Attention! Transformer with Sentiment on Cryptocurrencies Price
Huali Zhao, Martin Crane and Marija Bezbradica
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Transformer, Attention, Sentiment Analysis, Cryptocurrency Prediction.
Cryptocurrencies have won a lot of attention as an investment tool in recent years. Specific research has
been done on cryptocurrencies’ price prediction while the prices surge up. Classic models and recurrent
neural networks are applied for the time series forecast. However, there remains limited research on how
the Transformer works on forecasting cryptocurrencies price data. This paper investigated the forecasting
capability of the Transformer model on Bitcoin (BTC) price data and Ethereum (ETH) price data which are
time series with high fluctuation. Long short term memory model (LSTM) is employed for performance
comparison. The result shows that LSTM performs better than Transformer both on BTC and ETH price
prediction. Furthermore, in this paper, we also investigated if sentiment analysis can help improve the model’s
performance in forecasting future prices. Twitter data and Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner
(VADER) is used for getting sentiment scores. The result shows that the sentiment analysis improves the
Transformer model’s performance on BTC price but not ETH price. For the LSTM model, the sentiment
analysis does not help with prediction results. Finally, this paper also shows that transfer learning can help on
improving the Transformer’s prediction ability on ETH price data.
As a digital currency backed by cryptographic tech-
nology, cryptocurrency has held its place in invest-
ment portfolios (PWC, 2021). In 2020, the total as-
sets under management of crypto hedge funds glob-
ally increased to nearly US$3.8 billion from US$2
billion the previous year. Around a fifth of hedge
funds are investing in digital assets (21%). More than
85% of those hedge funds intend to deploy more cap-
ital into the asset class by the end of 2021 (PWC,
2021). Along with increasing interest in cryptocur-
rencies, the amount of research on cryptocurrency
price prediction is growing (Serafini et al., 2021) (Kil-
imci, 2020) (Raju and Tarif, 2020) (Prajapati, 2020)
(Guerra et al., 2020) (Pano and Kashef, 2020). Stud-
ies on applying statistical models and Recursive Neu-
ral Networks (RNN) models on Bitcoin(BTC) price
have been done(Ji et al., 2019) (Georgoula et al.,
2015) (Yi et al., 2018) (Yenidogan et al., 2018). In
the existing studies, the classic ARIMA model and
various RNN models are the favorite when predicting
future BTC price.
In addition to applying models on time series data,
how public sentiment is driving cryptocurrency price
is another popular topic. Studies found a strong cor-
relation between public sentiment and and BTC price
trend (Georgoula et al., 2015) (Serafini et al., 2021)
(Kilimci, 2020) (Chen et al., 2020) (Raju and Tarif,
2020) (Prajapati, 2020).
However, among the existing cryptocurrency price
prediction research, there is not much related to the
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) model. Both Long
short term memory model (LSTM) and Transformer
is powerful and efficient on Natural Language Pro-
cessing(NLP). LSTM is also popular in time series
forecasting field where Transformer is still new. In
this paper, a study on how well the Transformer model
can perform on BTC and ETH price data is per-
formed. A comparison between the predictive perfor-
mance of LSTM model and Transformer is done with
6 years of BTC price data and 5 years of ETH price
data. We also investigated whether sentiment analysis
can help on improving Transformer and LSTM pre-
diction with sentiment data collected from Twitter.
This paper is organized as follows. In section
2, we review the related work done on time series
forecasting using various models along with senti-
ment analysis. How data is collected and prepared for
this study is illustrated in Section 3. Section 4 gives
Zhao, H., Crane, M. and Bezbradica, M.
Attention! Transformer with Sentiment on Cryptocurrencies Price Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0011103400003197
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk (COMPLEXIS 2022), pages 98-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-565-4; ISSN: 2184-5034
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
an overview of what Transformer is and how Trans-
former is utilized in this study. Results and findings
are presented in Section 5 with conclusions in Section
Time series modeling is widely utilized across do-
mains like geography (Hu et al., 2018) and eco-
nomics (Nyoni, 2018). Applying various Deep neural
networks (DNN) for forecasting and pattern recog-
nition on BTC price has been popular in recent
years. Ji et al. (Ji et al., 2019) did a forecasting
capability comparison on BTC price within DNN,
LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), Con-
volutional neural networks(CNN), and deep residual
networks (ResNet). Although there is no an over-
all winner in the competition, LSTM slightly outper-
forms in forecasting future BTC prices, while CNN
outperforms others on indicating price moving di-
rection. Facebook has created a regression model
called PROPHET which is optimized for the busi-
ness forecast tasks (Ben Letham, 2017). Yenidogan
et al. (Yenidogan et al., 2018) proved success of this
model in forecasting BTC future price by comparing
PROPHET with ARIMA model. The result shows
PROPHET outperforms ARIMA by 26% on R
Sentiment has been shown to be a factor that im-
pacts BTC future price. Guerra et al. (Guerra et al.,
2020) proved the correlation between BTC price and
web sentiment (Twitter sentiment, Wikipedia search
queries and Google search queries) by utilizing Sup-
port Vector Machine (SVM) model. By combin-
ing Fuzzy Transform on forecasting BTC price with
Google trend data, the authors’ study showed that web
searches data can help on short-term BTC price pre-
diction. Serafini et al. (Serafini et al., 2021) composed
a dataset which contains daily BTC weighted price,
BTC volume, sentiment from Twitter and tweets vol-
ume, applied Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Av-
erage with eXogenous input (ARIMAX) and LSTM-
based RNN model on the data. They found that
the linear model ARIMAX performs better than the
LSTM-based RNN model on BTC price prediction.
They also discovered out that the tweets sentiment in-
stead of tweets volume is the most significant factor in
predicting BTC price. Raju and Tarifs research (Raju
and Tarif, 2020) has also utilized sentiment analy-
sis. They collected sentiment data from two sources:
Twitter and Reddit. By applying both the LSTM and
ARIMA model on a dataset composed of BTC price
data and sentiment data, the authors found LSTM
did better on the BTC price forecasting regression
task. The study also indicated that combined senti-
ment data from different sources can improve the pre-
dicting result. Prajapati’s (Prajapati, 2020) research
compared CNN, (Gated Recursive Unit) GRU and
LSTM model’s performance on a dataset that com-
posed by BTC’s open, high, low, close, volume, Lit-
coin’s close, volume, ETH’s close, volume and senti-
ment data from Google news and Reddit. The result
shows LSTM can give the lowest Root mean squared
error (RMSE) on predicting BTC price.
Instead of looking at the regression problem, Kil-
imci et al. (Kilimci, 2020) is focused on BTC price
moving direction classification problem. A compari-
son between deep learning architectures(CNN, LSTM
and RNN ) and word embedding models(Word2Vec,
GloVe and FastText) on predicting BTC price moving
direction using Twitter sentiment data is done. The
research result shows that the word embedding model
FastText (Joulin et al., 2017) (Mikolov et al., 2019)
achieves the best result with 89.13% accuracy. The
performance order was FastText > LSTM > CNN >
RNN = GloVe > Word2Vect.
Like FastText, Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017)
is popular for NLP tasks. Transformer is based on
the multi-head attention mechanism (Vaswani et al.,
2017) which allows the model to understand coher-
ent relationships between the past tokens and the cur-
rent token in NLP tasks. Based on the assumption
that a time series is a sentence, a time point is a posi-
tion in the sentence, and the data at the time point can
be considered as the word in the position of the sen-
tence. Under this assumption, the Transformer with
multi-head attention can be utilized as a time series
forecasting tool.
Li et al. (Li et al., 2019) proved the assump-
tion. The authors implemented a model with a dual
attention layer to predict next time point public senti-
ment against P2P companies: Yucheng Group, Kuailu
Group and Zhongjin Group. The time series that the
model was applied on contains data points which are
composed of micro blog post content which contains
0-140 Chinese words, author, pubtime, number of
fans, and user category. LSTM, SVM, CNN and a
model composed by two layers of LSTM with SVM
were compared with the proposed model. The re-
sult shows that the proposed model with a dual atten-
tion layer was the winner. The study also suggested
Transformer can capture long-term dependencies not
captured by LSTM (Li et al., 2019). They also pro-
posed convolutional self-attention and sparse atten-
tion to further improve Transformer’s performance
by incorporating local context and reducing memory
Attention! Transformer with Sentiment on Cryptocurrencies Price Prediction
Inspired by the above studies, and considering
lack of studies on Transformers prediction ability on
cryptocurrency future price, this research explores
Transformer’s forecasting ability on BTC and ETH
time series data with sentiment analysis.
3.1 Data Collection
6 years of BTC price data from 2015/01/01 to
2021/04/27 and 5 years of ETH data from 2016/05/09
to 2021/04/27 is collected from CoinAPI
for this
study. The downloaded raw data contains the follow-
ing information: time period start, time period end,
time open, time close, price open, price high, price
low, price close, volume traded, and trades count. For
a single day, there are 8 data points collected with 3
hours intervals. In total, there are 18,454 BTC data
points and 14,200 ETH data points.
To gather daily sentiment against BTC and ETH
from Twitter, tweets are scraped using snscrape api
. 10,000 tweets are scraped for each day in
the date range (2015/01/01 to 2021/04/27 for BTC,
2016/05/09 to 2021/04/27 for ETH). A scraped tweet
contains the tweet text content, tweet id, user name,
tweet language, date time when the tweet is posted,
how many likes the tweet got and how many times
the tweet is retweeted.
3.2 Data Preparation
3.2.1 Sentiment Analysis
In Pano and Kashefs study (Pano and Kashef, 2020),
13 text preprocessing strategies and 4 sentiment anal-
ysis methods are compared. By applying the various
techniques on scraped tweets using Tweepy
, Pano
and Kashef indicate that for text prepossessing, split-
ting sentences or removing Twitter-specific tags can
improve the correlation of sentiment scores with Bit-
coin prices. To get the sentiment score, the authors
employed Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment
Reasoner(VADER), a lexicon and rule-based senti-
ment analysis tool that is specifically attuned to senti-
ments expressed in social media
Following the above approach, in this study, the
sentiment score is obtained for a tweet scraped from
Twitter by 2 steps: 1) Cleaning the tweet text by re-
moving Twitter handles, URLs, and special charac-
ters. 2) Using VADER to assign sentiment polarity
score to the cleaned tweet. The polarity score is ei-
ther 1 (positive), 0 (neutral) or -1 (negative). To get
the sentiment score for a specific day, 10,000 tweets
are scraped for the day, and the top 100 most liked
and most retweeted tweets are selected for sentiment
analysis using VADER. The final sentiment score for
the day is the average score of the additive score of
the select 100 tweets.
3.2.2 Final Dataset for The Experiment
From the raw BTC and ETH price data, the following
columns are extracted respectively: time period start,
open, high, low, close (OHLC) and volume traded.
To normalize the data, MinMaxScaler from sklearn
library is applied. The calculated sentiment score for
each day is joined into the dataset to create the final
dataset for this research. The overall data processing
procedure illustrated in Figure 1.
The processed dataset is split into train and test
datasets with a ratio of 80:20. The sliding window
method is applied so the model can understand the
coherence of the data points in the time series. The
window size is set to be 240. The correspond output
is the 241
data point.
4.1 Overview
The design of the Transformer is shown in Figure 2.
The architecture starts with Time2Vec layer that adds
time embedding features to the input matrix. It fol-
lowed by a stacked of 6 Transformer encoder layers
that has a multi-head attention layer in the each of
the encoder layer. Every multi-head attention layer is
composed by 8 single-head attention layers. The fi-
nal output is produced after the output of the stacked
Transformer encoder layers passes through a Global
average pooling layer, a Dropout layer and a Dense
4.2 Model Design
4.2.1 Time Embedding - Position Encoding for
Time Series
Positional encoding is required for Transformer to un-
derstand the absolute or relative position information
of input words when the model is applied on NLP
COMPLEXIS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Figure 1: How data is scraped and processed.
Figure 2: The overall system design of the Transformer for
cryptocurrency price prediction.
tasks. With time series inputs, time is arguably as
essential as word position is for NLP. Periodical and
non-periodical information in the dataset need to be
understood by the model. Inspired by positional en-
coding, Kazemi et al. (Kazemi et al., 2019) created a
vector representation of time called Time2Vec. This
method is described as ”a model-agnostic vector rep-
resentation for time” in Kazemi’s paper. It can be
potentially used as an extra layer in any architecture
(Kazemi et al., 2019). The idea behind Time2Vec is
that time representation should contain periodic pat-
terns and non-periodic patterns. It also should be in-
variant to time rescaling. In mathematical represen-
tation, Time2Vec can be represented by Equation 1
(Kazemi et al., 2019). Here, ω
τ + ϕ
is a linear func-
tion which represents non-periodical components of
the time series. ω is the slope of the linear function
and ϕ is the interception. f (ω
τ + ϕ
) is the periodical
part where f is a sine function which helps to capture
periodic behaviors without the need for feature engi-
neering (Kazemi et al., 2019).
t2v(τ)[i] =
τ + ϕ
, if i=0
f (ω
τ + ϕ
) if 1 i k
After input data pass this Time2Vec layer, two out-
puts: periodical and non-periodically features are cal-
culated. These features are concatenated with the in-
put data to produce a new input matrix to feed Trans-
former model.
4.2.2 Single-head Attention - Transformer’s Self
& Scaled-dot Attention
An attention function can be described as mapping a
query and a set of key-value pairs to an output, where
the query, keys, values, and output are all vectors
(Vaswani et al., 2017). Query is calculated from the
current token. Keys are calculated from past tokens.
The query and the keys are compared to get attention
weights for the values. The sum of the weights is 1.
The attention mechanism firstly creates three vec-
tors: Q(query), K(key), and V(value) for each word
embedding. These vectors are created by multiplying
the input embedding x with three matrics W
, W
, Equation 2, 3, 4. It then calculates the score for
each word in the input sentence, divides the scores by
the square root of the K dimension, softmax the div-
idend score, and finally multiples V vector with the
softmax score, Equation 5. Using a scaled dot func-
tion helps in getting more stable gradients and soft-
max function makes sure the scores at each input se-
quence position will add up to 1.
Q = x W
K = x W
V = x W
Attention(Q, K,V ) = So ftmax(
)V (5)
4.2.3 Multi-head Attention
Multi-head attention is a process of concatenating h
single-head attention weights. Q, K and V are lin-
early projected h times. For each projected version of
K, V and Q pairs, an attention layer is applied. Each
attention layer produces output values in parallel for
each version of projected K, V and Q. These outputs
are concatenated and linearly projected to get the final
value. By doing this multi-head attention, the model
increases its ability to focus on different parts of the
input sequence by taking in information from differ-
ent representations jointly.
Attention! Transformer with Sentiment on Cryptocurrencies Price Prediction
MultiHead(Q, K,V ) = Concat(head
, ..., head
= Attention(QW
, KW
) (7)
5.1 Metrics
Mean Square Error (MSE), MAE (Mean Absolute Er-
ror) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) are
selected as metrics for the model accuracy.
MSE is the average value of the squared difference
between prediction and actual value. It gives variance
of the residuals, Equation 8. The value can be drasti-
cally changed from a large outlier.
MAE is the average value of the absolute differ-
ence between prediction and actual value, Equation 9.
It is average magnitude of error produced by models.
It is not sensitive to outliers.
ˆy| (9)
MAPE shows the distance between estimation and
reality in percentage, Equation 10. Compared with
MAE, it is normalized by the actual value. It can be
problematic when the actual value is 0.
| (10)
5.2 LSTM vs Transfomer on BTC and
ETH Prices without Sentiment Data
As Table1 and Table2 show, applying the proposed
Transformer model on the processed BTC and ETH
price data does not achieve the same result as LSTM.
It shows LSTM is better than the proposed model on
BTC and ETH prices prediction. Like Ji (Ji et al.,
2019), Mohan (Mohan et al., 2019), and Raju (Raju
and Tarif, 2020)’s research, this study also proves
LSTM is an outstanding model on regression prob-
5.3 Will Sentiment Scores Improve
Transformer and LSTM’s
After adding sentiment scores in BTC data, the pro-
posed Transformer’s model is improved by 0.001
on MSE, 0.1228 on MAPE and 0.01465 on MAE.
Adding sentiment scores in ETH data does not get
the same improvement. For the LSTM model, adding
sentiment scores introduced more outliers on ETH fu-
ture price prediction but no improvements on predic-
tions with both BTC and ETH data, Table 5 and Table
Table 1: Transformer vs LSTM on BTC OHLC price.
Transformer 0.00137 0.18096 0.02900
LSTM 0.00033 0.04343 0.01310
Table 2: Transformer vs LSTM on ETH OHLC price.
Transformer 0.15987 0.66011 0.33890
LSTM 0.00126 0.06651 0.02931
Table 3: Transformer’s performance before and after adding
sentiment scores in BTC data.
BTC 0.00137 0.18096 0.02900
BTC+sentiment 0.00037 0.05816 0.01435
Table 4: Transformer’s performance before and after adding
sentiment scores in ETH data.
ETH 0.15987 0.66011 0.33890
ETH+sentiment 0.16289 0.65803 0.34170
Table 5: LSTM performance before and after adding senti-
ment scores in BTC data.
BTC 0.00033 0.04343 0.01310
BTC+sentiment 0.00032 0.04613 0.01346
Table 6: LSTM performance before and after adding senti-
ment scores in ETH data.
ETH 0.00126 0.06651 0.02931
ETH+sentiment 0.00586 0.03316 0.01656
5.4 Transfer Learning
An interesting finding in this study is that by applying
the Transformer model trained with BTC data on pre-
dicting ETH future price, better results are achieved
than by applying the Transformer model trained with
COMPLEXIS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk
Figure 3: Normalized BTC and ETH price.
ETH data only. Table 7 and Table 8 show the big
jump on the metrics. It can be seen in Figure 3 that
ETH price movement has a very similar trend as BTC
price movement. The calculated Spearman’s correla-
tion between the BTC close price and ETH close price
is 0.732. It means the BTC close price is highly cor-
related with ETH close price. As leading cryptocur-
rencies in the market, ETH and BTC datasets have
similar nature. Predicting the future price of ETH and
BTC can be considered a related problem. Therefore
the knowledge Transformer model got when learn-
ing from BTC data can be applied to predicting ETH
price. Due to the limited amount of ETH data, the
ETH dataset has 4245 fewer data points when com-
pared with the BTC dataset. The Transformer model
learns more context from the BTC dataset.
Table 7: Transfomer model on ETH OHLC price.
Trained with ETH data 0.15987 0.66011 0.33890
Trained with BTC data 0.00081 0.06093 0.02157
Table 8: Transfomer model on ETH time series with senti-
ment scores.
Trained with ETH data 0.16289 0.65803 0.34170
Trained with BTC data 0.00567 0.06697 0.02412
In this study, we have implemented a Transformer
model with stacked Transformer encoder layers. In
contrast with the standard Transformer model applied
in NLP, the proposed model has a Time2Vec layer
to implement time embedding. In each of the Trans-
former encoder layers, there is one multi-head atten-
tion layer which is concatenated by 8 single-head at-
tention. We applied the proposed model to the prob-
lem of BTC and ETH price prediction. We also com-
pared the forecasting ability between the proposed
Transformer model and LSTM model. The result
shows that the LSTM model outperforms the pro-
posed model on predicting BTC and ETH future price
with or without sentiment scores data. With senti-
ment scores added in the BTC dataset, there is an
obvious improvement on the proposed model’s pre-
diction result. For ETH future prediction, there is
no improvement. Applying the LSTM model on both
dataset with sentiment scores, there is no performance
improvement but more outliers produced with ETH
dataset. An interesting finding on the proposed model
is that the model trained with BTC data can give better
prediction results on ETH future price than the model
trained with ETH data.
Future work can start from the following aspects.
First, the sentiment data collection. The collected sen-
timent data from this study is the latest 10,000 tweets
of each day. When calculating the sentiment score,
the popularity of the tweets is considered. Compared
with news from finance websites or newspapers with
more influence, the sentiment could be different from
what is collected from Twitter. In future study, sen-
timent from CoinDesk and Bloomberg might provide
a different angle of how people view the price move-
ment. Second, sentiment analysis. Instead of using
sentiment scores as a feature, the news text or tweets
text can be converted to a feature vector. The sen-
timent analysis can be carried out as a model layer
which takes in the text. Third, improving model per-
formance by introducing temporal pattern attention
(Shih et al., 2018) or sparse attention (Li et al., 2019).
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COMPLEXIS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Complexity, Future Information Systems and Risk