Improved Boosted Classification to Mitigate the Ethnicity and Age
Group Unfairness
Ivona Colakovic and Sa
so Karakati
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Maribor, Koro
ska cesta 46, Maribor, Slovenia
Fairness, Classification, Boosting, Machine Learning.
This paper deals with the group fairness issue that arises when classifying data, which contains socially in-
duced biases for age and ethnicity. To tackle the unfair focus on certain age and ethnicity groups, we propose
an adaptive boosting method that balances the fair treatment of all groups. The proposed approach builds upon
the AdaBoost method but supplements it with the factor of fairness between the sensitive groups. The results
show that the proposed method focuses more on the age and ethnicity groups, given less focus with traditional
classification techniques. Thus the resulting classification model is more balanced, treating all of the sensitive
groups more equally without sacrificing the overall quality of the classification.
In recent years Machine Learning (ML) has been used
to solve problems in different areas such as finance,
healthcare, retail and logistics. Thus, outperform-
ing humans and automating human tasks have led to
the wide adoption of ML in a wide variety of fields.
With a growing number of ML applications, many
have started to raise the issues about the accountabil-
ity when decision are made by ML, and especially, the
fairness of those decisions. The often raised question
about ML being fair is still not entirely researched.
Many have proposed different approaches to mitigate
algorithm bias, but do not consider the existing bias
in data.
The ability of ML to discover patterns relevant to
decision-making that humans can overlook is what
makes ML useful. Discovering patterns in data is the
power of ML, but the data given to ML is entirely a
human product. In that way, ML can discover his-
torical bias in data (Barocas et al., 2019), which is
our social bias reflected in the collected data, which
ML learns and thus becomes unfair itself. There
are different types of fairness, but in this work, we
consider group fairness, which is the equal chances
of different groups to be positively classified (Binns,
2019; Mehrabi et al., 2021). Usually, the unfairness
is learned by ML, when sensitive features are play-
ing the role in the decision-making process (i.e., when
they are included in the patterns in the classification
model). To prevent the ML from building models with
sensitive features, they are removed from the data, be-
fore the ML process commences. But, as other fea-
tures may indirectly reflect the sensitive feature val-
ues, we have to control for the sensitive feature, i.e.,
we have to measure the quality of the ML model for
every value of the sensitive feature.
1.1 Fair Machine Learning
Fairness, especially in societal problems, is defined
differently by fairness researchers, thus making the
fairness measure very hard to define (Barocas et al.,
2019; Verma and Rubin, 2018). However, this does
not mean that fairness can not be measured, just that
the standard classification metric that everyone would
agree upon does not exist or is not agreed upon yet.
Therefore, various metrics were proposed, although
most group fairness metrics are based on statistical
parity equal chances of each group to have a positive
outcome (Binns, 2019).
While unfairness can appear in data that does not
include people, it is more likely to have a bigger im-
pact in applications where data represents individu-
als. Some ML applications with discrimination have
already been identified, like Amazon’s Prime system
for determining who is eligible for advanced services,
that turned out to be racially biased (Ingold and Soper,
Colakovic, I. and Karakati
c, S.
Improved Boosted Classification to Mitigate the Ethnicity and Age Group Unfairness.
DOI: 10.5220/0011287400003269
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2022), pages 432-437
ISBN: 978-989-758-583-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2016). Analysis of COMPAS, the system used by
judges, probation, and parole officers, used to assess
the likelihood of criminal recidivating, showed that
black people are more likely to be incorrectly clas-
sified as a higher risk to re-offend (Angwin et al.,
2016b). In comparison, white people are more likely
to be incorrectly classified as a lower risk to re-offend
(Angwin et al., 2016a). Google’s ad systems tend to
show more ads for high-paid jobs to males than fe-
male users (Datta et al., 2015). These applications do
not imply MLs inefficiency, but rather the need for
further research on fair ML.
1.2 Existing Literature
Some work has already been done on increasing the
fairness of ML models. But with this paper, we build
upon the existing literature, where the fairness is ad-
dressed with the ensemble of classifiers. Fair Forests
(Raff et al., 2017) were proposed for fairness induc-
tion in decision trees. An alteration of how informa-
tion gain is calculated with respect to sensitive fea-
ture is proposed. This approach improves fairness in
decision trees, whereas we wanted an iterative pro-
cess, where fairness is corrected in steps. Thus, in-
stead of a forest (ensemble of trees) of uncorrelated
classifiers, we opted to use the boosting technique
in an ensemble of decision trees. This was already
touched upon in a case study done by researchers
from the University of Illinois (Fish et al., 2015),
where the boosting technique increased fairness in the
Census Income dataset. This approach relabels exist-
ing instances according to fairness rules. It focuses
on improving individual fairness, while we wanted
to focus on group unfairness. Next, AdaFair (Iosi-
fidis and Ntoutsi, 2019) was proposed for boosting in-
stances using cumulative fairness while also tackling
the problem of class imbalance of used datasets. This
approach changes how the weights are updated, so
it considers the model’s confidence score and equal-
ized odds. On the other hand, our approach uses the
maximum difference between two groups to calcu-
late estimator error and fairness of each group to up-
date weights, making the equal treatment of group the
main priority of here proposed approach.
1.3 Contributions
From this, we present the boosting classification en-
semble, which strives to optimize both, the group fair-
ness and the overall model quality simultaneously.
Our proposed approach is used to address the
common unfairness problem in the Drug benchmark
dataset, notorious for its historical bias for age and
ethnicity (Donini et al., 2020).
Thus, our main contributions are the following:
We define fairness of sensitive feature group,
which we use to alter the weights that the origi-
nal AdaBoost calculated.
We propose Fair AdaBoost classification ensem-
ble, for balanced group results of sensitive feature,
with achieving the same overall quality.
AdaBoost was first introduced by Freund and
Schapire in 1995 (Freund and Schapire, 1997). It is
an adapting boosting algorithm in which weak learn-
ers are combined in order to create a strong one. The
boosting technique enables a weak learner to learn
from his own mistakes and boost his knowledge. Es-
timators are created iteratively, and each estimator at
the end receives its weight corresponding to its accu-
racy. The final prediction is presented as a weighted
sum of all estimators.
At the beginning of the algorithm, an equal weight
is assigned to each instance. At the end of every itera-
tion, weights of misclassified instances are increased,
allowing the learner to focus on more challenging in-
stances in the next iteration. Weights are adapted ac-
cording to an error in estimation that suggests the im-
portance of instances until a certain number of itera-
tions or a perfect estimator with estimator error 0 is
2.1 Fair AdaBoost
We propose the Fair AdaBoost algorithm to expand
the multi-class AdaBoost algorithm (Hastie et al.,
2009) that considers fairness in training its classifi-
cation model. As well as AdaBoost, Fair AdaBoost
is based on a boosting technique, where each data in-
stance gets a weight updated through iterations until
an optimal result is achieved. Therefore, misclassi-
fied instances, get increased weight while the weight
of correctly classified instances decreases. In addi-
tion to that, weights of the instances also contain the
error rate for its sensitive feature group. At the end of
each iteration, a model is created that, together with
its weight, is defined according to the model perfor-
mance, combining results for the final prediction. A
few hundred iterations could be performed before the
estimator is perfect, having estimator error 0 or before
it starts to stagnate.
As presented, Fair AdaBoost takes into account
fairness when updating instance weights and, in that
Improved Boosted Classification to Mitigate the Ethnicity and Age Group Unfairness
Algorithm 1: Fair AdaBoost weights boosting stage.
= 1/S S is a number of instances
for i = 1, ...,n do n is a number of iterations
calculate accuracy
calculate f airness per group as in Equation 2
calculate estimator error as in Equation 3
update weights according to Equation 1
end for
way, differs from AdaBoost. Fair AdaBoost proce-
dure is shown in the form of pseudocode in Algo-
rithm 1, where in the beginning, every instance has
an equal weight. In every boosting iteration, the es-
timator is fitter with instance weights defined at the
end of the previous iteration. When the prediction is
given, the overall accuracy of that model (acc
) is
calculated, as well as the accuracy of each group of
the sensitive feature. After, the fairness of each sensi-
tive feature group is calculated as shown in Equation
2, with acc
being the highest accuracy any group
has achieved and acc
the accuracy of the k group.
Estimator error is then calculated as shown in
Equation 3, where w
is the fairness weight given as
an input parameter, and acc
di f f
is the maximum dif-
ference between accuracy of any two sensitive fea-
ture groups. If the estimator error is 0 (the estima-
tor returns perfect class predictions), the boosting is
i, j
= w
i, j(AB)
× f airness
, j K (1)
f airness
New instance weights are calculated as in Ad-
aBoost and then multiplied by f airness
, as shown in
Equation 1. Meaning, weight of j instance in i-th iter-
ation (w
i, j
) is weight of j instance in i-th iteration cal-
culated by AdaBoost (w
i, j(AB)
) multiplied by fairness
of k group to which j instance belongs to regarding
sensitive feature.
err = (1 acc
) × (1 w
) + acc
di f f
× w
For evaluation of Fair AdaBoost, we conducted an
experiment on the UCI Drug consumption dataset
(Fehrman et al., 2016) using 5-fold cross-validation.
For comparison, we used the AdaBoost algorithm and
Decision Tree. AdaBoost contains 50 decision tree
with a maximum depth of 1, the learning rate at 1.0,
and the SAMME.R algorithm. Decision Tree has a
random state set at 123, gini for criterion function,
and no defined maximum depth. Boosting weights
using AdaBoost and Fair AdaBoost is performed in
50 iterations.
Beside standard metrics for model evaluation,
such as accuracy, F-score, TPR and TNR, for measur-
ing fairness we observe accuracy and F-score by sen-
sitive group as well as their maximum difference. We
also include equalized odds difference that represents
equal chances of same instances to be either positive
or negative, and demographic parity difference that
demonstrates difference between groups with largest
and smallest selection rate (Bird et al., 2020).
3.1 Dataset
In the experiment, we use the Drug consumption
dataset, as used in (Mehrabi et al., 2020; Donini et al.,
2020). Data was collected in a survey (Fehrman et al.,
2017) where participants had to state the frequency
of various drugs consumption. It contains answers
from 1885 people, where each participant is described
with 12 personal attributes and 18 attributes that cor-
respond to each drug in a survey. Dataset can be used
for solving different problems, so we chose binary
classification in which we predict heroin consump-
tion. For binary classification purposes, we transform
values of drug attributes from [ ”Never Used”, ”Used
over a Decade Ago”, ”Used in Last Decade”, ”Used
in Last Year”, ”Used in Last Month”, ”Used in Last
Week”, and ”Used in Last Day”] to [”Used”, ”Not
Used”]. The dataset contains several possible sensi-
tive attributes, from which we chose and separately
tested age and ethnicity.
Table 1: Drug consumption dataset description.
Instances 1885
Attributes 32
Sensitive attribute Age Ethnicity
Class ratio (+:-) 1 : 5.73
Positive class Used
3.2 Results
Figure 1 shows the results of classification with age as
a sensitive attribute. Values of these metrics closer to
1 are better results. AdaBoost and Fair AdaBoost out-
perform Decision Tree in almost every metric. While
AdaBoost and Fair AdaBoost achieve similar results,
Fair AdaBoost better classify positive cases. Figure
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 1: Evaluation of classification on Drug consumption
dataset using attribute age as sensitive attribute (higher val-
ues represent better results).
2 shows the results of classification with ethnicity as
a sensitive attribute. Performance of measured algo-
rithms is comparable to results when age is a sensitive
attribute, while Fair AdaBoost is again better in clas-
sifying positive cases.
Results of classification are shown on Figure 3 and
Figure 4 with age and ethnicity as sensitive attribute,
respectively. Metrics on these graph measure fair-
ness where lower results represent better results, since
values indicate differences between groups. Fair Ad-
aBoost achieves better results than Decision Tree and
AdaBoost with different sensitive attributes.
We also evaluated model performance on differ-
ent groups which sensitive attribute contains. Fair
AdaBoost achieves better accuracy and F-score of
elderly groups while maintaining good results in
younger groups of people. When ethnicity is used
as a sensitive attribute, Fair AdaBoost also achieves
better-balanced results. Better accuracy is primar-
ily achieved in Black-Asian ethnicity, as this group
is often wrong classified by AdaBoost and DTR,
while Fair AdaBoost achieves the best accuracy in
this group. Figure 5 show the accuracy and F-score
of used models by groups when a sensitive attribute is
age, and Figure 6 when a sensitive attribute is ethnic-
Figure 2: Evaluation of classification on Drug consumption
dataset using attribute ethnicity as sensitive attribute (higher
values represent better results).
Figure 3: Evaluation of classification on Drug consumption
dataset using attribute age as sensitive attribute (lower val-
ues represent better results).
Improved Boosted Classification to Mitigate the Ethnicity and Age Group Unfairness
Figure 4: Evaluation of classification on Drug consumption
dataset using attribute ethnicity as sensitive attribute (lower
values represent better results).
In this work, we tackle the issue of unfair classifica-
tion among sensitive groups, namely age and ethnic-
ity of the individuals. For this, we propose Fair Ad-
aBoost method, which is a boosting approach based
on the AdaBoost algorithm that takes fairness into
consideration during instance weights adaptation. We
evaluate this approach with binary classification of
Drug consumption dataset, which included the age
and ethnicity of the participants, which shouldn’t be
taken into consideration in the classification process.
The results show that Fair AdaBoost improves
fairness so that the overall accuracy and macro-
averaged F-score are comparable to original Ad-
aBoost, while fairness metrics calculated by sensitive
feature improve. The biggest difference can be seen
in TPR where Fair AdaBoost achieves the highest re-
sults. The equalized odds difference is the same as
achieved with AdaBoost suggesting that the differ-
ence between groups from which instances are not the
highest likely to be classified as positive or negative.
However, demographic parity difference is lower than
AdaBoost and individual decision tree, meaning that
Fair AdaBoost has the most similar groups of sensi-
tive feature in terms of equal rates to be classified as
positive instance.
When considering age as sensitive attribute, we
can observe that classification quality of different
groups is more balanced than in AdaBoost and in-
dividual decision tree. This is especially evident in
much fairer classification of the elder groups, even
though they appear in small number.
Results from evaluation using ethnicity as sensi-
tive feature show that Fair AdaBoost achieved notably
better accuracy in Mixed-Black/Asian group. Results
of other groups are comparable to the ones achieved
by other approaches, suggesting that Fair AdaBoost
does consider fairness in classification.
The proposed approach was evaluated on one
dataset, but it should be tested on different datasets for
more conceivable results. While, this experiment in-
cluded Fair AdaBoost with CART decision tree clas-
sifier as base estimator, future work could examine
the influence of different estimators in the ensemble.
From the results, we concluded that boosting tech-
nique has the impact on fairness and in the future
it would be interesting to apply fairness to different
boosting algorithms such as XGBoost. And finally,
here proposed Fair AdaBoost has to be thoroughly
compared with other competing fairness ensuring en-
semble classifiers, ideally on multiple datasets.
The authors acknowledge the financial support from
the Slovenian Research Agency (Research Core
Funding No. P2-0057).
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Improved Boosted Classification to Mitigate the Ethnicity and Age Group Unfairness