Power Optimization by Cooling Photovoltaic Plants as a Dynamic
Self-adaptive Regulation Problem
Valerian Guivarch, Carole Bernon and Marie-Pierre Gleizes
IRIT, Universit
e de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
Multi-agent System, Control, Photovoltaic energy, Self-adaptation.
This paper shows an approach to control cooling devices for photovoltaic plants in order to optimize the
energy production thanks to a limited reserve of harvested rainwater. This is a complex problem, considering
the dynamic environment and the interdependence of the parameters, such as the weather data and the state of
the photovoltaic panels. Our claim is to design a system composed of autonomous components cooperating in
order to obtain an emergent efficient control.
Solar energy is a very promising solution for energy
production since the sun provides an unlimited source
of energy. Many studies have been performed to im-
prove the technology for converting the solar energy
into electrical energy (Lewis, 2016). A photovoltaic
(PV) plant consists in a large number of photovoltaic
panels connected in series, producing energy accord-
ing to the power received from the sun or irradiance.
Studies (Akbarzadeh and Wadowski, 1996) (Skoplaki
and Palyvos, 2009) showed that the ability of a PV
panel depends strongly of its temperature, with a volt-
age decreasing by one volt per half degree (Shan et al.,
2014). So, when the perceived irradiation is very
high, the photovoltaic panel heats and produces less
energy than with a lower irradiation.
In order to increase the panels efficiency and en-
sure them a longer life, researchers converge toward
cooling and cleaning solutions (Sargunanathan et al.,
2016). (Alami, 2014), (Chandrasekar and Senthilku-
mar, 2015), (Ebrahimi et al., 2015), (Bahaidarah et al.,
2016), (Ni
c et al., 2016), (Sargunanathan et al.,
2016). These solutions involve an intelligent use of
water reserves in order to be efficient. Adopting an
automatic regulation reinforces the importance of a
right balance between using water supplies to im-
prove current energy production and saving the water
reserves in order to not miss them later. This equi-
librium depends on several interdependent data: cur-
rent water level and current energy production, but
also current meteorological conditions, weather fore-
casts, statistics about past meteorological conditions,
etc. Consequently the regulation process for clean-
ing and cooling panels must answer several questions:
What amount of water reserve has to be used for the
current day? How to distribute it during the day? How
the estimation of water reserve during the next days is
influenced by the weather forecast?
Considering the non-linearity of this regulation
problem, the imprecision of the forecast, the possi-
ble changes (addition or removal of sensors), or the
degradation of the photovoltaic panels, these choices
become a complex problem. Using a system able to
perform a learning process for changing its own be-
haviour at runtime becomes therefore inevitable.
The objective of the work described in this paper
is to propose such an intelligent strategy. A multi-
agent system, named AmaSun, is designed for opti-
mizing the energy production of a photovoltaic plant
considering a limited amount of water. The paper is
structured as follows: sections 2 and 3 present the
context of this work, section 4 describes the system
designed to regulate the cooling of PV panels, and
section 5 evaluates some aspects of this system before
concluding on prospects in section 6.
Controlling systems is a generic problem that can be
expressed as finding which modifications are needed
Guivarch, V., Bernon, C. and Gleizes, M-P.
Power Optimization by Cooling Photovoltaic Plants as a Dynamic Self-adaptive Regulation Problem.
DOI: 10.5220/0006654502760281
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 1, pages 276-281
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to be applied on the inputs in order to obtain the de-
sired effects on the ouputs. The most well-known
types of control are perfomed by PID, adaptive or in-
telligent controllers.
The widely used Proportional-Integral-Derivative
(PID) controller computes three terms related to the
error between the current and the desired state of the
controlled system, from which it deduces the next ac-
tion to apply (
om and H
agglund, 2001). PID con-
trollers are not efficient with complex systems, due to
their difficulties to handle several inputs and outputs
and to deal with non-linearity.
Model-based approaches like Model Predictive
Control (MPC) (Nikolaou, 2001) use a model able to
forecast the behaviour of the system in order to find
the optimal control scheme. These approaches han-
dle several inputs but are limited by the mathematical
models they use. The Dual Control Theory uses two
types of commands: the actual controls that drive the
system to the desired state, and probes to observe the
system reactions and refine the controllers knowledge
(Feldbaum, 1961). The concepts behind this approach
are interesting but a heavy instantiation work is still
required for a system such as a PV plant.
Intelligent control regroups approaches that use
Artificial Intelligence methods to enhance existing
controllers among which neural networks (Hamm
et al., 2002), fuzzy logic (Lee, 1990), expert systems
(Stengel and Ryan, 1991) and Bayesian controllers
(Del Castillo, 2007). These methods can be easily
combined but they unfortunately require a fine grain
description of the system to control, which is inap-
propriate for the photovoltaic plant because it evolves
during time.
