Remote Control and Reconfiguration of Laboratories
for Education and Training
Wolfgang Burgstaller
, Olga Plaxina
, Kirill Seleznev
Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer Technology,
Gußhausstraße 27-29/E384, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Perm State Technical University, Department of Information Technology and Automation
Systems, Professor Pozdeev Str. 7, 614013 Perm Russia
Abstract. Organizing practical courses and training clearly indicates a demand
for remote training. This article describes the concepts of the BACnet (Build-
ing Automation Control Network) laboratory being set up by the authors. To
allow effective learning the control network (fieldbus) as well as the inputs
and outputs of the nodes attached to the laboratory environment must be ac-
cessible by the trainee. To achieve this goal a web based application which
uses a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) server and a special I/O interfacing
unit have been designed. Hence, trainees will be able not only to monitor and
control the activities on the control network (the primary goal of the offered
courses) but also will be able to see the effects of their activities on the labora-
tory environment.
1 Introduction
The authors’ experience with organizing practical courses, training courses and
laboratories at university clearly indicates the demand of training equipment that can
be used within a flexible and non-rigid time schedule. Aside the positive effect that
students can freely plan their timetables within the general schedule of the course
(commencement, deliverables and examination), the relief for instructors is almost
more important, since the laboratory can be operated, reconfigured and controlled
remotely. There is no need for fixed attendance times and special course rooms.
Based on the experience of previous projects described in section 0 this article will
describe on-going work to install a remote BACnet control network laboratory. Sec-
tion 0 will introduce the concepts for (long-distance) remote control of the BACnet
Burgstaller W., Plaxina O. and Seleznev K. (2004).
Remote Control and Reconfiguration of Laboratories for Education and Training.
In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on e-Learning and Virtual and Remote Laboratories, pages 52-59
DOI: 10.5220/0001149900520059
2 Remote Control and Education for Control Networks
The Institute of Computer Technology and the Department of Information Technol-
ogy and Automation Systems have a common research focus on automation control
networks and ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) and FPGA (Field-
Programmable Gate Arrays) design and projects co-operating with the industry. In
the past these control networks also known as fieldbusses were installed in isolated
environments, but driven by the spread of the Internet remote control and mainte-
nance also become important for these systems. This section highlights two of the
various research projects, which not only focus on remote control but also have a
strong impact on teaching.
2.1 The asix4web Remote FPGA Prototype Board
In the ASIC design course at the beginners level students are implementing a micro-
controller, which runs a simple application program like a pocket calculator or a
stopwatch. The final test of the design is done by using a UP1 prototype board from
the major FPGA provider Altera. The board contains a FPGA, which can be "pro-
grammed" with a user's FPGA design, some switches, push buttons and 7-segment
displays as general-purpose input/output peripheral elements.
Altera UP1 Education Board
Server at the
Vienna University of Technology
asix4web User Interface
(Web Browser)
(e.g. a Students PC)
MAX+plus II FPGA Design Environment
Fig. 1. The asix4web project.
Students are able to develop their FPGA design at home by downloading electronic
versions of the lecture notes, a free student edition of Altera's FPGA design software
Max+plus II [1], as well as templates and design examples from the course website.
However, testing on the real hardware (Altera UP1 prototype board) was only possi-
ble at the university lab so far. To overcome this drawback, the project asix4web (an
acronym for "Application Specific Integrated Circuits for the web"), which aims to
connect a UP1 prototype board to the Internet, was started some time ago.
A web server and several dedicated application programs make it possible to up-
load a FPGA design (see Fig. 1). This is done by following a link to the asix4web
upload dialog on the asix4web website. Here, a JBC (Jam Byte Code) file is re-
quested which contains configuration data (a user's FPGA design) for the FPGA
which is contained on the UP1 prototype in the Altera STAPL (Jam Standard Test
and Programming Language) data format. The user has to generate the JBC file by
using Max+plus II prior to the upload. Once the user activates the upload, the re-
quested JBC file will be transferred from the client to the server. Next, the FPGA
contained on the prototype board which is connected to the asix4web server over the
PC's parallel port will be automatically configured with this file.
Finally, the state of the peripherals contained on the prototype board can be con-
trolled and observed via the internet. This is done over a digital I/O card which re-
sides in the server PC. The current on/off state of the 7-segment displays is read out
over the I/O card, transferred from the server to the client and displayed on the
asix4web user interface. Moreover, the current state of some checkboxes mimicking
the switches and push buttons contained on the education board is transferred from
the client to the server which stimulates the FPGA pins over the digital I/O card.
The asix4web project was implemented by using pure HTML, a few lines of
JavaScript and some CGI scripts. Only a standard web browser is required on the
client's side to test a FPGA design on the remote prototype board. Hence, students
have access to the board for 24 hours a day, 365 days per year and are able to test
their designs whenever they want.
The first version of asix4web is on-line since May 2002. It was successfully tested
on a number of common used web browsers (IE, Netscape, Opera) and works also on
slower Internet connections, e.g. 56K modems. Since the release of the first version
about 60 students per year are using the asix4web prototype board for the ASIC de-
sign course. The asix4web project can be visited on the web under [2] or directly at
the Institute of Computer Technology.
2.2 Web Interface to Control Networks in Smart Kitchen
One of the ICT's research projects called "Smart Kitchen" is devoted to situation-
dependent behavior in building automation but also serves as a laboratory for remote
control. The Smart Kitchen is a laboratory at the ICT equipped with various modi-
fied kitchen furniture like a control network enabled fridge and coffee machine as
well as with various sensors and actuators for cabinet doors, water pipes, etc. All
these devices are connected in order to exchange messages and to form a complex
entity. The sensors collect information within the kitchen, whereas the actuators try
to react appropriate depending on the actual situations (e.g. turn off the light after
the last person has left the kitchen).
Besides the interaction with the devices in the kitchen on site, it is also possible to
access the Smart Kitchen over the Internet. To interface the local hardware gateways
also called residential gateways are needed to translate between different network
protocols. Whereas control networks in general have rather simple communication
objects and are limited to a certain protocol, the Internet offers a variety of protocols
such as Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the Common Object Re-
quest Broker Architecture (CORBA), the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
interface, and the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM). Gateways for the
above mentioned protocols were implemented in several projects.
Fig. 2. Gateways between Internet and control network.
In the Smart Kitchen project (Fig. 2), OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) for
Process control (OPC) based on DCOM is used for visualization. The i.LON gateway
interconnects Internet and the LON network and can be used to access, manipulate
and monitor the fieldbus. Both technologies allow users using a standard web
browser, to get access to the physical network. The webpage of the Smart Kitchen
includes a graphical interface to the control network can be found at [3].
3 Remote Laboratory Models for Control Networks
Aside the research done for remote control the newly founded laboratory for BACnet
(Building Automation Control Network) should be organized in such a way that all
courses can be done remotely. This section will introduce the idea behind the
BACnet laboratory and introduce the technologies used.
3.1 The BACnet Laboratory of the ICT
Over the last decade the ICT has acquired substantial knowledge on all aspects of
control networks (fieldbus systems). Both scientific and industrial research projects
and activities as well as training courses for students and interested experts have
been organized and finished successfully.
Besides industrial automation, building automation has always been a main area
for ongoing research activities and therefore the construction of a BACnet (a well
known building automation network standard [6]) laboratory was initiated. Based on
experiences gained by other remote education projects like [5] a flexible and com-
prehensive environment for students as well as for industrial partners should be
In the beginning of the course students should get familiar with BACnet as build-
ing automation protocol. Later stages present methods of commissioning and con-
figuration of the network. As a remote education lab, the course does not cover elec-
trical cabling but deals with principles of system engineering.
The planned distant education system provides a consistent representation of all
components within the lab which is presented via a web interface to distant trainees
in a unitary and useable way.
The BACnet laboratory will be composed by diverse hardware from multiple ven-
dors such as Siemens or Sauter. It includes BACnet equipment from simple sensors
and actuators to complex building controllers. For the networking topology, all con-
ceivable media types, which are used in the standard, will be provided, to gain
maximum flexibility for the interconnected nodes. Up to now BACnet/IP,
BACnet/Ethernet and BACnet/Lon are already used. Fig. 3
Fig. 3. The BACnet laboratory.
On the software side several applications, like OPC (Open Process Control) software
or the Hethereal protocol analyzer are available for the students. These tools permit a
modern way of training which is closely related to real life systems. Especially
Hethereal [7] a web-enabled version of the popular packet sniffer Ethereal [8] is an
important component since it permits the user to capture protocol messages within
the lab and to survey the results over the web interface. Hence, Hethereal will be used
to visualize the behavior of the protocol stack, the content of the protocol messages
and the sequence of packets.
The creation of the BACnet laboratory is currently ongoing. All components, in-
dependent of their vendor and their preferable application, are integrated into the
lab, in order to provide the same functionality to remote trainees as well as to stu-
dents on site.
3.2 Remote Control Model for Control Networks
Fig. 4 shows the general structure of the remote education system for training on
distributed control networks. Users enter the system via web portal. At the second
level aside the server for the virtual laboratory there are an authentication server and
a server to offer resources for teaching such as e-books, articles, and tutorials. The
virtual lab is organized around the stands, where the actual hardware (I/O nodes,
controllers, switchers and so on) is located.
Authorization Control
Theoretical Resources
Remote Control System
Server of
technologie matter
Server of
technologie matter
Fig. 4. General structure of the “Remote education system for training on
distributed automation networks”.
To access the control network on the stand the VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
server (left side of Fig. 4), which permits the configuration of the network, code
uploads to the stand and enables the debugging of the system, is used. VNC-server
offers the functionality of local software tools and drivers such as LonMaker configu-
ration tool and LNS interface for LonWorks or VIGO for P-NET.
The student or trainee uses a standard web browser to access the VNC-server. To
offer a similar look-and-feel to the local control software JAVA applets are used for
setting up the VNC client. Fig. 5 illustrates the message flow during a remote ses-
sion. Special attention is drawn to the capability of multi-user access. Therefore the
VNC-Client always encloses additional information identifying the user and the used
control network and stand.
End User
End User
Server 1
ID - Access_Rights -...
Server 2
Fig. 5. Communication channel between a user and a stand.
3.3 Interfacing with I/O
Aside from being able to control the network it is also important to see the responses
of the system (stand) to its environment. In many cases it is sufficient for a trainee to
get feedback from the stand via a web cam (right side of Fig. 4), but for more ad-
vanced tasks it is necessary to stimulate the hardware inputs of a device and/or
measure its outputs (e.g. reading analog outputs of stand modules or simulating a
keystroke on an evaluation board). For such cases the trainees should have the possi-
bility to interact with the inputs and outputs of the device on the stand.
To support such operation a special I/O device is designed at ICT. In order to have
a versatile and reusable device for a wide area of applications the following boundary
conditions should be met:
The device should be controlled by plain HTTP for communication
The implementation should be versatile for other laboratory setups
The configuration should be simple to allow easy integration in a variety of
common software
To meet these constraints a modular concept as shown in Fig. 6 was introduced by
the authors. A web server running on an embedded system interfaces different I/O
modules connected via an I
C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) bus [8]. The I/O modules are
designed as stackable modules and therefore can be individually put together accord-
ing to the needs of the actual laboratory setups.
In several projects the authors already gained experience on the embedded system
IPC@CHIP SC12 [9] from Beck. This chip already includes an Ethernet controller,
512 KB RAM and ROM (Flash) and an I
C bus interface. The software design must
also meet the modular hardware approach. To make the configuration as simple as
possible a configuration file is supplied with each module that defines the HTTP post
commands as well as I
C address and messages to the stackable module.
A CGI (Common Gateway Interface)-Procedure uses the APIs of the IPC@CHIP
to convert the commands from the web browser into commands on the I
C bus ac-
cording to the description in the configuration file. This allows for adoption without
reprogramming the IPC@CHIP.
Web server
Digital I/O
. .
. .
Device to be controlled
Fig. 6. Embedded device for remote control of laboratory stands.
4 Conclusion
Based on the experience of past projects the authors set up a BACnet control network
laboratory for distance courses for students and professional training of companies at
the ICT. The access to this laboratory should be totally web based and is based on
two components: A remote control model developed by the Perm State Technical
University (already running for LonWorks control network) and a gateway to control
the I/Os of the used control network devices. The work described here is still work in
progress, but finished tasks and past experience clearly indicates that web based
approach offers the best flexibility for students and laboratory staff.
5 References
1. Altera MAX+PLUS II Getting Started, Version 8.1, Altera Inc., USA, September 1997.
2. Website of the asix4web project, Version January 2003, Institute of Computer Technology,
Vienna University of Technology, 2003. (
3. Website of the Smart Kitchen project, Version August 2003, Institute of Computer Tech-
nology, 2003. (
4. ISO/TC 205, ISO/FDIS 16484-5 – Building automation and control systems – Part 5: Data
communication protocol, 2003.
5. S. Soucek, G. Russ, C. Tamarit, The Smart Kitchen Project - An Application on Fieldbus
Technology to Domotics, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Networked
Appliances (IWNA2000), 2000.
6. H. Müller, C. Buchenau, T. Abenath, Entwurf und Beginn der Implementierung eines
BACnet/IP-Protokollanalysators in einem embedded system unter dem Betriebssystem
Linux, FH Dortmund, 2001.
7. A. Orebaugh, G. Morris, E. Warnicke, G. Ramirez, Ethereal Packet Sniffing, Syngress
Publishing, 2004.
8. The I2C-Bus Specification Version 2.1, Philips Semiconductors, 2000.
9 Hardware Manual IPC@CHIP Embedded Controller Family SC11/SC12/SC13 V1.5, BECK
IPC GmbH ,2004. (