Modelling Attitudes of Dialogue Participants
Reasoning and Communicative Space
Mare Koit
Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, J. Liivi 2, Tartu, Estonia
Keywords: Reasoning, Communicative Space, Dialogue Corpus, Knowledge Representation.
Abstract: The paper introduces a dialogue model, concentrating on attitudes of dialogue participants. Two kinds of
attitudes are under consideration: (1) attitudes related to different aspects of a negotiation object (in our
case, doing an action) which direct reasoning in communication, and (2) attitudes related to a
communication partner (dominance-subordination, cooperation-antagonism, communicative distance, etc.)
which are modelled by using the concept of communicative space. Telemarketing calls in the Estonian
dialogue corpus are analysed in order to illustrate communicative space and to find out linguistic cues for
automatic recognition of different coordinates. A limited version of the dialogue model is implemented on
the computer.
When communicating, people express their attitudes
which depend on their individual characteristics,
social roles, topic of conversation, etc. Social
attitude or interpersonal stance is an affective style
that can be employed in an interaction with a person
or a group of persons. It consists of conveying a
particular feeling in the interaction, for instance,
being friendly, dominant, hostile or polite (Scherer,
2005). These attitudes can be conveyed by words
and voice features but also by nonverbal means
facial expression, body movement, and gestures
(Knapp and Stone, 2009). There are some important
cues generated with speech: tone, volume, speed of
voice can change, depending on the social attitude.
Similarly, the relations we have with other people
influence our body gestures. These verbal and
nonverbal cues are used in an interaction in an
unconscious process to communicate and understand
an attitude. Depending on the gestures and facial
signals one is displaying, a social attitude can be
perceived (Ravenet et al., 2012).
The results of studies of human-human
communication can be used when modelling
interaction with the computer. Different features
have to be taken into account in order to make it
possible for a user to interact with the computer like
with another human, by using verbal as well as
nonverbal means. Attitudes expressed by gestures
and facial signals are especially important when
modelling socio-emotional agents.
Our aim is to develop a dialogue system (DS)
which interacts with the user in a natural language
following norms and rules of human communica-
tion. For that reason, we study how people are using
their language when communicating and how they
are expressing their attitudes by language means.
We have worked out a formal model of negotiation
dialogue (Koit and Õim, 2014; Koit, 2015). In the
current paper, we will further develop the model
concentrating on attitudes of communication
participants. We consider two kinds of attitudes: (1)
related to a negotiation object when reasoning in
communication, and (2) related to a communication
partner. We introduce the concept of communicative
space a mental space which coordinates
correspond to the attitudes of communication
participants (their social distance, degrees of
cooperation and intensity of communication, etc.).
When communicating, the participants can ‘move’
in communicative space from one ‘point’ to another
and depending on their locations, they choose
suitable communicative strategies in order to
achieve their communicative goals.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows. Section 2 introduces our dialogue model
which includes a reasoning model about doing an
action. Attitudes of a communication participant in
relation to the action will be represented as
Koit, M.
Modelling Attitudes of Dialogue Participants - Reasoning and Communicative Space.
DOI: 10.5220/0006653205810588
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2018) - Volume 2, pages 581-588
ISBN: 978-989-758-275-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
coordinates of the vector of motivational sphere of a
reasoning subject. The attitudes are changing in
dialogue as influenced by arguments of a dialogue
partner. Section 3 considers the concept of
communicative space which dimensions express
attitudes of a communication participant in relation
to a communication partner. The dimensions will be
illustrated with dialogue examples from the Estonian
dialogue corpus. Section 4 considers an
implementation of the dialogue model based on
information states. Section 5 discusses how
communicative space can be used when developing
a dialogue system. Section 6 draws conclusions.
We are modelling negotiations between two
participants A and B in a natural language. The
initiator A makes a proposal to his communication
partner B about an action D. The communicative
goal of A can be either doing or not doing the action
by B. If B rejects A’s communicative goal (and/or
there are obstacles that do not allow B to accept the
goal) then a negotiation will start where both
participants can present their arguments and
counterarguments. The dialogue finishes with B’s
decision (to do D or not).
2.1 Reasoning Model
When negotiating, a communication participant
must know how to direct the functioning of the
partner’s psychological mechanisms in communica-
tion, in order to change his/her attitudes in relation
to the object of reasoning.
In our reasoning model, we use a nve, ‘folk
theory (D’Andrade, 1987; Davies and Stone, 1995).
With respect to a naïve theory of reasoning, there are
three kinds of determinants which can cause humans
to reason about an action Dim, 1996). The internal
determinants are the wishes of the subject related to
the action (WISH-determinants) and his/her
considerations that it would be needed, reasonable, or
necessary to do D (NEEDED-determinants). The
external determinants (or MUST-determinants)
originate from outside the subject and operate through
the concept of punishment which is a reaction to
subject’s not fulfilling obligations or prohibitions.
When reasoning about doing D, the general
balance of the weights of positive and negative
aspects should be computed. The weights express
beliefs/attitudes of a reasoning subject in relation to
different aspects of the object of reasoning (in our
case, doing an action).
The reasoning itself depends on the determinant
which triggers it (respectively, WISH, NEEDED, or
MUST), thus, we can describe three different
prototypical reasoning procedures.
Our reasoning model is a kind of BDI (belief-
desire-intention) model (Bratman, 1999). It consists
of two parts: (1) a model of human motivational
sphere which includes attitudes of a reasoning
subject in relation to the aspects of the action under
consideration, and (2) reasoning procedures (Koit
and Õim, 2014).
We represent the model of motivational sphere
as a vector with numerical coordinates which
correspond to the different aspects of the action D:
= (w(resources
), w(pleasantness
), w(unplea-
), w(usefulness
), w(harmfulness
), w(obli-
), w(punishmentfornot_doing
), w(prohibi-
), w(punishmentfor_doing
Here w(resources
) = 1 if the reasoning subject
has all the resources needed for doing D (or 0 if
some of the resources are missing), w(obligatory
) =
1 if the action is obligatory for the subject (otherwise
0), w(prohibited
) = 1 if the action is prohibited
(otherwise 0). The values of the remaining
components can be natural numbers on the scale
from 0 to 10. Still, our numerical scales are
simplifications when reasoning, a human subject
hardly ever uses numerical weights. (S)he rather
operates with words of a natural language or with
fuzzy evaluations in order to express his/her
attitudes in relation to the object of reasoning.
We use two vectors (w
and w
) in our model
of dialogue. Here w
is the model of motivational
sphere of B who has to make a decision about doing
D; the vector includes B’s (actual) evaluations
(attitudes) of D’s aspects and it is used by B when
reasoning about doing D. The other vector w
the partner model which includes A’s beliefs
concerning B’s evaluations and it is used by A when
planning the next turn in dialogue. We suppose that
A has some preliminary information about B in order
to compose the initial partner model before making
the proposal to do D. Both the models will change as
influenced by arguments presented by the
participants in negotiation. For example, every
argument presented by A targeting the pleasantness
of D should increase the corresponding values of
) as well as w
2.2 Communicative Strategies and
A communicative strategy is an algorithm used by a
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
participant for achieving his/her goal in
communication (Koit and Õim, 2014). The initiator
A can realize his communicative strategy in different
ways, for example, he can entice, persuade or
threaten the partner B to do or, respectively, avoid
doing D (respectively, he stresses the pleasantness or
usefulness of doing/not doing D or punishment for
not doing/doing D if it is obligatory/prohibited). We
call these ways of realization of a communicative
strategy communicative tactics. The partner B uses a
similar communicative strategy. Some algorithms
are presented in (Koit, 2017).
When reasoning in order to make a decision, B
considers her resources as well as different positive
and negative aspects of doing D. If the positive
aspects weigh more than negative then the decision
will be “do D otherwise “do not do D”. The
initiator A chooses a suitable communicative
strategy and the communicative tactics in order to
direct B’s reasoning to the desirable decision. When
trying to influence B to make the pursued decision
(for example, to do the action D) and to change her
attitudes (the model w
), A uses a partner model
. A stresses the positive and downgrades the
negative aspects of the action. Various arguments
for doing/not doing D are presented in a systematic
way, for example, when persuading B to do D, A
stresses time and again the usefulness of D. The
partner B can similarly stress or downgrade a certain
aspect of the action by her counterarguments.
The models w
and w
capture the attitudes of
communication participants in relation to the action
D under consideration. In order to model the
attitudes of a participant in relation to a
communication partner we use the concept of
communicative space (Koit, 2015).
Concepts of space are fundamental to our
understanding of human action and interaction.
Healey et al. (2008) apply the concepts of (physical)
space, place and communication space to the
analysis of a corpus of interactions from an online
community. Some studies represent social attitude
with two dimensions: a dominance dimension (also
called power, control or agency), that represents the
degree of control one has on another, and a liking
dimension (also called appreciation, affiliation or
communion), that represents the degree of
appreciation, liking of another (Carney et al., 2005;
Hess et al., 2005). In other studies these dimensions
are used among other dimensions like formality or
trust (Burgoon et al, 1984). Concept of social
attitude or interpersonal stance in interaction (being
polite, distant, cold, warm, supportive,
contemptuous, etc.) is considered in (Carofiglio,
2009). Ravenet et al. (2012) have figured out a table
showing the influence of dominance and liking in
the nonverbal behavior depending on the gender of
the speaker. A two-dimensional T. Leary’s
interpersonal circle (IPC) has been introduced as a
framework to classify four types of interpersonal
attitude (Dominant-Hostile, Dominant-Friendly,
Submissive-Hostile and Submissive-Friendly).
3.1 Dimensions of Communicative
We specify communicative space by a number of
dimensions that characterize the relationships of
participants in a communicative encounter. Commu-
nication can be collaborative or confrontational,
personal or impersonal; it can also be characterized
by the social distance of participants (near, far), etc.
(Koit, 2015). These dimensions represent a sub-
system of human communicative competence with
deep evolutionary roots, the basic function of which
is to regulate the communication process. Together,
they bring the social aspect of communication into
the model. People have an intuitive, naïve theory of
these dimensions; the values of the coordinates can
be expressed by specific words. Instead, at present
we use numerical values as approximations in our
model (like in the model of human motivational
sphere, cf. Section 2.1).
We determine communicative space as n-
dimensional (n>0) space. At least, the following
dimensions can be specified:
dominance (on the scale from dominant to
communicative distance to the partner (on the
scale from familiar to remote)
cooperation (on the scale from collaborative to
politeness (from polite to impolite)
personality (from personal to impersonal)
modality (from friendly to hostile)
intensity (from peaceful to vehement).
We use the numbers +1, 0 and -1 for the values
of the coordinates of communicative space. For
example, the value +1 on the scale of modality
means friendly interaction and the value -1 means
hostile interaction. Communicative distance is -1 if
the person feels closeness in relation to his/her
communication partner and +1 if (s)he is far from
the partner. On any scale, 0 is the neutral value. Still,
Modelling Attitudes of Dialogue Participants - Reasoning and Communicative Space
one could consider a bigger number of values than
three on every scale. It would be also possible to use
continuous scales instead of discrete values.
Communication participants can be located in
different points of communicative space. For
example, a boss can angrily communicate with his
subordinate who, on the contrary, remains neutral or
even friendly. One communication participant can
feel closeness to his/her partner whereas the partner
has different feelings, etc. Moreover, the participants
can also ‘move’ from one point to another during the
encounter. For instance, the participants who were
on confrontational positions at the outset can reach
the collaborative one at the end.
3.2 Dialogue Analysis
With the aim to model human-computer interaction
we are considering human-human communication.
Where do people place themselves in communica-
tive space when communicating and how do they
‘move’ there? We are especially interested in
linguistic means, which would help us to recognize
‘the points’ of communicative space on the basis of
texts of a natural language (in our case, Estonian).
We try to find out some cues which are applicable
without semantic analysis of text because necessary
software is currently missing for the Estonian.
3.2.1 Dialogue Corpus
Our current study is based on the Estonian dialogue
corpus (Hennoste et al., 2008). The corpus includes
different kinds of dialogues: (1) transcripts of
human-human spoken dialogues, (2) written
dialogues collected in simulations by Wizard-of-Oz
method, and (3) log files of interactions with two
DSs which give information in Estonian (movie
programs and dentist advice, respectively). The
biggest part of the corpus about 1000 spoken
dialogues is recorded in authentic situations and
transcribed by using the transcription system of
Conversation Analysis (Sidnell and Sivers, 2012).
Each transcription is provided with a header that
lists situational factors (‘meta-knowledge’ about the
dialogue session), which affect language use
participants’ names, social characteristics, relations
between participants in the situation, specification of
situation (private/public place, private/institutional
conversation), etc.
Dialogue acts (DA) are annotated in the corpus
by using a customized typology which is based on
Conversation Analysis. Custom-made web-based
software is used for annotation. Another custom-
made software tool enables to visualize speech
features (overlapping speech, comments of
transcribers, etc.) by different colors and also to
calculate some statistics (the counts of utterances,
words, different DAs, frequency of words and
certain sequences of DAs, etc.).
3.2.2 Communicative Space in
Telemarketing Calls
In a previous paper (Koit, 2015) we have analyzed
directory inquiries and negotiations between
acquaintances in the Estonian dialogue corpus. For
the current paper, we have chosen a sub-corpus
consisting of 51 telemarketing calls (in total, 35,678
running words, 5744 utterances). Sales clerks of an
educational company call to potential customers
managers or personnel officers of other companies
and offer training courses for employees. The
communicative goal of a clerk is to achieve a
positive decision of a customer (to take a course). A
clerk is giving information about his educational
company, collecting information about the customer
by asking questions, arguing for usability of the
courses for the customer in order to awake her
interest to take a course. We are looking for
linguistic cues in the transcripts of the calls which
can give a signal of certain values of the coordinates
of communicative space and therefore will
contribute to their automatic recognition. We prefer
the rule-based approach due to the limited size of
our current dialogue corpus which makes it hard to
implement statistical methods. However, as
demonstrates our analysis, it is difficult to determine
the values of coordinates only using texts, without
the possibility to take into account speech features
and what is more, nonverbal means of
Telemarketing calls are institutional dialogues
and this fact in a big way determines communicative
space most of the coordinates typically have
neutral values (0). Still, there are some interesting
In the following examples, A is a sales clerk and
B is a customer. All the values of coordinates of
communicative space can be either +1, 0 or -1.
Transcription marks used in the examples are given
in (Hennoste et al., 2008). Let us only point out that
square brackets are used for overlapping speech and
capital letters for a louder segment. Dominance
Headers of transcripts of dialogue recordings can
indicate whether the communication participants are
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
in dominance-subordination relation or not.
However, headers of the telemarketing calls do not
include such relation the participants are ‘equal’.
Instead, we can use another cue overlapping
speech where a participant starts his/her turn before
the partner has finished, thereby indicating
dominance (value +1 in Example 1; the customer
takes initiative before the clerk has finished his turn,
overlapping speech is in square brackets).
Example 1
A: nii=et=te ei pea ´vajalikuks inimeste ´arendamist
nendes ´vald[kondades.]
Also you (plural) do not consider it necessary to educate
your people in these [domains]?
B: [tändap=ee] ma ´kordan me saame ´ise selle teemaga
[It means], I repeat, we can make it ourselves. Communicative Distance
In institutional dialogues like our telemarketing
calls, the participants typically are strangers and
their communicative distance is whether neutral (0)
or long (+1). In Estonian, the 2
person plural of
verbs and pronouns can be used to indicate a long or
neutral distance; the singular form indicates a short
distance. In Example 1, A indicates a neutral
distance (0) by using a plural form of the pronoun
you. B’s overlapping speech indicates a long
communicative distance (value +1), in addition to
dominance (value +1). Cooperation
In our analyzed dialogues, the sales clerks always
communicate cooperatively as determined by their
social role. Similarly, the customers typically
express cooperation. Still, the customers are
antagonistic in a few of dialogues where they are
driving at a negative decision (do not take a course).
One cue to recognize cooperation of a sales clerk is
the dialogue act used as a reaction to the customer’s
counterargument (in our dialogues, a clerk always
uses DA ‘accept’, instead of ‘reject’). However,
when accepting a counterargument the clerk does
not abandon his communicative goal after that he
presents his new arguments for taking a course by
the customer (Example 2, DA tags in bold).
Example 2
B: aga näiteks pro´jektijuhtimist teil=ei ´ole, mida mina
otsin tegelikult ´prae[gu.]
But you don’t have project management what I’m looking
for. Assertion
A: [mm]mmq noo::: jah.
Uhuh, yes. Limited accept
kui keegi=on=meie käest projektijuhtimist ´küsinud,
.hhh[h sii]s tegelikult
But if someone would order project management then we
actually… Assertion
B: [mhmh]
Uhuh. Neutral continuer
A: meil=on=need ´vahendid ´olemas.
… we are able to teach it. Assertion Politeness
A linguistic cue for recognizing the politeness in
institutional dialogues is the 2
person plural of
verbs and pronouns. In addition, there are DAs of
greeting and leave-taking in the beginning and at the
end of negotiation. In most cases, the participants
also thank each other at the end of conversation.
Politeness can also be expressed by using of some
emotion words and expressions, Example 3 (value
+1; you in plural; nice):
Example 3
A: soovin teile `meeldivat `õhtu jätku
I wish you (plural) a nice continuation of the evening
[ja kuulmi]seni
and hear you Personality
In institutional dialogues, the value of personality is
typically neutral (0). Still, there are some exceptions,
especially in the cases if customers have made a
negative decision and are about to finish negotiation.
Some cues to stress personality (value +1) are using
the 1
person of pronouns, loud speech, DA for
expressing a counterargument (Example 4, loud
segment in capital letters):
Example 4
B: ´ühesõnaga (0.3) ´M:INULE ei ole ´vaja tulla ´õpetama
firma ´juhtimist?
You can’t come to teach ME neither how to manage the
.hh ega seda kudas ´mina pean müüjat=vel (.) ´õpetama.
nor how I have to teach my shop assistant. Modality
As expected, the value of modality is neutral (0) in
most of the dialogues. In a few of cases, clerks are
especially friendly (+1). In some other dialogues a
customer who has already made a negative decision
and does not want to continue communication,
expresses hostility (value -1, cf. Examples 1 and 4).
The cues are overlapping and loud speech.
Therefore, big values of dominance and personality
can also imply hostility.
Modelling Attitudes of Dialogue Participants - Reasoning and Communicative Space
585 Intensity
Typically, the value of intensity is neutral (0) as
expected for institutional dialogues. An exception is
a dialogue where the customer gives a lot of
counterarguments against the course offered by the
clerk (Example 4). Here, personality and hostility
expressed by counterarguments also imply
vehemence. The most important cue is loud speech.
When communicating, both sales clerks and
customers are restricted on their social roles because
both of them are official persons who represent their
institutions. A sales clerk having the communicative
goal to sell training courses of his company has to
keep the fixed communication point which can be
represented as (0, +1/0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), and the fixed
communicative tactics (persuasion stressing the
usefulness of the courses). A customer has more
freedom she can present a lot of counterarguments
to the clerk’s proposal being sometimes
confrontational, vehement and even hostile
(Examples 1 and 4).
A limited version of our dialogue model is
implemented as a simple DS which interacts with a
user in written Estonian. Information-state dialogue
manager is used in the implementation (Traum and
Larsson, 2003).
There are two parts of an information state
private (information accessible only for one
participant) and shared (information accessible for
both participants). For example, the private part of
an information state of the initiator A (where A’s
communicative goal is “B will do D”) consists of the
following information slots:
current partner model (vector w
of A’s
attitudes about B’s attitudes in relation to the
action D)
current location of A in communicative space
(A’s attitudes in relation to B, that is, the values
on the scales of dominance-subordination,
cooperation-antagonism, etc.)
communicative tactics t
which A has chosen
for influencing B
reasoning procedure r
which A is trying to
trigger in B (and bring to a positive decision)
stack of (sub-)goals under consideration. In the
beginning, A puts the initial goal (“B will do
D”) into the stack
set of dialogue acts: proposal, assertions
(arguments) for increasing or decreasing the
weights of different aspects of D for B (that is,
for changing B’s attitudes in relation to D), etc.
set of utterances for verbalizing the dialogue
The shared part of an information state contains
world knowledge, language knowledge, set of
reasoning procedures R={r
}, set of
communicative tactics T={t
, t
, …, t
}, and the
dialogue history the utterances together with the
participants’ signs and dialogue acts: p
],…, p
] where p
=A; p
, p
, are
whether A or B; u
, u
,are utterances and d
, d
are DAs.
Update rules will be used by a participant for
moving from one information state to another. There
are different categories of update rules both for
generating and interpreting of turns.
The computer plays A’s role and the user B’s
role. A’s communicative goal is B will do D”, and
B’s goal is “do not do D (Koit, 2017). The
computer has ready-made sentences (assertions) for
expressing of arguments, i.e., for stressing or
downgrading the values of different aspects of the
proposed action, which depend on its user model.
The user (B) can put in free texts. Communicative
space is not involved in the current implementation,
thus, the attitudes of participants in relation to each
other are not yet taken into account.
Starting a dialogue, A determines a partner model
, fixes its communicative strategy and chooses
the communicative tactics which it will follow, that
is, the computer respectively determines a reasoning
procedure which it will try to trigger in B’s mind. A
applies the reasoning procedure in its partner model,
in order to ‘put itself’ into B’s role and to choose
suitable arguments when convincing B to decide to
do D. Supposedly, the models w
and w
different when a dialogue starts but they are
approaching each to another during negotiation, as
influenced by the presented arguments and
counterarguments. Still, the user B is not obliged
(but can) to follow neither certain communicative
tactics nor reasoning procedures. (S)he is also not
obliged to fix his/her attitudes in relation to D by
composing a model w
. However, A does not
‘know’ B’s attitudes (the values of the coordinates of
the supposed vector w
), it only can choose
arguments on the basis of B’s counterarguments.
Respectively, A is making changes in its partner
model w
during a dialogue.
ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Our dialogue model considers two kinds of attitudes
of a dialogue participant: (1) his/her attitudes in
relation to an action (which is the object of
negotiation), and (2) his/her attitudes related to a
communication partner. Both kinds of attitudes are
changing in dialogue as influenced by behavior and
arguments of the communication partner.
When reasoning about doing an action, a subject
is weighing different aspects of the action (its
pleasantness, usefulness, etc.) which are included
into his/her model of motivational sphere. We
evaluate these aspects by giving them discrete
numerical values on the scale from 0 to 10. Still,
people do not operate with numbers in a reasoning
process. Instead, they rather use words of a natural
language. For example, the pleasantness of an action
can be evaluated by such words and expressions as
excellent, very pleasant, not so pleasant, etc.
Further, when reasoning, people do not operate with
exact values of the aspects of an action but they
rather make ‘fuzzy calculations’, for example, they
suppose/believe that doing an action is much more
pleasant than unpleasant and therefore they wish to
do the action. A problem is that the aspects of
actions considered here are not fully independent.
For example, harmful consequences of an action as a
rule, are unpleasant (while unpleasant will not
always be harmful). In addition, if a reasoning object
is different (not doing an action like in our case)
then the attitudes of a reasoning subject can be
characterized by a different set of aspects.
We represent the relations of communication
participants that influence the communication
process and its results as dimensions of
communicative space. As said, we use the values +1,
0 and -1 for the coordinates. Still, it is possible to
divide all the scales to a bigger number of values
(for example, from 0 to 10 like in the case of the
aspects of actions). Likewise, it is possible to
operate with continuous scales instead of discrete
values (cf. Mesiarová-Zemánková, 2016). It is also
possible to use words of a natural language for the
values. For example, the modality of communication
can be friendly, ironic, hostile, etc. The problem
remains how to determine objective criteria and
apply them when dividing the scales. However,
annotation of the points of communicative space in
written dialogues is difficult and subjective already
with three different values (+1, 0, -1).
A serious problem is that the dimensions are not
fully independent (like in the case of aspects of
actions). For example, dominance usually implies a
longer communicative distance. A longer
communicative distance can imply a smaller value
on the scale of personality, etc. as demonstrated in
the examples (Section 3.2).
Further empirical research is needed in order to
determine the list of dimensions of communicative
space, their relations and values on different scales
(which can be different). Linguistic cues can be used
for recognizing of values of some coordinates
(Section 3.2). For example, if a participant uses the
person singular form of pronouns in Estonian
then (s)he is indicating a short communicative
distance (-1) and a big value on the personality scale
(+1). Emotion words and expressions help to
recognize the values of some coordinates, for
example, please and thank indicate politeness. The
comments of transcribers in transcriptions of spoken
dialogues help to determine the modality of
communication (for example, the comment
((friendly)) indicates the value +1). The dialogue act
tags contribute to recognizing of some coordinates.
For example, conventional (ritual) DAs of greeting
and thanking express politeness. Opinion mining
(Liu, 2015) could be used to automatically annotate
communication points. Still, the small size of the
Estonian dialogue corpus does not yet allow
implementing statistical or machine learning
How to use the concept of communicative space
in human-computer systems? Let us point out two
general research areas. Firstly, the systems which
model human communication, not participating in
communication but analyzing human dialogues on
the expert level, e.g. analyzing communication
protocols, reconstructing locations and movements
of participants and making conclusions. The second
direction is development of DSs which interact with
people in a natural language and perform certain
roles. An interesting and useful kind of DSs rapidly
developing in the last years are embodied
conversational agents (Harthold et al., 2013;
Ravenet et al., 2015; Dermouche, 2016). Such a
conversational agent behaves like a human thereby
expressing a suitable emotional attitude.
We introduce a model of dialogue concentrating on
modelling of attitudes of dialogue participants. We
consider two kinds of attitudes expressed by
participants in negotiation about doing an action: (1)
related to the action, and (2) related to a
communication partner. We represent the first kind of
Modelling Attitudes of Dialogue Participants - Reasoning and Communicative Space
attitudes as coordinates of a vector of motivational
sphere of a participant (who is reasoning about doing
an action). The second kind of attitudes is represented
by using the concept of communicative space a
mental space where communication takes place.
In order to explain the concept of communicative
space we analyze a sub-corpus of human-human
telemarketing calls of the Estonian dialogue corpus.
We have implemented the model of negotiation
as a simple dialogue system where the computer
plays A’s and the user B’s role. So far, the
implementation does not include communicative
space. This needs deeper investigations and remains
for the further work.
This work was supported by institutional research
funding IUT (20-56) of the Estonian Ministry of
Education and Research, and by the European Union
through the European Regional Development Fund
(Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies).
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ICAART 2018 - 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence