Market Sales Forecasting Related to the Semiconductor
Manufacturing Industry
Jingyi Guo
Department of Statistics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, U.S.A.
Keywords: Multiple Regression Analysis, Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry, Market Sales Forecast.
Abstract: Based on the multiple linear regression model, this paper analyzes and compares the effects of the sales
forecasting models SMT and CIT on the relevant markets of the US semiconductor manufacturing industry.
To be specific, the data is used from the ABCtronics case to conduct a multiple regression analysis on the
status of the semiconductor manufacturing industry. According to the results of multiple regression analysis,
the proposed model of SMT interns has strong explanatory power than the model previously used at
ABCtronics. These results shed light on sales prediction in terms of different relevant variables, which can be
implemented to different industries.
The production of semiconductor manufacturing
industry is closely correlated with the cyclical demand
pattern and the complex nature of chip design. As a
result, it undergoes an economic challenge because of
the excess capacity derived from lower demand, and
the high research and development cost along with the
increasing fixed cost of building the most advanced
facilities for wafer fabrication (G Anderson, Sweeney,
Williams, Camm, Cochran, 2011). ABCtronics, one of
the companies within the industry, recently has been
dealing with issues on improvement of products’
quality control tests, plants’ downtime, and analysis of
customer feedback.
The first problem is associated with chips’ quality
control tests. ABCtronics has been using Lot
Acceptance Testing Method (LATM) for quality
control, taking a sample of 25 IC chips from a lot of
500 without replacement. A lot will pass the check if
the sample has less than 2 defective chips. The method
has shown that on average, every 500 ICs has 2
defective chips, and entails that the probability of
producing a defective chip is 0.004. ABCtronics is
debating on whether to use Individual Chip Testing
System (LCTM) as an alternative, which is a similar
statistical method that takes a sample of 25 IC chips
from a lot of 500 but with replacement. On this basis,
they hope to narrow down the probability of defective
a 0000-0002-9782-0501
production to 0.002. With regards to high downtime
and chemical impurities, Mark, the head of QRT,
proposes that the plants’ average downtime should be
reduced to 5 hours. On the contrary, Stuart, the
president of the fabrication plant, states that they have
to replace their ion implanter because the machine and
its subsequent activities follow a uniform distribution
instead of a Gamma distribution. Moreover, he and
Mark point out that the percentage of chemical
impurities per lot follows a beta distribution.
According to the policy, it will not be used in the
fabrication process if the impurities take up more than
30%, and the process has been working fine.
Another urgent issue is their analysis on customer
relationships and prediction of sales figure. For
customer feedback, ABCtronics randomly surveyed
40 customers for their 74XX chip family. 32 out of 40
chosen customers rated their products beyond good or
satisfactory. Jim is skeptical about the results because
the overall spread of the customer feedback rating is
very high even though the mean is 56. He holds that
redesigning the survey, e.g., taking more samples of
customers might help. Furthermore, one highly
suggests that the company should use multiple linear
regression models for predicting the sales figure
(Berenson, Mark, et al, 2012). Therefore,
multicollinearity problems can be avoided when
dealing with sales figures for various demand
scenarios (Maxwell 2000). The rest part of the paper
Guo, J.
Market Sales Forecasting Related to the Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0011235800003440
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management (BDEDM 2022), pages 714-719
ISBN: 978-989-758-593-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is organized as follows. The Sec. 2 will introduce the
data origination and statistic principles, Subsequently,
the Sec. 3 will display the results of linear regression.
Afterwards, the explanation of the results as well as
the limitation of the method will be demonstrated in
Sec. 4. Eventually, a brief summary is given in Sec. 5.
If a sample n is taken without replacement from a
finite (small) population of size N in which M has an
attribute (and hence N M do not possess that
attribute), the number of sample units (Wang 2021), X
possessing that attribute follows a Hyper-geometric
distribution with parameters N, M, n. Probability mass
function (pmf) is:
= 𝑃
𝑋 = 𝑥
This probability can also be directly obtained using
Excel Function-Statistical-Hypgeomdist. If X~B(n,
p). i.e., X has Binomial Distribution with parameters
n and p, where n = number of trials and p = probability
of one success, then, probability mass function (pmf)
of X is given by
= 𝑃
𝑋 = 𝑥
1 − 𝑝
This probability can also be directly obtained using
Excel Function: Statistical, BINOMDIST. To work
out the solution, N = 500, n = 25, Number of
defectives in the lot = 2, i.e., proportion of defectives
in the lot, p = 0.004. Let X represents number of
defectives found in a sample of 25. Current system
(LATM), one can easily get the data. Based on Eq. (1),
X ~ Hyper-geometric with N = 500, M = 2, n = 25. P
(lot is accepted) = 0.9976. Proposed system (ICTM),
Here X ~ B (25, 0.004), P (lot is accepted) = 0.9047.
Table 1: Table Type Style.
Price per
2004 2.39 297 0.832 0
2005 3.82 332 0.844 1
2006 3.33 195 0.854 0
2007 2.49 182 1.155 1
2008 1.56 93 1.303 0
2009 0.97 98 1.265 0
2010 1.32 198 1.368 1
2011 1.42 188 1.208 0
2012 1.48 285 1.234 1
2013 1.85 264 1.282 1
The variables for regression are summarized in
Table. I. For the same lot size and defective level,
ICTM would reject the lot more often than LATM.
Thus, it is more stringent. Flaw in the current system.
For a defective level of 0.4%, an acceptance number
of 1, which out of 25 is 4%, is clearly too lenient.
Consequently, lots with higher defectives level are
likely to get accepted and passed on to the customer.
Primarily, one needs to count the expression of the
exponentially distributed, and its probability density
function is f(x)=λe
(λ0), when λ0 f(x)=0.
Besides, its distribution function is F(x)=1-e
. From
the picture “probability density function”, one can
easily know that when x=5, f(x)=4.1% (assuming that
x=time before IC chip failure (in years)). On this basis,
the expression can be derived as 0.041=λe
. However,
at this time, one can easily solve this problem, because
the data is not integer. Thus, it should use the
distribution function to help us simplify the count
process, through two expressions, one can easily know
the number of λ instead of using complicated count
(Choi 2021). According to the data, one finds that x=5,
F(x)=0.2255 (assuming that x=time before IC chip
failure), i.e., 0.2255=1-e
. Then put two equations
together, one gets that the λ=0.041/0.7745=0.053
(assuming that e=2.7), i.e., the f(x)=0.053e
. Besides, Customer PQR systems
request that the chips will last more than 6 years, i.e.,
x≥6. Substituting x=6, the F(x)=0.27, f(x)=3.86%. In
this case, Mark is confident that ABCtronics should be
able to meet the expectation of the client Customer
PQR systems.
They have again started experimenting with their
quality control. Circuit module M (CM) has a path
where three chips from ABCtronics get connected in
a series. Before the new testing process, XYZsoft
reported that in a typical lot comprising 20 CMs they
are finding three defective items. In most of those
cases, they observed that the problem was with our
chips. Now, they have put a stricter policy in place.
They have now started to calculate the number of
nondetective before they encounter a particular
number of defectives.
According to the exponentially distribution, the
probability of chip failure keeps decreasing as the time
period increases (Lee 2017). Based on the cross
comparison with the cumulative distribution function
of failure time, the graph of the cumulative
exponential function also shows a decrease in
its slope,
meaning that the chance to fail shrinks after year 5,
which results in an up to forty-year long-lasting value
of IC chips. This is an evident reason why the mark
was so confident that PQR systems expectations can
be met. The increase in the number of complaints
regarding ABCtronics’ IC chips started when
XYZsoft was required to retrieve the whole lot of
Market Sales Forecasting Related to the Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry
chips for rework and recheck once there was a
defective item being detected (Sawyer, Richard,
In retrospect, the average HIGH signal output was
2.7V, which fell within the tangible range of a good
IC chip. However, when the new testing policy is
adopted, the average HIGH signal output drops to
2.3v, which suggests a problematic output. The reason
could be ABCtronic’s method of sampling random
100 chips across lots for the quality test. There is no
separate chip testing only for those defective ones to
get their values of output, i.e., ABCtronic can have a
better idea on how far these chips are away from the
standards given by XYZsoft. As a result, it is
considered that ABCtronic is over-estimating the
output of the chip. In order to improve their
estimation, they don’t need to return the defective
chips. Given N=40, Sum of the observations=2276,
mean 𝑥̅ =2276/40=56.9, the standard
derivation=18.98 with the 90% confidence interval
(51.965, 61.835), which agrees with Robert’s analysis
of customer score that they are doing either good or
satisficing with his products. Based on statistic
analysis, n=61 is minimum sample size required to
shrink the margin of error to 4, i.e., analyze the mean
customer score with 90% confidence.
Let ABCtronics’ sales volume, overall market
demand, price per chip, and economic condition be
denoted by 1, 2, and 3, respectively. ABCtronics was
using a simple linear regression model for predicting
its sales figure. As a result, the estimated linear
regression equation of sales volume on overall market
demand is 𝑌
= 0.7534 + 0.00614𝑋
. From the R
Value, it can be concluded that only 28.49% of the
variation in the sales volume is explained by this
regression model. By using all three available
variables, if one runs a multiple linear regression
model, model Y will depict the effect of X
, X
, and
on Y. The estimated multiple linear regression
equation of sales volume on overall market demand,
price per chip, and economic condition is given
by: 𝑌
= 8.8607 − 0.0052𝑋
− 5.5.54𝑋
. At 5% level of significance, the p-value
for the overall market demand (X1) is more than 0.05
which is insignificant. Ignore X
, again the regression
analysis of Y and X
, X
is performed. 𝑌
6.4517 − 4.1356𝑋
+ 0.6062𝑋
, for this multiple
linear regression model, the calculated value of the
adjusted R
is 0.7996. In order to check for
multicollinearity, i.e., to see if there exists any linear
relationship between independent variables, they
have computed the variance inflation factor (VIF)
between X2 and X3 which is given by 𝑉𝐼𝐹
= 1.0473 . The computed value of VIF
signifies that the modified multiple linear regression
model is not suffered by the problem of
multicollinearity. The results for different models are
listed in Tables II-XIII.
Table 2: Simple linear regression model.
ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1.000 2.217 2.217 3.188 0.112
Residual 8.000 5.563 0.695
Total 9.000 7.780
Table 3: Simple linear regression model.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.534
R Square 0.285
Adjusted R Square 0.196
Standard Error 0.834
Observations 10.000
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
Table 4: Simple linear regression model.
t Stat P-value
Intercept 0.753 0.779 0.967 0.362 -1.044 2.551 -1.044 2.551
0.006 0.003 1.786 0.112 -0.002 0.014 -0.002 0.10
Table 5: Multiple linear regression model.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.953
R Square 0.908
Adjusted R Square 0.861
Standard Error 0.346
Observations 10.000
Table 6: Multiple linear regression model.
Regression 3.000 7.061 2.354 19.628 0.002
Residual 6.000 0.719 0.120
Total 9.000 7.780
Table 7: Multiple linear regression model.
t Stat
Intercept 8.861 1.348 6.572 0.001 5.562 12.160 5.562 12.160
-0.005 0.003 -2.028 0.089 -0.012 0.001 -0.012 0.001
Price per
-5.505 0.881 -6.246 0.001 -7.662 -3.349 -7.662 -3.349
Condition 1.130 0.342 3.304 0.016 0.293 1.967 0.293 1.967
Table 8: Multiple linear regression model(X2,X3 variables).
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.919
R Square 0.844
Adjusted R Square 0.800
Standard Error 0.416
Observations 10.000
Table 9: Multiple linear regression model(X2,X3 variables).
ression 2.000 6.568 3.284 18.960 0.001
Residual 7.000 1.212 0.173
Total 9.000 7.780
Market Sales Forecasting Related to the Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry
Table 10: Multiple linear regression model(X2,X3 variables).
t Stat
Intercept 6.452 0.766 8.422 0.000 4.640 8.263 4.640 8.263
Price per
-4.136 0.680 -6.079 0.001 -5.744 -2.527 -5.744 -2.527
Condition 0.606 0.269 2.250 0.059 -0.031 1.243 -0.031 1.243
Table 11: Test multicollinearity.
Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.213
R Square 0.045
Adjusted R Square -0.074
Standard Error 0.216
Observations 10.000
Table 12: Test multicollinearity.
ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1.000 0.018 0.018 0.379 0.555
Residual 8.000 0.374 0.047
Total 9.000 0.392
Table 13: Test multicollinearity.
t Stat
Intercept 1.092 0.097 11.293 0.000 0.869 1.315 0.869 1.315
Condition 0.084 0.137 0.616 0.555 -0.231 0.400 -0.231 0.400
As a matter of fact, the sales prediction model
proposed by SMT interns has both advantages and
disadvantages. As for disadvantages, the multiple
linear regression is more effective and practical to
predict or estimate the dependent variable by the
optimal combination of several independent variables
(Heinrichs, Nina, et al, 2009). Moreover, it also
considers the price per chip and economic condition,
hence it may be more all-around. Regarding to
advantages, the sales prediction model proposed by
SMT interns is simpler and easier to count. More
importantly, the effect of overall market demand is
larger than other two factors, one can deduct that
actually price per chips and economics condition both
contribute to the overall market demand, when price is
high, the demand is low, on the contrary, the price is
low, demand is high. Besides, the economic condition
is good, the demand is high. Therefore, one can
conclude that the overall market demand directly
affects the sales volume. In addition, Phil’s model
divides overall market demand into 3 level, the same
as sale volumes, which clearly demonstrate the
relationship between them.
Expected sales is about 2.061, thus the expected
sales figure for ABCtronics in this year is 2.061. From
the results in Tables II-XIII, it can easily know that,
when sales volume reach 3 million, total market
demand of PCs is over 200 and between 100 and 200,
i.e., the chance is 0.1+0.1=0.2.
As the semiconductor manufacturing company,
ABCtronic faces an economic challenge for two
reasons: (i) cyclical nature of demand and (ii) the high
cost associated with research and development.
Usually, one uses the way of monitoring some key
parameters for deviations to solve
“major scrap events”
(Prescott, Patricia A 1987, Yang 2019). Moreover, the
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
other problems are also discussed in memo part.
Additionally, it is considered that ABCtronic should
pay more attention to the XYZsoft, one of the major
clients of ABCtronics, uses IC chips on their personal
computers (PCs). Now that, the ABCtronic is the
biggest customer and also be the main source of
income, ABCtronic should avoid the problems about
chips, which cause much compliant from XYZsoft,
and let it return some chips to recheck and rework it.
From long term, it may do some damage to the stable
partnership between ABCtronic and XYZsoft.
In summary, the sales prediction based on
multifactorial linear regression models of ABCtronic
is carried out. According to the results, he ABCtronic
should put the quality of products at the first position.
Based on the analysis, one sees that the whole
semiconductor manufacturing industry is facing
fierce competition, and every company should face
the demand of market whenever it be good or bad, at
this time, the innovation or quality will be the most
powerful weapon. After all, it means less rework and
longer lifetime, which will save a lot of money
compared with the large investment in research and
development. Overall, these results offer a guideline
for sales prediction in terms of multi-variables.
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Market Sales Forecasting Related to the Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry