Identifying Needs for a Holistic Modelling Approach to Privacy
Aspects in Enterprise Software Systems
Sascha Alpers, Roman Pilipchuk, Andreas Oberweis and Ralf Reussner
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, Haid- und Neustraße 10-14, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Keywords: Business Architecture, Software Architecture, Modelling, Privacy.
Abstract: Modelling is a common method for both Business Architecture Management and for Software Architecture
Management. In general, there is a gap in the model continuity between business models and software models.
Especially when modelling compliance driven requirements like privacy traceability is important for
compliance checks and helps to build the models in an efficient way. In this paper, approaches for modelling
privacy from business and software engineering perspective are examined. A key finding is that there is
currently no comprehensive modelling approach covering the needed aspects and perspectives.
Many companies, especially large companies, model
their organisational processes and software systems.
The reason is to improve them, identify and reduce
flaws and save costs by implementing correct
workflows. However, business and software system
experts typically use different modelling languages.
There exist many languages for modelling business
processes. BPMN, a semi-formal notation, is the most
prominent one. Petri nets provide a formalised view
on processes. Transformations exist which establish
mappings between BPMN and Petri nets. In the
following, we focus primarily on Petri net (Reisig,
2013) models and consider BPMN only marginally.
The state-of-the-art modelling language for software
systems is UML (OMG, 2017). As neither business
process modelling languages nor UML have elements
capable for modelling privacy, extension mechanisms
exist for introducing additional symbols to model
various aspects of privacy. Additionally, security is
relevant because privacy is related to some security
goals like confidentiality or integrity. Both security
and privacy are becoming increasingly important for
example, due to the upcoming General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) (European Union,
2017). An example of organisations that are affected
by the GDPR are those that build upon platform-
based business models. The business case of such
organisation is hosting digital platforms to connect
producers and consumers in specific sectors, such as
mobility and energy. Monetary turnover is produced
through either access fees, transaction fees, premium
services or targeted advertisement. To realise such a
business idea, a close and flawless collaboration
between the business level and information
technology (IT) is needed because IT implements the
technical foundation (the digital platform), which is
at the heart of the overall business idea. On this
platform, various stakeholders will operate and
conduct their business. Whether it is customer to
customer, business to customer or business to
business, the privacy of individuals, organisations
and especially of sensible data is critical on digital
platforms. Therefore, the need for a current and
comprehensive modelling approach to privacy
between business processes and software models is
Although, there are many approaches to extend
business process modelling notations and UML to
cover security and other aspects, there is no common
and generally accepted approach for modelling
privacy. A broad variety of approaches exists for
introducing additional symbols to model privacy
directly or indirectly through security elements;
however, the extent to which privacy can be modelled
by every proposal varies. Additionally, modelling
approaches are missing, which support
transformations from business process models to
software design to keep business process models like
Petri nets and software models like UML consistent
with each other. Due to these reasons, we analysed
the capabilities of existing architecture oriented
Alpers, S., Pilipchuk, R., Oberweis, A. and Reussner, R.
Identifying Needs for a Holistic Modelling Approach to Privacy Aspects in Enterprise Software Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0006606200740082
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2018), pages 74-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-282-0
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Overview of Architecture oriented approaches.
Diag. Type
Ext. Through
To Model
Engineering Privacy for Big Data Apps with the Unified Modelling
Use Case
Super container
Privacy specifications
Towards a UML Profile for Privacy-Aware Applications
UML profile
Privacy policies
UMLsec: Extending UML for Secure Systems Development (+2)
UML profile
Security requirements / primitives /
management and threat scenarios
Supporting Confidentiality in UML: A Profile for the Decentralised
Label Model
UML profile
Decentralized label model
Towards the Engineering of Security of Information Systems
(ESIS): UML and the IS Confidentiality
UML profile
Access control and information
flow control
A UML Profile for Requirements Analysis of Dependable Software
UML profile
Problem frames (e.g.,
confidentiality, integrity)
Extending UML for Designing Secure Data Warehouses (+2)
UML profile
Security classes and separation of
Weaving Security Aspects into UML 2.0 Design Models
Class and
UML profile
Security requirements and aspect-
oriented solutions
CMP: A UML Context Modelling Profile for Mobile Distributed
UML profile
Privacy restrictions
and business process oriented modelling approaches
to model privacy aspects. We analysed, how privacy
can be modelled and tried to understand the
possibility and need for a comprehensive modelling
language in the field of privacy to cover business
processes and software systems. We selected these
approaches according to their abilities to model
privacy aspects directly or indirectly through security
aspects. The selected approaches were analysed and
compared with each other to identify their similarities
and differences. This was done to understand the need
for a comprehensive model of privacy aspects and to
explore how it could be realised beginning from a
business process model and then leading to a software
architecture model. For this, we categorised the
approaches and identified two criteria, namely
"security mechanisms" and "different views".
"Security mechanisms" describe, by which elements
and mechanisms the approach supports privacy
modelling. The second criteria, "different views",
groups approaches according to the view of the
stakeholder for whom the approach is intended. Our
results show that only a few approaches actually
introduce elements to model privacy principles.
Section 2 presents the business process-based
approaches. Software architecture based approaches
are presented in Section 3. Section 4 discusses
similarities and differences between both approaches.
The paper ends with some concluding remarks in
Section 5.
This chapter introduces the architecture oriented
approaches for modelling privacy. The first section
introduces the de facto standard modelling language
in the field of software engineering and the second
section introduces the architecture-based approaches
in the context of privacy and confidentiality.
2.1 Modelling Language
The de facto standard for modelling architecture in
software engineering is the Unified Modelling
Language (short: UML). UML is a general-purpose
modelling language that is standardised by the Object
Management Group (short: OMG). It comprises 14
diagrams divided into two major diagram types:
structure diagrams and behaviour diagrams (OMG,
2017). While structure diagrams represent the static
structure of a system, behaviour diagrams represent
its dynamic part. The use case diagram visualises
functional requirements, as well as actors and their
relationships, while the sequence diagram shows the
chronological flow of messages between objects. In
the class diagram classes, associations, methods, and
attributes are described. A detailed explanation can be
found in the UML specification (OMG, 2017).
2.2 Analysis of Architecture Oriented
This section surveys the architecture-based
approaches. Table 1 summarises all papers, the UML
diagram types which they extend, whether they
extend through UML profile or not, and what the
extension allows to be modelled.
(Jutla et al., 2013) propose an extension to the
UML use case diagram for representing privacy
specifications like pseudonymization, anonymiza-
tion, and consent in an easily understandable way (see
Table 1 No. 1). The extension is not based on the
UML profile extension mechanism. Instead, a
Identifying Needs for a Holistic Modelling Approach to Privacy Aspects in Enterprise Software Systems
Microsoft Visio extension ribbon is created that offers
the needed elements. All possible privacy require-
ments and specifications can be expressed due to the
usage of free text fields. The extension works by
introducing a ‘super container’ in-between actors and
use cases of a use case diagram. Privacy control
classes and obligations are stated inside the super
container. This extension allows modelling of all
kinds of privacy principles but also other security
principles like confidentiality.
(Basso et al., 2015) introduced a UML profile,
which is capable of expressing different privacy
concepts through privacy policies incorporated in
various UML diagrams (see Table 1 No. 2). Privacy
policies are composed by one or more statements,
which describe the rules specified in the privacy
policy. Besides that, they specify the purpose for data
collection, management, and prerequisites that need
to be met. Private data and actions performed on it
can be expressed through stereotypes, for example, to
whom private data is allowed to be disclosed, the
period, and how it will be used. Several other
stereotypes describe how the data is provided and
managed, either by a user or by a system. In both
cases, the UML profile allows the design of privacy-
aware applications through modelling the
application’s privacy policy and keeping track of the
elements responsible for enforcing them. It allows not
only modelling of access control on private data but
also of privacy principles like consent, data security,
and purpose limitation.
(Jürjens, 2002) proposed a UML profile, called
UMLsec, for expressing security-relevant
information within various UML diagrams (see Table
1 No. 3). This should allow persons which are not
experts in security to express their security needs
easily. UMLsec enables software engineers to express
basic security requirements including security
concepts, security primitives, security management
and threat scenarios. This allows modelling
confidentiality of information and information flows.
Furthermore, it is possible to check whether the
constraints associated with the stereotypes are
fulfilled by a given specification and, by this, indicate
possible vulnerabilities (Jürjens, 2005).
(Heldal et al., 2004) present a UML profile
incorporating the decentralized label model into the
UML class diagrams to model confidentiality at
design time (see Table 1 No. 4). The so-called UMLs
profile allows the specification of confidential
information flow in a fine-grained manner. Different
stereotypes defining owners and users are used to
annotate classes, attributes, operations, parameters,
errors, and return types. These labels are used to
decide whether the information flow is permitted or
not. Declassification of information is realised with
the authorityConstraint, which models the weakening
of the confidentiality of information coming from
higher confidential sources. This is necessary for
operations processing confidential data but providing
less confidential results. The approach is presented
for class diagrams, but it is extendable to other
diagram types like interaction, use case, and activity
The work of Goudalo et al. (Goudalo and Seret,
2008) elaborates on modelling security aspects of
information systems (see Table 1 No. 5). The
proposed UML profile is an example of how to
properly encapsulate security knowledge during
design time. This is shown in the context of
confidentiality. Confidentiality of information and
information flow can be modelled in sequence
diagrams by defining stereotypes modelling
confidentiality levels of resources, subjects, and
subsystems. In summary, the UML profile enables
software engineers to model confidentiality in various
The work of Hatebur et al. (Hatebur and Heisel,
2010) builds upon a UML profile for expressing
problem frames in UML class diagrams (see Table 1
No. 6). Problem frames are patterns used to define
problem classes by their contexts and characteristics.
This UML profile is extended to express
dependability requirements. In the context of
security, the traditional goals of confidentiality,
availability, and integrity can be expressed. They are
modelled as stereotypes, including specifications like
the data to be secured, the attacker, and the
stakeholder of data. This allows the expression of
arbitrary confidentiality requirements via the use of
problem frames. The authors mention the main
advantage of their approach, namely the ability to
express dependability requirements without the
anticipation of a solution. This clearly separates the
problem space from the solution space. In addition, it
is easy to visually distinguish between different
security requirement classes.
The approach of (Fernandez-Medina et al., 2004),
called SECDW, allows modelling confidentiality
aspects in UML class diagrams (see Table 1 No. 7).
SECDW is an extension intended for the domain of
Data Warehouses. The approach introduces a UML
profile that allows the specification of security classes
for information and users. By using tuples composed
of security classifications, sets of user compartments
(classification of users in department like structures),
and user roles, it is possible to specify constraints
about which users are allowed to read certain
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
information. The extension proposed by Triki et al.
(Triki et al., 2010) (SECDQ+) introduces the ability
to model leaks of confidential information, e.g.,
health information or company turnover, that are due
to access to combinations of data that would impose
no information leakage if isolated. This problem is
known as conflict of interest (Triki et al., 2010).
(Mouheb et al., 2009) propose a UML profile
capable of both capturing security requirements and
specifying security solutions (see Table 1 No. 8). This
is done by waving security aspects into UML class
and sequence diagrams in an aspect-oriented
modelling manner. This approach allows the
separation of security concerns from software
functionalities. Security experts can specify security
solutions as aspects in the UML model and model
their points (where they are implemented) in UML
sequence diagrams and, by this, provide an easily
understandable solution for non-security experts.
