A Framework for Web Application Integrity
Pedro Fortuna
, Nuno Pereira
and Ismail Butun
Jscrambler, Rua Alfredo Allen, 455, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal
DEI/ISEP/IPP, Department of Computer Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Department of Computer Engineering, Abdullah Gul University, Kayseri, Turkey
Department of Information Systems and Technology (IST), Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden
Keywords: Web Application, Application Security, Obfuscation, Execution Integrity, Data Integrity.
Abstract: Due to their universal accessibility, interactivity and scaling ease, Web applications relying on client-side
code execution are currently the most common form of delivering applications and it is likely that they will
continue to enter into less common realms such as IoT-based applications. We reason that modern Web
applications should be able to exhibit advanced security protection mechanisms and review the research
literature that points to useful partial solutions. Then, we propose a framework to support such characteristics
and the features needed to implement them, providing a roadmap for a comprehensive solution to support
Web application integrity.
Web applications had a significant evolution in the
last decade. They went from applications with very
little interactivity, where the user would explicitly
submit each request to the server and wait for the
response, to the exceptionally interactive applications
of today, which rival with native applications. In large
part, this evolution is due to a model based on the
execution of Web application code on the browser.
Besides the interactivity that executing code on the
client’s browser allows, it also enables Web
applications to scale more easily.
Web applications that follow the browser
execution model are perhaps the most common form
of delivering software nowadays. A natural desire to
have uniform application delivery and development
is leading to the appearance of the Web application
model based on client-side code execution in many
different areas and devices. Web applications
however still face serious security challenges, and
client-side code execution presents particular
difficulties that are not trivial to overcome. When the
code executes on the client, measures implemented
on the server to protect the application against certain
types of attacks are of little or no use (Nava and
Lindsay, 2009), as the data flow of attacks frequently
does not involve the server. Threats to client-side
code execution can arise from, for example, malicious
browser extensions (Kapravelos et al., 2014), or third-
party code included by the Web application (a
common practice related to revenue models based on
advertisement networks), which create trust relation-
ships that attackers can exploit (Nikiforakis et al.,
2012). Section 4 discusses these and other threats
more systematically.
While client-side Web application protection is
not a new research theme, we propose two important
directions: (i) a comprehensive framework providing
a level of protection that is not possible with partial
solutions (which we will review in Section 5), and (ii)
include in the framework features for self-protection,
self-healing and data integrity. Another important
feature is that our framework relies on protections
being delivered with the application code. This
facilitates the delivery of up-to-date protection
without assuming a particular execution environment
other than a standard Web application execution
1.1 Organization
In the following section (Section 2), we will start by
developing further why we think Web applications
are entering new realms of IoT-based applications.
This motivates the need for Web applications that
provide advanced security guarantees (self-healing,
self-protection and data integrity). Next, in Section 3,
Fortuna, P., Pereira, N. and Butun, I.
A Framework for Web Application Integrity.
DOI: 10.5220/0006720204870493
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Pr ivacy (ICISSP 2018), pages 487-493
ISBN: 978-989-758-282-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Techniques Towards Self-healing and Self-protecting Applications.
we will provide an overview of the research literature
concerning self-healing, self-protection and data
integrity. Section 4 will present the threats against
Web applications with client-side code execution and
formalize our threat model. Section 5 introduces our
framework for Web Application Integrity and finally,
Section 6 provides conclusions.
In this section, we will present several examples that
support Web applications are going beyond
traditional scenarios. Not only we can find today
many devices and platforms that support this type of
applications, but also there is an increasing trend to
develop them for different areas of everyday life.
Traditionally, embedded systems were rather
closed to the outside world, having very limited
networking options. However, this is increasingly not
the case. Most embedded systems today can be
globally connected using the Internet Protocol (IP)
standard, and take part of what became known as the
Internet of Things (IoT). Developers of systems for
the IoT soon started employing the same standards
used to develop Web applications, giving birth to yet
a new term: the Web of Things (WoT) (Atzori and
Morabito, 2010). By developing WoT applications,
developers tap on the already available protocols,
libraries (e.g. HTTP, Websockets, JSON), the large
amount of trained developers, and are also able to
benefit from the architectural advantages of the Web
application model, such as scalability and ease of
update which is important problem of today’s IoT
(Schneier, B., 2014).
Javascript plays a central role in the development
of WoT applications. While traditionally its adoption
in embedded devices was dismissed due to its
increased requirements on computing resources, we
can observe that many platforms enabling developers
to create WoT applications have appeared recently
(e.g. (“The Tessel Board,” 2017)).
A testament to the advantages of using existing
protocols for the WoT is also the amount of Web
application development tools for this type of devices
that appeared very quickly. The Cyclon.js (Cylon.js,
2017) is a JavaScript framework for robotics and
WoT applications, currently supporting 43 different
platforms. IoT.js (IoT.js, 2017) is a framework for
application development, based on JerryScript, a
lightweight JavaScript engine, both open sourced by
Samsung. Pi.js (Pi.js, 2017), is a cloud-based
platform that supports writing JavaScript applications
for the Raspberry Pi. These are just a few illustrating
examples of the plethora of available tools for WoT
application development. Naturally, along with these
efforts, we can see the development of many
emerging application domains from wearables, home
automation, manufacturing, building management,
and many other domains (Raggett, 2015).
We will now present an overview of techniques that
can be relevant for developing self-healing and self-
protecting Web applications. We have three main
classes of techniques: protection, detection and
healing, as depicted in Figure 1. This is not an
extensive review of all existing techniques, but rather
an overview of the more relevant techniques in the
context of our work.
3.1 Protection
Code Obfuscation and Encryption: code obfusca-
tion is the process of transforming an original source
Obfuscation 
andVot ing
Escal ation
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
code into a form that is much harder to understand
and to debug, and assuring at the same time that the
transformed code maintains the original functionality
intact. While obfuscation, as a security approach, is
generally not considered a strong and proven defence
as encryption. However, recent work (Garg et al.,
2013) established that obfuscation could theoretically
be as secure as encryption in some applications, and
this is an important development. Code obfuscation
can also be combined with code encryption or code
encoding techniques to make the resulting code more
difficult to tamper with.
Redundancy and Diversity: pertains to techniques
that use redundant program instances to force
adversaries to manipulate more than one instance to
be successful (Cox et al., 2006). Techniques that try
to remove some of the predictability of the program
execution and location of code and data as a barrier to
program manipulation (Larsen et al., 2014). An
important example is code polymorphism, which
aims to defeat automated tampering attacks by
frequently changing the aspect of the code.
Isolation: isolation is a fundamental technique in
modern operating systems. This technique is useful,
for example, to encapsulate application modules that
need different sets of privileges, and are a way to
delineate trust boundaries.
Code Guards: is a technique that consists in
spreading multiple checks throughout the code,
usually benefiting from code obfuscation. These
checks enforce some restriction and may also defend
themselves mutually (Chang et al., 2001).
White-box Cryptography: is a technique for
protecting cryptographic code deployed to
uncontrolled environments or devices (Chow et al.,
2002). The protection is achieved by hiding the key
using mathematical operations.
3.2 Detection
Some self-healing and self-protecting capabilities are
triggered by the detection of some threat. In order to
perform detection several techniques can be
Monitoring Behaviour: the execution of the
application can be constantly monitored by an
external module (for example, the operating system
or the browser in the case of Web applications), and
this execution can be compared against a model of the
normal execution of the application. This model can,
for example, be a description of the expected
interactions between system resources (Huang et al.,
2008). There are also examples of building execution
models using machine-learning techniques that
enable the classification of malicious web
applications (Borgolte et al., 2013).
Execution Paths: the execution path of an
application can be an instance of monitoring
behaviour by an external module, or the execution
path can be controlled by inserting code checks into
the application itself, to ensure that the code
execution path is legitimate. One example of this
technique is the Control Flow Integrity (Gekas et al.,
2014) employed to protect native applications.
Integrity Checks: aim to detect if the application has
been tampered, e.g. (Li et al., 2009). Integrity checks
can be built into the code or done remotely, but in
both cases, they usually rely on strong assumptions
about the execution of the verification code, usually
employing self-check-summing techniques. One
important area is data integrity, where it is often
assumed that secure communication channels can
alone provide adequate guarantees. However, there
are threats to web applications that can bypass secure
channels (our threat model in Section 4 includes such
scenarios), and several work approached this problem
with both client-side and server-side solutions
(Hallgren et al., 2013), (Karapanos et al., 2016).
3.3 Healing
In regard to the mechanisms to recover from attacks,
we start by noting that many protection mechanisms
are designed to cause the application to fail
irrecoverably in order to stop an attack (e.g. (Oishi
and Matsumoto, 2011)). While this approach is
suiting for many applications, it is not an option for
safety-critical applications.
Failure Plans: applications can be designed with
handlers for expected security exceptions, and,
instead to irrecoverable failure, these handlers may
attempt to get the application back to a safe state.
Theory in development and analysis of software
safety plans is an extensive area, with many previous
useful results (Ravikumar and Subramaniam, 2016).
Redundancy and Voting: Redundancy coupled with
a mechanism to decide on the correct output (such as
voting) is a well-known mechanism for healing and
recovery (Latif-Shabgahi et al., 2004).
Escalation and Challenge: security escalation by
triggering other defences or by presenting a challenge
that only a legitimate user will be able to pass is also
a widely used technique.
A Framework for Web Application Integrity
Figure 2: Threat Model and Trust Boundary.
We assume the hostile host model, widely used in
previous work on tamper-resistant software (Collberg
and Thomborson, 2002). The attacker is capable of
inspecting, tamper or inject code, to steal sensitive
information that can be used in a broader scale attack.
This is also an attack on the user’s privacy (provided
that the application manipulates or receives user
data). The attacker can also apply deception
techniques by changing the code to manipulate the
messages that are presented to the user of the
Figure 2 depicts our threat model. The attacker
can employ debugging tools, malicious browser
extensions, Man-in-the-Browser Trojans (other than
browser extensions, e.g. API hooking or malicious
JavaScript), or can compromise third-party code
included in the application (from, e.g. advertisement
networks). These tools can allow the attacker to
analyse, manipulate or inject code, and also
manipulate the webpage content and its object-
oriented representation the Document Object Model
(DOM). Our main goal is then to enforce the web
application trust boundary protecting the web
application execution from malicious manipulation
on the browser platform.
In order to enforce the Web Application trust
boundary depicted in Figure 2, we need to protect the
application execution from other code and plugins
running on the Browser. Additionally, we also need
to ensure the integrity of the Web application code,
the DOM and application data. One important
characteristic we wanted to enforce in our solution is
that all protection mechanisms are delivered together
with the Web Application code and do not rely in any
particular execution environment (such as a dedicated
Browser plugin). Only a standard Browser with a
modern Javascript execution environment is required.
This also has the very important advantage of
enabling easier updates to the protection mechanisms.
An overview of the proposed solution is presented
in Figure 3. The solution is inspired by techniques
reviewed in Section 3, and relies on code
transformations made to the application code on the
server side so that it includes the protection
framework. The protection framework will then be
delivered along with the Web application and
executed on the client. The code transformations
performed also include performing integrity checks
on the data exchanged. We will now briefly discuss
the two main mechanisms of our framework: (i) code
execution protection and (ii) integrity protection.
5.1 Code Execution Protection
This mechanism employs state-of-the-art obfuscation
techniques (introduced in Section 3) to protect the
code from analysis, code injection and execution
manipulation. Our approach is to bundle together the
Web application code with the DOM, code and data
integrity check mechanisms and use the code
execution protection to ensure that they are executed
as a whole, without being manipulated.
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 3: Overview of the Solution for Web Application Integrity.
We currently implemented several obfuscation-based
techniques to impose significant barriers:
(i) to application analysis (through extensive code
transformations and anti-debugging traps);
(ii) to application tampering (by using tamper-
resistant code and tamper-detection), and
(iii) to attack automation (by using diversity in the
transformed code). Further details and an evaluation
of this protection mechanism is ongoing work that we
deem out of the scope of this first effort that aims to
outline our complete Web Application integrity
5.2 Integrity Protection
As indicated in our threat model, there are scenarios
where data can be manipulated before reaching
standard secure communication channels (such as
HTTPS), therefore integrity checks must be executed
by the application that is protected by the code
execution mechanism discussed in Section 5.3.
The main mechanism for integrity protection is to
employ a message authentication code (MAC). In
order to create and verify MACs, the webserver and
the web application running on the client need to
share a session key, which we negotiate when the
Web application is first delivered to the client. We do
not rely on keys negotiated by TLS as these are
usually not available to the Web application.
We will not go through the details of the key
exchange mechanism, but our approach is to employ
a well-known key exchange protocol the
Authenticated Diffie-Helman protocol (Diffie et al.,
1992). This requires the client to have access to a
public key of the website, and we assume this can be
made available through a server certificate that the
client can verify using common browser
functionality. There is however one important
underlying assumption: we have to trust the browser
platform to perform this verification. We think this is
a reasonable assumption as the browser should not
allow plugins to interfere with such calls and is within
our threat model.
The session key established can then be used for
DOM, code and data MAC-based integrity checks
as discussed in the following subsections. On the
server side, we need to also compute these MACs
(including a nonce to avoid replay attacks) and send
them to the Web Application code running on the
client. This is the task of the Integrity Endpoint
depicted in Figure 3.
5.2.1 Dom Integrity Check
The DOM performs as an interface between
JavaScript and the real document to allow the creation
of dynamic webpages and recent security attacks
targeted the DOM rather than the webpage itself
(Gupta and Gupta, 2017), therefore it is important to
also check the integrity of the webpage’s DOM. To
do this, we perform integrity checks of the DOM
similar to previous work (Li et al., 2009), using a one-
way hash function to compute a fingerprint of the
document on the webserver and then verify this
fingerprint on the client. One important difficulty to
overcome is that modern Web Applications make
dynamic changes to the DOM, and it is hard to
distinguish the legitimacy of the changes. Our current
mechanism performs static checks to selected
sections of the DOM, but a more sophisticated
mechanism is needed in general and we leave this for
future ongoing work.
A Framework for Web Application Integrity
5.2.2 Code Integrity
Before the application code itself is executed, it needs
to be checked for its integrity and this can be trivially
done using the already established session key and
verifying the MAC and nonce computed on the client
with the ones sent by the webserver.
5.2.3 Data Integrity
During execution, the Web application might request
data from the webserver. Our approach is to, during
the code transformation phase, scan all calls that
result in these data exchanges (such as calls to
XMLHttpRequest() in JavaScript) and inject the logic
necessary to perform integrity checks on these data
(i.e. generate and verify the MACs and nonces). In
this way, we can also guarantee the integrity of the
data at the Web application being executed under the
code protection mechanism.
We have presented a framework, inspired by existing
building blocks, which delineates a possible future for
Web application integrity protection. Our framework
relies heavily on an obfuscation-based code
protection mechanism, which enforces a trust
boundary inside the browser. In this work, we focus
on outlining this complete Web Application integrity
As discussed, WoT applications are set to become
omnipresent, and our framework becomes even more
relevant under this assumption. Supporting different
types of devices (interoperability), with different
capabilities is one important aspect to be addressed
by our implementation. We note however that there
are already very capable platforms for WoT
applications (Sin and Shin, 2016). Proof-of-concept
implementation and performance evaluation (e.g.
evaluating overhead introduced by our code
transformations) of our proposed framework are left
as a future work.
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