A SWOT Analysis of Software Technologies for Driving Museum Digital
Christophe Ponsard
and Ward Desmet
CETIC Research Centre, Charleroi, Belgium
NAM-IP Computer Museum, Namur, Belgium
Museum, Digital Transformation, Pandemic, Requirements, Personas, Electronic Guide, Virtual Reality,
Museums play a key cultural role in educating citizens through the immersive experience they provide. The
recent lockdowns have awakened them to the need to accelerate their digital transformation and to propose
new kinds of experience to their public. This paper performs a SWOT analysis considering the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats from existing and emerging digital technologies w.r.t. the range of
services and missions a museum is delivering both internally as a company and externally to the society. Our
work relies on a number of technological evolutions reported in the literature and experienced in our computing
heritage museum with a strong focus on the user experience and accessibility.
The main mission of a museum is to preserve cul-
tural artefacts and make them accessible for under-
standing to present and future generations. Muse-
ums achieve this goal through collecting, inventory-
ing, restoring and exhibiting artefacts of their specific
domain of expertise: art, archaeology, nature, science
or technology among many other areas of human ac-
tivities. Museums offer the public an immersive and
structured access to culture mainly through exhibi-
tions (permanent or temporary) and possibly through
specific events such as conferences and workshops
which can target a specific public (e.g. kids, schools,
seniors). Museums remains essentially ”brick-and-
mortar” spaces and as such they have to legally meet
physical accessibility requirements for their public ar-
eas with specific standards, regulations, assessments
and tools for supporting this process.
Digital transformation can be defined as the “pro-
cess through which companies converge multiple new
digital technologies, enhanced with ubiquitous con-
nectivity, with the intention of reaching superior per-
formance and sustained competitive advantage, by
transforming multiple business dimensions, includ-
ing the business model, the customer experience and
operations, and simultaneously impacting people and
networks” (Ismail et al., 2017).
Museums have started their digital transforma-
tion a while ago, understanding that it would add a
extra digital dimension complementing and not re-
placing the physical dimension, leading to the con-
cept of Post-Digital museum (Parry, 2013). However,
the pace and scope of transformation (e.g. focused
on internal workflows vs visitors) can vary widely.
By freezing physical access, the COVID-19 lock-
downs have revealed the need for developing a digi-
tal presence and have accelerated the adoption of spe-
cific digital solutions such as virtual tours, efficient
booking systems or online events (Dasgupta et al.,
2021)(Zuanni, 2020).
Observing this transformation is helping to under-
stand the nature of various technological factors that
can have positive or negative impacts on its success,
either from an internal point of view (i.e. Strengths
and Weaknesses) or external factors (i.e. Threats and
Opportunities). This results in a SWOT analysis. This
paper is focusing on software technologies driving
digital transformation.
Our paper is organised as follows. First, Section
2 details the main museum missions and impersonate
them through a set of personas enabling us to clearly
identify enablers and barriers to digital transforma-
tion. Section 3 then explores the four dimensions of
the SWOT from the point of view of various existing
and emerging digital technologies and the underlying
software artefacts. It is illustrated by several pub-
lished works and by our own experience with com-
Ponsard, C. and Desmet, W.
A SWOT Analysis of Software Technologies for Driving Museum Digital Transformation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011320800003266
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2022), pages 550-556
ISBN: 978-989-758-588-3; ISSN: 2184-2833
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
puter museums. Based on this, Section 4 discusses
how to best drive a digital transformation in a mu-
seum context. Finally, Section 5 draws some conclu-
sions and discusses future work.
2.1 Main Missions
The main missions of a museum involve different
kinds of stakeholders:
purely internal; it is the work of the curator and
specialised staff to gather, study, restore and pre-
serve artefacts for future generations.
interaction with other partners for exchanging ex-
pertise or artefacts.
interaction with the public for setting up exhibi-
tions based on a carefully selected set of arte-
facts, editing brochures/books, organising guided
2.2 Key Personas
Personas are archetypal descriptions of users that em-
body their goals (Cooper, 1999). Their focus on
typical fictional business users helps in elaborating
specific user aspects that may be missed by other
approaches based on generic roles. Personas have
proven very effective with psychological evidence
about our natural and generative engagement with de-
tailed representations of people (Grudin, 2006).
A key issue is of course the selection process of
the relevant personas. The selected archetypes must
cover the broad spectrum of people with different
backgrounds/experience/roles. The selected number
should be kept minimal but ensuring the coverage
of the museum missions. Related to museums, we
can list the following interesting personas and char-
acterise them with some user stories:
Carine, as curator, would like to have an efficient
museum inventory system in order to assess the
quality and state of the collections.
edric, as steward, would like to have the list of
scheduled visits and workshop activities to pre-
pare them in due time.
Gaelle, as animator, would like to publish infor-
mation on social networks and to specific targets.
Ward, as director, would like to easily manage the
various projects and schedules involving internal
staff, external partners and/or volunteers.
Chris, as researcher and Robert, as technician,
would like to easily retrieve artefacts and related
scientific and technical information.
Alice, as 6 year kid, would like to enjoy a playful
experience of the museum.
Vincent, as wheelchair visitor, would like to easily
register online, prepare his visit through a virtual
tour and consult information in an accessible way.
John, as foreign visitor, would like to benefit from
translation in his language or in English .
In this section, we perform a SWOT analysis consid-
ering the four following dimensions:
Strengths. Achievements/capabilities of current
ICT in supporting museum missions and user sto-
ries, also identifying possible evolutions.
Weaknesses. Challenges of current ICT in sup-
porting museum missions and user stories.
Opportunities. New possibilities enabled by ma-
turing software-based technologies, illustrated by
some early adopters.
Threats. New barriers raised by those new tech-
nologies with a discussion on how to address
3.1 Strengths
Collections Management System (CMS) is software
used by the internal staff of a museum or other col-
lecting institutions like archive centers. They are
typically used by the curator and technician roles.
Early CMS were more cataloging databases, essen-
tially digital versions of card catalogs, e.g. Filemaker
(Claris, 1985). They evolved to more advanced sys-
tems providing specific profiles for each role and also
improving communication between museum staff and
directly supporting the collections-based tasks and
workflows (Swank, 2008). They can also provide a
web interface which can be expose the collection to
the general public with a dedicated search engine. An
illustrative Open Source solution is Collective Access
(Whirl-i-Gig, 2012) depicted in Figure 1.
An area of further improvement is to connect the
CMS to other software, e.g. for an interactive guide,
using specific extraction and filtering which could
help a visitor or a researcher to see beyond what is
exposed in an exhibition.
Support for Accessibility for Mobility Im-
paired People is required in museum due to legal
constraints. Like other places open to the public,
museums have to comply with specific norms such
as (ISO, 2011). This means adequate circulation for
A SWOT Analysis of Software Technologies for Driving Museum Digital Transformation
Figure 1: Web interface of Collective Acces CMS.
wheelchairs, adapted height of the displays, video
subtitling, audio guides, visits in sign language, ac-
cessible toilets, etc. Methodologies to identify spe-
cific barriers are available as well as supporting in-
formation sharing platforms, e.g. (Jaccede.com, )
or (CAWAB, ) which are depicted in Figure 2 with
pictograms for specific disabilities (mobility, visual,
hearing and cognitive). Model-based digital tools are
also available to support them (Ponsard and Dari-
mont, 2017).
Figure 2: Access-i portal showing museum physical acces-
An area of further improvement is to go beyond
the pure physical experience in order to provide more
help in the preparation phase before the visit, in-
creased digital support during the visit and possibly
extended experience after the visit. Those issues will
be elaborated in the next parts of the SWOT and are
also detailed in (Ponsard et al., 2017).
3.2 Weaknesses
We list some important weaknesses that can be used
as driver on how to provide an increased experience.
Physical Visit Can Be Limited in Many Ways.
First, using a purely traditional scenography requires
to organise the path to tell a specific story, thus with a
specific angle and selecting on what to focus as shown
in Figure 3. Details can possibly be overlooked but
will still occupy some physical space. In the case of
multilingual content in printed form, it will also in-
crease constraint on the text length. Of course exist-
ing digital media can help: for example audio/video
guides can provide different kind of tours for differ-
ent profiles and enable to choose to have more details,
but more immersive and interactive experience is usu-
ally missing.
Figure 3: Physical constraints put on a museum visit.
Areas of new experience here would be to allow
the visitor to define specific viewpoints in a controlled
way and to construct his own exploration path, for
example based on his area of interest. This process
could be dynamic and adaptive based on the way the
visitor is discovering the domain.
Lack of Online Experience. A related issue, it also
that few museums provide an experience beyond their
walls. For many museum, this resulted in a complete
loss of contact with the public during the pandemics
and triggered an awareness to address this issue. Re-
connecting with the public means providing online
experience, e.g. through social networks by triggering
interaction on specific topics, animating live sessions
and more generally maintaining a link.
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
3.3 Opportunities
In this section, we explore some emerging technolo-
gies and look how they can help improving the mu-
seum experience. This list is meant to be illustrative
and do not claim to be exhaustive.
Mobile Applications are actually not so new but
have become quite easy to develop including in a
cross-platform way using open source frameworks
like ReactNative (from Facebook) or Flutter (from
Google). This can provide a cheaper alternative to the
development and management of audio/video guides
as the user can install it on its own smartphone. The
link between the physical exhibition and the internal
content can be maintained using identifiers or QR-
code. The application can also include multimedia
or interactive content like a quiz or a (serious).
Figure 4: Mobile application with an interactive timeline.
Virtual Reality (VR) can be used to reproduce
the physical layout of a museum and provide a re-
mote experience. This same experience can be use-
ful to prepare or extend the physical visit, e.g. for
disabled people or to check back later for specific
aspects. For example Figure 5 shows a virtual tour
of the IN2P3 computer museum. Another scenario
is to showcase artworks in virtual spaces based on
high quality scans or photographs of physical arte-
facts. Designing a VR space providing a good user
experience is still an heavy and specialised work al-
though some Open Source solutions are emerging
such as as OpenSpace3D (I-maginer, 2020) or Marzi-
pano (Google, 2016). Another extension is to host
such spaces in the so called metaverse and being able
to access it in a more easy and standard way but this
technology is still emerging. The strong potential of
such technologies as been identified at the European
level, especially for the co-creation of value through
Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) (Maurer, 2021).
Augmented Reality and Avatars rely on technol-
ogy like a smartphone or smart glasses to superimpose
Figure 5: Virtual tour of the CCIN2P3 computer museum.
images, text or sounds on top of what a visitor can al-
ready see. This can be used in various ways. An ob-
vious usage is just to add explanations relating to the
viewed artefact, which can help in providing more de-
tails or multilingual content. A more artistic scenario
can be to display the digital version of an artist next to
its work and use it as an avatar providing a narration.
An avatar can also be used to welcome the visitor and
simulate a guided tour. Using chatbot technology can
also increase the experience with some limited inter-
activity. It is also possible to bring things to live, for
example putting flesh back on a dinosaur as depicted
in Figure 6 or to simulate the operation of an artefact
such as machine to see and hear it in operation even
though the real artefact is inactive (Coates, 2021).
Figure 6: Augmented reality in a science museum.
3.4 Threats
In this section, we identify some emerging threats and
how to deal with them.
Cybersecurity will become an issue as the mu-
seum is increasing it dependency on digital technolo-
A SWOT Analysis of Software Technologies for Driving Museum Digital Transformation
gies and online presence. This can results in threats
both on confidentiality (especially personal data), in-
tegrity (e.g. website defacing) and availability of
the provide services (e.g. reservation, virtual tour).
The impact can be damageable in many dimensions:
reputation, financial loss (missed visitors) or legal
(GDPR). This issue should be tackled by introduc-
ing a cybersecurity awareness and culture inside the
museum in a similar way as it is done inside SME.
The recommendation is to train an internal reference
person which can rely on an external expert. A risk
analysis must be performed as first step and then ade-
quate measures must be deployed and monitored.
Digital Accessibility is already present with the
web but will take increased importance with other
technologies such as apps or immersive experience.
The museum should start to comply with available
standard for website accessibility. The Web Acces-
sibility Initiative (WAI) (W3C, a) provides Web Con-
tent Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) to help Web
developers making Web sites accessible (W3C, b)
while dynamic content is addressed through ARIA
(Accessible Rich Internet Applications). Many use-
ful evaluation and repair tools exist, including those
for tailored and optimised usability and accessibil-
ity evaluation (Vanderdonckt and Beirekdar, 2005).
The emergence of augmented/virtual reality experi-
ence might require new guidelines in an area which
is still in its infancy and with incremental needs for
learning and improvements.
Maintenance and Digital Obsolescence also be-
comes an issue in a fast evolving world. In response
to this, relying on maintained and open (source) tech-
nologies is advised. It means the museum should be
able to rely on an internal resource or have a long term
relation with a close partner to help in developing and
maintaining the software solutions. This can be done
by collaborating with structures such as a fablab or a
creative hub.
Last but not least, adoption is also an important
barrier to consider regarding the success of digital
transformation. Smaller structure maybe more flex-
ible but have less resource and experience to con-
duct change. For addressing this, different tools can
be considered such as the adoption of an adequate
framework such as Training of Organizational Work-
ers such (ToOW) which has been applied for digital
transformation (Ferreira. et al., 2017). The integra-
tion into a creative hub mentioned earlier will also
bring other expertise and help to overcome barriers.
More specifically for a museum, it is also important to
drive the transformation by keeping in mind the user
experience as detailed in the next section.
In order to embrace a digital transformation, it is im-
portant not to focus on current physical criteria which
are bound to this dimension but also on higher level
goals. For this purpose, it is worth considering the
reference framework going from abstract to concrete
(Mason, 2020) depicted in Figure 7:
User experience level: covering goals, key mes-
sages, high-level narrative.
Experience framework: based interaction frame-
work and information architecture (i.e. scenog-
raphy) which can be perceived differently by the
public, especially for people affected by physical,
sensory or cognitive impairments.
Structural level: physical/digital aspects (layout,
graphics, content...), which should provide a vari-
ety of access modalities for the same content.
Based on this, the most interesting issues relate
to advanced technologies such as the development of
virtual tours or mobile applications to support the mu-
seum scenography. Different approaches exist from
the basic transposition of the physical experience: e.g.
video of a guided tour or a paper guide made available
online. The virtual museum is a more complex case.
It might involve unusual controls which needs to be
validated for accessibility and regarding the learning
curve, e.g. through a tutorial or possibly through a
virtual guide (avatar). The pure transposition of the
physical world into a digital one is interesting for a
hybrid experience (preparation before arrival) but it
might also overload the user with uninteresting infor-
mation/actions (corridor pictures, need to point in the
right direction). It could be interesting to consider a
higher level in our reference framework, i.e. goals and
narratives. This can lead to developing a mobile ap-
plication enabling to relate various artefacts, people,
organisations, technologies through a timeline mech-
anism supplementing a physical visit. It will also help
exploring other relationships beyond what is “hard
coded” in the physical exhibition in a more open way
allowing one to dig more into a domain and favouring
learning (Ponsard and Desmet, 2022).
Another interesting and possibly complementary
approach is gamification: it allows the user (not only
kids) to engage more deeply with the content. The
use of a persona, possibly reflecting user preference
and (dis)-abilities, definitely helps to fine tune the in-
terface to her needs. The profiling introduced for a
visitor can be used as driver here.
From an accessibility perspective, the digital
transformation mainly impacts the access to services
which can be provided remotely (virtual tool) but
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 7: Conceptual framework structured in three levels(Mason, 2020).
also supports physical access, for example during the
preparation phase (pre-visit, booking). Those ex-
tended and hybrid scenarios can open the way to an
alternative experience but also possibly create new ac-
cessibility barriers which may frustrate specific users.
Identifying them requires to perform validation and
gather feedback from a variety of profiles, here again
exploring and enriching the set of personas is recom-
In this paper, we performed a SWOT analysis of
software-based technologies in order to support the
digital transformation of a museum. In order to drive
the process, we identified the main missions and a
set of representative personas. The SWOT analysis
pointed out interesting directions and technologies to
widen the museum experience beyond the physical
space but also beyond the time spent inside the mu-
seum. Different scenarios using mobile applications,
augmented reality and virtual reality were identified
and some existing experiments in museums (with a
focus on computer museums), were reported. Based
on this we could also highlight some useful guidelines
to drive a museum digital transformation and cope
with some new barriers resulting from the extended
use of digital technologies.
Our future work will be to continue the deploy-
ment of such software-based technologies in our mu-
seum. We also plan to extend our analysis to include
more domains and to provide more detailed guide-
lines and lessons learned to overcome specific barriers
like accessibility and also avoiding to “copy/paste”
the physical experience to a digital one.
Thanks to the NAM-IP museum staff and volunteers
for their engagement and contribution to the on-going
museum digital transformation.
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ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies