Commonsense Reasoning in a Deeper Way: By Discovering Relations
between Predicates
Wenguan Huang and Xudong Luo
Institute of Logic and Cognition, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangzhou, China
Knowledge Representation, Commonsense Reasoning, ConceptNet, Natural Language Processing.
One of the biggest drawbacks of nowadays AI reasoning systems is their lack of commonsense. To address
the issue, some commonsense knowledge bases and a bunch of reasoning mechanisms with them have been
developed to tackle this problem. However, most of them concentrate on the relation between entities (e.g.,
“cat” and “fish”), but few discuss the relation between predicates (e.g., “angry” and “shout”), which fall into
a deeper level of commonsense. To the end, in this paper, we develop a commonsense reasoning framework,
which focuses on this type of commonsense knowledge. More specifically, first we give a formal definition of
this kind of commonsense. Then we construct a set of knowledge by extending the predicate set of ConceptNet,
and apply information extraction technique to capture them from corpus. Finally, to evaluate our framework,
we conduct experiments against a part of the Winograd Schema Challenge, which, its author claimed, is an
alternative of Turing Test. The result of our experiments confirms the effectiveness of our framework.
Humans have an extremely powerful capability of in-
ferring the meaning even it is expressed implicitly
in a sentence. For example, we can understand the
metaphor, sarcasm, or humor. Such a capability is
built upon the huge scale of commonsense knowl-
edge, which we human gather for ages. For example,
by saying that this smart phone is light but cannot put
into my pocket”, we can immediately know that this
phone is too big. However, for an intelligent system
that lacks of commonsense, it is a tough task to infer
“size is too big” from “cannot put into the pocket”.
With the importance of commonsense reasoning
in many AI tasks (from natural language understand-
ing to computer vision, planning and reasoning), a lot
of studies have been done to arm machines with com-
monsense knowledge bases, so that they can deal with
commonsense reasoning (Davis and Marcus, 2015).
For example, researchers have built up some com-
monsense knowledge bases such as Freebase (Bol-
lacker et al., 2008), YAGO (Rebele et al., 2016),
and ConceptNet (Speer and Havasi, 2013). Most of
them are structured like an entity-relation graph. That
is, they represent a commonsense fact as a relation
among two entities (e.g., HasProperty(phone, big)),
The corresponding author.
and store it in a graph.
Most studies focus on the relation between enti-
ties, but few studies are concerned with the relation
of predicates. The former is important for forming the
whole semantic network, while the latter is significant
for umasking the causality (or correlativity) between
predicates. For instance, in the above example, we
can make such an inference with the commonsense
knowledge of if A cannot put into B, then it may be
the case that A is too large”. Note that it cannot be
represented in any of the above bases, since it does
not describe any relation between entities, but the re-
lation between two predicates cannot put into and
too big”. To this end, in this paper we study how to
extract the relations between predicates.
The relation between predicates can have a lever-
age on commonsense reasoning, by discovering the
causality and relativity between them. We can trans-
fer from the former predicates to the latter predicate.
On the other hand, finding out these relations can also
generate more commonsense knowledge, by applying
it to the existing commonsense knowledge bases. In
this way, we can make the knowledge base more com-
To tackle the problem, in this paper, we first intro-
duce a set of predicates P to expand the expressive-
ness beyond ConceptNet’s built-in predicates (Speer
Huang W. and Luo X.
Commonsense Reasoning in a Deeper Way: By Discovering Relations between Predicates.
DOI: 10.5220/0006120504070414
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), pages 407-414
ISBN: 978-989-758-220-2
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and Havasi, 2013). Then we present and discuss a ma-
nipulable definition of this kind of relation. Further,
we propose two measures to find out these predicate-
relation commonsense knowledge, which we termed
as rule patterns, based on ConceptNet.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reviews the related work. Sections 3 to 5 detail
our framework. Section 6 evaluates our framework
against Winograd Schema Challenge (Levesque et al.,
2011). Finally, Section 7 concludes the paper with fu-
ture work.
The most common methodology to deal with com-
monsense is collecting a huge number of common-
sense facts to enable computer systems to have com-
monsense. A well-known commonsense knowledge
base, which we are based on, is ConceptNet (Speer
and Havasi, 2013). ConceptNet is a semantic net-
work containing millions commonsense knowledge
contributed by volunteers.
Other knowledge bases like YAGO (Rebele et al.,
2016) and Freebase (Bollacker et al., 2008) have sim-
ilar network-like structures, but ConceptNet exceeds
them because it focuses on commonsense facts yet
others just concern facts.
Several alternative approaches have been pro-
posed to tackle commonsense reasoning concerning
the relation between predicates. For example, Liu and
Singh (2004) proposed a number of graph-based algo-
rithms, which can turn reasoning problems into graph
problems. Morover, Speer et al. (2008) proposed a
novel reasoning method, called AnalogySpace, based
on matrix representation and SVD technique. The
key idea behind AnalogySpace is to imitate the anal-
ogy reasoning, which is a kind of induction inference.
This work diversifies the inference method yet is lim-
ited as it mainly depends on the similarity between
Recently, Angeli and Manning (2014) proposed
a natural logical inference system for inferring com-
monsense facts. By using natural logic, a reason-
ing problem can be embedded in a search framework,
which can then be converted into a search tree prob-
lem. However, with the limitation of natural logic, the
form of reasoning is bounded under just a few types
of relation such as inheritance and transitivity.
In the field of reasoning on ontologies, Kazakov
et al. (2009) proposed two role axioms of inclusion
and transitivity to characterise relations between pred-
icates. Nonetheless, they still only concern with in-
heritance (inclusion) and transitivity. There are more
remain not mentioned, such as causality. Moreover,
more flexible relation even between predicates and
concepts, e.g., the causality between “eat” and “hun-
gry”, are not considered.
On the other hand, relation extraction falls into the
field of information extraction. Tandon et al. (2011)
proposed a web-scale relation extraction method to
extract commonsense knowledge based on seeds from
a knowledge base. It uses the idea of pattern match-
ing but makes progress upon it, which is similar to our
extraction method. There are still other studies in the
similar line such as (Soderland et al., 2010).
Another rule-mining approach proposed in
(Berger-Wolf et al., 2013) tries to extract rule-like
knowledge about relations in ConceptNet. For
instance, pAtLocation, PartOf , AtLocationq is a rule,
since triple ptextbook, classroom, schoolq can be an
instance of this rule, if the following is valid:
AtLocationptextbook, classroomq^
PartOf pclassroom, schoolq
ÑAtLocationptextbook, schoolq.
Our approach is inspired by this work (i.e., we termed
such a rule pattern as syllogism rule pattern), but in
our work, the elements of such triple are not only rela-
tions but also predicates extracted from ConceptNet,
which can make a dramatical improvement upon the
reasoning breadth. Also we discover a more general
definition of rule pattern and discuss more measures
to extract them.
In this section we present a method to discover more
predicates from ConceptNet, by which we can con-
struct more flexible and meaningful commonsense
3.1 Predicates Expansion
ConceptNet represents assertions with pattern Ppa, bq,
where P stands for binary predicate modifying con-
cepts a and b. Although ConceptNet has around 20
predicates (or relations) (e.g., IsA, RelatedTo and
AtLocation), it is far from enough to do predicate rea-
soning, for example, from “Mike reads a book” to
“Mike learns something”, since it does not have read
and learn as predicates, so we need to put more pred-
icates into account.
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
3.1.1 Predicate Set Constructing
ConceptNet has a great deal of original concepts that
should be viewed as predicates, such as “eat”. The
idea for finding out such concepts is that a word or
phrase that can act as predicate normally has particu-
lar Part of Speech (PoS). For example, normally the
verbs can be regarded as predicates. Hence, we con-
struct a set of concepts, called predicate set P , to in-
clude all the concepts that has predicate-required PoS.
The following are the PoS of the words and
phrases that can be predicates:
The construction of predicate set P is straightfor-
ward. In ConceptNet, many concepts have detailed
informations expressed in URI. For example, concept
thank is represented as
{c{en{thank{v{express gratitude or ¨¨¨
where v after thank means that its PoS is verb.
Hence, we can iterate and check the concepts’ PoS
denoted in URI, and add it into P if its PoS is in the
PoS list. For those who do not show their PoS explic-
itly, we apply Stanford PoS tagger (Toutanova et al.,
2003) to the original sentence of that concept in Con-
The previous syntactic rule of assertions can be
expressed as
a Ñ r c c (1)
where a, r and c represent assertion, relation and con-
cept, respectively. This rule means an assertion can
be represented as a sequence of a relation, a concept,
and another concept.
After constructing predicate set P , the syntactic
rules are as follows:
a Ñ r c c | r c p | r p c | r p p (2)
a Ñ p c
| p c a (3)
where p stands for concepts in P , and c
stands for
any number of c.
Rule (2) is a variant of Rule (1), but Rule (3) does
let our system become much more expressive. For
example we can express sentences including clause
T hinkppeople, Desirepmonkey, eat bananaqq
3.1.2 Valuation
Here we present a method to valuate the truth of as-
It is easy to define the valuation of assertions with
built-in predicates. The only thing that we need to do
is to look up whether the assertion is in ConceptNet
or not. If it is, return true; otherwise, return false. The
hard part is the assertions with predicates in P . For
example, the modifier of assertion hel pppolice, kidq
does not act as a relation in ConceptNet. The truth
values of these assertions normally depend on con-
text. That is, hel pppolice, kidq is not always true nor
always false. However, for such predicates, we can
still judge whether the assertion is reasonable or not.
By saying reasonable, we mean the assertion may
make sense in most common contexts. For instance,
hel pppolice, kidq is much more reasonable than asser-
tion like helpppolice, penq or hel pptiger, kidq. This is
because it is common for people to think police offi-
cers should help a kid, while the latter is rather non-
sense. We claim that this kind of statements, though
cannot be determined to be true or false, also contain
implicit commonsense.
Putting these ideas together, we can formally give
the definition of valuation as follows:
Definition 1. A reasonable condition of predicate p,
denoted as vppq, is a set of pairs tpS, Oqu. In every
pair, S and O represent the subject equivalence set
and object equivalence sets, respectively.
Definition 2. An assertion φ is reasonable if and only
if, its subject, object pair ps
, o
q P vpp
q, where p
the predicate of φ.
For example, suppose vpholdq is tpdoctor,
needleq, psecretary, filequ. Then assertion “A sec-
retary holds a file” is reasonable, while “A secretary
holds a needle” is not.
3.2 Subject-object Set
The remained procedure is to construct subject-object
set vppq for every predicate p in P . The idea of con-
structing these sets is as follows: firstly find an origi-
nal set of objects and subjects from corpus, then add
their synonyms, superior and siblings (e.g., “apple”
and “banana”) into the set. Thus, it is converted
into an information extraction problem: first match
out the sentence from corpus containing the specific
predicate, then find the subject and object by Ollie
(Schmitz et al., 2012).
To extend the set, we also need add their syn-
onyms, superiors and siblings. This can be done by
ConceptNet, since synonyms and superiors have cor-
responding relations Synonym and IsA, and siblings
correspond to those who owns the same superiors.
Note that we may get pairs containing pronoun, and
named entities, which are not desired, and so should
be excluded.
Commonsense Reasoning in a Deeper Way: By Discovering Relations between Predicates
We find out that novels may contain lots of pro-
noun and person name, while newspapers contain lots
of named entities. So we decide to choose short
stories such as fables from Project Gutenberg (Hart,
1971) as corpus. Also, the example sentences of dic-
tionaries are good resource too.
In this section, we will discuss the definition of rela-
tion between predicates.
The commonsense knowledge is normally in
a form of Ppa, bq, e.g., “IsA(Labrador, dog)”
and “HasA(dog, four legs)”. In order to imply
“HasA(Labrador, four legs)” from the above two
pieces of commonsense, an implicit causal relation
between IsA and HasA is required. That is, if a con-
cept A belongs to the other concept B, then A may also
has the properties that B has. In this piece of rule-like
knowledge, A and B are viewed as variables, which
can apply any concept to it. Note that the premise is
unnecessarily commonsense knowledge, it could be
other context depended statement, and this rule still
holds. We believe that this causality or correlativity
between predicates is also another kind of common-
sense knowledge. However, the form of this common-
sense remains unclear, so in this section we try to give
it a formal definition, terming it as rule patterns.
4.1 Rule Patterns
In (Berger-Wolf et al., 2013), a syllogism like rule pat-
tern is defined as a triple of relations pρ
, ρ
, γq.
One of the shortages is that they only cover rela-
tions that are predefined in ConceptNet. After care-
fully defining the predicates in P , we can extend its
scope to P , and term such a rule pattern as a syllo-
gism rule pattern. It will extend the scope of applica-
tion considerably, but this may reduce the reliability
of the rule pattern. That is because in the pure relation
version, its premises are always true, while the pred-
icate version concerns only with “reasonable”, which
may lead to a more general but less true situation.
We define the syllogism rule pattern formally as
Definition 3. A syllogism rule pattern is a tuple
, ρ
, γq, satisfying
1. ρ
, ρ
and γ are predicates in P or ConceptNet,
2. normally for any concepts r, s, t P C , if ρ
pr, sq and
ps, tq hold, then γpr, tq holds,
where C represents the concepts set of ConceptNet.
Similarly, we can also define another kind of rule
pattern termed associative rule pattern with only two
predicates as follows:
Definition 4. An associative rule pattern is a tuple
pρ, γq, satisfying
1. ρ and γ are predicates in P or ConceptNet, and
2. normally for any concepts r, s P C, if ρpr, sq holds,
then γpr, sq holds.
For example, peat, Desiresq is an associative rule
pattern, since for concept tuple pcat, f ishq, if “Cat
eats fish”, then “Cat desires fish”. Note that we
use normally in the definition to make the inference
fuzzier, since it is hard and unnecessary to find the
absolute valid and justified rules in commonsense rea-
The negative version of rule pattern is straightfor-
ward, e.g., HasPropertypr, sq is true if and only if
HasPropertypr, sq is not true.
4.2 Extended Rule Patterns
The rule patterns we defined above are expressive, yet
they still cannot deal with the following case. Con-
sider an intuitive commonsense knowledge: if r is up-
set then r will yell at s. It cannot be represented by
the rule patterns we defined above. Since the predi-
cates HasProperty and Yell do not have the associa-
tive relation. That is, we cannot say that if some-
one has a property of something, then she/he yells at
it. Rather, upset and yell seem to have the implicit
relation. More concretely, HasPropertypupsetq and
yell have the causal relation (i.e., if someone is upset,
she/he may yell at someone else”). In order to cover
this kind of knowledge, we extend the definition to
make it more flexible as follows:
Definition 5. An extended associative rule pattern is
a tuple pρ, γq, where ρ and γ are either predicates in
P or ConceptNet, or simple concepts in ConceptNet,
rule label rule label
where σ P tHasProperty, IsA, CapableOf u; r, s P C ;
denote the causal relation that “if A then B”.
In the above definition, the label column describes
the types of ρ and γ. If it is a common concept in Con-
ceptNet, we label it as c’, while if it is a predicate in
P or ConceptNet, we label it as ‘p’. So, (upset, yell)
is labeled as cp’. And the associative rule pattern is
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Definition of Extended Syllogism Rule Pattern.
rule label rule label rule label rule label
actually a special case whose label is ‘pp’, i.e., ρ and
γ are always predicates.
And σ appears only when ρ or γ is concept. It is
decided by the PoS of this concept. The correspond-
ing transformations are:
PoS Relation of σ
noun Ñ IsA
adjective Ñ HasProperty
verb Ñ CapableOf
For simplicity, we only consider the above three
straightforward and commonly used cases.
Here is an example illustrating the extended as-
sociative rule pattern: (hungry, eat) is a rule pattern,
with label cp’, where hungry is a concept (labeled
with c) and eat is a predicate (labeled with p). σ in
this case is default as HasProperty. Thus, if we know
that “Mike is hungry”, we can imply that “Mike eats
Similarly, we also extend the syllogism rule pat-
tern to include the above interior relation between
verbs and properties:
Definition 6. A extended syllogism rule pattern is a
triple pρ
, ρ
, γq, where ρ
, ρ
and γ are predicates in
P or ConceptNet, or simple concepts in ConceptNet,
satisfying the rules as shown in Table 1
4.3 Reverse Rule
An important variation of rule pattern is the reverse
rule. Every rule can have a reverse version, which
changes the role of subject and object of the conclu-
sion. This is necessary if we consider a commonsense
rule (eat, tasty), which we want to express is: “If A
eats B, then B is tasty. However, according to the def-
inition, it is explained as: “If A eats B, then A is tasty.
To differentiate them we use r(eat, tasty) to denote it
instead, which reverses the role of subject and object
in conclusion. Formally, the reversed version of rule
pρ, γq is defined as follows:
Definition 7. A reversed associative rule pattern is a
tuple rpρ, γq with a prefix r, satisfying
1. ρ and γ are predicates in P or ConceptNet, and
2. normally for any concepts r, s P C, if ρpr, sq holds,
then γps, rq holds.
Note that the syllogism rule pattern and their ex-
tension also have the corresponding reverse version
rules, but we omit it for the lack of space.
After the discussion of rule patterns, in this section
we will present an efficient approach for extracting
rule patterns.
The extraction can be divided into two steps: First
we discover a set of potential rule patterns, and then
use conditional probabilities to denote their confi-
dence computing by Bayesian method. For those who
reach a certain threshold, we regard them as valid
rules; otherwise, we discard them.
In a sentence, connectives almost always occur,
with a certain relation between the predicates, before
and behind it. Our approach focuses on six connec-
tives: if, because, so, but, though, and and. Each of
them has the corresponding regular expression based
on text pattern. So, we can use these text patterns to
extract potential rules from corpus.
More specifically, we find out all the sentences
that contain connective firstly, then extract the predi-
cates from two clauses of it. The extraction process is
implemented by Stanford Dependency Parser (Socher
et al., 2013). Note that when extracting the predicates,
if the predicates are IsA, HasProperty or CapableOf,
we also need to consider the extended situation of rule
pattern mentioned above, and take the objects of these
predicates into account (e.g., IsA(pet) instead of just
5.1 Verification
Once the potential rule patterns are constructed, we
need a method to judge whether they are reasonable or
not. The intuition of verification is computing a confi-
dence for each rule pattern according to ConceptNet,
then its validness can be determined by a predefined
We use Bayesian formula to calculate confidence
Commonsense Reasoning in a Deeper Way: By Discovering Relations between Predicates
for an associative rule pattern r:
ppγ | ρq
ppγ, ρq
. (4)
Assume that there are n possible pairs of concept, and
npρq represents the number of concept pairs that can
be modified by ρ. Then ppρq
, and ppγ, ρq
denote the probabilities that both premises are
true. So, we have:
ppγ | ρq
npγ, ρq
. (5)
This equation is to denote how probable γ happens if
ρ happens.
To determine whether a rule pattern is reason-
able, a threshold of confidence ε is needed. Accord-
ing to Berger-Wolf et al. (2013), we select ε as 5%.
So, for every potential rule patterns, if its confidence
ą 0.05, it can be regraded as a rule pattern that is
normally valid, or make sense. Note that the confi-
dence rate is low even the rule is valid because of the
sparsity of ConceptNet.
The verification of syllogism rule is similar. The
confidence c
of a rule pattern is defined as follows:
ppγ | ρ
, ρ
ppγ, ρ
, ρ
, ρ
, (6)
where ppρ
, ρ
q presents the probability that both
premises are true, and ppγ, ρ
, ρ
q presents the proba-
bility of truth of γ, ρ
and ρ
at the same time.
5.2 Bias Analysis
In order to analyse the bias induced through out
the process, we randomly pick 15 short stories from
“Fifty Famous People” (Hart, 1971), and annotate
the commonsense knowledge as test set manually.
There are 57 pieces of commonsense knowledge in
it. Among them, 39 are concerned with the relations
between predicates, and others are facts. Our system
finds out 24 rules, while 15 are valid, i.e., we reach
the precision of 0.625 and recall of 0.385. As far as
we know, there may be following main biases:
1. Subclauses. When the dependency parser encoun-
ters a sentence with subclauses, it works less effi-
ciently, which also lead to a wrong predicate ex-
2. Double objects. The predicates with double ob-
jects (e.g., “bring me home”) suffer from the dif-
ficulty on constructing the subject-object set. It
leads to a low quality of verification of these pred-
3. Connectives. Some of the commonsense knowl-
edge does not appear with connectives, or am-
biguous one like “as”.
For the evaluation part, we apply our system to the
Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC) (Levesque et al.,
2011). WSC is suggested as an alternative to Tur-
ing Test (Turing, 1950) because of its practical ad-
An original example of WSC is as follows:
Joan made sure to thank Susan for all the help she
had given. Who given help?
Answer 0: Susan
Answer 1: Joan
For adults who speak English, the answer to this ques-
tion is obvious; while for computers, it is a really hard
question. WSC is technically a pronoun resolution
task, but a tough one, since one cannot get the correct
answer simply by syntactic analysis (a deep analysis
on semantics or even pragmatics is needed). There-
fore, most state-of-art pronoun resolvers perform not
very well when facing this challenge.
Some studies have tried to tackle this problem.
For example, Sharma et al. (2015) proposed a method
to search for the needed commonsense knowledge
from web to answer the given question. Rahman and
Ng (2012) proposed a hybrid method by integrating
8 techniques with machine learning algorithms, and
it reaches the correctness of 73%. The error analysis
in their work shows that one of the most contributed
component, Google, is not good at handling schema
that requires a deep understanding of the connection
between two clauses. Another most important tech-
nique, narrative chains, can capture the relationship
between the verb events in the two clauses. However,
it cannot capture the relationship between the clauses
that are not only verbs, e.g., phrases or cases that are
with adjective. So, narrative chains can be regraded as
special case of the associative rule pattern. However,
our method can capture the relationship between two
clauses (predicates), which is difficult for the above
Thus, we select 49 out of 273 schemas, which
are hard for the above systems, to deal with (i.e., the
schemas that one of or both of the events are not de-
scribed by verbs). And apply our system to this set
of schemas, 33 of them can be successfully answered,
and an accuracy of 67.35% is achieved.
The overall process is as follows. Given a schema,
firstly extract predicate set S used in the text part and
query predicate p
in the question; then construct a
set of potential rules, and verify them. In a potential
rule, the last predicate (conclusion’s predicate) should
be p
, because we want to lead to a conclusion with
, to answer the question. Other predicates are from
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Results of some schema.
schema valid rule confidence
fish-worm case pHasPropertyphungryq, eatq 6.04%
man-son case pHasPropertypweakq, liftq 7.20%
pay-generous case ppay, HasPropertypgenerousqq 5.87%
woman-daughter case pgive birth, IsApwomanqq 8.07%
hire-take-care case rphire, take care of q 5.14%
For the valid rules, we apply them to the text, and
see what kind of answer the rules would lead to. If
both kinds of answer can be led to, we compare the
confidence of the rules and choose the highest one;
otherwise, we fail to answer this question and guess
an answer instead. For example, if the predicate set
of the above schema is tthank, give hel pu, and
the question’s predicate p
is give hel p, then there
are only two potential rules: pthank, give hel pq and
rpthank, give hel pq. After verifying, we find out
their confidence are 2.92% and 7.45% respectively
(the later one has a higher confidence). As a re-
sult, we can apply it to thankpJoan, Susanq and get
give hel ppSusan, Joanq. Hence, the answer is Susan.
The rest of the schemas, especially those who re-
quire commonsense facts or complicated cases (e.g.,
with subclauses), remain not easy to be dealt with by
our system. Therefore, in future it is interesting to
extend our system so that it can deal with such com-
monsense facts.
Table 2 shows five example schemas that are diffi-
cult for other systems, but are easily tackled using the
corresponding valid rule pattern used in our system.
All of the cases require an understanding of the rela-
tionship between two clauses, while in each schema
one of the clauses contains non-verb predicate. So in
this bunch of schemas, other systems can only answer
them randomly.
It has been a tough struggle for researchers to arm
AI systems with commonsense. Most commonsense
reasoning approaches proposed till now focus on the
relation between entities. Instead, in this paper we
make another attempt and develop a commonsense
reasoning approach, which aim to extract the relation
between predicates. We argue that the correlative re-
lation between two predicates (e.g., thank and help)
also hold an interior commonsense knowledge.
More specifically, we first discuss the definition of
these kinds of commonsense, then we show a pattern
matching based approach to find out the relation from
corpus, and finally we apply our system to tackle a
part of the Winograd Schema Challenge, which re-
sult shows that our system can successfully answer
the daily questions that are hard for other systems.
In the future, it is interesting to identify other rule
patterns. In this paper, we define two rule patterns
(i.e., associative rule pattern and syllogism rule pat-
tern). Maybe they are not enough to exhaust all the
possibilities of conclusions, as we discussed in the
evaluation section. Hence, it is necessary to identify
more of them, to tackle the subordinate clause case,
and the double object case, and so on.
This research was partially supported by the Bairen
Plan of Sun Yat-sen University, the Natural Sci-
ence Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (No.
2016A030313231) and the National Fund of Social
Science (No. 13BZX066).
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