Negative Outcomes Brought by Poor Sleeping Quality concerning
Emotion, Reaction, and Memory
Yizhe Wang
Centre for Languages & International Education, University College London, London, U.K.
Keywords: Pittsburgh Sleeping Quality Index, Sleep Quality, Depression Index, Reaction Time, Short Term Memory,
College Students.
Abstract: The present study experimentally investigated the potential effects caused by low sleeping quality in emotion,
reaction speed, and memorizing ability among students over high school(mainly college students over 20 in
age). The method was to assign samples (N=34) into two groups according to their scores in the
PSQI(Pittsburgh Sleeping Quality Index), and they were asked to complete another depression index
questionnaire and tasks designed in the reaction and memorizing test. Measurements of their mood condition
and memorizing capacity were achieved by counting final scores, while reaction speed was quantitative by
calculating the total time spent finishing those tasks. The results obtained in this work showed that participants
who acquire higher sleeping quality(getting marks <5) tend to behave better in the memorizing test. However,
no obvious evidence is revealed that poor sleeping quality or sleeping deprivation(with marks =>5) is
responsible for longer reaction time and a more vulnerable mental state.
1.1 Background
Before this study was conducted, some research about
existing conclusions on the role of sleeping in daily
routine, the association between sleeping quality and
depression, memorizing level, and reaction time were
conducted. Followings are results found in journal
articles, textbooks, and official reports.
1.1.1 Importance of Healthy Sleep
It is beyond dispute that sleeping is a crucial stage in
mammals' living routine. We humankind spend
approximately one-third time of our lives asleep.
Sleep is an essential biological function with
significant roles in recovery, energy conservation,
and survival. In rats, total sleep deprivation can cause
death within three weeks (Rechtschaffen et al. 1989).
In the dimension of neuroscience, one hypothesis
for sleep-related rhymes is that they help the brain
disconnect the cortex from sensory input. A night
filled with sleep in bed for up to 8 hours might allow
the body to recover from physical exertion, while a
negative mood would probably occur the next day if
enough sleep is not obtained (Bear et al. 2020).
Another hypothesis shows that metabolic wastes
during wakefulness are cleared from the brain during
sleep (Purves et al. 2018).
Sleep also appears to be essential for multiple vital
processes, such as brain development, learning,
memory, heart regulation, cellular detoxification, and
regulating emotional, cardiovascular, and metabolic
functions (Mukherjee et al. 2015).
For the psychologist, sleep functions to recognize
information received in the daytime under some
logic. Research discovers that compared with staying
awake, proper sleep could improve the ability to solve
problems significantly (Wagner et al. 2004).
Therefore, a good sleeping habit should play an
essential role in developing students' learning
All those researches convince people that sleep is
closely linked to a human's ability to memorize and
recognize. Projects like how sleep routine affects
learning, memorizing, and emotion have attracted the
attention of scientists from different fields.
1.1.2 Concerning Situation
Currently, it has raised social concerns that sleep
disturbance spreads out gradually as a common
Wang, Y.
Negative Outcomes Brought by Poor Sleeping Quality Concerning Emotion, Reaction, and Memory.
DOI: 10.5220/0011248600003438
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare (ICHIH 2022), pages 233-238
ISBN: 978-989-758-596-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
phenomenon among Chinese college students in the
wake of the accumulating study stress and diverse
ways of entertainment. One research where 112939
university students were included found that the
overall pooled prevalence of sleep disturbances was
25.7%, the percentages of students dissatisfied
with sleep quality and those suffering from insomnia
symptoms were 20.3% and 23.6%, respectively (Li et
al. 2018).
However, the evil sleep habits of Chinese young
people can date back to their experience in middle
school. Burdened with tons of homework, they were
always forced to work until midnight and wake up
early in the morning, leading to severe sleep
deprivation. Even worse, the prohibition of
entertainment can give rise to revenge consumption
of Internet games and addiction to virtual
competitions, which are to blame for sleep disorders.
Furthermore, the suicide rate has increased
constantly in recent years. 2.8% prevalence of suicide
attempts and more than 600,000 suicide attempters
among college students indicate that suicide attempt
among college students is a significant public health
problem in China (Yang et al. 2015).
1.2 Question and Exploration
Unfortunately, it is well recognized that sleep
disturbance is prevalent among adolescents,
especially those suffering from the population
suffering from mental disorders like depression. A
survey indicates that depressed adolescents usually
underwent longer sleep onset, had more wake after
sleep onset and had lower sleep efficiency than those
who were non-clinical or had relief (Lovato and
Gradisar 2014). However, their samples were mainly
adolescents ranging from 12-20 years, so the results
might differ from those drawn in this study.
As for the impact of sleep deprivation on memory
consolidation, how sleep quality can affect non-
declarative memory is hugely controversial; Giuditta
raised Dual-Process Hypothesis, that whether the
REM (Rapid Eye Movement)stage of NREM(non-
rapid eye movement)stage functions depends on
which kind of memory is formed (Giuditta 2014).
While Barrett insisted Sequential Hypothesis that the
alternation between REM-NREM plays a dominant
role in the efficiency of memory consolidation
(Barrett and Ekstrand 1972).
Therefore, this study will explore the effect of
sleep quality on the accuracy and reaction time of
declarative memory recognition with tasks including
remembering irregular number sequences, phrase
combination, and face recognition to investigate
whether two groups with different sleep qualities
would have discrepancies in performance.
2.1 Goals of This Study
This study was expected to demonstrate the adverse
effects of poor sleep quality on several aspects,
including those indicators relevant to learning ability
and depression or frustration. Besides the awareness
of the importance of healthy sleep, a solution is
expected to be introduced to improve the living
quality of college students.
2.2 Hypothesis
If college students over 20 frequently undergo poor
quality sleep in the last month, they are more
vulnerable to gloomy moods, react more slowly, and
harder to produce and store declarative memories.
3.1 Samples
The subjects were 40 Chinese college students with
their average age = 21.5±2.5, including 19 males and
21 females. Each participant received a package
containing detailed instructions, a PSQI survey, a
depression index survey, a reaction test, and a
memorizing test via e-mail, and they were asked to
respond to the mail with their answers attached, then
their scores were counted respectively. Finally, 34 of
them finished all of the materials, so 34 valid data
groups were collected.
All participants were selected from students
around researchers, had finished or undergoing higher
education. Each of them volunteered to participate in
this study that rewards of any means were not offered.
3.2 Materials
3.2.1 Sleep Quality Survey
In order to ensure participants' sleeping conditions,
they were asked to finish PSQI(Pittsburgh Sleep
Quality Index), which made it possible to recognize
ICHIH 2022 - International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare
their sleep habits and sleep quality in the last month.
This index was compiled by Professor Buysse et al.
from the University of Pittsburgh in 1989. In 1996,
the Chinese version was produced by Xianchen Liu et
al. The reliability and validity for the Chinese
population were also proved by their researches
involving ordinary people, patients diagnosed with
insomnia, depressive disorder, and schizophrenia.
This index consists of 7 dimensions, including
subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration,
sleep efficiency, sleep disturbance, use of sleep
medication, and daytime dysfunction (Buysse et al.
1989). The PSQI includes a scoring key for
calculating a patient's seven subscores, each of which
can range from 0 to 3. The subscores are tallied,
yielding a "global" score that can range from 0 to 21.
A global score of 5 or more indicates poor sleep
quality; the higher the score, the worse the quality
(Carole A, n.d.).
3.2.2 Depression Index
The mood survey tested participants’ moods.
Questions were asking their mood in the past couple
of weeks, their take on life. Furthermore, they asked
if they had been experiencing any physical changes.
The standard is as follows:
Depression Severity: 0-10 none, 11-21 mild, 22-
32 moderate, 33-43 moderately severe, 44-60severe.
3.2.3 Reaction Test
In this test, three parts of tasks were designed. The
first one is to find all allocated numbers in the
following sequence: all ten numbers with three
among 48 sequences. Moreover, the second one is to
find all Chinese characters with one shared structure
from all the characters shown on the screen. The final
task is graph recognition, for instance, to find all four
equilateral triangles from all assigned graphs. Once
the participants finished all the tasks, the time spent
would be measured.
3.2.4 Memory Test
Based on the Clinical Memory Scale(CMS) published
in 1986, a simplified version of the memory test was
constructed to improve the experimental procedure,
including three sections: association learning, random
number sequences recalling(instead of meaningless
graph recognition in CMS), and face-associated
features recognition (Xu and Wu 1986). In the first
part, in total, 18 pairs of Chinese phrases were shown
to participants. Half of them were connected
logically(e.g., apple-fruit in English), while the other
half were meaninglessly linked or even belonged to
different parts of speech(e.g., light-following).
Participants were given 20 seconds to memorize all
those combinations and would have 1 minute to fill
the blank with only one of the phrases were shown on
the screen. Such a kind task is repeated twice in the
first part in the same way but with different phrases
(eighteen sets of meaningful words and eighteen sets
of meaningless ones in total). For the second part,
participants were asked to remember random number
sequences within 1.5 seconds and write them
correctly in 3 seconds(eight sequences with seven
numbers, one sequence with five numbers, one with
six numbers, one with eight numbers, one with nine
numbers). The final task is to repeat the three lines of
personal information in 15 seconds after being shown
features connected with faces, including nationality,
occupation, and age, for 5 seconds. Three faces with
nine lines of features were arranged in one task, and
four tasks would be conducted in total(including
Western male and female faces & Eastern male and
female faces).
The followings are the scale for this test:
First section: Three scores were assigned for one
meaningful set, six scores for meaningless sets.
Second section: One score was assigned for the
sequence with five numbers, two scores for the
sequence with six numbers, three scores for
sequences with seven numbers, four scores for the
sequence with eight numbers, five scores for the
sequence with nine numbers.
Third section: One score was assigned for one
feature associated with an Eastern face and two for
those associated with a Western face.
With 252 scores in total, participants getting
scores higher than 110 would be considered to have
performed well, while those ending up 110 scores or
less would be judged as poor.
3.3 Tools
Document Retrieval
The digital database of document retrieval applied in
this paper includes Web of Science, PubMed, and
Google Scholar. The keywords researched includes
"sleep", "REM", "memory consolidation",
"depression", "reaction", "declarative memory" and
"Chinese student suicide rate".
Negative Outcomes Brought by Poor Sleeping Quality Concerning Emotion, Reaction, and Memory
3.3.2 Data Analysis
IBM SPSS statistics 23 was used in this study to
conduct correlation analysis.
4.1 Statistics
Table 1: Pearson Test.
DepressionIndex reaction time MemorizingIndex
SleepingQuality Pearson
1 .135 -.031 .374
Sig. (2-tailed)
.445 .863 .029
34 34 34 34
DepressionIndex Pearson
.135 1 -.341
Sig. (2-tailed)
.445 .049 .197
34 34 34 34
reaction time Pearson
-.031 -.341
1 .336
Sig. (2-tailed)
.863 .049 .052
34 34 34 34
MemorizingIndex Pearson
-.227 .336 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
.029 .197 .052
34 34 34 34
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Table 2: Regression Test.
Model Summary
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std. The error
of the Estimate
.140 .113 31.466 1.405
a. Predictors: (Constant), SleepingQuality
b. Dependent Variable: MemorizingIndex
Table 3: Coefficients.
t Sig.
Collinearity Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
85.288 9.360
9.112 .000
4.903 2.149 .374 2.281 .029 1.000 1.000
ICHIH 2022 - International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare
Figure 1 Normal Distribution Analysis.
4.2 Analysis
Pearson Test
Table 1 shows the result of the Pearson test.
According to the Pearson test, correlation is
significant if p-value <0.05. Unfortunately, no
significant correlation between sleep quality,
depression index, and reaction time were found.
Meanwhile, R-value can indicate the degree to which
two variables are associated. It is a value ranging from
-1 to 1. The greater its absolute value is, the stronger
correlation the two variables have. As for sleeping
quality and memory ability, the data indicated that
higher PSQI scores(poorer sleeping quality) could
lead to lower memory levels.
Regression Test
In order to explore the detailed connection between
sleeping quality and memory, linear regression
analysis was decided to be conducted with results
shown in Table 2 and Table 3. According to the R
square value, sleeping quality contributes to about
14% of memory scores, which is a dominant factor in
statistics. Table 3 suggests the value of constant and
coefficient, for which the equation involving memory
scores and sleeping index can even be deduced:
𝑀𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 𝑆𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 ∗ 4.903  85.288.
Test of Normality
Figure 1 shows the condition of the normal
distribution of the memorizing index data. The
condition of the distribution of the dots fits the line
closely, so the scores acquired are distributed
Three experiments were conducted in order to
discover the relationship between sleep quality and
three other variables. The result shows a positive
correlation between sleep quality and short-term
declarative memory storage(p value=0.029<0.05, R
value=0.374, two tail, Table This result
testifies that people undergoing a healthy sleep the
last night tend to memorize tasks better. While there
is no significant correlation between sleep quality and
depression index or reaction speed. Because the p
values of them are 0.445 and 0.863, all bigger than
0.05. These statistics disprove the hypothesis,
meaning that better sleep quality results in better
emotional states or faster reactions. However, they
could be attributed to the limitations demonstrated
6.1 Samples
Due to the financial limitation, it was challenging to
offer rewards to participants in this study, for which
reason samples from classmates or friends closely
around were most available, which was likely to
cause convenient bias. For example, all of the
participants were experiencing or had finished higher
education. In addition, the sample amount was not
very broad(N=34), so fortuity could not be excluded.
Furthermore, the time delay was unavoidable through
internet interviews. An inaccurate time report could
be produced for this reason.
6.2 Materials
It is worth noticing that some of the surveys
mentioned above were self-designed. Although quite
a quantity of documents was referred to, there was no
evidence that all the materials applied could discover
the exact condition. Take the depression survey, for
instance. Inaccurate results could be achieved by a
Negative Outcomes Brought by Poor Sleeping Quality Concerning Emotion, Reaction, and Memory
survey limited to 9 questions.
6.3 Equipment
Although PSQI is widely recognized as an efficient
survey to release the sleep quality of participants, a
brain wave recorder is required if the research on the
sleep stage, brain wave features, and eye movement
features need to be conducted, which helps to confirm
the effect of different sleep stages on memory
7.1 Study Accuracy
In the future, the study is expected to be clarified in
three aspects. First, tests on more participants must be
conducted, which leads to more accurate data and
statistics analysis, and the correlation of sleep quality
and other variables can be confirmed. Second, applied
materials require upgrading to fit into different groups
of participants and rule out irrelevant variables like
nationality, gender, age, and family background.
Finally, the access to technological equipment to
finish the further study is wished to come true.
7.2 Study Function on Society
This study hopes that people could realize the critical
role healthy sleep plays in people’s daily routine. In
modern society, staying up late or sleeping disorders
have become ordinary phenomena. A revolution to
such a problem on the way of studying and working
is also expected. College students, especially, should
keep a good habit of sleeping.
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ICHIH 2022 - International Conference on Health Big Data and Intelligent Healthcare