Considering the dynamics to take into account dur-
ing the regulation: inaccuracy of the weather fore-
casts, possible changes in sensors (addition/removal),
or degradation of the PV panels, a system able to per-
form a learning process in order to change its own
behaviour at runtime is then required. Some heuristic
learning algorithms, as the genetic algorithms, allow
to take account of these constraints but require a large
number of iterations to obtain a relevant behaviour.
Therefore they are not relevant for our objective of
a quick learning. On the other hand, because of the
evolution of the environment, a dynamic learning is
required, making the offline learning process not rel-
Multi-agent systems represent an appropriate
technology to deal with the dynamic and complex
nature of such a problem (Jennings and Bussmann,
2003), and considering the fact that self-adaptation is
a key to solve it, we focused our study on Adaptive
Multi-Agent Systems (AMAS) (Gleizes, 2011). The
AMAS approach enables to design a system to solve a
complex problem through a bottom-up approach: lo-
cal functions of the agents composing the system are
first defined – bearing in mind that each agent tries to
reach its own objective – and then the cooperative in-
teractions between these agents allow to collectively
produce a global emerging functionality. According
to the AMAS approach, each agent must maintain
from its local point of view – cooperative interactions
with the agents it knows and with the environment
of the system (Georg
e et al., 2011). If an agent en-
counters a Non Cooperative Situation (NCS), it has to
solve it to come back into a cooperative state. The
criticality measure – the distance between the current
state of an agent and the state where its goal is reached
– helps also an agent to remain in a cooperative state.
The behaviour of an agent in an AMAS consists to
continuously act for decreasing both its own critical-
ity and the criticality of its neighborhood. The AMAS
technology has been, for instance, used to solve prob-
lems of real-time control such as heat engine (Boes
et al., 2013) or game parameters control (Pons and
Bernon, 2013).
Considering the ability of AMAS to take into ac-
count environmental dynamics, we consider this ap-
proach relevant for designing a system able to opti-
mize the energy production of a photovoltaic plant by
using environmental conditions and weather forecasts
to determine when to activate cooling devices.
This section first defines the general architecture of
AmaSun, a self-adaptive multi-agent system which
aims at maximizing energy production by controlling
when to cool photovoltaic panels while using water
reserves in an effective way, as only harvested rainwa-
ter can be used. The behaviours of the agents involved
in this control system are then described.
Figure 1 represents the global architecture of
AmaSun and its environment. The AmaSun control
system collects data from external modules such as
the database in which the historical meteorological
data of previous years are recorded, as well as the
Power Optimization by Cooling Photovoltaic Plants as a Dynamic Self-adaptive Regulation Problem
weather forecasts. It also collects data from local
sensors through the DataManager module, including
environmental data (temperature, wind power, solar
irradiance) and internal data about the photovoltaic
plant (panel temperatures, water level in the tank, cur-
rent energy produced). All these data are collected
thanks to sensors at the level of the photovoltaic pan-
els. The system is also connected to the cooling de-
vices to which it can send activation commands.
Figure 1: General architecture of AmaSun.
Four types of agents are used in AmaSun to con-
trol the cooling: the Energy agent determines if the
current energy production is satisfactory or not, the
Water agent determines the amount of water usable
by the system, and the Controller agent, thanks to a
set of Context agents, determines when to activate the
cooling devices. Every minute (i.e. every cycle), the
system receives a data update from the DataManager,
and each agent acts depending on these values.
4.1 Energy Agent
The objective of the Energy agent is to maximize the
Energy Production (EP) i.e. to minimize the loss of
efficiency by reducing the gap between the optimum
energy production and the current energy production.
As we do not consider the optimum energy production
as a theoretical value but as an empirical evaluation
depending on the additions or removals of sensors, the
decay of the panels, and so on, we prefer to consider
the Real Optimum Energy Production (ROEP).
If we consider a PV panel with a constant low
temperature, the energy production depends only on
solar irradiance. Therefore, ROEP, the highest en-
ergy value that can be produced with this irradiance,
is computed by the linear function F
which ap-
plies a ratio R to the value of irradiance Ir:
(Ir) = R Ir
Even if the Energy agent cannot directly decide
when to activate the cooling devices, it can express its
criticality level to drive the Controller agent to spray
water when it is necessary. Because the goal of the
Energy agent is to minimize the difference between
EP and ROEP, we consider the criticality C of the
Energy agent as this difference : C = ROEP EP.
The good behaviour of the system depends on
the ability of the Energy agent to correctly estimate
ROEP. If C is globally too low, the system will not
perform enough cooling activations and the Energy
agent will not be able to reach its goal. If C is globally
too high, too many activations will be performed to
try to decrease it, to the detriment of the other agents.
These two problems occur when the ratio R used to
convert the irradiance into ROEP is too high or too
low. Therefore, the Energy agent has to detect these
situations and consequently to adapt the value of R to
solve them.
When the value of EP is higher than ROEP, since
this situation is theoretically not possible, this means
that R is too low, so the Energy agent increases R until
EP becomes lower or equal to ROEP. When ROEP is
higher than 100%, another situation theoretically not
possible, this means that R is too high, so the Energy
agent decreases R until ROEP becomes lower than
This cooperative mechanism allows the Energy
agent to learn at runtime how to convert the irradiance
value into ROEP.
4.2 Water Agent
The goal of the Water agent is to make an efficient
use of the harvested rainwater; it is satisfied when
it is able to supply the water requested by the Con-
troller agent to cool panels. Two obvious situations
could prevent it to perform in the best way: the tank is
empty when water is required, which means too much
water was previously used, or the tank is full while it
is raining, which means more water could have been
used previously. However, it is not reasonable to wait
until these situations happen to decide too much or
too little water was used.
The decisions about when to efficiently use water
are then performed by cooperation of both the Water
and Controller agents: the Water agent determines
how much water the system has to use for a given
amount of time, and the Controller agent determines
which policy as to be applied during this same period
of time in order to use as precisely as possible this
amount of water. On average, a constant loss of wa-
ter is used each time a cooling device is activated, the
Water agent therefore expresses the amount of water
the Controller agent is allowed to use as a number of
activations of the cooling devices.
Actually, the Water agent is not completely im-
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
plemented yet in the current AmaSun version, and an
empirical number of activations of the cooling devices
per day is considered. In the future, the Water agent
will decide the value of the activation number based
on the weather forecast and the amount of water.
4.3 Controller Agent
The aim of the Controller agent is to determine the
behaviour of the cooling devices, for a given period
of time (e.g., a day), in order to meet both the Water
and Energy agents’ requirements. At the beginning
of the day, the Controller agent determines an activa-
tion threshold value, AT. During the day, for meet-
ing the constraints of the Energy agent, each time the
criticality C of this Energy agent exceeds AT , cooling
devices are activated. To fulfil also the constraints of
the Water agent, the value of AT takes into account
the required number of cooling devices activations it
However, this policy of activation depends
strongly on the context in which the photovoltaic pan-
els are, in particular the temperature, the solar irradi-
ance and, more generally, the weather conditions.
The AT value is determined thanks to the weather
forecast for the next day. As a matter of fact, if we
consider the number of activations for a period of one
hundred cycles, i.e. the percentage of activations Pa
for a period of time, this value depends, on the one
hand, on the AT value, a higher value for AT involv-
ing a lower value of Pa, and on the other hand, on
the weather of the next day, a bright day involving a
higher value for Pa than a rainy or a dark day. To
determine which value of AT will involve the correct
Pa value for the next day, the Controller agent is as-
sociated with a set of Context agents. Each Context
agent represents a specific weather, and owns a func-
tion τ(AT ) that takes an AT value chosen by the Con-
troller agent, as input, and sends back an estimation
of the Pa value with this value of AT , as output.
Thanks to the set of Context agents represent-
ing the weather forecasts each Context agent be-
ing involved depending on the duration its associated
weather is forecasted the Controller agent can es-
tablish the value of Pa for the next day depending on
a given value of AT by interacting with the Context
agent, as explained in the next section. So, at the be-
ginning of each day, it estimates by dichotomy the
correct value of AT to obtain the Pa that corresponds
to the required number of cooling device activations.
4.4 Context Agents
There are typically several hundred of Context agents
in the controller system since a Context agent repre-
sents information about a specific weather condition.
The goal of such an agent is to be able to evaluate
the percentage of activations of the cooling devices
for its associated weather depending on the activation
threshold AT given by the Controller agent.
A Context agent owns a values range per each
weather piece of data associated with its weather con-
dition: temperature, solar irradiance and wind speed.
When the current weather values are included in the
values ranges of a Context agent, it considers itself as
valid, and invalid otherwise. In a similar way, when it
becomes valid for a weather forecast, this means that
it will probably be valid the next day, so it signals this
information to the Controller agent which will take it
into account when computing AT .
A Context agent observes the state of the cooling
devices, it counts the total number of cycles where
it is valid and the specific number of cycles where
the cooling devices are also activated. A Context
agent records a map to associate these values, in other
words, the ratio of the number of cycles with activated
cooling devices NB
[AT ] to the total of cycles
[AT ], depending on the AT value. This ratio
not only depends on AT but also on the weather asso-
ciated with the Context agent, some weather involv-
ing more cooling devices activations, so each Context
agent has its own map.
When the Controller agent tries to estimate the
percentage of activations Pa with a given threshold
AT at the beginning of the day, each Context agent
has to be able to generalize its estimation thanks to its
previous observations. So, it uses its function τ(AT ),
which is a linear regression weighted by the total
number of cycles for each value of AT . With every
functioning day, the Context agent increases the pre-
cision of the τ(AT ) function. To perform the learning
process, a Context agent makes evolving its knowl-
edge, such as its τ(AT ) function, in order to represent
more correctly its associated weather. Then, the evo-
lution of the number and knowledge of the Context
agents allows to improve the knowledge of the Con-
troller agent.
The goal of the Adaptive Multi-Agent System Ama-
Sun is to estimate the amount of rainwater which has
to be used each day, and then to determine each day
when to activate the cooling devices to maximize the
Power Optimization by Cooling Photovoltaic Plants as a Dynamic Self-adaptive Regulation Problem
energy production by using this rainwater amount.
However, the Water agent behaviour is still under
study and then we focus here on evaluating the abil-
ity of AmaSun to learn how to maximize the energy
production with a given amount of rainwater.
The learning process performed by AmaSun is
an on-line learning, that means it requires a retro-
action loop with its environment: it makes actions
and observes the feedback from this environment. To
perform the next evaluations, simulated photovoltaic
panels are used for testing several months of Ama-
Sun operation in a few minutes. They are based on
real data recorded from an actual PV panel plant and
coupled with historical weather data, to generate a
model of the photovoltaic panels using a neural net-
work system, thanks to the Weka tool (Holmes et al.,
1994). This model takes into account the environmen-
tal conditions (solar irradiance, temperature and wind
power), state of the cooling devices (activated or not)
and the previous temperature of the PV panels, for
generating the new temperature of the panels.
In this evaluation, the Water agent decides how
many cooling devices activations have to be per-
formed each day, depending only on the solar irra-
diance forecast. This simple computing is sufficient
enough to evaluate the AmaSun ability to perform the
number of actions we tell it to perform, independently
from the pertinence of this number. Once the Water
agent will also be able to decide what is the best num-
ber of activations to do, AmaSun will be able to find
the best cooling control.
Figure 2: Requested and actually performed number of
cooling devices activations.
Figure 2 shows the number of cooling devices ac-
tivations that AmaSun has to perform during the day
(i.e. requested, light curve), as determined by the Wa-
ter agent at the beginning of the day, and the num-
ber of activations actually performed at the end of
each day (dark curve). The decreasing number of re-
quested actions is only the result of the decreasing ir-
radiance between the beginning of September and the
end of December. The important thing is the low dif-
ference between the two curves, represented in figure
3. While still high the very first days of the learning,
this difference rapidly decreases.
Figure 3: Difference between requested and actually per-
formed number of cooling devices activations.
We performed the same simulation with data com-
ing from three different real power plants. For each
place, we observed the difference between the num-
ber of requested and actually performed actions, and
we obtained an average deviation of 18%. This value
can be considered good because it is obtained with-
out any previous knowledge. At the end of the sim-
ulations, we have an average number of 154 Context
agents to represent the encountered weathers. Since
AmaSun starts without any Context agents, the ability
of the agents to evaluate the correct value of thresh-
old AT in order to obtain the right number of activa-
tions depends only on the observations made by the
system at runtime over the days. Moreover, the data
used as input to AmaSun are subject to a lot of distur-
bances: the data perceived by the sensors are heavily
noisy, weather forecasts are partially inaccurate, and
given hourly whereas the system works with a cycle
per minute.
This paper introduced the problem of using a Multi-
Agent System-based controller to increase the energy
production of a photovoltaic plant thanks to the use
of cooling devices connected to a limited reserve of
rainwater. Due to the interdependence of several pa-
rameters, we cannot define a classical control function
to optimize the energy production.
To answer this problem, we designed AmaSun, an
Adaptive Multi-Agent System able to learn, depend-
ing on environmental conditions and weather fore-
casts, the amount of water to use during a period,
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the optimal energy production depending on the per-
ceived solar irradiance value and which gap, between
the current energy production and the estimated opti-
mal energy production, is permitted before activating
the cooling devices in order to use the allowed water
in the most efficient manner.
Preliminary results were given on this latter point
and to complete AmaSun, our ongoing work will
study how, depending on weather forecasts, the op-
timal number of activations is to be estimated, and,
considering the amount of water the system pos-
sesses, how many activations it has to perform each
day. Moreover, in order to more efficiently evaluate
the impact of AmaSun, we plan to equip half of the
photovoltaic panels of a real plant with this control
system, while the other half of the panels will work
without any cooling device.
This work is part of a research project SuniAgri
funded by the ERDF of the European Union and the
French Occitanie Region. We would like also to thank
the SUNiBRAIN company, our partner in this project.
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Power Optimization by Cooling Photovoltaic Plants as a Dynamic Self-adaptive Regulation Problem