Effects of Fast and Slow Feather Genes on Early Body Weight and
Feather Growth of Dahen Broiler
Mohan Qiu
, Shiliang Zhu
, Siyang Liu
, Han Peng
, Xia Xiong
, Jialei Chen
Zengrong Zhang
, Chunlin Yu
and Chaowu Yang
China Animal Breeding and Genetics Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Sichuan Animal Science Academy, Chengdu,
xiongxia20120904@163.com, qiaoqiaowo110@163.com, zhangzengrong2004@163.com, yuchunlin1984@sina.com,
Are equal contributors,
Corresponding author
Keywords: Dahen Broiler, Chicken, Fast Feather, Slow Feather, Early Body Weight, Feather Growth.
Abstract: In order to explore the relationship between feather and early development of body weight in fast- and slow-
feathering groups of Dahen broiler, the body weight and feather growth rate (covert, primary and tail feather)
of 1-10 weeks old Dahen broilers were measured and analyzed. The results showed that there was no
significant difference in body weight between fast feathering and slow feathering broilers aged 1-10 weeks;
Before 4 weeks of age, the main wing feathers of fast feathered chickens were significantly longer than those
of slow feathered chickens (isometric slow feathering, inverted slow feathering, unexplained slow feathering)
(P < 0.05 or P < 0.01), and the difference gradually decreased with the increase of age, but there was no
significant difference at the end of brooding; At the age of 10 weeks, the overlying wing feathers of the
inverted and equal length slow feathered chickens were significantly longer than those of the fast feathered
and unexplained slow feathered chickens (P < 0.05); Before 2 weeks of age, the main wing feather of fast
feathered chicken was significantly longer than that of slow feathered chicken, the main wing feather of
isometric slow feathered chicken was significantly longer than that of inverted slow feathered chicken and
unexplained slow feathered chicken (P < 0.05), and the main wing feather of inverted slow feathered chicken
was significantly longer than that of other three phenotypes (fast feathered, isometric slow feathered and
unexplained slow feathered chicken) (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01); The tail feathers of fast feathered chicken and
slow feathered chicken were significantly longer than that of slow feathered chicken at the same week of age.
There was no significant difference in the length of tail feathers among the three different phenotypes of slow
feathered chicken; The results showed that the growth of wing feather before 2 weeks old could be used as an
auxiliary method for fast and slow feather identification of Dahen broiler.
Dahen broiler is a new high-quality broiler breed bred
by Sichuan Daheng Poultry Breeding Co., Ltd. and
Sichuan Academy of Animal Husbandry Science, and
has passed the examination and approval of the
National Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources
Committee. Dahen broiler, a new yellow feather
Qiu, M., Zhu, S., Liu, S., Peng, H., Xiong, X., Chen, J., Zhang, Z., Yu, C. and Yang, C.
Effects of Fast and Slow Feather Genes on Early Body Weight and Feather Growth of Dahen Broiler.
DOI: 10.5220/0011297800003443
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics (ICBEB 2022), pages 849-854
ISBN: 978-989-758-595-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
broiler breed independently bred by act in China, has
the characteristics of rough feeding resistance, strong
disease resistance, strong adaptability, high
production efficiency and good meat flavour (Peng
2019 and Jiang 2007). At present, Dahen broiler has
been bred for 10 generations in succession. Its genetic
structure is stable, the breeding progress of
production shape and reproductive performance is
obvious, and its survival rate and appearance
uniformity are excellent. It is an ideal model property
for genetic research (Li 2019 and Peng 2019). In
poultry production, chicken feathers are a very
important economic trait, which can be divided into
fast feathers and slow feathers, also known as early
feathers and late feathers, mainly referring to the
early, late and fast growth of wing feathers and tail
feathers, which can be seen within 24% hours after
chicks emerge from their shells. Chicken's fast and
slow feathers belong to sex-linked genetic traits. The
male chicks obtained by matching fast-feathered
cocks with slow-feathered hens are slow feathers,
while the female chicks are fast feathers. At present,
it is used to separate the male and female of newborn
chicks, replacing the anal sex identification
technology widely used in production. It is simple,
fast and accurate, saves labor resources and labor
costs, and avoids adverse reaction of anal idenstarted
to lay 2-7 days earlier than slow-feathered chickens
(Xie 2002). Durmus et al. found that the egg
production of fasttification to chickens, spreading
diseases and crushing chickens. It is a modern
chicken production (Song 2003).
It has been found that feather speed has certain
influence on growth and development, body weight,
laying performance, disease resistance, production
performance and reproductive performance of
chickens (Cheng 1987 and Xing 2020). Zhong Chen
et al. found that the weight of fast and slow feathered
chickens was significantly different among
individuals (Zhong 2010). Rumin Jia et al. found that
the shin of recessive white slow feather cock is longer
than that of fast feather cock (Jia 2009). Jinfang Xie
found that Chongren Ma chicken fast-feathered
chickens -feathered hens was greater than that of
slow-feathered hens (Xie 2002). Jianhua Ouyang et
al. found that the laying weight of slow-feathered
Wanzai Kangle Yellow Chicken was significantly
greater than that of fast-feathered chickens (Ouyang
2002). In addition, some studies have found that there
are some differences in viability and disease
resistance between fast-feathered chickens and slow-
feathered chickens. Lowe et al. found that the
mortality of offspring of fast-feathered hens was
higher than that of offspring of slow-feathered hens
(Lowe 1981). Dong Li et al. found that the viability
of Locke fast-feathered chickens was stronger than
that of Biloch slow-feathered chickens (Li 1991), and
Harris et al. also observed similar results (Harris
In order to explore the relationship between
feather speed and weight of Dahen broiler, the length
and weight of main wing feather, covering main wing
feather and tail feather of Dahen broiler at different
growth days were measured and analyzed, aim to
provide basis for breeding fast and slow feather
strains of Dahen broiler.
2.1 Experimental Animals
We selected 240 healthy 1-day-old Dahen broilers,
with half male and half female (30 males and 30
females of each genotype, such as fast feather, equal
length slow feather, inverted long slow feather and
unexposed slow feather), and provided by Sichuan
Daheng Poultry Breeding Co., Ltd.. The experiment
was conducted in Sichuan Daheng Poultry Breeding
Co., Ltd. from March to June, 2021. Cage feeding,
free feeding and drinking water, illumination and
immunization were all conducted according to
routine feeding management procedures..
2.2 Feather Length and Weight
Measurement Method
The feather length and weight of each test chicken
group were measured every 1 week until the 10th
week. The first main wing feather, the fourth main
wing feather and the longest tail feather (10 in each
group) of the left wing of chickens were uniformly
measured with vernier caliper. Weigh the weight of
chickens in each test group with an electronic scale,
30 chickens in each group, and take the average value
3.1 Growth and Development of Main
Wing Feather
It can be seen from Figure 1 that the main wing
feather length of Dahen broilers gradually increases
before 6 weeks of age, and increases slowly after 6
weeks of age. The main wing feather length of fast-
feathering chickens is significantly longer than that of
ICBEB 2022 - The International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics
three slow-feathering chickens (equal-length,
inverted-length and non-emergence) at the age of 1-3
weeks (P<0.05), and that of equal-length slow-
feathering chickens is significantly longer than that of
non-emergence and inverted-length slow-feathering
chickens (P< 0.05). This difference gradually
decreases with the increase of age, but the difference
at the end of brooding is not significant. At the age of
9-10 weeks, the length of main wing feather of
inverted long slow-feathered chicken was
significantly longer than that of other three feather
types (P<0.05).
Figure 1: This caption has one line so it is centered.
3.2 Growth and Development of Cover
Main Wing Feather
It can be seen from fig. 2 that the cover main wing
feathers of Dahen broilers gradually grow before 6
weeks of age, and the length of the cover main wing
feathers does not increase after 6 weeks of age. At the
age of 1-3 weeks, the length of the cover main wing
feather of fast-feathering chickens was significantly
longer than that of three slow-feathering chickens (P
< 0.01). With the increase of age, there was no
significant difference in the length of cover main
wing feather between fast and slow feathering
Figure 2: Feather length of cover main wings of chickens
with different feather types.
3.3 Tail Feather Growth and
It can be seen from Figure 3 that fast-feathering
chickens have grown tail feathers at the age of 1
week, while slow-feathering chickens only grow tail
feathers at the age of 2 weeks. At the same age, the
tail feather length of fast-feathering chickens is
significantly longer than that of slow-feathering
chickens (P<0.05), and this trend is more significant
before 4 weeks of age. With the increase of age, this
difference gradually decreases.
Figure 3: Tail feather length of different feather types.
3.4 Weight Development
It can be seen from fig. 4 that the weight of Dahen
broilers gradually increases with the increase of the
age of 1-10 weeks; Moreover, there is no significant
difference in weight between different feather
chickens, and this trend is similar between male and
female hens.
Figure 4: Weight of chickens with different feather types.
4.1 Growth Differences of Main Wing
Feather, Covered Main Wing
Feather and Tail Feather of Dahen
Quality Broilers
Chicken feather growth is controlled by both growth
environment and genes. On the one hand, external
factors such as nutrition, growth environment, stress
response and drug property have great influence on
the growth and development of chicken feathers. On
Effects of Fast and Slow Feather Genes on Early Body Weight and Feather Growth of Dahen Broiler
the other hand, fast and slow feather genes regulate
feather growth and play a decisive role (Jia 2009).
Fast and slow feather genes are a pair of companion
genes that control feather growth speed, which are
located on Z chromosome and control the growth and
development of main wing feather, main wing
feather, tail feather and other parts of chicken feathers
(Song 2003 and Zhong 2010). According to the
relative length of main wing feather and covered
main wing feather, chickens can be divided into four
different feather types: fast feather, slow feather
without emergence, slow feather with equal length
and slow feather without emergence (Cheng 1987). In
production, combining the laws between fast and
slow feather genes and the corresponding phenotypic
traits, a self-distinguishing male and female mating
line was established, which improved the efficiency
and benefit of poultry breeding. During the growth
and development of chickens of different feather
types, the growth status and feather speed of their
feathers are different, which usually decreases with
the increase of chicken age (Rong 2010). In this
experiment, the main wing feathers and the main
wing feathers of Dahen broilers increased with age,
which collectively showed that their feathers grew
faster in the early growth stage and gradually
decreased in the middle and late growth stages, which
was consistent with the research results of Xiaohui
Liu and others on Bashang long-tailed chickens. At
1-3 weeks of age, the main wing feathers and the
main wing feathers of fast-feathering chickens of
Dahen broilers were significantly longer than those of
slow-feathering chickens, and the differences
gradually decreased with the increase of age. There
are many similar research results. The research
results of Chenglin Zhong et al. show that the main
wing feather length of fast-feathered yellow-
feathered chickens in Sichuan mountainous area is
significantly longer than that of slow-feathered
chickens before 4 weeks of age (Zhong 2018). The
research of Xiaohui Liu et al. shows that the main
wing feather and covering wing feather of fast-
feathered Bashang long-tailed chickens are
significantly longer than that of slow-feathered
chickens before 2 weeks of age, and the differences
are gradually reduced with the increase of age (Liu
2014). The results of this experiment showed that the
growth and development of tail feathers of Dahen
broilers also followed a certain rule. Fast-feathered
chickens had grown tail feathers at the age of 1 week,
while slow-feathered chickens began to grow tail
feathers at the age of 2 weeks. The tail feathers of
fast-feathered chickens were significantly longer than
those of slow-feathered chickens at the same age,
which was similar to the research results of Ting
Rong et al. and Xiaohui Liu et al. (Rong 2010 and Liu
2014). Previous studies have shown that the growth
and development of chicken tail feather is late, and
the growth and development of chicken tail feather is
very obvious in about 2 weeks, with a length of about
3 cm. There is a difference in tail feather development
between fast feather and slow feather, which
undoubtedly provides the possibility for feather type
identification. It also shows that the length of tail
feather can also be a new reference and basis for act
to distinguish male from female, and the
identification time is best controlled at 1-4 weeks old.
4.2 Relationship between Fast and
Slow Feather Speed and Body
Weight of Dahen Broilers
The fast and slow feather genes can not only control
the growth and development of chicken feathers, but
also have a certain influence on the early growth
speed and weight of chicken. Chenglin Zhong et al.
found that the weight of slow-feathered chickens in
yellow feather system of Sichuan mountainous black-
bone chickens was significantly larger than that of
fast-feathered chickens (Zhong 2018). Lechao Zhang
et al. found that the slow feather line of Taihang
chicken grew faster than the fast feather line (Zhang
2017). The research of Ning et al. also verified this
point, that is, the weight of slow-feathering white-
shelled hens in both sexual maturity and adult weight
was significantly higher than that of fast-feathering
hens (Ning 2005). However, there are some studies
that show the opposite. Kumar et al. studied Desi,
Bailaihang and Luodao Red Chicken (RIR), which
showed that fast-feathering chickens were all heavier
than slow-feathering chickens (Kumar 1975).In
addition, Guilong Yan et al. made use of Roman
commodity to replace laying hens, Haixia Han et
al.made use of Laiwu Black Chicken, Zuanshou Liu
et al.made use of Xingza 288 Chicken Breed,
Xiangpin Qiu et al.made use of dual-purpose C-line
Chicken Breed, and Zhong Chen et al.made use of
Huangshi local chicken Breed, all of which showed
that fast-feathered chickens were heavier than slow-
feathered chickens(Han 2009, Liu 1983, Cheng 1987
and Chen 2010). The results of this study showed that
the weight of Dahen broilers increased with age, but
there was no significant difference in weight between
fast and slow breeds, which was consistent with the
research results of Hayson RIR chickens, Yan Xiong
on Lingnan yellow chickens, and Xiaohui Liu on
Bashang long-tailed chickens (Hays 1932, Xiong
1995 and Liu 2014). This shows that the feather speed
ICBEB 2022 - The International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics
of different poultry groups has different effects on
weight development and cannot be generalized. The
fast and slow feather genes have different effects on
the growth of chickens or young poultry in different
experiments, which may be mainly related to
varieties, strains, genders, experimental conditions,
feeding methods, heat preservation measures and
other factors.
In this experiment, the feeding density of different
groups of chickens was not adjusted in time in the
later period, which may have certain influence on the
test results, but on the whole, there was no significant
difference in weight development between fast and
slow feather strains of Dahen broilers. The
appearance time and relative length of tail feather can
effectively judge fast and slow feather individuals of
Dahen broilers, which is helpful to improve the
accuracy of phenotypic selection when establishing
fast and slow feather pure lines of Dahen broilers.
This work was funded by Sichuan Province Basic
Scientific Research Project (SASA202101); Sichuan
province key research and development plan
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ICBEB 2022 - The International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics