Improving the Automatic Identification of Malicious Android Apps in
Unofficial Stores through Logo Analysis
L. Vollero
, D. Biondo
, R. Setola
, G. Bocci
, R. Mammoliti
and A. Toma
a Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Rome, Italy
Sistemi Informativi, Sicurezza Informatica, Incident Prevention and Management, Poste Italiane, Rome, Italy
{l.vollero, r.setola}, {d.biondo, boccigi2, mammoliti.rocco, tomaales}
Security, Logo Analysis, Image Processing, Classification.
The wide diffusion of mobile devices and the ability of users to customize their experience through applications
(Apps) is opening to new problems related to privacy, security and data integrity for the mobile ecosystem.
Smartphones, in general, and Android devices, in particular, are rapidly becoming emerging threat vectors of
cybercrime activities. Unofficial Android markets, especially those with weak controls on published Apps,
are the places where frauds may easily start and spread. Hence, the ability to identify and quickly shut down
deceptive Apps is of paramount importance in the protection of users, services and infrastructures. Tradi-
tional approaches that aim at mitigating the presence of malicious Apps in unofficial markets, are based on
crawlers for scanning stores and checking the words used in Apps’ description. These methods works very
well when the App’s title, keywords and description match specific patterns that identify services to protect
and the application owner or App’s signature do not match expected ones. Unluckily, the performance of such
methods reduce sharply when the store adopts a language that is not supported by the recognition system or
the App publisher uses misleading words in the App’s description. Nevertheless, App publishers always use
a logo which is familiar to the user in order to highlight the application and increase the probability that the
users install it. In this paper we presents a system that overcomes the limitation of traditional approaches
including logo analysis in the process of App recognition. Our contribution is the definition and evaluation of
a logo-based complementary system to be used in conjunction with traditional approaches based on word lists
checking. The system and the performance of the proposed solution are presented and analyzed in the paper.
The wide diffusion of mobile devices and the ability
of users to customize their mobile experience through
applications (Apps) is impacting privacy, security and
data integrity in the mobile ecosystem. Indeed, appli-
cations downloaded from official and unofficial mar-
kets are not always safe due to both low quality prac-
tices in their design and development or, worse, to the
malicious intents of their developers. The profile of
a typical end-user, who has a very poor knowledge
of the hardware and software of mobile devices, and
even less of their vulnerabilities (Bertino, 2016; Seo
et al., 2014), worsen this security problem making it
even more problematic. The ability to install applica-
tions with just “one click”, and with few or without
any check on permissions, reputation of developers
and application rank scratches just the surface of users
wrong habits.
Two main approaches can be used to solve secu-
rity flaws: (i) reactive and (ii) proactive. Under a reac-
tive approach, as soon as a threat is detected a “patch”
is released to recover the original security level of the
system. The main problem with this approach is that
the “patch” does not protect the user from data already
disclosed and it is not always possible to apply seam-
lessly the patch. An inexpert user could be incapable
of applying the patch or even being unaware of need-
ing it.
Proactive approaches try to thwart security flaws
before they act against users. Under proactive ap-
proaches, developers and content distributors try to
have a safe environment for their user and the systems
they are in charge to protect. One of the most im-
portant proactive activity is the identification of dan-
gerous applications and their removal before users in-
stall and run them. The goal is to avoid or at least re-
duce the exposition of users to threats. The process of
identification of dangerous Apps is today performed
periodically by means of automatic tools. In partic-
Vollero, L., Biondo, D., Setola, R., Bocci, G., Mammoliti, R. and Toma, A.
Improving the Automatic Identification of Malicious Android Apps in Unofficial Stores through Logo Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006270305670572
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 567-572
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ular, market of interest are explored by special soft-
ware components, crawlers, that collect information
related to Apps, analyze them and generate alerts to
inform office delegated of Apps removal from stores.
The main limitation of such an approach is that mar-
ket exploration and alerts production are driven by
keywords and this may have limitations when, for in-
stance, the language of the market is not supported
or the malicious developer does not use expected pat-
terns of keywords in the description of Apps.
In this paper we propose to extend the traditional
proactive approach with a logo recognition compo-
nent. The idea is that even when the keywords are
completely unrelated to the distributed App, at least
the logo resembles that of the application the devel-
oper wants to use in its fraudulent intents. Hence,
a logo recognition system can fruitfully enhance the
traditional approach based on keywords.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we
describe the typical management of Mobile Apps se-
curity with the description of a real case scenario. The
proposed approach is defined and analyzed in Sec-
tions 3 and 4, whereas in Sectio 5 a performance as-
sessment is presented. Section 6 ends the paper with
conclusions and final remarks.
The Forum of Incident Response and Security
Teams (FIRST, 2016) is an international organization,
founded in 1990, which hosts the Computer Emer-
gency Response Teams (CERT) coordination cen-
ter (CERT, 2016). There are more than 350 CERTs
world-wide. Their purpose is to collect and process
data about cyber security threats as well as defining
countermeasures and guidelines for the various stake-
holders. A CERT carries out different tasks, being
incident management one of the most important. The
goal of the incident management process is to contin-
uously increase the preparation and protection levels.
To this aim, incident management goes through the
phases depicted in Figure 1.
The process is constantly fed by data about ongo-
ing security events. For instance, obtained through
monitoring some resources, requests from citizens
and other entities, reports of known authorities and
more. As a result of the process, the CERT produces
a number of artefacts including security reports and
Internally, the incident management process relies
on three tasks.
Detection, which is carried out to precisely iden-
tify and characterize the security event and its fea-
Figure 1: Incident Management.
tures, e.g., to distinguish between system vulner-
abilities and malware reports.
Analysis, which specifically targets a security
event with dedicated techniques to effectively as-
sess it and to understand its scope and implica-
Response, which generates the appropriate secu-
rity artefacts for the event, e.g., countermeasures
for attacks and best practices to avoid a vulnera-
Clearly, efficiency and effectiveness are funda-
mental for minimizing the impact of such security
events. These requirements are typically not met by
manual processes and automation is often necessary.
In this paper we use as model Poste Italiane, which is
the largest infrastructure in Italy in the area of mail
delivery, logistics, financial and insurance services.
Poste Italiane offers a wide array of services to citi-
zens, businesses and to the Public Administration and
some of them are based on Apps.
Poste Italiane (PI) hosts one of the active CERTs
in Italy (PI CERT, 2016). For the reasons stated
above, the PI CERT has a strong interest in devel-
oping and acquiring new technologies for improving
its responsiveness and effectiveness. About the mo-
bile applications security, on which Poste Italiane is
investing more and more as their digital service deliv-
ery tool, the CERT has made a security methodology
(as shown in Figure 2) that allows to target monitoring
and analysis of the entire mobile application asset.
The methodology targets all the existing Apps that
might negatively affect the assets and reputation of
Poste Italiane. For instance, tampered versions of of-
ficial Apps released on blackmarkets might carry ma-
licious instructions. Also, third party Apps interact-
ing with the digital services infrastructure of Poste
Italiane might misuse or compromise some sensitive
data of the users. Clearly, the complexity of the mon-
itoring activity largely depends on the total number
of applications and markets to be controlled. Ba-
sically, Poste Italiane has 19 official Android appli-
cation released on Google Play and 12 iOS applica-
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 2: Mobile Application Security Methodology.
tions released on Apple Store. Nevertheless, approxi-
mately 65 instances exist on approximately 70 differ-
ent markets currently known and monitored. More-
over, other 19 third party, unofficial applications have
been discovered to interact with the digital services of
Poste Italiane. In total there are approximately 150 in-
stances of these Apps appearing in the 70 monitored
The security methodology and monitoring is
based on 5-steps. The App Detection phase relies
on the search functionality provided by every mar-
ket to discover new instances of applications refer-
ring to Poste Italiane in their name or description.
Web crawlers can be also applied to carry out a sim-
ilar operation. If an application refers somehow to
Poste Italiane it does not immediately imply they ac-
tually carry out some interaction. Once the applica-
tion is recognized as relevant, it undergoes the Anal-
ysis phase that allow to bring out any security issue
(violation of consumer privacy, presence of malware,
clone apps, etc ...). The Apps analysis is based on the
three-tier approach summarized below:
(i) The static technical analysis of mobile Apps is
performed without actually executing them. The
analysis is performed by examining the applica-
tion “as-is”, and mainly through code inspection.
So, it is based on a set of activities that have no
interactions with the mobile Apps and therefore
do not consider elements which could influence
the execution; in fact, these characteristic features
may be closely connected to the environment in
which the App is executed and derived from the
exchange of messages/signals with external enti-
ties (eg. other Apps).
(ii) The dynamic technical analysis of mobile Apps is
performed at run-time, during their execution in a
controlled environment (i.e. sandbox). The anal-
ysis is performed with the aim to evaluate inter-
actions between mobile phone and other entities
(e.g. web servers, local/remote files, other Apps,
(iii) In order to have a big-picture of the security levels
related to analyzed Apps, it is performed a legal
analysis aimed at identifying violations of con-
tractual obligations and current laws. The results
of the legal analysis are shared with the relevant
corporate functions within the Directorate of Le-
gal Affairs.
The Mitigation and Reporting phase draws up de-
tailed report accompanied by objective evidence ob-
tained from the analysis and defines techniques for
the mitigation/contrast of the issues found during the
analysis phase. A shutdown phase performs severe
action against malicious/unauthorized mobile Apps,
like remove request towards the market owner to
delete the suspicious or obsoletes apps from the “net”.
Finally the Regular Check phase performs continuous
monitoring of Apps detected and analyzed in the pre-
vious phases.
The approach presented above works very well
when the search engine and/or the crawler for the
specific market works well and the applications have
meaningful name, keywords and description. How-
ever, this may not be the case when the App’s pub-
lisher wants to hide its application from crawlers or
the language of the store is not supported by the
crawler itself. In such cases a new paradigm is needed
that may complement the standard way of dealing
with the identification of potentially malicious Apps.
In next Section we introduce this methodology, first
describing a model for logo analysis, then discussing
its implementation and preliminary results obtained
from a set of markets.
The approach proposed in this paper is based on logo
analysis and can be applied in scenarios where the
App’s developer uses the logo as the main tool to
fraud the users. Indeed, it is a common habit for users
to thrust familiar images and this may represent a vul-
nerability easy to exploit. Several strategies for image
recognition can be used in practice. The choice of the
classification approach mainly resides in the principal
characteristics taken into account for the images to be
identified. Due to the high variability in logo shape,
color, orientation, texture complexity, we opted for
the Bag-Of-Visual-Words (BoVW) approach (Csurka
et al., 2004), a method that deals with the problem of
generic visual categorization.
BoVW is a method that mimics to computer vi-
sion from the semantic identification of text in natural
Improving the Automatic Identification of Malicious Android Apps in Unofficial Stores through Logo Analysis
language processing. In natural language processing
the identification of text can be based on relative in-
cidences of different words: e.g. the prevalence of
scientific terms indicates with high probability a sci-
entific text (Harris, 1954).
Since images are not composed of discrete words,
the BoVW method requires the construction of a map-
ping from images to a “vocabulary”. Moreover, this
vocabulary has to be constructed to properly express
images. Several strategies can be employed in vocab-
ulary construction, and we chose SURF (Speeded Up
Robust Features) features (Bay et al., 2008) as words
of our vocabulary.
3.1 Vocabulary Construction
Vocabulary construction is performed on a set of
training images, composed of samples from all the
classes that the final classifier will be able to detect. In
performing this task, SURF starts finding points of in-
terest in images at different scales. In practice, points
of interest are image’s locations that exhibit a very
high values of the Hessian determinant. In particular,
given an image point p = (n, m) and being I (n, m) its
, the Hessian matrix H(p, σ) at point p and
scale σ is:
H(p, σ) =
(p, σ) L
(p, σ)
(p, σ) L
(p, σ)
where L
(p, σ) is the derivative with respect to s and
t, where s and t are either rows (r) or columns (c),
of the smoothed image. The smoothing controls the
scale at which the features are detected through the σ
parameter which is the standard deviation of the gaus-
sian smoother used before the derivative operator that
computes L
(p, σ). In order to control noise, a non-
maximum suppression logic is used. In our imple-
mentation we used a (3, 3, 3) box for non-maximum
suppression, where the three values represents respec-
tively the distances in rows, columns and scale.
Given the points of interest present in the image,
the vocabulary is then constructed. For any point, a
local description vector of the image activity is ex-
tracted, i.e. a 3D neighborhood of the point which is
vectorized. These descriptors are then processed by a
vector quantization algorithm. In our implementation
we used k-means clustering and centroids to represent
each cluster. The final centroids represent the words
of our vocabulary.
We consider grayscale images, but all the reasoning can
be adapted easily to color images.
(1) (2)
(1) - Request app data - url, keyword, description and logo,
(2) - Response app data - url, keyword, description and logo,
(3) - Request logo analysis,
(4) - Notify logo results.
(5) - Request logo results recording,
Figure 3: Mobile Application Security Methodology.
3.2 The Logo Classifier
The construction of the classification process requires
a training phase, where the characteristics of each
class are encoded into the classification logic. This
process is performed by using the vocabulary con-
structed as described above in Section 3.1. In partic-
ular, all the images belonging to the training set are
mapped to features and, then, by means of a near-
est neighbor approximation to histograms of visual
words occurrences.
The representation of images as histograms is the
starting point for the training of the chosen classifier.
In this work we use a multiclass linear Support Vector
Machine (SVM) classifier (Hsu and Lin, 2002), fed
with histograms and providing as output the estimated
class of the image.
The logo classification unit is a software component
that is designed to integrate a crawler and a logo clas-
sifier. The structure of this unit is depicted in Fig-
ure 3, where we assume that the unit is operating on a
specific App store. The replication of this unit, or of
the crawler inside it, adapts the system to work in the
analysis of several stores.
The crawler visits the target store and grabs the
logo of each App of interest. Other information
are grabbed together with logos, such as App titles,
urls, keywords and descriptions. These information
are used for logging purposes or for other process-
ing tasks complementary to logo analysis (keyword
search, semantic analysis, etc ...). When limited to
the recognition of logos, as in the model of Figure 3,
the crawler sends each received logo to the classifica-
tion module and it receives back a classification out-
come. The classification outcome reports classifica-
tion results and fidelity scores for each results. These
information are used to flag suspicious Apps and to
drive the decisions on store exploration.
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 4: The original logos of PI Apps.
Figure 5: A PI logo subject to different masquerading trans-
formations. From left to right: compression, rotation, blur-
ring and noise.
In this section we discuss the performance attainable
by the classification process. The aim is to quantify
the goodness of the approach in two different tasks:
(i) identification of an official logo even under mas-
(ii) identification of a logo image that resembles that
of a reference App or a group of reference Apps.
When we refer to an official application we con-
sider a logo of Poste Italiana as reference and, in
particular, we consider the logos shown in Figure 4.
The database used in the following tests is composed
of about 1500 images, with 479 images belonging
to general Apps extracted randomly from different
stores, 13 images marked as suspect by visual inspec-
tion and 20 groups of 48 images of PI logos. Each one
of the latter groups represents a specific PI App and
the number of images is related to a set of masquerad-
ing transformations applied to them. Database infor-
mation and the type of transformations used to mas-
querade PI logos are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
An example of masquerading transformations is pre-
sented in Figure 5. The App Markets used to obtain
logos of generic Apps are those listed in Table 3 and
their are the tail results on keywords for PI Apps.
To test the goodness in task (i), we performed two
tests. In both we trained 20 different classifiers, one
Table 1: Database Description.
Group Number Description
Positive 20 PI logos
Suspect 13 Logos similar to PI ones
Negative 479 Generic App logos
Table 2: Transformation applied to PI logos.
Type Description
Compression Raw to JPEG
Noise Gaussian noise
Rotation Rotation for different angles
Resize Different resolution
Blurring blurring with several smoothing factors
for each PI logo. In the former test we used two
classes, one represented by the logo to recognize and
the other by the union of all the other logos. In the
latter test, we used three classes, one for the logo to
recognize, one for logos marked as Suspect and the
other PI logos, and one for all the other logos. In both
tests, the training was performed on a subset (random
selection of half of images in each class). Obtained
average results on the test sets, composed of all im-
ages that were not included in the training set, are
summarized in Table 4 and 5.
(i) When analyzing the first test, we observe that re-
sults show the effectiveness of the approach in
recognizing the logos of Apps to protect (last row
of Table 4). Indeed, the fraction of False Negative
is always negligible and this represent a very use-
ful characteristic of the approach: we are almost
sure to detect the malicious use of a real logo of
interest. Conversely, the fraction of False Posi-
tives is close to 0.1. However, this does not repre-
sent a problem in the application we are consider-
ing where False Negatives have an impact which
is more important than False Positives. Moreover,
when inspecting results, most of the False Posi-
tives are PI logos included in the Negative class
before the training of the classifier, and this repre-
sents an element of robustness of the approach.
(ii) Analogous considerations can be stated for the
scenario with three classes. In this case, however,
we can observe the very important role that the
Suspect class assumes. Again the True Positive
rate ensures a very robust identification of PI lo-
gos, with a very marginal uncertainty with other
classes. As stated in case (i) this is a very positive
aspect of the approach from a security point of
view. The behavior of the classifier with respect
to the Negative class is comparable to what ob-
served in case (i), with the exception that the Sus-
pect class replace the Positive class in attracting
Negative samples. Samples of the Suspect class,
however, are not well recognized and a lot of False
Improving the Automatic Identification of Malicious Android Apps in Unofficial Stores through Logo Analysis
Table 3: Unofficial Markets.
Market URL
Table 4: Results for Single PI logo vs Extended Negative.
Known E-Negative Positive
E-Negative 0.92 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.02
Positive 0.00 ± 0.00 1.00 ± 0.01
Negative are present. This is obviously a very
negative aspect. This behavior can be explained
by analyzing the composition of the Suspect class,
which is not as well characterized as the Positive
class of logos. Indeed the Suspect class is com-
posed of images not homogeneous if we exclude
the PI logos not object of identification in the spe-
cific test. The behavior is, hence, as that observed
on the Negative class, but with a reduced ability
to attract samples, due to a less consistent set of
images in this class.
To investigate further the False Positive effect of
the specific classification model used in the paper, we
conducted a test based on three global classes: Posi-
tive, including all the PI logos in their original shape
and under masquerading, Suspect logos and Negative
logos. The performance have been investigated by
means of the leave-one-out strategy. Again we found
a perfect identification of the Positive class, with a
True Positive rate equal to 1. The results for the Neg-
ative class are reported in Figure 6, confirming the
performance already observed in case (ii) above.
In this paper we present a computer vision system
for the automatic identification of potentially mali-
cious Apps by means of logos analysis. The idea
behind the proposed system is to improve the per-
formance of proactive security approaches, increas-
ing the element analyzed in the identification of Apps
distributed through official and unofficial stores. The
proposed system is designed to analyze the compan-
ion logos of Apps and to check whether they are
similar to those of groups of Apps to protect. The
proposed system, hence, complements traditional ap-
proaches based on words checking and makes possi-
ble the identification of malicious Apps in a wider set
of scenarios. A possible implementation of the clas-
sification unit devoted to logo recognition and pre-
liminary results are presented in the paper. Obtained
Table 5: Results for Single PI logo vs Suspect vs Negative.
Known Negative Suspect Positive
Negative 0.81 ± 0.01 0.18 ± 0.02 0.01 ± 0.01
Suspect 0.52 ± 0.03 0.47 ± 0.04 0.01 ± 0.01
Positive 0.00 ± 0.00 0.01 ± 0.01 0.99 ± 0.01
Figure 6: Results of the global three class classification.
results show that the method is effective also when
trained on a very small dataset and encourage for fur-
ther investigations.
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ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy