What your Fitbit Says about You:
De-anonymizing Users in Lifelogging Datasets
Andrei Kazlouski
, Thomas Marchioro
and Evangelos Markatos
Computer Science Department, University of Crete, Greece
Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece
Privacy, De-anonymization, Data Inference, Wearable Devices.
Recently, there has been a significant surge of lifelogging experiments, where the activity of few participants
is monitored for a number of days through fitness trackers. Data from such experiments can be aggregated
in datasets and released to the research community. To protect the privacy of the participants, fitness datasets
are typically anonymized by removing personal identifiers such as names, e-mail addresses, etc. However,
although seemingly correct, such straightforward approaches are not sufficient. In this paper we demonstrate
how an adversary can still de-anonymize individuals in lifelogging datasets. We show that users’ privacy can
be compromised by two approaches: (i) through the inference of physical parameters such as gender, height,
and weight; and/or (ii) via the daily routine of participants. Both methods rely solely on fitness data such as
steps, burned calories, and covered distance to obtain insights on the users in the dataset. We train several
inference models, and leverage them to de-anonymize users in public lifelogging datasets. Between our two
approaches we achieve 93.5% re-identification rate of participants. Furthermore, we reach 100% success rate
for people with highly distinct physical attributes (e.g., very tall, overweight, etc.).
Smart watches and wearable fitness trackers have
been gaining increasing popularity over the last
decade. The current pandemic does not seem to have
stopped fitness enthusiasts from purchasing devices
to monitor their daily exercise. On the contrary, 2020
has seen strong growth in the market of wearables,
which is forecasted to subsist also in 2022 and beyond
(CCS Insight, 2021). Such devices are endowed with
a number of sensors, and are able to measure a wide
variety of fitness parameters, including steps, calo-
ries, sleep patterns, and in some cases even mood and
stress levels. These data enable users to continuously
monitor their progress, and adjust training schedule.
Given the importance and sensitivity of the collected
information, a number of privacy concerns have been
raised in regard to extensive collection of fitness in-
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No
813162. The content of this paper reflects the views only
of their author (s). The European Commission/ Research
Executive Agency are not responsible for any use that may
be made of the information it contains.
The general consensus is that such ubiquitous data
collection can lead to the production of a so-called
quantified self, i.e., a state where a person is distinctly
defined by their activity records. In this work, we
investigate whether fitness records actually contain
traces of the individual who produces them. More
specifically, we try to de-anonymize users based on
their fitness-related activities and/or their daily rou-
Our work is mainly focused on data from lifel-
ogging experiments. Such experiments are aimed at
collecting fitness records from participants who use
wearable trackers through the day. Since these stud-
ies are often quite demanding for the entrants, the col-
lected datasets tend to comprise a small number users.
Therefore, a particular emphasis needs to be placed
on protecting such participants’ privacy. Typically,
the revealing participants’ details undergo a “saniti-
zation” process where personal information is sup-
pressed. In this paper we show that this might not
be sufficient to fully protect the privacy of partici-
pants. We investigate whether an attacker called Eve
for the reader’s convenience – can re-identify a target
user – called Bob in a public lifelogging dataset, us-
Kazlouski, A., Marchioro, T. and Mar katos, E.
What your Fitbit Says about You: De-anonymizing Users in Lifelogging Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0011268600003283
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), pages 341-348
ISBN: 978-989-758-590-6; ISSN: 2184-7711
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
User 1 User 2 ... User N
Day 1
steps 17873 9243 ... 14306
distance 14424 6136 ... 10343
calories 4007 1999 ... 3703
Day 2
steps 13118 10246 . . . 13235
distance 10584 7109 ... 9646
calories 3529 2095 ... 3381
... ... ... ... ... ...
Day T
steps 14312 11489 . . . 9037
distance 11460 7631 ... 6546
calories 3747 2223 ... 3324
Bob is in
the dataset
160 cm
70 kg
Fitness dataset
Figure 1: In our first threat model, the adversary aims to link a person known to be in an aggregated dataset back to his fitness
records. Assuming that the attacker has learned a basic profile of the victim, she infers physical attributes for all the users
based on the daily fitness data, and chooses the “closest”.
ing solely information she infers from the fitness data
(i.e., without relying on personal identifiers). That is,
she gains insight into Bob based exclusively on his fit-
ness records and no other data. We assume that Eve is
aware of her target’s presence in the dataset, and that
Bob’s personal attributes have been removed. Under
these assumptions, we study two approaches for Eve
to re-identify Bob in the anonymized dataset.
De-anonymization based on Physical Parameters.
The first method is based on inferring physical param-
eters from fitness data, and comparing the obtained
results with the real-world information. In particu-
lar, we investigate whether it is feasible to deduce
the user’s gender
, and whether they are overweight
based on the Body Mass Index (BMI) margins. Since,
given normal body type, people with BMI>25 are
considered overweight, we choose the same thresh-
old for our experiments. Furthermore, we study the
possibility of identifying people who are taller than
177.6 cm, which is the average male height in Europe
(World, er 1). Henceforth, when we say “overweight”
we imply people whose BMI is higher than 25, and
when we say tall/taller or short/shorter people we in-
dicate people who are above or below 177.6 cm of
height. To extract this information from daily records,
we gather a number of open-source Fitbit data collec-
tions, and train cross-dataset inference machine learn-
ing models, using (i) daily steps, (ii) distance, and (iii)
calories as features. Adopting a relatively low number
of features increases the usability of our models, and
allows us to visualize the obtained decision regions.
Once Eve learns the physical characteristics of all the
users in the dataset, she compares them with Bob’s.
If there is a single user with the same combination of
parameters as Bob’s, she concludes that such user is
In this work by gender we imply the binary choice of
male/female offered by Fitbit.
her target. If there are multiple, say k, the best she can
do is choosing with probability 1/k. Figure 1 depicts
this threat model in more details.
De-anonymization based on Daily Routine. The
second approach consists of de-anonymizing users
based on their daily fitness patterns. Unlike the first
method, the adversary does not need to know in ad-
vance the physical attributes of the target. However,
it is necessary for Eve to be in possession of addi-
tional other target’s data samples to re-identify them.
Such extra samples might be obtained via social net-
works or through the target’s medical records. For
Fitbit, for example, it is possible to follow the fitness
progress of friends in the dedicated app. Furthermore,
a significant number of Fitbit users are members of
the dedicated fitness communities where they share
their progress with the world. The final predictions
are based on the time series of fitness data. That is,
we utilize a time series of length 24, where each entry
represents an hourly tuple (from 00:00 to 23:00), con-
taining: (i) number of steps, (ii) covered distance, (iii)
burned calories, and (iv) the average heart rate during
that hour. We couple these data with additional in-
formation on the day of the week, distinguishing be-
tween weekdays and weekends. Such distinction was
made to account for possible changes in routine on
Saturdays/Sundays. We train an LSTM-based infer-
ence model, achieving 93.5% de-anonymizing accu-
racy. This model essentially distinguishes users based
on their daily routine, and times of the day when they
are the most active. The biggest difference between
our threat models is that the first one de-anonymizes
users based on “Who they are”, while the second one
categorizes individuals based on “What they do”.
The contributions of this paper can be summarized
as follows:
We train several inference models to infer physi-
cal parameters, and assess their performance.
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
We de-anonymize people based on fitness records,
assuming their data are present in an aggregated
dataset and their approximate physical parameters
are known to the adversary. To execute this attack,
we utilize previously obtained inference models,
re-identifying minority
individuals in a lifelog-
ging dataset. For the majority users, the adversary
is still able to significantly reduce anonymity sets.
We show that it is feasible to de-anonymize indi-
viduals in an aggregated dataset when the adver-
sary possesses some records of their fitness data.
Previous works have studied the risks of ubiquitous
IoT data collection and inference of private informa-
tion from fitness data.
Inference from Fitness Data. The vast majority
of the studies that investigated inference of per-
sonal characteristics from activity information re-
lied mainly on raw sensor data (accelerometer, gy-
roscope, etc.) (Sathyanarayana et al., 2016; Parate
et al., 2014; Dong et al., 2012; Kelly et al., 2017).
Malekzadeh et al. proposed neural network-based
approaches for anonymizing raw data produced by
sensors (Malekzadeh et al., 2018; Malekzadeh et al.,
2019). It is worth noting that these state-of-the-art
works on inference from sensor data utilized small
datasets (24 participants) likewise.
Some papers, however, explored the possibility of
learning sensitive information directly from humanly
understandable fitness data such as steps, burned calo-
ries, and covered distance. Torre et al. (Torre et al.,
2018) investigated the correlation of the parameters.
They also proposed a framework for privacy protec-
tion of fitness data. A re-identification attack on the
fitness time series was introduced in a previous work
of ours (Marchioro et al., 2021). Our former paper
explored a similar threat model, where an adversary
leverages daily fitness samples as a fingerprint for Fit-
bit users, re-identifying them with almost 80% accu-
racy. In this paper, we extend our work to more fine-
grained samples that are available in some lifelogging
datasets, achieving even better accuracy.
Ubiquitous Data Collection. A number of works
have studied the privacy aspects of fitness trackers.
The necessity to protect the Fitbit data and avoid
We call “minority” individuals the participants whose
characteristics are non-dominant in our datasets.
building a “quantified self was discussed in (Chris-
tovich, 2016). Hilts et al. (Hilts et al., 2016) did a
comparative evaluation of wearables security, privacy
and data sharing. The concern of users for sharing
their fitness data was studied in (Vitak et al., 2018).
This section describes the data used for the experi-
ment, how they are leveraged for de-anonymization,
and the architectures employed in our models.
3.1 Datasets
We gathered 3 open-source Fitbit datasets from vari-
ous data sharing online platforms. All these datasets
contain Fitbit fitness data in the same format. Table 1
depicts the statistics for the studied datasets. We dis-
tinguish overweight users based on the BMI threshold
of 25, where BMI = weight/height
Dataset D1. The Openhumans dataset (OpenHu-
mans, 2016) comes from an online data sharing plat-
form Open Humans. D1 contains weight and height
of participants, and, hence, BMI. For the gender in-
ference part of our experiment, we reconstructed the
attribute from the names of the users, and dropped
participants who have the unisex ones. Finally, we
discarded users who do not have any recorded data.
Dataset D2. This dataset was generated via Ama-
zon Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing marketplace
(Furberg et al., 2016). D2 includes only participants’
weight and height and has no record of their gender.
We discarded all the empty (0 daily steps) entries, and
dropped users for whom we could not compute BMI.
Dataset D3. The PMData dataset (Thambawita
et al., 2020) was created during a 5-months lifelog-
ging experiment, and counts 16 users who had been
using the Fitbit Versa 2 wristband. D3 includes gen-
der, height, and weight of all but 1 participant (for
him only weight is missing). Unlike D1 and D2, this
dataset was produced during a control experiment.
Therefore, it has a similar amount of data for every
user. After discarding the empty time series, the num-
ber of recorded days per participant is ranging from
80 to 152 days. Since, unlike D1 and D2, D3 is a
proper lifelogging dataset (as defined in Sec. 1) we
employ it as a benchmark for our de-anonmization
approaches. We utilize D1 and D2 only for training
the inference models for our first threat model.
What your Fitbit Says about You: De-anonymizing Users in Lifelogging Datasets
Table 1: The statistics for the employed datasets.
Dataset Total Samples Males Females Overweight Not Overweight Tall Short Samples per User
D1 39225 18 13 15 16 9 24 17 - 3509
D2 480 - - 9 4 4 9 2 - 49
D3 2119 13 3 7 8 12 4 80 - 152
Input (4 × 24)
+ ReLU
Weekend or not
(01 or 10)
+ Softmax
Output (N × 1)
z (256 × 1)
(258 × 1)
Figure 2: Architecture for routine-based inference. Two bits are concatenated to the output of the LSTM layer to model
weekdays (01) or weekends (10).
3.2 Models and Data Utilization
Below we describe the employed approaches, and the
training procedure.
Inference of Physical Parameters. We train 2-
layers fully connected vanilla neural networks with
early stopping. We employ the following hyperpa-
rameters for training:
architecture: 120 hidden neurons + ReLU; 60 hid-
den neurons + ReLU; 2 output neurons + Softmax
loss: binary cross-entropy, batch size: 64, opti-
mizer: Adam, learning rate = 0.001
Training Procedure. For gender inference, since D2
does not include gender as a ground truth parameter,
we utilize only D1 and D3: D1 for training/validation
and D3 for testing. For the overweight and tall people
detection, we train/validate our models on the com-
bination of the D1 and D2 datasets, and test them on
D3. We employ a 80/20 training/validation split for
all the models. Moreover, we perform a 5-fold cross-
validation, and choose the best model. We apply the
trained models on D3 for user de-anonymization.
Routine-based User Inference. We train an
LSTM-based neural network that takes a day of the
week as an additional categorical input, distinguish-
ing between working days, and weekends. More
specifically, two bits either 01 for weekdays or 10
for weekends are concatenated to the output of
the LSTM as depicted in Figure 2. We employ the
following hyperparameters for training:
architecture: as in Figure 2.
loss: categorical cross-entropy, batch size: 64, op-
timizer: Adam, learning rate = 0.001
Training Procedure. Since D3 is the only lifelogging
dataset, and has the most even spread of samples be-
tween all the users we employ it for our experiment
(re-identifying users based on their daily routine). We
utilize a 80/20 training/validation split. Moreover we
perform a 5-fold stratified cross-validation.
3.3 De-anonymization based on
Physical Attributes
In order to de-anonymize users from their physical pa-
rameters, we proceed in two steps: we first predict
physical parameters from fitness records, and then
search for users with unique tuples of parameters,
who are identifiable.
User-wise Attribute Prediction. The models pre-
sented throughout this part of the paper infer binary
information from single daily samples. That is, they
are all maps from the feature domain X (i.e., all the
possible combinations of steps, calories and distance)
to {0,1}. In particular, we learn three binary maps:
, to estimate if a user is male or female; ˆq
, to
estimate if a user is overweight or not; ˆq
, to esti-
mate if a user is taller or shorter than 177.6 cm. How-
ever, if a user produced T samples, the map may yield
different predictions for them. Thus, distinct predic-
tions are combined to obtain a single, more accurate,
prediction. The final prediction ˆr is made according
to a majority rule, which in a binary-decision setting
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
can be formalized as
ˆr =
1, if
) >
0, otherwise
meaning that if more than 50% of the samples are pre-
dicted to be positive, the final prediction is positive;
otherwise it is negative.
User De-anonymization. Before any prediction is
made, all the users θ
,. .. ,θ
in a dataset belong to
a same anonymity group of size N, meaning that an
adversary can guess the correct user with probability
1/N. We leverage the prediction models to answer
the three binary queries, where each query splits a
group into 2 subgroups. Therefore, three queries di-
vide the dataset into 2
= 8 anonymity groups, which
may vary in size depending on the population of
the dataset. It follows that, for a dataset with more
than 8 participants, it is impossible to uniquely de-
anonymize all of them. Nonetheless, if the target is a
minority individual, the relative subgroup might be a
singleton, making him/her easy to re-identify.
3.4 De-anonymization based on Daily
The model that de-anonymizes an individual based
on their daily activity predict one of the users in the
dataset from single daily samples. The accurate map
for this case is: ˆq : X Θ, where X is the domain of
the features (i.e., all the possible combinations of time
series for hourly steps, calories, distance, and average
heart rate), Θ = {θ
,. .. ,θ
} is the set of the users
present in the dataset, which has cardinality N.
Here we summarize the results that we obtain for the
two previously introduced threat models, and illus-
trate our main findings.
4.1 De-anonymization based on
Physical Parameters
Table 2 depicts the inference results for gender, over-
weight and height detection. In this table we report
the accuracy our models achieve on the validation
split, and the D3 test set that has not been observed at
any point during training. We also describe the num-
ber of correctly classified users in the test split. We
count a user to be classified correctly if the model is
able to accurately predict the majority, i.e., > 50% of
the samples for that person (Equation 1). We consider
this metric as the most important, since it essentially
illustrates the number of users, we are able to success-
fully infer physical characteristics of. Moreover, we
report the respective f1 scores for each of the label for
all the problems.
It is evident that all the models perform consid-
erably better on the task of gender inference, achiev-
ing higher user and sample classification accuracies.
This might be attributed to the fact that for the test
dataset both BMI and height are non-binary param-
eters. Hence, it is significantly more challenging to
classify users whose physical attributes are close to
the classification thresholds. Overall, it is evident
that the quality and quantity of the training data are
enough to perform the accurate inference of physical
parameters for previously unseen users.
Inference Visualization. In this section we display
a graphical representation of our results, and dis-
cuss them. Since our models utilize only 3 features
(steps, distance, and calories), we are able to construct
3D plots representing the decision regions defined by
each model, i.e., the labels that are predicted for many
possible values of the features. In order to make the
regions visible, we evaluate rectangular grids of steps
and distance for different fixed calories values. This
way, we obtain the “layered” regions that can be ob-
served in Figure 3 for the gender model where the
layers are evaluated every 250 calories.
According to the Harris-Benedict (HB) equations
(Harris and Benedict, 1918), daily basal calories (i.e.,
calories consumed just by basic metabolic functions,
Table 2: The adversary is able to infer physical attributes solely from the fitness records. Test accuracy is calculated over all
samples, while user accuracy shows whether the majority of the data samples for each test user is classified correctly.
Attribute Val acc Test acc Labels Precision Recall F1 Users User acc
Gender 0.925 0.925
Male 0.94 0.97 0.96 13/13
Female 0.83 0.73 0.78 3/3
BMI 0.81 0.731
Overweight 0.69 0.8 0.75 7/7
not Overweight 0.65 0.71 0.71 8/8
Height 0.968 0.821
Tall 0.87 0.89 0.88 12/12
Short 0.67 0.64 0.66 3/4
What your Fitbit Says about You: De-anonymizing Users in Lifelogging Datasets
Figure 3: Decision regions for gender inference: blue color
corresponds to females, and red to males.
without doing any exercise) burned by females and
males can be estimated by two different empirical for-
mulas. We illustrate those basal calories, and their Fit-
bit counterparts for all the users of the test D3 dataset
in Figure 4. We can observe that all 3 females in
the dataset burn considerably less calories in compar-
ison to their male counterparts. We can verify that
the trained model for gender inference (Figure 3 ) ad-
here to that pattern. Indeed, there are very few male
samples below the 1500 calories plane, which seems
to be fully in accordance with the HB equations, and
Fitbit data. Furthermore, it can be observed that the
areas with the same number of calories, but higher
number of steps/distance ratio generally correspond
to the female users. It can be interpreted that females
- as they are typically lighter - need to take more
steps/distance in order to burn the same amount of
calories as males. These observations suggest that the
obtained gender model’s predictions reflect common
sense. Likewise, the behaviour of the BMI and height
models do seem to support reasonable assumptions,
e.g., overweight people burn more calories than their
counterparts given equal activity.
Basal calories
Male Female, Fitbit
Male Female, Harris-Benedict
Figure 4: Daily basal calories for the test users that are esti-
mated via Harris-Benedict equation and Fitbit.
De-anonymization from Predicted Parameters.
If Eve knows that her target is present in a (not
anonymized) lifelogging datasets, she can find them
by looking at the personal characteristics of partic-
ipants. That is why countermeasures such as k-
anonymity (Samarati, 2001; Sweeney, 2002) and -
diversity (Machanavajjhala et al., 2007) are often ap-
plied to public microdata. In this section, however,
we show that even if personal characteristics are con-
cealed, Eve is still able to re-identify some partici-
pants. In particular, she can leverage the queries in-
troduced previously ( ˆq
, ˆq
and ˆq
) to detect
“singular” participants.
Assuming that Eve is able to get the correct results
for all queries, she is, thus, able to learn partial infor-
mation on the participants of a dataset. The results
for the the test dataset (D3) are displayed in Table 3.
Therein, for each tuple of possible values for queries,
we also display the number k of occurrences. That
number indicates how many users share such com-
bination of results. For an attacker, the most inter-
esting tuples are, indeed, those with only one occur-
rence, because they correspond to a unique participant
within the dataset. For instance, if Eve is searching
D3 looking for a tall female with BMI<25, only one
participant satisfies all the requirements (the last high-
lighted row in the table). Overall, for D3 the adver-
sary is able to de-anonymize 3 minority participants
based on their attributes with 100% probability.
Table 3: Occurrences (#) of query results for the test dataset.
Those who are found with probability 1 are highlighted.
male > 177.6 > 25 6
male > 177.6 < 25 4
female < 177.6 < 25 2
male < 177.6 > 25 1
male < 177.6 < 25 1
female > 177.6 < 25 1
4.2 Daily Routine De-anonymization
In this section we present the results for re-
identification of users based on their activity. Our
best model achieves a 93.5% de-anonymization ac-
curacy for the full 16-users D3 dataset. Again, we
utilize time series of hourly (i) steps, (ii) distance, (ii)
calories, and (ii) average hourly heart rate as features.
Although the adversary is almost certain to find these
basic parameters in a lifelogging dataset, there might
be cases when she would like to utilize less training
data. Therefore, we present the detection rates for the
models that were not trained on the complete time se-
ries in Figure 5. There, for every number of time se-
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
ries features, ranging from 1 to 4, we chose the most
relevant parameters in the following order: calories,
average heart rate, distance, steps. It is worth not-
ing that even with just time series of hourly calories
the de-anonymization rate exceeds 80%, outperform-
ing previous results (Marchioro et al., 2021). Further-
more, we report the re-identification results for lesser
numbers of participants in D3 (Figure 6). We perform
a Monte Carlo simulation, where for every number
of users N, ranging from 2 to 15, we run 10 rounds
of the experiment: we randomly select N participants
from D3, and train the inference model. Then, we
average the results for each value of N to get a final
accuracy estimation. The extrapolation of our find-
ings suggests that it may be possible to maintain high
de-anonymization rate even for bigger datasets.
1 2 3 4
Number of features
C + HR
C + HR + D
C + HR + D + S
Figure 5: De-anonymization probability utilizing less time
series features: C=calories, HR=heart rate, D=distance,
Number of users (N)
Figure 6: De-anonymization probability based on daily ac-
tivity when subsampling users from the test dataset.
In this section we discuss the real-world applicability
of our attacks, and possible ways to mitigate them.
Inferability of Personal Attributes. Previous sec-
tions suggest that daily activity data carry information
about users’ personal attributes such as gender, etc.
Such information plays a fundamental role in the de-
anonymization tasks, especially for groups with the
imbalanced personal parameters distribution. An in-
tuitive explanation for successful inference of such
parameters is associated with the way Fitbit fitness
attributes are produced: some (e.g., steps) are directly
derived from sensor data, while others (e.g., distance,
calories) are estimated from other personal informa-
tion provided by the user
. Therefore, it is only nat-
ural that some of the data that we utilized as features
might depend on physical parameters.
Are These Realistic Threat Models? A natural
concern to rise would be the size of the datasets uti-
lized for this work. However, we emphasize again
that, in practice, the aggregated lifelogging datasets
contain a very limited number of users as discussed
in sections 1-2. Furthermore, grouping users with
even limited amount of binary queries can consid-
erably reduce the anonymity group for the targeted
user. In some cases such reduction might reach a
single person, meaning a 100% to de-anonymize the
target. Even if the victim is not a minority individ-
ual, and cannot be detected very accurately with our
threat model that is based on inferring physical char-
acteristics, we have shown that they still can be suc-
cessfully de-anonymized based on their daily routine,
and activity patterns. In fact, the real-world adver-
sary might choose a strategy of using the first threat
model to target the minority users, and second other-
wise. Naturally, it is likely that an attacker obtains the
best re-identification results, combining both threat
models. Given the flexibility of the possible attack
flows, we believe it is possible to maintain high de-
anonymization accuracy even for bigger datasets.
Possible Defense Mechanisms. Protecting partic-
ipants in a public fitness dataset against our threat
models might be way more complex than it appears.
Applying traditional anonymization approaches, such
as k-anonymity, to the quasi-identifiers would not be
effective, since personal attributes are being inferred
directly from the data. A natural solution would be to
change the values of daily fitness time series, in or-
der to confuse the inference models. For example, k -
anonymity can be applied directly to the fitness infor-
mation, but that would likely alter time series data be-
yond usability. Differential privacy (Dwork, 2006) is
https://help.fitbit.com/articles/en US/Help article/
What your Fitbit Says about You: De-anonymizing Users in Lifelogging Datasets
another well-known solution to prevent membership
inference in aggregated datasets. Differentially pri-
vate mechanisms introduce noise in order to minimize
changes in the data distribution caused by adding or
removing a user. However, differential privacy typi-
cally cannot be applied to data collections as small as
lifelogging datasets (Section 1).
More recent works have identified adversarial
neural networks as a solution to protect time series
data collected from smartphones (Malekzadeh et al.,
2019). Such networks train a release mechanism that
is used to “sanitize” the samples, concealing personal
information. Their effectiveness on mobile sensor
data suggests that they may also be used to anonymize
fitness records from wearables.
We demonstrated that it is possible for the adversary
to de-anonymize the records of anonymous users in an
aggregated data collection, and uniquely re-identify
minority individuals within the datasets based on their
gender, height, and BMI.
We also showed that an adversary can de-anonymize
all users (minority or majority) in the dataset based
on their daily routine with 93.5% accuracy, if she has
access to some of their fitness data.
Finally, we discussed how applying k-anonymity to
quasi-identifiers (i.e., physical characteristics) would
not guarantee users’ privacy, since the adversary is
still able to glean information on those attributes
through the presented inference model.
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography