Supporting Alzheimer’s Residential Care
A Novel Indoor Localization System
Andrea Masciadri, Ilaria Carlini, Sara Comai and Fabio Salice
Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering Politecnico di Milano,
via Anzani 42, 22100, Como, Italy
Indoor Localization System, Android Mobile Application, iBeacon, Assistive Technology, Internet of Things.
This work illustrates a localization system specifically designed to be applied in “Il Paese Ritrovato”, a highly
innovative health-care facility for people affected by Alzheimer’s disease in Monza, Italy. Patients are provided
with an iBeacon bracelet broadcasting data packets that are collected through the use of a dense network of
devices acting as receiving antennas. The system evaluates the path-loss of the received signal and corrects
the computed position with a probabilistic approach to avoid wall-crossing. Localization data are merged with
information from other IoT devices such as smart sensors, appliances and expert annotations; the resulting
dataset will be extremely important to analyze behaviors, habits and social interactions among patients.
The growing longevity and declined fertility rate of
the industrialized countries have been shifting the age
distribution of population towards increasingly elder
ages. This shift will continue to dangerously accel-
erate and, according to the United Nation forecast
(United Nations and Affairs, 2017), in 2030 the num-
ber of people older than 60 years old will grow to 1.4
billions worldwide. The projection for 2050 shows an
increment to more than double of the 2017 size of the
selected age group, reaching an increment of 116%,
surpassing the number of adolescent and youth aged.
A factor that has been proven to be largely corre-
lated to aging is the manifestation of dementia. Ap-
proximatively 3% percent of people between the ages
of 65 and 74, 19% between 75 and 84, and nearly
half of those over 85 years of age have dementia
(Umphred, 2012). Dementia is a syndrome charac-
terized by symptoms related to memory, problem-
solving, language impairments and other compro-
mised cognitive skills that affects the regular and ev-
eryday activities of a person.
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of
progressively disabling degenerative dementia with
onset predominantly in presenile age. It is estimated
that about 60-70% of dementia cases are due to this
condition, while 10-20% to vascular dementia (World
Health Organization, 2015). Numerous studies have
been conducted to identify a possible treatment for
Alzheimer’s disease, but currently no definitive thera-
pies has been found and due to the progressive course
of the disease, the management of patient’s needs be-
comes essential. The ultimate goal of the care pro-
vided by caregivers is to extend as much as possible
the maintenance of cognitive abilities, to decelerate
the progression of neuronal degeneration and, through
a series of specific daily activities, to encourage the
development of a natural brain compensation. Keep-
ing the patients active with daily activities is therefore
a prerequisite of the long term treatment centers. In
order to create a stimulating environment, that is also
able to accommodate people and make them feeling
at home, it is required to design a new type of health
care infrastructure.
The principal known methodologies used to esti-
mate a human position in an indoor localization sys-
tem can be divided into three categories (Farid et al.,
2013; Tariq et al., 2017): Proximity Detection, Trian-
gulation and Scene Analysis. The Proximity Detec-
tion method is the simplest in terms of implementa-
tion, it attributes the target’s position to the strongest
received signal (Zafari et al., 2017); the Triangula-
tion techniques uses the geometric properties to com-
pute the target location (Jacq et al., 2017), while the
Scene Analysis uses scene details computed from a
particular point of view to match patterns (Ter
an et al.,
2017). Since the localization system has to guaran-
tee the identification of a patient in an environment,
but not its accurate position within it, the selected
Masciadri, A., Carlini, I., Comai, S. and Salice, F.
Supporting Alzheimer’s Residential Care - A Novel Indoor Localization System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006859502720278
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018) - Volume 1: DCNET, ICE-B, OPTICS, SIGMAP and WINSYS, pages 272-278
ISBN: 978-989-758-319-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
methodology for this work is based on Proximity De-
tection. The system has been modeled by reversing
the traditional paradigm of indoor localization: Blue-
tooth Beacons are the mobile devices inside the struc-
ture, while the location is determined through a sys-
tem of antennas arranged in both internal and external
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 introduces the requirements of an in-
door localization system specially targeted for a res-
idential care, Section 3 overviews the implemented
system, while Section 4 concludes with a brief sum-
mary and mentions future work.
