PAMMELA: Policy Administration Methodology using Machine
Varun Gumma
, Barsha Mitra
, Soumyadeep Dey
, Pratik Shashikantbhai Patel
, Sourabh Suman
Saptarshi Das
and Jaideep Vaidya
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India
Department of CSIS, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India
Microsoft India Development Center, India
JIS Institute of Advanced Studies and Research, JIS University, Kolkata, India
MSIS Department, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, U.S.A.
ABAC, Policy Administration, Policy Augmentation, Policy Adaptation, Supervised Learning.
In recent years, Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) has become quite popular and effective for enforcing
access control in dynamic and collaborative environments. Implementation of ABAC requires the creation of
a set of attribute-based rules which cumulatively form a policy. Designing an ABAC policy ab initio demands
a substantial amount of effort from the system administrator. Moreover, organizational changes may neces-
sitate the inclusion of new rules in an already deployed policy. In such a case, re-mining the entire ABAC
policy requires a considerable amount of time and administrative effort. Instead, it is better to incrementally
augment the policy. In this paper, we propose PAMMELA, a Policy Administration Methodology using Ma-
chine Learning to assist system administrators in creating new ABAC policies as well as augmenting existing
policies. PAMMELA can generate a new policy for an organization by learning the rules of a policy currently
enforced in a similar organization. For policy augmentation, new rules are inferred based on the knowledge
gathered from the existing rules. A detailed experimental evaluation shows that the proposed approach is both
efficient and effective.
In any organization, it is of utmost importance to en-
sure that all accesses to resources take place in an au-
thorized manner. This can be facilitated by deploying
an access control model. Over the years, several ac-
cess control models have been proposed among which
the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) (Sandhu
et al., 1996) model became quite popular as an ef-
fective means of access control. In spite of its
widespread popularity, RBAC suffers from a major
drawback of being unsuitable for dynamic and col-
laborative environments.
The Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)
model (Hu et al., 2014) was proposed to overcome
the limitations of RBAC. This model allows users or
subjects to access resources or objects based on the at-
tributes of the subjects, objects and the environment.
Each attribute is assigned a value or multiple values
from a pre-defined set of values for every subject, ob-
ject and environmental condition. In order to deploy
ABAC, a set of rules is required. A rule defines the
required attributes and the corresponding permissible
values for each attribute for a specific type of access.
The set of all rules collectively comprise a policy.
While determining whether to allow or deny an ac-
cess request, the attributes of the requesting subject,
requested object as well as those of the environment
in which the access request is made are taken into ac-
count. If each attribute has been assigned a specific
value as per some rule, then the access request is al-
lowed, otherwise, it is denied. The process of creating
a policy for implementing ABAC is known as policy
engineering. This can be carried out in two ways -
top-down (Narouei et al., 2017) and bottom-up (Mo-
canu et al., 2015), (Xu and Stoller, 2015), (Gautam
et al., 2017). Bottom-up policy engineering is also
termed as policy mining. Combination of top-down
and bottom-up approaches gives hybrid policy engi-
neering (Das et al., 2018).
Gumma, V., Mitra, B., Dey, S., Patel, P., Suman, S., Das, S. and Vaidya, J.
PAMMELA: Policy Administration Methodology using Machine Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0011272400003283
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), pages 147-157
ISBN: 978-989-758-590-6; ISSN: 2184-7711
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
An organization intending to migrate to ABAC
needs to design and implement an ABAC policy.
Also, when an organization having an already de-
ployed ABAC model, undergoes some changes, like
opening of a new department or introduction of a new
academic course, additional ABAC rules reflecting
the changes need to be generated. Creating ABAC
rules ab initio or completely re-mining an ABAC pol-
icy requires a considerable amount of administrative
effort and time. These overheads can be substantially
reduced if an existing policy is used as a reference
for the creation of a new ABAC policy for migration.
Also, instead of re-mining the complete policy in or-
der to account for the organizational changes, it is
more prudent to only create the additional rules. In
both the scenarios, the existing ABAC policy can aid
the process of creation of new ABAC rules, thereby
effectively providing assistance in the task system ad-
In this paper, we propose a machine learning
based methodology that will aid ABAC system ad-
ministrators to efficiently augment an existing policy
by including additional rules to accommodate various
organizational alterations as well as to generate a new
ABAC policy for an organization by referring to the
existing policy of a similar organization. The key con-
tributions of the paper are:
We propose the ABAC Policy Inference Problem
(ABAC-PIP) which takes as inputs an existing
ABAC policy, a set of access requests and the
attribute-value assignment information and cre-
ates a new set of ABAC rules that either augments
the existing policy or constitutes a new policy.
The rules thus created are considered as new since
they are different from the existing ones in terms
of certain attribute values.
We propose a supervised learning based method-
ology for solving ABAC-PIP. We name our ap-
proach as Policy Administration Methodology
using Machine Learning (PAMMELA). PAM-
MELA trains a machine learning classifier using
an existing ABAC policy. The training includes
both positive (rules that grant accesses) and neg-
ative (rules that deny accesses) rules. After train-
ing, PAMMELA creates a new set of access rules
on being supplied with a set of access requests and
attribute-value assignment information.
We test our proposed policy inferring methodol-
ogy on three manually crafted datasets that are
created keeping in mind real-world scenarios.
Our experiments show that PAMMELA shows
promising results and provides a high degree of
performance. We have experimented with a num-
ber of machine learning classifiers and show com-
parative results for all them.
It is to be noted here that the existing ABAC policy
serving as a reference for the creation of the new rules
is assumed to be correct and free from any form of in-
consistency or noise. The reason is that the existing
policy is assumed to have been deployed over a cer-
tain period of time and is considered to be a tried and
tested means of access control enforcement.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 explores the different policy mining approaches
present in the existing literature. In Section 3, we re-
view the preliminary concepts related to ABAC. We
formulate ABAC-PIP in Section 4 and present the cor-
responding solution strategy PAMMELA along with
a discussion of the application scenarios in Section
5. Dataset description, evaluation metrics and exper-
imental results are presented in Section 6. Finally,
Section 7 concludes the paper with some insights into
future research directions.
A considerable number of work has focused on de-
veloping techniques for creation of ABAC policies.
Xu and Stoller proposed a strategy for mining ABAC
policies from access logs (Xu and Stoller, 2014). An-
other work by Xu and Stoller has formulated the
ABAC policy mining problem as an optimization
problem and has presented weighted structural com-
plexity as a policy quality metric (Xu and Stoller,
2015). Talukdar et al. (Talukdar et al., 2017) have
proposed ABAC-SRM, a bottom-up policy mining
method capable of creating generalized ABAC rules.
Cotrini et al., in (Cotrini et al., 2018), have proposed
Rhapsody, a policy mining technique that can handle
sparse inputs and have defined a rule quality metric
called reliability.
A scoring method for determining the quality of
a policy and an attribute-based rule mining algorithm
from the audit logs of an organization have been pre-
sented in (Sanders and Yue, 2019). This approach can
minimize the under and over privileges for enforcing
the principle of least privilege. The authors in (Alo-
haly et al., 2019) designed a methodology that can ex-
tract ABAC constraints in an automated manner from
policies expressed in natural language. A constrained
policy mining technique has been proposed in (Gau-
tam et al., 2017). Lawal and Krishnan have proposed
an approach for policy administration in ABAC via
policy review (Lawal and Krishnan, 2021). Heutel-
beck et al. (Heutelbeck et al., 2021) have designed
a data structure for efficiently indexing policy doc-
uments and have proposed a method for finding the
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
relevant policy documents for a particular access re-
quest. Some recent works have combined ABAC
with blockchain (Kumar et al., 2021), (Rouhani et al.,
2021) and have explored the application of ABAC in
smart healthcare (Zhong et al., 2021).
Several incremental and adaptive policy genera-
tion techniques are present in the current literature.
Das et al. (Das et al., 2017) have proposed a pol-
icy adaptation strategy between similar organizations.
They have formulated the NP-complete Policy Adap-
tation Problem (PolAP) which aims at determining
the value assignments of the attributes of each subject
for a given ABAC policy and have proposed a heuris-
tic algorithm for solving it. It can be noted that our
proposed ABAC-PIP is different from PolAP both in
terms of the inputs and the output. Das et al. have
further extended their work in (Das et al., 2019) by
considering environmental attributes and hierarchical
relationships among subject attribute values. Batra et
al. (Batra et al., 2021b) have proposed an incremen-
tal policy mining technique that is capable of creating
new ABAC rules when a new permission is added or
deleted or a new attribute value is added or deleted.
In (Batra et al., 2021a), the authors have presented a
strategy for determining policy similarity, have pro-
posed two methods for performing policy reconcilia-
tion and also presented a policy migration technique.
The rapid growth of artificial intelligence has
spurred the application of machine learning in the
field of access control. In (Mocanu et al., 2015), the
authors have presented a policy generation technique
using Restricted Boltzmann Machines. Karimi et al.
in (Karimi et al., 2021b) have proposed an automated
policy learning method from access logs using un-
supervised learning by considering both positive and
negative rules. (Jabal et al., 2020a) presents Polisma,
a framework for learning ABAC policies from access
logs by using a combination of statistical, data mining
and machine learning algorithms. In (Karimi et al.,
2021a), the authors have designed an adaptive policy
learning method for home Internet of Things (IoT)
environment using reinforcement learning. Jabal et
al. have proposed an approach known as FLAP (Jabal
et al., 2020b) for collaborative environments. FLAP
enables one organization to learn policies from an-
other organization and perform policy adaptation via
a policy learning framework by using local log or lo-
cal policies or local learning or hybrid learning.
In this work, we formulate a policy creation prob-
lem variant and name it as the ABAC Policy Inference
Problem (ABAC-PIP). We employ machine learning
algorithms for solving ABAC-PIP in order to generate
ABAC rules. To the best of our knowledge, this kind
of problem formulation and the design of end-to-end
machine learning based solution strategy for aiding
system administrators have not been addressed in the
existing literature.
The ABAC model consists of the following compo-
A set S of subjects. Each subject can be a human
or a non-human entity.
A set O of objects. Each object corresponds to
a system resource that should be accessed in an
authorized manner.
A set E of environmental factors or conditions.
Each condition can represent some temporal or
spatial or some other kind of context in which a
subject requests access to an object. For eg. loca-
tion, time, etc.
A set SA of subject attributes. Each subject at-
tribute represents a property associated with a
subject and can assume a single or multiple val-
ues from a set of values. These values are known
as subject attribute values. If a subject attribute
assumes a single value, it is known as atomic val-
ued. If it is assigned multiple values for a sub-
ject simultaneously, it is known as multi-valued.
An example of a subject attribute is Department.
The attribute value set of Department can include
Computer Science, Electronics, and Mechanical.
A set OA of object attributes. All concepts men-
tioned for subject attributes are applicable for ob-
ject attributes as well. An example of an object at-
tribute is Type of Document and its possible values
can be Project Plan, Budget, Expenditure Details.
A set EA of environmental attributes. All con-
cepts discussed for subject attributes also apply
for environmental attributes. Example of an envi-
ronmental attribute is Time of Doctor’s Visit hav-
ing possible values as Day Shift and Night Shift.
A function F
that assigns values to subject at-
tributes for a subject. Formally, F
: S x SA
| v
is a subject attribute value}. For eg.,
(John, Department) = {Computer Science}.
A function F
ob j
that assigns values to object at-
tributes for an object. Formally, F
ob j
: O x
OA {v
| v
is an object attribute value}.
For eg., F
ob j
(File1.doc, Type o f Document) =
{Pro ject Plan}.
A function F
that assigns values to environmen-
tal attributes. Formally, F
: E x EA {v
| v
is an environmental attribute value}.
PAMMELA: Policy Administration Methodology using Machine Learning
A set P of permissions (operations). Common
permission types can be read, write, update, ex-
ecute, etc.
A set R of rules. Each rule specifies whether a
particular type of access is to be granted or de-
nied. A rule that permits an access is a posi-
tive rule and a rule that disallows an access is a
negative rule. All the rules cumulatively consti-
tute an ABAC policy. An example ABAC rule
can be of the following form - <{Department =
Accounts, Designation = Accountant}, {Type =
Payroll Data, Department = Any}, view >. In
natural language, this rule translates to - If a sub-
ject belongs to the Accounts department and has
a Designation of Accountant, then she can view
the payroll data of any employee belonging to any
Designing ABAC policies is not a trivial task and
requires a considerable amount of administrative ef-
fort. The overhead associated with the process of pol-
icy generation can be reduced if some existing pol-
icy serves as a reference point or guideline based on
which new policies can be inferred. This observa-
tion is applicable for augmenting an existing policy
database by incrementally adding new rules as well
as creating a new policy for an organization that has a
similar structure as that of another organization where
ABAC is already deployed. In order to achieve this
goal of aiding the policy administration process, we
propose the ABAC Policy Inference Problem (ABAC-
ABAC-PIP takes a deployed ABAC policy, a set of
subjects, a set of objects, a set of subject attributes and
their corresponding values, a set of object attributes
and their corresponding values and a set of access re-
quests as inputs and produces as output, for each ac-
cess request, the set of permissions or operations re-
quired to carry out the designated task in case the ac-
cess request is to be granted or the decision to deny
the request if it is an unauthorized one. The formal
problem definition is presented below.
ABAC-PIP: Given an ABAC policy P , a set S of sub-
jects, a set O of objects, a set SA of subject attributes,
a set OA of object attributes, a function F
the value assignment of the subject attributes of each
subject, a function F
ob j
defining the value assignment
of object attributes of each object, and a set L of ac-
cess requests as inputs, determine, corresponding to
each access request, the set of permissions Pr, asso-
ciated with the access request if the access request is
to be permitted or else the decision to deny the access
request if it is not to be permitted.
The following underlying assumptions have been
made for ABAC-PIP.
The existing ABAC policy P is correct and does
not result either in any form of security breach or
over-restrictive access decisions. The verification
of the correctness of P is under not the scope of
the current work.
The access requests present in the set L are new
access requests and the corresponding access de-
cisions cannot be determined by the rules present
in the already deployed ABAC policy P .
The access requests contained in L are derived
from access logs of an organization and include
both positive and negative access requests. Pos-
itive access requests are the ones which are to
be granted and negative access requests are those
which are to be denied.
The new access requests are generated when an
organization having a deployed ABAC model un-
dergoes some changes which necessitate the cre-
ation of additional rules corresponding to the new
access requests that will take place. An example
of such a change can be the opening of a new de-
partment or the introduction of a new job designa-
The new access requests can also be generated
when an organization wishes to migrate to ABAC.
This organization is similar in structure and work-
flow to another organization where ABAC has al-
ready been deployed.
For the new access requests, the relevant informa-
tion regarding the value assignment for the subject
and object attributes are available.
In the following section, we discuss the applica-
bility of ABAC-PIP to two policy administration sce-
narios and present the solution strategy that assists the
corresponding policy administration tasks.
We propose a machine learning based methodology
for solving ABAC-PIP. Our approach is designed to
help system administrators in creating ABAC poli-
cies and in the process, can reduce the overhead as-
sociated with policy creation. We name our proposed
strategy as Policy Administration Methodology using
Machine Learning (PAMMELA). In this section, we
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
first present a detailed overview of how PAMMELA
solves ABAC-PIP and then elaborate on the scenarios
where PAMMELA is applicable.
PAMMELA is a supervised learning based method-
ology for solving ABAC-PIP. Our proposed strategy
works in two phases. In the first phase, a machine
learning classifier is trained using a set of labeled
data. This labeled data is in the form of an ABAC
policy consisting of several rules. Each rule defines
the combination of the subject attribute-value pairs
and the object attribute-value pairs for which a subject
will be allowed to access and perform certain opera-
tions or acquire some permissions for an object. We
refer to such rules as positive rules. The attributes are
treated as features by the classifier. The positive rules
help the classifier to learn under which conditions, an
access request is to be granted and what are the corre-
sponding permissions associated with the access.
In addition to this, it is also essential for the clas-
sifier to learn when an access request is to be denied.
Such scenarios are covered by the negative rules. A
negative rule specifies the attribute-value pairings for
which an access request is not permissible. For neg-
ative rules, all those attribute-value pairs are consid-
ered which lead to unauthorized accesses, not just the
ones which explicitly deny accesses. Such negative
rules can be derived from the set of positive rules. If
U denotes the set of all possible attribute-value pair-
ings (both subject and object) and PR denotes the set
of positive rules, then the set of negative rules N R
= {U} \ {P R }. Though it is straightforward to de-
rive the elements of N R , the task, however, is not
trivial. The reason behind this is that, generally in
any organization, the set of rules disallowing accesses
is much larger in size than the set of rules allowing
accesses. In PAMMELA, the machine learning clas-
sifier is also trained using the negative rules. In this
case, the classifier learns to output denial as a deci-
sion. If the classifier is trained using only the positive
rules, then when a negative access request is given
as input to the classifier, it may not be able to out-
put the correct decision. The reason for this is dur-
ing the training phase, the classifier, in such a case,
never learns to output a deny decision for the specific
attribute-value combinations.
For supplying the input training data to the ma-
chine learning algorithm, we make use of categori-
cal data. For each attribute value set, the categorical
encoding starts increasing monotonically from 1 such
that each subject or object attribute value is assigned a
numerical value. For eg., If we have a subject attribute
Designation having values Assistant Professor, Asso-
ciate Professor and Professor, then Assistant Profes-
sor can be assigned the value 1, Associate Professor
can be assigned the value 2 and Professor can be as-
signed the value 3. If a particular attribute is not ap-
plicable for a certain subject or object, then a special
value NA (for Not Applicable) is assigned as the at-
tribute value for that subject or object. The reason for
using categorical encoding is a reduced input vector
size in comparison to the vector size that is obtained
using one-hot encoding.
After training, PAMMELA generates new rules in
the second phase which is the testing phase for the
machine learning classifier. Here, a set of access re-
quests is given as input to the classifier. The combina-
tions of the attribute values present in these access re-
quests are different from those present in the existing
policy rules. Such new combinations of values can
occur when either the subject attribute value set(s) or
the object attribute value set(s) or both are augmented
with additional values.
Both positive and negative access requests are
given as input to PAMMELA in the second phase.
Positive access requests are those which are to be
granted and negative access requests are those which
are to be denied. The reason for including both pos-
itive and negative access requests is that when the
already deployed policy cannot account for the or-
ganizational changes, then any type of access re-
quest needs to be appropriately classified. We assume
that for each of the new access requests, the relevant
attribute-value pair assignment information are avail-
able. Based on the learning achieved in the first phase,
the new access requests and the attribute-value infor-
mation, PAMMELA classifies each access request by
determining whether it is to be allowed or disallowed.
If the access request is to be disallowed, PAMMELA
outputs the decision NO. On the other hand, if the
access request is to be granted, PAMMELA outputs
the set of permissions required to successfully exe-
cute the access request in addition to the decision of
Y ES. Once the relevant decisions have been derived,
the newly generated rules are presented to the system
administrator for inclusion into the policy database.
The workflow of PAMMELA is depicted in Figure 1.
5.2 Policy Administration via
Augmentative Policy Inference
Undergoing structural and functional changes is not
uncommon for any organization. Examples of such
changes include but are not limited to the following -
(i) an organization can start a new department, (ii) an
organization can introduce a new job designation, (iii)
PAMMELA: Policy Administration Methodology using Machine Learning
Figure 1: Block Diagram depicting the workflow of PAMMELA.
an educational institute can introduce a new degree
program, (iv) an educational institute can introduce
a new undergraduate or graduate level course, (v) a
hospital can start treating patients in a new specializa-
tion, etc. These types of changes increase the breadth
of the workflow of the organization and may not be
too frequent. However, whenever they do occur, there
arises a need to modify or update the existing ABAC
policy in order to prevent any form of unauthorized
access or leakage of rights.
Updating the policy by re-executing the policy
mining process involves a lot of overhead. Moreover,
it increases the overall time required to manage the
update process as well as the corresponding system
downtime. Hence, it is prudent to design only the new
rules and add them to the policy database. The types
of changes considered here are not radical enough to
completely alter the organizational structure. There-
fore, the new rules that need to be designed will have
some similarity with the existing rules and will differ
from the current ones in terms of one or more attribute
values. Also, the permission set associated with a new
rule will be same as that of an equivalent existing rule.
Manually augmenting the policy database is a
very challenging task even for a moderate sized or-
ganization. Our proposed methodology PAMMELA
can perform automated augmentation of a deployed
ABAC policy. We name this application of PAM-
MELA as Augmentative Policy Inference.
PAMMELA can determine the relevant decisions
for both positive and negative accesses, thereby aug-
menting the policy database by inferring new ABAC
rules. Other than providing the categorical encoding
for the new attribute values, our proposed approach
significantly reduces the degree human intervention
in the policy augmentation process. We assume that
the subject attribute and the object attribute value sets
are augmented with new values corresponding to the
various organizational changes.
We elaborate the observations made above using
the following examples. Suppose an XY Z univer-
sity has two departments - Computer Science and
Electronics. The university has deployed the ABAC
model for access control. We consider one subject at-
tribute User-Type having values Faculty, Student and
Teaching-Assistant and one object attribute Resource-
Type having values Question-Paper, Answer-Script,
Assignment and Mark-Sheet. The university manage-
ment decides to open a new department, Information
Technology. The rules governing the access of the
different resources by the users belonging Computer
Science and Electronics, will no doubt be applicable
for Information Technology. The new rules will have
the Department attribute value as Information Tech-
nology. Another example can be that, if the Computer
Science department wishes to introduce a new evalu-
ation component, Quiz, then the rules for Quiz will
be similar to those associated with the access of the
existing component Assignment.
5.3 Policy Administration via Adaptive
Policy Inference
When an organization intends to migrate to ABAC, a
policy needs to be designed ab initio using a policy
generation approach. The input to the policy creation
process can be an access log consisting of a set of ac-
cess requests. A considerable amount of administra-
tive overhead associated with this task can be reduced
if some already deployed ABAC policy is available
which can serve as a guideline. Henceforth, we shall
refer to this existing policy as reference policy and
the new policy that is to be designed as target policy.
Note that the structure of the organization where the
reference policy is deployed is assumed to be similar
to the structure of the organization that wishes to im-
plement ABAC. In such a scenario, the rules present
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
in the reference policy can be adapted to generate the
target policy. The adaptation process will handle the
dissimilarities present between the rules of the refer-
ence policy and the target policy in terms of the sub-
ject and object attribute values.
We explain the adaptive policy inference task us-
ing an example. We take the example of XY Z univer-
sity mentioned in Sub-section 5.2 having two depart-
ments, Computer Science and Electronics. The sub-
ject as well as object attributes and their correspond-
ing values are the same as those mentioned in the pre-
vious sub-section. Suppose, another educational insti-
tute, PQR wishes to adopt the ABAC model. PQR has
two departments, Mechanical Engineering and Civil
Engineering. PQR has the same subject and object at-
tributes as those of XY Z. The subject attribute values
of PQR are also same as those of XY Z. For the object
attribute values, PQR has an additional value Presen-
tation apart from those present for XY Z. The evalu-
ation component Presentation requires the same type
of accesses as that of Assignment. Thus the rules that
need to be implemented for PQR have the same struc-
ture as those of XY Z and hence, can be inferred by
taking the rules of XY Z as reference. In this way, the
reference policy of XY Z can be appropriately adapted
to create the target policy for PQR.
PAMMELA can effectively handle policy adapta-
tion. The reference policy will serve as an input to the
machine learning classifier in the training phase. In
order to generate the target policy, the positive and
negative access requests present in the access logs
of the organization that wishes to implement ABAC
as well as the attribute-value assignment information
will be supplied to the classifier in the testing phase.
Based on the learning accomplished during training,
the classifier will output either a grant decision along
with the set of associated permissions or a deny de-
cision. This output combined with the attribute-value
assignment information will create the rules for the
target policy. One assumption in this context is that
the set of permissions associated with each rule of the
target policy is the same as that of a corresponding
rule of the reference policy.
Several recent works like (Das et al., 2017), (Das
et al., 2019), (Jabal et al., 2020a) and (Jabal et al.,
2020b) have addressed the problem of policy adapta-
tion. The approaches proposed in (Das et al., 2017)
and (Das et al., 2019) do not make use of machine
learning. The techniques in (Jabal et al., 2020a) and
(Jabal et al., 2020b) use machine learning along with
a number of heuristic methods. To the best of our
knowledge, our proposed methodology PAMMELA
is the first end-to-end machine learning based strat-
egy for policy adaptation.
5.4 Discussion
PAMMELA offers the advantage of significant re-
duction of administrative effort for augmentative and
adaptive policy inferences by taking the ABAC rules
currently present in the existing policy database as
input. Needless to say that if these tasks are car-
ried out manually, it requires a huge amount of ef-
fort to painstakingly scan through the policy database
to determine which existing rules are most similar to
the rules that are to be created and generate the new
rules. This makes the entire process very time con-
suming and quite prone to errors. The tasks can be
accomplished using heuristic methods but at the cost
of designing several functions covering different sce-
narios and running several experiments to determine
the best possible strategy. If each strategy executes for
a considerable amount of time, then selection of the
most suitable approach will involve a lot of time over-
head even before the actual augmentation or adap-
tation process. PAMMELA eliminates all the above
mentioned issues by providing an end-to-end intelli-
gent solution for aiding system administrators. It is to
be noted that the rules present in the existing policy
are considered to be correct and consistent. Thus, the
scenario of any error present in the existing policy mi-
grating to the newly derived rules does not occur and
hence has not been considered in the current work.
In this section, we discuss the datasets as well as the
metrics used for evaluating the performance of PAM-
MELA and then report the experimental findings.
6.1 Dataset Description
For the purpose of experimentation, we have manu-
ally created three datasets. Each dataset consists of
two parts - (i) an ABAC policy consisting of a num-
ber of rules, and (ii) a set of access requests along with
attribute-value assignment information. The ABAC
policy is used in the training phase of PAMMELA
and corresponds to the existing or the reference pol-
icy. The set of access requests and the attribute-value
assignment information are used in the testing phase.
We have not used any synthetic dataset generator
or simulator for dataset creation. The datasets have
been created keeping real-world scenarios in mind so
that they are similar to actual physical organizations.
We have generated the set of subjects, objects, atomic
valued subject and object attributes and their corre-
sponding values in such a way that they mimic real-
PAMMELA: Policy Administration Methodology using Machine Learning
Table 1: Attribute-value Count for Training Data.
Attribute-Type Attribute-Name Number of Values in
University Dataset 1 University Dataset 2 Company Dataset
Designation 3 5 12
Post X 6 X
Department 4 5 5
Subject Course X 120 X
Degree 2 2 X
Year 4 4 X
Project-Name X X 6
Resource-Type 7 8 8
Department 4 5 4
Course X 120 X
Object Degree 2 2 X
Year 4 4 X
Project-Name X X 6
life organizations. The rules as well as the access
requests of each dataset are similar to actual organi-
zational accesses and hence can be considered to be
semantically meaningful. For each dataset, we have
considered only one permission corresponding to the
ability of a subject to access a given object or the
denial of access. However, PAMMELA is capable
of handling multi-permission scenarios as well. The
datasets are:
University Dataset 1: We have designed this dataset
to mimic the workflow of an educational institute.
University Dataset 2: Another dataset has been de-
signed keeping in mind the structure of an educational
institute and has been named as University Dataset 2.
This dataset is much more detailed than University
Dataset 1 both in terms of the attributes, their corre-
sponding values as well as the number of rules present
in the training data.
Company Dataset: This dataset has been created
keeping in mind the structure and workflow of a soft-
ware company and incorporates features and access
rules similar to a real-life organization.
Table 1 shows the number of values associated
with each attribute in the training data for a specific
dataset. A ‘X’ in a table cell indicates that the cor-
responding attribute is not present for the dataset in-
dicated by the column. Table 2 shows the number of
rules present in the training data and the total number
of as well as the number of positive and negative ac-
cess requests present in the test data for each dataset.
If a certain attribute is present in a dataset but is not
applicable for a particular subject or object, then the
value Not Applicable is assigned for that attribute.
Table 3 presents the number of new values intro-
duced for the different attributes in the test data for
the three datasets in the following format - attribute
name: number of new attribute values. In the test data
of each dataset, one new attribute value has been in-
troduced in each access request.
6.2 Evaluation Metrics
The performance of PAMMELA is evaluated using
the metrics of Accuracy, Precision, Recall and F1-
score, as discussed below.
Y ES and NO respectively denote the grant and
deny decisions given as outputs by PAMMELA. The
terminologies and metrics are:
True Positive Accesses (TPA): These are the pos-
itive access requests corresponding to which PAM-
MELA gives the output Y ES and are instances of
correct classifications.
True Negative Accesses (TNA): These are the neg-
ative access requests corresponding to which PAM-
MELA gives the output NO and are instances of
correct classifications.
False Positive Accesses (FPA): These are the neg-
ative access requests corresponding to which PAM-
MELA gives the output Y ES, i.e., misclassifications
resulting in security breach.
False Negative Accesses (FNA): These are the pos-
itive access requests corresponding to which PAM-
MELA gives the output NO, i.e., misclassifications
resulting in an over-restrictive system.
Accuracy: It is the ratio of the correctly classi-
fied access requests to the total number of access
requests. It denotes the capability of the classi-
fier to make correct decisions. Mathematically,
Accuracy =
Precision: It is the ratio of the correctly classified
positive access requests to the total number of ac-
cess requests for which the output is Y ES. Preci-
sion is inversely proportional to the degree of se-
curity breach occurring in the system. Mathemati-
cally, Precision =
Recall: It is the ratio of the correctly classified pos-
itive access requests to the total number of positive
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: Training Data Rule Count and Test Data Access Request Count.
Dataset Rule Count in Access Request Count in Test Data
Training Data Total Positive Negative
University Dataset 1 53 1010 598 412
University Dataset 2 156808 483 308 175
Company Dataset 1616 287 95 192
Table 3: New Attribute Value Count for Test Data.
Attribute-Name : New Value Count
Type University Dataset 1 University Dataset 2 Company Dataset
Subject Designation : 2, Department : 5,
Degree : 2
Designation : 1, Department : 1,
Post : 1, Course : 21
Designation: 4,
Project-Name: 1
Object Resource-Type: 3, Department : 4,
Degree : 2
Resource-Type : 4, Department : 1,
Course : 21
Resource-Type : 7,
Project-Name : 1
access requests. Recall is inversely proportional to
the degree of over-restrictiveness of the system.
Mathematically, Recall =
F1-score: It is calculated as the weighted average
of precision and recall. F1-score balances the rel-
ative trade-off between precision and recall. It is
calculated as F1 score =
6.3 Results
In this section, we present the experimental results.
We have used the following machine learning classi-
fiers to evaluate the performance of PAMMELA - Ar-
tificial Neural Network (ANN), Decision Tree (DT),
Random Forest (RF), Extra Trees (ET), Gradient-
Boosting (GB) and XGBoost (XGB). The implemen-
tation was done using scikit-learn library and the ex-
periments were conducted on a MacBook Pro laptop
having 2.3 GHz, 8 cores, intel core i9 processor, 16
GB RAM and macOS 11.4 as the operating system.
We report the performance of PAMMELA in terms
of Accuracy (Acc), Precision (Pre), Recall (Rec) and
F1-score (F1-s) in Table 4 for the three datasets.
The results show that PAMMELA provides the
highest accuracy of 88.4% for University Dataset 1,
89% for University Dataset 2 and 88.2% for Com-
pany Dataset across all classifiers. The highest preci-
sion recorded for the University Datasets is more than
97% and is 86.7% for the Company Dataset. This
implies that the number of misclassifications in terms
of the false positive accesses is quite low. The recall
achieved by our proposed approach is less than 90%
for the University Datasets and less than 80% for the
Company Dataset. This shows that PAMMELA can
have a tendency to make over-restrictive access de-
cisions which though not desirable but will not lead
to security breaches. It should be noted here that
our proposed methodology is designed to help sys-
tem administrators in policy augmentation and policy
adaptation. Instead of performing these administra-
tive tasks either manually or heuristically, the system
administrator can obtain the output from PAMMELA
and manually inspect only a fraction of all the access
requests that are misclassified. The accuracy, preci-
sion and recall values of Table 4 indicate that the mis-
classified access requests constitute only a small per-
centage of the entire access request set. Thus, it is
evident that PAMMELA will accurately create ma-
jority of the rules and the administrator will need to
manually create only a few rules, reducing the overall
administrative effort to a great extent.
We next give examples of a few sample aug-
mented rules generated by PAMMELA correspond-
ing to each dataset. An example positive rule and
an example negative rule of each dataset are listed
below. Here, the common subject and object at-
tributes are represented as Sub ject.Attribute Name
and Ob ject.Attribute Name respectively.
University Dataset 1:
{Designation = Student, Sub ject.Department =
In f ormation Technology, Sub ject.Degree =
BTech, Sub ject.Year = First}, {Resource-
Type = Assignment, Ob ject.Department =
In f ormation Technology, Ob ject.Degree =
BTech, Ob ject.Year = First}, {Access = Allow}
{Designation = O f f icer, Sub ject.Department =
Accounts, Sub ject.Degree = NA, Sub ject.Year =
NA}, {Resource-Type = Question Paper,
Ob ject.Department = In f ormation Technology,
Ob ject.Degree = BTech, Ob ject.Year = First},
{Access = Deny}
University Dataset 2:
{Designation = Faculty, Post =
Associate Pro f essor, Sub ject.Course =
Parallel Computing, Sub ject.Department =
CSE, Sub ject.Degree = NA, Sub ject.Year = NA},
PAMMELA: Policy Administration Methodology using Machine Learning
Table 4: Experimental Results.
Clas- University Dataset 1 University Dataset 2 Company Dataset
sifier Acc Pre Rec F1-s Acc Pre Rec F1-s Acc Pre Rec F1-s
ANN 0.730 0.971 0.560 0.710 0.890 0.951 0.873 0.910 0.763 0.667 0.568 0.614
DT 0.864 0.932 0.831 0.879 0.716 0.758 0.815 0.786 0.882 0.867 0.758 0.809
RF 0.880 0.969 0.824 0.891 0.706 0.928 0.584 0.717 0.871 0.815 0.789 0.802
ET 0.884 0.969 0.831 0.895 0.737 0.979 0.601 0.744 0.857 0.793 0.768 0.781
GB 0.881 0.935 0.860 0.895 0.489 0.604 0.575 0.589 0.777 0.696 0.579 0.632
XGB 0.864 0.932 0.831 0.879 0.652 0.893 0.516 0.654 0.836 0.761 0.737 0.749
{Resource-Type = AnswerSheet, Ob ject.Course
= Parallel Computing, Ob ject.Department =
CSE, Ob ject.Degree = BTech, Ob ject.Year =
Fourth}, {Access = Allow}
{Designation = Teaching Assistant, Post =
PhD, Sub ject.Course = So f tware Engineering,
Sub ject.Department = In f ormation Technology,
Sub ject.Degree = BTech, Sub ject.Year =
T hird}, {Resource-Type = Assignment,
Ob ject.Department = CSE, Ob ject.Course
= Operating Systems, Ob ject.Degree = BTech,
Ob ject.Year = T hird}, {Access = Deny} (The
initial part of the rule refers to a Ph.D. student
acting as a teaching assistant for the third year
BTech course Software Engineering offered by
the Information Technology department.)
Company Dataset:
{Designation = Programmer, Sub ject.Pro ject-
Name = P3, Sub ject.Department =
Development}, {Resource-Type = Pro ject-
Detail, Ob ject.Pro ject-Name = P3,
Ob ject.Department = Development}, {Access =
{Designation = Database Engineer,
Sub ject.Pro ject-Name = NA,
Sub ject.Department = Technical}, {Resource-
Type = Salary-Detail, Ob ject.Pro ject-Name =
P3, Ob ject.Department = Human Resource},
{Access = Deny} (Here, we have assumed that a
database engineer is not specific to a particular
project, but rather is associated with all projects
of the company.)
The training time for PAMMELA depends on the
number of rules and the number of attributes present
in the training data. The number of subjects and ob-
jects have no effect on the training time. We ob-
served that for ANN, PAMMELA took approximately
130 seconds to complete the training on University
Dataset 2. This is the highest recorded training time
for our experiments. For the other classifiers, PAM-
MELA gave much lower training execution times on
all the datasets. The reason for this is that the Uni-
versity Dataset 2 is the largest dataset in terms of
the number of attributes and rules. The average test-
ing time for PAMMELA was less than 1 second. Of
course, the testing time is dependent upon the number
of access requests considered. The train and test time
indicate that experimenting with multiple classifiers
will not be too time consuming. A system adminis-
trator can experiment with a number of classifiers for
PAMMELA before selecting the best possible option.
Once training has been done, PAMMELA can keep
on generating new rules without any further training.
However, if the policy used for training needs to be
changed altogether (may happen if the organizational
structure or workflow undergoes some radical modifi-
cations), then the classifier will need to be re-trained.
In this paper, we have proposed the ABAC Policy
Inference Problem (ABAC-PIP) that aims to derive
a new set of attribute based rules from an existing
policy. We have proposed an end-to-end supervised
learning based methodology, PAMMELA for solv-
ing ABAC-PIP. System administrators can use PAM-
MELA for augmentative as well as adaptive pol-
icy inference when an organization undergoes some
changes or an organization migrates to ABAC by
adapting the policy of a similar organization. Exper-
imental results show that PAMMELA can be effec-
tively used for aiding system administrators.
In the future, we intend to apply deep learning,
reinforcement learning and incremental learning for
inferring ABAC policies. Another direction of future
research can be attempting to adapt the ABAC poli-
cies of multiple organizations for a single target or-
ganization. This will be a challenging task as it will
require resolving the conflicts among the rules of dif-
ferent organizations.
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Research reported in this publication was supported
by the National Institutes of Health under award
R35GM134927, and a research gift received from
Cisco University Research. The content is solely the
responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily
represent the official views of the agencies funding
the research.
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PAMMELA: Policy Administration Methodology using Machine Learning