Challenges of API Documentation from a Provider Perspective and Best
Practices for Examples in Public Web API Documentation
Gloria Bondel, Arif Cerit and Florian Matthes
Faculty of Informatics, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstrasse 3, Garching, Germany
API Documentation, Web APIs, Challenges, Best Practices.
Developers frequently have to learn new Web APIs provided by other teams or organizations. Documentation,
especially code examples, supports learning and influences the consumers’ perception of an API. Nevertheless,
documentation repeatedly fails to address consumers’ information needs. Therefore, we identify four major
challenges of creating and maintaining public Web API documentation from a provider perspective which are
unknown customer needs, the difficulty of balancing the coverage of varying information needs and keep-
ing documentation concise, the high effort of creating and maintaining documentation, and missing internal
guidance and governance for creating API documentation. In addition, we derive 46 best practices candidates
for code examples as part of Web API documentation from literature and 13 expert interviews. Moreover,
we evaluate a subset of eight of these candidates in the context of the Web API documentation for a public
GraphQL API in a case study with 12 participants. As a result, we validate the analyzed eight best practices
candidates to be best practices for public Web API documentation.
Nowadays, learning new APIs provided by other
teams or organizations is a common task for devel-
opers (Meng et al., 2018; Meng et al., 2019; Glass-
man et al., 2018). Hence, developers often face the
challenge of evaluating the suitability of an API for
solving a specific problem (Meng et al., 2018). Also,
developers often have to figure out how to use an
API efficiently to solve a specific problem (Meng
et al., 2018). Information necessary to accomplish
these tasks can comprise knowledge about how do-
main concepts map to API elements, what use cases
the API supports, how different requests affect re-
source consumption, and how the API reports errors
(Robillard and DeLine, 2011; Meng et al., 2018).
API providers use documentation to transfer this
kind of information to developers in other teams or
organizations. Therefore, documentation is a cru-
cial learning resource for API consumers (Robillard,
2009; Lethbridge et al., 2003; McLellan et al., 1998).
Moreover, API consumers perceive documentation-
related issues, e.g., errors or missing information, as
a significant impediment when learning APIs (Meng
et al., 2018; Robillard and DeLine, 2011; Robillard,
2009). Thus, the success of a public API can depend
on the documentation’s ability to meet the consumers’
information needs (Meng et al., 2018).
Previous research reveals the vital role of code ex-
amples in API documentation (Nykaza et al., 2002;
Meng et al., 2018; Meng et al., 2019; Robillard, 2009;
Ko et al., 2007; Nasehi and Maurer, 2010; McLellan
et al., 1998; Meng et al., 2020; Jeong et al., 2009;
McLellan et al., 1998). For instance, examples repre-
sent entry points to learning a new API (Meng et al.,
2018; Meng et al., 2019) as well as to solve specific
problems (Meng et al., 2019; Nykaza et al., 2002;
Meng et al., 2018). Also, developers perceive ex-
amples as more informative and easier to understand
compared to textual descriptions and they convey a
feeling of how to best use an API (Meng et al., 2018).
Even though the importance of documentation and
especially examples is well researched, consumers re-
port that documentation only rarely meets their needs
(Meng et al., 2018). Inspecting literature reveals that
challenges related to API documentation are investi-
gated only from a consumer point of view, e.g., by
(Robillard and DeLine, 2011) and (Meng et al., 2018).
In comparison, to the best of the authors’ knowledge,
there are no previous studies identifying challenges
that API providers face when designing and main-
taining Web API documentation for API consumers
external to the API providers team or organization.
Secondly, if documentation entails examples,
Bondel, G., Cerit, A. and Matthes, F.
Challenges of API Documentation from a Provider Perspective and Best Practices for Examples in Public Web API Documentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011089700003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 2, pages 268-279
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
these examples have to meet specific quality criteria
to unlock their potential and support the learnability
of APIs (Meng et al., 2018; Robillard and DeLine,
2011; Robillard, 2009; Nykaza et al., 2002). There-
fore we aim to answer the following two research
RQ1: What challenges do API providers face
when designing and maintaining public Web API doc-
RQ2: What are best practices for creating code
examples as part of public Web API documentation?
We conducted interviews with 13 experts to an-
swer the first research question. As a result, we iden-
tify four significant challenges that API providers face
when creating public Web API documentation. To an-
swer the second research question, we first identify 46
best practices candidates for code examples in public
Web API documentation from literature and the same
interview series used to answer the first research ques-
tion. Finally, we evaluate if a subset of the identified
best practices candidates influences consumers’ per-
ception and productivity in a case study. As a basis for
the case study, we create two versions of documenta-
tion for an existing public Web API that differ regard-
ing the implementation of eight best practices candi-
dates. Afterward, we observed 12 professional soft-
ware developers while solving a set of defined tasks
using one of the two documentation versions to eval-
uate the effect of the eight best practices candidates
in the context of Web APIs. The results show that
the implemented best practices candidates positively
influence the consumers’ perception of the API, and
thus we validate the candidates to be best practices.
The contribution of this research paper is three-
fold. First, we present four central challenges of cre-
ating public Web API documentation from a provider
perspective. Each of these challenges provides a start-
ing point for future research. In addition, we present
a list of best practices candidates for code examples
in public Web API documentation and validate a sub-
set of eight of these candidates to be best practices.
Practitioners can use these best practices to guide the
creation of API documentation. Also, these best prac-
tices can guide the design of tools that support or au-
tomate the generation of Web API documentation. In
addition, future research can investigate the effect of
other best practices candidates that we did not analyze
as part of the presented case study.
In the remainder of the paper, we first define the
notion of code examples and differentiate related con-
cepts. Afterward, we describe the research approach
followed by presenting identified API documentation
challenges. The next section entails an overview of
all best practices candidates for examples in public
Web API documentation. We evaluate a subset of
eight of these best practices candidates in a case study
described in the subsequent section. Finally, we con-
clude the research paper with a description of the lim-
itations and a conclusion.
We adopt (Robillard and DeLine, 2011) definition of
code examples in API documentation as ”[...] list-
ings, of various length, that show an API being used”.
Thus, an example helps developers to understand how
to use API elements in a programming context (Wat-
son, 2012; Jiang et al., 2007). There are four different
types of code examples, which are code snippets, tu-
torials, samples, and production code (Robillard and
DeLine, 2011).
The smallest type of examples are code snippets,
which show just one aspect of an APIs basic func-
tionality (Robillard and DeLine, 2011; Watson,
2012). Similarly, (Watson, 2012) describes code
snippets as short samples of code that show how
to use one API element (Watson, 2012).
A tutorial is a sequence of snippets that imple-
ment a specific, non-trivial functionality in a step-
by-step manner (Robillard and DeLine, 2011;
Watson, 2012). A getting started guide is a type
of tutorial that enables developers to implement
a basic usage of the API (Inzunza et al., 2018).
Also, a concept which we equate with tutorials are
recipes. (Meng et al., 2019) describes recipes as
code examples in a cookbook-like fashion. Each
recipe describes how to reach a specific solution
given a specific problem (Meng et al., 2018).
Next, a sample is a small and self-contained ap-
plication (Robillard and DeLine, 2011). In com-
parison to tutorials that show just one functional-
ity, sample apps demonstrate complete and usable
programs comprising several features and poten-
tially additional functionality, e.g., a user interface
or error handling (Watson, 2012; Nykaza et al.,
Finally, API consumers can inspect production
code for code examples (Robillard and DeLine,
2011). For instance, consumers can extract such
code examples from open source systems.
An example does not only consist of code but
also entails accompanying explanations (Robillard
and DeLine, 2011). These explanations provide in-
formation that allows consumers to understand the
example code and thus modify it (Nasehi and Mau-
rer, 2010; Nasehi et al., 2012; Ko and Riche, 2011;
Challenges of API Documentation from a Provider Perspective and Best Practices for Examples in Public Web API Documentation
Meng et al., 2018; Uddin and Robillard, 2015; Thayer
et al., 2021; Glassman et al., 2018). Such an expla-
nations can, e.g., comprise a rationale that explains
how the code relates to concepts and execution facts
(Thayer et al., 2021). The explanations can be incor-
porated into code in the form of comments (Nasehi
et al., 2012) or accompany the example code as tex-
tual descriptions (Meng et al., 2018).
Moreover, we distinguish the concept of examples
from similar concepts in literature. First, we want
to distinguish examples from API usages. An API
usage captures what an API can be used for (Jiang
et al., 2007; Stylos et al., 2009). Hence, examples can
demonstrate how to realize usages, i.e., recommended
or required sequences of API calls that implement a
specific functionality (Jiang et al., 2007). However,
an API provider can also use UML2 sequence dia-
grams to convey usage scenarios as part of API docu-
mentation (Jiang et al., 2007).
Next, (Thayer et al., 2021) introduces usage pat-
terns as a type of knowledge that consumers require
to be able to use an API successfully. A usage pattern
is a code pattern describing how calls to several APIs
should be coordinated and are accompanied by a ra-
tionale that explains how the code relates to concepts
and execution facts (Thayer et al., 2021). A usage
pattern can be a code snippet. Thus, usage patterns
convey what a developer can do with an API (Thayer
et al., 2021).
Finally, (Hoffman and Strooper, 2000) and (Hoff-
man and Strooper, 2003) introduce the idea of using
test cases as examples in documentation. A test case
comprises preconditions, inputs, and expected results
to determine if a system meets specific test objectives
(ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-1, 2013). Test cases are ex-
ecutable examples with expected outputs that guar-
antee precision, completeness, and machine process-
As a result, we understand examples as code com-
prising API requests and expected responses with ac-
companying explanations that demonstrate how to
use an API to realize one or more functionalities.
Furthermore, we differentiate between code snippets
that show one call or functionality and tutorials that
present sequences of calls that build on each other.
Moreover, samples are self-contained, exemplary ap-
plications, while production code showcases API us-
age in productive applications. Also, an API usage
captures what an API can be used for (Jiang et al.,
2007; Stylos et al., 2009), and examples can demon-
strate how to realize usages.
This section describes the research approach for iden-
tifying challenges of creating and maintaining API
documentation from a provider perspective, identify-
ing best practices candidates for API documentation,
and evaluating a subset of eight of these best practices
candidates in the context of public Web API docu-
mentation. The research approach comprises a litera-
ture review, expert interviews, and a case study.
3.1 Literature Review
We reviewed existing literature on API documenta-
tion following an approach inspired by (Webster and
Watson, 2002) to extract best practices candidates
for the design and integration of code examples into
Web API documentation that improve consumers’
API learning. As a starting point, we conducted an ex-
tensive search of the databases ScienceDirect, ACM,
IEEE Xplore, and Scopus. Afterward, we uncov-
ered additional relevant publications using forward
and backward search. As a result, we collected 17 re-
search papers that present implications, principles, or
observations for code examples in the documentation
of local APIs, non-public Web APIs, and public Web
APIs. We include best practices candidates derived
from literature concerned with non-public Web APIs
and local APIs since we assume they could also ap-
ply to public Web APIs. Still, their applicability first
needs to be validated. From the 17 research papers,
we derive 32 best practices candidates for designing
code examples in public Web API documentation.
3.2 Expert Interviews
Next, we aim to identify challenges related to creat-
ing and maintaining API documentation from an API
provider perspective and requirements for designing
valuable code examples in public Web API docu-
mentation using semi-structured expert interviews.
Overall, we interviewed 13 professionals, including
product owners, architects, and software developers
employed by a large multinational software vendor.
The prerequisites for participation in the interviews
were that each interviewee has professional experi-
ence with API provision or consumption and was ac-
tively working on a project concerned with API de-
sign and documentation at the time of the research
endeavor. The interviews took place between April
and July 2019 and lasted 39 minutes on average. We
audio-recorded 13 interviews and transcribed the rel-
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
evant parts
. We provide an overview of the intervie-
wees, including an ID, a role description, their years
of professional experience in software design, and the
duration of the interviews, in Tab. 1.
We analyzed the data using open coding, selective
coding, and constant comparison as described by (Wi-
esche et al., 2017). The analysis of the interviewees
yields 34 best practices candidates, of which 20 sup-
port best practices candidates previously identified in
the literature. Therefore, we identify 46 unique best
practices candidates from literature and expert inter-
3.3 Case Study
Finally, we aim to evaluate the effect of eight best
practice candidates for code examples in public Web
API documentation on consumer perception and pro-
ductivity. To reach this goal, we conduct an embed-
ded single case study (Yin, 2013) with a large soft-
ware vendor.
As a basis we create two different versions of doc-
umentation for the existing open-source system Com-
. The system enables the integration and moni-
toring of application landscapes consisting of internal
applications running on specific computing clusters
and external applications. A user interacts with the
system through a GraphQL
Overall, the documentation consists of three com-
ponents, which are a textual description of the API
including examples, a GraphQL playground
, and
an interactive specification generated with graphdoc
The textual description references the GraphQL play-
ground and the specification.
We focus on the textual description of the API
since it entails the examples, and design two signif-
icantly different versions of it; a basic version and an
advanced version. However, there is no consensus on
the best structure of textual API documentation in lit-
erature or practice. Therefore, we derive the struc-
ture of the basic textual documentation from leading
API management tool providers, e.g., MuleSoft and
Apigee (Pillai et al., 2021), and practice-driven guides
for technical writers (Johnson, 2021). As a result, we
structure the textual documentation into an overview,
getting started, tutorial, samples
, and glossary part.
Due to a malfunction of the recording device, we did
not record the interview with I3. Instead, we analyze the
field notes we made during the interview.
We named the section ”samples” since it is common to
Since this research aims to analyze best practices
candidates for code examples, the tutorial and sam-
ple section of the textual descriptions differ between
the two versions. More specifically, we realize a set
of eight best practices candidates in the tutorial and
sample sections of the advanced version of the doc-
umentation, which we do not implement in the basic
version. We chose the specific set of eight best prac-
tices candidates for one of three reasons. Either, pre-
vious literature does not mention or only weakly sup-
port a best practice candidate described by the inter-
viewees. In addition, we chose best practices candi-
dates for which we identified contradicting statements
about their impact on the API consumers’ productiv-
ity and perception of APIs. Finally, we selected best
practices candidates, which we derived from literature
that is not specific to public Web APIs.
The basic documentation enables API consumers
to use the API by providing only necessary and com-
mon documentation sections. The tutorial of the ba-
sic documentation describes an exemplary usage sce-
nario consisting of three code snippets of low com-
plexity within a specific context. The samples are four
independent code snippets covering essential ways to
query Compass elements without context.
The advanced textual documentation builds on the
basic documentation by implementing the best prac-
tices candidates described in the following.
First of all, the tutorial in the advanced documen-
tation presents a ”main scenario” that covers the typ-
ical use of the system (BP27). Moreover, the tutorial
integrates a button that imports the complete tutorial
into the Postman
application, thus enabling to easily
try-out the examples (BP46). The tutorial description
is very concise and problem-oriented (BP30). Fur-
thermore, the tutorial entails seven code snippets with
increasing complexity (BP03). The tutorial also fol-
lows a storyline with a clear outcome (BP28). Lastly,
the tutorial presents alternatives to solve a problem,
i.e., includes junctions in the solution path (BP13).
Focusing on the samples, the code snippets in the
advanced textual documentation frequently reference
the specification (BP38). Again, the samples pro-
vide integrated Postman tool support (BP46). An-
other significant difference is that the samples cover
a higher amount of usages by providing eight code
snippets, including snippets with higher complexity
(BP01, BP03).
In addition, the advanced textual description en-
name a section containing code snippets ”samples” or ”ex-
amples” and we did not want to confuse the case study par-
ticipants. However, following the definition of (Robillard
and DeLine, 2011), the section contains code snippets.
Challenges of API Documentation from a Provider Perspective and Best Practices for Examples in Public Web API Documentation
Table 1: Overview of interview experts, including a reference ID, interviewees’ roles, years of experience, and the interview
ID Role Experience [years] Duration [hh:mm]
I1 Software Architect 12 01:15
I2 Product Owner 15 00:32
I3 Enterprise Architect 12 -
I4 Enterprise Architect 10 00:30
I5 Software Architect 29 00:36
I6 Enterprise Architect 7 00:44
I7 Product Owner 12 00:45
I8 Lead Developer 20 01:05
I9 Senior Developer 15 01:31
I10 Senior Developer 6 00:40
I11 Developer 2 00:36
I12 Senior Developer 8 00:41
I13 Senior Developer 20 00:38
tails a ”best practices” section. These best practices
make it easier for users to use the playground, present
beneficial approaches to navigate the documentation
components, and provide hints on how to interact with
GraphQL APIs.
Overall, 12 professional software developers from
the industry partners organization participated in the
evaluation. We admitted only participants with at
least four years of professional experience into the
study. We split the participants into two groups with
the aim to balance the mean regarding years of ex-
perience across the groups and assigned each group
one version of the documentation. An overview of
the case study participants is provided in Tab. 2.
Finally, we used multiple approaches to collect
case study data, comprising observations, a SUS
questionnaire, and open questions to collect quanti-
tative and qualitative data.
After starting the documentation application, set-
ting up the GraphQL playground, and answering or-
ganizational questions, the case study setting allowed
participants to first read and get acquainted with the
assigned version of the API documentation. Next, we
confronted the participant with three tasks. The tasks
resemble real API usages, have increasing difficulty
levels, and are solvable in a limited time. We en-
couraged the participants to express think-aloud com-
ments. One researcher observed each participant and
used a field protocol to capture the time, the number
of issued API requests, and the usage of documenta-
tion sections during the task solution.
After solving or trying to solve the tasks, we asked
the participant to fill in a SUS questionnaire accord-
ing to (Brooke et al., 1996). Finally, we used open
questions to inquire about the perceived usefulness of
the documentation, including the most useful, least
useful, and missing parts of the documentation. The
whole evaluation process was audio recorded.
The goal of documentation is to enable API con-
sumers to understand and use an API. Therefore, we
first present four significant challenges related to doc-
umentation from an API provider perspective as per-
ceived by the interviewees.
Unknown Consumer Needs. The first major
challenge related to API documentation is that API
providers lack information about the API consumers’
needs (I2, I3, I4, I5, I8). The API provider does not
know who will use the API and for what purpose (I4,
I7, I8). Moreover, API consumers regularly want to
use APIs for purposes not intended or expected by the
API provider (I5, I7), as noted by I7: ”In addition,
we often have consumers using the API for something
it was not intended for. This is also due to the fact
that the provider knows too little about the various
use cases of its consumers [...].
Coverage. The second challenge concerns the
coverage of documentation. API consumers expect
the documentation to cover all information neces-
sary to solve their respective problems. As (Meng
et al., 2018) highlights, completeness of documenta-
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Overview of case study participants, including a reference ID, the participants’ API-specific experience, and their
general professional development experience.
Group A Group B
ID API Experience Total Experience ID API Experience Total Experience
A1 10 14 B1 7 9
A2 3 4 B2 7 7
A3 10 15 B3 10 15
A4 4 4 B4 2 4
A5 3 9 B5 6 10
A6 9 10 B6 3 4
Mean 6.50 9.33 Mean 5.83 8.17
tion is one of the most important criteria for develop-
ers. However, documentation cannot cover all infor-
mation (I5, I8, I9, I10) due to API consumers having
different goals, learning styles, and tool preferences
(I8, I9, I10). Also, the provider might not know all
possible states of an API, especially for complex APIs
or flows across several APIs (I5, I8). Hence, the in-
terviewees report frequently running into issues not
covered in the documentation (I2, I4). In addition,
according to (Maalej and Robillard, 2013), documen-
tation length increases with the number of included
knowledge types, potentially leading to huge docu-
mentation. However, API consumers perceive exten-
sive documentation negatively, as I7 highlights ”[...]
it can lead to an information overload. There may be
everything in it but if it is hard to understand and too
long, then it is [...] even counterproductive. Hence,
API providers face the challenge of balancing the cov-
erage of varying information needs and keeping the
documentation as concise as possible.
Effortful Creation and Maintenance. Next, the
creation and maintenance of documentation is dif-
ficult and creates effort for the API provider (I8,
I9, I12) (Robillard and DeLine, 2011; Hoffman and
Strooper, 2000; Ko et al., 2007; Uddin and Robillard,
2015; Sohan et al., 2017; Mar et al., 2011) as I8 de-
scribes: ”And in any case, [creating] these scenar-
ios also involve a certain amount of effort. The ques-
tion is always whether the teams or the company are
willing to make this effort. You can already see that
it often fails for the simplest type of documentation,
i.e., the specification. In addition, the API provider
needs to update the documentation in case of changes
of the API or underlying systems (I1, I2, I8, I9, I11,
I13). Up-to-dateness is a major requirement for docu-
mentation according to developers (Meng et al., 2018;
Robillard and DeLine, 2011), since erroneous docu-
mentation leads to frustrated API consumers (Hosono
et al., 2019), and potentially even to illegal and un-
safe API usages (Zhong and Su, 2013). Hence, API
provider organizations should invest in overcoming
the perception of documentation as a side product (I1,
I3, I5, I8) and motivate internal developers who prefer
to write code to create and maintain up-to-date docu-
mentation (I1, I8).
Missing Governance. Finally, the interviewees
mentioned that many different documentation styles
exist for API documentation, making it difficult to
know how to design the documentation (I4, I9, I13).
Usually, internal guidelines and governance for creat-
ing Web API documentation are missing (I6).
In this section, we present best practices candidates
for code examples in API documentation derived
from the literature review and the expert interviews.
Overall, we identified 46 best practices candidates, as
presented in Tab. 3.
The identified best practice candidates span differ-
ent topics and levels of abstraction. Therefore, some
best practice candidates relate to each other or are
overlapping. In addition, some best practice candi-
dates are contradictory. Furthermore, most of the ex-
isting research on code examples as part of API docu-
mentation were conducted in the context of local APIs
and not publicly accessible Web APIs. Therefore, we
aim to evaluate which best practice candidates are ac-
tual best practices applicable for public Web APIs in
the next section.
We analyze the collected data to evaluate the effect
of eight best practices candidates applied to the code
snippets and tutorials on the productivity and percep-
tion of API consumers using a public Web API. First,
we describe the findings of the quantitative analysis
Challenges of API Documentation from a Provider Perspective and Best Practices for Examples in Public Web API Documentation
Table 3: Best practices candidates derived from literature and expert interviewees.
ID Best Practices Candidates Literature Sources Inverviewees
BP01 Examples should cover all common usage scenarios of
an API.
(Nasehi and Maurer,
2010; Ko et al., 2004)
I5, I7, I8, I9
BP02 Examples should comprise a concise unit of functional-
ity that can be combined into more complex functional-
(Meng et al., 2018; Ro-
billard and DeLine, 2011;
Nasehi et al., 2012)
BP03 Documentation should present examples with different,
e.g., increasing, levels of complexity to meet the needs
of consumers with different expertise.
(Nasehi et al., 2012;
Nykaza et al., 2002)
I9, I11, I12
BP04 Examples should demonstrate how to coordinate sequen-
tial requests to a single API to implement (more com-
plex) functionality.
(Nasehi and Maurer,
2010; Robillard, 2009;
Sohan et al., 2017)
I1, I2, I4, I8,
BP05 Examples should demonstrate how to coordinate re-
quests to multiple APIs to implement (more complex)
(Robillard and DeLine,
2011; Thayer et al., 2021)
I2, I13
BP06 Examples need to be correct and up-to-date to not frus-
trate consumers.
(Meng et al., 2018; Robil-
lard and DeLine, 2011)
I1, I2, I8, I9,
I11, I12, I13
BP07 Examples should be copyable and thus complete. (Meng et al., 2018; Meng
et al., 2019; Hoffman and
Strooper, 2000; Hoffman
and Strooper, 2003)
I1, I8, I9, I11
BP08 Examples should be freely accessible. I8
BP09 Documentation should use compact and readable test
cases as code examples.
(Hoffman and Strooper,
2000; Hoffman and
Strooper, 2003)
I3, I4, I8, I9
BP10 Examples should adhere to general and community-
specific programming conventions.
(Meng et al., 2018;
McLellan et al., 1998)
BP11 Examples should implement ”best practices” specific to
an API.
(Robillard and DeLine,
2011; Robillard, 2009)
I8, I9
BP12 Examples need to present correct request syntax and se-
mantics, including all necessary HTTP headers, valid pa-
rameter, valid data types, and data formats.
(Sohan et al., 2017) I4, I7, I8, I9,
I11, I13
BP13 Examples should demonstrate alternative solution ap-
proaches, including corner cases.
I2, I8, I11,
BP14 The API provider should describe APIs capabilities us-
ages at the beginning of the example.
(McLellan et al., 1998) I12
BP15 Examples need to relate to the overall domain of the API. I4
BP16 Examples should evolve according to the consumers’
(Nasehi et al., 2012)
BP17 Documentation should not indicate that an example is
old if it still works.
(Robillard, 2009; Robil-
lard and DeLine, 2011)
BP18 Examples should use familiar domains. (Nasehi et al., 2012)
BP19 Examples should also demonstrate ”unhappy paths”. I3, I8, I11
BP20 Examples should entail or be accompanied by all infor-
mation necessary for successful authentication.
I2, I7, I11,
BP21 Examples should provide client code in different pro-
gramming languages.
BP22 An example should describe valid test data. I13
BP23 Tutorials should have a consistent level of detail across
all steps.
BP24 Tutorials should be accompanied by suitable visualiza-
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 3: Best practices candidates derived from literature and expert interviewees (continued).
ID Best Practices Candidates Literature Sources Inverviewees
BP25 Documentation should include advanced tutorials and
applications that transfer information on complex API
(Robillard, 2009)
BP26 Tutorials should be structured to show some intermedi-
ate result after each step.
(Inzunza et al., 2018) I13
BP27 Documentation should use tutorials to demonstrate the
APIs basic functionality.
(Meng et al., 2018;
Nykaza et al., 2002)
I1, I2, I6
BP28 Tutorials should present end-to-end usages following a
I2, I9, I11
BP29 Documentation should entail a sample app that demon-
strates the primary usage(s) of the API.
I1, I6
BP30 Code snippets, tutorials, and their explanations should
be as concise and problem-oriented as possible.
(Nasehi et al., 2012) I1, I7, I10,
I12, I13
BP31 Explanations of relevant conceptual knowledge should
accompany examples.
(Meng et al., 2018; Meng
et al., 2019; Thayer et al.,
I1, I9, I12,
BP32 An example should describe the intended usages of the
BP33 Example explanations should provide information on
pre- and postconditions of API interactions.
(Hoffman and Strooper,
2000; Hoffman and
Strooper, 2003)
I12, I13
BP34 Example explanations should provide information on
non-deterministic API behavior.
(Hoffman and Strooper,
2000; Hoffman and
Strooper, 2003)
BP35 The explanation should describe shortcomings of the
API itself and potential workarounds.
(Nasehi et al., 2012)
BP36 Explanations accompanying examples should describe
limitations of the solution that the example presents.
(Nasehi et al., 2012)
BP37 Explanations of code examples should reference related
or alternative solutions.
(Nasehi et al., 2012)
BP38 Example explanations need to explain how the code re-
lates to low-level API elements.
(Thayer et al., 2021) I9
BP39 Examples should transfer information on the API design
(Nykaza et al., 2002; Ro-
billard, 2009)
BP40 Explanations should describe the reasons for error mes-
sages and measures to solve these errors.
I1, I6, I7, I8,
BP41 Explanations should describe the sense of each part of
an example request.
I11, I12, I13
BP42 The documentation should make it easy to separate ex-
ample code from textual descriptions.
(Meng et al., 2019)
BP43 The documentation should highlight how explanations
relate to the code.
(Meng et al., 2019; Meng
et al., 2020)
BP44 The documentation should highlight crucial elements,
e.g., the names of relevant API elements or design pat-
terns, in the code examples and explanations.
(Nasehi et al., 2012) I13
BP45 Examples should present indicators that provide infor-
mation on code example quality.
(Glassman et al., 2018)
BP46 The documentation should enable the execution of ex-
amples within the documentation or common tools.
(Meng et al., 2019; Jeong
et al., 2009)
I2, I3, I6, I8,
I9, I10, I11,
Challenges of API Documentation from a Provider Perspective and Best Practices for Examples in Public Web API Documentation
followed by the results of the qualitative analysis.
6.1 Quantitative Analysis Results
The quantitative analysis comprises metrics on the
needed time, success, and documentation feature us-
age observed during the evaluation. In addition, we
present the results of the SUS survey. The sample
size for all presented statistics is n = 12.
Figure 1: Overview of the time that participants took to ini-
tially read the API documentation (learning) and solve the
three tasks.
First, we analyze the time that participants took
to initially read the documentation and to solve all
tasks as presented in Tab. 1. The analysis shows
that, overall, participants of group A needed on av-
erage 43:10 minutes whereas group B requires 46:00
minutes. Moreover, we observe that while group A
spend more time learning about the API, they solved
all tasks faster than group B. However, the improve-
ment in time is only statistically significant for the
more complex tasks 2 (t=2.29, df=10, p=0.05, one-
tailed) and 3 (t=1.91, df=10, p=0.05, one-tailed).
Next, we analyzed the success of the participants
solving the tasks. We assigned points to the level of
achievement of solutions to do so. A participant re-
ceives one point for a solved task, a half-point for an
unfinished task with the right approach, and no points
for wrong solutions. Group A reached on average
2.92 points and group B reaches 2.83 points. Hence,
the assessment yields, that both groups are very suc-
cessful in solving all three tasks. As a result, we can-
not derive any significant differences with regards to
the success of solving the tasks between the groups.
We also observed the number of API requests that
the participants issue to Compass and their success.
Overall, the participants made between 12 and 16 re-
quests to the application during the study. On average,
the rate of successful requests is 61% for group A and
39% for group B. Hence, the request success rate for
members of group A is significantly higher compared
to group B (t=5.66, df=10, p=0.05, one-tailed). Also,
the standard deviation differs between the groups with
group A yielding a standard deviation of 0.019 and
group B with 0.084. Hence, the success rate of mem-
bers of the group B varied more.
Furthermore, we noted down the approximate
fractions of time that each participant spent on the
documentation’s different sections. In Fig. 2, we visu-
alize the relative usage of each documentation section
for each group. We observe that group B used the get-
ting started guide more often than group A. However,
the members of group A spend more time in the tuto-
rial and best practices sections. Group A also shows
higher variations across most sections, indicating that
participants value the documentation sections differ-
Figure 2: Overview of the relative amount of times the par-
ticipants consulted specific documentation sections.
Moreover, the participants rated the advanced doc-
umentation with an average SUS score of 85.8 points
compared to 75 points for the basic documentation.
Hence, the software developers perceive the usability
of the advanced documentation as better.
Finally, we analyzed the data for correlation be-
tween variables. First, we identified a moderately
strong correlation (r = 0.79) between the request suc-
cess rates and the duration of the learning phase, in-
dicating that investment into learning the API results
in a higher probability of making successful API re-
quests. In addition, we see a moderate correlation (r
= 0.66) between the success rate and the perceived
usability measured with the SUS questionnaire. In-
terestingly, the participants’ API and software engi-
neering experience does not seem to correlate with the
API request success rate (r = 0.25, r = 0.32).
6.2 Qualitative Results
We derive the qualitative results from the think-aloud
protocol and semi-structured interviews with the case
study participants. We describe our observations
along the questions we asked the participants. Since
the participants discussed the documentation in gen-
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
eral, we also report observations not related exclu-
sively to examples.
First, we asked the participants if they perceived
the API documentation as helpful in solving the tasks.
Five participants answered that they do not think of
the overview section as beneficial for the case study
tasks but it might be helpful for very complex cases or
tasks aiming at integration with 3rd applications (A2,
A4; B3, B4, B5). In addition, the API specification is
useful for looking up more detailed information and
targeted problem solving (A2; B5, B6). Also, the
execution environment was considered ”vital” (B5)
and helped participants gain confidence and experi-
ence using the API (A2, A3). Both groups used the
samples as a lookup point, but group B saw the sam-
ples as the main entry point (B1, B2, B5, B6). The tu-
torial section was perceived as helpful by participants
of group A because they could solve tasks by merely
adjusting the code examples (A1, A2). Moreover, the
advanced documentation puts the code snippets in the
tutorial into a context, and therefore the participants
expect it to help with real implementation tasks (A4,
A5). However, group B did rarely comment on the
tutorials. Finally, participants of group A commented
that the tool support for Postman might only be help-
ful if the API consumers are Postman ”power users”
(A3, A5).
Next, we asked what parts of the documentation
the participants liked the most and why. All re-
spondents stated that the specification and playground
were among their favorite parts of the documenta-
tion. The specification supported the participants with
clickable elements (A1, A2), a search function (B3,
B4), and a structured presentation (B5). The reason
for the positive perception of the playground was that
it allowed consumers to try out code snippets and tu-
torials (A1, A2, A4; B4, B6). Group A also liked the
tutorials, primarily because of the many references to
other resources included in the advanced version (A1,
A2, A5). Moreover, participants of group A stated
that they liked the coverage of usages with examples
(A3, A4). In comparison, participants of group B ap-
preciated the samples the most (B1, B2, B4) since
they provided an entry point into solving the tasks
(B1, B2). At last, two participants of group A posi-
tively mentioned the best practices section, explaining
that such information is often missing in documenta-
tion (A4, A5). The best practices were only available
to group A.
The third question we asked the case study par-
ticipants was which parts of the documentation they
did not like at all and why. All participants agreed
that the overview and glossary were the most useless
sections because they presented too much informa-
tion that was unnecessary for solving the tasks (A2,
A3, B2). However, the provided conceptual informa-
tion might be necessary for more complex scenarios
or non-technical stakeholders (A4; B4). Also, the par-
ticipants criticized that we did not highlight important
aspects of the text in the documentation enough (A5;
B2, B5). A complaint specific to group B was that the
descriptions of the samples and the tutorial were too
long (B1, B6). In general, the participants of group
B perceived the documentation as not ”developer-
centric” enough (B3, B4).
Lastly, we asked the participants which features
they missed the most in the documentation. Several
participants mentioned the lack of ”helper buttons”,
e.g., buttons that automatically copy a code snippet
or directly transfer snippets into the playground for
execution (A5; B2, B5). Also, one participant com-
plained about missing information on prerequisites
(A4). Most statements about missing features came
from group B. Most importantly, they requested more
samples with higher complexity (B1, B2, B6). Also,
group B participants criticized that they lacked links
between resources, which required them to conduct
more searches (B2, B6). Finally, one participant re-
quested more concise and practical descriptions of the
tutorial and the samples (B4).
As a result, we verify the best practice candidates
BP01, BP03, BP13, BP27, BP28, BP30, BP38, BP46
to positively influence the consumers perception of an
API, thus validating them as best practices for public
Web API documentation.
Overall, we interviewed 13 experts and recruited 12
participants for the case study. Due to the low number
of participants, the statistical validity of the findings
is limited. Also, a larger sample of case study partici-
pants might have led to additional findings. However,
all interview experts and case study participants are
professional developers with several years of experi-
ence. Therefore we believe the results of this study
to present valid insights. Nevertheless, future studies
should also investigate the validity of the best prac-
tices for API consumers with less experience to take
into account the varying levels of experience that API
consumers might have.
Moreover, all participants are employees of a sin-
gle industry partner organization that provides several
publicly accessible Web APIs. Hence, these develop-
ers might be more interested in API documentation
than the average professional developer.
Another limitation arises from the Web API we
Challenges of API Documentation from a Provider Perspective and Best Practices for Examples in Public Web API Documentation
chose for the case study. The Compass API is embed-
ded in a complex domain and is a GraphQL API. APIs
of different complexity and using other technology
might have different documentation requirements.
Finally, we also realized several best practices
at once as part of the advanced documentation and
added a best practices section. Therefore, it is not
possible to isolate the effect of a single best practice
candidate. Hence, future research could investigate
the effect of the realization of each single best prac-
Learning new APIs is an every-day task for develop-
ers (Meng et al., 2018; Meng et al., 2019; Glassman
et al., 2018) and it is well known, that documentation
is a crucial learning resource for API consumers (Ro-
billard, 2009; Lethbridge et al., 2003; McLellan et al.,
1998). Nevertheless, consumers report that API doc-
umentation only rarely meets their needs (Meng et al.,
Therefore, we first derive four significant chal-
lenges API providers face when creating public Web
API documentation from 13 expert interviews. These
challenges are unknown customer needs, the diffi-
culty of balancing the coverage of varying informa-
tion needs and keeping documentation concise, the
high effort of creating and maintaining documenta-
tion, and missing guidance and governance. Each of
these challenges provides a starting point for future
Also, code examples comprising code snippets,
tutorials, sample apps, and productive code (Robillard
and DeLine, 2011) play a crucial role in API docu-
mentation (Nykaza et al., 2002; Meng et al., 2018;
Meng et al., 2019; Robillard, 2009; Ko et al., 2007;
Nasehi and Maurer, 2010; McLellan et al., 1998;
Meng et al., 2020; Jeong et al., 2009; McLellan et al.,
1998). Nevertheless, examples have to meet specific
quality criteria to unlock their potential and support
the learnability of APIs (Meng et al., 2018; Robillard
and DeLine, 2011; Robillard, 2009; Nykaza et al.,
2002). Hence, we identify 46 best practices candi-
dates for examples in public Web API documentation
in literature and expert interviews. In addition, we
choose a subset of eight best practices (BP01, BP03,
BP13, BP27, BP28, BP30, BP38, BP46) and analyze
their impact on API consumers’ productivity and per-
ception when learning a new API. As a result, we can
verify that the chosen best practices candidates are ac-
tual best practices for examples in public Web API
Future work should analyze the impact of other
best practices candidates for examples in public Web
API documentation on consumer perception and pro-
We want to thank the participants of the interviews
and the case study for their collaboration and the in-
teresting insights.
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Challenges of API Documentation from a Provider Perspective and Best Practices for Examples in Public Web API Documentation