“Il Paese Ritrovato” (Il Paese Ritrovato Project,
2018) is the first village in Italy exclusively de-
signed by the La Meridiana cooperative (La Merid-
iana, 2018) as a pioneering care facility for people af-
fected by dementia, located in the city of Monza. As
a gated model village, “Il Paese Ritrovato” is a self-
contained community where patients are free to move
and interact with each other in wide open spaces,
and where structures have been specifically designed
to meet the patient’s needs, freeing them to the bur-
den of feeling slaves of the disease. The residence
consists of eight apartments with eight private rooms
each. Each apartment also has common rooms such
as the kitchen, the dining room and two living areas.
A square is located in the center of the village, where
residents can socialize visiting special buildings ded-
icated to them: a bar, a hairdresser, a cinema and a
church. La Meridiana has thought a new concept of
residence, where everything is designed to support the
lives of Alzheimer’s patients. Thanks to the collabo-
ration of many research institutions, the structure is
constantly looking for innovation with cutting-edge
technological systems, environmental and service de-
In order to preserve the independence of the pa-
tients without reducing their safety inside the struc-
ture, the number of caregivers to assist patients has
been redesigned to one every eight, which coincides
with one available caregiver for each apartment. Con-
sidering the dimension of the structure, the unconven-
tional freedom of the patients and the limited amount
of human resources, the activities of the caregivers
have to be simplified through the use of a system de-
veloped specifically for the supervision of the struc-
ture. The main need expressed by the structure is
to have a mobile application able to monitor the pa-
tients’ position, their meals and medicines. Further-
Figure 1: Push Notifications on the caregiver smartphone
rose if a patient cross virtual fences.
more, an efficient localization system should keep the
caregivers updated about the state of the patients (see
Figure 1), allowing automatic generation of warn-
ings/alerts if patients approach/cross borders that are
not allowed. It is important to remember that the mon-
itored subjects are affected by a degenerative disease
that limits their cognitive abilities: the localization
system must not require any interaction by the users
and must be as non-invasive as possible.
Moreover, a constant monitoring may be useful to
obtain a complete analysis comprising medical data
resulting from clinical exams (e.g., electrical activity
of the heart, blood pressure, oxygen saturation), medi-
cal history and also an extremely accurate description
of the activities performed as a daily routine. This
type of monitoring is at the basis of behavioral drifts’
analysis (Veronese et al., 2018); changes in human be-
havior, such as changes in the attendance of environ-
ments or in the order of execution of daily activities
could be automatically recognized by the system and
reported to caregivers. A crucial aspect of this analy-
sis is the collection of data that must be carried out in
a non-invasive but constant way: a progression of the
disease may lie behind a change in the patient’s daily
The main purpose of Assistive Technologies is to en-
sure the safety and well-being of patients, while trying
to lighten the workload of caregivers. The idea behind
this concept is to track the older person’s position con-
sidering routine activities and social interactions with
a minimal impact on his/her life.
The proposed system consists of an indoor local-
ization module based on iBeacon technology (IBea-
con, 2018), fixed antennas, and a mobile application;
the entire system has been designed according to the
requirements of structures dedicated to the care of
people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Supporting Alzheimer’s Residential Care - A Novel Indoor Localization System
Figure 2: Architecture of the proposed indoor localization
3.1 Architecture
The proposed localization system is specifically tar-
geted to operate with people affected by mild cog-
nitive disabilities such as dementia. Unfortunately,
most of the available localization systems require peo-
ple to use a device which is characterized by high
complexity. The following work moves all the com-
plexity to the system, requiring the users only to wear
a disposable bracelet. It is composed by three main
components (Figure 2):
tags: iBeacon devices embedded into plastic
bracelets that will be worn every day by the pa-
tients of the structure;
antennas: physical devices that receive the Blue-
tooth signals emitted by the iBeacons, and trans-
mit the information to the server;
server: it computes the estimated position of pa-
tients given the data received from the antennas.
3.1.1 Tag
Each patient of the structure is equipped with a Blue-
tooth bracelet (iBeacon) and despite aware of being
localized while performing daily life activities, he/she
does not need to interact with the system.
Beacons are Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices
that broadcast packets without the requirement of a
paired connection. The payload information meets
the standard specified by the iBeacon format and thus
contains - among others - a Universal Unique Iden-
tifier (UUID), a Major and a Minor values to iden-
tify a specific device within a group, and the Broad-
casting power; a Beacon can be configured changing
its properties, as well as the transmission frequency.
Transmitting a packet with a period of 100ms (Apple
iBeacon preset), a Beacon has an expected battery life
up to 28 weeks; hence, a replace of the batteries every
year is necessary.
Antennas are responsible to intercept the beacon
messages broadcasted by the tags; the strength of the
received packet - Received Signal Strength Indicator
(RSSI) - is subsequently used by the system to esti-
mate the position of tags. However, even if the RSSI
value decays exponentially with the distance between
transmitter and receiver, this measure is strongly af-
fected by noise. Human body behave as an attenua-
tor of Bluetooth signals, affecting signal strength and
lowering accuracy; therefore the position of the bea-
con with respect to the antennas is fundamental for
the preservation of the signal. For this reason, partic-
ular attention was paid in the selection of the correct
position for the beacon, also considering the invasive-
ness on the individual. Finally, the choice fell on the
use of light-weight 3D-printable plastic bracelets with
an insert in which the beacon is positioned.
3.1.2 Antenna
The information advertised by iBeacons can be col-
lected only by other BLE enabled mobile devices such
as iPhones, Android devices, and also BLE enabled
Raspberry Pi, Odroid etc. (Aman et al., 2016). Fol-
lowing the structure needs, the fundamental require-
ment of the selected device is to have a BLE en-
able module in order to manage the collection of in-
coming information from the Beacons, and an Ether-
net adapter to connect with the server. Considering
the over mentioned requirements, the computational
power needed for the operations, and the cost, a Rasp-
berry Pi3 (Raspberry, 2018) has been chosen to act as
Antenna: this device is easily available on the mar-
ket and is certified, ensuring a good reliability. Thus,
a Raspberry Pi3 is positioned in the counter top of
each patient’s room and common spaces, receiving
and collecting Bluetooth information broadcasted by
the iBeacons.
The antennas continuously scan the Bluetooth
Beacons in the environment. Pre-processing is per-
formed on the RSSI data received from each tag, ap-
plying a median filter for noise reduction. The fil-
tering window can be set by using a threshold deter-
mined during the installation and configuration of the
antennas. The resulting data is periodically transmit-
ted to the server via an HTTP request containing the
following message:
<idA, UUID, major, minor, power, RSSI>
where idA corresponds to the antenna’s identifier as-
signed by the server during the initial configuration,
UUID, major, minor, and power describe the detected
beacon with its filtered RSSI power strength.
The antennas are installed in the ceiling of rooms
and corridors, such that the entire surface of the struc-
ture is covered. The full coverage of the bluetooth
antennas is guaranteed both inside and outside the res-
idence. In order to reduce system wiring, Raspberry
WINSYS 2018 - International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
Pi is alimented through Power over Ethernet (POE)
allowing the appliance to be powered using the same
cable that connects it to the Ethernet data network.
More in details, each apartment is equipped with sev-
eral Raspberry Pi3 placed in the apartments both in
the private rooms, in the corridors and in the common
areas such as the kitchen or the living room. Regard-
ing the outdoors, each point of interest such as the
cinema, the bar or more simply the open-air areas are
mapped with devices.
During the installation of the system, antennas can
be configured in room or corridor or external mode.
The difference consists in the radius parameter, which
determines the sensitivity of the antenna. Increasing
the sensitivity of the antennas positioned in the cor-
ridor, for example, decreases the probability that the
patient is mistakenly positioned in the room if its ac-
tual position is in the corridor - as it was required by
the residence for security reasons.
3.1.3 Server
The server is responsible for receiving messages and
correctly saving them to the database. In order to
limit the possibility of wall-crossing in the localiza-
tion (e.g., the detection of a patient at the instant t
in his/her room, and at the instant t + 1 in the din-
ing room, without having been detected him/her in
the corridor that connects the two environments), the
localization algorithm has been extended to constrain
the admissible transitions between adjacent antennas.
To meet this need, the architecture has been modeled
as a graph whose nodes represent the antennas and the
arcs the walkable paths (see Figure 3). Two antennas
are therefore said to be adjacent if a user can freely
transit from one to the other.
Every second, the server computes the position of
all the tags. Considering a generic tag TAG
at time
instant t, the list of messages L
(t) received from an-
tennas within the last second is retrieved from the
database. Those elements with an RSSI value that
is lower than a threshold T
in are automatically re-
moved from L
(t). Then, the element with the higher
RSSI value, if it exists, is proposed as candidate posi-
tion CP
(t) to locate the tag. The actual position of
the tag FP
(t) is selected by evaluating CP
(t) and
(t 1). This evaluation considers the probabil-
ity of each transition favoring (but not limiting) the
transitions between adjacent antennas. Algorithm 1
shows how to compute the position FP
(t) given the
candidate position CP
(t) of tag TAG
at time instant
t, its previous position FP
(t 1) with its likelihood
(t 1)). The algorithm requires few threshold
values that are pre-initialized but can be tuned from
the server web interface:
: is the initial likelihood for a new localiza-
: is the value of likelihood that is
added/removed from the total whenever a
right/wrong candidate is proposed;
: is the minimum value of likelihood that is
accepted. Under this level, jumping between non
adjacent antennas is allowed.
Algorithm 1: Localization algorithm.
1: if FP
(t 1)notset then
2: //TAG
has not been localized before
3: FP
(t) CP
4: P(FP
(t)) P
5: else
6: if CP
(t) = FP
(t 1) then
7: //TAG
didn’t move from the last antenna
8: FP
(t) CP
9: P(FP
(t)) P(FP
(t 1)) + P
10: if CP
(t) 6= FP
(t 1) then
11: if ad jacent(CP
(t), FP
(t 1)) then
12: //TAG
moved to an adjacent antenna
13: FP
(t) CP
14: P(FP
(t)) P
15: else
16: //TAG
is constrained
17: if P(FP
(t 1)) > P
18: //TAG
cannot jump
19: FP
(t) FP
(t 1)
20: P(FP
(t)) P(FP
(t 1))
21: else
22: //TAG
can jump
23: FP
(t) CP
24: P(FP
(t)) P(FP
(t 1)) +
3.2 Mobile Application
The mobile application is a primary support for the
caregivers. At the beginning of each work shift, the
caregiver logs in the application, selects his/her role
and immediately sees the position of the patients as-
signed to him. The main features of the application
are listed below:
Notification: caregivers receive a notification if a
patient is approaching or crossing a physical or
virtual boundary for the patient (e.g., the exit of
the facility, the stairs). With this notification mes-
sage, the caregiver can assist immediately and, if
necessary, can also request the intervention of an-
other colleague in support (see Figure 4).
Supporting Alzheimer’s Residential Care - A Novel Indoor Localization System
Figure 3: The map is modeled as a graph where nodes (rep-
resented as squares) stand for Antennas, and arcs (repre-
sented as dashed lines) identify the walkable paths. The
black spot indicates the position of a patient that is always
localized over a node.
Figure 4: The mobile application raises push notifications
to the caregiver whenever a patient violates a virtual fence
or another caregiver ask for help.
Current position: the position of the patients is
visible in real time by consulting the “Map” sec-
tion. The caregiver can, at any time, view the po-
sition of the patients assigned to his shift (see Fig-
ure 5).
Figure 5: The mobile application allows caregivers to local-
ize the patients in the structure.
Meals: selecting a patient, the caregiver can visu-
alize and annotate his/her personal data including
schedules, preferences, intolerances, etc.
Medicines: each patient has a personal sec-
tion linked to medicines with the name of the
medicines to be administered, the schedule, and
the dosage. The caregiver marks in this section
the correct intake of medicines prescribed for the
The Mobile Application has been developed for
Android OS using Flutter framework (Google, 2018).
Caregivers are equipped with an Android smartphone
provided with the Mobile Application already in-
3.3 Data
The gated village “Il Paese Ritrovato” has been inau-
gurated in February, 2018 and it will host 64 guests by
June, 2018. All the guests will be wearing the Blue-
tooth bracelet to allow their localization, while the
caregivers will be provided with a smart card to allow
also their localization inside the structure. Moreover,
the structure is technologically advanced: smart light
bulbs to simulate the sunrise, smart wardrobe to help
patients in dressing, smart beds to help people finding
WINSYS 2018 - International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
the way to toilet during the night, electric shutters and
several environmental sensors.
