Comparing Deep Learning Models for Multi-label Classification of
Arabic Abusive Texts in Social Media
Salma Abid Azzi and Chiraz Ben Othmane Zribi
National School of Computer Science, Manouba University, Tunisia
Natural Language Processing, Multi-label Classification, Deep Learning, Arabic Language, Abusive Texts,
Social Media, Convolutional Neural Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks.
Facing up to abusive texts in social networks is gradually becoming a mainstream NLP research topic. How-
ever, the detection of its specific related forms is still scarce. The majority of automatic solutions cast the prob-
lem into a two-class or three-class classification issue not taking into account its variety of aspects. Specifically
in the Arabic language, as one of the most widely spoken languages, social media abusive texts are written in a
mix of different dialects which further complicates the detection process. The goal of this research is to detect
eight specific subtasks of abusive language in Arabic social platforms, namely Racism, Sexism, Xenophobia,
Violence, Hate, Pornography, Religious hatred, and LGBTQ
Hate. To conduct our experiments, we evaluated
the performance of CNN, BiLSTM, and BiGRU deep neural networks with pre-trained Arabic word embed-
dings (AraVec). We also investigated the recent Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers
(BERT) model with its special tokenizer. Results show that DNN classifiers achieved nearly the same perfor-
mance with an overall average precision of 85%. Moreover, although all the deep learning models obtained
very close results, BERT slightly outperformed the others with a precision of 90% and a micro-averaged F1
score of 79%.
The power of social media has leaped forward with
the ever-growing number of users’ generated data.
The high variance of this data led progressively to
the creation of new evaluation metrics. In fact, great
content nowadays is not necessarily the one that pro-
vides valuable information but rather the one that cre-
ates interactions between the audiences such as com-
ments, likes, shares. . . etc. Consequently, content
generators who seek views and popularity tended to
produce provocative posts as the easiest solution to
stimulate all kinds of interactions, especially abusive
text comments. This kind of practice, together with
the freedom of expression and the anonymity offered
by social platforms, further stimulated online abuse
towards individuals and groups.
It is alarming nowadays how abusive texts are
ubiquitous in several sub-forms. Spreading this kind
of text is no longer confined to private conversations,
but now invades all social media public sites. Some
sub-forms, such as racism or sexism, target vulnera-
The ”LGBTQ” acronym stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-
sexual, Transgender, and Queer or Questioning.
ble groups while others are simply based on either dis-
tinguishing traits or trendy events. Examples include
the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic where a spike of
xenophobia against Asians was observed.
While manual solutions are still used to detect
such behaviors on social platforms, their high risk
of error and the enormous cost in terms of time con-
sumption remain two major drawbacks. Therefore, it
has proved essential to implement automatic detec-
tion techniques using Natural Language Processing
and Artificial Intelligence solutions.
In the past years, it is worthy to mention that this
issue was predominately coarse-grained since works
generally performed binary or ternary classifications.
Nowadays, researchers are tending to go deeper by
investigating multiclass classification where an in-
stance belongs to one class among four or more other
classes. In our research, we consider transcending
these classical classifications to examine at a finer
level of granularity the phenomenon of abusive texts
in Arabic social media. Eight different classes are
investigated, namely: Racism, Sexism, Xenophobia,
Religious hatred, Violence, Hate, Pornography, and
LGBTQ Hate. In real life, these classes are non-
Azzi, S. and Zribi, C.
Comparing Deep Learning Models for Multi-label Classification of Arabic Abusive Texts in Social Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0011141700003266
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2022), pages 374-381
ISBN: 978-989-758-588-3; ISSN: 2184-2833
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mutually exclusive: a random text may belong to two
or more classes at the same time or to none of them.
This implies that we are not performing a simple mul-
ticlassification but rather a multi-label classification.
As mentioned in prior work (Abid and Zribi,
2020), deep learning architectures have shown a
strong learning capacity that led to their highly pro-
gressive and extensive use in English and Arabic
texts’ classification problems. They are continuously
proving a high capacity to take up various NLP chal-
lenges. On this basis, we decided, in our work, to
investigate and compare four famous models for clas-
sifying abusive multi-labeled texts in the Arabic lan-
guage: These models are CNN, BiLSTM, BiGRU,
and BERT.
Moreover, our study does not only exploit mod-
ern standard Arabic data but also covers dialectical
Arabic with its variety of forms used in real life and
social platforms. It is also noteworthy that the dataset
we created to conduct our experiments has a multi-
platform nature as it was retrieved from two different
social networks, which are Twitter and YouTube.
This paper is organized as follows: In section 2,
we go through the existing research on Arabic abu-
sive texts detection in social networks. Section 3 ex-
plains the steps we took to prepare our multi-label
dataset. Afterward, our baseline model is detailed to-
gether with the implemented deep learning architec-
tures in section 4. Finally, we highlight and discuss
the experimental results for future research in section
In this section, we review previous research studies
on abusive language detection in Arabic social media.
Works are classified by their level of granularity.
Firstly, we introduce multiclass classification contri-
butions which are relatively scarce, especially in the
Arabic language. Then, related binary and ternary
classification contributions are presented.
Multiclass Classification: Recent work by (Al-
Hassan and Al-Dossari, 2021) aimed to classify Ara-
bic tweets into 5 distinct classes: none, religious,
racial, sexism, or general hate. As classes are mutu-
ally exclusive, authors in (Al-Hassan and Al-Dossari,
2021) defined the general hate class as ”Any general
type of hate which is not mentioned in the previous
classes. Whether it contains: general hatred, obscene,
offensive and abusive words that are not related to re-
ligion, race or sex”. In the same work, the evaluation
of various deep learning models showed that adding
a layer of CNN to LTSM enhances the overall perfor-
mance of detection with 72% precision, 75% recall,
and 73% F1 score. (Duwairi et al., 2021) also took
into consideration the existence of hate speech sub-
types and created ArHS: A Multiclass Arabic Hate
Speech Dataset. They followed a lexicon-based ap-
proach using Twitter4J API for crawling and relied on
crowdsourcing for annotation. The final size of ArHS
consisted of 9833 tweets classified into Misogyny,
Racism, Religious Discrimination, Abusive, and Nor-
mal. To conduct their experiments, (Duwairi et al.,
2021) additionally investigated the performance of
two publically available datasets after reannotating
them to fit the multiclass structure of ArHS. Binary,
ternary, and multi-class classification were carried out
on both ArHS and the combined Dataset. The CNN-
LSTM and the BiLSTM-CNN architectures achieved
both the best accuracy for multi-class classification
with 73% and 65% respectively on ArHs and the com-
bined dataset.
Two-class and Three-class Classification:
(Abu Farha and Magdy, 2020) is the ”SMASH”
team submission to the OSACT4: Open-Source
Arabic Corpora and Corpora Processing Tools shared
tasks on offensive language (Subtask A) and hate
speech detection (Subtask B) in the Arabic language.
The dataset provided contains 10,000 tweets split into
training, development, and testing sets. Extremely
imbalanced, only 19% of the tweets are tagged as
offensive and 5% of the tweets are tagged as hate
speech. The authors carried out various experiments
covering a variety of approaches that include deep
learning, transfer learning and multitask learning.
Results showed that the multitask learning models
achieved the best results with a macro F1 score of
0.904 for subtask A and 0.737 for subtask B. The
same dataset was used in (Saeed et al., 2020) and
(Hassan et al., 2020). (Saeed et al., 2020) named
their own approach “ESOTP” (Ensembled Stacking
classifier over Optimized Thresholded Predictions
of multiple deep models). It is a classification
pipeline where they trained NN, BLSTM, BGRU,
and BLSTM+CNN 550 times. The predictions were
used as a new training set for an ensemble of a Na¨ıve
Bayes classifier, a Logistic Regression model, a Sup-
port Vector Machine, a Nearest Neighbours classifier,
and a Random Forest. ESTOP achieved 87.37% F1
for subtask A (ranked 6/35) and 79.85% for subtask B
(ranked 5/30). As for (Hassan et al., 2020), a system
combination of Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) achieved the best
results for offensive language detection and ranked
1st in the official results with an F1-score of 90.51%
while SVMs were more effective than DNNs for hate
Comparing Deep Learning Models for Multi-label Classification of Arabic Abusive Texts in Social Media
speech detection with F1-macro score of 80.63%.
The same dataset was also used in (Aldjanabi et al.,
2021) along with two other publically available
datasets to develop a classification system using
multi-task learning (MTL). Significant performance
was achieved in the three of them.
Authors in (Faris et al., 2020) created their own
Twitter dataset targeting the problem of hate speech
in Arab countries. 3696 tweets were annotated to
Hate, Normal, or Neutral, and promising results were
achieved using a combination of CNN and LSTM
with AraVec. Finally, (Alshalan and Al-Khalifa,
2020) first made sure that the dataset they created
covers racist, religious, and ideological hate speech
by choosing oriented keywords while retrieving data
from Twitter. The resulting 9316 tweets were later
labeled as normal, abusive, or hateful. Then, sev-
eral neural network models were investigated based
on CNN, RNN, and BERT. Results showed that CNN
achieved the best performance of 79% as F1-score.
In our research, we decided to go deeper in investigat-
ing abusive language by considering eight of its vari-
ous manifestations which are Racism, Sexism, Xeno-
phobia, Religious hatred, Violence, Hate, Pornogra-
phy, and LGBTQ Hate. We differentiate each by the
targeted vulnerable groups and their intended charac-
teristics like religious belief, gender, sexual orienta-
tion... etc. Unfortunately, abusive words in real life
and social media are not necessarily classified under
a single specific subform. As a matter of fact, abusive
people generally believe they have all the right to dis-
criminate against others whether on the basis of their
races, genders, sexual orientation, or even all at once.
The following example is a tweet expressing sexism,
LGBTQ Hate, and religious hatred at the same time.
ÊÓ ú
@ AK
Ë@ ù
Ë@ ð
@ ÉJ
@ð PA
”May Allah’s curse be upon you, Satan. You got
tired of your routine so you made us a generation of
gays and feminists. Jews, unbelievers, and atheists
have not been enough for you!”
That’s why, we are dealing in this paper with a
multilabel classification problem where a sample may
be assigned to multiple labels or none of them, unlike
multiclass classification problems where one and only
one label can be assigned to each sample.
This section describes the process we went
through to construct our dataset. To the best of our
knowledge, it is the first multi-label, multi-platform,
dialectical Arabic dataset so far.
3.1 Data Collection and Annotation
To perform the data collection, we used two famous
social platforms which are Twitter and YouTube, each
with a different extraction technique. Firstly, we re-
trieved data from Twitter using the application pro-
gram interface (API) with a newly created developer
account. We developed a python program to fetch the
tweets based on a keyword approach. To ensure per-
tinence to our target application, we built the dedi-
cated keyword list so that it covers all the classes in
our work. Over 50 000 tweets were collected from all
over the Arabic world.
As per the YouTube platform, a topic-based ap-
proach was applied with the main aim to create a
cross-platform dataset that does not rely solely on a
keyword-based search. In fact, most of the existing
datasets restrict the extracted abusive texts to those
containing explicit keywords and neglect the context-
aware abusive ones. As mentioned in (Alakrot et al.,
2018), YouTube represents a wide range of societal
attitudes and thus is appropriate as a source for in-
vestigating the interaction between people. That’s
why, we firstly selected trendy topics and events in
the Arabic world that had triggered, in one way or
another, abusive attitudes. Examples include the po-
litical conflict in the Tunisian Parliament between two
feminine members where one of whom was brunette.
This event evoked racist attitudes and interactions es-
pecially with the shared videos recording the entire
incident. Videos calling for Jihadism belong also to
the pool of content that stimulate violent comments
and religious hatred attitudes. After that, we selected
the relevant comments containing any of the abusive
subforms to be included in our dataset.
After an extensive data cleaning from any irrele-
vant or redundant samples, we performed manual an-
notation for the 6000 texts. We decided to conduct a
two-steps procedure since we are dealing with a mul-
tilabel classification problem. The first step consists
in deciding whether the text is abusive or not, while
the second step is to assign the corresponding eight
labels only to the samples already annotated as abu-
sive. In table 1, we provide what constitutes each of
the subclasses in our research.
1914 out of the 6000 lines (31%) were labeled as
Normal while the rest is marked as abusive. As shown
in figure 1, the instances belonging at least to one of
the abusive subclasses exceed those that do not belong
to any of them. The percentage of the clean instances
for each subclass is then depicted in figure 2.
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Table 1: General overview of the dataset along with the classes’ description.
Class Description
Racism When a text contains any kind of discrimination against others based on their
Sexism Any prejudice based on one’s sex or gender.
Religious hatred It is the manifestation of hatred towards persons by reference to their religious
belief or lack of religious belief.
Xenophobia Any dislike or hatred of a group of persons belonging to a different country,
region, or tribe.
Violence All sort of text that contains any kind of glorification or incitement to commit
violent acts.
Hate Threatening and hateful speech through which a person intends to humiliate,
discriminate, or express hatred towards others.
Pornography The depiction of any sexual content that may also promote pedophilia or sexual
LGBTQ Hate Any kind of texts that express violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen-
der, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals.
Figure 1: The percentage of normal and abusive texts in the
Figure 2: Labels distribution in the dataset.
3.2 Preprocessing
In order to feed a coherent form of data as an input
to our models, we firstly performed several prepro-
cessing steps, which are vital when dealing with quite
noisy and colloquial texts from social media. It is fur-
ther crucial for the Arabic language written in differ-
ent dialects and known by its inherited complexity.
The following are the steps we performed:
3.3 Word Embeddings
In this step, we need to transform our textual data to a
particular form understandable by our neural network
models. To do so, we used word embeddings. It is
the term describing words’ distributed representation
as feature vectors. Each and every word has its mean-
ingful representation as a vector with a particular di-
mension so that words that are similar in meaning are
close to each other in the vector space. As indicated
in (Faris et al., 2020), embedding means a dense vec-
tor, where its length is a parameter that is set previ-
ously and the components of the dense vector are pa-
rameters that are learned during the training process.
A higher dimension of the embedding corresponds
to a better ability for learning the semantic meaning
of words, but also the need for more large training
data (Faris et al., 2020). One of the most efficient
techniques of learning word embeddings is Word2Vec
Removing Arabic and English punctuations,
URLs, mentions, emails, dates, numbers, and all
Eliminating Arabic diacritics (Fatha @, Kasra @,
Damma @ .. etc.) as well as the consecutive
repeated characters to be replaced with only one
Extracting non-Arabic letters
Performing the normalization Step: We replaced
the(@ ,
@ ; @
, @ , @ , @) with (@) and the (ð
è ,) with (ø , è , ð , ø).
Comparing Deep Learning Models for Multi-label Classification of Arabic Abusive Texts in Social Media
(Mikolov et al., 2013) which has two implementa-
tion models: The Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBoW)
and the Skip-Gram (SG) models. The CBOW model
learns the embeddings by predicting the current word
using the context as an input, while the continuous
skip-gram takes the current word as input and learns
the embeddings by predicting the surrounding words
(Mikolov et al., 2013).
With regard to the Arabic language, a number
of pre-trained word vectors are currently available
among which we cite AraVec (Mohammad et al.,
2017). It is a set of pre-trained distributed word em-
bedding trained on three datasets (Wikipedia, Twit-
ter, and texts from Arabic web pages) with the two
models ofword2vec (CBOW and SKIP-G). The one
used in our experiment is Aravec SkipGram 300D-
embeddings trained on tweets as the majority of our
dataset is from Twitter.
In this section, we describe the experiments we con-
ducted to compare deep learning models for the de-
tection of abusive languages in Arabic social media.
We fully outline all the architectures we adopted for
each model after tuning the hyperparameters to reach
optimum performance.
4.1 Convolutional Neural Network
It is a class of deep neural networks that was initially
used in image recognition and processing. Yet, CNN
models have subsequently been shown to be effective
for NLP and have achieved excellent results (Kim,
2014). With an architecture inspired by neurons in
human and animal brains, the main benefit of CNN
compared to its predecessors is that it automatically
identifies the relevant features without any human su-
pervision (Gu et al., 2017). The key components in
this architecture are the convolutional, pooling, and
Fully Connected layers. In our work, we used our 300
dimensioned embedding layer as an input to a one-
dimensional convolutional layer with 64 filters and a
kernel size equal to 3. Max pooling is also used to ex-
tract the most important features. Finally, we applied
a fully-connected layer composed of 128 neurons. For
the experiments, we empirically chose 5 epochs and
set the size of the batch to 32.
4.2 Bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory (BiLSTM)
While RNNs are characterized by their ability to re-
member information from previous activations and
thus being suited for the context dependencies,
LSTMs, as a special type were designed to improve
on this ability. As a matter of fact, Long short-term
memory networks are quite powerful at keeping in
memory activations from the long-term past to learn
from that context. Still, future information might also
be important to capture. For instance, when working
with textual data, words situated after the current one
would give the complete idea about the semantic cor-
relation in the sentence. Based on this idea, the bidi-
rectional LSTMs (BiLSTM) were designed. It con-
sists of two LSTMs going in opposite directions.
The input to our architecture is a 300 embedding layer
attached to two parallel blocks of Bidirectional Long-
Short Term Memory with 128 units. A flatten layer
and fully-connected layer of 128 neurons are then at-
tached with 20% dropout regularization.
4.3 Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units
Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is an RNN variant pro-
posed by (Cho et al., 2014). Its design is quite similar
to LSTM with more simple calculations and imple-
mentations. Its aim is to shorten the training pro-
cess and solve the vanishing gradient problem. In
our experiments, we simply replaced the Bidirectional
Long-Short Term Memory blocks with Bidirectional
Gated recurrent units of the same size. The 20%
dropout regularization and sigmoid activation layer
were also conserved at the end.
The same following settings were applied to all
the architectures:
Loss function: Binary-crossentropy
Optimization: Adam
Regularisation: Dropout
Activation function: ReLu
4.4 BERT Model
Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Trans-
formers (BERT) (Devlin et al., 2019) is a language
transformation model trained on a large amount of
data. It is a novel approach that has shown state-of-
the-art results on various NLP problems. BERT is
mostly distinctive by its deep bidirectionality which
means that the model learns information from left
to right and from right to left at once thanks to the
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Masked Language Model (MLM). Based on the trans-
formers architectures that include encoders and de-
coders, BERT makes use of only the encoder mecha-
nism. It involves two different steps which are: Pre-
training and Fine-tuning. BERT was trained on unla-
belled data. For finetuning, the BERT model is first
initialized with the pre-trained parameters and all of
the parameters are fine-tuned using labeled data from
the downstream tasks (Devlin et al., 2019). More-
over, the BERT training procedure of word embed-
ding differs from other word embedding models. Un-
like other deep learning models, it has additional em-
bedding layers in the form of Segment Embeddings
and Position Embeddings.
During the experiment, we used the base version
which contains 12 encoder layers stacked on top of
each other. We tried to conserve the same parameters
as deep neural networks to obtain an effective com-
parison: A dropout of 20% and a sigmoid activation
layer were applied. For the training, 5 epochs were
chosen empirically along with a batch size of 32.
When it comes to performing multilabel classifica-
tion experimentations, a single instance prediction be-
comes a set of labels that may be fully correct, par-
tially correct (with different levels of correctness) or
fully incorrect (Sorower, 2022a). The concept of par-
tially correct, which does not exist in a classical bi-
nary problem, directly affects the evaluation strategy
depending on the actual problem. At some point, we
need to decide on what basis are we going to evaluate
the performance of our model. Is it up to which num-
ber of classes can it correctly classify or on the basis
of its ability to predict all the labels correctly? In the
following, we are going to present the most common
metrics that are used in multilabel classification fol-
lowed by a depiction of our experiment’s results based
on a set of chosen metrics. Finally, a discussion about
the obtained results is presented.
5.1 Evaluation Metrics
Exact Match Ratio: One trivial way around would
be just to ignore partially correct (consider them as in-
correct) and extend the accuracy used in single label
case for multi-label prediction. This is called Exact
Match. Exact Match is the strictest metric, indicat-
ing the percentage of samples that have all their labels
classified correctly (Sorower, 2022a).
Accuracy: Accuracy for each instance is defined as
the proportion of the predicted correct labels to the
total number (predicted and actual) of labels for that
instance. Overall accuracy is the average across all
instances (Sorower, 2022b).
Precision: It computes the fraction of the correctly
predicted labels by the total number of labels. Then,
it averages it by all instances.
Recall: It is the proportion of the True positives (cor-
rect classification) to the total number of predicted la-
bels, averaged over all instances.
F1 Measures: It determines the harmonic mean
between precision and accuracy. To obtain a sin-
gle score, we need to average all the F1 scores per
class using the following techniques: Macro averag-
ing, weighted averaging, or micro averaging. The first
one is very straightforward: It computes the mean of
all the F1-scores by the number of classes without tak-
ing into account any other factor. The weighted aver-
aging F1 multiplies each F1-score by a support value
that refers to the number of actual occurrences of the
class in the dataset. Finally, micro-averaged F1-Score
looks at all the samples together. It is a global propor-
tion of true positives out of all observations.
Due to the enormous imbalance in our dataset,
computing accuracy would be insignificant to evalu-
ate a model’s performance. Its use implies that false
negatives and false positives have equal costs. It is
not the case for imbalanced data. It is always very
accurate to predict the majority class which may lead
to erroneous conclusions. For instance, if 95% of the
data belongs to class A, and the model predicts that
all the data belongs to that class, then our model is
95% accurate. The metric in this case is misleading.
Besides, the use of ” Exact Match Ratio” ignores the
classifiers’ chance of being partially correct. It is a
strict metric with an assumption that the good model
is only the one that correctly predicts all the classes
simultaneously. That’s why, our classification results
will be presented in terms of precision, recall, and
micro-averaged F1-Score.
5.2 Baseline Model
Detecting abusive language in social networks is a
task that has been mostly framed as a supervised ma-
chine learning problem before the emergence of deep
learning architectures (Abid and Zribi, 2020). Great
results were achieved with various classifiers includ-
ing Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Na
ıve Bayes
(NB). That was our starting point to create a machine
learning model to serve as a baseline. The aim is
to compare it with the intended deep learning meth-
ods and see how much the performance would be im-
proved. Based on previous findings, the SVM and NB
Comparing Deep Learning Models for Multi-label Classification of Arabic Abusive Texts in Social Media
Table 2: Overall classification results.
Precision 0.54 0.83 0.82 0.85 0.90
Recall 0.64 0.73 0.72 0.72 0.71
Micro-averaged F1-Score 0.57 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.79
were chosen as classifiers and the TF-IDF and AraVec
as feature extraction techniques. In order to train our
models, we preserved 80% of the dataset for train-
ing and 20% for testing. The best performance was
achieved by the SVM classifier with TF-IDF (Preci-
sion: 54% and F1 Measure = 57%).
5.3 Results and discussion
Table 2 shows the precision, recall, and macro-
average F1 results for the multilabel classification
task using SVM, CNN, BiLSTM, BiGRU, and BERT
classifiers. it is obviously clear that deep neural
networks with Aravec Word embeddings and BERT
transformer model with its special tokenizer outper-
form the SVM approach using Aravec and TF-IDF
(Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency) fea-
ture extraction technique.
DNN-based classifiers, which are in our case
CNN, BiLSTM, and BiGRU achieved nearly the same
level of performance. The recall is relatively simi-
lar with a bit better achievement for the CNN model
against all classifiers. The best micro-averaged F1-
Score among DNN classifiers was also given by Bi-
GRU and CNN (0.78) while the best precision value
of 0.85 was achieved by BiGRU. From table 2, it
can also be seen that the BERT fine-tuning approach
achieved the best performance in terms of precision
and micro-averaged F1-Score. Compared to feature-
based approaches, an improvement of more than 17%
has been obtained.
In figure 3, we present the confusion matrix for
the classification of one class using BERT which is
”Hate”. Numbers show that confusion is mainly oc-
curring in this class where the number of False posi-
tives and false negatives is the highest. This may be
caused by the ambiguous definition of the class that
misleads the annotation process. We notice also, from
our error analysis with all the confusion matrices, that
”false negative” is the error happening very often with
the different labels. We assume it is due to the imbal-
ance in class distribution within the dataset. To over-
come such a problem, a lot of solutions can be used
such as data sampling and data augmentation. How-
ever, when it comes to multi-labeled datasets, the task
becomes more challenging due to the labels’ correla-
Figure 3: Confusion matrix for the label ”Hate”.
In the research presented in this paper, we aimed to
investigate various state-of-the-art models for detect-
ing abusive language in Arabic social media. Solving
such a problem is crucial to protect the users from the
dangerous effects that may occur. The performance
of different deep learning architectures was evaluated
which are the CNN, the bidirectional LSTM, the bidi-
rectional GRU, and BERT. The final results firstly
show that all of the models largely surpass the Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM) traditional model that we
previously used as our baseline. On the other hand,
BERT with its own features extraction technique and
its classification procedure gives the best results in
terms of precision (90%) and micro-averaged F1-
Score (79%).
We strongly believe that the current work can be
improved in several ways in the future. First of all, we
aim to enrich our dataset and explore different tech-
niques in order to address classes imbalance. Also,
we will consider extending our experiments by car-
rying them out on other available datasets. Finally,
additional features can also be fed to the models such
as the users’ geographical location and the texts’ time
of posting.
In our future work, we will investigate more hy-
brid deep learning models based on CNN and RNN
variants. In these hybrid networks, we will be fo-
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
cusing on taking advantage of each structure’s strong
specificities to see if it would improve our classifica-
tion results. We are planning, as well, to use other
word embedding techniques like FastText and Glove
which proved to be strongly effective in recent contri-
butions. Finally, we will also focus on experimenta-
tions among BERT models and explore the result of
using its recent variants like AraBERT on the detec-
tion of abusive language in Arabic.
Abid, S. and Zribi, C. (2020). From machine learning to
deep learning for detecting abusive messages in arabic
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