Advanced Lightweight Cryptography for Automotive Security: Surveys,
Challenges and Solutions
Phuc Tran and Duc Cuong Nguyen
HCL Vietnam, Vietnam
Lightweight Cryptography, Automotive Security, Authenticated Encryption, CEASAR.
Recently, automotive embedded systems have become strong principles of computing, along with an increas-
ing need for secure communication. The rapid development of the V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) technology
for the entity’s interconnection leads to the rise of attack surface and the demand for cryptographic security
standard. In addition, the requirement of having secure automotive services and devices against not only
current but also future attacks are emerged. Unfortunately, providing robust, secure solutions for automotive
embedded systems still faces big challenges. Because of the distinctive characteristics and infrastructures
of the vehicular networks, the requirements for automotive security are far more complicated as compared to
other type of networks, such as conventional wireless networks, and mobile networks. In this paper, we present
a comprehensive survey of the developments in automotive security from the perspective of lightweight cryp-
tographic solutions, including lightweight algorithms and lightweight protocols. Furthermore, security chal-
lenges, issues and their cryptographic countermeasures as well as limitations of future automotive industry are
also discussed. These strategies can be flexibly adapted to meet strict security levels of automotive security in
the future.
In recent years, the swift progress of technology for
automotive industry from the high extent of automa-
tion and the remarkable attempt for the goal of au-
tonomous driving, confronts a dramatic change. This
transformation leads to the requirements of providing
secure hyper-connectivity among the entities in vehic-
ular networks. Consequently, automotive security be-
comes key concern for automotive embedded systems
in the future.
Authentication and verification of data, especially
of big data exchanged among vehicles and their re-
lated entities (devices or applications) deserve utter
attention. Besides, the secrecy and confidentiality of
entity’s information also needs to be evaluated as it
can only be accessed and transferred by trusted par-
ties. The difference between conventional networks,
like wireless network or mobile network and vehic-
ular network is the continuity and availability over
time, as the automotive entities (services and appli-
cations) need to be accessed and all the time when
authorities needed, while other networks’ programs
can be disconnected on specific occasion.
Although certain cryptographic algorithms, such
as public-key infrastructure (PKI) and elliptic curve
cryptography (ECC) offer strong protection against
different network attacks, they may not be employed
straightly in vehicular networks because of their high
mobility and particular network characteristics.
Furthermore, the tight requirements in con-
strained environments inhere the mass developments
of smart devices that impedes the development of new
lightweight cryptographic algorithms for automotive
security. New lightweight standards are required to
perform strong security mechanism, encryption/ de-
cryption, with low power applications and other func-
tionalities for the automotive embedded systems.
This paper aims at giving an overview on the
advancements of vehicular network and providing
visions on the lightweight cryptographic solutions.
Based on our study of the latest lightweight cryptog-
raphy in automotive systems, our paper includes nec-
essary aspects to consider when designing a suitable
lightweight standard for automotive security, and cov-
ers most of the effective lightweight methods such as
lightweight block cipher, lightweight stream cipher,
lightweight hashes, dedicated authenticated encryp-
tion, and lightweight protocols employed for VANET
architecture as well. We further present a compre-
Tran, P. and Nguyen, D.
Advanced Lightweight Cryptography for Automotive Security: Surveys, Challenges and Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0011109500003194
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2022), pages 304-311
ISBN: 978-989-758-564-7; ISSN: 2184-4976
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
hensive understanding of challenges and countermea-
sures in security of automotive embedded systems.
The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
we present the background of automotive embedded
systems as well as their challenges, and discuss coun-
termeasures and related limitations of the current au-
tomotive security. Lightweight cryptographic solu-
tions for automotive security are characterized in Sec-
tion 3. Section 4 presents discussions of future di-
rections of lightweight cryptography for automotive.
Finally, we give concluding remarks in Section 5.
In this section, we briefly present automotive embed-
ded system architecture and summarize primary chal-
lenges and issues related to vehicular networks ap-
plied to this architecture. Certain solutions and limi-
tations are discussed afterwards.
2.1 Challenges and Issues of
Automotive Networks
Automotive networks require the corresponding sys-
tems to provide (close-to) instant responses. Hence,
one of the key points to consider is the real-time func-
tionalities that can assist in controlling systems. The
systems, necessarily, should provide two main fea-
tures: predictability and reliability. To this end, pre-
serving the predictability with ECUs faces principal
challenges as calling for low data rates and low com-
putational resources when providing security. Al-
though many existing proposals that provided secu-
rity with advancements in computational capacity and
bandwidth were presented, their application to the au-
tomotive systems is still under consideration.
Furthermore, in automotive networks, multicast-
ing and broadcasting are generally used for message
transmission between multiple receivers, simultane-
ously. As the result, the functional capabilities of
existing automotive communication protocols are re-
quired to be improved in terms of messages’ autho-
rization for all targeted receivers.
Additionally, intermittent connectivity is another
challenge for automotive security. Employing asym-
metric cryptography and security certificates is a
method to address this challenge, as enabling modules
to ensure their own security approaches without ask-
ing for any external connections between in-vehicle
components and external devices (such as a central
Last but not least, most internal transmission in
vehicular network is also insecure. Components
do not typically use cryptographic techniques within
their features and, if possible, they generally employ
encryption/ decryption procedure across a wide vari-
ety of vehicles and ECUs with the same keys. Al-
though authentication process is essentially applied
when re-executing ECUs, conventional data trans-
missions are rarely encrypted or authenticated. This
leads to high possibility for attackers to exploit, as
presented in (Checkoway et al., 2011), (Miller and
Valasek, 2014a), (Othmane et al., 2014).
2.2 Countermeasures and Limitations
2.2.1 Intrusion Detection, Network Analysis and
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for vehicle was
presented in (Miller and Valasek, 2014b) to discover
irregularities in the vehicular network by regularly
comparing traffic to a standard.
Entropy-based approach (Muter and Asaj, 2011)
was employed to detect attacks without calling for
any predefined models of the attacks. The attackers,
conversely, can make the intrusion detection works
remarkable harder as they make an effort to con-
fuse their attacks by masking or hiding their purposes
with some firmware modification or injection tech-
niques, as in (Miller and Valasek, 2015) and (Miller
and Valasek, 2016).
To authenticate the internal transmission in vehic-
ular networks, (Sojka et al., 2014) proposed an ar-
chitecture which combines assessment of safety and
security requirements, called AUTomotive Open Sys-
tem ARchitecture (AUTOSAR). And, in (Mundhenk
et al., 2015b), a probabilistic checking framework
which depends on the standard security assessment
AUTOSAR, was presented to estimate the automotive
2.2.2 Security Integration
Existing approaches often employed symmetric cryp-
tography to limit the overhead when adding security
in vehicular networks as well as in automotive em-
bedded systems. One of the effective techniques was
to use Message Authentication Codes (MACs). It al-
lowed fast and efficient computation, especially on
ECUs with limited computational power (Lin et al.,
2013). In (Han et al., 2014), a proposal which mapped
the MACs with FlexRay protocol was presented,
called TESLA. Although this protocol supported de-
livering authentication for targeted symmetric mech-
anisms, it could not provide authorization as well as
validation for communication streams and communi-
cation partners. Moreover, the concept of integrat-
Advanced Lightweight Cryptography for Automotive Security: Surveys, Challenges and Solutions
ing a CMAC with Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
to automotive systems was proposed in (Zalman and
Mayer, 2014). This model supported the vehicular
networks in reducing the overhead and adapting to
the requirements of authentication and integrity. Fur-
thermore, another approach was presented by (Jiang
et al., 2012), as utilizing a pre-shared key in sym-
metric cryptography each automotive systems’ phase,
to ensure real-time response. Other models, such as
in (Herber et al., 2014) leveraged the advantages of
Virtual CANs (VCANs) to split network traffic in the
consumer and corporate domain.
2.2.3 Limitations
The requirement of real-time response in the vehic-
ular networks leads to the failure of existing proto-
cols that were proposed for conventional networks,
as these protocols cannot deliver high throughput
performance, low latency, and message reliability.
In addition, the connected ECUs in CAN protocols
which broadcast information through CAN bus, re-
quire data/payload sizes as small as 64-bit block. In
this manner, a lightweight standard with 64-bit block
size and 128-bit key size is considered as the best in-
stance to meet real-time requirements in constrained
environment of vehicular networks and automotive
systems. Recently, many researchers have paid at-
tention to developing lightweight cryptographic stan-
dards and key generation schemes that ensure the se-
curity for vehicular networks with high performance
(Mundhenk et al., 2017), (Shen et al., 2018).
Lightweight cryptography separates into various
instances, including lightweight stream cipher,
lightweight block cipher, lightweight hashing, and
dedicated authenticated encryption version, with spe-
cific security requirements for each instance. In this
section, we present a summary of various lightweight
algorithms and lightweight protocols for automotive
embedded systems, which can be found in the litera-
3.1 Lightweight Block Cipher
Hong et al.s research (Hong et al., 2013) presented
a lightweight algorithm LEA which is suitable for
multiple devices with constrained resources. Be-
sides, several block ciphers have been proposed in
existing research to meet better performance results
in hardware and software implementations such as
mCrypton (Lim and Korkishko, 2005), SEA (Stan-
daert et al., 2006), CLEFIA (Shirai et al., 2007), KLEIN
(Gong et al., 2011), XTEA (Yu et al., 2011), LED
(Guo et al., 2011b), PICCOLO (Shibutani et al., 2011),
PRINCE (Borghoff et al., 2012), RoadRunneR (Baysal
and Sahin, 2015), RECTANGLE (Zhang et al., 2015),
SPARX (Dinu et al., 2016) and SKINNY (Beierle et al.,
Extensively, some of these were tailored and en-
hanced by optimizing structural components of tra-
ditional block ciphers to upgrade their performance.
For example, DESL (Leander et al., 2007) is a DES
lightweight instance, which is designed from con-
ventional DES construction. In DESL, the authors
utilized a single S-box in a round function instead
of iterating eight rounds, which makes a difference
to initial and final permutation generation to im-
prove hardware implementation. Additionally, SIMON
and SPECK (Beaulieu et al., 2015), which are other
lightweight block ciphers, are constructed in various
block sizes and key sizes. Both proposals are flexible
with multiple platforms and result well across a va-
riety of lightweight applications. Furthermore, some
lightweight block ciphers are also presented in (Uni-
e du Luxembourg, 2017).
Small Block Size and Small Key Size. Corre-
sponding to the structure of lightweight block cipher,
the block size and key size are required to be small for
constrained resource adaption and performance bene-
fits. Generally, it should be less than 64-bits rather
than 128-bits. In particular, the more block size and
key size decreases, the more plaintext and power con-
sumption limits. For instance, PRESENT (Bogdanov
et al., 2007) is designed with 80-bits key size, and
TWINE (Hosseinzadeh and Hosseinzadeh, 2016) is tai-
lored with 80/128-bits key size.
Simple Key Schedule and Simple Function. Due
to the fact that the lightweight block ciphers per-
form simpler computation operations rather conven-
tional block cipher models, the structural functions
and rounds should be constrained in lightweight ratio-
nal designs. For instance, a single S-box 4-bit S-boxes
can be utilized instead of 8-bit S-boxes for lightweight
target. In addition, a simple key schedule which gen-
erates sub-keys, is also needed as low-resource lim-
itation. In this manner, some lightweight cryptogra-
phy proposals are as follows: PRESENT uses 4-bit S-
boxes, while Hummingbird2 (Mohd et al., 2015) and
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Iceberg (Standaert et al., 2004) have only four func-
tion rounds, or (Yu et al., 2011) divides 128-bits mas-
ter key into four 32-bits sub-keys.
3.2 Lightweight Stream Cipher
Stream ciphers are also motivating primitives for
lightweight standards. The eSTREAM (ECRYPT
2017) was organized by the European Network of
Excellence for Cryptology for finding novel stream
models that may be appropriate for boundless adop-
tion. Among the final candidates in 2008, the three
stream ciphers of Trivium (Canni
ere, 2006), Grain
(Hell et al., 2007) and MICKEY (Babbage and Dodd,
2008) performed good results for hardware applica-
tions with limited resources. Some other lightweight
stream ciphers are Enocoro-80 (Watanabe et al.,
2008), A2U2 (David et al., 2011), WG-8 (Fan et al.,
2013) and Sprout (Armknecht and Mikhalev, 2015).
3.3 Lightweight Hash Function
It is more difficult to develop and perform a
lightweight hash function than a lightweight ciphers.
The hash functions generally require a larger internal
state which is suitable for conventional systems than
other cryptographic algorithms, but this feature would
be costly on limited resource systems.
In 2010, Armknecht and Mikhalev proposed us-
ing lightweight hash function in RFID protocols
(Armknecht and Mikhalev, 2010). A traditional hash
function uses internal state with large size and costly
power consumption, which may not be suitable for
resource-constrained applications. Therefore, Guo
et al. presented lightweight algorithm PHOTON
in 2011 (Guo et al., 2011a) based on block cipher
model. Some other lightweight hash functions are Ar-
madillo (Badel et al., 2010), SPONGENT (Bogdanov
et al., 2011), QUARK (Aumasson et al., 2013a) and
BLAKE2S/B (Aumasson et al., 2013b).
Small Output Size. One of the critical require-
ments when designing a secure lightweight hash func-
tion is large size enough to offering collision resis-
tance, especially birthday attack protection. For ap-
plications do not require collision resistance in struc-
ture, internal and stabilize sizes may be used. On the
other hands, the secure hash functions not only pay at-
tention to collision resistance, but also need to provide
strong protection against preimage, second image and
impact attacks. This feature can decrease the range of
internal state.
Small Message Size. The large capacity of conven-
tional hash functions can be used to support the ad-
vantages of 264-bits size utilizing in structure. From
a lightweight hash viewpoint, the size should be much
smaller (e.g., at most 256-bits). In this manner, hash
functions that are improved for short messages may
be more suitable for lightweight applications.
3.4 Dedicated Authenticated
Authenticated encryption (AE) is a type of symmet-
ric key cryptography. This model ensures security ap-
proaches, as confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity
as well. The specific characteristics of the AE ar-
chitecture leads to a smaller area and lower power
consumption for hardware implementation. These
features are advantageous for constrained devices,
as only the encryption procedure is required to en-
crypt/decrypt the data (as no decryption procedure is
needed to verify the integrity of the message), com-
bining with MAC function (in terms of block or hash)
to provide the integrity and authenticity.
POET/ POE (Abed et al., 2014): is a family
of On-Line Authenticated Encryption proposals.
This approach is suitable for low end applica-
tions since it allows using a single core proces-
sor. POET/POE is efficient for high end devices
and provides high throughput on multi core ar-
chitecture. POET is ensure security against nonce
misuse and decryption misuse.
AES-GCM (Arun et al., 2015) is a standardized
authenticated Galois/Counter mode (GCM). This
approach provides authenticity and confidential-
ity, achieved by a universal hash function and
AES model, respectively. A unique nonce is used
in AES-GCM for each key. AES-GCM are high speed
at low cost, low latency, parallelism, and efficient
software and hardware implementation.
AEGIS (Wu and Preneel, 2016): AEGIS is a dedi-
cated authenticated encryption proposal. This ap-
proach is constructed from AES encryption round
functions, but not the last round. Its speed is faster
than AES in both the CTR mode and CBC mode.
AEGIS supports Parallel AES round functions at
each step, so it’s suitable for fast software and
hardware implementations. Furthermore, AEGIS
protects a packet as leaving the packet header un-
ACORN (Wu, 2016): ACORN is an authenti-
cated encryption proposal which depends on lin-
ear feedback shift registers (LFSR). This approach
used for lightweight applications that has limited
Advanced Lightweight Cryptography for Automotive Security: Surveys, Challenges and Solutions
resources and for high performance applications.
ACORN separates the processing of associated data
and the plaintext/ ciphertext, as no requirements
of checking the message length (associated data,
plaintext or ciphertext) and message padding to a
multiple of block size which lowers the cost of
hardware implementation.
MORUS (Wu and Huang, 2016): MORUS is an
approach of dedicated authentication cipher. The
design of MORUS depends on stream ciphers’ de-
sign which covers a small number of operations in
the state update function. The generated key and
nonce aim to shield only one message, while the
state size and key generation function contribute
to enhancing security against cipher attacks. This
proposal shows good results in hardware perfor-
mance by employing only AND, XOR, and ro-
tation operations in the update function. For the
software implementation results, MORUS is also
efficient model as presenting good performance
across platforms.
ASCON (Dobraunig et al., 2016): Ascon
has been selected as the primary choice for
lightweight authenticated encryption in the
final portfolio of the CAESAR competition
(2014–2019) and is currently competing in the
NIST Lightweight Cryptography competition
Deoxys (Tean et al., 2016): Deoxys is a family of
authenticated encryption proposal which depends
on a tweakable block cipher (Deoxys-BC). This
approach has two authentication and encryption
models: (a) Deoxys-I for non-repeating nonce,
and (b) Deoxys-II for the nonce repeating ver-
sion. Deoxys performs well for small messages
which is suitable for lightweight applications. It
shows reasonable results on hardware and soft-
ware implementation, and ensures good security
for all its parameters.
AEZ (Hoang et al., 2017): AEZ is presented as
an authentication encryption scheme. This ap-
proach provides strong security and usability fea-
tures. AEZ is parallelizable proposal which per-
forms with a computational cost close to the
AES-CTR model. Additionally, the associated data
of AEZ can be an arbitrary strings while the nonce
and key cover a variable length.
SAEAES (Naito et al., 2018): This approach be-
longs to a family of authenticated encryption al-
gorithm, and was submitted to the Lightweight
Cryptography Project of National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST). It has a min-
imum state size since the state size equals to a
block size. There is no demand for an inverse to
do decryption. Besides, only XOR is needed for a
block cipher encryption and it is an online cipher,
i.e. a data block is processed only once.
3.5 Lightweight Cryptography Used for
VANET Security
VANETs are ad hoc routing protocols that implement
wireless transmission by mixing the concepts of both
ad hoc network proposal and wireless communica-
tion medium. The two fundamental wireless termi-
nals of the VANETs, On-Board Unit (OBU) and Road
Side Unit (RSU), take action as nodes within a wire-
less network to support in receiving and relaying mes-
sages. Hence, the connections between the OBUs and
RSUs are established to achieve safety services, such
as traffic or weather information in real-time and cau-
tions of collision, as the targeted RSUs act as wire-
less access points and the embedded OBUs support in
communicating with other RSUs or OBUs.
Furthermore, every sent messages and received
messages are validated in a vehicular network through
the nodes to add the security approach to all automo-
tive services and devices.
Corresponding to the asymmetric and symmetric
cryptography, some lightweight protocols have been
proposed to improve the automotive security and to
satisfy the VANET’s security requirements in the fu-
OTC (Dacosta et al., 2012): One-Time Cookie
(OTC) protocol is an approach which aims at pro-
tecting the vehicular system from SID theft and
session hijacking. This protocol ensures security
features as providing tokens for every request and
also applying HMAC with them for the request to
avoid token reuse.
Adriadne (Hu et al., 2005): This approach is
based on Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) pro-
tocol. The Ariadne model ensures security be-
tween nodes’ communication by using one-way
hash function and MAC. Authentication is enabled
by using shared key.
RobSAD (Chen et al., 2009): The RobSAD pro-
tocol provides an efficient approach for Sybil at-
tack detection. In Sybil attack, several replica-
tions of a node, with numerous identities and var-
ious positions, are sent simultaneously that lead-
ing to network confusion and illegal agreement.
In RobSAD approach, Sybil node is recognized
when more than one node have same motion
routes, as different vehicles driven by different
drivers cannot carry same motion models.
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
SEAD (Mutalik et al., 2016): Secure and Effi-
cient Ad hoc Distance (SEAD) protocol depends
on active destination sequenced distance vector
(DSDV) routing. This approach protects against
incorrect routing and ensures authentication us-
ing one-way hash function. Particularly, to elude
continuing route and to guarantee route freshness,
destination-sequence number is utilized. In ad-
dition, the SEAD protocol executes median node
hashing to certify the authenticity of each route.
ECDSA (Manvi et al., 2009): Elliptical Curve
Digital Signature (ECDS) algorithm utilizes dig-
ital signature. This approach ensures security
and authenticity for automotive system by using
asymmetric operations with hash function. The
agreement is required for both sender and receiver
upon elliptical curve parameters.
ARAN (Sanzgiri et al., 2002): Authenticated
Routing for Ad hoc Network (ARAN) was in-
spired from Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector
(AODV) protocol. A new node that wants to ac-
cess to the vehicular network has to send a cer-
tificate request to the third-party CA for a signed
certificate. All certified nodes are issued with the
CAs public-key. ARAN ensures the authentica-
tion’s discovery and the freshness of the vehicular
route by using asymmetric algorithms and times-
tamps, respectively.
The life span of cars is much longer than other related-
IT systems that benefits in frequently updated tech-
nologies and services. Hence, although deploying
cryptographic algorithms are important for ensuring
security purpose of the cars, there are still areas to be
considered in future research works, as the cryptanal-
ysis possibility is increased due to outdated employed
technologies, when the automotive devices applied on
cars are not easy to be substituted.
Furthermore, the key security concerns for future
automotive industry are to construct comprehensive
methods of both utilization and optimization targets
applied for vehicular networks extensively. There is
an urgent demand for realizing malicious threats and
exploring effective solutions to ensure automotive se-
curity by either developing new lightweight crypto-
graphic standards or employing existing proposals in
efficient ways. Some directions could be considered
as the following:
Cipher construction and performances: A key
concern should be considered comprehensively
on the security features of the standard is to evalu-
ate the increase of round number and round com-
plexity within architecture design of the cipher.
Security metrics for new security standard: There
does not exist any security metrics that can ac-
curately ensure cryptographic security. Recently,
many attackers with advanced cryptanalysis tech-
niques can break encryption/ decryption proce-
dures. It calls for clear lightweight standards for
enhancing the security of constrained applications
in automotive systems.
In this study, we presented a comprehensive survey
on the role of lightweight cryptography for automo-
tive security. In addition, we discussed challenges, is-
sues, and countermeasures as well as limitations of fu-
ture directions for open research. We also have gone
over lightweight cryptographic solutions, including
lightweight algorithms and lightweight protocols in
terms of algorithm name and type, cryptanalysis, and
security metrics. It is important to develop more se-
cure and lightweight encryption algorithms that have
a smaller key size, fast processing, and require less
computation power.
Our work calls for actions to validate how effec-
tive these solutions are and if it is possible to im-
plement them in automotive systems. In addition,
algorithms for automotive embedded systems which
suitable for cutting-edge security standards like ISO
21434 and ISO26262 should be developed.
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Advanced Lightweight Cryptography for Automotive Security: Surveys, Challenges and Solutions