Once the village will be operative, it will become
a source of data from which to draw for further anal-
ysis such as daily habits and interactions, normal and
abnormal behaviors, etc.
Attendance of Environments. Using localization
data it is possible to determine how patients relate
to the environment; this is particularly important in
a village like “Il Paese Ritrovato” that is constantly
investing in the research of new strategies to to make
patients live better. These data constitute an important
source of knowledge to evaluate patients’ response to
the introduction of new experimental techniques.
Interaction. Alzheimer’s disease is characterized
by difficulties in language, in performing actions, in
perception (agnosia), and in the execution of complex
movements (apraxia); linguistic problems are mainly
characterized by an impoverishment in the vocabulary
and a decrease in fluency, leading to a general deple-
tion of oral and written language. Caregivers usually
annotate relevant observed behaviors in order to track
the progression of the disease and to share these in-
formation with their colleague. The use of the data
collected in the structure allows continuous monitor-
ing of patient’s interaction, providing caregivers with
a basis of knowledge on which to base their observa-
Behavior. Many researchers are addressing the
problem of Activity Recognition and Behavioral
Changes leveraging Machine Learning Techniques on
data streams; their aim is to provide support in the
early diagnosis of chronic diseases and/or anomalies
(e.g., falls, strokes). The over mentioned dataset al-
lows the creation of behavioral path for the individual
defined as the sequentiality of his/her activities during
the day with their duration and location. Alzheimer’s
is a form of degenerative dementia that becomes pro-
gressively disabling for the individual, therefore the
timing of the evolution of these events are not known.
The creation of this behavioral path allows the iden-
tification of a growing discrepancy in the execution
of simple activities (e.g., having breakfast) and po-
tentially the delineation a different path of degener-
ation for each patient. In the intermediate phase of
the disease patients slowly are no longer able to per-
form daily activities, which entail a variation in the
daily routine of the patient. The caregiver needs to
know any variation in the schedule of activity of the
individual, in order to prevent possible abnormal sit-
A novel indoor localization system has been designed
to answer the needs of residential care for people af-
fected by Alzheimer’s disease. The application con-
text is “Il Paese Ritrovato”, a health-care facility
which is researching for innovative treatments to sup-
port the wellbeing of patients. Upon arrival in the
structure, patients are equipped with a bracelet con-
taining an iBeacon thanks to which they are moni-
tored during their stay. Data broadcasted by the iBea-
cons are collected through the use of Raspberry de-
vices acting as receiving antennas and analyzed with a
Web Server. The system evaluates the RSSI of the re-
ceived signal and corrects the computed position with
a probabilistic approach to avoid wall-crossing. In the
traditional approach, the beacons are positioned per-
manently while the BLE enabled device is in motion.
The system implemented involves a reverse approach:
the beacons become the moving devices, to be lo-
cated thanks to the antennas (BLE enabled devices)
arranged in the environments.
The first contribution of the paper is the design
of an indoor localization system which is accepted
and used on people affected by Alzheimer disease.
Thus, caregivers have the possibility to monitor their
patients using a mobile application which is able to
show their position on the map and notify whenever a
patient is violating a virtual fence.
The second contribution of this work is the cre-
ation of a new dataset referring to the life of elderly af-
fected by Alzheimer’s disease in a controlled environ-
ment. This dataset will contain data referring to the
localization of people, their interaction with IoT de-
vices, their medicines and meals consumptions, their
activities and expert annotations. All the collected
data will be extremely important for analysis in the
field of Behavioral Drift with the aim of identifying
- for example - what triggers an acceleration in the
progression of the disease.
This system is currently in an experimental state
at the structure built by the La Meridiana cooperative
which will open in June 2018.
Authors would like to thanks La Meridiana coopera-
tive and Fabrizio Danese who contributed to this work
with his Master Thesis in Computer Science at Po-
litecnico di Milano University.
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WINSYS 2018 - International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems