Calibration of a 2D Scanning Radar and a 3D Lidar
Jan M. Rotter and Bernardo Wagner
Real Time Systems Group, Leibniz University of Hanover, Appelstraße 9a, 30167 Hanover, Germany
Mobile Robotics, 2D Scanning Radar, 3D Lidar, Target-less Calibration, Search and Rescue Robotics.
In search and rescue applications, mobile robots have to be equipped with robust sensors that provide data
under rough environmental conditions. One such sensor technology is radar which is robust against low-
visibility conditions. As a single sensor modality, radar data is hard to interpret which is why other modalities
such as lidar or cameras are used to get a more detailed representation of the environment. A key to successful
sensor fusion is an extrinsically and intrinsically calibrated sensor setup. In this paper, a target-less calibration
method for scanning radar and lidar using geometric features in the environment is presented. It is shown
that this method is well-suited for in-field use in a search and rescue application. The method is evaluated
in a variety of use-case relevant test scenarios and it is demonstrated that the calibration results are accurate
enough for the target application. To validate the results, the proposed method is compared to a target-based
state-of-the-art calibration method showing equivalent performance without the need for specially designed
A civil use-case of autonomous robots is search and
rescue (SAR) (Kim et al., 2015) (Fritsche et al., 2017)
(Fan et al., 2019). In disaster situations, first respon-
ders need to act as quickly as possible while protect-
ing their own life. SAR robots provide a means to get
an overview of a situation or to search for survivors
in places that are not reachable by human helpers.
Usually, disaster sites are considered harsh and chal-
lenging environments. They can be covered in dust
or smoke with objects lying or hanging around and
blocking the path of an autonomous robot. Therefore,
SAR robots are equipped with robust sensor modali-
ties. To recognize smaller objects, a high-resolution
lidar or camera could be used. But these modali-
ties lose precision in smoke or dust since a visual
line of sight to the target is needed. To ensure ba-
sic operation, radar can be used as an additional sen-
sor that is robust against these disturbances but is not
as precise as visual sensor modalities (Fritsche et al.,
2017). To maximize information value, sensor read-
ings from multiple modalities can be fused (Fritsche
et al., 2016). Essential for sensor fusion is an ex-
trinsic and intrinsic calibration providing translation
and rotation between the sensors as well as any scal-
ing or offset parameters inherent to a specific sen-
Figure 1: Schematic of the proposed in-field calibration
method for search and rescue robots.
sor. There exist multiple methods to calibrate a sensor
setup. Manual measurement can only provide an ap-
proximation since in most cases the sensor’s origin is
unknown. Also, intrinsic parameters can be hard or
even impossible to measure. External measurement
tools like laser trackers or optical tracking systems
provide higher precision in determining the extrinsic
parameters while the direct extraction of intrinsic pa-
rameters remains problematic. To find an extrinsic
and also intrinsic set of calibration parameters, cor-
responding sensor readings between two sensors can
be used. These methods can be divided into target-
based and target-less methods. The target-based cal-
ibration uses carefully designed targets that are easy
Rotter, J. and Wagner, B.
Calibration of a 2D Scanning Radar and a 3D Lidar.
DOI: 10.5220/0011140900003271
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2022), pages 377-384
ISBN: 978-989-758-585-2; ISSN: 2184-2809
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to detect in all sensor modalities. Time-synchronized
detections are used as correspondences and the dis-
tances between detections are minimized over all cor-
respondences. In contrast, target-less methods only
use corresponding features detected in the environ-
ment. In SAR applications only manual or target-less
calibration can be used. Although target-based meth-
ods could be used in the field, they are impractical due
to the calibration targets that require additional pack-
aging space. Moreover, target-based methods usually
take a longer time when the calibration target has to
be moved to several different positions. External cal-
ibration tools can only be used when the sensor setup
is never changed. This cannot be ensured since equip-
ment may be disassembled for minimized packaging
space. In this paper, an efficient target-less calibra-
tion method for 2D scanning radar and 3D lidar is
presented. In contrast to the few other target-less ap-
proaches to this problem, calibrating the intrinsic off-
set parameter that exists in most scanning radar sen-
sors is additionally considered. As calibration fea-
tures, geometric primitives like planes and lines that
can be found in a structured or semi-structured envi-
ronment are used.
Radar as a sensor modality in mobile robotics has re-
cently become more popular. Over time various cali-
bration methods for different sensor setups have been
developed. The applied techniques mainly use target-
based methods although a few target-less approaches
2.1 Target-based Methods
Sugimoto et al. determine the extrinsic parameters
between a monocular camera and a static 2D radar.
A single corner reflector is used as a calibration tar-
get which is moved perpendicular to the radar plane.
Local maxima in the radar measurements are consid-
ered to be crossing points of the reflector and radar
plane where a corresponding camera measurement is
recorded. All corresponding measurements are used
in a least-squares estimation to calculate the extrinsic
calibration (Sugimoto et al., 2004). Wang et al. use a
similar approach but with a sheet of metal as a calibra-
tion target which is detected in both camera and radar.
To filter the measurements a clustering algorithm is
applied to the target detections (Wang et al., 2011).
El Natour et al. are the first to relax the zero-elevation
assumption of radar measurements. They take into ac-
count that not every radar measurement is located in
the center of the measurement cone. Therefore, a 3D
point detected in both camera and radar is modeled as
the intersection of the light ray passing through this
point and the camera center with a sphere centered
at the radar center. The sensor setup is moved around
multiple corner targets and the trajectory of the move-
ment is used in the optimization process (El Natour
et al., 2015). Per
c et al. present a calibration target
that can be used for camera, lidar, and radar calibra-
tion simultaneously based on a corner reflector behind
a triangular-shaped styrofoam plane with a checker-
board pattern. For the extrinsic calibration between li-
dar and radar, the radar cross-section (RCS) is used to
estimate the elevation angle of the reflected radar sig-
nals and to refine the Z-axis parameter (Per
c et al.,
2017) (Per
c et al., 2019). Domhof et al. use a tar-
get design consisting of a styrofoam plane with four
circular holes and a corner reflector in the center for
camera, lidar, and radar calibration. In contrast to El
Natour et al., radar detections are considered to lie on
a 2D plane. In their experiments, it is shown that the
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is approximately
2 cm for the lidar-to-radar calibration and 2.5 cm for
the camera-to-radar calibration (Domhof et al., 2019).
In a follow-up work, experiments to evaluate different
calibration constraints, as well as relative and absolute
calibration results are added (Domhof et al., 2021).
2.2 Target-less Methods
oller et al. introduce a data-driven method to cal-
ibrate a camera-radar-system without calibration tar-
gets. They train two neural networks in a boosting-
inspired algorithm to estimate the rotational calibra-
tion parameters. The euclidean distance between the
estimated and true quaternion is used as loss function
(Scholler et al., 2019). To calibrate a system of multi-
ple laser scanners and automotive radar sensors, Heng
uses a previously built map to first calibrate the laser
scanners to each other. In a second step, the point-
to-plane distance of the radar target detections to the
mapped points is minimized (Heng, 2020). A differ-
ent approach is used by Wise et al. In their work,
velocity vectors from a camera-radar setup are ex-
tracted from the sensor data for each sensor individ-
ually which are used to estimate the extrinsic param-
eters (Wise et al., 2021). Per
c et al. also present a
target-less calibration method that can be used as a de-
calibration detection as well. In every sensor modal-
ity, features are detected and tracked individually to
obtain the sensor’s trajectory. An association algo-
rithm is used to find differences between the differ-
ent sensor paths. If deviations are detected, a graph-
based calibration towards one anchoring sensor is per-
ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
formed. The authors state that the method is limited to
rotational calibration and decalibration detection only
c et al., 2021).
2.3 Contribution
In this paper, a target-less calibration method based
on geometric primitives is presented. It is specially
designed for in-field use in the SAR domain. Unlike
all previously mentioned works, a scanning radar is
employed instead of fixed n-channel sensor modules.
Additionally, the internal offset parameter which is
introduced by the rotating mirror as well as electri-
cal signal delays is optimized. Raw range profiles
are used instead of previously extracted target detec-
tions common to commercial automotive radar mod-
ules. Feature detection is applied to both radar and
lidar to extract geometric primitives in both modali-
ties. The calibration is modeled as a graph optimiza-
tion problem. To ensure a good calibration quality,
filtering methods to collect features with a greater va-
riety via azimuth and elevation binning are applied.
Evaluation is provided to analyze the absolute cali-
bration error which is compared to the results of the
target-based method by Per
c et al.
The calibration method consists of a three-step pre-
processing, matching, and optimization pipeline.
First, raw sensor data is filtered to extract the relevant
points from the radar and lidar respectively. Second,
features from different sensor modalities are assigned
to each other to build the constraints used in the op-
timization. Last, the set of constraints is filtered to
keep informative matches and graph optimization is
used to estimate the parameters.
3.1 Assumptions
Both sensors have to be synchronized in time. This
is necessary to assign a corresponding lidar scan to
each radar scan. Also, velocities of sensor movements
are assumed to be slow enough that motion correction
can be omitted. Finally, a set of initial calibration pa-
rameters is needed to transform the points into one
common coordinate frame. The method mainly ap-
plies to FMCW radar sensors with a rotating mirror,
although it may be used with other radar sensors as
well for example by constraining the distance offset
parameter to zero. For the proposed method the radar
data consists of uncalibrated range profiles of which
the range resolution has to be known in advance. The
(a) Radar scan.
(b) Lidar scan.
Figure 2: Visualization of processed sensor data from an
outdoor data set. (a): Raw radar data (black/white) and de-
tected lines (colored). (b): Raw lidar data (white) and de-
tected planes (colored). A photo of the scene can be seen in
Figure 6f.
resolution can be calculated from the bandwidth and
the analog-digital-converter parameters of the sensor.
3.2 Preprocessing
The first step is to process the data of each sensor in-
dividually to extract the features used in the matching
and optimization step. Starting with the radar sen-
sor, each scan is filtered by a standard CA-CFAR filter
(Keel, 2010) that has to be tuned manually to the sen-
sor’s dynamic range. This removes noise and most of
the clutter from the radar signal so that only potential
target points including multi-path reflections remain.
Since valid target points behind walls or other obsta-
cles would not be seen by the lidar, all radar target
detections behind the first one are removed. This also
reduces multi-path reflections to a minimum. Then a
RANSAC model (Fischler and Bolles, 1981) is used
to search for lines in the radar target points which
are highly likely to be found in structured and semi-
structured environments. The distance for a point to
be considered an inlier to a line is set to a more tol-
erant value compared to what would be necessary for
lidar points since the results of the CFAR filter are
not as accurate as lidar data. This results in a set of
line parameters and their corresponding inlier points.
Figure 2a shows the raw radar sensor data (black &
white) as well as the extracted line points (colored).
The lidar data is first processed by a statistical out-
lier filter to remove very small objects or erroneous
measurements. After using a voxel grid filter, a range
image of the point cloud is created. To find large
homogeneous regions which are typical for planes in
structured environments, the magnitude of the gradi-
ents in the range image is calculated and filtered by
a threshold. The remaining point locations involve
only limited changes in the range between neighbor-
ing points. To refine the regions, a distance transform
is applied and all points in the border areas of the ho-
mogeneous regions are removed. The range image is
Calibration of a 2D Scanning Radar and a 3D Lidar
Figure 3: Matching of detected lidar planes P
to a radar
line represented by a helper plane P
then transformed back into a point cloud. To achieve
a more robust plane fitting, ground segmentation is
performed and the potential ground plane is removed.
In this reduced lidar cloud, planes that are perpendic-
ular to the radar plane up to an angle ε are extracted.
This angle should be chosen big enough, for example,
ε = 45
, so that also tilted planes from the environ-
ment intersecting with the radar plane are recognized.
A RANSAC model is used for the plane extraction,
too. The result of the plane search can be seen in
Figure 2b where raw lidar points are white and the
identified planes are indicated by different colors.
3.3 Matching
Processing both sensor modalities results in a set of
line parameters and corresponding radar target points
as well as a set of plane parameters with their corre-
sponding lidar points. To find matches between these
two sets, first, the parameters of a helper plane P
pendicular to the radar measurement plane are cal-
culated for each detected radar line. For each lidar
plane P
, the normal vector is projected onto the radar
measurement plane. Then the intersection point be-
tween the projected normal vector and the detected li-
dar plane is determined. A correspondence is formed
by a plane-line pair where the distance d
between the
normal intersection point of the radar helper plane and
the intersection point calculated for the lidar plane is
minimal. A visualization of the matching step is given
in figure 3. This ensures that direction, as well as
distance, are taken into account and also that heav-
ily tilted lidar planes can be matched to a radar line
detection. To ensure proper distribution of correspon-
dences over the whole sensing area, all correspon-
dences are assigned to an azimuth and elevation bin
based on the respective angles of the lidar plane’s nor-
mal vector. Correspondence samples are collected un-
til at least N samples are recorded for every bin com-
Figure 4: System overview.
3.4 Optimization
Scanning radars use a spinning mirror above the trans-
mitter/receiver antenna. This leads to a distance off-
set in the raw sensor data o
as depicted in Fig-
ure 4. The internal signal paths between the sig-
nal generator, antenna, and the A/D-converter in-
crease this distance offset. Therefore, additionally to
the extrinsic calibration parameters, the distance off-
set is optimized. The optimization problem is mod-
eled as a graph with only one optimizable vertex v
which holds the calibration parameters using the g2o-
framework (Kummerle et al., 2011). For every line-
to-plane-correspondence, the lidar plane parameters
are inserted as non-optimizable vertices v
. For every
radar line point, an edge defining the measurement of
the radar error as
, p
, o
) = n
+ o
is inserted between the parameter vertex v
and the
correspondence vertex v
effectively minimizing the
point-to-plane distance. Here n
is the plane normal of
the laser plane, p
is the point from the corresponding
radar line,
is the 3D transformation matrix from
the radar to the lidar coordinate frame and o
is the
intrinsic radar offset parameter.
The uncertainty of the radar measurements which
originates from two sources is also modeled. First,
in FMCW radar the continuous signals are sampled
and discretized by the A/D converter. This discretiza-
tion through the sampling rate into fixed-sized bins
defines the range resolution and is used as the range
uncertainty. Second, the expansion of the transmitted
radar signal depends highly on the antenna used in the
sensor module. Antennas form the shape of the main
and side lobes of the radar beam. The field of view of
the radar beam is defined as the 3 dB range of the
main lobe and can be modeled as a cone. The uncer-
tainty of the azimuth and elevation angle is therefore
ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
set to the size of the field of view. At 0°azimuth, this
results in a covariance matrix of
(d) =
0 0
0 (d tanα
f ov
0 0 (d tanα
f ov
with range bin size s
, range measurement d =
and field of view angle α
f ov
. For other azimuth or in
the general case elevation angles the respective rota-
tion has to be applied.
To validate the method and to compare it to meth-
ods from the state-of-the-art, multiple experiments are
conducted using a Velodyne VLP-16 Puck as a laser
scanner and two different scanning radars (Navtech
CIR204, Indurad iSDR-C). The laser scanner uses 16
rays in its vertical field of view of 30°at a horizon-
tal resolution of 0.3°. The Navtech radar has a beam
opening angle of 1.8°, a horizontal resolution of 0.9°,
and a range resolution of 0.06 m, whereas the Indurad
radar has a beam opening angle of about 3°at a similar
horizontal resolution and a range resolution of 0.04 m.
All sensors have a horizontal field of view of 360°.
Three different sensor setups which are shown in Fig-
ure 5 are used. In the first setup (a) the Indurad radar
and the Velodyne lidar are mounted on top of each
other on a handheld sensor frame to provide a better
motion radius and to verify that the method can pro-
vide a reasonably good lidar-to-radar calibration. For
a second experiment, the same sensor setup is placed
underneath a UAV platform (b) that could be used
in a search and rescue scenario. The UAV is moved
and tilted manually with two persons to show that the
method works in a real-world scenario and can speed
up the calibration process in an emergency situation.
The last setup (c) is built onto an UGV platform us-
ing the Navtech radar along with the Velodyne lidar.
In this setup, a greater distance between the sensors is
chosen to find out how the method deals with fewer
constraints through movement and rotation. For all
setups, ground truth for the extrinsic 6-DOF parame-
ter set is measured. The ground truth information for
the first two setups is extracted from CAD models.
To obtain ground truth parameters for the third setup,
an optical tracking system is used to measure trans-
lation and rotation between the sensors on the mobile
platform. To determine the internal offset parameter,
the distance between the center of the radome and a
single corner reflector is first measured by using the
tracking system and then by detecting the reflector in
the radar scan. The difference between both measure-
ments is used as ground truth offset. All ground truth
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5: Sensor setups used in the experiments. Handheld
sensor box (a), UAV (b) and (c) UGV mounted setups.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 6: Indoor sites (a - c) and outdoor scenarios (d - f).
calibration parameters are provided in Table 1. The
handheld setup (a) is used in different environments to
gather test data. The first testing sites are lab environ-
ments as they provide at least two clean and perpen-
dicular walls which are expected to be easy to extract
as planes. Since the labs are only normal-sized rooms
a wider lobby-like location is added to the dataset.
Furthermore, outdoor data is collected between two
vans on a parking lot, in front of a building, and in a
corner between a building and an overseas container.
These sites were chosen because of their use-case-
related nature. The different indoor testing sites can
be seen in Figures 6a-6c and the outdoor sites are de-
picted in Figures 6d-6f. The data for setups (b) and
(c) is gathered only in the lab shown in Figure 6b. To
compare the findings to the state-of-the-art a calibra-
tion using a target similar to (Domhof et al., 2019)
and the optimization method of (Per
c et al., 2019)
is implemented and extended by an internal offset pa-
rameter optimization.
For each of the experimental setups, the calibration is
estimated 50 times on a recorded data set to test accu-
racy and reliability. In each setup, the same set of pa-
Calibration of a 2D Scanning Radar and a 3D Lidar
Table 1: Ground truth and initial calibration parameters for all setups.
[m] t
[m] t
[m] o[m] r
] r
] r
Ground Truth
Handheld (a) 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.175 0.0 0.0 -145.6
UAV (b) 0.0 0.0 0.095 0.175 0.0 0.0 0.0
UGV (c) 0.371 -0.006 -0.402 0.409 0.00 0.01 0.01
Handheld (a) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -132.0
UAV (b) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
UGV (c) 0.3 0.0 -0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Table 2: Mean and standard deviation of estimated parameters (n = 50) in all calibration scenarios.
[m] t
[m] t
[m] o[m] R
] R
] R
Lab 1
µ -0.005 -0.005 0.074 -0.19 -143.275 -0.741 0.927
σ 0.03 0.034 0.045 0.018 0.942 2.134 1.794
Lab 2
µ 0.014 -0.018 0.089 -0.246 -142.508 0.109 1.357
σ 0.046 0.038 0.05 0.032 1.449 1.871 1.445
µ 0.017 -0.002 0.075 -0.215 -143.707 -6.294 5.518
σ 0.035 0.037 0.09 0.016 0.713 3.424 2.924
Parked Cars
µ -0.01 -0.067 0.072 -0.124 -146.099 -2.833 3.752
σ 0.056 0.066 0.203 0.032 2.055 9.618 8.593
1 Wall
µ 0.003 -0.009 0.032 -0.181 -143.104 1.837 0.677
σ 0.035 0.041 0.127 0.019 0.702 4.237 3.965
2 Walls
µ -0.005 -0.002 0.05 -0.168 -146.177 -0.042 -0.056
σ 0.021 0.022 0.061 0.013 0.427 1.253 1.389
µ 0.008 0.0 0.142 -0.27 -3.568 -1.274 -0.259
σ 0.014 0.019 0.052 0.015 0.536 1.79 1.5
µ 0.325 0.033 -0.148 -0.569 0.888 2.998 -1.836
σ 0.032 0.064 0.32 0.025 0.519 3.503 7.239
Table 3: Mean estimated parameter uncertainty (n = 50) of all calibration scenarios.
[m] t
[m] t
[m] o[m] R
] R
] R
Lab 1 0.127 0.116 0.192 0.105 0.983 2.607 2.323
Lab 2 0.124 0.113 0.172 0.094 1.377 1.972 2.174
Lobby 0.073 0.068 0.128 0.06 0.232 0.597 0.563
Parked Cars 0.121 0.105 0.258 0.098 0.586 1.337 2.617
1 Wall 0.072 0.064 0.187 0.064 0.13 0.702 0.659
2 Walls 0.08 0.091 0.181 0.07 0.56 1.87 1.913
UAV 0.117 0.136 0.209 0.095 1.721 3.242 3.071
UGV 0.089 0.091 0.506 0.081 0.549 3.429 3.757
Table 4: Absolute calibration errors for state-of-the-art and our method (means).
Method e
[m] e
[m] e
[m] e
] e
] e
] e
c et al. 0.031 0.009 0.078 0.005 0.012 0.004 0.11
Ours (Handheld, best) 0.003 0.002 0.005 0.056 0.042 0.577 0.006
Ours (Handheld, worst) 0.017 0.067 0.063 5.518 6.294 3.092 0.071
Ours (UAV) 0.008 0.0 0.047 0.259 1.274 3.568 0.1
Ours (UGV) 0.046 0.039 0.254 1.836 2.988 0.007 0.16
rameters for the input filtering as well as for matching
and binning consisting of three azimuth times three
elevation bins (< 6
, [6
, 6
), 6
) is used. Per
bin, N = 15 plane-to-line matches are extracted for
optimization. The only difference between the exper-
iments is the initial calibration which has to match
the individual sensor setup and is determined by man-
ual measurement. Table 1 provides the initial pa-
rameters. For each optimization, the estimated per-
parameter uncertainty is extracted by calculating the
ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
standard deviation from the information matrix used
in the graph optimization.
Table 2 shows the mean and the measured stan-
dard deviation of the estimated calibration parame-
ters. Independent of the scenario rotational param-
eters are estimated within a narrow region around
ground truth with the only exception being the lobby
data set. The same applies to XY-translation and
the internal offset parameter. The measured per-
parameter standard deviation over all calibration runs
shows that most results lie in a region around the
mean value of 3 cm to 5 cm or 2°to 4°respectively.
Only Z-translation shows a wide range of optimiza-
tion results. This is expectable for the chosen sen-
sor setups: Z-estimation improves only with high an-
gles of the extracted planes in the lidar data. Using
only 16 vertical scans, a heavily tilted plane produces
a sparser point cloud which makes plane estimation
less reliable compared to a perpendicular plane. This
can easily lead to a sparse set of constraints or erro-
neous plane extractions and could be the reason for
the slightly worse calibration results of XY-rotation
parameters in the lobby data set. The outdoor data
suggests that using two parked cars as calibration tar-
gets is a more difficult scenario. Despite good de-
tectability of the metal surfaces in radar data, the
plane detection in lidar data gets distorted through
the non-optimal shape of the vehicle which leads to
a higher deviation in almost all parameters. How-
ever, using one or two walls as calibration features
produces accurate results, except for the problematic
Z-translation, which suggests applicability in the tar-
get scenario.
Applicability is also the motivation for the exper-
iments with the UAV and UGV platforms. Using the
UAV platform, two operators are able to perform cal-
ibration by carrying the robot while rotating and dis-
placing it in front of the calibration features. Gather-
ing all the necessary samples takes less than five min-
utes additional to the three minutes of optimization
runtime on a current laptop CPU.
Since free movement in 6-DOF space is not possi-
ble for every sensor setup or robotic application (e.g.
think about autonomous driving), an additional exper-
iment is conducted with a UGV platform. By using
ramps to ensure at least a limited rotation around the
X- and Y-axis, the binning parameters from before
can not be used. Instead, five azimuth bins and no
elevation binning are configured. The results show
that the accuracy in most parameters suffers without
the necessary constraints in elevation. Especially ro-
tation estimation around the X- and Y-axis gets more
inaccurate with a standard deviation of up to 7°. The
greatest discrepancies can be seen in Z-translation
with a standard deviation around 0.3 m. Partly these
discrepancies can be explained by the lower range res-
olution of the Navtech radar sensor of 0.06 m but this
experiment shows the necessity of the 6-DOF move-
ment for this calibration method.
Another important measure is the uncertainty esti-
mation of the optimization process. Table 3 shows the
estimated per-parameter uncertainty for all calibration
scenarios. For all translational parameters, this esti-
mation exceeds the actual standard deviations while
this is not the case for all the rotation uncertainties.
This shows that the assumed error model is not accu-
rate enough to estimate the uncertainty precisely. For
example, the error stemming from plane estimation is
not modeled in the uncertainty estimation.
To compare the proposed method with the current
state-of-the-art target-based method of (Per
c et al.,
2017) the UGV sensor setup is used for data acquisi-
tion. It is not necessary to move the sensor setup since
the calibration target is moved instead. Therefore, the
aforementioned problems are not relevant to this ex-
periment. Table 4 lists the absolute calibration error
for all experiments. For the comparison, the mean
parameter values of the proposed method are used to
determine the error. Data shows that the target-less
method can compete with the state-of-the-art target-
based method or in the best case even outperform it.
All the more, when looking at the worst-case abso-
lute errors similar accuracy in translation and intrinsic
offset is achieved. Only rotation around the X- and Y-
axis are less accurate, although both worst-case esti-
mations stem from the indoor lobby data set. Overall,
using the target-less method results in more accurate
translation parameters whereas rotation is better esti-
mated by the target-based method.
Search and rescue robotics demands techniques that
are easily applicable in the field without the need
for additional hardware or high-precision equipment.
This work shows that it is possible to successfully cal-
ibrate a 3D lidar to a 2D scanning radar by only using
geometrical features from the environment. An ac-
ceptable accuracy regarding absolute calibration error
which mostly lies within the discretization accuracy
of the radar sensors can be achieved. Only transla-
tion along the Z-axis is not estimated well enough.
Besides the Z-axis-aligned sensor setup, plane extrac-
tion accuracy has a major impact on the optimization
of that parameter. In such a setup, only heavily tilted
planes introduce the necessary constraints to better es-
Calibration of a 2D Scanning Radar and a 3D Lidar
timate the Z-translation. In comparison to the state-
of-the-art, the proposed method achieves comparable
results while not using any artificial calibration tar-
gets. This makes the method versatile and applicable
in search and rescue scenarios.
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erroneous plane extractions which add inconclusive
constraints to the optimization process. Reducing
such mismatches directly improves the parameter es-
timation and also has a positive effect on the repeat-
able accuracy. Additional error modeling of the plane
extraction process will also improve uncertainty esti-
mation. Furthermore, using bins not only for azimuth
and elevation but also for the distance of the plane-
line-matches could be beneficial for the optimization
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der the project number 13N15550 (UAV-Rescue).
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ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics