A Repository of Actionable Information on the Internet of Things
Anna Felkner
and Marcin Rytel
NASK - Research and Academic Computer Network, Kolska 12, 01-045 Warsaw, Poland
Internet of Things, IoT, Security, Vulnerability, Vulnerability Database, Exploits.
This paper describes efforts to improve the security of the Internet of Things world. One of the many problems
faced by the users, but also producers or owners of networks or people who deal with cybersecurity in a broad
sense on a daily basis, such as employees of CSIRTs, is the issue of vulnerabilities in devices or software.
Even though the most serious vulnerabilities are more commonly presented in the news, still the vast majority
of them is only known to cybersecurity specialists and not to the users who own the vulnerable devices and
therefore can be in danger. The results of our recent research show that there is still no satisfactory source of
information about vulnerabilities in Internet of Things devices and software. This is why we decided to create
such a repository (variotdbs.pl) where information about vulnerabilities and exploits targeting IoT devices can
be easily found by everyone.
Given that Internet of Things (IoT) devices accom-
pany us every day, both in private and professional
life, both at home and in industry, in healthcare and
on the streets, we cannot ignore the issues related to
their security. Fortunately, in recent times, the aware-
ness of users of these devices has been increasing, but
it is still not a completely satisfied topic.
In our work, we focused on looking for informa-
tion about exploits and vulnerabilities in the Internet
of Things and noticed that there is no single source
that would present a wide range of information re-
lated to this aspect of security. From our research, we
found that while information is available online, there
has not been a single service offering IoT data to date.
National vulnerability databases contain some IoT en-
tries, but lack mechanisms to distinguish them from
other vulnerabilities. Moreover, information about
a lot of vulnerabilities pertaining to the Internet of
Things world never makes it into these databases, but
can be found scattered across the Internet. We there-
fore decided to create such a source.
To start with, we analysed more than one hundred
unique sources of different types. Structured sources
which contain information not only about IoT but
also, or rather mainly about general IT, such as ven-
dor bulletins, various national vulnerability databases.
Apart from those, also unstructured sources such as
reports, blogs or individual websites were analysed.
In the paper (Rytel et al., 2020), we presented
an overview summarizing our effort to identify and
evaluate publicly available sources of vulnerability
information, focusing on their usefulness in the IoT
domain. After analysing the sources, the next step
towards providing not only users, but also CSIRTs
(Computer Security Incident Response Team) or net-
work owners, with actionable information on the In-
ternet of Things was to create a database with this in-
formation. In the paper (Janiszewski et al., 2021),
we presented the results of our research aimed at
building such a database, i.e., how to obtain, stan-
dardize, aggregate and correlate vulnerability infor-
mation, as well as how to enrich and select IoT-related
data. We have derived and demonstrated that existing
databases provide very different ranges of informa-
tion and for this reason, there is no single compre-
hensive source of information. Moreover, different
sources present vulnerability information at different
times - some sooner others later, and the differences
in publication dates of the information are significant.
Our results show that aggregating information from
different sources can be very beneficial and can po-
tentially increase the value of information for taking
action. We have also shown that introducing some
more advanced concepts like trust management and
AI-based meta-information extraction, can provide a
higher level of information completeness, as well as
Felkner, A. and Rytel, M.
A Repository of Actionable Information on the Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0011307100003286
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems (WINSYS 2022), pages 69-75
ISBN: 978-989-758-592-0; ISSN: 2184-948X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
assess the usefulness and reliability of the data.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The
second chapter provides an overview of related work.
The third chapter presents the process of creating the
database. The fourth chapter focuses on presenting
the results of our work and the fifth chapter describes
the variotdbs.pl (NASK, 2022) website, where the re-
sults of our work are published and which anyone can
use for their own applications. The sixth chapter fo-
cuses on the summary and presents our ideas for fur-
ther work.
IoT security is a major focus of research programs
and plans at many levels, including the ”Input to
the Horizon Europe Programme 2021-2027 Priori-
ties for the definition of a Strategic Research and In-
novation Agenda in Cybersecurity” (ECSO WG 6
SRIA and Cybersecurity Technologies, 2020). Na-
tional strategies are even more focused on the topic
and explicit on this issue. In the document (Felkner
et al., 2021), which presents an analysis on the Euro-
pean and Japanese side, it is shown that the Internet of
Things is one of the most frequently addressed issues
in European national cybersecurity strategies and is
also one of the areas of common interest between the
European Union and Japan, indicating that this issue
is globally relevant.
Having information about IoT devices vulnerabil-
ities is critical from the perspective of device own-
ers, service providers, network owners, and device
producers. Obtaining this information is also critical
from national and sector CSIRTs perspective. Vul-
nerability management is one of the key aspects of
security in both the IT and IoT or IIoT (industrial
IoT) worlds. Risk assessment at different levels can
also be done on the basis of vulnerability manage-
ment, as shown for example in the article (Janiszewski
et al., 2019). The survey of IoT vulnerability data
sources was described in (Rytel et al., 2020), while
in (Janiszewski et al., 2021) you can find out how the
process of creating database was performed.
Building such a database is definitely a non-trivial
task. This can be seen from the few attempts that
have been made to build such databases. One example
was a small-scale attempt to create such a database,
which was undertaken at the University of Central
Florida, but unfortunately this database is not cur-
rently available. Its description can be found here
(Ling et al., 2017), but its dataset was not publicly
available. A second promising approach was the de-
sign of a database of vulnerabilities and attacks on IoT
infrastructure, presented by researchers at the Univer-
sity of New South Wales in Australia (Nerwich et al.,
2020). According to the creators, this database sup-
ported integration with other vulnerability databases
such as the National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
and provided an API to access the data for integra-
tion with other applications. Its goal was to serve as
a knowledge base for IoT application developers and
security researchers. Unfortunately, the database has
not been made public anywhere and the only infor-
mation about it can be found in the above-mentioned
article, which allows us to conclude that the work on
the database is not continued, but was only a Proof of
Concept. This still leaves a gap that those responsible
for the security of IoT devices should fill. Therefore,
this article presents the whole process of creating and
publishing such a database.
This paper is written based on the results ob-
tained during the work performed in the Vulnerabil-
ity and Attack Repository for IoT project (VARIoT,
2022). The objective of the project is to provide ac-
tionable information about Internet of Things devices
that can be processed manually or automatically to
ensure the cybersecurity of these devices. This in-
volves not only creating and presenting a database of
information about exploits and vulnerabilities in the
Internet of Things, but also, among other things, scan-
ning the Internet to identify vulnerable, publicly avail-
able IoT devices. Laboratories have also been built
to test both legitimate and malicious IoT traffic, IoT
artifacts, and IoT anomaly models. Aggregated and
anonymous statistics on infected and vulnerable IoT
devices will also be prepared in the near future. All
these tasks are carried out in collaboration with our
partners, namely Stichting The Shadowserver Foun-
dation Europe, Security Made In Letzebuerg G.I.E.,
Institut Mines-T
ecom and Mondragon Goi Eskola
Politeknikoa Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta S COOP.
In our work, we only analyse publicly available, free
sources of information, which excludes paid services
such as Vulners vulnerability and exploit aggregator
(Vulners, nd), among others. In addition to the entries
collected from structured sources listed in Table 1, we
also look for recent posts and articles found over the
Internet. For these, the relevant metadata can be ex-
tracted from the raw text. One of the unique features
of the built VARIoT vulnerability database is the cor-
relation and aggregation of vulnerability information
from various publicly available sources.
As mentioned earlier, there are many publicly
WINSYS 2022 - 19th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
Table 1: Used information sources.
Short Name Full Name Type of db Reference
BID SecutiryFocus Bugtraq Vuln/Expl (BID, nd)
CERT CC Carnegie Mellon Univ. CERT Coordination Center Vuln (CERT, nd)
CNNVD Chinese National Database of Information Security Vuln (CNNVD, nd)
CNVD China National Vulnerability Database Vuln (CNVD, nd)
ExploitDatabase EXPLOIT-DATABASE.NET Expl (ExploitDb, nd)
Exploit-DB Exploit Database by Offensive Security Expl (Exploit-DB, nd)
ICS-CERT CN Chinese ICS-CERT website Vuln (ICS-CERT, nd)
IVD ICS Vulnerability Database Vuln (IVD, nd)
JVNDB Japan Vulnerabilities Notes Database Vuln (JVNDB, nd)
NVD National Vulnerability Database Vuln (NVD, nd)
Packet Storm Packet Storm Security Vuln/Expl (PacketStorm, nd)
Vulmon Vulmon Vulnerability Search Engine Vuln (Vulmon, nd)
VUL-HUB VUL-HUB Information Security Vuln. Portal Vuln (VUL-HUB, nd)
ZDI Zero Day Initiative Vuln (ZDI, nd)
ZSL Zero Science Lab Vuln (ZSL, nd)
available databases containing various information
about vulnerabilities in different types of hardware
and software. Just a few of them are dedicated solely
to Internet of Things or at least point to such vulnera-
bilities in some way, but none of them directly aggre-
gate information from other sources. The vulnerabil-
ity database creation is show in Figure 1.
The entire process of creating the database of IoT
vulnerabilities and exploits that we prepared within
the VARIoT project is shown in Figure 2 and can be
briefly described as follows. In the first step, iden-
tification and selection of valuable sources of infor-
mation related to vulnerabilities and exploits is per-
formed. Many types of sources are of interest, both
structured, such as national vulnerability databases
(from which it is easier to retrieve data) and unstruc-
tured, such as blogs, individual websites (from which
retrieving data is usually more complicated but may
provide information ahead of official databases or
contain completely unique data). In the second step,
we harvest information from the sources and store it
in so-called raw databases. In the third step, the in-
formation is standardized - e.g., the names of rele-
vant fields are unified and complementary informa-
tion is added. In this way so-called low databases
are created. In the fourth step, information from vari-
ous sources about a given vulnerability or exploit is
correlated and aggregated. Based on the results of
this process, a medium database is created that con-
tains all the information from every low database, and
each entry in this database corresponds to one vul-
nerability or exploit. Each field in the entry contains
information from the corresponding fields in the low
databases. The fifth step is to enhance and select
the most reliable information about each vulnerabil-
ity and exploit. This process uses two mechanisms:
metainformation extraction and trust management. In
order to enable the extraction of metainformation in
an automatic way, we applied various mechanisms of
artificial intelligence and natural language processing.
Based on the information contained in the database,
we prepared dictionaries of information about pro-
ducers, models and device types as well as about vul-
nerability types. These dictionaries were used as key-
words for searching in a text and as training data sets
for other methods. The trust evaluation aims to se-
lect the most reliable and informative part of the in-
formation, evaluate the reliability of the information,
and identify IoT-related vulnerabilities and exploits.
It is done based on source reputation, convergence of
information from different sources, aggregation and
classification method, and additional searches. The
result of this process is the creation of a high database.
The database created as described above can then be
shared and used by different entities for different pur-
poses. IoT-related information is also carried out by
filtering at different levels using IoT device taxonomy
we have created, an internal IoT device catalogue, a
keyword-based filtering mechanism, etc. Each step
is described in detail in the paper (Janiszewski et al.,
As of this writing, there are 1 151 723 entries in
the low databases, resulting in 207 673 entries in the
medium and high database, of which 24 969 are IoT-
related (as of April 10, 2022). About 80% of all
entries that are in the high database contain data re-
A Repository of Actionable Information on the Internet of Things
Figure 1: Vulnerability database creation.
Figure 2: The process of repository creation.
trieved from more than one information source.
Creating a structured database, publicly available,
with information about known technical vulnerabil-
ities and exploits is extremely beneficial to all stake-
holders: users, producers and network owners, as well
as CSIRTs or other people who work on device and
WINSYS 2022 - 19th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems
software security. We have studied a large cross-
section of different types of sources, and from this we
can conclude that by collecting data from a variety
of sources, we can obtain a more complete and com-
prehensive entry on a given vulnerability or exploit
than from a single source. Because we search many
different types of publicly available sources and our
database correlates and aggregates data from these
sources, this makes each entry rich in information that
can be used to ensure the security of IoT devices, and
reduces the risk of missing some data or delays in ob-
taining information about specific vulnerabilities.
The number of entries in each database can be
seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Number of entries in databases.
Database Number of entries
BID 100 825
CERT CC 3 555
CNNVD 183 081
CNVD 174 881
ExploitDatabase 98 877
Exploit-DB 44 854
IVD 3 449
JVNDB 139 536
NVD 183 022
Packet Storm 154 228
Vulmon 40 305
VUL-HUB 11 466
ZDI 9 905
ZSL 810
As this is a short form paper we only focus on the
most important results. More information and statis-
tics related to the results can be found in the paper
(Janiszewski et al., 2021). The document is from a
year ago but it shows more or less what the relation-
ships between the databases are, statistics, ranges and
One of the main results of our work is a database con-
taining information about vulnerabilities and exploits
in the Internet of Things found on the Internet. This
database is published at: https://www.variotdbs.pl/.
The main data presented is organized into three
Vulnerabilities - here security vulnerabilities af-
fecting IoT devices are shown.
Exploits - publicly available exploits targeting IoT
devices are shown here.
News - here you can see an automatically gener-
ated news feed about IoT security crawled using
our custom search engine.
There are also two additional sections on the web-
API - here is a description of how to easily re-
trieve the data we provide on the website through
the API. This can be done using one of two well
structured file formats: JSON and JSON-LD.
Ontology - here is a description of the ontology of
the VARIoT vulnerability database entries.
Vulnerability and exploit databases are built on the
basis of the previously described sources. The news
feed uses many available search engines and creates
an entry based on the information found in this way.
Figure 3 shows a diagram of how the search engine
works. Vulnerability and news feed sections use so-
lutions based on natural language processing (NLP),
machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)
to better tailor the entry and combine data obtained
from multiple sources.
The developed mechanism is able to extract in-
formation from unstructured news sources such as
blogs, reports and articles. Moreover, it calculates the
trust to the selected information to better evaluate its
relevance. In the context of vulnerabilities and ex-
ploits, trust is based on source reliability scores estab-
lished based on our knowledge about these sources,
and in the context of news feeds, trust is based on
information extracted from found entries, i.e. key-
words, manufacturers and product names, vulnera-
bility types, and links to well-known vulnerabilities
The Vulnerabilities section allows you to view the
latest IoT vulnerabilities and search for them. Vul-
nerability searches are possible using a variety of at-
tributes, whether by vendor, device model, version,
CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures), vul-
nerability identifier, CWE (Common Weakness Enu-
meration), type, or by a phrase describing the vulner-
ability. Such a search gives many possibilities, as it is
possible to find a description of vulnerabilities using
any of the above fields, e.g. device type, and other
related sources of information about vulnerabilities.
Each entry consists of data on a particular vulnerabil-
ity found from various sources. Each entry includes
sources of information and calculated confidence lev-
els, as well as aggregated links to external sources that
can be consulted for further information.
A Repository of Actionable Information on the Internet of Things
Figure 3: IoT vulnerability search engine.
The Exploit section allows you to view exploits
that may pose a threat to IoT devices. Currently (as
of April 5, 2022), it is in the testing phase, but by the
time this article is published, it will have been refined
and will work in a similar way to the vulnerability
The News section shows different types of infor-
mation related to vulnerabilities in the world of the In-
ternet of Things. The news are collected from various,
mostly unstructured sources such as reports, blogs, in-
formation provided by people who work with vulner-
ability research or in any way related to cybersecu-
rity. The news is retrieved using our scripts to filter
the search results. Additional information about vul-
nerabilities, attacked products and external identifiers
is obtained using NLP and custom filters from found
One of the most important conclusions from our re-
search is that our vulnerabilities and exploits database
fits well in the gap of the IoT devices security.
The mechanisms implemented in our work and
the information they provided can form the basis for
building different types of services. The database we
created can be used by vulnerability scanners as a
repository of information about IoT vulnerabilities.
This is because the information we collect is in var-
ious aspects richer, broader and more comprehensive
than that currently used by popular vulnerability scan-
ners, especially in the IoT context.
In the future, we are also considering another very
practical service, namely providing for a given prod-
uct name (specific producer and model) a list of pos-
sible vulnerabilities. This extension seems to be easy
to build and at the same time extremely useful. The
user will be able to enter the name of their device and
will get a list of all known vulnerabilities that affect
it. It seems to be even more useful from the pro-
ducer’s, network owner’s or CSIRT operator’s point
of view. Previously, an inventory of IoT assets would
have been necessary, but this approach can yield much
better results than scanning with vulnerability scan-
ners, which will not necessarily be able to identify the
device well. We see great potential for our solution.
The repository that we prepared will be pub-
licly accessible through the European Data Portal
- data.europa.eu and through national Data Portals
(such as the Polish Open Data Portal (OpenData,
2022)), as well as other sources, such as the Mal-
ware Information Sharing Platform (MISP), which
is widely used by the cybersecurity analyst commu-
nity, or through Shadowserver’s free daily remedia-
tion feeds.
Scientific work published as part of an international
project co-financed by the Connecting Europe Facil-
ity of the European Union, TENtec n. 28263632 and
by the program of the Minister of Science and Higher
Education entitled ”PMW” in the years 2020–2022;
contract No. 5095/CEF/2020/2.
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A Repository of Actionable Information on the Internet of Things