A Local Differential Privacy based Hybrid Recommendation Model with
BERT and Matrix Factorization
Jeyamohan Neera
, Xiaomin Chen
, Nauman Aslam, Biju Issac and Eve O’Brien
Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Northumbria University, U.K.
Local Differential Privacy, Sentiment Analysis, Collaborative Filtering, Privacy.
Many works have proposed integrating sentiment analysis with collaborative filtering algorithms to improve
the accuracy of recommendation systems. As a result, service providers collect both reviews and ratings,
which is increasingly causing privacy concerns among users. Several works have used the Local Differential
Privacy (LDP) based input perturbation mechanism to address privacy concerns related to the aggregation of
ratings. However, researchers have failed to address whether perturbing just ratings can protect the privacy
of users when both reviews and ratings are collected. We answer this question in this paper by applying an
LDP based perturbation mechanism in a recommendation system that integrates collaborative filtering with a
sentiment analysis model. On the user-side, we use the Bounded Laplace mechanism (BLP) as the input rating
perturbation method and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) to tokenize the
reviews. At the service provider’s side, we use Matrix Factorization (MF) with Mixture of Gaussian (MoG) as
our collaborative filtering algorithm and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) as the sentiment classification
model. We demonstrate that our proposed recommendation system model produces adequate recommendation
accuracy under strong privacy protection using Amazon’s review and rating datasets.
Collaborative Filtering (CF) based recommendation
systems predict a user’s preference using similar users
or relevant items. Even though CF algorithms pro-
duce satisfactory recommendation accuracy to an ex-
tent, they build upon the presumption that ratings re-
flect a user’s true preferences and the actual quality
of an item. This presumption does not always cor-
respond with real scenarios, as impugn users might
give low ratings and tolerant users tend to give high
ratings. Such hypotheses play a huge role when a
customer decides whether an item is suitable or un-
suitable to fulfil their needs (Raghavan et al., 2012).
Besides, users who give similar ratings to an item
may have experienced distinct degrees of satisfaction
(Cheng et al., 2018). Finally, CF algorithms often suf-
fer from data sparseness problems due to a lack of rat-
ings which results in low recommendation accuracy
(Mobasher et al., 2007). Therefore, CF algorithms
have started incorporating sentiment analysis to ad-
dress these issues. Sentiment analysis is a technique
used to categorize text-based data to better understand
users’ attitudes and opinions in several domains. By
combining sentiment analysis with a CF algorithm,
the service provider can use ratings and reviews to
further improve the recommendation accuracy. How-
ever, collecting both ratings and reviews imposes a
higher risk of causing a violation of user privacy.
This paper proposes applying a Local Differen-
tial Privacy (LDP) based perturbation mechanism to
a recommendation system that combines sentiment
analysis with a CF algorithm to predict a user’s pref-
erences. We perturb the user’s original ratings lo-
cally using a Bounded Laplace input perturbation
mechanism (BLP) before sending them to the service
provider. A deep learning-based sentiment analysis
model is used to analyze user reviews. However, we
propose that user reviews are tokenized locally and
then sent to the service provider for aggregation and
classification purposes. Since the service providers
only aggregate the tokenized reviews, they cannot in-
fer sensitive information about users without access to
the original review data. Additionally, the perturbed
ratings are used as the input sentiment labels, prevent-
ing the service provider from learning a user’s actual
sentiment using their tokenized review data. We use
Neera, J., Chen, X., Aslam, N., Issac, B. and O’Brien, E.
A Local Differential Privacy based Hybrid Recommendation Model with BERT and Matrix Factorization.
DOI: 10.5220/0011266800003283
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), pages 325-332
ISBN: 978-989-758-590-6; ISSN: 2184-7711
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Matrix Factorization (MF) with Mixture of Gaussian
(MoG) as our CF algorithm. The MF-MoG model
that runs at the service provider’s end estimates the
noise added to the aggregated perturbed ratings and
predicts missing ratings simultaneously. The results
of the empirical study show that our proposed recom-
mendation model significantly improves the recom-
mendation accuracy under a strong privacy guarantee.
Many works (Paterek, 2007; Pal et al., 2017) have
investigated different approaches to improve the pre-
dictive performance of CF algorithms. Wang et al.
(Wang et al., 2018) incorporated a CF recommenda-
tion system with a sentiment analysis model to obtain
an optimised preliminary recommendation list first
and then used it to produce a final recommendation
list at the end. In another work, Osman et al. (Os-
man et al., 2019) proposed a recommendation system
where the context of user’s comments was taken into
consideration and used to produce recommendations.
Such approaches are more suitable when ratings are
sparse and aid immensely in increasing recommenda-
tion accuracy.
Even though these proposed solutions improve
the recommendation accuracy, they also cause se-
rious privacy concerns in recommendation systems,
and several works have proposed new ways to tackle
these privacy concerns. Li and Sarkar (Li and Sarkar,
2011) presented an encryption-based solution to ad-
dress the privacy concerns in a user-based CF recom-
mendation system. McSherry and Mironov (McSh-
erry and Mironov, 2009) proposed a differential pri-
vacy based solution in which noise is added to the
item-to-item co-variance matrix. They proved that
using differential privacy in recommendation systems
offered strong privacy protection to users through ex-
periments. Wang and Duan (Wang et al., 2016) pro-
posed a privacy quantification model which synthe-
sised an individual’s influence and system privacy fac-
tors based on a user’s perception. Similarly, Sutanto
et al. (Sutanto et al., 2013) designed a personalised,
privacy-safe application that enabled users to control
their privacy. However, this method failed to produce
accurate recommendations.
The aforementioned works consider the service
providers to be trustworthy. Considering the existence
of untrustworthy service providers, many works have
begun to investigate the application of LDP in recom-
mendation systems. LDP perturbs users’ data on the
user-side rather than on the service provider side. Liu
et al. (Liu et al., 2015) proposed a recommendation
system where noise is added to users’ ratings locally
on the user-side through a randomised perturbation
method. Meng et al. (Meng et al., 2018) in their work
proposed using LDP based input perturbation mech-
anism only on ratings that were considered sensitive
before sending them to the service provider. Shen and
Jin (Shen and Jin, 2014) aimed to hide users’ prefer-
ence toward an item using an instance-based admis-
sible mechanism on all the ratings. Shin et al. (Shin
et al., 2018) proposed an LDP-based recommendation
model which used a randomised response mechanism
to add noise to users’ ratings.
Most solutions that have been proposed in the lit-
erature to address privacy concerns in recommenda-
tion systems concentrate only on ratings based rec-
ommendation systems and have not yet addressed pri-
vacy concerns when user reviews are taken into con-
sideration. Therefore, we propose using an LDP per-
turbation mechanism that perturbs users’ ratings and
tokenize reviews on the user-side to protect user’s pri-
vacy from the service provider. We also propose esti-
mating the noise added to the ratings at the server-side
to improve the recommendation accuracy.
3.1 Local Differential Privacy
Each user perturbs their data locally before sending it
to the service provider in the LDP setting. So the ser-
vice provider collects only the perturbed data instead
of the original data. This approach can significantly
protect users’ privacy from an untrustworthy service
provider. Intuitively in LDP based settings, the data
aggregator cannot infer whether a user’s input x or x
produces the output y. Therefore, LDP offers plausi-
ble deniability to users.
Definition 1. A randomised mechanism M satisfies
ε-LDP if for all possible pairs of user input x, x
any subset y of all possible outcomes, we have the
following inequality:
Pr[M(x) y] e
× Pr[M(x
) y].
The privacy budget ε acts as a metric of privacy
loss at a perturbed data.
3.2 Bounded Laplace Mechanism
BLP perturbs data by ignoring any output values that
do not fall inside a predefined domain and re-samples
the noise from a Laplace distribution until the output
value lies within the given bound. Unlike the Laplace
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
mechanism, BLP sanitises the perturbed output with
bounding constraints (Holohan et al., 2018).
Definition 2. (Bounded Laplace Mechanism) Given
a scale parameter b and a domain rating interval of
(l, u), the Bounded Laplace mechanism M
: R
is given by a conditional probability density func-
tion as follows:
) =
, if r
0, if r
/ [l,u],
where C
(b) is a normalisation constant, r is the input
to the BLP and r
is the perturbed output.
The normalisation constant C
(b) is given as:
(b) = 1
r l
) + exp(
u r
3.3 Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers
The objective of sentiment analysis is to determine
whether a user’s review communicates their posi-
tive or negative opinion. Deep learning-based tech-
niques are proven to be highly effective in identifying
user sentiments in several applications (Goularas and
Kamis, 2019; Zarzour et al., 2021). Hence, we use
BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers) to create word embedding in our senti-
ment analysis model. BERT is a natural language pro-
cessing model which was introduced by the Google
AI team in 2018 (Devlin et al., 2018). BERT provides
a contextualised representation, unlike other word-
embedding models such as Word2Vec and GloVe, that
generates a single representation for each word in a
given input text. BERT uses transformer encoder lay-
ers to learn these contextual relations between words
in a given text. The training of the BERT model takes
place in two stages: pre-training and fine-tuning.
The BERT model is trained on an unlabelled cor-
pus that contains text from English Wikipedia and
Book Corpus dataset in the pre-training stage. These
large collections of words allow BERT to capture
extensive language knowledge. The resulting pre-
trained model can then be fine-tuned for specific
NLP tasks such as sentiment analysis. The fine-
tuning stage is an essential step in training the BERT
model. Even though pre-training produces a bidirec-
tional unsupervised language representation of texts,
fine-tuning allows this representation to be used in
any NLP related tasks. In the fine-tuning stage, the
BERT model is initialised with the same parameters
as the pre-trained model, and the parameters are then
adjusted according to the labelled data. BERT model
has several deployment types based on their model
configurations, such as RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019)
which proposed a method to improve the training pro-
cess of BERT and ALBERT (Lan et al., 2019) which
reduces the model size through parameter sharing and
factorising techniques.
In this section, we describe our proposed LDP based
recommendation system that combines a CF algo-
rithm with a sentiment analysis model and uses BLP
as the input perturbation mechanism. The aim is to
improve the recommendation accuracy while provid-
ing privacy protection to the users. Fig.1 illustrates
the architecture of the proposed recommendation sys-
tem. We assume that users can report their actual
ratings and reviews anonymously so that the service
provider can display these anonymous reviews and
ratings on their platform. We do not discuss the ar-
chitecture required for anonymous reporting as it is
beyond the scope of this paper. We use the MF-MoG
model as the CF algorithm that uses perturbed ratings
as the input. The predicted rating combination mod-
ule uses the outputs of the CNN classification model
and the MF-MoG model to produce the final predicted
Algorithm 1: BLP Mechanism for Noise Sampling.
1: Input to the Mechanism: Original Rating
2: Output of the Mechanism: Perturbed Rating
3: Generate noise from the Laplace distribution with
mean 0 and variance of b
4: Perturbed rating = Original rating + noise
5: If Perturbed rating is in given domain interval:
6: Perturbed rating is set
7: else
8: repeat Step 3
9: Return Perturbed rating to SP
4.1 Input Rating Perturbation at
First, users use BLP as an LDP perturbation mecha-
nism to perturb their original ratings. The perturbed
ratings are then sent to the service provider for aggre-
gation. Algorithm 1 describes how a perturbed rating
is generated using the BLP mechanism. It has been
proven (Neera et al., 2021) that a sufficient condition
for BLP to satisfy ε-local differential privacy in rec-
ommendation systems is when the local sensitivity is
f = l u where l is minimum and u is the maxi-
mum rating in a given rating scale. The BLP mech-
A Local Differential Privacy based Hybrid Recommendation Model with BERT and Matrix Factorization
Budget ε)
Figure 1: Proposed LDP-based Recommendation System with Sentiment Analysis and CF Algorithm.
anism ensures that the perturbed output rating is lim-
ited to the rating domain [l,u] and still guarantees that
the adversary cannot infer any information about the
original rating by observing the perturbed rating.
4.2 Review Pre-processing at User-side
Sentiment analysis models require the input review
data to be cleaned and processed before using them in
a classification model. The original reviews of users
are pre-processed and converted to a tokenized review
before being sent to the service provider. First, words
that lack relevant information, leading and trailing
spaces, numbers, punctuation and stop words in the
review text are removed. Additionally, the text is
converted to lowercase. Then the cleaned review is
split into individual words and then lemmatized. The
lemmatization process converts the inflectional and
derivational forms of a word to its common base form.
For example, the words run, runs, and running are
converted to the base word run. After lemmatization,
we use BERT to compute the sequence embedding.
BERT maps each word into a vector of numerical val-
ues so that words with similar meanings have a sim-
ilar representation. Each user does the review pre-
processing locally and sends only the numerical vec-
tor to the service provider so that the actual review
text is never revealed to the service provider.
4.3 Multi Class Classification using
In our work, we use BERT only as an encoder and
a CNN model as the decoder to conduct sentiment
classifications. Even though BERT itself can perform
sentiment classification, the multi-label classification
layer has to be retrained on top of the transformer to
perform sentiment prediction. Fig.2 illustrates the hy-
brid sentiment analysis model used in our recommen-
dation system.
Figure 2: Hybrid sentiment analysis.
We use a CNN model for multi-class classifica-
tion at the service provider’s end as it is proven to be
effective in text review classification (Salinca, 2017).
Since the CNN model uses perturbed ratings as the
sentiment labels, we hide the true sentiment of the
users from the service provider. This step adds an-
other layer of privacy protection to the sentiment anal-
ysis model and offers plausible deniability to users.
CNN model learns spatial hierarchies of features us-
ing three layers that is convolution, pooling and fully
connected. The first two layers do feature extraction,
and the final fully connected layer maps the extracted
features into a relevant sentiment. We used a convo-
lution layer with 256 filters and a linear rectification
unit (ReLU) as the activation function. The output of
the CNN model will be the predicted rating P
4.4 Matrix Factorization with Mixture
of Gaussian Model
We use Matrix factorization with a Mixture of Gaus-
sian model (MF-MoG) (Neera et al., 2021) as the
CF algorithm to make rating predictions on the ser-
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
vice providers’ side. Since the CF algorithm uses
perturbed ratings as the input, recommendation sys-
tems yield low recommendation accuracy. We use the
Mixture of Gaussian (MoG) on the service provider
side to estimate the noise added to the original rat-
ings to enhance prediction accuracy. Since the post-
processing property of LDP states that any further
processing of a perturbed output of a differentially
private mechanism does not violate the differential
privacy principles (Dwork et al., 2014), the MF-MoG
model still can provide privacy protection to users.
Fig. 3 illustrates the MF-MoG recommendation sys-
tem. The output of the MF-MoG model would be the
predicted rating P
. Algorithm 2 details how the
MF-MoG model estimates noise and predicts missing
Algorithm 2: Noise Estimation and Rating Prediction
1: Input: Perturbed Ratings (R
2: Output: User latent factor U and Item latent
factor V
3: Initialisation: Model parameters U,V,Π and Σ
are randomly initialised where Π is the Gaussian
mixture proportion and Σ is the standard devia-
4: In E-step the posterior responsibility γ
i jk
is es-
5: For Until convergence
6: (M-Step for updating Σ
and Π
) Model
parameters Σ and Π are computed.
7: (M-Step for estimating V and U) Model param-
eters U and V are updated.
8: (E-step for posterior responsibility γ
i jk
) poste-
rior responsibility γ
i jk
is computed using current
model parameters
9: Return User and Item latent factor matrices U
and V
Bounded Laplace
User Side
SP Side
Recommendation System
MF with
Top K Recommended Items
Rating Perturbation
Figure 3: LDP based MF recommendation with MoG.
4.5 Predicted Ratings Combination
The predicted ratings combination module combines
outputs from the CNN classification model and the
MF-MoG model to produce the final predicted rating.
The final rating of a user an item is given as:
f inal
= β P
+ (1 β) P
where P
f inal
is the final predicted rating, P
is the
rating predicted using the MF-MoG model, P
the rating predicted using sentiment analysis and β is
the parameter that is used to adjust the importance of
each component.
In this section, we present the evaluation results of
our proposed LDP based recommendation model. We
use two datasets, Amazon Toys and Games and Ama-
zon Instant Video, to validate the effectiveness of the
proposed system. We use the Root Mean Squared Er-
ror (RMSE) to evaluate the prediction accuracy and
F-score to evaluate the utility of the recommendation
5.1 Dataset
Table 1 provides a detailed view of the datasets we
used in our evaluation.
Table 1: Datasets.
Dataset Total
Toys and
2,252,771 167,597 1 to 5
583,933 37,126 1 to 5
5.2 Metrics
The privacy budget ε acts as a metric of privacy loss
at perturbed data. The lower the privacy budget ε is
the higher the privacy that is guaranteed. We consider
the value range from 0.1 to 3 for the privacy budget ε.
The parameter β in Eq.(1) controls the roles MF-MoG
and the sentiment analysis model play in determining
the final predicted rating. The lower value of β in-
dicates that the final predicted rating is more reliant
on the sentiment analysis model, and the higher value
means it relies more on the MF-MoG model. We eval-
uate the trade-off between β and utility by consider-
ing the value range from 0.1 to 1 for the parameter β.
The utility of a recommendation system is evaluated
by how well it predicts the relevance of an item for a
user. We use F-score as the utility metric to measure
A Local Differential Privacy based Hybrid Recommendation Model with BERT and Matrix Factorization
(a) Amazon Instant Video (b) Amazon Toys and Games
Figure 4: BERT-MF-MoG vs MF-MoG RMSE Comparison.
(a) Amazon Instant Video (b) Amazon Toys and Games
Figure 5: BERT-MF-MoG vs MF-MoG F-Score Comparison.
how well the recommendation systems make recom-
mendations that adapt to a user’s choices. Then we
use RMSE to measure the predictive accuracy of our
5.3 Results
In this experiment, we compare the prediction accu-
racy of our proposed recommendation model BERT-
MF-MoG with MF-MoG (Neera et al., 2021) which,
to the best of our knowledge, is the most compara-
ble method as it also uses the exact input perturba-
tion mechanism. We do not compare our method with
other global or local differential privacy based rec-
ommendation systems due to the differences in per-
turbation mechanisms. The privacy budget ε varies
from 0.1 to 3, and we use 0.7 as β values for both
datasets. Fig. 4 and 4 shows the RMSE values for
BERT-MF-MoG (β = 0.7), MF-MoG and the baseline
method, Non-Private BERT-MF. The baseline method
does not perturb the user’s original ratings, and the
BERT review pre-processing takes place at the service
provider’s side as no rating perturbation is performed,
there is no need to combine MoG with MF. As ex-
pected, the prediction accuracy of the two privacy-
preserving methods increases when the privacy bud-
get ε increases. The results also show that BERT-
MF-MoG produces a higher increase in recommen-
dation accuracy for both datasets for all the values
of ε than MF-MoG. This is because BERT-MF-MoG
combines the sentiment classification with the MF-
MoG model and predicted rating module takes into
account both ratings and reviews. Fig.5 shows the F-
score values for BERT-MF-MoG and MF-MoG mod-
els. The F-score value increases when the privacy
budget ε increases for both methods. These F-score
values demonstrate again that the BERT-MF-MoG
model provides more accurate recommendations than
MF-MoG for all privacy budget values ε.
Fig.6 and Fig.7 shows the RMSE and the F-score
values respectively when varying β while keeping pri-
vacy budget at ε = 1.5. These figures show that op-
timal RMSE and F-score values are obtained when
β = 0.7. When β = 0, only the output of the senti-
ment analysis model, P
, is used to determine the
final predicted rating as indicated in Eq.(1), and the
output of the MF-MoG model is not used. Only a
few ratings are used as sentiment labels for the CNN
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
(a) Amazon Instant Video (b) Amazon Toys and Games
Figure 6: β-RMSE Comparison.
(a) Amazon Instant Video (b) Amazon Toys and Games
Figure 7: β-F-Score Comparison.
model, and they are perturbed at the user side. When
β increases from 0, the contribution of the MF-MoG
model, which uses a large proportion of ratings, starts
to be included in the final predicted rating. Hence, a
decrease in RMSE (increase in F-Score) can be ob-
served as β increases in Fig.6 and Fig.7.
When β increases from 0.7 to 1, the RMSE value
increases. This is because the prediction relies more
heavily on the MF-MoG model than it should in this
range. The significance of sentiment analysis is un-
derestimated. When β = 1, Eq.(1) uses the P
the final predicted rating. The output of the sentiment
classification model P
does not play any role in the
prediction. The same trend can be observed in Fig.7
for the F-score value. The larger the β is, the more
contribution the MF-MoG model makes, and the more
accurate the prediction is until β reaches 0.7, where
the highest F-score and lowest RMSE value are ob-
tained. We use F-score as a utility metric and RMSE
as the accuracy metric for our recommendation sys-
tem. The F-score and RMSE results show that the
BERT-MF-MoG model provides the most accurate
recommendations when β = 0.7 for the two datasets.
The optimal value of Beta should be obtained through
numerical evaluation for different datasets.
In this paper, we proposed an LDP-based recommen-
dation system that incorporates a deep-learning senti-
ment analysis model into a collaborative filtering al-
gorithm. The system protects the privacy of users and
at the same time offers substantial utility to the ser-
vice provider. The recommendation accuracy of our
proposed model is improved by taking advantage of
sentiment analysis performed on user reviews. The
experiments conducted with two amazon review and
rating datasets demonstrated that the utility of our
proposed recommendation system outperforms that of
the recommendation system based just on ratings for
all the values of privacy budget ε. In future work, we
plan to explore using other techniques such as LSTM
(Long Short Term Memory Networks) in combination
with CNN for sentiment classification to further im-
prove the recommendation accuracy.
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography