Analysis of Coordinated Development of Tourism and New
Urbanization in Anhui Province based on Entropy Weight-TOPSIS
Yu Zhang
and KaiLi Hao
Department of Applied Economics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Anning, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
Department of Environmental Design, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Anning, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
Keywords: New Urbanization, Tourism, Coupling Coordination, Entropy Weight-TOPSIS.
Abstract: Taking the data of tourism industry and new urbanization in Anhui Province from 2006 to 2018 as the research
object, this paper calculates the comprehensive development index by entropy weight-TOPSIS, and analyzes
the coupling coordination relationship between tourism and new urbanization combined with coupling
coordination degree model. The results show that the comprehensive development level of tourism and new
urbanization in Anhui Province has been significantly improved from 2006 to 2018, with fluctuations in
individual years.There is a strong coupling effect between the two, and the degree of coupling coordination
is increasing year by year, from mild imbalance to good coordination, and the degree of development from
the lag of new urbanization to the lag of tourism, which indicates that the two are gradually penetrating, but
the promotion relationship of integration and coordinated development has not been fully established.
Since the 70th anniversary of the founding of the
People's Republic of China, the scale and speed of
urbanization in China have reached a record high.
However, in the process of traditional urbanization,
problems such as excessive expansion of scale,
shrinking environmental resources, lack of public
facilities and decline of traditional culture have
become increasingly prominent (Dou 2015).
Therefore, the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012
proposed to "take the new path of urbanization with
Chinese characteristics", promoting the coordinated
development of large, medium and small cities and
towns, and the integration of industries and towns. In
this context, tourism, as an industry with strong
relevance, is one of the most important new driving
forces in promoting the construction of new
urbanization. However, since the relationship
between the development elements of urbanization
and urban tourism is not always one-way or positive
effect, the coupling and coordinated development
relationship between the two is a problem that the
local government must pay attention to and consider.
Based on the literature review, the research
methods of domestic scholars on the relationship
between tourism development and new urbanization
are mostly qualitative research and logical reasoning,
and the content mainly focuses on the interaction
between rural tourism, regional tourism, tourism-
related industries and new urbanization construction.
In recent years, more and more scholars have begun
to demonstrate the coupling mode and coordination
relationship between the two from different research
perspectives, such as industry generation cycle,
spatio-temporal difference (Fu 2017) and industry-
city integration (Zhang 2016), combining TOPSIS
(Luo 2008), entropy method, coupling coordination
model (Pang 2014) and other quantitative analysis
2.1 Overview of the Study Area
Anhui Province is located in central China, straddling
the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, covering an area
of 139,400 square kilometers, accounting for 1.45%
of the country (Liu 2013). Since the "12th Five-Year
Plan", the urbanization level of Anhui Province has
been rapidly and continuously improved, and has
begun to enter the city-led society, the network urban
Zhang, Y. and Hao, K.
Analysis of Coordinated Development of Tourism and New Urbanization in Anhui Province based on Entropy Weight-TOPSIS.
DOI: 10.5220/0011156400003440
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management (BDEDM 2022), pages 41-46
ISBN: 978-989-758-593-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
system has basically formed, and the ability of urban
sustainable development has been significantly
improved. The local tourism resources have unique
advantages, especially since the government
formulated the tourism development strategy, the
comprehensive strength of tourism has risen
substantially. Transportation infrastructure and
reception service facilities have been significantly
improved, tourism economic income and the number
of tourists have been increasing, and the benefits of
tourism people's livelihood have been significantly
However, there is a relative lack of discussion on
the coupled and coordinated development of tourism
and new urbanization in Anhui Province, and there is
still room for in-depth research.
2.2 Research Methods
2.2.1 Entropy Weight-TOPSIS Method
Entropy weight-TOPSIS is an improvement of the
traditional TOPSIS evaluation method, which
involves entropy weight method and TOPSIS
respectively, but its core lies in TOPSIS. Specifically,
the entropy weight method is firstly used to determine
the weight of each evaluation index, and then
TOPSIS is used to obtain the approximate program
value of each evaluation object, which is used to
judge and measure the ranking of the evaluation
2.2.2 Coupling Coordination Degree Model
Due to the differences in the development level of the
two subsystems of tourism and new urbanization, the
development level of the two subsystems will be low,
but the coupling degree will be high. In order to avoid
this illusion, the coordination degree model of
tourism and new urbanization is introduced to
objectively reflect the coordinated development
degree of the two subsystems (Gao 2013), calculated
as follows:
Where C is the coupling degree of the two
subsystems; C1 and C2 are the comprehensive
evaluation indexes of new urbanization and tourism
respectively. D is the coupling coordination degree; α
and β reflect the importance of the two subsystems.
According to previous research experience, they are
set to 0.5 respectively. According to D value, the
degree and type of system coupling coordination
degree are divided into 10 grades (Liao 1999) (Table
Table 1: Classification Types of Coupling Coordination
ion Type
A phase
of dissonance
and decay
[0.3,0.4) Mild disorder
On the verge of
al stage of
3.1 Construction of Evaluation Index
Due to the complexity of tourism and new
urbanization, it is necessary to construct multiple
index systems to evaluate the comprehensive
development level of these two systems (Zhang
2017). Following the principles of scientificity,
representativeness and accessibility, this paper
constructs a tourism evaluation index system from
four aspects of tourism revenue, tourism market,
tourism industry and tourism supporting
environment. The evaluation index system of new
urbanization is constructed from seven aspects,
including population, economy, space, society,
ecology, urban and rural areas, and scientific research
innovation, with 46 specific indicators in the criterion
layer (Table 2).
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
Table 2: Index System for Tourism and New Urbanization.
Target Layer
Indicator Layer
Domestic tourism income (10,000 yuan) +
Foreign exchange income from international tourism (USD 10,000) +
Proportion of total tourism revenue to GDP (%) +
Growth rate of total tourism revenue (%) +
Number of domestic tourists +
Number of inbound tourists receive
Growth rate of domestic tourists (%) +
Growth rate of inbound tourists (%) +
Number of A-level and above tourist attractions +
Number of travel agencies +
Number of tourism star hotels +
Total number of employees in the tourism industry +
Number of graduates from secondary vocational tourism schools +
Passenger transport turnover (100 million person-km) +
Number of National Nature Reserves +
Proportion of urban population (%) +
Urban employment +
Number of college students per 10,000 population +
Proportion of employees in secondary and tertiary industries (%) +
Urban built-up area (km
Per capita park green area (m
son) +
Per capita living space of urban residents (m
/person) +
Urban per capita road area (m
/person) +
Per capita GDP (yuan) +
Proportion of output value of secondary and tertiary industries (%) +
Investment in fixed assets (10,000 yuan) +
Average wage of staff and workers in urban units (yuan) +
National financial education funds (10,000 yuan) +
Number of people with professional health skills per 10,000 people +
Number of beds in medical and health institutions per 1,000 people +
Number of cultural station institutions +
Number of public transport vehicles per 10,000 urban residents +
Number of urban basic medical insurance participants (10,000
Centralized treatment rate of urban sewage treatment plant (%) +
Comprehensive utilization rate of industrial solid waste (%) +
Cleaning area of urban roads (10,000 m
Green coverage rate of built-up area (%) +
Equal value of energy consumption per unit GDP (ton of standard
coal/10,000 yuan)
Proportion of investment in environmental pollution control to GDP
Ratio of per capita consumption level in rural and urban areas (%) +
Ratio of rural to urban Engel coefficient (%) -
Ratio of rural disposable income to urban disposable income (%) +
Research and
Proportion of R&D expenditure to GDP (%) +
Number of teachers and students of institutions of higher learning in
the cit
Number of technological institutions of large and medium-sized
industrial enterprises
Number of patents authorize
Analysis of Coordinated Development of Tourism and New Urbanization in Anhui Province based on Entropy Weight-TOPSIS
3.2 Data Resource
The data used in this study are from the 2006-2019
Statistical Yearbook of China and Anhui Province.
Some unattainable data were assigned by linear
fitting and growth trend prediction.
4.1 Analysis on the Comprehensive
Development Level
From Figure 1, the comprehensive development level
of new urbanization in Anhui Province has gradually
improved from 2006 to 2018, and its comprehensive
evaluation index has increased from 0.148 in 2006 to
0.898 in 2018, an increase of about 5.07 times,
indicating that the development of new urbanization
in Anhui Province has been greatly improved. The
figure shows that the level of new urbanization in
Anhui Province declined slightly from 2006 to 2009.
2007-2018, the index rose rapidly and steadily.
Especially after the promulgation of the New
Urbanization Development Plan of Anhui Province
(2016-2025) issued in 2017, the index showed a slight
acceleration trend, and began to slow down in 2018,
but it has reached a high level in the research period.
Figure 1: Comprehensive Development Level of New Urbanization.
As shown in Figure 2, the tourism comprehensive
evaluation index of Anhui Province showed an
overall upward trend from 2006 to 2018, but the
increase was not large, from 0.276(2006) to
0.56(2018), and the tourism development index
increased by about 1.03 times. During the study
period, the development of tourism in Anhui
Province experienced two significant increases: from
0.206 to 0.271 from 2009 to 2011, and from 0.428 to
0.576 from 2012 to 2017.This shows that the overall
level of tourism economic development in Anhui
province has been greatly improved, and the tourism
industry continues to mature, which also plays a
certain role in promoting the construction of
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
Figure 2: Comprehensive Development Level of Tourism.
4.2 Analysis on Coupling Coordination
From Table 3, the coupling degree of tourism and
new urbanization in Anhui Province from 2006 to
2018 is above 0.8, which is a high-level coupling.
During the study period, the comprehensive
coordination index between tourism and new
urbanization is increasing, and the coupling
coordination degree between them is also increasing.
Except for a slight decline in 2007, the overall
experience of 6 stages is as follows: Mild dissonance
(2007), near dissonance (2006, 2008-2009), barely
coordinated (2010), primary coordination (2011-
2012), intermediate coordination (2013-2016) and
good coordination (2017-2018) are above the average
level. However, there is still a certain gap from high-
quality coordination, and there is still room for
improvement (Table 3).
Table 3: Coupling Coordination between Tourism and New Urbanization in Anhui Province from 2006 to 2018.
Year C1 C2 C T D Coordination level Coupling coordination type
2006 0.148 0.276 0.953 0.212 0.450 On the verge of disorder New urbanization development lags behind
2007 0.089 0.285 0.852 0.187 0.399 Mild disorder New urbanization development lags behind
2008 0.174 0.214 0.995 0.194 0.439 On the verge of disorder New urbanization development lags behind
2009 0.244 0.206 0.996 0.225 0.473 On the verge of disorder Tourism development lags behind
2010 0.320 0.271 0.997 0.295 0.543 Barely coordinated Tourism development lags behind
2011 0.428 0.472 0.999 0.450 0.670 Primary coordination Development is basically synchronized
2012 0.516 0.428 0.996 0.472 0.686 Primary coordination Tourism development lags behind
2013 0.611 0.470 0.991 0.540 0.732 Intermediate coordination Tourism development lags behind
2014 0.669 0.510 0.991 0.59 0.764 Intermediate coordination Tourism development lags behind
2015 0.739 0.4550 0.971 0.597 0.761 Intermediate coordination Tourism development lags behind
2016 0.790 0.515 0.978 0.653 0.799 Intermediate coordination Tourism development lags behind
2017 0.862 0.576 0.980 0.719 0.839 Good coordination Tourism development lags behind
2018 0.898 0.560 0.973 0.729 0.842 Good coordination Tourism development lags behind
a. C1: New Urbanization Development Index; C2: Tourism Development Index; C: Coupling degree; T: Comprehensive
Coordination Index; D: Comprehensive Coordination Index.
Analysis of Coordinated Development of Tourism and New Urbanization in Anhui Province based on Entropy Weight-TOPSIS
In this paper, the index evaluation system for tourism
and new urbanization is proposed. The entropy
weight-TOPSIS and coupling coordination degree
model is used in evaluation of the relationship
between tourism industry and new urbanization. The
main conclusions are as follows:
In terms of development trend, the coupling
coordination between tourism and new urbanization
in Anhui Province has been increasing, among which
2007 was in the dysfunctional recession stage, during
which the development of new urbanization lagged
behind the development of tourism, the level of town
construction was still a certain distance from the goal
of new urbanization planning, and the awareness of
building a modern city with ecological livability was
not strong enough; 2008-2010 was in the transitional
development stage. In this period, the pace of new
urbanization development accelerated, and the
development of tourism industry lagged behind the
development level of new urbanization in both
2009&2010, mainly due to the fact that tourism
industry received greater impact from the economic
downturn and lower tourism revenue; 2011-2018 was
in the coordinated development stage, and the
coupling coordination index of tourism industry and
new urbanization was in a period of steady
improvement in this period. In 2011, the development
of tourism and new urbanization was basically
synchronized, and then it changed to tourism
development lagging behind new urbanization, and
the gap has always existed, This is because the
concept of developing tourism economy and the
relative system and mechanism are not perfect
enough, and the development space of tourism has
not been fully explored; With the concept of "new
urbanization" put forward in 2012, the attention and
construction of new urbanization have been
significantly enhanced, so the level of urbanization
development has been improved. Overall, tourism
economy coordinated development and new
urbanization development is not yet implemented
fusion, the promoting function of tourism
development on the new urbanization has not been
released in full. Therefore, the potential of tourism
resources in Anhui Province needs to be further
developed, and the relevant strategic measures should
be strengthened in order to better realize the
synergistic development of tourism and new
urbanization (Table 3).
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BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management