Performance Management for Efficient QoS provision
and Resource Utilisation in Broadband Internet
Ilka Miloucheva
, Dirk Hetzer
, Pedro A. Aranda Gutierrez
Salzburg Research, Jakob-Haringer Str.2 /II, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
T-Systems, Goslarer Ufer 35, 10589 Berlin, Germany
Telefonica I+D, Madrid, Spain
Abstract. An important problem of broadband Internet infrastructures is effi-
cient resource utilisation at access points, while keeping the Quality of Service
(QoS) demands of applications stable and optimal. Considering the resource
bottleneck of broadband access networks, there is a need for integrated per-
formance management of such networks providing “feedback” from monitoring
and analysis of traffic, QoS parameters, topology and anomaly effects for the
purpose of short and long term bandwidth resource planning.
This paper is aimed to discus design challenges of advanced performance
management architecture for efficient bandwidth resource planning of broad-
band access networks with monitoring “feedback”. Based on resource planning
and performance data base, the proposed architecture is designed to include
techniques and algorithms for modelling and simulation of optimal resource al-
location strategies in advance considering impact of traffic, topology selection,
and anomaly analysis as well as feedback from QoS analysis.
Application specific QoS monitoring and analysis is used for validation of re-
source allocation planning considering QoS based applications, such as VoIP,
multimedia and Grid. The architecture is derived from the experiences of
INTERMON project for inter-domain QoS analysis studying the impact of to-
pology and traffic (see [1], [2], [4]). A scenario for the integration of QoS and
topology analysis of INTERMON toolkit in the proposed performance man-
agement architecture is described.
1 Introduction
Currently, there is a challenge for flexible broadband Internet infrastructures based on
more efficient and economical usage of resources in order to provide stable QoS
provision of applications [3].
Resource planning for QoS based applications in Internet is a promising area for more
efficient resource utilisation and enhanced QoS support. Especially, for the broad-
band Internet access networks, with their constraints of bandwidth resources and
possibility for flexible Internet connectivity, there is a need of performance manage-
Miloucheva I., Hetzer D. and A. Aranda Gutierrez P. (2004).
Performance Management for Efficient QoS provision and Resource Utilisation in Broadband Internet Infrastructures.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Shaping the Broadband Society, pages 41-48
DOI: 10.5220/0001403400410048
ment toolkits, which provide monitoring and modelling “feedback” for more efficient
resource allocation planning according to the QoS demands of applications.
Today, there are two research directions, which need to be merged together for more
efficient QoS provision and resource usage in broadband Internet:
- advanced performance management systems and tools able to study different
factors, such as topology and traffic, on the QoS of applications
- techniques and technologies for optimal resource allocation which, could be used
for efficient resource planning.
Performance management of application QoS in the area of inter-domain networking
was the focus of INTERMON project [1], [4]. Other works studied traffic and con-
gestion impact on the QoS of applications [5], QoS parameter behaviour dependent
on the link failures [6], effect of inter-domain routing on QoS parameters (see [7],
The importance of resource allocation in advance for efficient QoS provision in
Internet was considered in [10], [14], [15], [25]. Resource reservation planning af-
fects the complexity of the routing and path selection process (see [11], [12]), and
requires extensions of protocol, admission control and resource management, as for
instance RSVP extensions for reservation in advance [13]. Efficient techniques and
algorithms for optimal resource allocation were developed using different methods,
for instance operation research algorithms adapted for flexible resource reservation
requests [16] and neuro-dynamic programming using reinforcement learning [17].
Examples for integration of resource optimisation techniques and algorithms in prac-
tical tools are the automated bandwidth allocation planning tool called IconoNET
[18] and Globus Architecture for Reservation and Allocation (GARA) [19], [26].
Algorithms and tools were designed to model and simulate optimal resource alloca-
tion strategies for QoS based applications, for instance real-time [20], and Grid appli-
cations [21].
Although there is a wide research on efficient resource allocation techniques consid-
ering demands of QoS based applications, integration of real performance monitoring
data in the modelling and simulation strategies for optimal resource allocation is still
a challenge [9]. This is a technology gap in today bandwidth resource planning for
QoS based applications. It is mainly based on resource modelling by using of power-
ful mathematical methods (operation research, artificial intelligence, etc), without to
consider different kinds of performance management “feedback” [10].
For bridging the gap and achieve a performance-oriented resource planning, which
could support more efficient QoS of applications based on Internet broadband infra-
structures, we propose a new performance management architecture for operational
and long term resource allocation planning of broadband access networks, aimed to
combine techniques for optimal resource allocation in advance with “feedback” from
performance analysis considering QoS, traffic, topology and anomaly effects.
In section 2, we discuss the design of the advanced performance management archi-
tecture for efficient resource usage and QoS provision in broadband Internet access
networks, aimed at integration of performance monitoring and analysis data into
techniques and algorithms optimising bandwidth allocation for QoS based applica-
Based on the experiences of the European IST project INTERMON [1], [2], [4], [24],
which result is an architecture for inter-domain QoS analysis integrating monitoring,
modelling and simulation of topology, traffic and QoS parameter data, we propose a
new stage of automated performance management using integrated monitoring tools
and data bases in the area of resource planning of broadband Internet infrastructures
with focus on access networks.
For enhanced flexibility and interoperability, components and data bases of
INTERMON could be integrated in the proposed performance management architec-
ture. Section 3 gives an example scenario for usage of INTERMON topology dis-
covery and QoS analysis in the new context of resource planning.
2 Design of performance management architecture for optimal
resource allocation planning in broadband Internet
The proposed performance management architecture for broadband Internet infra-
structures is focused on the provision of different kinds of performance monitoring
and modelling data as “input” and “feedback” for techniques and algorithms for
optimal resource allocation in advance. The goal is optimal resource allocation plan-
ning of broadband access networks based on learning of monitoring “feedback” of
traffic, topology, QoS and anomaly effects.
Resource allocation planning is directly impacted by the volume and multiplexing of
monitored traffic flows, discovered topology changes and detected anomalies. For
instance, change in topology and traffic has influence on resource utilisation, which
should be considered in the algorithms and techniques for optimal resource alloca-
tion. Anomalies, dependent on the source, could lead to increasing traffic load, which
impacts the resource usage. Therefore study of anomalies and prediction of their
effects (“what if” analysis) is important for the resource allocation planning.
Discovery of alternative topologies and path information (like path quality and stabil-
ity metrics [4]) between broadband access networks could be considered in tech-
niques for optimal resource allocation. A “feedback” from QoS parameter monitor-
ing and modelling could provide insight on the efficiency of the selected resource
allocation strategies and needs for their enhancements.
Algorithms and techniques for resource allocation have to support flexible interfaces
to resource reservation requests of different kinds of QoS based applications like Grid
[19], VoIP [23], real-time [20].
Improvement and adaptation of basic optimisation technologies is required to con-
sider different kinds of resource requests for flexible QoS provisioning [16] and res-
ervation interfaces for specific application classes like Grid [21].
The general design of the performance management architecture for efficient resource
planning in broadband access networks includes:
- performance management components (monitoring and modelling of QoS pa-
rameters, traffic, topology and anomalies)
- resource planning techniques and algorithms for modelling and simulation of
optimal bandwidth allocation considering resource demands of QoS based appli-
cations and performance management “feedback”
- integrated data base for related performance and resource planning data.
The interaction of resource planning and performance management components is
provided based on integrated data base including resource allocation planning infor-
mation related to performance monitoring data describing topology, traffic, QoS and
anomalies. Figure 1 describes the general concept of the proposed performance man-
agement architecture for broadband access networks:
Integrated data base of monitoring and resource
allocation planning data
Algorithms and techniques for modelling and simulation
of optimal resource allocation enhanced with learning of
erformance management data, i.e. „feedback“ from
QoS, traffic, topology and anomaly analysis
Performance management for resource planning
monitring &
Analysis of
and routing
Monitoring &
Fig. 1. Integrated performance management architecture for resource planning with monitoring
A critical foundation of the proposed performance management architecture is re-
source allocation planning at access networks with possibility for exchange of per-
formance management and resource planning data between different access networks.
For this purpose, distributed performance management data bases of broadband ac-
cess networks could be linked by usage of controlled access.
An example scenario of the proposed performance management architecture is aimed
to provide efficient QoS provisioning and resource allocation of broadband access
networks based on the resource allocation requirements of different kinds of applica-
tions with monitoring “feedback”. The main steps of this scenario are:
1. Monitoring and modelling of traffic of broadband access networks to obtain
forecasting models of resource utilisation considering different traffic classes
which will be considered in the resource allocation planning. For this purpose,
the architecture includes traffic monitoring and analysis tools, as for instance
tools based on IPFIX traffic flow concepts [22].
2. Detection of anomaly effects caused by topology changes, failures and intru-
sions. This is used to model the resource utilisation based on “normal” traffic in
contrast to resource usage due to the anomalies. The topology discovery and
anomaly detection are used to detect “outliers”, which has to be considered in the
resource modelling framework of the bandwidth optimisation techniques [24].
3. Obtaining of strategies for optimal resource allocation planning (daily and
weekly planning) using appropriate algorithms and techniques which consider
the resource modelling based on monitoring “feedback” from traffic analysis
(step 1) and topology discovery / anomaly detection (step 2).
4. QoS monitoring and analysis for validation of optimal resource allocation strate-
gies for different application classes. The QoS monitoring and analysis could be
based on active or passive measurements. When active QoS measurement is
used, the application traffic should be emulated to consider application traffic
patterns, as for instance in the case of VoIP [23]. This allows efficient applica-
tion oriented QoS parameter monitoring [5] and resource planning evaluation.
5. Learning of optimal resource allocation strategies. The feedback from QoS moni-
toring and analysis of applications provides information on how efficiently QoS
is being provided based on the actual selected resource allocation strategies (step
3). “Learning” from QoS monitoring “feedback” allows to improve the resource
allocation planning considering the actual traffic patterns, which are obtained in
operational mode. For this purpose, the concept of neuro-dynamic programming
and reinforcement learning could be applied in the framework of QoS-aware re-
source planning [17].
3 Integration of INTERMON QoS and topology analysis
For enhanced interoperability and more flexibility, the proposed performance man-
agement architecture is based particularly on the INTERMON architecture, developed
in an European IST project [1] and used in large scale broadband Internet infrastruc-
tures in the related area of inter-domain QoS analysis [2]. INTERMON technology
for analysis of QoS behaviour in inter-domain environment is based on the automated
tool interaction and data base integration ([1], [2], [8], [23],[24]) including:
- Monitoring tools and data bases for inter-domain topology discovery, QoS pa-
rameters and traffic, considering SNMP and IPFIX traffic measurements [22]
- Pattern technology to describe QoS behaviour in structures, i.e. “patterns”, for
more efficient QoS analysis (e.g. “linear approximation” [2] for capacity plan-
ning and “outliers” [24] for fault analysis)
- Modelling and simulation environment with automated integration of measure-
ment and topology discovery data to provide “what if” analysis.
INTERMON is aimed at scenarios focussing on end-to-end QoS monitoring and
analysis in inter-domain environment considering specific of applications, and impact
of topology, traffic, network, and resources on the QoS.
The end-to-end performance management strategy of INTERMON tools allows the
integration of selected INTERMON components in the framework of the proposed
performance management architecture for broadband access networks and their fur-
ther enhancements to provide monitoring “feedback” for resource planning. Figure 2
shows an example scenario for usage of INTERMON inter-domain topology discov-
ery to obtain alternative paths and route qualities of end-to-end connection between
two access Internet Service Providers (ISP) connecting Madrid and Salzburg [2], [4].
Fig. 2. INTERMON discovery of alternative inter-domain topologies between two access ISPs
Further INTERMON component, which could be used and enhanced for QoS moni-
toring “feedback” in the proposed broadband performance management architecture,
is the analysis of end-to-end QoS parameter patterns.
Figure 3 shows an example of daily QoS parameter patterns obtained for inter-
domain connection Madrid – Salzburg, discussed in [2].
Fig. 3. Daily analysis of QoS parameter patterns
Based on possibilities to abstract QoS parameter values dependent on the require-
ments for pattern usage, the pattern based QoS parameter analysis could be success-
fully integrated in optimisation algorithms for resource allocation planning.
4 Conclusions
This paper proposed a performance management architecture for optimal resource
allocation in Internet broadband access networks considering “monitoring feedback”
of topology, traffic, QoS parameter and anomaly detection data.
It was shown, that enhanced flexibility and interoperability of the proposed architec-
ture could be achieved based on integration and extension of tools and data bases for
topology and QoS parameter analysis, developed in the European research project
INTERMON. The provision of common interfaces to performance management tools
and data bases, developed in different European research activities, will contribute to
more efficient QoS and resource analysis of Internet broadband infrastructures based
on integrated technologies considering different factors and optimisation goals.
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