Analysis on the Application of Statistical Analysis in Enterprise
Economic Management
Ling Wang
Chongqing Aerospace Polytechnic, Chongqing, China
Keywords: Statistical Analysis, Enterprise Economic Management, Big Data, Application.
Abstract: With the rapid development of society, statistical analysis technology is gradually maturing, and its role is
most obvious in the application of enterprise economic management. The related decisions of enterprises are
realized according to the data obtained after statistical analysis. In this paper, by using big data technology,
aiming at the problems existing in traditional enterprise economic management, the author constructs an
application system of statistical analysis in enterprise economic management, which accords with the current
economic development. This system not only makes up for the problems existing in enterprise economic
management, but also effectively manages the data involved in enterprise economic management. Because it
fully analyzes the data, the decision-making of enterprises is more efficient and accurate.
Statistical analysis is the behavior of quantitative and
qualitative research on data by using statistical
methods. It is characterized by data nature, purpose
nature, and timeliness. After statistical analysis of
data information, it is beneficial to discover the value
of enterprise data information. Therefore, now many
business operators and managers pay more and more
attention to statistical analysis. The author thinks that
by using big data technology, the application system
of statistical analysis in enterprise economic
management can be constructed to solve the problems
existing in traditional enterprise economic
management, such as improper allocation of human
resources, inaccurate control of financial risks, lack
of evaluation of economic management system, so as
to improve enterprise management level and
statistical work quality, and then promote enterprises
to quickly form an efficient management mode and
achieve the goal of enterprise precise decision-
2.1 Big Data
Big data are collection of massive data. Big data is
specialized processing of data to obtain valuable data.
The essence of big data is to process large quantities
of data by using computer clusters. Big data is
characterized by abundance, diversity, timeliness and
value. Abundance is the most essential feature of
data. Big data has a huge amount of data, and the data
unit is at least PB, EB or ZB. Diversity is the multi-
dimensional manifestation of data types, such as
videos, pictures. Timeliness and value mean that big
data can quickly obtain high-value data information.
2.1.1 Overview of Big Data
Big data technology is realized through data
collection, data storage, data cleaning, data analysis,
data mining and data presentation. Its basic big data
processing technology framework is shown in Figure
Wang, L.
Analysis on the Application of Statistical Analysis in Enterprise Economic Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0011190500003440
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management (BDEDM 2022), pages 543-549
ISBN: 978-989-758-593-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Basic technical framework of big data processing.
Data collection: Use Flume NG, NDC, Sqoop,
Zookeeper and other technologies to collect the
structured and unstructured scattered mass data in the
network into the data warehouse. Data collection
includes file logs, database logs, and access to
relational databases. Data is generally presented in
the form of text, graphics, images, and videos.
Data storage: Storage tools, such as HBase,
Phoenix, Redis, and Kudu, are used to efficiently and
quickly process data due to the large amount of data
involved in data storage. When the data table
involved is more complicated, the data can be flexibly
compressed by using Parquet and ORC, so as to
significantly reduce the occupation of storage space.
Data cleaning: Data cleaning is a process of
reviewing and verifying data to ensure data
consistency by adding, deleting, and modifying data.
The methods used include missing data value
processing and outlier processing, and technologies
such as MapReduce, Oozie, and Azkaban.
Data analysis and mining: Use data for shallow
analysis, using SPSS, SAS, etc., and then use Hive,
Impala, Nutch, Elasticsearch, Mahout, machine
learning algorithm, etc., for high-end analysis and
Data display: Data display is data visualization,
which is to show the data results of data analysis and
mining, so as to guide managers to make decisions.
In the process of presentation, we need to use graphic
image processing, computer vision, modeling and
other methods to three-dimensional processing of
data results, such as Cufflinks, HoloViews,
Pyecharts, Bokeh.
Brief Introduction of Big Data
Flume: Flume is a tool for collecting data in big
data, and performs simple processing on data, such as
storage. Flume adopts a three-tier architecture, and
each tier can be extended horizontally. Flume
architecture collects the generated logs from the
external system (Web Server). By using the Source to
collect data sources into the channel, sink extracts
data from the channel and stores the data into the
HDFS file system. The extracted data can come from
multiple external systems.
HDFS: HDFS is the main storage engine of
Hadoop and the distributed file system of Hadoop. It
can be used for offline and massive data analysis. Its
characteristics are high fault tolerance, high
throughput and large file storage.
MapReduce: MapReduce is a query engine,
which is used for parallel computation of large-scale
data sets. The specific operation process is divided
into two steps. One is Map, which preprocesses the
original data, such as filtering the required data,
grouping it, and then distributing it to Reduce; the
second is Reduce, which summarizes the data. For
example, after receiving the distributed data, Reduce
starts to execute the custom calculation function or
logic, and finally gets the total data.
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
Hive: Hive is mainly used to map structured data
into a database table, and has the function of query.
Its advantage is that users can query, summarize and
analyze data in HDFS without writing MapReduce
program, only with standard SQL syntax.
Echarts: Echarts is the most basic tool for big data
visualization. It has the advantages of making maps:
first, it can be dynamic, for example, the sales of
various products in various places can be displayed in
one map; Second, it can not only make basic charts in
Word, but also make maps, heat maps, instrument
panels and so on.
2.2 Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis is to prove a theory or predict the
future development trend by collecting, sorting,
summarizing and analyzing data. Statistical analysis
can reflect not only the current situation of an
enterprise at a certain point, but also the dynamic
situation of a certain period, such as production and
operation. (
Wang, 2018
) It not only provides
information consulting services for decision makers,
but also provides quantitative boundaries between
economic phenomena for enterprises. The application
of statistical analysis knowledge is reflected in the
field of big data analysis. The analysis of big data
needs to be supported by statistical analysis
knowledge, and the two promote and develop
In the process of statistical analysis need to use
statistical analysis tools, such as statistical index
method, dynamic analysis, ratio analysis,
comparative analysis. The function of statistical
analysis method can be divided into three aspects:
one is to show the law of objective things; the other
is to determine the quantitative limit of qualitative
change of things according to the law of quantitative
change; the third is to reveal the new law that has not
been discovered. It is characterized by quantity and
3.1 System Requirements
Economic management belongs to the most
important part of enterprise management, economic
management level will directly affect the enterprise
profit, and then extended to the enterprise
development strategy formulation, (
Dong, 2015
) and
now exists in the economic management of
enterprises human resource values, lack of financial
risk control is not comprehensive and economic
management system evaluation. This will seriously
affect the improvement of comprehensive strength of
enterprises, and even hinder the sustainable
development of enterprises. Therefore, enterprise
economic management needs human resource
module, financial risk control module and evaluation
system as the guarantee in the process of enterprise
economic management. Specific analysis is as
First, the human resources department. The
human resources module needs to increase the input
of human resources, such as increasing the staff of the
human resources department and setting up an
independent human resources department;
Reasonable allocation of human resources, such as
the position and staff ability and technology
matching; In view of employees' sense of collective
achievement and superiority, measures such as
performance evaluation and reward and punishment
system should be set up to improve employees'
enthusiasm for work. (
Hou, 2015, Yang, 2015, Cao,
2015, Li, 2014
) Second, finance Department. The
finance department to strictly control the enterprises
in the operating activities, financing activities,
investing activities such as risks, such as enterprise in
the process of operation, without fully considering
the cash flow, capital allocation and other problems,
can appear the phenomenon such as shortage of
funds, unable to pay his debts, letting the
phenomenon development, will affect the normal
operation of the capital chain, even the results of the
enterprise bankruptcy. (
Chen, 2019, Wu, 2018
Third, enterprise economic management. Enterprise
economic management needs to set up economic
management system evaluation, in order to avoid the
enterprise because of excessive pursuit of economic
interests and blindly make decisions, resulting in
economic losses, customer loss and other
Now we need big data technology and statistical
analysis to solve these demand problems, so as to
promote the informatization process of enterprise
economic management, improve the decision-
making level of enterprises, and achieve the purpose
of efficient management and efficient income of
3.2 Overall Design
In view of the above enterprise economic
management involved in the demand, now design a
statistical analysis in the enterprise economic
management application system, using the system to
Analysis on the Application of Statistical Analysis in Enterprise Economic Management
solve the above demand problems. The application of
statistical analysis in enterprise economic
management is realized through the management
information system, as shown in Figure 2. The
management information system is built by using
Web technology, statistical analysis tools and big
data technology. Users enter the management
information system through the website, view reports
and charts, and make relevant decisions. The system
consists of five parts: data source, data sorting, data
analysis, application data and system evaluation.
Among them, the data source is the data information
of human resources department, finance department,
business department, technology development
department and other departments; data sorting is to
clean and convert the data source and organize it into
a format that is conducive to data analysis; analysis
data analyze the collated data by using statistical
analysis tools and big data analysis technology;
application data is to visualize the results of analysis
data in the form of reports and charts. System
evaluation is to evaluate the application process of
statistical analysis in enterprise economic
management, which is beneficial for enterprises to
reflect and adjust themselves.
Figure 2: Management Information System.
This part focuses on the introduction of human
resources department, finance department and system
evaluation, and the specific functional modules are
shown in Figure 3. The specific functional modules
of Human Resources Department include employee
information management, employee assessment
management and employee position matching
management; the specific functional modules of the
financial department include financial data
management, financial risk management and
financial risk early warning mechanism management;
the specific functional modules of the evaluation
system include enterprise data information
evaluation, human resource decision evaluation and
financial decision evaluation. Through the
construction of the evaluation functions of human
resources department, finance department and
system, it makes up for the defect that the human
resources department does not pay attention to it,
comprehensively controls the occurrence of financial
risks, and improves the evaluation system of
enterprise economic management, thus making
enterprise economic management more intelligent,
systematic, informational and efficient, which not
only improves the decision-making level of
enterprises, but also makes the development direction
of enterprises clear.
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
Figure 3: Specific function module.
The following is a detailed introduction to the
4.1 Human Resource Department
Employee information management. Employee
information management is to use Flume to collect
the data information of the data source human
resources department, store it with the help of HDFS,
clean and convert the data with MapReduce and
spark, and send the unqualified data information such
as outliers and duplicate values to the manager. The
manager decides whether to filter or correct these
data information. In this process, it ensures the
intelligence, comprehensiveness and precision of the
data information management used by the
enterprises, improves the utilization rate of data and
information by the department, avoids the loss of data
and information, and saves human and material
Employee assessment and management. It is
necessary to establish an assessment system in
employee assessment management. The system
needs to analyze and query the cleaned and converted
employee information by using Hive in big data
technology, and then use the visualization tool
Echarts to obtain reports or charts related to employee
information. By viewing reports and charts,
formulate a system to motivate employees to work
efficiently through rewards and punishments.
Employee position matching management. By
viewing and analyzing the report or chart of
employee information, we can transfer the employees
who are not suitable for the current position or whose
position is insufficient to give full play to the
employees' value. It is not only conducive to the
employees' efficient work, but also conducive to the
employees' sense of satisfaction, accomplishment and
superiority. (
Jia, 2016
4.2 Financial Department
Financial data management. Data collection, storage,
cleaning and conversion in financial data
management are the same processes and tools as
employee information management in human
resources. Through this process, financial data can be
more accurate and comprehensive, and error data
caused by manual data entry, collation and review can
be avoided.
Financial risk management. To analyze and query
the processed data in the financial data management
module, we need to use Hive in big data technology
and statistical analysis tools, such as comparative
analysis, ratio analysis and statistical index analysis.
By looking at the results of data analysis, managers
can not only know the source and destination of
internal financial data, but also optimize the capital
structure and allocate funds reasonably. It is not only
conducive to the current management of enterprises,
but also conducive to planning the future
development of enterprises.
Financial risk early warning mechanism
management. The financial risk early warning
Analysis on the Application of Statistical Analysis in Enterprise Economic Management
mechanism is to monitor the potential risks generated
in the business management activities in real time. It
is based on the financial data and business plan of the
enterprise, and uses statistical analysis tools and
modeling methods to inform the enterprise of the
crisis that the enterprise has faced and will face in
advance and take corresponding preventive
measures. In this way, enterprises can avoid financial
crisis caused by decision-making mistakes or existing
problems of enterprises themselves, and minimize
financial risks.
4.3 System Evaluation
Enterprise data information evaluation. Enterprise
data information evaluation is to evaluate the reports
and charts related to human resources and financial
departments. It evaluates the integrity, timeliness,
legitimacy, uniqueness, consistency, accuracy and
timeliness of data information. The evaluation results
are graded by the frequency of data information
quality problems (frequency of data information
quality problems = times of data information quality
problems/total data stored). According to the
frequency greater than equal to 1, less than 0.5 and
intermediate value is divided into three levels,
respectively, grade one is poor quality, need to be key
monitoring; grade three is good quality, continue to
maintain; grade two quality is general, need to find
the source of the problem. Through data and
information evaluation, we can understand the
current status of the enterprise and determine the
future development direction of the enterprise.
Human resource decision evaluation. According
to the decision-making of human resources
department, it can be judged whether it is beneficial
to the development of enterprises, such as increasing
investment in human resources department, making
decisions to improve job matching degree, and
making employee appraisal system, etc. The score
reduction system needs to be used in the
determination process. The score reduction system is
based on the performance appraisal of the
department, and the performance appraisal is aimed
at employees' work efficiency, mastery of theoretical
knowledge and attitude towards work, with a total of
10-point system, the work attitude is 4 points, and the
other is 3 points each. When the score drops to 3
points, it is judged that there is something wrong with
the decision-making and adjustment is needed.
Through the evaluation of human resources decision-
making, it is beneficial to timely adjust the decision-
making of enterprises to departments, so as not to
cause more problems.(
Zhang, 2017
Financial decision evaluation. It is to evaluate the
economic decisions made by enterprises, such as
meeting the daily business activities of enterprises
and ensuring the normal operation of enterprises as a
whole; when arranging the reasonable funds in fund-
raising activities, we should consider that the
enterprise has the ability to pay off debts; implement
real-time tracking of investment projects, and feed
back the profit and loss of investment projects in
time, so as to decide whether to make additional
investment or divestment. The evaluation also
implements the score reduction system, aiming at the
situation that the loss and profit amount of the
enterprise are small, the enterprise adjusts the
decision. Through this evaluation, it is conducive to
timely stop loss, thus improving the profitability of
enterprises. (
Lei, 2020, Cui, 2020, Pan, 2020
The application of statistical analysis in enterprise
economic management is built through centralized
management of enterprise human resources
department and financial department, which not only
shows that enterprises attach importance to human
resources department, but also comprehensively
controls the occurrence of financial risks. The
construction of this system is conducive to promoting
the information management of enterprise data and
improving the efficiency of enterprise decision-
making. After replacing departments and data, the
system can also be applied to other departments of the
enterprise, so as to realize the clarity of data in each
link of the enterprise and further make the enterprise
develop better. Similarly, modern enterprises also
need to build this system to achieve the goal of
maximizing the economic benefits of enterprises.
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Hou Dawei, Yang Wenjing, Cao Shuai. (2015) Problems
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BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
Jia Li. (2016) On the application of statistical analysis
method in enterprise human resource management.
Shopping mall modernization.
Lei Yunchi. (2020) Application of statistical analysis in the
field of economic management. Marketing.
Li Jun. (2014) Research on the role development of
enterprise human resource management. Nankai
Wang Renjie. (2018) Analysis on the method of statistical
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Wu Qianyi. (2018) Development trend of economic
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Zhang Shiwei. (2017) Analysis on the application of
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Analysis on the Application of Statistical Analysis in Enterprise Economic Management