(Simons, 2007) presents a UML profile to model
privacy restrictions in UML class diagrams (see Table
1 No. 9). The profile was developed for the context of
mobile distributed systems, but it can be used in other
contexts as well. The main idea is to bind access
rights to context information. This is done by
formulating privacy restrictions on context
information. These restrictions consist of the source
and validity of the context information and the access
rights in the form of confidentiality levels. In
Simons’s UML profile, constraints are used to
validate the model. This is done by imposing
restrictions on the defined stereotypes to enforce the
correct use of the profile.
Privacy is not an end in itself. Privacy and security
are business requirements, and, therefore, privacy as
well as security requirements in future will be
included in enterprise modelling more often. This can
be achieved in different ways:
Via models of privacy and security aspects
using normal enterprise modelling languages,
in the form of annotations,
or with the help of more-or-less formalised
privacy/security notation add-ons for existing
modelling languages.
For business processes as one component of
enterprise modelling, we analysed ‘Petri Nets’ and
‘Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN)’.
Therefore, we performed systematic literature
reviews using the method described by Kitchenham
and Charters (2007). Two students executed the
reviews in their master’s theses. Gholam Hassan
Sahabi focused on information security when using
Petri Nets (a modelling language with mathematical
foundation), and Daniel Tewolde focused on
information security when using Business Process
Model and Notation (BPMN). To obtain comparable
results, we used the same methodology, and the
reviews were conducted for the same publication
period. The theses’ supervisors were used as experts
to score random parts of the publications. The scores
were compared to the scores that the students had
assigned to the paper, and the variances were
analysed and discussed.
3.1 Analysis of Petri Net-based
There are plenty of approaches using Petri Nets for
modelling information security aspects, particularly
information confidentiality. They can be used to
model privacy requirements as well, but special
privacy model extensions are not common today. The
problem is also that some of the approaches only
focus on the technical level, which generally means
that they are discussing problems like algorithms,
protocols or technical architecture using Petri nets for
visualisation but omit the business process
Huang and Kirchner have introduced a formal
method to verify whether the compositions of sub-
policies fulfil the required general policies of a
company (Huang and Kirchner, 2013). They used
coloured Petri Nets and Petri Net-based properties
like completeness, termination, consistency and
confluence. One use case is the verification as to
whether a set of policies fulfils a general policy like
GDPR. Therefore, the requirements of the GDPR
must be transformed into a model.
(Mixia et al., 2005) extended Object Petri Nets by
using modules to define security services like the de-
/en-cryption of data. This could be interesting for data
protection because encrypted data must not be
protected itself as long as the key is strong and kept
secret. (Akbarzadeh and Azgomi, 2010) defined a
framework for the assessment of security protocols.
They used coloured stochastic activity nets and
implemented probabilistic model checking. In
addition, (Bouroulet et al., 2008) analysed security
protocols and a Petri Net extension called S-net,
which is designed such that the terms of the Security
Protocol Language (Crazzolara and Winskel, 2001)
Identifying Needs for a Holistic Modelling Approach to Privacy Aspects in Enterprise Software Systems
can be used. Other Petri Net based approaches aim at
building models for special concepts. For example,
(Zhang et al., 2006) modelled the Chinese Wall
policy with coloured Petri Nets; afterwards, they used
a coverability graph to analyse the guarantees of the
Chinese Wall policy. (Henry et al., 2010) used
coupled Petri Nets for the risk analysis of computer
networks. Sun et al. published a ‘Verification
Mechanism for Secured Message Processing in
Business Collaboration’ (Sun et al., 2009). They used
the role-based access control (RBAC) mechanism
and hierarchical coloured Petri Nets to detect
conflicts in message access within collaboration
process instances with the role-based policy. A
similar approach from (Lai et al., 2008) focussed on
the confidentiality of information exchanges between
organisations and therefore has special places in
coloured activity nets for incoming and outgoing
information. Chinese Wall and interorganizational
information exchange are also relevant for privacy
protection questions. As shown, many approaches use
Petri Nets for modelling security aspects but focus on
a technical level or only cover one single aspect.
Therefore, these approaches are not suitable for
business process experts to model their security
requirements and discuss them with technical experts.
In addition, some approaches use Petri Nets for
modelling or analysing security aspects of business
processes. Accorsi and Wonnemann developed
InDico (Accorsi and Wonnemann, 2011), an
information-flow analysis method for labelling Petri
Net-based business process models. InDico focusses
on ‘information propagation throughout the systems
(end-to-end) rather than mere data access (point to
point)’ (Accorsi and Wonnemann, 2011). Accorsi et
al. (Accorsi et al., 2015) published an extension of
InDico for analysing information-flow effects during
process execution. They used security levels (here
called ‘levels of confidentiality’) but reduced them to
two, and analysed structural interferences between
them. It is impossible to express different levels of
confidentiality for the same place in one business
process scheme, e.g., different information, or more
than two levels of confidentiality for the whole
business process scheme. Li et al. (Li et al., 2009)
described a coloured Petri Net extension for detecting
confidentiality problems in information flow models.
They use security levels and add the concrete security
level as attributes of the tokens. Li et al. did not focus
on resources handling the information. Knorr (Knorr,
2001), who also used security levels, presented a
method to verify multilevel security policies in
workflow models, but he modelled control and
information flow as different arcs in his workflow
Petri Nets. Atluri and Huang (Atluri and Huang,
1996), who have also used Petri Nets, presented a
multilevel security approach with security levels for
places and tokens. They later extended their approach
with more concepts like separation of duty and role-
based access using a coloured, timed Petri Net (Atluri
and Huang, 2000). They did not consider resources or
the possibility of reducing the security level of a
token, e.g., when information is truncated.
The high number of approaches for modelling
security aspects using (high-level) Petri Nets shows
that the integration and processing of confidential
information in Petri Net-based business process
models is currently a major challenge. This is one
reason why we think, Petri Nets fit well for privacy
questions as well. Other reasons in favour of Petri
Nets are their mathematical foundation and the
availability of a broad range of analysis methods.
Especially for analysis functionality, formal Petri
Nets are necessary.
3.2 Analysis of BPMN-based
Extensions of the Business Process Model and
Notation for modelling security requirements exist
for all of the three classic security objectives:
confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Leitner et
al. (Leitner et al., 2013) have published a systematic
literature review on ‘Security Aspects in the Business
Process Model and Notation’. Therefore, we do not
provide a detailed overview here. In summary, some
publications use BPMN for security questions
without new extensions. In (Meland and Gjaere,
2012), Meland and Gjaere argue that in most cases
there is no need for new BPMN extensions. Several
other approaches extend the BPMN notation, e.g.,
with new symbols to create a faster overview about
security issues for the model users (Wolter and
Meinel, 2010). Focussing on privacy as part of
security, (Mülle et al., 2011) used BPMN for
introducing privacy in business process models while
Labda et al. (Labda et al., 2013) extended BPMN to
model privacy aware BPMN. They focussed not only
on modelling privacy aspects but also proposed a
methodology for transferring them into the
We identified two criteria in which the architecture
oriented and business process oriented approaches
can be compared.
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Security Mechanisms: this criterion describes
how and through which security and privacy
mechanisms privacy can be expressed by the
particular approach. We identified two
Information flow and access control: this
characteristic establishes privacy by
introducing concepts that restrict the
information flow or the access to information,
functions or system parts by imposing rights.
These approaches introduce concepts of
confidentiality in various ways and to different
degrees. The introduced concepts are used
either directly or can be used to express privacy
in a certain way. Examples are Chinese Wall
policy and confidentiality levels. The following
approaches contribute to this characteristic
[(Jürjens, 2002), (Heldal et al., 2004), (Goudalo
and Seret, 2008), (Simsons, 2007), (Fernandez-
Medina et al., 2004), (Zhang et al., 2006), (Sun,
et al., 2009), (Lai et al., 2008), (Accorsi and
Wonnemann, 2011), (Accorsi et al., 2015), (Li
et al., 2009), (Knorr, 2001), (Atluri and Huang,
2000), (Mülle et al., 2011)].
General structures: approaches with these
characteristics use abstract structures to
express either several or a particular security
and privacy principle. For example, problem
frames used in (Hatebur and Heisel, 2010) give
the ability to express a problem and, through
this, express an actual security principle.
Another example, common in the security area,
is policies. We identified the following
approaches contributing to this characteristic:
[(Jutla et al., 2013), (Basso et al., 2015),
(Hatebur and Heisel, 2010), (Mouheb et al.,
2009), (Huang and Kirchner, 2013), (Mixia et
al., 2005), (Akbarzadeh and Azgomi, 2010),
(Bouroulet et al., 2008), (Henry et al., 2010),
(Atluri and Huang, 2000)].
Each approach is assigned to one characteristic.
The approaches we reviewed focus either on
confidentiality to express privacy or on introducing
various other structures through which privacy can be
expressed. The first are grouped under the
characteristic ‘information flow and access control’
and the latter ones under the characteristic ‘general
structures’. We determined that nearly half of the
reviewed architecture oriented and business process
oriented approaches contribute to the first
characteristic. They all introduce elements to model
confidentiality. Some of them use confidentiality
mechanisms to establish privacy in a certain way
[(Fernandez-Medina et al., 2004), (Zhang et al.,
2006), (Sun et al., 2009), (Lai et al., 2008), (Accorsi
and Wonnemann, 2011), (Accorsi et al., 2015), (Li et
al., 2009), (Knorr, 2001)]. The others only introduce
modelling elements for confidentiality and not
directly for the purpose of privacy [(Jürjens, 2002),
(Heldal et al., 2004), (Goudalo and Seret, 2008),
(Simsons, 2007), (Mülle et al., 2011)]. The other half
of the reviewed approaches utilises various other
mechanisms to model privacy. [(Julta et al., 2013)]
introduce new structures like super containers and
problem frames to express privacy. Some others use
policies [(Basso et al., 2015), (Huang and Kirchner,
Different views: this criterion describes the view
of the model for which the approach is developed. As
there are various stakeholders with different concerns
to express, different views arise that can be
specialised for the specific needs of a stakeholder.
Typical examples from the field of security are the
attacker view and security specialist view. While the
attacker view introduces model elements showing
how the attacker could intrude into the system, the
security specialist view would highlight the security
measures in place.
The criterion ‘different views’ divides the
approaches according to their use by stakeholders.
Common views are:
Attacker view: models the attacker with the
attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities of a
system, or analyses the given model for flaws
in the information flow [(Jürjens, 2002),
(Akbarzadeh and Azgomi, 2010), (Bouroulet
et al., 2008), (Henry et al., 2010), (Accorsi and
Wonnemann, 2011), (Accorsi et al., 2015), (Li
et al., 2009), (Atluri and Huang, 2000)].
Requirements & Implementation view:
introduces elements to express requirements
pertaining to security and privacy aspects and
elements, which model security and privacy
solutions [(Julta et al., 2013), (Basso et al.,
2015), (Heldal et al., 2004), (Goudalo and
Seret, 2008), (Hatebur and Heisel, 2010),
(Simsons, 2007), (Mouheb et al., 2009),
(Fernandez-Medina et al., 2004), (Mixia et al.,
2005), (Zhang et al., 2006), (Sun et al., 2009),
(Lai et al., 2008), (Atluri and Huang, 1996),
(Atluri and Huang, 2000), (Mülle et al.,
Verification view: allows users to check
whether a model fulfils certain requirements
by checking them against the model. This is
realised, for example, with constraints, which
are checked for correct implementation or the
Identifying Needs for a Holistic Modelling Approach to Privacy Aspects in Enterprise Software Systems
Figure 1: Holistic modelling approach.
verification of policies [(Basso et al., 2015),
(Jürjens, 2002), (Heldal et al., 2004),
(Fernandez-Medina et al., 2004), (Huang and
Kirchner, 2013), (Zhang, Hong and Liao,
2006), (Accorsi et al., 2015), (Li et al., 2009),
(Knorr, 2001), (Atluri and Huang, 1996)].
In the architecture oriented approaches, the
‘attacker view’ is realised by introducing an attacker
and his capabilities. We found only one approach of
this type (Jürjens, 2002). The business process
oriented side identifies flaws in the information flow
and, thus, privacy breaches. The ‘requirements &
implementation view’ is represented in both
approaches. Here, elements are introduced to express
security and privacy requirements or solutions. The
difference between the approaches is in the degree of
abstraction. While the business process oriented
approaches typically are on a less technical and more
abstract level, the architecture-based approaches
introduce both a non-expert view and sometimes a
more technical, expert view. In both architecture
oriented approaches and business process oriented
approaches, we identified the intention of verifying
whether the implementation or model is correct with
respect to certain requirements. This is the
‘verification view’. While architecture oriented
approaches verify the correctness of modelled
solutions, business process oriented approaches try to
identify and verify security policies against a given
model. In general, we recognised that in the reviewed
approaches, the architecture-based approaches tended
to model requirements or design solutions more often
as well as verify whether the model fulfils them,
while the business process-based approaches
focussed more on the identification of flaws and the
verification of policies.
In summary, only a few approaches we reviewed
introduced elements to model actual privacy
principles [(Julta et al., 2013), (Basso et al., 2015),
(Atluri and Huang, 2000)]. Most of them introduce
privacy more by way of establishing confidentiality
and the restriction of access to information.
As we have shown, there are some approaches for
systematically modelling security and/or privacy
protection aspects of organisations in a specific view.
However, no comprehensive approach integrates all
ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
aspects such as process, structure organization, and
data. Such approaches must be developed further. For
the enterprise that is shown in the upper part of
Figure 1, the enterprise software is shown in the
lower section of the figure 1. As illustrated in
figure 1, integrated views are combining different
other views of an organisation and enrich them by the
additional integration of privacy aspects.
Important links are represented by the dotted
lines. Requirements of the enterprise models must be
transferred into the software models to be
implemented later. This is especially true for
organisations in which the main business idea
depends on the realisation of a privacy-sensitive
complex IT infrastructure as well as those that are
either building digital platforms or working on the
automation of business processes. We therefore
suggest an automated model transformation from
enterprise to software modelling. Continuous
modelling is a prerequisite for the traceability of the
requirements. Therefore, it must be possible to
transfer business requirements modelled in Petri Nets
to software requirements modelled in UML. The
other edge shows the link between the enterprise
software and the enterprise.
We are focusing on integrating privacy into
enterprise software by looking at the privacy within
underlying business processes and the architecture of
Enterprise Software. Additionally, it is possible to use
either software or frameworks for privacy
management. Some examples are the Privacy
Management Platform (Stach and Mitschang, 2014),
the AVARE project, which is for the privacy and self-
protection of citizens (Alpers et al., 2017), and the
Context-Aware Privacy Protection System (Pingley
et al., 2009).
This work has been partially financed by the Baden-
Württemberg Stiftung GmbH within the project
This research was also partially sponsored by the
German Ministry for Research and Economics
(BMBF) as a part of the ‘Forschungscampus
Initiative‘, specifically ‘Forschungscampus
Mobility2Grid‘, under the grant number 03SF0522A.
Accorsi, R.; Wonnemann, C.; 2011: InDico: Information
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ICISSP 2018 - 4th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy