hugo Cesar Hoeschel Phd., Andre Bortolon Phd.
Law and Intelligence Systems Research Institute, Lauro Linhares St., 728/105, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Francisco Pereira da Silva Phd.
Post-Graduate Program in Production Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil.
Keywords: Internet, Business Plan, Entrepreneurship, Information Technology.
Abstract: This article approaches the importance of business plans development for Information technology
companies, wrapped up into an extremely fast and dynamic reality of the globalized world transformations.
A recent approach was given about the mistakes made mainly by the companies based on the Internet, well
known as dotcoms, before the crash of NASDAQ in 2000. It was searched to trace a parallel among the
mistakes made by these companies thanks to inefficiency of its business plans, also identifying their flaws,
suggesting a reflection for entrepreneurs and futures managers, who see in the Business Plan development a
way to enlarge its business and attract investors, as weel through electronic means as for conventional
Nowadays exists an avid market for new solutions
involving the most different processes through
electronic roads integration. A great search of new
solutions for a range of customers more and more
thirsty for technology. It´s exactly what DeMasi
(2002) describes as a society more and more
dependent of technological attributes, that allow to
have more time to do what really matters
individually for each one. And the Internet has been
showing like the great star of this technological
wave that appeared on these last years. How to
ignore, according to E-Consulting Group, a mass
media that grows faster and faster which will have
till the end of the 2003 year more than 500 million
users, and more than 1,8 trillion dollars traded? It
reveals the whole potential of this market, that is still
far away from reaching its maturity, showing that
there is a wide space to grow.
The Internet is truly a world full of opportunities,
and m
any countries, as well as Brazil, are countries
with a high level of enterpreneurship. But it is worth
to stand out the Brazilian example in this case,
here about 90% of the new companies don't last
more than 5 years in agreement with Salim et al
(2001). According to the author, in United States, in
agreement with a Gartner Group study, only in the
Internet field, new companies have the probability of
75% to crash.
By this time, another reflection about the reason
hat took most of the dotcom enterprises crashes all
over the world is necessary. The reality is that the
Internet is not, by itself, a magic world, where
everything is possible. It is nothing else than a mass
media, as well as the telephone and the television.
Perhaps its power had been lightly overestimated
because of the frenzy that its fast ascension woke up
in the market, after all, according to Vieira (2003),
while the telephone needed 80 years to range more
than 50 million users and the TV took 40, for the
Internet five years was enough to reach this number.
Quadros F., Hoeschel H., Bortolon A. and da Silva F. (2004).
STRATEGIES FOR THE DIGITAL ENTREPREUNERSHIP - How to survive in the actual dotcom reallity.
In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pages 527-530
DOI: 10.5220/0002656905270530
Start-ups can be understood as rising companies
based in new projects, generally formed by
entrepreneurs that identify a great opportunity in a
very specific market, and starting from this
opportunity, they decide to create a new company.
Salim et al (2001) confirms this statement when
define that a start-up company can be understood as
a vision of a group of entrepreneurs, which joined to
develop a new project. In this cases, doesn’t t exists
infrastructure, customers' wallet, list of products and
services for example. Everything should start
literally from the beginning, and the main tool to
turn possible the accomplishment of this project is,
without a doubt, its Business Plan, where they
should put the main guidelines and goals of the new
company, turning possible place the project in
The entrepreneurs should clearly define the
business objective, and whenever is possible, they
should also try to link their personal objectives to the
business goals. According to Bhide (2002), to create
a successfully enterprising strategy is extremely
necessary making entrepreneurs involved make this
reflection. After all, do not exist a correct or
incorrect approach of business, there is not a ready
recipe for it. It is essential for the entrepreneur get
identified with the company business model. Its
personal longing can be placed from the will of
setting up a Start-up to sell it later with a good
profit, until creating a solid model of business
capable to be noticed in the market for many years.
After all, they should clearly know where they want
to go, and what they want to do.
If the new business is based in a new product,
market or process, it will need to be better explained
than if it was already based on products, markets or
processes already established. Inside of the IT
companies reality, as the Internet for example, its
importance is still larger. Kotler (1998) confirms this
situation suggesting that business plans are tending
more and more to be guided for consumer and
competitor markets. This implies in a more realistic
analysis, suggesting a discussion in comparison to
works that were already accomplished in the past.
In many occasions, too much time is spent in the
planning stage, instead of placing the own strategy
drifted in practice, losing a precious time. In these
cases, the planning tends, sometimes, to being seen
as something more important than the own projects.
If that happens, alert Kotler (1999), the entrepreneur
should not have in mind the mistaken idea that the
planning process is something static. He should not
overestimate the longevity of its planning, and
should be ready to change their plans at every
moment. The company success will also depend of
his perception, creativity, the qualifications of the
team, and their capability of assuming and manage
risks. Bhide (2002) confirms this situation when
comment that most of the time, the planning is not a
task that should be adapted for most of Stat-ups.
These companies, in its majority, don't have enough
money to invest in researches and development of
new products, in way to analyze an opportunity of
business completely. And in a lot of times, when the
research have been completely investigated, the
opportunity must not exist anymore. The
entrepreneur should have in mind that a planning
without a posterior action won't work in any
effective result.
If the question is how to attract investors for the
enterprise, is important to give an emphasis to the
study of the investment. It should esteem the amount
of capital revenue that will be necessary for its
Before the Nasdaq crashes in 2000, a lot of
money was given to people who didn't have any
technical capacity or profile for its business type.
The dotmcom enterpreneurs at this time didn´t gave
attention to the consequences that a great and
unnecessary capitalization could bring for their
projects. Bhide (2002) calls this event as the occult
costs of capitalization.
Venture capitalists tend to do not pay attention
for investments that don´t demand a lot of capital.
Most of times is easier to get 5 million than 1
million dollars for an enterprise. In this case 4
million dollars that would not need to be there
exists, and can be spent. However this incites the
entrepreneur to unnecessarily run risks. In this case,
the entrepreneur needs to define its capitalization
strategy clearly. For Bhide (2002), he should opt for
using the bootstrapping (own financing or of friends
and relatives) or for looking for external investment.
For Degen (1989), by the moment of the Business
Plan development, the entrepreuneur should suggest
some managerial guidelines on what to do, or not, to
obtain the success desired. Independent of the plan
type to be developed the entrepreneur should be
brief and objective, not use technical jargons, base
their sales in the market and not in the production
capability, avoid empty statements, test the possible
risks, and sell his image as an entrepreuneur.
It´s also necessary know that whole investor
gives a lot of attention for the financial analysis,
wich is based on the sceneries construction. But it
won't be enough for the capitalists. However,
Sahlman (2002) suggests that before the financial
analysis, four key-questions should be answered
about the business:
·Who are involved in the project?
·Which is the opportunity?
·Which is the business market reality?
·Which is the risks?
After answered these questions, the entrepreneur
tends to be more prepared to develop their Business
Plan in a more objective way, being able to be
questioned by the investors about his enterprising
capacity. For Degen (1989), Business Plans can
possess a different structure, depending not only of
the enterprise type in subject, but essentially of its
objective. And this may be reached faster if the
entrepreneur could easily answer these questions.
The Internet generated a series of deep modifications
in the society ways of interaction. However it is
noticed that the processes didn´t change, only the
used means are just different, and accomplished
through routines based on the Information
technology, generating an enormous economy of
time and money. Drucker (2003) checks this
placement when affirming that the becoming of the
electronic trade and the Internet it is for the
Information revolution, as well as the rail way and
the vapour machines were for the industrial
revolution. In the same way is believed that the
economic phenomenon is not necessarily in the
activity as itself, but in the modifications that it
causes in the whole society.
Several companies already surrendered in front
of the great amount of solutions based on electronic
trade. New examples of administration of
managerial processes through electronic seams to
appear every day, and the cases of success are
constantly growing. A good example can be seen
recently through the joint venture created by GM,
Ford, Daimler-Chrysler, Renault and Nissan. These
assemblers decided to join in an web portal to
integrate all its process of purchase of several inputs,
and saving by this a lot of money. General Motors,
Ford and Daimler Chrysler, for example, were
responsable of 81% of the trades on the site.
Together, with Renault and Nissan, they intend to
buy in 2005 more than US$ 240 billion in tires,
screws and uniforms in the whole world, everything
through the Internet. It´s, at least, a nice number, if
you compare with 2002 year, when the amount
didn´t pass through US$ 45 billion.
Entrepreneurs should know that to manage success
in the Internet or out of that, doesn´t exists magic
formulas. The secret lies in a responsible
management, mainly when refers to the creative
capacity along the time, building a self maintainable
model of business. It is necessary to pay attention
and carefully seen that not everything in the virtual
world tends to be different when compared to the
traditional ways. This problem solution should be
based on the engagement of the involved business
entrepreneurs. Even in the clear definition of the
company focus, its business model, who will wrap
up, and the opportunities and menaces analysis for
example. As well as through any other media, doing
business through Internet is already something
viable and extremely lucrative, nevertheless
enterprises without a minimum of planning will be
not capable to survive in any place.
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