Interoperability-oriented Quality Assessment for Czech Open Data
Dasa Kusnirakova
, Mouzhi Ge
, Leonard Walletzky
and Barbora Buhnova
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Deggendorf, Germany
Open Data, Data Quality, Data Interoperability, Evaluation Framework.
With the rapid increase of published open datasets, it is crucial to support the open data progress in smart
cities while considering the open data quality. In the Czech Republic, and its National Open Data Catalogue
(NODC), the open datasets are usually evaluated based on their metadata only, while leaving the content
and the adherence to the recommended data structure to the sole responsibility of the data providers. The
interoperability of open datasets remains unknown. This paper therefore aims to propose a novel content-aware
quality evaluation framework that assesses the quality of open datasets based on ve data quality dimensions.
With the proposed framework, we provide a fundamental view on the interoperability-oriented data quality
of Czech open datasets, which are published in NODC. Our evaluations find that domain-specific open data
quality assessments are able to detect data quality issues beyond traditional heuristics used for determining
Czech open data quality, increase their interoperability, and thus increase their potential to bring value for the
society. The findings of this research are beneficial not only for the case of the Czech Republic, but also can
be applied in other countries that intend to enhance their open data quality evaluation processes.
With a broader adoption of the open data paradigm
worldwide and the increasing number of published
datasets, the focus of dealing with the data has been
shifted and data quality has become a major concern
in organizations (Sadiq and Indulska, 2017). The un-
certain data quality is becoming critical since low-
quality datasets have very limited capacity of creating
added value, sometimes may even harm the applica-
tions and services (Ge and Lewoniewski, 2020).
One of the key issues is the interoperability of
open datasets, as the concept of open data is based on
the rationale of reusability and interconnection with
other data (Bizer et al., 2011). As the data comes from
different publishers, its structure or individual val-
ues are often incompatible with each other (Ge et al.,
2019). Such diversity of datasets, e.g., in terms of
data formats or vocabularies used, then significantly
increases the processing effort for further data usage
(Thereaux, 2020), or may even make data merging
completely impossible.
The aim of this paper therefore is to propose
a novel quality evaluation model that measures the
quality of open datasets across five major data quality
characteristics. With taking datasets’ interoperability
as a priority, the evaluation framework focuses on the
interoperability of the datasets, taking the content and
the data structure into consideration. Besides that,
we present the insights on interoperability-oriented
data quality assessment for Czech datasets in the
tourism domain, which are published in Czech Na-
tional Open Data Catalogue (NODC). Finally, we ar-
gue that domain-specific and interoperability-oriented
open data quality assessment is capable of identifying
multiple serious data quality concerns in addition to
the usual techniques used to assess Czech open data
In recent years, there has been research progress on
addressing the issue of open data quality. For exam-
ple, in (Berners-Lee, 2012), the author proposed 5-
Star Open Data Rating System. The data subjected
to quality analysis is awarded a certain number of
stars according to defined quality requirements. Even
though this tool is widely used within Europe and is
being promoted by the European Data Portal (Carrara
et al., 2018), its results may be misleading. The eval-
uation focuses only on a subset of data quality dimen-
Kusnirakova, D., Ge, M., Walletzky, L. and Buhnova, B.
Interoperability-oriented Quality Assessment for Czech Open Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0011291900003269
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2022), pages 446-453
ISBN: 978-989-758-583-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
sions (mainly legal and technical aspects), and there-
fore may not reflect all the user demands on data qual-
The majority of the published papers investigates
open data portals. In (Ubaldi, 2013) and (Viscusi
et al., 2014) the authors conducted thorough stud-
ies for evaluating the quality of Open Government
Data. The authors created a series of metrics deter-
mining data quality by its availability, demand, re-
use, format or timeliness. However, likewise in the
previous work, none of the proposed metrics consid-
ers the datasets’ content; all metrics operate only on
the dataset or portal level.
The intention to assess the quality of open data
inside data files is not completely new. One of the
first evaluation metrics operating on interoperability
(e.g. currentness or completeness) was introduced in
o et al., 2016). Even though the paper proposes
quality dimensions at most granular level of measure-
ment, the framework lacks syntactic and semantic as-
sessments of the examined data. A more general ap-
proach in the form of an executable evaluation model
enabling custom definition of data quality specifica-
tions was suggested by (Nikiforova, 2020). This ap-
proach is, however, subject to the precise and correct
specification of the data quality requirements and en-
tails a significant amount of manual intervention.
One of the standardization techniques introduced in
the Czech Republic aiming to ensure interoperabil-
ity of open datasets is called Open Formal Standards
(OFSs). OFSs are technical guidelines created for
selected domains, developed within a collaborative
decision-making process coordinated by the Czech
Ministry of the Interior. They aim to simplify data us-
age and ensure data interoperability, even when vari-
ous data providers provide the same kind of data. Full
interoperability is ensured in technical, syntactic as
well as semantic dimension (OHA, 2021).
The assurance of interoperability represents the
main reason why these standards should be adhered
to if a publisher publishes data relevant to what OFSs
are modeling. Apart from that, OFSs are binding on
open data publishers according to Act No. 106/1999
Coll. on Free Access to Information.
Each OFS begins with a description of essential
terms for a given dataset which unifies the semantics
of data; that is how the data is understood. The terms
are represented in the form of a conceptual scheme,
which models the terms as classes, their properties,
and the relationships between them (Kl
ımek, 2020a).
Figure 1: An example of OFS scheme for objects regard-
ing Tourist points of interest (MV
CR, 2020). Translated to
The scheme is also illustrated graphically for easier
understanding as displayed in Figure 1. This format
is uniform for all issued OFSs.
One of the key aspects of OFSs is that classes that
appear in several OFSs, such as Person, Contact, or
Location, are specified in a single place, so-called
shared specifications. Shared specifications ensure
compatibility between the same entities in different
datasets and thus facilitate data processing according
to various OFSs. For example, information about ad-
mission to a concert provided in a dataset adhering
to OFS for Events is represented in the same way as
admission to a castle published in a dataset regarding
Tourist points of interest.
3.1 Current State of OFS Adoption
The Czech National Open Data Catalogue does not
check individual datasets’ quality; NODC only works
with the metadata of the corresponding data files
ımek, 2019). Even though the Ministry of the In-
terior supports data providers in improving the qual-
ity of their data through various tools, such as reg-
ular evaluation of datasets’ metadata or providing
most common bad practice examples (Kl
ımek, 2022),
interoperability-oriented data quality of individual
datasets is solely the responsibility of data providers
ıta, 2021).
Even though OFSs show a great deal of potential
and are legally binding on data publishers, their actual
application in practice is unsatisfactory. We checked
Interoperability-oriented Quality Assessment for Czech Open Data
the current compliance with OFSs regarding Tourist
points of interest manually with the usage of Open
Data National Catalogue API, where we searched for
the datasets having the Tourist points of interest stan-
dard’s identifier given as a value of any attributes in
the dataset’s metadata, as defined by the OFS. The re-
sults were surprising. None of the published datasets
regarding this topic has adhered to this standard yet.
These findings prompted us to research the subject
To design the evaluation framework, we applied the
method by (Wang and Strong, 1996). The proposed
data quality framework was designed with compre-
hension of what characteristics are relevant for Czech
open data, while maintaining the ease of comprehen-
sibility of the results and metrics even for the general
public. The general features of the evaluation frame-
work are described below.
4.1 Score Calculation
Each dimension of the proposed framework awards
a certain number of points to a dataset based on
its quality within the examined aspect. The given
score ranges from 0 to 100 points, while the higher
is the score, the higher is the dataset’s quality. The
calculated scores for individual dimensions remain
separate and are not combined into one final score.
Their purpose is to highlight the dataset’s strengths
and flaws in terms of interoperability and adherence
to the particular OFS.
4.2 Features
Each OFS typically contains a minimal example spec-
ifying minimum requirements on modeled entities. If
a dataset contains less information than provided in
the minimal sample, the data is most likely meaning-
less, and no one will be able to use it (Kl
ımek, 2020b).
Therefore, these minimal requirements, denoted as
features, are considered mandatory by the proposed
evaluation framework, even though all entities speci-
fied in the OFS schema are optional, according to the
official documentation (Dvo
ak et al., 2020).
Besides the minimal example, OFSs provide a
more complex example, too. Such a complex model
portrays elements that should be filled in to provide
the user with the most accurate picture of the mod-
eled domain. The additional features are considered
optional by the proposed framework.
4.3 Feature Weight
Because each feature has different importance, their
impact on the resulting score of the examined di-
mension should also vary. The absence of a manda-
tory feature (e.g., the location of a tourist destination)
causes much more significant issues in the data pro-
cessing phase than absence of an optional one (e.g.,
the languages spoken at the destination). Such im-
portance of an individual feature is denoted as feature
Feature weight is determined by its type. The
weight of mandatory features is significantly higher
since they carry the most critical information; their
absence results in a considerable drop in the dataset’s
quality. In particular, the proposed framework de-
termines that the weight of one mandatory feature is
equal to the sum of the weights of all optional fea-
tures. Because the model operates on a scale ranging
from 0 to 100, the weight calculation is performed as
Σ w
m f
+ Σ w
o f
= 100 (1)
m f
m f
+ 1
o f
m f
o f
where w denotes a feature weight, N represents the
number of features, m f stands for mandatory feature
and o f is an optional feature.
Throughout the development process, we identified
ten quality dimensions, from which those five selected
seemed to be the most clear candidates in terms of as-
sessing datasets’ a) interoperability, b) adherence to
the rules defined by OFSs, and c) essential quality as-
pects, which are currently missing in Czech NODC.
5.1 File Format
Prior to combining diverse data sources, the data for-
mat is one of the key aspects that need to be con-
sidered (Abedjan, 2018). Different data formats re-
quire different ways of data processing. Moreover,
each data format places other requirements on the
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
data structure, which in principle worsens data inter-
Data processing may be automated for many com-
mon formats. Nevertheless, the process gets more
complicated if various data formats are used for the
same data representation. It may even require man-
ual assistance in case of inconsistencies caused by the
nature of particular file formats, especially when also
the data structure needs to be changed (Heer et al.,
Formal Requirements. According to the OFS
specification, open datasets need to be published
in JSON format (MV
CR, 2020). However, Czech
datasets published in NODC use other formats, too,
such as CSV, XLSX, XML, or special formats from
the JSON family, which causes issues for data to in-
teroperate easily.
Score Calculation. The File format dimension
awards dataset a score based on its data format, and
the score is given according to the conversion rules
displayed in Table 1. The individual levels of the pro-
posed table have been designed based on the format’s
similarities to the required JSON format. The levels
can also be understood to represent the ease of trans-
formation from the particular file format to JSON.
Table 1: Conversion table for awarding scores based on the
dataset’s file format.
Score File format
50 CSV
The highest score is given to file formats from the
JSON family, as defined by the OFS. The second-best
score is awarded to datasets with file format from the
XML family. XML documents allow hierarchy in the
same way as JSON and besides that, the data format
can be simply converted to JSON in most cases by
various online tools. Datasets with a tabular structure,
such as CSV files, are awarded 50 points. This file
format does not allow hierarchical structure by nature
and therefore is not suitable for complex data. The
second-lowest score is given to datasets with tabular
structure that are published in a proprietary file format
like XLS, where a special software may be required to
read data properly, which contradicts the general con-
cept of open data. No points are given to files pub-
lished in a format that does not guarantee any struc-
ture, e.g. TXT or PDF.
5.2 Schema Accuracy
Schema accuracy refers to the syntactic accuracy of
features’ names compared with the naming conven-
tion defined by OFS. The focus on the naming of
modeled entities is an essential part of quality assess-
ment with an emphasis on interoperabilty, as two enti-
ties cannot be merged automatically if their names are
different, even if they semantically represent the same
object. A real example of incorrectly named features
can be, for instance, using English feature names such
as location instead of the Czech word um
Formal Requirements. Requirements placed by
OFS require a certain number of mandatory and op-
tional features, while specifying their correct nam-
ing. Except for the unique key @context, specified by
JSON-LD format (Sporny et al., 2020) and used for
interlinking the dataset with the corresponding stan-
dard against which a dataset structure is valid, all fea-
ture names are in the Czech language. There is always
only one correct feature name.
Score Calculation. The dataset’s score in terms of
schema accuracy is calculated based on the correct-
ness of individual feature names. The correctness of
the naming of mandatory and optional features im-
pacts the score in various ways, as presented in the
Equation 4 below.
score =
f =1
n = 1, if n N
n = 0, otherwise
where f denotes a feature specified by the standard,
is the weight of a feature, and n
represents the
name of a feature. A set of both mandatory and op-
tional features specified by OFS are denoted by F,
while N represents the set of all feature names con-
tained in the examined dataset.
5.3 Schema Completeness
Schema completeness is dedicated to checking the se-
mantic correctness of the information carried by indi-
vidual features. In other words, the dimension focuses
on the features’ content, regardless of the correctness
of their naming. Data types used are also ignored in
this case. Before the actual score calculation, each ex-
amined dataset needed to be manually adjusted - the
original features’ names have to be changed to match
the words specified by OFS in case the information
carried by the feature semantically matches the stan-
Interoperability-oriented Quality Assessment for Czech Open Data
Formal Requirements. The standard defines a set
of mandatory and optional features understood as
pieces of information that a dataset should contain,
as discussed in section 4.2. These features represent
information necessary for providing the user with the
most accurate picture of the modeled domain. Be-
sides that, the information referring to the used stan-
dard is also required.
Score Calculation. The score for schema com-
pleteness is determined in a similar way as for the
schema accuracy dimension. However, the dimen-
sion’s focus is different. The final score is based on
the presence or absence of expected information con-
tained in a dataset, as given by Equation 5.
score =
f =1
i = 1, if i I
i = 0, otherwise
where f denotes a feature specified by the standard,
is the weight of a feature, and i
represents the in-
formation carried by a feature. A set of both manda-
tory and optional features specified by OFS is denoted
by F, while I represents the set of the expected infor-
mation contained in the dataset according to the stan-
5.4 Data Type Consistency
The quality of inputs determines the ability to fuse
digital data and create relevant information (Garcia
et al., 2018). Because the same kind of data can be
produced in various formats and using different data
types for the same data requires time-consuming data
cleansing, it is suitable to monitor the aspect of data
consistency. In particular, this dimension focuses on
the consistency of data types used for the same data
representation within a feature.
The implementation of the proposed evaluation
model can distinguish five primary data types, namely
integer, float, bool, string, and null. On top of that, we
have decided to extend the type recognition by ve
custom data types, which were selected based on the
analysis of the actual values provided in the exam-
ined datasets. The list of the custom data types is as
URL: recognized by a function for URL recogni-
tion contained in a python library validators,
E-mail: recognized by a function for e-mail
recognition contained in a python library valida-
Address: identified by a regex string searching for
an address written in Czech format consisting of
street name and number in given order,
Point: recognized by a pattern, where geographi-
cal coordinates are wrapped by the POINT label,
Phone number: identified by a regex string
searching for a phone number, written in Czech
or international form.
Formal Requirements. All the values within one
feature should be represented by the same data type.
Score Calculation. The score is affected by the
number of used data types within one feature and
its weight. Since the Data type consistency dimen-
sion focuses on the values themselves rather than on
their comparison against the standard’s schema, there
is a need for a minor adjustment in the definition of
mandatory and optional features from the definition
presented in section 4.2:
Mandatory features: Features defined as manda-
tory by the standard, which are at the same time
contained in the examined dataset.
Optional features: All other features which are in-
cluded in the examined dataset.
In other words, the feature weights are derived
from the total number of provided features within a
dataset, not solely from the features defined by OFS.
Suppose a dataset containing two mandatory features
out of seven defined by the standard, and zero optional
features. Then the weight of each feature is 50. Com-
pulsory features which are missing have no effect on
the score calculated for this dimension.
This means that even if a dataset is missing some
mandatory features and does not include any optional
ones, it can still score a maximum of 100 points in
terms of data consistency. Naturally, all values within
each feature must be represented by the same data
type in such a case, otherwise the score gets lower.
Multiple data types used within a single feature
are stringently punished. The formula for score cal-
culation is provided in Equation 6.
score =
f =1
where, f denotes a feature provided in the dataset,
is the feature weight, and t
represents the num-
ber of data types used within a feature. A set of all
features provided in the dataset is denoted by F.
5.5 Data Completeness
The amount of data we collect is growing. How-
ever, not all of the data is complete, and some infor-
mation can be missing. Missing values are typically
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
denoted with a null value, a specific mark indicating
that a value is absent or undefined (Codd, 1986), but
empty strings are also widely used. As stated in the
literature, there are two main reasons for providing
incomplete data (Codd, 1986). The information may
be unknown to the data source, or it refers to a prop-
erty that is not relevant to the particular object. In
any case, null values represent a severe quality issue.
They bring confusion to further data processing, and
may lead to wrong data interpretations, or completely
restrict data to be usable. Therefore, the data proces-
sor needs to be aware of them in order to choose the
right strategy for their correct handling.
Formal Requirements. All values within a feature
should ideally be complete; that is different from null
and empty objects.
Score Calculation. The data completeness dimen-
sion measures the weighted ratio of non-null values.
By ratio, we mean the division of non-null values by
all values provided within the examined feature. Both
values of data type null and empty strings are under-
stood as null values in the proposed model.
As for the weights, their calculation process is the
same as described in section 5.4. The score for the
Data completeness dimension is calculated as stated
in Equation 7.
score =
f =1
where w
is the weight of a feature, n
represents the
number of non-null values within a feature, and v
denotes the number of all values within the examined
feature. A set of both mandatory and optional features
provided in the dataset is marked as F.
We have applied the evaluation framework introduced
in section 5 to measure the data quality of Czech open
datasets on Tourist points of interest domain, with fo-
cus on their interoperability and their adherence to the
standards developed by the Czech Ministry of the In-
terior. As the data quality of datasets published in
NODC is currently monitored only on the metadata
level, their interoperability quality of data remains un-
Overall, we collected 14 datasets from six dif-
ferent municipalities, all published in NODC. Be-
cause the quality of datasets from the same provider
was essentially the same, we decided to analyze only
one dataset from each provider so that the results
were unbiased. Therefore, the evaluation concerns
six datasets from six distinct municipalities, which are
listed in Table 2.
Each of the selected datasets provides a differ-
ent number of records and features. The overview is
listed in Table 3. While the dataset from Hunt
rov mu-
nicipality contains 10 records, Brno offers a slightly
more rich collection of 350 tourist destinations.
As for the features, both Praha and Brno datasets cap-
ture 9 pieces of information regarding each record.
The largest number of 71 features offers datasets from
ın. However, it is necessary to note that many
features in this dataset do not contain any meaningful
value other than null.
Table 2: List of municipalities providing data regarding
Tourist points of interest and selected datasets for analysis.
Number of
Selected dataset
Brno 2 Turistick
a m
ın 1
Seznam bod
u (POI)
Hradec Kr
e 8 Z
rov 1 Turistick
e c
Ostrava 1 Turistick
e c
Praha 1
e body
Table 3: Overview of the number of records and features
provided by the selected datasets.
of records
of features
Brno 350 15
ın 254 71
Hradec Kr
e 33 9
rov 10 18
Ostrava 66 18
Praha 323 9
6.1 Results
We analyzed each dataset in terms of the five
proposed data quality aspects. In each dimen-
sion, a dataset could get a score ranging from
0 up to the maximum of 100 points. The full record
of achieved scores in each data quality dimension are
provided in Table 4. A better overview of the results
is then visualized by a radar chart in Figure 2.
6.2 Result Analysis
The findings are diverse; while datasets generally
achieve a somewhat satisfactory score in some dimen-
Interoperability-oriented Quality Assessment for Czech Open Data
Table 4: Complete results of earned scores in five monitored dimensions for individual municipalities.
Data type
Brno 100 0 65.38 53.49 64.46
ın 25 0 53.85 58.03 75.99
Hradec Kr
e 100 0.96 38.46 97.94 100
rov 50 0 52.88 70.97 76.3
Ostrava 50 0 52.88 65.73 81.03
Praha 100 0 25 78.56 100
Figure 2: Comparison of the achieved scores in each data
quality dimension for individual municipalities.
sions, such as Data completeness, other aspects, espe-
cially Schema accuracy, prove significant deficiencies
for all datasets. In the following paragraphs, we focus
on the dimensions with the most shortcomings identi-
fied, and provide an in-depth analysis of the results.
Schema Accuracy. There are multiple reasons why
all datasets achieve unsatisfactory results in Schema
accuracy dimension. After a thorough review of the
feature names, we identified the following causes:
two datasets (Brno, Hradec Kr
e) use English
feature names,
two datasets (Hunt
rov, Ostrava) use Czech fea-
ture names, but without diacritics or modified in
any other way,
two datasets (D
ın, Praha) use a combination of
both English and Czech feature names, even with-
out diacritics or modified in any other way.
We observed that each municipality uses its own
set of unique feature names. However, certain simi-
larities can be seen in the datasets. For example, the
datasets from Ostrava and Hunt
rov share 10 out of
18 feature names, even though they differ from fea-
ture names required by the standard.
Schema Completeness. The results showed that
despite inaccurate feature naming, the examined
datasets do contain the information required by the
standard, at least to some extent.
The fact that the datasets are often provided as a
list of places focused simply on their location was rec-
ognized as the primary source of the observed diffi-
culties in terms of schema completeness. This is es-
pecially true for datasets published in GEOJSON for-
mat, designed specifically for this purpose. But even
a dataset that might be of sufficient quality for one
purpose may not be suitable for another (Sadiq and
Indulska, 2017). Therefore, it would be desirable to
append the missing information in order to increase
the possibilities of employing this data in the tourism
In this paper, we have proposed an interoperability-
oriented quality assessment framework that consists
of five data quality dimensions. The selection of the
data quality dimentions is based on the interoperabil-
ity of datasets and adherence to specified standards,
known as OFSs. In order to evaluate the applica-
bility of the proposed framework, we have assessed
the datasets’ quality on tourist points of interest. The
datasets were downloaded from the Czech Open Data
National Catalogue, and the evaluation has revealed
the quality issues in the Czech Open Data National
While the assessed datasets have shown moderate
deficiencies in Data completeness and Data type con-
sistency dimensions, Schema accuracy results turn
out to be the poorest across all the dimensions. All
the datasets achieved poor results in this dimension,
which indicates that the selected datasets do not ad-
here to the standard in terms of feature naming con-
ventions. Besides that, most datasets model individ-
ual items merely as pure localities and not as tourist
objects as required. As a result, open Czech datasets
are practically incapable of interoperability in their
current state within the tourism context, and their po-
tential for value co-creation is decreased.
Although this paper focuses primarily on the open
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
data quality assessment in the Czech Republic, the
findings are relevant for any country that aims to im-
prove the evaluation processes on the quality of open
datasets, as the availability of the experience from dif-
ferent countries is crucial in the design process. Once
we understand the quality of open datasets and iden-
tify their quality flaws, we can guide data producers
to provide and improve data with an impact, so that
the society can make full use of the open data with
This research was supported by ERDF ”Cy-
berSecurity, CyberCrime and Critical Informa-
tion Infrastructures Center of Excellence” (No.
CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 019/0000822).
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Interoperability-oriented Quality Assessment for Czech Open Data