An Intrinsic Human Physical Activity Recognition from Fused
Motion Sensor Data using Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Neural
Network in Healthcare
Okeke Stephen
, Samaneh Madanian
and Minh Nguyen
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), 6 St. Paul Street,
Auckland, New Zealand
Keywords: Human Physical Activity Recognition, Gated Recurrent Unit, Machine Leaning, Rectified Adam Optimiser,
Deep Learning, Movement Recognition.
Abstract: An intrinsic bi-directional gated recurrent neural network for recognising human physical activities from
intelligent sensors is presented in this work. In-depth exploration of human activity data is significant for
assisting different groups of people, including healthy, sick, and elderly populations in tracking and
monitoring their level of healthcare status and general fitness. The major contributions of this work are the
introduction of a bidirectional gated recurrent unit and a state-of-the-art nonlinearity function called rectified
adaptive optimiser that boosts the performance accuracy of the proposed model for the classification of human
activity signals. The bidirectional gated recurrent unit (Bi-GRU) eliminates the short-term memory problem
when training the model with fewer tensor operations, and the nonlinear function, a variant of the classical
Adam optimiser provides an instant dynamic adjustment to the adaptive models’ learning rate based on the
keen observation of the impact of variance and momentum during training. A detailed comparative analysis
of the proposed model performance was conducted with long-short-term-memory (LSTM), gated recurrent
unit (GRU), and bi-directional LSTM. The proposed method achieved a remarkable landmark result of 99%
accuracy on the test samples, outperforming the earlier architectures.
With the rapid advancement of sensors and wearable
devices, recently, detecting and classifying human
physical activities from diverse sensor data has
attracted enormous interest in computer vision and
digital health. From the healthcare perspective, the
current and well-known pressure on healthcare
coupled with technological advancements shifted the
focus from on-hospital services to home-based
services at patients’ homes.
This field has drastically grown with the ever-
demanding societal need for elderly care, telehealth,
and telerehabilitation (Tun, Madanian, & Mirza,
2021; Tun, Madanian, & Parry, 2020) preventive
medicine, human-computer interface, sport and
fitness, and intelligent surveillance. This makes the
integration of sensors and computer vision suitable
for everyday lives’ workout monitoring and general
healthcare directly related to physical activity
recognitions driven by wearable sensors (Casale,
Pujol, & Radeva, 2011; Ordóñez & Roggen, 2016).
However, despite all the advancements in the
sensors, challenges in Human Physical Activity
Recognition (HPAR) abound, and information
representation is a prominent issue that inhibits
sensor-driven HPAR. Traditional machine learning
classification techniques rely on feature engineering
and traditional information extraction from kinetic
signals (Bevilacqua et al., 2018). Heuristic methods
are employed to pick these features regarding tasks
under process. However, they have created several
issues in developing and deploying HPAR systems.
Therefore, a profound understanding of the
application domain or expert guide is necessary for
Stephen, O., Madanian, S. and Nguyen, M.
An Intrinsic Human Physical Activity Recognition from Fused Motion Sensor Data using Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Neural Network in Healthcare.
DOI: 10.5220/0011296400003280
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2022), pages 26-32
ISBN: 978-989-758-587-6; ISSN: 2184-772X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the feature extraction process (Bengio, 2013). Also,
motions with complex patterns are not scalable with
HPAR and, in most instances, yield abysmal results
in dynamic data obtained from continuous streams of
activities. Achieving an intrinsic high recognition
accuracy with low computational demand is another
crucial issue and obstacle in the wide deployment of
such systems for healthcare. These challenges,
recently, have given significant growth to deep
learning methods for the HPAR.
The adoption of deep learning models for human
signal detection and other classification tasks has
become widespread thanks to the development and
availability of smart and wearable devices, along with
their collected data (Stephen, Maduh, & Sain, 2021).
Deep learning models are capable of detecting and
recognising spatial and temporal dependencies
between signals and model scale-invariant features in
them (Moya Rueda, Grzeszick, Fink, Feldhorst, &
Ten Hompel, 2018; Zeng et al., 2014).
In this work, we deploy a bidirectional Gated
Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU), an advanced Recurrent
Neural Network algorithm (RNN) with a rectified
RAdam optimiser for the HPAR classification tasks.
The RAdam stabilises the model training, improving
the model convergence and generalisation using
learning rate warmup heuristics (Liu et al., 2019). The
GRU uses fewer Tensors to speed up its training and
learning process, maximising resources, and reducing
computational requirements. All these aim to make
this model more suitable for real-life scenario
applications and implementations.
Human activity recognition (Figure 1) is an area of
artificial intelligence (AI) application with
continuous research interests and various studies
focusing on recognising daily human activities,
including sports, workouts, and sleep monitoring.
Figure 1: A cross-section of human activity points.
In the human activity recognition task, extracting
discriminative features (Hernández, Suárez,
Villamizar, & Altuve, 2019) to recognise the activity
type is a vital yet challenging task. Different
classifications and deep learning approaches have
been used for human activity recognition most of
which increased the models’ complexity and the
computational cost.
In a study that dealt with the adaptation of triaxial
accelerometer data features, kernels of Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNN) were altered to build a
model to learn how to recognise human activities
(Chen & Xue, 2015). Unlike digital image data that
possess spatial connections in their pixels, sensor data
are time series, and thus time series models are
broadly used in human activity recognition. In
another research, a long-short-term memory (LSTM)
based deep learning neural network model was built
to predict human activities on data collected from
mobile sensors (Inoue, Inoue, & Nishida, 2018). In
the same area, a Bi-directional LSTM model was used
for human activity recognition (Edel & Köppe, 2016).
In a healthcare monitoring research, wearable sensors
were attached to people to collect data on their speed,
heart rate, blood pressure level, and walking gait
(Hammerla et al., 2015). These data were collected to
detect Parkinson’s disease in participants. Among
these studies, a study involved space and time
characteristics extraction (Ordóñez & Roggen, 2016)
combing four layers of CNN and two layers of LSTM
achieved a superior result compared to CNN only.
Recognition and monitoring of activity for sports
is also an important area. Multiplayer confrontations
(Subetha & Chitrakala, 2016) or individual
movements data were collected from athletes using
wearable devices (Ermes, Pärkkä, Mäntyjärvi, &
Korhonen, 2008; Nguyen et al., 2015) data to explore
and predict their shooting capability (Nguyen et al.,
2015). Activity detection from videos is not left out
as combined CNN and RNN approaches (Srivastava,
Mansimov, & Salakhudinov, 2015) were deployed to
recognise video-based activity tasks, and a landmark
result was recorded, although due to high
computational demands, the model training was
extremely difficult. The proposed model will usher in
a more compact and rapid method of recognising vital
human daily activities.
RNN, LSTM, GRU, and Bi-GRU are a family of deep
learning models mainly used for sequential data
training and inferencing due to their ability to handle
An Intrinsic Human Physical Activity Recognition from Fused Motion Sensor Data using Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Neural Network in
recurrent patterns. The LSTM model is an advanced,
RNN architecture built with a set of memory blocks
or repeatedly connected subnets. It aims to solve the
long-term dependency problems prevalent in the
conventional RNNs caused by exploding or vanishing
gradients resulting from the backpropagation process.
Every memory block in the architecture comprises
one or more self-connected memory cells and the
input (three multiplicative units) (Graves, 2012). The
forget gets 𝑓
in LSTM architecture, determines what
information to be kept or eliminated from memory,
the input gate 𝑖
is a channel where new information
flows to the cell state. The memory update is a cell
state vector 𝐶
, which sums the previous memory
through the forget gate and the new memory through
the input gate. Finally, the output gate 𝑂
conditionally decides which information from the
memory should be released.
GRU is a compacted form of an LSTM in the
RNN family (Cho et al., 2014). GRU operates with
lesser parameters, unlike LSTM, because of the
absence of output gates in its architecture. It has been
confirmed that GRU can produce superior accuracy
in some smaller datasets, such as the one we used in
this work.
Initialising 𝑡 and the vector of the output at
0 in equation 1, the GRU operations are expressed as:
= 𝜎
+ 𝑈
+ 𝑏
) (1)
= 𝜎
+ 𝑈
+ 𝑏
= 𝑧
+ (1𝑧
+ 𝑈
)+ 𝑏
) (2)
The update gate 𝑧
(1) performs a similar
function, on like the input gate and the forget gate
found in the LSTM architecture by determining
which information to be ignored or to be added. The
eset gate 𝑟
, is responsible for determining the amount
of information to discard.
in equation (2), is an
output vector that releases the recurrent operations’
outcome. The GRU is faster to train and inference
because it uses fewer tensor operations than a typical
RNN or LSTM model.
The Bidirectional GRU (Bi-GRU) works on the
assumption that the outcome at the time 𝑡 may or may
not rely on the previous information and the
subsequent information (Yang, Ng, Mooney, &
Dong, 2017). At the beginning of its operation, it
combines the cell state, the 𝑞−𝑡 hidden unit and
creates the reset gate 𝜏
(3) computed as shown
below in (3):
= 𝜎([𝑊
+ [𝑈
ℎ(𝑡 − 1)]
) (3)
Where 𝜎 denotes the sigmoid function, [.]
is the
𝑞−𝑡 element of a vector, 𝑥 and ℎ(𝑡 − 1) are the
input vector and pre hidden state, 𝑊
𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑈
representing the weight matrices, respectively.
Subsequently, it merges the forget gate and input gate
into a single update gate. The update gate 𝜇
is shown
in the formula:
= 𝜎([𝑊
+ [𝑈
ℎ(𝑡 − 1)]
Then, the actual computation of the generated
activation unit
is shown in equation (4) below:
(𝑡) = 𝜇
(𝑡 − 1) + (1 − 𝜇
)(𝑡) (4)
=tanh ([𝑊𝑥]
t −1
represents the element-wise multiplication.
We then use the element-wise sum to summate the
forward and backward states generated by the Bi-
GRU as the product of the 𝑞𝑡ℎ signal (5).
] (5)
This section presents the details of our data pre-
processing and experiments. The experiments’ results
are also explained in this section.
4.1 Data Pre-processing and
For our research, we obtained the dataset from
(Shoaib, Bosch, Incel, Scholten, & Havinga, 2014).
The dataset comprises seven human physical
activities, including biking, walking, sitting, running,
jogging, standing, and walking upstairs/downstairs.
All these activities are the everyday rudimentary daily
human motion activities. Ten males, in the 25-30 age
range, participated in the data collection exercise, and
each participant performed three to four minutes of
each of the activities. The data collection was
performed in a university indoor building, excluding
biking which was done outdoor. Five smartphones
were fixed on each participant on five body parts
(right arm, right wrist, right hips, left and right legs –
check Shoaib et al. (2014)).
During the data pre-processing stage, the
collected data was split into small segments solely for
ICSBT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
extracting critical features with the sliding window
In the data pre-processing phase, it was of utmost
importance to select the appropriate sliding window
size so that an exact value could be affixed to it. Since
it has been proven from previous works that a window
size of two seconds was appropriate for obtaining a
meaningful performance in activity recognition
(Hernández et al., 2019), only a window size of two
seconds was used. Also, fifty sliding window steps
and one-hundred-time steps for the sliding window
length were used. For the feature extraction process,
only twelve feature extractors were used to extract
features from the experimental data frame.
From each participant, one thousand eight
hundred activity segments were extracted for a single
activity performed at a position. In some cases, data
from three positions were fused together, resulting in
obtaining 5400 segments of each activity for the total
of the three positions.
We concatenated the pre-processed data and split
them into train, validation, and test sets in this work.
We assigned 80% to the train set and 10% each to the
validation and test sets, respectively. During the
model building process, a total of 32 hidden units,
0.000001 L2 regularizer (for both the kernel and bias
parameters), 0.0001 learning rate and RMSprop
optimiser were set across the compared models for
consistency. Also, a SoftMax classifier was used in
the dense classification layer with categorical cross-
entropy as the loss function. Finally, 1024 was set as
the batch size with 50 epochs.
4.2 Result Analysis
We compare our experimental result with models
such as LSTM, GRU and Bi-directional LSTM. The
result of this comparison is presented in Table 1.
Table 1: The results of different models.
Model MSE MSLE Accuracy
LSTM 0.2392 0.0164 0.98
GRU 0.2432 0.0169 0.98
Bi-LSTM 0.2396 0.0165 0.98
Bi-GRU 0.1804 0.0113 0.99
From the experimental results, it can be concluded
that our proposed model produced an overall 0.99
accuracy on the test samples, while the rest of the
models yielded approximately 0.98 accuracies each.
In our calculations, MSE and MSLE estimate
Mean Square Error (MSE) and MSLE (Mean Square
Log Error) respectively, of the results obtained in the
proposed model. MSEs and MSLEs in LSTM, GRU
and Bi-LST are relatively negligible; however, MSE
between the LSTM and Bi-GRU is 0.0588, GRU, and
Bi-GRU are 0.0628, then between Bi-LSTM and Bi-
GRU is 0.0592. With a total of 106,983 LSTM
trainable parameters, learning rate (𝑙𝑟) of 1𝑒 4,
1𝑒 − 6 kernel regularizer, 1024 batch size, 40 epochs
and a hidden unit of 32, we achieved a test accuracy
of 98.1% and loss of 0.0697 as shown in Table 2 and
Figure 2.
In Table 2, classes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 represent
biking, walking downstairs, jogging, sitting, standing,
walking upstairs and conventional walking,
Table 2: Confusion matrix with LSTM.
Class Precision Recall F1-
0 0.99 0.99 0.99 724
1 0.99 0.97 0.98 722
2 1.00 0.97 0.98 724
3 1.00 1.00 1.00 716
4 1.00 1.00 1.00 720
5 0.97 0.91 0.94 716
6 0.89 0.99 0.94 716
Accuracy 0.981 5038
Macro Avg 0.98 0.98 0.98 5038
0.98 0.98 0.98 5038
Figure 2: Model accuracy & loss with LSTM.
As shown in Table 2, we achieved 0.99 precision,
recall and F1-score from 724 test samples of biking
(0) activity; 0.99 precision, 0.97 recall, 0.98 F1-score
from 722 test samples on the walking-downstairs (1)
An Intrinsic Human Physical Activity Recognition from Fused Motion Sensor Data using Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Neural Network in
activity, respectively; 100% precision, 0.97 recall,
0.98 F1-score from 724 test samples on the jogging
(2) activity, respectively. We achieved 100%
precision, recall, and F1-score on the sitting (3) and
standing (4) activities. For the sitting (3) activity, we
used 716 test samples while we had 720 test samples
for standing (4).
We obtained 0.97 precision, 0.91 recall and 0.94
F1-score from 716 test samples of walking upstairs
(5) activity; 0.89 precision, 0.99 recall and 0.94 F1-
score from 716 test samples of basic walking (5)
activity and 0.98 macro and weighted average each
on the 5038 test samples.
To increase the training and inference speed and
as well as the overall performance of the model, we
swapped the LSTM with a Bi-directional LSTM and
GRU architectures separately, and we observed no
meaningful change in the overall performance of the
models on the test data, as shown in Figures 3 and 4,
Figure 3: Model accuracy & loss with Bi-LSTM.
Figure 4: Model accuracy & loss with GRU.
Consequently, we introduced the Bi-GRU model
into the set-up with all parameters remaining
constant. We observed a remarkable difference in
both the MSE, MSLE and the oval accuracy, as
shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively.
Figure 5: Model accuracy & loss with Bi-GRU.
Figure 6: Matrix plot of the Bi-GRU model.
Further analysis of the result from the proposed
model, as shown in the confusion matrix plot of
Figure 6, the model accurately classified 718 biking
data samples from the test sample and misclassified
four as walking upstairs. Also, 716 test data points
belonging to the downstairs activity were accurately
classified, and five were misclassified. In addition,
the model accurately classified 697 samples as actual
jogging activities and misclassified 13 upstairs
activities and eight as walking. Furthermore, the
model got all 716 test data points right as sitting and
ICSBT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies
719 as standing while misclassifying only one point
as downstairs activity, respectively.
The proposed model correctly recognised 706
upstairs activity test data points as true and ten false.
For the test data points belonging to the upstairs
activity, the model appropriately recognised 706
while misclassify two as walking, six as downstairs
activity, and one each for biking and jogging. Finally,
the model accurately classified 697 walking test data
correctly while mistakenly recognising ten as upstairs
activity and nine as downstairs activity; this is
because of the close similarity between these
Human activity recognition and classification have
become a demanding field in different domains,
especially for healthcare and wellbeing. Alo,
technology integration is an approach to get
technologies into their full potential and use them to
address business or health challenge (Madanian &
Parry, 2019). Our proposed model could promote
cost-effective, rapid and efficient telehealth
monitoring and telerehabilitation, for different
population groups such as the elderly and athletes.
To deploy such human activity recognition
systems for real-life scenarios and applications, the
system should be able to process tasks in almost real-
time with high accuracy and low computational cost.
In this work, we presented an advanced RNN
algorithm for human physical activity recognition
tasks. We focused on seven distinct activities
extracted from basic human daily activities using
multi-sensor data point collection sources. We trained
the proposed Bi-directional GRU architecture and
evaluated the accuracy using separate test data
samples. From the result of the extensive experiments
we conducted, we discovered that the Bi-Directional
GRU model is a good fit for solving human activity
recognition problems when compared with
conventional LSTM and GRU, as shown in the
combined plots in Figures 7a & 7b. In future work,
we plan to include more activities and scenarios and
implement human activity detection, classification,
and recognition in real-time.
Figure 7: (a) & (b) are combined performance accuracy and
loss of the studied models.
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