Domain-independent Data-to-Text Generation for Open Data
Andreas Burgdorf, Micaela Barkmann, Andr
e Pomp and Tobias Meisen
Chair of Technologies and Management of Digital Transformation, University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany
Open Data, Data to Text Generation, Natural Language Generation, Transformer, Semantic Data Management.
As a result of the efforts of the Open Data movements, the number of Open Data portals and the amount of data
published in them is steadily increasing. An aspect that increases the utilizability of data enormously but is
nevertheless often neglected is the enrichment of data with textual data documentation. However, the creation
of descriptions of sufficient quality is time-consuming and thus cost-intensive. One approach to solving this
problem is Data to text generation which creates descriptions to raw data. In the past, promising results were
achieved on data from Wikipedia. Based on a seq2seq model developed for such purposes, we investigate
whether this technique can also be applied in the Open Data domain and the associated challenges. In three
studies, we reproduce the results obtained from a previous work and apply them to additional datasets with
new challenges in terms of data nature and data volume. We can conclude that previous methods are not
suitable to be applied in the Open Data sector without further modification, but the results still exceed our
expectations and show the potential of applicability.
Nowadays, large amounts of heterogeneous data are
produced daily in various contexts. In order to pro-
mote public development based on data, the Open
Data Charter (ODC) (ODC, 2013) was initiated. The
ODC is an international collaboration between ex-
perts and governments with the aim of appropriately
making data publicly available. Five principles have
been elaborated for the implementation of the Charter
and the achievement of its goals: (1) Open Data by
Default, (2) Quality and Quantity, (3) Useable by All,
(4) Releasing Data for Improved Governance and (5)
Releasing Data for Innovation. Thousands of Open
Data Portals have been created, often with a regional
or thematic focus. To generate an added value and
to comply with the five principles, data sets require
a good infrastructure to be easily searchable and dis-
coverable. However, Burgdorf et al. (Burgdorf et al.,
2020) observed that the ODC does not prescribe any
standardizations, and thus unhindered access to data
is not guaranteed. Metadata provided along data pub-
lished on Open Data Portals poses a critical aspect for
the (re-)usability of the data.
As Chandola and Booker (Chandola and Booker,
2022), we understand metadata as all information pro-
vided in addition to the actual data to be published.
Metadata are, so to speak, ”data about data” con-
taining information on the origin, type, interpretation,
dates, descriptions, etc. They specify the given data
and provide context. Metadata can help make the
associated data easier to understand and interpret by
data consumers. Unfortunately, the lack of standard-
ization, synonyms, various formats(Schauppenlehner
and Muhar, 2018), ambiguity (Tygel et al., 2016) or
the absence of metadata hinder reuse. This circum-
stance becomes even more pronounced when more
data portals have to be visited to aggregate certain
data (Burgdorf et al., 2020). Nevertheless, metadata is
an important source of information, both for the pro-
cessing systems that eventually add semantic mean-
ings to data and the human consumer. For both pur-
poses, textual and human readable data documenta-
tion is a crucial part of metadata. Burgdorf et al.
propose to build exactly this bridge between modern
Natural Language Processing methods and Seman-
tic Modeling. That being said, they outlined differ-
ent research directions to achieve this objective, such
as the identification of methods and the compilation
of a data set aligned with the requirements. Neverthe-
less, the proposed research perspective depends on the
availability of textual data documentation for all col-
lected data. However, these are not always available,
human-readable, or of good quality (Schauppenlehner
and Muhar, 2018). Furthermore, the authors argue
that, if provided, there is also no guarantee that the
Burgdorf, A., Barkmann, M., Pomp, A. and Meisen, T.
Domain-independent Data-to-Text Generation for Open Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0011272900003269
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2022), pages 95-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-583-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
textual data documentation actually correlates with
the associated data.
To enrich the data landscape of Open Data Por-
tals on the one hand and to support research in meta-
data-driven automated Semantic Data Management
on the other hand, we propose an automated and
domain-independent generation approach for textual
data documentation under the usage of Data-To-Text
Generation methods. For this purpose, we investigate
whether we can successfully apply existing data-to-
text generation models to the open domain sector and
whether we can achieve satisfactory results even with
minimal amounts of data. We also examine which
evaluation method is best suited to assess the quality
of generated data documentation.
In the remainder of this study we provide a brief
introduction into the Natural Language Generation
approach we use for our experiments. We present
three different experiments utilizing different data
sets and their results and discuss how well the selected
method performed in each experiment. Finally, we
give an outlook on what has to be done to actually
implement NLG in the open data sector.
To examine the use of Data-to-Text Generation in the
Open Data sector, this paper is based on the work
of Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019) who placed simi-
lar requirements on a Data-to-Text-Generation (DTG)
model as we do except for the application in Open
Data Portals.
Chen et al. present a structure-aware seq2seq
model based on the GPT-2 language model. It en-
codes field information from a given table into the
cell memory and state of an LSTM. It thus allows
an internal structural representation of the given ta-
ble within the framework. This is achieved using a
modified LSTM which has an additional field gate.
To efficiently incorporate the additional information
about the table into the generation, they employ a
Dual Attention mechanism that allows for both word-
level attention and field-level attention. Finally, to
teach the model when to copy values from the table
and when to generate new words, the authors include
a trainable function that calculates a copy probability
for copying versus generation. Above all, they show-
case Few-Shot settings with only 50-500 training in-
stances across multiple domains. They achieved great
performance and outperformed previous best BLEU
baselines by 8.0 points. The methods used provide
a good basis for approaching our research objectives.
In our study we first tried to replicate the results of
Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019) using the WikiBio
data set (Lebret et al., 2016). Beyond that we applied
the model to the domain-overlapping ToTTo (Parikh
et al., 2020) data set to test its generalization capa-
bilities. In a third step we applied the model to the
VC-SLAM (Burgdorf et al., 2022) data set, which is
based on data from Open Data Portals and which is
very limited in quantity. This allows us to examine
how realistic a Few-Show setting is in the real open
data sector.
In the following, we will introduce the main ideas
of Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019) and the theoretical
setup of their model. We will then present the data
sets used in this work whereby we leave out the prac-
tical processing steps of these data sets for fitting to
the model for now. Finally, we encounter the evalua-
tion methods used in this work.
2.1 Baseline Method
The authors start with the statement that conventional
neural-based end-to-end approaches for NLG that
take structured data or knowledge as input are very
“data-hungry” (Chen et al., 2019, p. 1). As this makes
their “adoption for real-world applications difficult”
(Chen et al., 2019, p. 1), the authors propose the task
of Few-Shot Data-To-Text Generation. With the un-
derlying research questions (1) Can we significantly
reduce human annotation effort to achieve reasonable
performance using neural NLG models?; and (2) Can
we make the best generative pre-training, as prior
knowledge, to generate text from structured data?;
the authors introduce a model architecture based on
content-selection from input data and on generating
natural language text with the help of a pre-trained
Language Model.
According to the authors, one needs two skills to
describe information in a table: (1) select and copy
factual content from the table; and (2) compose gram-
matically correct sentences that bring those facts to-
gether, whereby the second skill is not restricted to
any domain. The task of forming fluent and coherent
sentences can thus be detached from the task-specific
components of DTG and be presented in the form of
a pre-trained Language Model that represents the ”in-
nate” language skill of the neural DTG model. In this
way, the authors bypassed data-intensive training be-
cause the content-selection skill can be learned “rela-
tively quickly” (Chen et al., 2019, p. 1).
As previously mentioned, the authors used an ar-
chitecture separated into a content-selection mecha-
nism and a pre-trained Language Model. A switch
policy is applied to decouple the framework into those
tasks. Figure 1 shows a schematic sketch of the ap-
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 1: Overview of the approach of Chen et al. (Chen
et al., 2019). Illustration modified and adapted from (Chen
et al., 2019, p 2).
Original Problem Formulation. The input data is
semi-structured. The goal is to automatically gener-
ate a natural language description based on that data,
based on only a few hundred training instances. We
have semi-structured data in the form of attribute-
value pairs, formalized with:
: V
With R
representing the attribute and V
the values and of a table size i. Both, R
and V
, can
either be a number, a phrase or a sentence. Further,
each value is represented as a sequence j of instances:
: V
This leads to the effect that for each instance of in-
formation v
, all the information about its attribute R
and its position in the value sequence is available.
Language Model. For generation, Chen et al.
(Chen et al., 2019) used a pre-trained Language
Model. The currently most prominent Neural Lan-
guage Models are GPT from OpenAI (GPT-1: (Rad-
ford et al., 2018); GPT-2: (Radford et al., 2019); GPT-
3: (Brown et al., 2020)) and BERT (Devlin et al.,
2018). The language model used here is GPT-2. It
is a transformer-based NLM trained on a data set of
8 million web pages (approximately 40 GB of text).
The published GPT-2 model contains 117 million pa-
rameters and 12 Transformer layers. In their model,
Radford et al. (Radford et al., 2019) chose to repre-
sent the input according to Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE).
2.2 Data Sets
In this part, the data sets used for the studies are pre-
sented in more detail.
WikiBio Data Set. The Wikipedia Biography Data
(short WikiBio) gathers approximately 728,000
biographies from Wikipedia. R
emi Lebret, David
Grangier, and Michael Auli in 2016 (Lebret et al.,
2016) built this data set in connection with their work
”Neural Text Generation from Structured Data with
Application to the Biography Domain”. Their paper
introduced a neural model for DTG, which generates
biographical sentences from fact tables. In contrast
to prevailing related works which experimented on
DTG, this self-created data set was significantly larger
than existing data sets up to that point. Compared to
other popular data sets used in the context of DTG,
this data set contains around 728,000 samples with a
vocabulary of over 400,000 words. Essentially, the
data set consists of two parts: a text part and associ-
ated structured data.
ToTTo Data Set. The ToTTo data set was published
at the beginning of 2020 by Parikh et al. (Parikh et al.,
2020). It is a designated open-domain data-to-text
data set in the English language with over 120,000
instances. It consists of tables taken from different
domains and articles from Wikipedia. In order to pre-
vent overlaps with the WikiBio data set (Lebret et al.,
2016), Wikipedia infoboxes were excluded from the
collection. When choosing Wikipedia tables, table-
sentence pairs were selected that overlapped in at least
three non-zero digits. This way, mainly statistical ta-
bles were included.
VC-SLAM Data Set. The VC-SLAM (Versa-
tile Corpus for Semantic Labeling and Modeling)
(Burgdorf et al., 2022) corpus originally comes from
a different domain than DTG, namely OBDM. The
focus of the corpus is to advance the developmental
landscape of Semantic Mapping as an essential part
of OBDM. In this context, Semantic Mapping de-
scribes the process of mapping an attribute (e.g., from
a data set) with the corresponding entry in an ontology
(Burgdorf et al., 2022). Unlike typical DTG data sets,
the corpus contains an ontology along with an associ-
ated data set. The data set itself consists of 101 data
sets coming from different domains of the ”(smart)
city” context. To implement this limitation in the col-
lection, only data records containing geo-references
were considered. However, under the assumption that
Domain-independent Data-to-Text Generation for Open Data
the data falls under this context, they can come from
many different domains such as speed limits, pub-
lic restrooms, or air pollution (Burgdorf et al., 2022,
p. 7). The data was gathered from an extensive search
of over 190 Open Data Portals. In addition to the con-
text criterion, the data also had to provide a textual
data description in English to be included in the set.
2.3 Evaluation
In our studies, we use the BLEU-4 (Papineni et al.,
2002), ROUGE-4 (Lin, 2004), and PARENT (Dhin-
gra et al., 2019) evaluation methods suitable for the
evaulation of DTG results. The BLEU-4 values will
be calculated and documented by the model during
training so that values will be available over time in
intervals of 30 epochs. ROUGE-4 scores are calcu-
lated separately and retrospectively. For the PARENT
scores, we will set the λ weight to 0.5 for all studies.
Whilst BLEU and ROUGE are not optimal evalua-
tion methods for DTG, they have been and still are
used in the majority of cases. The usage of the PAR-
ENT score can be useful when combined with data
sets such as WikiBio, as the textual data documenta-
tion and associated tabular data do not offer too much
room for interpretation and inference. Therefore, in
the potential summary of data records, there is pro-
portionally less variation possible than with, for ex-
ample, larger historical data sets, ROUGE and BLEU
can certainly provide a good orientation value. In
the other case with larger data records, PARENT is a
more appropriate method to estimate the occurrence
of phenomena such as hallucinations, divergences,
and omissions. It is thus better suited for the evalu-
ation of DTG models. Nevertheless, the combination
of the BLEU, ROUGE, and PARENT scores give a
good quantification of the model’s capabilities and al-
low a potentially differentiated conclusion.
3.1 Study 1: Conceptual
Methodological Replication
The first study aims to conduct a conceptual, method-
ological replication of Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019).
To get an intuition for how the model works, we repli-
cate one of the training settings presented in (Chen
et al., 2019). For evaluation, the authors have only
used the methods BLEU and ROUGE. We addition-
ally evaluate with PARENT.
Experimental Setup. Chen et al. (Chen et al.,
2019) use WikiBio as data set and they further cre-
ate two more sets according to the same principle and
structure for the domains Books and Songs by crawl-
ing Wikipedia. In total the data sets contain 6452
instances for Wiki
, 14787 instances for WikiBio
and 13079 instances for Wiki
. Table 1 shows the
statistical properties of the respective input tables and
target summaries.
For optimizing, Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019)
used the Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2014) optimizer al-
gorithm with a learning rate of 0.0003. The field gate
is being applied and the copy loss weight λ from the
Switch-Policy is set to 0.7. Also, the Dual Attention
mechanism is applied. The PARENT-λ weight is set
to 0.5 for all studies. The model’s hyperparameters
are set to a hidden size of 500, a field embedding size
of 768, and a position embedding of size 5. The num-
ber of epochs is not specified explicitly in the paper
(Chen et al., 2019); however, the number of epochs in
the original code is set to 5000. Due to computational
limitations, we have run 330 epochs for all studies.
Results. The results of the evaluation of our repli-
cation and the values published by Chen et al. (Chen
and Mooney, 2008) are quite close. Table 2 shows our
values for BLEU-4 and ROUGE-4 and Table 3 those
of Chen et al (Chen et al., 2019). Although the results
are not identical, we can claim that the values differ
within a normal range due to different sampled data
records and training time.
Since the PARENT score for the original results
for Chen et al. are not available, they cannot be com-
pared. However, it can be observed that in our study,
in the evaluations with BLEU-4 and ROUGE-4, the
set performs best, and when table informa-
tion is included in the evaluation process as in PAR-
ENT, the Wiki
set performs best. We suspect that
the reason for the poorer performance of the WikiBio
set is that the target summaries may be more diverse
and/ or show more divergences which has been shown
by Dhingra et al. (Dhingra et al., 2019). This is less
likely the case for the Wiki
and Wiki
While the BLEU-4 and ROUGE-4 scores can only
tell us to what degree prediction and target text match,
the PARENT scores are more relevant in the context
of DTG. Interpreting the PARENT score, we can say
that the reference text or the table entails 66.8% of
all n-grams from the total predictions. However, the
prediction only contains about one-fifth of the infor-
mation from the table and the target text.
Figure 2 shows the copy loss during the training.
While the copy loss for the data sets Wiki
, after a common initial descent, settles at a
significantly lower level, the copy loss for the WikiBio
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 1: Study 1: Statistics of table properties of Wiki sets.
Cells Rows
Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
Train WikiBio 5 82 15.3 1 2 1.1 5 80 13.9
3 18 10.6 1 1 1 3 18 10.6
2 18 9.1 1 1 1 2 18 9.1
Valid WikiBio 2 18 10.5 1 1 1 2 18 10.5
3 52 16.7 1 2 1.2 3 40 13.9
1 20 9.4 1 1 1 1 20 9.4
Table 2: Study 1: Results for the three data set variations obtained after 330 epochs with 200 training instances. Architecture
and parameters as in (Chen et al., 2019). Data sets used for training were randomly sampled from original set.
Set BLEU-4
F-Score precision recall F-Score
35.2 21.7 66.8 36.1 44.3
WikiBio 33.4 16.6 61.7 26.1 34.1
36.9 26.8 66.2 33.5 43.9
Table 3: Study 1: Evaluation results for Wiki from Chen et
al. (Chen et al., 2019) in 5000 epochs.
Set BLEU-4
37.9 25.0
WikiBio 36.1 22.1
30.4 30.1
Figure 2: Study 1: Development of the copy loss.
remains at a higher value. The copy loss indicates
the performance of the copy probability term p
that aims to learn when to generate over vocabulary
and when to copy a word from the table for the pre-
diction. In preprocessing, values from the input ta-
ble were matched with the target text. During train-
ing, the copy probability was maximized at these po-
sitions. High or fluctuating values in copy loss thus
mean that the model has problems generating a suit-
able mapping between the behavior of copying values
from the table and generating new over vocabulary.
The behavior of the copy loss for WikiBio again in-
dicates that it may contain more divergences than the
other two sets.
Figure 3: Study 1: Development of the loss.
The overall model loss, (c.f. Figure 3), shows a
similar picture regarding the behavior of WikiBio to
and Wiki
. While all sets show an ini-
tial substantial decrease, WikiBio remains at a higher
level than the other two sets. This can be observed
very well at epoch 250: in Figure 2 for the copy loss
and Figure 3 for the loss WikiBio shows a slight, si-
multaneous increase. However, there seem to be other
mechanisms that weaken the relatively strong fluctu-
ation of the copy loss.
Discussion. Overall, we can claim that we were
able to reproduce the results of Chen et al. (Chen
et al., 2019) on sets WikiBio, Wiki
, and Wiki
Although the values do not fully match their results,
we believe that this may be due to the training dura-
tion of only 330 epochs and slight variations between
our sampled sets and the authors’ sets. Although,
according to the BLEU-4 and ROUGE-4 scores, in
our study Wiki
achieves best results, the best per-
forming set according to the PARENT evaluations
matches with the best scores of Chen et al. (Chen
Domain-independent Data-to-Text Generation for Open Data
et al., 2019) for set Wiki
. However, since no
PARENT scores are available for the original results
of Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019), we can only
speculate whether the best values in the BLEU-4 and
ROUGE-4 scores would also be reflected in PARENT.
Concerning our sets, we strongly hypothesize that
there are more divergences in WikiBio than in the
other two. We infer this from the combination of the
worse performance in the evaluation scores and the
course of the copy loss. The values here are clearly
higher and indicate that the model has problems find-
ing a function for the copy or generation behavior of
tokens for the prediction. At these points, hallucina-
tions arise because it learns to use supposedly con-
textless content words. This, in turn, leads to a lower
score in the precision because the table or the tar-
get summary entails fewer n-grams of the prediction.
These developments in the copy loss are reflected in
the overall loss of the model. While Wiki
remain at a lower level, the loss of WikiBio
stands out from them.
The results of this study engage the intention to
apply the model to a more diverse data set. On the
one hand, to test the generalization ability when do-
mains are no longer tested separately from each other,
but also to observe the model’s behavior with more di-
verse and larger input tables. In addition, the results
suggest that PARENT scores provide a more nuanced
view of the performance of a DTG model.
3.2 Study 2: Methodological
Replication with ToTTo
The second study aims to apply the model to a more
diverse data set. More diverse in terms of the top-
ics covered but also in terms of the type of records.
ToTTo contains statistics about, e.g., sports, elections,
and the sciences. Such data requires a certain degree
of deduction skills and the ability to generalize. Also,
unlike Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019), the different
domains are no longer trained separately to examine
Experimental Setup. The ToTTo data set offers the
possibility to include metadata to different degrees in
a model’s training. We perform a total of six runs
which are divided into two main categories: (1) sets
containing only direct table information such as head
and subtitle marked by
and (2) table informa-
tion as in
plus page title denoted by
. Since
the ToTTo data set comes entirely from Wikipedia
entries, page title in this context means the title of
the entire Wikipedia entry. For both sets there are
three training sets: (1) f ew-shot with 200 training in-
stances, (2) extended with 400 training instances and
(3) standard with the set split into Train (10%), Valid
(10%) and Test (80%). Tables 4 and 5 show the statis-
tical properties of the respective input tables and tar-
get summaries. Compared to the Wiki sets, the model
covers with tables 28 times larger and an decreased
number of tokens per target summary (20 vs. 18).
All sets of a category (
) consist of the same sub-
set of records for a better estimation of the effect of
the training size. In total, our studies include 42,452
data records from the ToTTo data set. We excluded
records with multiple row and column spans to keep
the format of the tables to a minimum. We also ex-
cluded tables that contain field values with more than
20 tokens to avoid tables that contain text rather than
data points.
We only considered the edited, ”final” description
in all sets, as we believe that hallucinations can best
be avoided with a clean table-description alignment.
For the rest, we use the same hyperparameters as
in study 1. Again, we trained all sets for 330 epochs.
Dual Attention, Switch-Policy, and field gate are ap-
plied, the copy loss weight λ is again set to 0.7, and
the PARENT λ weight is set to 0.5. The learning
rate remains with a step size of 0.0003 along with the
Adam optimizer.
Results. We first analyze the evaluation results of
all six sets. Table 6 shows that the two standard vari-
ations of the ToTTo set show the best values except
for a small deviation in the ROUGE score. We ob-
serve that scores increase with the number of training
instances. Additionally, they also increase with the
metadata added to the set. But only in tendency, as
the values for the Few-Shot setting with less metadata
(ToT To
f ew-shot T T
) are better than those for the setting
with more metadata (ToT To
f ew-shot PT
All in all, there is a discrepancy between the
BLEU-4 precision values and the PARENT precision
values. It shows that the models recognize that the
prediction values must be taken from the table (PAR-
ENT precision) but do not select the same content as
the target summary (BLEU-4).
The PARENT recall shows that only about 1.2 -
3.0% of the n-grams from the table and target text ap-
pear in the predictions at all
. So, although on average
about 45% of the n-grams of all predictions are en-
tailed by the table and target summary, they, on aver-
age, contain only about 1.5% of all n-grams occurring
in the table and target text.
The BLEU-4 values for the respective variants
f ew-shot and extended remain below a certain level
during the training. The two standard variations, on
With the PARENT λ weight set to 0.5.
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 4: Study 2: Statistics of token in tables and target texts of ToTTo sets.
Set Token in table Token in target text
Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
Train ToT To
f ew-shot T T
8 7752 426.9 6 52 17.8
ToT To
f ew-shot PT
9 3678 351.6 4 67 17.3
ToT To
extended TT
8 9462 417.0 6 52 17.7
ToT To
extended PT
9 3802 329.5 4 67 17.7
ToT To
standard T T
5 12623 388.8 4 60 17.6
ToT To
standard PT
7 12250 391.5 4 67 17.5
Valid ToT To
f ew-shot T T
5 9943 392.5 4 59 17.5
ToT To
f ew-shot PT
8 12250 377.8 4 59 17.5
ToT To
extended TT
5 12623 382.9 4 60 17.5
ToT To
extended PT
7 12250 394.5 4 61 17.5
ToT To
standard T T
5 16920 396.5 4 67 17.3
ToT To
standard PT
6 14029 380.6 4 61 17.3
Table 5: Study 2: Statistics of table properties of ToTTo sets.
Cells Rows
Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
Train ToT To
f ew-shot T T
5 4048 198.3 1 513 25.1 4 17 7.9
ToT To
f ew-shot PT
4 1938 161.0 1 323 18.5 4 19 8.7
ToT To
extended TT
4 5451 202.9 1 908 26.0 4 27 7.8
ToT To
extended PT
4 3391 154.9 1 323 17.6 4 19 8.8
ToT To
standard T T
2 6085 180.2 1 908 23.4 2 39 7.7
ToT To
standard PT
3 8755 179.5 1 1250 20.4 3 39 8.8
Valid ToT To
f ew-shot T T
2 5597 185.6 1 908 24.1 2 34 7.7
ToT To
f ew-shot PT
3 8755 177.8 1 1250 20.2 3 35 8.8
ToT To
extended TT
2 6085 177.1 1 908 23.0 2 39 7.7
ToT To
extended PT
3 8755 181.3 1 1250 20.6 3 39 8.8
ToT To
standard T T
2 10352 184.0 1 1529 23.9 2 37 7.7
ToT To
standard PT
3 10353 176.6 1 862.8 20.3 3 40 8.7
the other hand, outperform the other sets, and the
variation with the most metadata (ToT To
standard PT
achieves higher values from epoch 90 onwards than
the variation with less metadata (ToT To
standard T T
The copy loss history of all ToTTo variants is
shown in Figure 4. The variants with more training
instances tend to achieve better scores (i.e., lower val-
ues) than those with fewer training instances. And
within these spaces, the sets with more metadata
again achieve lower scores than those with less meta-
data. As can be seen in Figure 4, a large part of
the summaries contains information from the page
title and therefore ToT To
standard PT
performs signif-
icantly better than ToT To
standard T T
. Since all sets
have the same subset of records, this can be stated
reliably. Nevertheless, it is interesting to see that
ToT To
extended PT
performs on about the same level as
ToT To
standard T T
. Probably this is also related to the
additional information of the page title.
Figure 5 shows the overall loss of the models. In
general, the values for the loss decrease visibly for all
sets. One can see very well that these developments
are characteristic for the respective variant pairs (
). The f ew-shot variants show the steepest de-
Figure 4: Study 2: copy loss with ToTTo. The suffix
denotes data sets with only additional table information and
data sets with additional page and table information.
cline, followed by the extended variants and finally
the standard variations. This is due to the fact that it
is more difficult for the model to find a mapping func-
tion for in- and output the more instances are used for
Discussion. In the evaluation results of study 2, we
cannot find any contradictory scores between BLEU-
Domain-independent Data-to-Text Generation for Open Data
Table 6: Study 2: Results for the ToTTo data set variations obtained after 330 epochs with varying amount of training instances.
The suffix
denotes data sets with additional table information and
those with additional page and table information.
Set BLEU-4
F-Score precision recall F-Score
ToT To
f ew-shot T T
4.7 1.1 40.5 2.8 4.0
ToT To
extended T T
5.2 1.3 42.2 3.1 4.5
ToT To
standard T T
8.3 2.6 51.4 4.9 7
ToT To
f ew-shot PT
3.4 0.7 38.1 2.4 3.4
ToT To
extended PT
5.2 1.2 43.2 3.1 4.5
ToT To
standard PT
9.6 0.02 55.4 6.1 8.7
Figure 5: Study 2: loss with ToTTo. The suffix
data sets with only additional table information and
sets with additional page and table information.
4 and PARENT. All passages with the highest PAR-
ENT scores also show the highest BLEU-4 score
and vice versa. However, the discrepancy between
the two scores is much higher than in the evalua-
tion scores of study 1. While the best performing set
ToT To
standard PT
shows a PARENT precision score of
about 55%, the BLEU-4 is only 9.4. In contrast, the
PARENT precision of WikiBio from study 1 shows a
value only about seven percentage points higher but
has a BLEU-4 score of 33.4. This shows more clearly
what was already apparent in study 1. Because the
BLEU score does not take the input table into account
in the evaluation calculation, we get a distorted pic-
ture of the results for our purposes. We do not aim to
precisely reproduce a table’s target text but to obtain
an output text that covers the table to a certain extent
and represents the correct representation in a seman-
tic context. In relation to classic DTG data sets such
as WeatherGov, WebNLG, and WikiBio, this metric
may still be appropriate, as the target texts leave less
room for variation as compared to ToTTo.
Regarding the coverage criterion, we can state that
the model at least learns that it should take content
from the table. This is most noticeable in most meta-
data and training instances sets.
If we only look at the results of the sets used in
this study, we see the same movement in all aspects:
the more training instances a set has, the better it per-
forms. If the set also includes more metadata, it per-
forms even better. The Few-Shot setting in our study
with ToTTo does not achieve comparable results to
those of Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019).
Ultimately, the development in Figure 5 suggests
that the two standard variants as whole produce mod-
els that are better able to generalize, i.e., respond to
previously unseen input. While the f ew-shot and
extended variants both move relatively quickly to a
low level and stay there, the model takes longer to
adapt the mapping between in- and output in the stan-
dard variant. Again, it would be interesting for further
research to see if the loss of the standard variants can
settle to the level of the other sets with longer training
3.3 Study 3: Methodological
Replication with VC-SLAM
For our final study, we apply the model to the VC-
SLAM data set. As collection of data records from
Open Data Portals, it gives us a first impression of the
applicability of the model in the context of the goals
of the Open Data Charter. Although the data set is
small, it reflects a real-world application in terms of
quantity (data record sizes) and quality (unedited and
unaligned records and descriptions).
Experimental Setup. This study follows the same
settings as study 2 in terms of input representations,
input parameters to the model, and evaluation. Since
this set is much smaller in comparison to WikiBio and
ToTTo, we applied only one variation: Train (59.4%),
Valid (29.7%), and Test (10.9%). At VC-Slam, we
experience the largest input tables so far, seen in Table
7 and Table 8. The model has to cope with even more
input per example than in the other two studies, while
training with just over a quarter of the instances of the
Few-Shot setting.
Results. Table 9 shows the BLEU-4, ROUGE-4
and PARENT evaluation scores. While VC-SLAM
achieves a BLEU-4 value of 5.1, the model with only
30 training instances achieves a PARENT precision
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 7: Study 3: Statistics of token in target texts of VC-SLAM.
Token in tables Token in target texts
Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
Train VC-SLAM 80 1940850 96338.2 10 367 73.4
Valid VC-SLAM 605 982277 59003.4 10 193 56.4
Table 8: Study 3: Statistics of table properties of VC-SLAM.
Cells Rows
Min Max Mean Min Max Mean Min Max Mean
Train VC-SLAM 13 934590 32711.7 3 54975 2947.6 4 28 11.1
Valid VC-SLAM 151 539603 20873.7 13 19985 1546.2 4 33 13.5
of 26.7. So roughly one-quarter of the n-grams of
the prediction is entailed by the table and the target
summary, and these cover about 0.1% of the entire
In Figure 7 we can observe that the overall model loss
reaches a low level quickly and stays there. Since the
set is minimal, the model has fewer problems finding
a mapping between input and output than is the case,
for example, with the other sets.
Figure 6: Study 3: copy loss with VC-SLAM.
Figure 7: Study 3: loss with VC-SLAM.
Discussion. The results of study 3 compare poorly
with those of the other studies and are therefore con-
sidered in isolation. Even though the model re-
ceived only 60 training samples, the predictions still
achieved a PARENT precision value of almost 27%.
This exceeds the expectations we had for this study.
Although there are few training instances, the input
comes from several domains and has extensive data
records. Additionally, the summaries do not have
edited properties, so they are not corrected in respect
of alignment. The underlying input tables and tar-
get texts are larger than those of the other two stud-
ies. These findings raise the question of what role
the BLEU score and the ROUGE score still play in
this application area and whether they are any longer
a benchmark for DTG systems. Almost the same ap-
plies to the PARENT recall value because its value
can only be interpreted to a limited extent in applica-
tions with large inputs. For such data sets, a suitable
PARENT-λ value should be carefully specified, which
defines the relation of content in the summary and that
of the table. A mismatch in the PARENT RECALL
leads to the F-Score being pulled down by worse re-
call values.
Overall, the results provide a little perspective on
the application in an authentic setting regarding the
quality of the data itself rather than quantity.
This work aimed to evaluate an existing model for
DTG that fits our requirements for its applicability in
Open Data Portals or the support of Semantic Models
for a better organization of the former. The require-
ments were that it should be domain-independent and
not data-hungry. We decided on an architecture that
divides the task of generating a coherent text to un-
derlying (semi-) structured data into two indepen-
dent tasks: content-selection and language genera-
tion, with the latter relying on a pre-trained Language
Model. In addition, we aimed to find an evaluation
Domain-independent Data-to-Text Generation for Open Data
Table 9: Study 3: BLEU-4, ROUGE-4 and PARENT scores of VC-Slam after epoch 330.
Set BLEU-4
F-Score precision recall F-Score
VC-SLAM 5.1 0.2 26.7 0.3 0.5
method that considers both the target text and the as-
sociated table in the assessment of the results.
In the first study, the goal was to replicate the re-
sults of Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2019). We included
the PARENT score for evaluation and were to get ad-
ditional insights. The WikiBio set performed worst in
both studies. Using the model outputs and the PAR-
ENT score, we can fairly confidently claim that the
WikiBio data set exhibits more divergences than the
other two Wiki sets. Unfortunately, no correspond-
ing data are available for Wiki
and Wiki
, but
Dhingra et al. (Dhingra et al., 2019) found that the
WikiBio data set in general contains about 62% di-
vergences. The observation that models perform bet-
ter with data with fewer divergences was confirmed
with the help of the ToTTo data set in study 2. Fig-
ure 8 shows the development of the copy loss for
all sets. Even in comparison with the otherwise
better-performing Wiki sets, it can be seen that the
ToT To
standard PT
achieves the best scores. Precise
table-description alignment and additional metadata
allow the framework to better learn the relationship
between copy and generation. Overall, it can be ob-
served that those with more metadata perform better
among all settings. In the context of Open Data Por-
tals and the application of DTG for semantic mod-
eling, this inevitably leads to the conclusion that we
need metadata to generate metadata for another sys-
tem. However, it must also be noted that the table-
description alignment of ToTTo was done under the
premise that title and other direct metadata belong to
the actual table (Parikh et al., 2020).
Figure 8: Development of the copy loss with all Data Sets.
Next we look at necessary data sets for DTG.
Apart from the Wiki sets, we observed that more
training instances perform better. As can be seen in
Table 10 in direct comparison, the values improve
more or less proportionally to the size of the train-
ing set. Despite the pre-trained language model, the
task of copying does not seem as trivial as Chen et
al. (Chen et al., 2019) assumed. That the ability of
content-selection “can be learned by reading a hand-
ful of tables” (Chen et al., 2019, p. 1) does not hold in
our studies. This may be true in the case of the Wiki
sets, but since the tables in most records are only one
line, the task is easier to perform. The situation is
different for ToTTo and VC-Slam. The records for
ToT To are on average 21 lines, for VC-SLAM even
over 2400. Also, for this reason, a 1:1 translation of
the performance results should be done with reserva-
tion. Additional data sets such as ToTTo or an ex-
tension of the VC-SLAM set are needed to directly
compare architectures and their generations.
For example, Nan et al. (Nan et al., 2020) pub-
lished a large open-domain DTG data set named
DART (Data Record to Text). The corpus is enriched
by annotated tree ontologies converted from underly-
ing tables. The corpus is constructed from different
sources like Wikipedia, WikiSQL and incorporated
records from WebNLG. Further comparison and re-
search using these data sets are needed to evaluate
their contributions further.
Overall, the results of study 1, especially under
the BLEU-4 metric, were the best of all three studies
conducted. The results are not surprising considering
that these sets have, on average, only one data record.
It is to be expected that the target text with such data
will entail the majority of the table. Thus the gener-
ating system will have less room for maneuver in the
prediction, taking the table into account.
In general, we have repeatedly encountered the
limits of the validity of the BLEU-4 and ROUGE-4
scores in the context of DTG. While still standard,
we have found that two questions should be asked in
advance when using or interpreting them: (1) Is the
goal that the predictions are as close as possible to
the target text?, and (2) Is the goal that the predic-
tion covers as much of the tables or target texts as
possible? The former need not always be the goal.
Originally, both metrics come from Neural Machine
Translation, where the ambition was to get a predic-
tion as close as possible to the target. In the context
of DTG, this question certainly also depends on the
used data. In our understanding, the objective is dif-
ferent with diverse data. Our goal is a description
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 10: Overview of all evaluation scores for all Data Sets.
precision recall F-Score
ToT To
f ew-shot T T
200 4.7 1.1 40.5 2.8 4
ToT To
f ew-shot PT
200 3.4 0.7 38.1 2.4 3.4
ToT To
extended TT
400 5.2 1.3 42.2 3.1 4.5
ToT To
extended PT
400 5.2 1.2 43.2 3.1 4.5
ToT To
standard T T
4245 8.3 2.6 51.4 4.9 7
ToT To
standard PT
4245 9.6 0.02 55.4 6.1 8.7
200 35.2 21.7 66.8 36.1 44.3
WikiBio 200 33.4 16.6 61.7 26.1 34.1
200 36.9 26.8 66.2 33.5 43.9
VC-SLAM 60 5.1 0.2 26.7 0.3 0.5
that reflects semantic concepts and the context of the
given table. Apart from that, both the BLEU and the
ROUGE score do not include the input table in the
evaluation. Furthermore, Wang (Wang, 2020) argues
that “hallucinated facts may unrealistically boost the
BLEU score. Thus the possibly misleading evalua-
tion results inhibit systems to demonstrate excellence
on this task” (Wang, 2020, p. 312).
Concerning the second inquiry, the PARENT re-
call score is also to be questioned. Again, this de-
pends on the data sets used as just described. How-
ever, for data sets with more extensive records, it is
rather unlikely to aim for the highest possible cov-
erage of the entire input in the prediction. Above
all, such a task description is not available as a ref-
erence in the data sets known to us (for larger records
like those found in ToTTo and VC-SLAM). In any
case, the PARENT-λ weight should be considered in
the evaluation, and, if necessary, experiments should
be carried out with different proportions of coverage.
Finally, there remains the question of factual accu-
racy. Even if higher PARENT precision scores are
achieved, i.e., a certain number of n-grams of the ta-
ble and the target text are found in the prediction, this
does not necessarily mean that the prediction content
is factually correct. Especially in the field of jour-
nalism or public relations, it must be ensured that no
”fake news” is spread (Portet et al., 2009).
The final development of the models, as observed
in Figure 9 in the overall comparison, shows that the
frameworks, in general, seem to cope with the task of
the DTG. As expected, the sets with fewer instances
show a faster framework adaptation. However, there
is the assumption that these models generalize less
well than the standard variations. Future research
could confirm this.
In our model, we have used the Language Model
GPT-2 with 177 million parameters. Studies by
Brown et al. (Brown et al., 2020) have shown that
proficiency in in-context learning increases with the
parameters of the pre-trained Language Model. For
Figure 9: Development of the loss with all Data Sets.
future research, it would be interesting to evaluate this
framework with GPT-3, the successor of GPT-2.
It would also be of interest to extend the studies pre-
sented here and examine the results after a longer
training period. Except for the development in the
overall loss of the smaller sets, the values in the BLEU
and copy loss indicate that the scores have not yet lev-
eled off and that further development could still occur.
In the course of the last year, other promising
DTG systems have been developed. For example,
Rebuffel et al. (Rebuffel et al., 2021) follow a
word-level approach to control hallucinations in gen-
eration. Labels were obtained by employing co-
occurrence analysis and dependency parsing. The au-
thors achieved state-of-the-art performances on Wik-
iBio for the PARENT F-Score of approximately 56%.
Filippova (Filippova, 2020) reaches on WikiBio up to
52% on the PARENT F-Score by adding a halluci-
nation score as an additional attribute to an instance.
However, it can be assumed that the frameworks in
other domains or with different data sets than Wik-
iBio will achieve inferior results.
In light of the results from the VC-SLAM data
set, we encourage expanding research in this direc-
tion and collecting more data from Open Data Por-
tals. Despite the small training set, the predictions al-
Domain-independent Data-to-Text Generation for Open Data
ready show a nearly 27% entailment. Although these
data records are substantially larger and more diverse,
the model seems to adapt. However, concerning our
research question, we cannot claim to have obtained
satisfactory results with a minimal amount of real-
world data. At this point, another research objec-
tive emerges, which has already been articulated by
Burgdorf et al. (Burgdorf et al., 2020). To say re-
liably whether given metadata is useful for semanti-
cally modeling tabular data requires some kind of as-
sessment or evaluation. The authors propose to use
historical data from the (potentially) established on-
tology to make some kind of prediction about how
much manual effort a given semantic model will need
with a given data set. Schauppenlehner and Muhar
(Schauppenlehner and Muhar, 2018) support this ap-
Finally, our conclusion is somewhat ambivalent.
We were able to test the present framework on an
open-domain setting and achieved valuable results,
even if not in the few-shot setting. However, many
open research questions remain: How can the genera-
tions of DTG systems be qualitatively evaluated? We
have been able to identify a method that allows us to
assess the degree of entailment, but this does not tell
us anything about factual correctness, nor whether it
is semantically relevant for use in the context of Open
Data Portals. Furthermore, our results show that the
amount of metadata is crucial for the performance of a
DTG model. If not all the information needed for the
generation can be obtained from the table, we must
rely on additional information. At this point, a vicious
circle arises because, in order to generate metadata,
we need metadata.
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