Real-time Crowd Counting based on Wearable Ephemeral IDs
Daniel Morales
, Isaac Agudo
and Javier Lopez
Network, Information and Computer Security Lab, Department of Computer Science,
ITIS Software, Universidad de M
alaga, M
alaga, Spain
Pandemics, Crowd Counting, Bloom Filter, Privacy, SMPC, Ephemeral ID.
Crowd Counting is a very interesting problem aiming at counting people typically based on density averages
and/or aerial images. This is very useful to prevent crowd crushes, especially on urban environments with
high crowd density, or to count people in public demonstrations. In addition, in the last years, it has become
of paramount importance for pandemic management. For those reasons, giving users automatic mechanisms
to anticipate high risk situations is essential. In this work, we analyze ID-based Crowd Counting, and propose
a real-time Crowd Counting system based on the Ephemeral ID broadcast by contact tracing applications on
wearable devices. We also performed some simulations that show the accuracy of our system in different
Crowd Density Estimation or Crowd Counting has al-
ways been a challenging task for historians. With the
widespread growth of the urban scenario, new prob-
lems have emerged, with many implications on social,
politics or economics areas. A clear example where
Crowd Counting has had a lot of relevance is the es-
timation of participants in demonstrations. The esti-
mated value in this type of events can involve changes
on perception and alignment of people with respect
to politic groups or social movements, so an accu-
rate tool to achieve a real count can help to avoid
manipulation and wrong perception (Janofsky, 1995).
Other paradigm where Crowd Counting is present is
urban management. When many people share urban
resources, conflicts and accidents can emerge easily.
If urban services like police, firemen or health entities
have tools to anticipate to crowded events (rush hours,
festivals. . . ) they can handle unexpected events be-
tter and make more organized and efficient protocols
for intervention. This paradigm has evolved to the
next level on recent years, where the rise of the smart
city paradigm has established new use cases for ur-
ban management services, where a massive number of
devices is expected to be interconnected and interact
with each other in an intelligent and automated way,
processing data and statistics to make decisions and
providing services (Santana et al., 2020). However,
another interesting, critical and novel scenario where
Crowd Counting is an essential tool is pandemic man-
agement. Different pandemics have arisen along the
human history and they have been faced in different
ways. In this era, with the growth of the world’s pop-
ulation and urban environments, having automated
tools for both preventive and reactive decisions is fun-
damental. A clear example has been COVID-19, the
disease generated by the virus SARS-CoV-2, which
has been damaging the whole world since its origin
in 2019. Many people have died, and keeping track
of the virus spread has not been an easy task. For
that reason, new tools that help avoiding the risk of
crowd places and those tracking the spreading after
positive tests have been developed in the last years,
mostly based on CO
sensors (Mumtaz et al., 2021)
and smartphones (Troncoso et al., 2020).
In this work, we take advantage of Ephemeral
Pseudo-Random IDs in an innovative way, using them
to estimate crowd density in real time with an effi-
cient and privacy friendly approach. Our solution can
work both indoor and outdoors, in contrast with tradi-
tional approaches that are mainly based on indoor or
short area environments, without any additional de-
vice apart from the citizens’ smartphones.
The key contributions of this work can be summa-
rized as follows:
1. We propose a generic architecture to perform
Crowd Counting based on Ephemeral ID ex-
change which works on the application layer.
Morales, D., Agudo, I. and Lopez, J.
Real-time Crowd Counting based on Wearable Ephemeral IDs.
DOI: 10.5220/0011327200003283
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), pages 249-260
ISBN: 978-989-758-590-6; ISSN: 2184-7711
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2. We define different scenarios where our solution
fits, propose an implementation for a P2P envi-
ronment, and formalize the main parameters that
model the system behavior.
3. We simulate the proposed solution using synthetic
mobility traces and analyze the impact of the pa-
rameters on the accuracy.
4. We analyze the security and privacy aspects of the
proposed solution.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 summarizes some traditional techniques to
achieve Crowd Counting. In Section 3 we briefly in-
troduce the building blocks upon our proposal is built.
Section 4 describes the general architecture to achieve
Crowd Counting based on Ephemeral IDs and differ-
entiates two application scenarios. Section 5 proposes
a specific design for the P2P scenario, with imple-
mentation details and privacy protection based on a
trusted proxy. In Section 6, we introduce a tiny pro-
totype and describe some results obtained by simula-
tion. Then, Section 7 proposes a modification to avoid
a trusted proxy using SMPC. Finally, Section 8 sum-
marizes some conclusions and future work.
Crowd Counting techniques have been tradition-
ally approached from computer vision technologies,
where images are processed to estimate the number
of people in a scene.
A typical classification of techniques is made on
three primary categories: (1) Detection-based ap-
proaches, (2) Regression-based approaches and (3)
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)-based ap-
proaches. In the first category, the idea is to ex-
tract different features from images to detect complete
or partial human bodies for counting (Felzenszwalb
et al., 2010; Dollar et al., 2012).
In the second one, a direct mapping is established
between extracted features and crowd estimation (or
density map construction). It overcomes the difficulty
for detection-based approaches to develop an accurate
count on images where crowd is very close or there
are considerable levels of occlusion and scene clutter
(Chen et al., 2013; Idrees et al., 2013).
Finally, CNN-based approaches present the most
accepted model because they achieve good accuracy
when processing images with the previous mentioned
problems (Walach and Wolf, 2016; Sindagi and Patel,
2017; Jiang et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020).
In (Ryan et al., 2015), an evaluation is made over
different models to perform Crowd Counting, as well
as a state of the art review and classification. Also,
(Du et al., 2020) compares 14 algorithmic for Crowd
Counting on images taken from drones.
Other recent works propose novel approaches,
which reuse the existent models but apply them to
more realistic and updated scenarios. That is the case
of (Bailas et al., 2018), where authors test three differ-
ent models in an edge computing setup. On the other
hand, (Chen et al., 2019) propose an efficient CNN to
estimate the Crowd Counting directly on embedded
Computer vision for Crowd Counting presents
some problems. First, the need to set up special-
ized devices, with computing capabilities to handle
the corresponding technique. Also, the devices need
to be located strategically, because the area covered
by a camera is limited. This problem is more signif-
icant in moving protests. Finally, there are privacy
concerns too. Some techniques can obscure images
and keep people privacy, but people have to trust the
implementation of the system to work according to
privacy and data protection regulations.
Other approaches are based on sensors. These are
typically focused on indoor environments, where a
specific number of sensors can be strategically posi-
tioned to keep track of people. A common approach
is to use Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors (Wahl et al.,
2012), but other types of sensors can be used. In
(Kannan et al., 2012), the authors propose a model
based on audio tones.
Some proposals go a step further and use sen-
sors not to count people, but their devices. In the
last years is not unusual to see most people carry-
ing a smartphone almost all the time, above all if
they are in a working environment. In (Filippoupoli-
tis et al., 2016), the authors propose a model based
on a combination of distributed Bluetooth Low En-
ergy (BLE) beacons and machine learning. A differ-
ent but very common approach is to use WiFi technol-
ogy. In (Zou et al., 2018), Channel Impulse Response
(CIR) is used to discriminate individual paths in the
time domain. With this approach, features can be ex-
tracted and then sent to a Crowd Counting classifier
trained with machine learning techniques, like Naive
Bayes or Support Vector Machines. Other approach
is presented in (Depatla and Mostofi, 2018), where
a Transmission-Reception model is used to estimate
Crowd Counting based on the distortion that peo-
ple do on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
values inside the building, or (Korany and Mostofi,
2021), also based on the WiFi channel state, but only
for stationary crowds. Besides, there are also mobile
network based approaches, like (Di Domenico et al.,
2017), where authors propose crowd estimation based
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
on LTE signals.
Finally, the last type of techniques used to achieve
Crowd Counting are based on distributed mobile ap-
plications. In (Danielis et al., 2017), authors propose
a privacy preserving method where nodes can esti-
mate the crowd size locally. This approach use an epi-
demically spreading model where devices can share
with others the knowledge they have (shared and left
3.1 Pseudo-Random Function
A pseudo-random function (PRF) F : X × K Y is a
deterministic algorithm that gets as input a key k and a
piece of data x and outputs y = F(k,x). Informally, we
can define the security of a PRF as the warranty that,
given a randomly chosen key k, the output y should
look like a random function from X to Y, i.e., an ad-
versary can only distinguish between the output from
the PRF and the output from a random function with
negligible probability
3.2 Pseudo-random ID-based Contact
The work in (Chowdhury et al., 2020) presents an
analysis about different applications that have been
proposed for contact tracing. The main problem is
to find a trade-off between usability and privacy. For
that reason, different approaches have been proposed,
based on a very wide set of technologies and pri-
vacy mechanisms. The different technologies cov-
ered by (Chowdhury et al., 2020) are the following:
GPS, Bluetooth, WiFi, Cellular Network, RFID and
NFC. Also, their system architecture is variate, and
the computation can be carried out in a decentral-
ized or centralized way. Privacy features heavily in-
fluence the architecture and performance of the sys-
tem. Among those privacy techniques are Generic
Multiparty Computation, Private Set Intersection Car-
dinality, Homomorphic Encryption or Blind Signa-
ture. However, on the most popular and widely used
in many countries is the Ephemeral Pseudo-Random
ID (Troncoso et al., 2020). The ID allows the sys-
tem to compute calculations about users without a
direct and personal identification of them. The ad-
vantage is that Pseudo-Random IDs are generally
A negligible probability can be analyzed as a very
small one, defined as p = 1/p(x), where p(x) is a poly-
Figure 1: Ephemeral Pseudo-Random ID-based Contact
computed using symmetric cryptographic techniques,
so computations are lightweight, opposite to other
mentioned techniques that require heavy asymmetric
cryptographic computations. More specifically, the
solution proposed in (Troncoso et al., 2020) generates
a daily seed (Equation 1), where H is a cryptographic
hash function.
= H(SK
) (1)
Each day, a rotating set of Ephemeral IDs are gen-
erated from SK
, and those IDs are the ones shared
among the closest peers. This is shown in Equation
2, where n is the daily number of IDs, obtained as
n = (24 60)/L, being L a configurable parameter
which sets the length of an epoch in minutes. Also,
is a fixed public string. The rotation mechanism is
implemented to avoid the continue exposure of a user.
E phID
||...||E phID
)) (2)
Pseudo-Random IDs schemes (view Fig. 1), typi-
cally use the identifiers in a propagation phase, where
close users exchange them using BLE advertisements.
When a user is reported positive, her identifiers are
uploaded to a central authority, where other users
can download them as a list of positive tested iden-
tifiers. If any of the identifiers that a user has stored
in her device correspond to any other downloaded
from the positive list, the user is alerted with a ex-
posure notification. More specifically, from (Tron-
coso et al., 2020), the positive tested user uploads the
pair (SK
,t), which is distributed to other users who
can compute the list {E phID
and compare them
with their stored EphIDs.
3.3 Bloom Filters
A Bloom Filter (BF) is a privacy-preserving and
space-efficient probabilistic data structure. It encap-
sulates a set of items into a bit array. To achieve this,
Real-time Crowd Counting based on Wearable Ephemeral IDs
the bit array of size m is initialized to 0’s and each
item x is hashed to an integer in the range [1, m] with
a set of k hash functions H = {h
,..., h
}. Each
result h
(x) points to a position of the bit array, which
is set to 1. Given only the bit array is not possible
to extract the previous items that have been inserted,
but given an element one can check if it has been in-
serted (with high probability) comparing the 1’s after
computing the hashes. The false positive probability
in Equation (3) is a key parameter in the design phase,
because it relates k and m with the actual number of
items in the filter n.
(1 e
An interesting characteristic of BFs is that they
can be aggregated with just the bit-wise OR opera-
tion. Also, given a single BF, an approximation of the
set size can be conducted using Equation (4), from
(Ashok and Mukkamala, 2014), where z represents
the number of 0’s in the BF.
|S| =
k ln(1 1/m)
3.4 Adversaries and Security
To model and analyze the security warranties of the
system, we must first define the capabilities of the ad-
versary and the different aspects of the system that
can be protected.
The adversary is defined as the abstract entity that
interact with the elements of the system and can cor-
rupt them to produce some malicious or unusual be-
havior. Plenty of adversary models have been pro-
posed in the literature, but two of them remain as the
most typical.
Semi-honest Adversary: the corrupted elements fol-
low the protocol specification, but try to infer more
data than allowed.
Malicious Adversary: the corrupted elements may
deviate from the protocol, changing data, sending ad-
ditional messages, or not sending them at all.
On the other hand, with respect to the system pro-
tection, we differentiate between two main properties,
as different tools may be needed to achieve each of
Privacy: it refers to the property that the system pro-
vides to hide sensitive data from the adversary. Note
that sensitive data may be dependent of the applica-
tion, but it is typically related with user’s personal be-
haviors or patterns exposure. For the proposed sys-
tem, two types of sensitive data are identified: the
pseudo-random IDs, which may lead to a linkability
attack to track users, and the geolocation data, which
can be used maliciously to track users’ movement.
Security: this notion refers to the warranties that
the system works according to the specified protocol,
avoiding incorrect results or leading to other threats.
In this paper, we discuss Crowd Counting solutions
that are based on IDs to estimate the count. The archi-
tecture can be proposed from different perspectives,
depending on how the IDs are generated or used. We
first define the general functionalities that must be
present for the system to work.
Pseudo-random ID Generation and Distribution:
a Pseudo-Random ID is generated from a seed value.
It identifies a device during a period of time, but
the real identity of the device cannot be inferred
from it. A Pseudo-Random ID can be persistent, if
once generated it will always be the same value, and
ephemeral, if it changes from time to time, specified
by the length of an epoch. The seed value is de-
termined by the application or technology employed.
Also, the way to distribute the IDs is specific for each
technology, and may be viewed as a lower layer of
functionality which serves to our application (it typ-
ically will be a broadcast functionality). A solution
may be to use periodic BLE advertisements, where
the device can embed an ID generated by the applica-
tion. Another possibility is to use the Pseudo-Random
MACs enabled by WiFi, which provides this function-
ality to hide the real static MAC address of devices. In
this case, the seed for the PRF is the network profile.
ID Reporting: this functionality comprises the gen-
eration of a location context based on the specific IDs.
It can be a partial aggregation of the IDs received in a
specific device or a report containing a location area
for each device. As it will be later discussed, the
reporting functionality presents a crucial role in the
trade-off between accuracy and efficiency.
Facilitator: it refers to an endpoint that receives the
reports emitted by the different reporters and perform
the crowd count using the IDs or the location context
information. This functionality is typically associated
with a server with high capabilities.
As it was previously stated, the architecture can
vary, depending on how the functionalities are de-
ployed. For fixed location scenarios, e.g. indoor
Crowd Counting, static nodes can facilitate the pro-
cess. We identify two main architectures, depicted in
Figure 2, that perform inverse solutions. Specifically,
in Figure 2a, the static node broadcasts persistent IDs
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
(a) Mobile node as reporter.
(b) Static station as reporter.
Figure 2: Generic architectures for Crowd Counting.
that serve as anchor IDs, e.g., a WiFi AP emitting the
SSID. In this architecture, the mobile nodes send the
anchor ID to the facilitator, which keeps track of the
devices that are located inside the static node’s cover-
age area. On the other hand, in Figure 2b, the mobile
nodes emits Ephemeral IDs and the static nodes are in
charge of collecting them and reporting the facilitator.
The second solution presents the advantage that the
mobile node only has to broadcast the ID and nothing
else, in contrast with the first solution where it has
to read IDs from the environment and send them to
the facilitator, increasing the resource consumption.
It is also easier to embed a broadcast-only functional-
ity directly on hardware chip-sets. In addition to that,
using Ephemeral IDs reduces the tracking capabilities
for an adversary along the system.
4.1 Different Scenarios
The proposed functionalities are intended to be
generic and cover the basic aspects needed for the
system to work. However, they can be instantiated
in different ways, depending on the specific scenario
where the solution is to be applied. We identify and
cover two of them, as it is shown in Figure 3.
Enclosed Area: Assume an scheduled event taking
place in some fixed area, e.g., a free big concert, a
demonstration, etc. For such a scenario, a straight so-
lution may be to deploy one or some reporters that
cover the whole place. Those reporters receive the
IDs from the ID emitters, and send them to the facili-
tator. There is only one queried area for this scenario
(the whole place), which is constantly recalculated by
the facilitator. The ID emitters could be a small phys-
ical token, a wearable, a mobile phone, etc.
Peer to Peer Scenario: In this scenario, a very big
area is covered, in such an extension that is not vi-
able to set static reporters, e.g., a whole city. To
achieve Crowd Counting, we propose to embed the
reporter functionality inside the same device that gen-
erates and emits the Ephemeral IDs. In this way, each
single device will emit and receive IDs, and will send
reports to the facilitator. This scenario has sense, e.g.,
in pandemics situations like the COVID-19 pandemic,
where keeping track of contacts and avoiding crowds
is a crucial matter to warranty security and health. In
such a scenario, a contact tracing application can be
reused as a tool for the Ephemeral IDs generation and
management (Section 3.2).
We propose a specific design for the P2P scenario,
where every ID emitter will also capture IDs and send
reports to the facilitator. There are specific aspects
to consider for this scenario that are not needed in a
static one.
5.1 Spatial and Temporal Management
As a first aspect, the movement of the reporters intro-
duce a constraint. For this scenario, location must be
tagged for each ID, to allow location specific queries
on the facilitator. If an individual report is sent for
each received ID, the accuracy will be the best pos-
sible, as it will not introduce high errors on location
data. However, this is not very realistic, due to the
high number of connections that the reporters (low
energy devices) may perform with the facilitator.
To fix that, we propose ID batching, i.e., receiv-
ing IDs during a specific interval of time and sending
them together on a single report at once. This reduces
the number of connections, but introduces a lower ac-
curacy because of temporal and spatial errors.
Let’s assume that a user start receiving IDs when
she is on location l
and keep batching until she
reaches l
, which can be considered “far” from l
If the report is tagged with l
, all the IDs will be ag-
gregated on the facilitator for that location, modifying
the real count. This presents the sampling interval as
a critical parameter that must be taken into account
for a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. Al-
gorithm 1 shows the pseudo-code for the ID batching
procedure, where each batch is tagged with the mean
value of (l
The same approach could be used to handle time,
but in this case it could be better to tag data with the
facilitator reception time. The reason is that if the
sampling interval is higher than 2 times the server his-
torical time (more details in Section 5.4), then data are
never used for queries.
Real-time Crowd Counting based on Wearable Ephemeral IDs
(a) Enclosed area architecture (b) Peer to peer architecture
Figure 3: The communication architecture for the two proposed scenarios.
Algorithm 1: Sampling Algorithm.
while true do
Initialization : timer,loc,batch
if read(id
) then
locInit loc.getPosition
end if
while timer.notEnd do
if read(id
) then
end if
end while
locEnd loc.getPosition
locMean mean(locInit,locEnd)
end while
5.2 Raw ID vs BF ID Aggregation
We propose another modification to improve the man-
agement of IDs, both for batching and aggregation.
Algorithm 2 shows a solution for the aggregation
where the facilitator keeps a timer for each ID. This
solution has the problem of the timer management,
which can be huge for many IDs. Another solution
could be computing the count for each query on de-
mand, retrieving the saved batches which are not older
enough. Following the latter solution, we propose an
encapsulation of the IDs inside of a BF before send-
ing the report to the facilitator, as shown in Algorithm
3. There are three main advantages for this solution:
(1) it may reduce the size of each batch if the number
of IDs is huge, (2) it reduces the count problem to bit-
wise OR operations, and (3) it adds an extra layer of
security, making the IDs opaque to the facilitator.
Algorithm 2: Raw aggregation.
Agg: {ID}
Agg: id {ID}
if id / {ID}
save(ID),count = count + 1
end if
Agg: id {ID}
if id timer expired then
delete(ID),count = count 1
end if
Algorithm 3: BF aggregation.
Agg: BF({ID}
if new query then
Agg: count =
end if
5.3 Security and Privacy
We have to take privacy into account from the very
beginning, not only because users are more and more
aware about privacy, but also to respect privacy and
data protection regulation. This system has to con-
sider privacy from two points of view: related to user
identification and related to user location.
User identification is made when an adversary re-
late a Pseudo-Random ID with a specific user, and can
perform a tracing. This issue is solved with two lay-
ers of security. In the first place, if the Ephemeral IDs
are correctly generated, i.e., they are pseudo-random
and the seed is kept private, they cannot be linked to a
specific user (contact tracing solutions also apply ID
rotation to avoid continuous ID tracking). Secondly,
applying BF encapsulation makes the IDs oblivious to
the facilitator.
On the other hand, user location privacy is harder
to achieve. There are many works that scope privacy
on Location Based Services (Jiang et al., 2021), but it
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
does not exist consensus on the best solution.
The most typical solution tends to be K-
Anonymity, usually implemented using cloaking
techniques. This approach generalizes the area where
the user is located until she blurs with at least K other
users. The K users will report the same location to
the server, so it is difficult for it to distinguish be-
tween them. The basic K-Anonymity schemes rely
on a trusted server to perform the blurring (Fran-
cisco et al., 2003), but other solutions have been pro-
posed to avoid a single trusted element, both in multi-
server setting (Li et al., 2017), or in P2P environments
(Chow et al., 2011). However, K-Anonymity is not
good for our proposal, because privacy is directly re-
lated to location generalization. When high accuracy
is required, the privacy provided by K-Anonymity
will be low. This problem can be extended to other
obfuscation schemes, like Differential Privacy.
Therefore, we propose a solution with a Trusted
Proxy combined with Space Transformation (Figure
4), as a first solution to the problem, which will be ex-
tended later with some cryptographic aspects in Sec-
tion 7 to avoid a single trusted element. Using a proxy
has been proposed in the literature sometimes, over-
all for query privacy, e.g. (Singanamalla et al., 2021)
propose an Oblivious DNS architecture. In our pro-
posed solution, when a report reaches the Proxy, it
maps the location to another space using a Pseudo-
Random Function (PRF) f : L M, where L is the
original location space and M is the mapping space.
This function can be easily implemented using a sym-
metric cipher with location and the Proxy private key
as inputs. Also, the mapping function can rotate pe-
riodically using different keys. So, the computation
server receives the obfuscated and anonymous loca-
tion reports and saves them into the database. The
same procedure is applied to queries. To handle Space
Transformation a space generalization must be made,
but in contrast to K-Anonymity, it is not directly re-
lated to privacy, and small areas can be considered if
the system allows for them. This solution still needs
trust, like in Trusted Third Party K-Anonymity ap-
proaches, but the advantage is not just that the com-
putation server can’t track the position of users but it
is even not able to determine which exact location is
saving or being queried.
Figure 4: Trusted Proxy to achieve location privacy. The
Key is only known by the Proxy.
The following sections will analyze security and
privacy according to the party that is manipulated by
the adversary.
5.3.1 Semi-honest Adversary
If every entity follows the protocol, there is only one
leakage that can be produced, that is that the trusted
proxy knows the geolocation data of the users. For
that reason, this solution only achieves privacy on the
trusted model.
5.3.2 Malicious Adversary
We analyze the malicious adversary from the different
entities that can be corrupted.
Malicious Reporter. A malicious reporter can mis-
behave in different ways, e.g., sending dummy data
to disrupt the estimated data on the facilitator side,
both changing the location with a fake one or modify-
ing the IDs which are sent inside the BF. The reporter
can also stop sending notifications at all, deleting their
presence on the server’s counts, or on the contrary,
perform denial of service (DoS) attacks sending noti-
fications constantly.
Malicious Proxy. A malicious proxy can modify the
received data from reporters, changing it with dummy
data or not sending at all. It can also perform DoS at-
tacks to the server, and send the location data without
applying the PRF, allowing the server to read the lo-
cation data and exposing users’ privacy.
Malicious Facilitator. If both reporters and proxy are
honest or semi-honest, the facilitator has no ability
to retrieve the original location data or the pseudo-
random IDs, as long as the PRF and BF remain se-
cure. It can, however, change the counting data with
totally random data, or cheat in the responses to make
the application believe that a place is poorly crowded,
when it is not true
5.4 System Characterization
In this section, we briefly describe the theoretical
characteristics of the system. From now on, all as-
sumptions are made within a specified location area,
where people are not supposed to enter or leave it
(a real scenario would imply more considerations).
Equation (5) describes the probability for a device’s
ID to be in the system (for that location area), where
is the previous time from a query reception where
BFs are taken into account on the facilitator and T
Remark that, despite the cheating capacity, it cannot
infer which real location belongs to each mapped location
that has been received
Real-time Crowd Counting based on Wearable Ephemeral IDs
the reporting period of a device. The first term is re-
lated to the device that reports its ID, but another term
has to be added due to reports of other devices which
include the scoped ID. This is represented with p
and it relates the Bluetooth area range B
and the area
where devices are being considered A
. The min(·,1)
function is used to limit the probability which in-
crease theoretically with the influence of other BFs
but is self-limited on a real implementation by the na-
ture of adding BFs, where the same ID will not appear
twice because of the bit-wise OR operation.
= min
+ p
Other consideration that must be made is that
Ephemeral IDs change periodically. This affects the
accuracy, but if the server tracks the IDs with low
sampling rate, the added error is minimized. In Equa-
tion (6) the probability that an ID has changed is de-
scribed, with T
being the period where the same ID
is periodically sent from a device before changing it
to the next one in the rotation.
Finally, Equation (7) describes the estimated num-
ber of devices. It can be achieved combining the
previous equations and relating it to the number of
devices that are on the scoped area, determined by
N. The variable ε represents the error rate introduced
by the cardinality estimation made on BFs, which is
negligible. E
in f
represents an increment of the esti-
mated number of devices due to devices that are on
surrounding areas close to those on the scoped area
(the edge), with E
in f
|Dev| = (1 ± ε)(N · p
(1 + p
in f
To give an approximate idea about the system perfor-
mance, a tiny prototype has been implemented and
some simulations have been performed. While it
should not be taken as an exact example because it
has some limitations (described below), it is still good
enough to give the reader a general perspective of the
expected results.
First of all, a general description is specified. The
prototype is built upon two main different blocks: (1)
the mobility scenario and (2) the facilitator implemen-
tation. Testing data related to moving users has never
been an easy task, because it is difficult to access to
a wide amount of people simultaneously, and simu-
lation is usually the choice, even with its limitations.
In this work we have used a mobility trace generator
(Mousavi et al., 2007), which generates mobility data
based on some initial parameters, such as mobility
model and simulation map. On the other hand, the fa-
cilitator server has been implemented using Python’s
Flask library
. The proxy has also been implemented,
in regard to anonymize data received previously to
send it to the facilitator. The latter saves data on a
SqLite database
, and retrieves them on demand to
handle queries. To test the real-time functionality a
Python simulator has been developed which takes as
input the mobility traces generated by (Mousavi et al.,
2007) and outputs the tagged BFs in real-time which
finally reach the proxy and the facilitator.
We will describe now the main limitations for the
simulation. The first one is related to mobility models
and it is that they are approximations to real traces,
however accessing real traces on a controlled scenario
is rarely possible. For this work we have tested the
system with a Random Way Point model. The sec-
ond limitation is related to data generation. The real
interaction between users is very dynamic and it im-
plies self timers for each one, in other words, arriving
points for each user data is independent from others
even if they have the same sampling interval. In this
simulation data are statically generated and sent to the
server at discrete time steps, so simulation data prob-
ably converge faster to more accurate results. Other
important consideration is the way that BLE range has
been modeled. In real contact tracing BLE range can
be modified using the RSSI value as a threshold me-
tric and keeping some counter to relate an ID received
multiple times to a valid device nearby. The BLE con-
siderations are generalized here just setting the range
to 1 meter. As the simulation is discrete in time, an en-
counter is detected when two user’s devices are closer
than the BLE range and it is assumed that they ex-
change IDs in that time step and generate associated
There are two main parameters which determine
system accuracy: temporal granularity, modeled with
and spatial device density, modeled with d =
. Fig. 5 shows a comparative on the same
scenario with different values for
, where Actual
Count means the total number of devices that are on
the queried area, Actual Contacts means the number
of devices that are closer to others than the specified
BLE range and Estimated Count means the estimation
made on the server after adding BFs.
Python’s Flask library: https://flask.palletsprojects.c
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
0 20 40
80 100
Time steps
Actual Count
Actual Contacts
Estimated Count
= 2s
0 20 40
80 100
Time steps
Actual Count
Actual Contacts
Estimated Count
= 5s
0 20 40
80 100
Time steps
Actual Count
Actual Contacts
Estimated Count
= 10s
Figure 5: Simulation with 200 people in a 50x50 map with different
values, speed 1 m/s and 20x20 area queried.
Table 1: RME values obtained from different simulations
Simulation RME
Fig. 5a 0.1308
Fig. 5b 0.0620
Fig. 5c 0.1613
Fig. 6a 0.0422
Fig. 6b 0.3391
To measure the results we have used the Relative
Mean Error of Equation (8) and obtained values are
shown in Table 1.
In Fig. 5a Estimated Contacts are closer to Real
Contacts, because they are the ones exchanging IDs,
but alone devices are not taken into account. Fig.
5b shows the most accurate result, while Fig. 5c
count more devices than there are, because the sys-
tem takes into account devices that are not anymore
in the scoped area. This comparative denotes the sig-
nificance about selecting a precise value for
. While
a small value underestimates the number of devices,
because older reports are not taken into account, a big
value overestimates it, counting devices’ IDs that are
not in the queried location anymore.
On the other hand, density implications are shown
in Fig. 6. The two of them are simulated with
= 5,
but while the first one gets a good accuracy when esti-
mating the total number of devices within the scoped
area, the second one doesn’t. The reason is the poor
number of ID exchanges carried on the second sce-
nario, so it leads to conclude that the estimation is
more accurate when more devices are closer between
them, i.e., when people density grows.
Our first design presents a major caveat, which is the
existence of a TTP. This solution is straightforward
to avoid techniques that lower the precision of the
measurements, but lacks of privacy. A distributed K-
anonymity scheme will also involve higher commu-
nication rounds between the users, aspect we want
to minimize because of the usage of low capability
devices. For that reason, a solution to avoid loosing
privacy and accuracy is to perform a distributed PRF.
Distributed cryptography is a wide area of SMPC pro-
tocols (Zhao et al., 2019), where a group of nodes
perform some cryptographic protocol on a privately-
distributed piece of data, e.g., encryption or signa-
tures. In our case, the PRF can be instantiated using
deterministic AES (Harkins, 2008) or another PRF
which has been implemented in a distributed way.
The work in (Keller et al., 2017) proposes a solution
for AES, where they achieve running-times of 0.928
ms for 2-party online phase and LAN setting.
For our proposed solution, the trusted proxy
would be replaced by N 2 servers which will com-
pute the distributed PRF on the inputs (secret shared
values). The offline time does not matter because the
precomputation is independent of inputs, and the on-
line phase only introduces some small delays on the
crowd size estimation, which are not so problematic
(just a small temporal right shifting of the estimation
The main problem of this solution is that each user
has to deliver one message to each server, increasing
by N the communication and number of connections
needed. To lower a bit that caveat, the infrastruc-
ture may work with a relay node, which cannot read
the secret shares thanks to a Public Key Infrastructure
(PKI), as shown in Figure 7.
Real-time Crowd Counting based on Wearable Ephemeral IDs
0 20 40
80 100
Time steps
Actual Count
Actual Contacts
Estimated Count
(a) 200 devices (d = 0.08 dev/m
0 20 40
80 100
Time steps
Actual Count
Actual Contacts
Estimated Count
(b) 50 devices (d = 0.02 dev/m
Figure 6: Simulation in a 50x50 map and 40x40 area queried, with different values for device density d.
Figure 7: Architecture with SMPC PRF engine and relay
node. The shaded area specifies the role of the “proxy”.
pk X
(Y ) means the encryption of Y using the public key of
the proxy node X.
With respect to the adversary model, the setup
now relies on the threshold scheme. As long as the
adversary does not control more nodes than allowed
for the SMPC scheme to remain secure, it cannot in-
fer neither the PRF distributed secret key or the dis-
tributed input from the users. We can differentiate
for the adversary as being the service provider or an
external adversary. In the first case, it is trivial for
the service provider to make n nodes to deviate, with
n > t, however, it is clearly more difficult for an exter-
nal adversary, which has not trivial access to the dis-
tributed computing cluster. In addition to that, privacy
also remains even if the relay behaves maliciously,
whenever the PRF and the PKI remain secure.
More difficult to achieve is general security, where
every party can still introduce dummy data to the sys-
tem. To solve this, more specific solutions have to be
analyzed, like signatures or time-stamping.
In this work we have presented a novel real-time sys-
tem to estimate Crowd Counting, based on Ephemeral
IDs and location data from wearable devices. This ap-
proach is built on the application layer, so it is easy to
implement and it can be easily embedded, e.g., with
a contact tracing application. Privacy preservation is
a key aspect, but keeping a good trade-off between
privacy and accuracy is not easy. While user identifi-
cation is protected thanks to Pseudo-Random IDs and
BFs, location data are more difficult. A Trusted Proxy
has been used to provide anonymization and space
transformation, and then modified to a distributed
setup using Secure Multiparty Computation to avoid a
single point of trust. Also, accuracy of estimation has
been analyzed and it’s concluded that it depends on
and d parameters. For a crowded area,
is desir-
able to be relatively small and not overtake the actual
devices count. If d is small, a small
doesn’t work
well, but it is not critical because the main objective
is to detect crowds. However, it would be interesting
as future work to test these conclusions on a scenario
with real people, and also refine security aspects to
prevent malicious behaviors.
This work has been partially supported by the
projects: SecureEDGE (PID2019-110565RB-I00) fi-
nanced by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Inno-
vation and SAVE (P18-TP-3724) financed by ‘Junta
de Andaluc
ıa’. The first author has been funded by
the Spanish Ministry of Education under the National
F.P.U. Program (FPU19/01118).
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