Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study: An Integrating Methodology
Gustavo Navas
1,2 a
and Agust
ın Yag
1 b
Escuela T
ecnica Superior de Ingenier
ıa de Sistemas Inform
aticos ETSISI, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid (UPM),
Calle Alan Turing s/n, Ctra. de Valencia, Km. 7, Madrid, Spain
Universidad Polit
ecnica Salesiana, Mor
an Valverde S/N y Rumichaca, Quito, Ecuador
Glaserian Grounded Theory, Systematic Mapping Study, Qualitative Analysis, Software Development.
This research arises as an answer to the limited classification capability that reaches the vast majority of
selected articles within a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) when studying the Grounded Theory (GT) in
Software Development. The result of our research is Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study (GSMS). It is a
methodology that combines SMS and Glaserian Grounded Theory (GGT), which is one of the two variants
of the GT. Combining the robustness and sequential process of SMS with GGT and its iterative features,
GSMS provides a more robust, flexible, iterative, and scalable methodology. SMS and GGT share two main
activities, data collection and data analysis. However, they are conducted differently. The resulted integration
takes advantage of this fact and maps both related activities and outcomes to produce a more robust and
systematic methodology. In addition, our research formalizes equations to represent the typical data saturation
of qualitative methods such as GGT. With GSMS, we were able to classify more articles than with SMS alone.
When a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) is applied,
the results may not be sufficiently complete. Some-
times, the results are not significant enough because
it is not always possible to fully classify the source
data when document analysis is conducted. This low
ranking ability could be the main reason why SMS
fails, and some articles that could not be classified are
discarded. Making an SMS with a higher percentage
of coverage would imply a heavy preliminary phase
of code definition and document classification. Clas-
sification is essential because the mapping results are
not significant enough with a low volume of items.
This fact has been verified by us when conduct-
ing a SMS to study the application of Grounded The-
ory (GT) in Software Development. Our motivation
arises because when conducting the SMS, the results
obtained were not as promising as expected. In that
initial work, we got similar results to other previ-
ous reviews of the literature on GT in software en-
gineering were the classification rate of articles did
not cover more than 55% of total number of papers,
and according to (Stol et al., 2016), this is due to an
inadequate GT application. Their arguments did not
convince us because some of the discarded works had
significant contributions, well-established theories on
the subject they dealt with, and essential findings in
software engineering and grounded theory. Our goal
was to understand better the causes of this low level
of classification rate. We changed the focus to look
for a way to increase the classification capabilities of
SMS without heavy coding processes.
We proposed an integration between SMS and GT
to increase the coverage rate, providing a more ro-
bust classification mechanism that complements the
rigour of systematic mapping studies with the flexi-
bility of grounded theory through iterations. Our ap-
proach is based on Glaserian Grounded Theory(GGT)
that starts data analysis without any preconceived no-
tion. In our research, we started analyzing 70 articles
and in the end, we were able to have a high classifi-
cation rate and obtained theories about how to apply
GT in software engineering.
The structure of this paper is as follows, Section 2
is the background and Section 3 describes the guide-
lines applied in the integration process. Section 4 de-
velops the integration to produce what we call Glase-
rian Systematic Mapping Studies (GSMS) and Sec-
tion 5 covers a case of application of the GSMS. Fi-
nally, some conclusions and future work are related.
Navas, G. and Yagüe, A.
Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study: An Integrating Methodology.
DOI: 10.5220/0011090500003176
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2022), pages 519-527
ISBN: 978-989-758-568-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This section presents a brief description of the SMS
and GT. The word ”step” is being used when referring
to SMS processes, ”stage” when referring to GT, and
the word “phase” in the proposed methodology.
2.1 Systematic Mapping Study (SMS)
Systematic mapping is mainly used in medicine but
is increasing its relevance in the research of Software
Engineering (Petersen et al., 2015). The Systematic
Mapping Study (SMS) is a rigorous review process
of the scientific literature. SMS establishes a well-
defined methodology that allows mapping scientific
articles (Kitchenham et al., 2011) and reduces the bias
of people’s opinions. As proposed by Petersen et al.,
there are six steps for the SMS processes: Step 1: Re-
search questions definition: see Figure 1(a) P1. Step
2 Conduct Search: see Fig. 1(a) P2. Step 3: Screen-
ing of papers: see Figure 1(a) P3. Step 4: Key-
wording: see Figure 1(a) P4. Step 5: Mapping: see
Fig. 1(a) P5. Step 6: Synthesis: see Figure 1(a) P6.
Moreover, we have also included Rigour and rele-
vance assessment Figure 1(a) P7 as an additional step
of SMS proposed by Paternoster (Paternoster et al.,
Figure 1(a) depicts SMS steps and their outcomes.
On one side, P1, P2, and P3 share the same goal: col-
lecting data and selecting the scientific articles to be
analyzed. On the other side, P4, P5, and P6 deal with
the analysis and mapping of results and finally, P7 is
an approach to evaluate the scientific quality.
2.2 Glaserian Grounded Theory
Grounded Theory is a qualitative research method-
ology proposed by Glaser and Strauss in 1965 and
consolidated in 1972 (Glaser and Strauss, 1973).
GT is a methodology that generates a substantive
theory about the topics under research, their con-
cepts, and categories through constant and system-
atic comparison of data during the process. GT has
evolved into two variants: Glaserian Grounded The-
ory (GGT)(Glaser, 1992) and Straussian Grounded
Theory (SGT)(Van Niekerk and Roode, 2009).
The main difference between GGT and SGT is
based on the role of researches and the starting point.
GGT emphasizes an open attitude where theories do
not come from researchers’ preconceptions; however,
they come from the data. In the case of SGT, the
researcher must apply a set of tools and procedures
having an active role to use existing insights and ex-
perience during the research(Strauss, A. and Corbin,
1990). These differences can be summarized as fol-
lows GGT is independent of the researcher’s ideas,
while the researcher’s views influence SGT. Within
GT variants, behavior is the way of facing a prob-
lem or concern in an area of study. GGT’s behavior
is given by the generation of concepts and relation-
ships that explain and interpret its variation in an area
of study. On the other hand, SGT describes the full
range of behaviors (Sharma and Biswas, 2015).
Figure 1: GGT and SMS integration.
GGT is the grounded theory approach selected
due to, as it was stated by Stray et al.(Stray et al.,
2016), the ease arising of research questions during
data analysis, allowing concepts and categories to
emerge from the data with more flexibility.
According to Glaser, GGT is a research method-
ology with two stages (Glaser, 1992), Data collec-
tion and Data analysis. Later, Adolph (Adolph et al.,
2008) enriched this methodology, including Compar-
ison with the literature as a new stage. These stages
have been depicted as S1, S2, and S3 in Figure 1(b).
GGT comprises three substages: Open Coding,
Figure 1 (b) S2 1. Selective Coding Figure 1 (b)
S2 2. Theoretical Coding Figure 1 (b) S2 3 and
produces two outcomes: Core Category & Emerg-
ing Theory. As previously mentioned, Data anal-
ysis is a data modeling process to discover informa-
tion, extract conclusions, and support hypotheses that
start with data gathered in the previous stage and end
when a theory appears (Parizi et al., 2014). Concern-
ing GGT, it could also be considered as a data analysis
tool. It provides an iterative mechanism to build the-
ories from data conducting.
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The integration of GGT stages and SMS steps in-
creases the flexibility of SMS and systematizes the
stages of GGT. As it was stated by (Finfgeld-Connett,
2014), this is a complex task because there are no pre-
vious recommendations on including GT in system-
atic reviews. The integration done by mapping be-
tween steps and stages has twofold objectives: i) to
identify the relationship between step and stage, and
ii) to determine the expected outcomes of the inte-
grated research methodology.
Both methodologies share two main activities,
“Data collection” and “Data analysis”, but they have
been conducted differently. The proposed integration
of SMS and GGT takes advantage of this fact and
maps both related activities and outcomes to produce
a more robust and systematic methodology. GGT, as a
more open research method, has driven the integration
process. The resulting method has the same struc-
ture as GGT comprising three phases: Data collec-
tion, Data analysis, and Comparison with literature.
The correspondence between SMS phases and GGT
stages is shown in Figure 1. SMS steps are integrated
into GGT stages to be systematically applied to pro-
duce and collect data in GGT that, lately, are analyzed
in the ”Data analysis” stage. Figure 1 shows the re-
lationship between the SMS steps P1, P2, and P3 and
the “GGT Data collection” stage. In the same way,
steps P4, P5, and P6 are integrated into the “GGT data
analysis” stage and, finally, step P7 into the “GGT
Comparison with literature” stage.
The integration starts mapping the “Data collec-
tion” GGT stage and the SMS steps dealing with the
acquisition of data sources. In traditional SMS, P1
is the first step that could be mapped into GGT with
questionnaires or interview elaboration over the topic
under research. The integrated methodology corre-
sponds to the definition of research questions because
GT is very permissive (Zayour and Hamdar, 2016)
and very diverse in data collection. On the other hand,
some studies use documents to replace interviews and
questionnaires (Adolph et al., 2008). P2 step corre-
sponds to Conduct Search. The integrated methodol-
ogy has the same meaning as in the traditional SMS.
It is equivalent to the writing and debugging process
of the answers when conducting interviews or pass-
ing questionnaires for being analyzed in the conven-
tional GGT. The outcome of this step is the list of ar-
ticles found in the scientific libraries complying with
the search string. The P3 step is the paper screen-
ing by applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria to
obtain the relevant papers that should be analyzed. In
GSMS, it will be used like in the traditional SMS. The
GGT perspective could be compared with the tran-
scription process and classification of interviews and
questionnaires to produce working artifacts. The out-
come of this GSMS phase is the collected data that
will be used as the input for the data analysis phase.
Data analysis is the procedure for conceptualiz-
ing and analyzing data, including identifying rela-
tionships. It is an integration process that increases
the abstraction level that starts based on the results
of the previous phase and ends when the theory ap-
pears (Parizi et al., 2014). The integration between
GGT and SMS in data analysis is feasible because
both share the goal of data modelling to form con-
clusions and formulate the hypothesis. The integra-
tion of “Data analysis” is more complex than ”Data
collection” because GGT allows multiple iterations,
while SMS is sequential. Our proposal has unified
them to provide an iterative process comprising GGT
stages but adapting their scope and level of abstrac-
tion in terms of the SMS steps. The SMS processes
Keywording, Mapping and Synthesis, shown in Fig-
ure 1 labels P4, P5, P6 comprise Open, Selective and
Theoretical coding stages to produce the outcomes
depicted as O4, O5, and O7 in the same figure.
Open, selective, and theoretical coding have dif-
ferent meanings depending on the SMS step even
when they are applying the same concept. Therefore,
the outcome of P4 (keywording) comprises several
classification schemes (O4) that are used as inputs
in P5 (mapping) to produce relationships between es-
sential elements in terms of concepts, categories and
propositions. These elements are classified and re-
fined to obtain systematic maps (O5). Maps repre-
sent the inputs to P7 (Synthesis). They are combined
to produce the Core Category, the Emerging Theory
(O7), and could answer some research questions or
identify new ones.
One of the contributions obtained by integrating
GGT and SMS is the possibility to deal with those
new research questions that may arise as an outcome
during this phase. The number of iterations is directly
related to the existence of unresolved questions. Fi-
nally, Rigor and relevance assessment SMS step,
shown in Figure 1 label P6 in the figure, is only ap-
plied at the end of each iteration and integrated with
the ”Comparison with the literature” stage of the
GGT to produce a paper ranking as the outcome O6
in the figure.
Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study: An Integrating Methodology
In brief, Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study
(GSMS) could be summarized as a new approach,
unifying the rigor and mapping of the SMS, with the
flexibility of GGT for building theories. GSMS in-
duces an iterative process in the Data Analysis phase
that allows the construction of theories by promot-
ing a deeper understanding of the results by gener-
ating conceptual propositions and including new re-
search questions when they are discovered. GSMS
applies GGT in two ways: as a qualitative research
methodology and data analysis. As a qualitative re-
search methodology(Glaser, 1992) that encompasses
the SMS process, and second, as a data analysis tool
used by SMS steps to build emerging theories (Van
Niekerk and Roode, 2009), as is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study (GSMS).
4.1 GSMS Data Collection Phase
This section describes the GSMS data collection com-
prising three subsections: Research questions defini-
tion, Conduct Search, and Screening of papers.
A. Research Question Definition Phase. The GSMS
Research question definition phase is the initial re-
search question or questions. In GSMS, the research
question is recommended to be generic, using in its
formulation the paradigm proposed by GGT, “What
do we have here?” and it also affects its outcome “Re-
view Scope” on the topic under study. Therefore, they
drive the data analysis phase, as illustrated in Figure
2 label P1 with its corresponding outcome Review
Scope Figure 2 O1.
B. Conduct Search Phase. In GSMS, there are sev-
eral activities to perform “Conduct search phase”.
The first is to select the initial sources from scientific
libraries like ISI WoS, IEEE, Scopus, or ACM. The
second activity is to apply a rigorous and systematic
procedure to define the search string (Petersen et al.,
2015). Through carrying out a series of tests, this
search string must be appropriate to ensure the result
to produce the outcome O2, as is shown in Figure 2
P2 and O2.
The definition of the search string is critical and
should look for a balance between precision and gen-
erality. If the topic under research is quite general,
the search string should be general, but precise. How-
ever, if the search string is too detailed, some rele-
vant publications could be discarded because of the
inclusion/exclusion criteria. In our case, the research
started with a complex search string like (“Grounded
Theory” & “Software Development” & “require-
ment” & “design”). Our results contained very few
relevant publications due to being too specific. Later,
we used a simplified expression with only two terms
(“Software” AND “Grounded Theory”).
C. Screening of Paper Phase. In GSMS, in “Screen-
ing of paper phase”, Figure 2 label P3, a series of in-
clusion and exclusion criteria are applied to the sci-
entific articles obtained in the previous phase. After
this first filtering process, the obtained articles were
passed to a snowballing process to identify additional
ones (Kitchenham et al., 2011).
Within the GSMS, this is the last phase of “Data
collection. As is shown in Figure 2 O3, two are the
expected outcomes of this phase: i) the list of research
questions and ii) the set of relevant papers represent-
ing the basis for the GSMS data analysis process.
4.2 GSMS Data Analysis Phase
The GSMS data analysis phase incorporates a series
of iterations that starts with the data obtained in the
previous phase and ends when a certain saturation
level is achieved. The saturation level is independent
of the researcher’s criteria, and it should be only based
on the systematic review of the elements produced in
this phase. To consider that an iteration is finished,
the following conditions must be verified: i), the iter-
ation has led to one or more new research questions.
ii), the iteration has answered at least one research
question. iii), the iteration has fully answered a spe-
cific research question. It means that an iteration can
require more than one loop through the correspond-
ing processes before being considered finished. The
data analysis phase is finished by achieving the satu-
ration level at the end of an iteration when all research
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Outcomes of GSMS Data Analysis.
Keywor.. Mapping Synthesis
Open Concepts Concepts Concepts
Selective Catego- Catego- Catego-
Theoretical Proposi- Proposi- Proposi-
questions have been wholly and thoroughly answered.
This fact has been formulated in Section 4.2.
The three GSMS phases, Keywording, Mapping,
and Synthesis, incorporate open, selective, and theo-
retical coding activities, and they come about in an in-
tegrated and coordinated way through iterations. The
Rigor and relevance assessment phase is conducted at
the end of all iterations. It is essential to highlight
that open, selective, and theoretical coding give rise
to different outcomes that are concepts, categories,
and propositions, respectively. The concepts are ba-
sic ideas emerging from data, i.e., words, keywords,
codes, notes or diagrams. They are used to relate
them, creating categories (Adolph et al., 2008). These
categories could be lists, relationships, or any other
abstract elements based on the previous concepts. Fi-
nally, the propositions connect the concepts and cate-
gories, producing a discursive set of theoretical state-
ments relating to them. They are validated through
constant data comparison (Chun Tie et al., 2019). Ta-
ble 1 presents the type of expected outcomes of each
activity in the GSMS data analysis.
A. GSMS Keywording Phase. The GSMS keyword-
ing phase looks for obtaining a Classification Schema,
see Figure 2 label O4. A Classification Schema is
a set of elements comprising concepts, categories,
and propositions. Concepts are the result of apply-
ing abstraction during the Keywording Open Cod-
ing. Open coding is driven by the identified research
questions. While performing the open coding activ-
ity, wording lists, memos, and codes are analyzed in-
depth to identify concepts arising upon active research
questions (Crabtree et al., 2009). The next activity
is Keywording Selective Coding where categories
emerge. Categories represent an upper level of ab-
straction built on top of concepts. The deepening of
the analysis of these concepts gives rise to categories
encompassing them. Categories could also be a list
of relevant concepts. Finally, Keywording Theoret-
ical Coding refers to the highest level of abstraction
to define propositions to support emerging theories.
Propositions determine theoretical knowledge based
on consolidated statements built on concepts and cat-
egories. Summarizing, the outcomes of this phase are
classification schemas for: concepts, categories, and
B. GSMS Mapping Phase. The GSMS mapping
starts after the keywording phase with the goal of cre-
ating systematic maps. During the open coding activ-
ity, concepts becoming from keywording are mapped
between them, generating new concepts to support the
mapping. While selective coding is conducted, asso-
ciations among existing categories and relationships
between concepts and categories are identified to map
new categories. Later, conducting the theoretical cod-
ing activities, new propositions could emerge from
the maps. In this phase, some questions becoming
from the previous iteration could be answered. The
outcomes of this phase are mappings of concepts, cat-
egories, and propositions.
C. GSMS Synthesis Phase. In this GSMS phase,
concepts, categories, and propositions that have arisen
from the previous phases are the basis for the Synthe-
sis Open Coding to produce more abstract and com-
plete concepts. These concepts are deepened and ana-
lyzed for establishing the finals categories while con-
ducting Synthesis Selective Coding. Finally, with
constant data comparison, the final propositions are
obtained in the Synthesis Theoretical Coding. It is
shown in Fig. 2 P7. The outcomes of the GSMS syn-
thesis can be one of these: i) Generation of a new
research question emerging as part of the GSMS pro-
cess. ii) An answer to a research question previously
established, and iii) A fundamental proposition that
will give rise to an emergent theory on a topic in a
later iteration.
Keywording and/or mapping results are incorporated
into the open coding activity of the synthesis. Their
integration is achieved through selective coding, and
then reaches the final proposition, that is, theoretical
coding within the synthesis.
D. Formulation of Saturation in GSMS. Saturation
has been modeled using two types of sets. Q is the set
of containing all research questions generated. And,
AQ represents the set of answers to a specific RQ.
The GSMS Data analysis process ends when the fol-
lowing conditions are met at the same time: i) There
are no new research questions in the iteration, ii) All
research questions have been answered, and iii) No
new elements have been added in the actual iteration
to any of the sets.
These sets could be formalized as follows:
Equation 1. There are no new research questions in
the iteration that could be reformulated in this way,
the next iteration does not generate any new research
questions. It is formulated as:
Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study: An Integrating Methodology
Given iteration k;
Given iteration k + 1;
No more questions when:
Let Q
be the set of research questions at iteration k
and Q
the set at iteration k + 1.
Equation 2. There is at least an answer to every re-
search question in the set Q(k). It is formulated as:
Let Q =
where RQ is a Research Question
RQ Q an iteration k. where is true that
( j)
where AQ
( j) is an answer to RQ
Equation 3. Saturation is reached when there are no
more answers to each question in the set Q(k). This
condition is formulated as:
Let Q =
considering RQ Q
Given the iterations k. It is true that
(i) =
& A
(i) =
(i) is an answer to RQ in iteration k
(i) is an answer to RQ in iteration k + 1
It is true that A
(i) = A
Data Analysis Phase Iteration and Loops. GSMS
data analysis is the most complex process in the
methodology. It comprises iterations with well-stated
goals. Iterations are the mechanism to reach the ap-
propriate saturation level in the research. Each iter-
ation receives inputs and produces outputs, and the
output of one iteration is the input of the next, ex-
cept in the first one, where the iteration’s input is the
output of “Data collection”. To achieve the expected
goals, iterations could require one or more loops. In
GSMS, we use the term loop to refer the complete
execution of the phases Keywording, Mapping, and
Synthesis. Once the loop is finished, it is evaluated
whether the goal of the iteration has been achieved
or not. In the case of not, a new loop starts; but in
the case of achievement, the process is moved to the
next phase. Figure 3 (b) shows an example of an it-
eration with one loop. We used activity diagrams to
model iterations, due to the existence of the fork/join
framework that supports the branches that could hap-
pen during the execution of an iteration.
The constant comparison of data and its theoreti-
cal sampling is present in each one of the loops within
the iterations; without them, it would not have been
possible to delve into the process of finding theo-
ries through propositions. The proposed GSMS es-
tablishes the possibility that questions coming from a
general scope evolve dynamically to be specific, ab-
stract, and challenging ones.
4.3 Comparison with Literature Phase
The set of answers to the questions arising in the pro-
cess are the input elements for this phase, having the
scientific rigour and industrial relevance assessment
phase as part of it. It is conducted at the end of each
iteration when one or more answers to research ques-
tions were provided. There are some relevant consid-
erations about this phase: First, It allows reviewing
tertiary articles, thus establishing a difference with
the primary articles obtained in data collection. It
looks for to confirm or deny the findings of the itera-
tion through other works around the subject of study.
Second, the answered questions must provide a set
of articles to compare with the arising emerging the-
ories. Third, GGT establishes that should not be pre-
established validation criteria at the beginning of the
research; however, at the end of each iteration it is the
time to give rise to answer a question and the find-
ings, that will be compared and validated, to look for
similarities and differences.
A. Rigor and Relevance Assessment Phase. For the
elaboration of the rubrics for scientific rigor and rele-
vance industrial, we took the recommendations given
by (Ivarsson and Gorschek, 2010). The rigor and rel-
evance were applied to the answers of each research
question through the coding activities.
This section provides an example of the application of
GSMS to study the use of grounded theory in software
development. It comprises two sections; the first ex-
plains how the data collection was conducted, and the
second presents how the data analysis was performed.
5.1 Data Collection
Data collection was applied as described in section
4.1. The search string used was (“Software” AND
“Grounded Theory”). After the filtering process,
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
70 research papers were selected. Figure 3 (a), de-
picts an activity diagram with the process applied.
This research is based on a previous systematic map-
ping conducted by the authors to study where and
how Grounded Theory was applied in Software De-
velopment through the following research questions:
RQ1:, Where is the Grounded Theory (GT) appropri-
ate within the Software Development study?, RQ2:
Is the GT applied correctly in the process and tasks of
Software Development?, RQ3: Is the GT useful for
Software Engineers in the industry?
5.2 Data Analysis Iteration Example
This section describes the application of the first it-
eration of GSMS data analysis in our research. Each
iteration is presented with the following structure: i),
inputs received from the previous iteration or phase
as appropriate. ii), the application of SMS steps and
GGT stages. iii), the corresponding outputs for the
next iteration/step. The input of the first iteration is
the output of the ”Data collection” and comprises:
three research questions (RQ1, RQ2, RQ3) and 70
papers to be analyzed. It is important to remember
that open, selective, and theoretical coding give rise to
concepts, categories, and propositions, respectively.
Figure 3 (b) shows the Activity Diagram of iteration.
P1. Research
Question Definition
O1-1 Research
Question RQ1 RQ2
Data Collection
P2. Conduct
P3. Screening
the papers
70 papers
Iteration 0
P5 Mapping
Development and
Grounded Theory
lists mapping
P7 Synthesis
It generates a
new research
Add RQ4, RQ5
P4 Keywording
Question RQ4
Four levels of
Question RQ5
To Iteration 1
To iteration 0
Figure 3: (a) Data collection (b) Data analysis Iteration 0.
Keywording has become within the GSMS a con-
stant comparison of data and abstractions through the
open, selective, and theoretical coding. The keyword-
ing tries to find a classification schema in a GSMS,
but this must arise from previously established knowl-
edge existing in the literature. For the initial list of
topics in open coding, we started from the two con-
cepts used to conduct the search phase: “software de-
velopment” and “grounded theory”. These concepts
were used because both are consolidated in the sci-
entific literature. The open coding of keywording
resulted in two lists, one for Software Development
terms obtained from Swebok v3.0 (that is the body of
knowledge for Software Development)(Bourque and
Fairley, 2014) and the other corresponding to the vari-
ants of Grounded Theory. (Urquhart, 2001). The
application of selective coding produced categories.
These categories were the lists that emerge from Soft-
ware Development and Grounded Theory. In the case
of Software Development, the list contains the main
10 SD processes obtained from Swebok v3.0. The
Grounded Theory list has only two elements repre-
senting the GT variants: Glaserian Grounded or Clas-
sical Grounded, and Straussian Grounded or Evolved
Finally, theoretical coding seeks to establish
propositions. These propositions, that we call pre-
classification schema are more abstract and deeper
levels of the categories obtained in selective coding,
prove that they encompass several concepts and are a
more specific, refined proposition and an evolution in
Software Development and Grounded Theory. Un-
fortunately, in iteration 0, these lists by themselves
cannot generate relevant categories and propositions.
Mapping starts with its open coding and is based
on the elements of the Pre-classification schema, as-
signing a code to each item in both lists. Later, the se-
lected articles were cataloged within the codes of the
pre-classification schema. Selective coding in map-
ping is interested in summarizing the number of arti-
cles that can be cataloged within the two lists of the
Pre-classification schema.
Finally, we can code 41 articles corresponding to
(58,5%) in the scope of software development and 34
articles corresponding to 48.57%, in grounded the-
ory. Theoretical Coding requires establishing propo-
sitions based on the results previously obtained. It an-
alyzed the mapping results about the classification of
the articles. It was determined that 20 articles (28.6%)
had some codes from both lists, 18 (25.7%) papers
were not on either list, 19 (27.1%) were coded only
with terms of the Software Development list, and 13
articles (18.6%) were coded only with terms of the
grounded theory list.
Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study: An Integrating Methodology
The obtained Outcomes of this iteration 0 are:
Where Q
is set RQ at iteration i
= [RQ
, RQ
, RQ
Where Q
is set RQ from Data collection
= Q
+ [RQ
, RQ
= [RQ
, RQ
, RQ
, RQ
, RQ
is the set of AQ of iteration 0,
(1) = ; A
(2) = ; A
(3) = ;
(4) = ; A
(5) = ;
Where A
(k) is the set of Answers to RQ
Synthesis and Outcomes we did not obtain
enough representative results when classifying the
documents. Even when the two topics were consol-
idated in the specialized literature, this first classifica-
tion rate was too low. The synthesis highlighted the
lack of proper classification of the selected works be-
cause most of our articles could not be classified. It
lead us to propose two new research questions: RQ4:
Is there a way to categorize the documents within GT
in SD to increase the rate of cataloged papers? RQ5:
Is there any other way to categorize software than the
ones provided by the pre-classification schema?
None of the saturation conditions is met, therefore it
is needed to move to another iteration.
Comparison with Literature: Analyzing the exist-
ing literature reviews on software engineering about
the variants of GT (Kroeger et al., 2014; Stol et al.,
2016), they also had a low rate of classification, prob-
ably because it has not been adequately deepened.
This paper represents a step forward to applying
systematic mapping analysis by enriching it with
grounded theory practices. The result is what we call
Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study. It combines the
rigour of systematic mapping and the flexibility of
grounded theory. GSMS is more powerful than SMS
because coding activities are conducted in each itera-
tion, allowing new knowledge to emerge.
This publication contributes to in the following as-
pects: i) We have not found previous attempts to for-
malize the GT processes. ii) This formalization cre-
ates a new way of defining saturation through three
equations in terms of research questions, their an-
swers, and the concepts comprising the answers. iii)
Research questions can be deepened as the iterations
progress, thus achieving answers to deeper and more
specific questions. iv) The answers that emerge as
part of the iterations can be confronted by other find-
ings compared with the literature, allowing these find-
ings to be validated. v) Findings can be validated in
each iteration according to their application through
the rigor and relevance assessment stage.
GSMS incorporates the SMS scalability and the
GGT systematization. In the GSMS, the SMS steps
have been enriched with the data analysis tools pro-
vided by the GGT, giving more depth to the results,
especially the steps of Keywording, Mapping, and
Synthesis. It is also able to evaluate the scientific
rigour and industrial relevance of the results across
The GSMS improved the classification rates com-
pared to SMS. It also has the advantage of adding new
research questions that arise without having to restart
the research process. In our case, applying SMS, only
55.7% of the articles were classified, but applying
GSMS our classification rate exceeded 80%.
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Glaserian Systematic Mapping Study: An Integrating Methodology