Gamification of an Exercise Tool of a Virtual Learning Environment
Claudia Pimentel, Rafaela Pscheidt, Brayan Eduardo Rosa, Avanilde Kemczinski
and Isabela Gasparini
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Santa Catarina, Brazil,
Gamification, Web Social, Inquiry based Learning.
Gamification uses game design elements in non-playful contexts, such as educational environments, to achieve
motivation, interaction, and performance benefits. This paper presents the gamification of an exercise tool of a
Virtual Learning Environment to induce students to increase their participation through creating new questions
in the tool and answering the questions of their peers. The development of the gamification process and the
experiment with students are detailed, and as result, we can find gamification can be an ally as a motivation
tool for students.
The use of technology supports education in many as-
pects, such as the dissemination of teaching, the easy
search for teaching materials, or even distance learn-
ing. One of these technologies that are being increas-
ingly disseminated are the virtual learning environ-
ments, which have the characteristic of taking learn-
ing in an interactive way, such as multimedia classes
and learning materials repositories, it can remove bar-
riers in transmission of knowledge, allowing collabo-
ration between individuals, enabling the exchange of
experiences, making knowledge available to everyone
(Ashraf et al., 2009).
However, a problem that still persists is related
to the motivation and engagement of students (Atkin,
2012). In the traditional education system, students’
lack of motivation is the result of different aspects,
such as students’ difficulty in seeing the benefits of
going to school, lack of confidence, fear, fatigue, etc.
(Atkin, 2012). In virtual learning environments the
situation is no different, even with the mediation of
technology for more effective learning, students end
up facing some of the same problems they face in the
traditional education system.
Several initiatives have been analyzed to increase
motivation and the engagement of students. Among
them, gamification is an approach that stands out, the
term gamification originated in the digital media in-
dustry and can be generically defined by the thought
process and game mechanics to engage users to solve
problems (Zichermann and Cunningham, 2011).
The area of education has been using gamification
to motivate and engage students, and thus improve
their learning. According to Lee and Hammer (2011),
the use of gamification can influence three major ar-
eas related to the student:
Cognitive: The use of game techniques can
change students’ perspective on relation to learn-
Emotional: In a game, or in a gamified environ-
ment, the player normally experience a large num-
ber of emotions, such as by example, curiosity,
pleasure, pride and optimism;
Social: Through gamification students can be rec-
ognized for its academic achievements, and the
system, with the possibility of online interaction
between students through gamification techniques
result in a more social environment than the class-
Another approach that can help the teaching and
learning process in virtual learning environments is
the social web, as it aims work on sociability as-
pects among users. The social web is in the classes
of applications that are web-based and allow inter-
action and sharing data among its users, in addition
to being technology that enable communication be-
tween groups of people (Machado and Tijiboy, 2005).
Thinking about the use of the social web as an ed-
ucational support tool, in the student’s view, it can
enhance the construction of autonomy and boost col-
Pimentel, C., Pscheidt, R., Rosa, B., Kemczinski, A. and Gasparini, I.
Gamification of an Exercise Tool of a Virtual Learning Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0011089300003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 397-404
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
laborative learning and paradigm shifts educational,
as collaborative technologies can create new ways of
interaction (Junior et al., 2012)
Bringing together concepts of social web and in-
quiry based learning, the research of (Pimentel et al.,
2021) developed the COEXA model, a model of ques-
tion that was applied in the AdaptWeb environment in
the form of a tool for creating exercises that are fed by
the students themselves, in order to increase the en-
gagement of students with the environment and also
assist in the process of teaching and learning.
This work improves the tool of the COEXA model
by means of the gamification supported of the honey-
comb framework, which is a social web framework,
for assess student satisfaction when using the exercise
system. This paper is organized as follows: section 2
presents the concepts of this research, specially re-
lated to gamification, inquiry based learning, and so-
cial web. Section 3 details the project. Section 4 ex-
plain the development of the tool. Section 5 presents
the experiment with students. Section 6 shows the re-
sults. Finally, section 7 presents the conclusions of
the paper.
This section presents the concepts used in this re-
search: Gamification, Inquiry Based Learning and
Social Web.
2.1 Gamification
Gamification corresponds to the use of goal-oriented
game mechanisms to solve practical problems or
to awaken engagement among a specific audience
(Vianna et al., 2013). Gamification is also defined
as the use of game design elements in non-game re-
lated contexts (Deterding et al., 2011). The essential
concepts that justify the application of gamification
are engagement, persuasion and motivation (Deterd-
ing et al., 2011).
Engagement is a persistent and rewarding state of
mind in which individuals voluntarily invest energy,
concentration, and dedication to accomplish tasks that
are linked to human work (Schaufeli and Bakker,
2004). Persuasion is the intentional effort to influence
the mental state of other individuals through commu-
nication, in situations where the persuaded have some
freedom of choice (O’Keefe, 2015). Motivation, on
the other hand, consists of a set of mechanisms bio-
logical and psychological whose objective is to guide
an individual to constantly perform certain behaviors
until a goal is reached (Lieury, 2000).
2.1.1 Gamification Elements
The presence of certain elements can make games
more engaging and transforming them into experi-
ences in which the player feels the will to remain in-
volved, therefore, in terms of learning, when thinking
about gamification, one seeks to produce engaging ex-
periences that keep players (students) focused to learn
something that positively impacts their performance
(Alves, 2015). Such elements can be divided accord-
ing to the Mechanics, Dynamics and Components
(MDC) model. In this model, Dynamics are managed
aspects that do not directly belong to the game, Me-
chanics are processes that stimulate action and player
engagement, and Components are specific instances
of one or more mechanics or dynamics (Werbach and
Hunter, 2012).
2.1.2 5W2H Framework
The 5W2H Framework is a generic and flexible
framework to assist design and implementation of
gamification in Virtual Learning Environments have
seven main dimensions (Klock, 2017):
Who?: identify users who are part of the target
audience and what are the characteristics of these
individuals that interfere with gamification.
What?: aims to identify the behaviors that must
be performed by the target audience during the in-
teraction with the system in order to assist in the
learning process.
Why?: identifies the stimuli to be generated in the
audience target for them to perform the desired
behaviors in order to assist in the learning process.
When?: identify the most appropriate situations
to encourage the target audience to perform the
desired behaviors.
How?: aims to design gamification so that it en-
courage the desired behaviors in the target audi-
ence in certain situations.
Where?: after designing gamification to stimulate
the desired behaviors in the target audience in cer-
tain situations, the process of implementing the
elements of games on the system.
How Much?: the assessment of how much gamifi-
cation in system was able to stimulate the desired
behaviors in the target audience in certain situa-
2.2 Inquiry based Learning
Considered a great innovation within the pedagogical
practices, Inquiry-Based Learning aims to make stu-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
dents active subjects of the teaching/learning process,
instigating them to assume an investigative role and
explore their real world. In performing this real-world
exploration, the students will ask questions about a
given topic, will collect data to be able to answer the
questions previously raised, and will finally test their
findings to confirm their new understanding. Inquiry-
Based Learning involves the act of researching, evalu-
ating different viewpoints and situations, gaining new
knowledge through discoveries made during the pro-
cess, and walking a path from the simple to the more
complex (Mor
an, 2015). In the paper Short (2009),
proposes The Inquiry Cycle, which explains the steps
for the effectiveness of the process of Inquiry-Based
Learning. Figure 2 presents de Inquiry Cycle pro-
posed by Short (2009);
Figure 1: The Inquiry Cycle adapted from (Short, 2009).
The first step is the connection, where the stu-
dent will connect the topic being worked on in class
with his/her life outside of school. The second step
is the invitation, where the teacher will need to look
for ways that will make the student want to participate
and engage in the established process to expand their
knowledge. The third step is the tension, where the
student will be provoked with all the questioning al-
ready done in the connection process to promote inter-
est and engagement of the students, instigating them
to investigate and make new discoveries. The fourth
step is the investigation, where the student assumes
the role of investigator and engages in research on the
topic, here the students will look for ways to solve
their questions and solve their doubts. The fifth step is
the demonstration step, where the teacher comes into
action to assess means, develop strategies and look for
tools to help the student in the process. The teacher
will answer any questions that arise during this pro-
cess. The sixth step will be the re-vision phase, where
the students will re-measure the investigative process,
recalling all the questions and what their new dis-
coveries are. The seventh step is the representation,
where the student will gather all the materials, knowl-
edge and information that he/she obtained during the
process and will share it with the rest of the class-
mates. The eighth step is valorization, in this step
students will reflect on what the value of all their new
learning is. And finally, the ninth step will be action,
in this step students will think about what they will
do with their new discoveries and how they can take
their learning outside the classroom. It is important
to highlight that in all this process the student will be
an active subject of the teaching/learning process, the
goal of Inquiry-Based Learning is to make the stu-
dent the main center of the teaching and knowledge
construction process.
2.3 Social Web
Advances in the use of technology in education have
been placed on the potential of social software for
accessing information and knowledge, as well as the
ability to work and learn with others in creative global
collaboration, demanding a new ecology of learning
(Bragado, 2012).
Among the main features of the social web, we
can mention the need for a chain of users and con-
tent produced by them. The users interact, communi-
cate, create, share and organize content, demonstrat-
ing the ”strength of the collective”, the opportunities
and knowledge that can be generated by working to-
gether and by mass interaction (Baranauskas et al.,
In the research of Smith (2007), it was proposed
a framework that well exemplifies the features sought
in a social software called Honeycomb Framework.
2.3.1 Honeycomb Framework
In the (Smith, 2007) framework is composed of el-
ements that were identified by researchers and pro-
fessionals interested in the design and evaluation of
social software. Accordingly with its creators, social
software has a set of common elements that are com-
bined and implemented to produce distinct environ-
ments. The honeycomb framework has seven combs
that represent the functional aspects of a social soft-
ware, they are: identity, presence, relationship, repu-
tation, groups, conversation and sharing.
Identity: something that uniquely represents that
user, and even at which point this user reveals his
identity within the system.
Presence: refers to a user’s ability to know if oth-
ers users are available. This includes knowing
where other users
Gamification of an Exercise Tool of a Virtual Learning Environment
Relationship: refer to how people are connected
on a social platform. In some social software it
is possible to identify family members and make
notes about mutual friends among users.
Reputation: it is understood as the users’ ability
to identify the position of others within a system.
For example, on social networks users can usually
like certain content and comment on it. A post
with lots of likes and comments tends to increase
the popularity and reputation of users.
Groups: refer to the ability of users to form
communities and subcommunities. When users
of a social software like the same brand, sub-
ject, celebrity and among others, they form a so-
cial community, and interaction is very important
for creating user-generated content, because when
creating content, users can connect with others,
experience a sense of community and feel impor-
Conversation: the honeycomb of the framework’s
conversation a level of communication on a social
web platform with other users which can also be
regularity of posts. One of the main implications
of this comb is the speed of the conversation and
the risks of initiating and joining one.
Sharing: sharing refers to the sending and receiv-
ing of content between users of the same social
platform, such as photos, comments, news and
videos. In addition to “likes” and “comments”,
the metrics of a social software must comprise the
number of shares.
This work continues the research of (Pimentel et al.,
2021). In our research group we continue to discuss
proposals and improvements for the COEXA model
with the main objective of increasing user interaction
with the AdaptWeb exercise system.
Some premises were defined so that it would be
possible to proceed with this research:
Merge with current AdaptWeb gamification: Var-
ious gamification elements have been applied to
the environment, from experience points and re-
deemable points to badges and gifts. Obtain-
ing these elements consists of tasks performed by
the student within the environment. Because of
that, the proposed gamification project of the ex-
ercise system based on the COEXA model should
neither overlap nor develop as a second gamifi-
cation tool, but, it should coexist harmoniously
with what has already been implemented, making
the two projects into one gamification design for
Focus on the reputation comb of social honey-
comb framework: after an analysis of popular ed-
ucational environments, it was noticed that most
of them focus on the reputation comb. It was also
noted that educational environments that are gam-
ified often use points, levels, badges, rewards and
rankings to engage students, components that re-
late strongly to the reputation comb.
Develop other combs of social honeycomb frame-
work: Although it was decided that the focus of
the research would be in the exploration of the
comb of reputation, in the long term the objective
is to reach all combs of the of social honeycomb
Use strategies for continuous use of the system:
Keeping a student interested in maintaining daily
access is critical to the success of an exercise tool.
Then, a search for strategies that can contribute to
the student’s motivation to access AdaptWeb daily
was proposed.
To define which gamification strategies will be ap-
plied in the environment, we must first define what
behaviors are expected from students.
Figure 2: Desirable behaviors and the levels of importance.
Figure 2 shows what is expected from student
when taking a course using the exercise system. Stu-
dent access to the system is essential, and as the ini-
tially proposed objective was to encourage daily ac-
cess, its importance was defined as “Very high”. An-
other behavior that was defined as “Very High” was
the act of creating new exercises in the system. For
the flow of the exercise system to work, there must
be exercises created, without that, there is nothing to
interact with. The resolution of exercises created by
other students also has a great impact on the system
and especially on learning. The process of reporting
issues that do not serve the learning purpose or that
have some structural error also deserves considerable
importance, as it requires the student to know the con-
tent to assess a possible error. Finally, the possible
social interactions in the exercises are also important
and characteristic of some combs from the Honey-
comb Framework, but they are not essential, so they
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
are classified as “Average”.
With the game elements grounded in the MDC and
defined for use in the project, it was possible to nu-
merically measure the rewards for desired behavior
based on their degree of importance to the AdaptWeb
exercise system. These metrics were defined as fol-
Experience points: served as the basis of gamifi-
cation. It was used as a measure for the gradual
escalation of levels and as a unit of measure to
classify the positions in the ranking. It is impor-
tant to emphasize that the numbers were based on
the values previously defined in the research by
(Klock, 2017);
Redeemable points: Inserted in the research of
(Klock, 2017) in the form of coins, it is used to
buy consumer goods within the system. These
consumables range from being able to re-answer
a question the student missed or increasing expe-
rience points gained for a specified time.
The scoring definitions for each action performed
in the exercise system can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Punctuation definition.
If the student creates a question that is later
reported by another student, and excluded by the
teacher, the points obtained by creating the question
are removed. When a student reports a question which
is then deleted or edited by the teacher, this student
receives a bonus of 50 experience points.
Other gamification approaches that were applied
in the system to increase student engagement were
Offensive Days and Badges.
Offensive days: This is a strategy chosen to in-
crease student interest in accessing the environ-
ment on a daily basis during the course period.
This initiative works as follows: the experience
points received for creating new questions and for
answering questions created by other students are
multiplied by the number of offensive days the
student has.
Badges: The badges are rewardful that the system
gives to the student when he fulfills certain tasks
previously established.
Figure 4 show how students can get each badges
when an action is performed on the system in a certain
number of times, that is, the student has the possibility
of winning a different badges.
Figure 4: Badges challenges for the exercise system.
Twelve new badges were designed to the exer-
cise system. Seeking a strategy to make these badges
even more attractive and somewhat fun for the stu-
dents, it was decided to use memes in the reward im-
ages. In the research (Jablonka, 2012) is explained the
meaning of memes, as an improvement of emoticons,
they are born with the purpose of expressing emotions
in situations in which non-verbal means are lacking.
The memes initially from entertainment and humor is
increasingly being used in education. For teachers,
these internet expressions (memes) can be explored in
the classroom both as a didactic tool and for approach
students (Pavanelli-Zubler et al., 2017).
Regarding the loss of points in case of a reported
question, excluded by the professor, the badges also
have the same type of control. If a student receives
the medal for example from create ten new questions,
and one of these questions is deleted by the teacher,
the student loses the medal gained.
In the next section gamification developed in the
exercise system is presented.
A strategy was used to always show on the user’s
screen the rewards he/she is receiving for each action
performed in the exercise system. This was done with
the intention of making gamification more present,
and not letting it fall into oblivion by the students.
In Figure 5, the student has just answered correctly a
question created by another student, it is also noticed
that the system sends a message together of incen-
tive for the student to continue using the features of
the environment. When the student earn a badge af-
ter completing a challenge, he/she is also notified, as
shown in Figure 6.
Figure 5: Question correctly answered by the student (sys-
tem message in portuguese).
Gamification of an Exercise Tool of a Virtual Learning Environment
Figure 6: Student just earned a new badge (system message
in portuguese).
Offensive days also appear in student interactions
with the exercise system, in addition to showing how
many days the student has been on the offensive. The
message shows by how much your points are being
multiplied, and the total points obtained with this mul-
tiplication performed.
Figure 7: Exercise system badges achieved.
Badges only appear in color, like in the Figure 7,
when the student has already earned it. Otherwise,
the student can only view the outline of each badge,
as if it were a sticker album. This type of visualiza-
tion conveys a feeling of incomplete goal until all the
”cards” are acquired.
Finally, regarding the visualization of experience
points, levels and ranking, the gamification present
in the exercise system merged with the gamification
that already exists in AdaptWeb as it was initially pro-
posed. Those parameters are added to the user profile,
located in the gamification tab, as can be seen in the
Figure 8.
Figure 8: User gamification tab.
Thus, all the elements of gamification that are
within the system of exercises operate together with
elements outside the exercise system in the rest of
the environment. Therefore, the premise of creating
a unique gamification system for AdaptWeb.
Since the research happened in the COVID pandemic
period there was certain difficult to implement a large
experiment. Then we used a convenience sample,
were students from the department and their friends
from other university were invited to be part of the
short course on Programming Algorithms. Students
were invited via e-mail and instant messaging system
on 08/02/2021.
The experiment started on 08/02/2021 until noon
on 08/06/2021. A few hours before the start of the
experiment, they were created and distributed twenty-
six accesses previously registered in the subject of the
Programming Algorithms short course. Along with
that, a document explaining how to use AdaptWeb
and what tests would the users should do to enjoy as
much of the features as possible implemented.
In order to keep users motivated to access the sys-
tem, every day interactions were made via email and
instant messaging. Of the 26 students who had ac-
cess to the environment and were invited to the ex-
periment, only 16 actually accessed the system and
interacted with the exercise system.
Despite the low number of users using AdaptWeb,
the number of interactions with the exercise system
was quite impressive. Were created a total of 44 new
questions, these questions were answered 108 times.
Social interactions were not left behind either, they
were distributed 62 likes on the questions created,
and 4 exercises were reported, and analyzing these
reports, they are considered correct because the enun-
ciation of these questions they had nothing to do with
the content of the short course. Many badges were
acquired by students during the experiment, of the 16
users who participated, 11 of them earned at least one.
The maximum number of badges a student obtained
was 5 badges.
The point multipliers provided by the functional-
ity of the offensive days were enjoyed by a total of
5 students, and the maximum offensive obtained was
3 days, which was achieved by the students received
who ended up with the highest number of points
earned. On the last day of the experiment, users were
sent a questionnaire of satisfaction where it made it
possible for students to share theirs opinions about the
features that have been implemented. This question-
naire was answered by 14 students, and with that, it
was possible to carry out the analysis of the results.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The first question referred to the effective use of the
exercise system, if the student created or answered at
least one question, it is a question important to be able
to validate the next questions related to gamification,
because if the student even performed these actions
once then he/she would not have basis to answer the
rest of the questionnaire. As a result, 100% of the stu-
dents created or answered a question created by an-
other student at least once.
The second question aimed to assess whether the
approach chosen of the constant visualization of gains
related to gamification were important in the experi-
ment process, maintaining the student’s perception of
that all those actions he/she did in the environment
were being rewarded outputs somehow. Again, 100%
of students found the chosen strategy important.
The third and fourth questions were aimed at
knowing about the badges available and obtained in
the exercise system. The questions were aimed at
knowing precisely whether students think the tasks
that had to be performed in order to arrive at the re-
ward were fair. User responses were positive and
some of them can be seen in Figure 9. Another ques-
tion was about theme chosen for the badges. A total
of 78.6% of students claimed that the more humor-
ous theme of the memes influenced them positively in
the goal of winning badges, highlighting in a way the
effectiveness of the chosen approach.
Figure 9: Users comments about badges.
The fifth and sixth questions raised questions
about the effectiveness of the offensive days strategy.
Feedback from students was positive and unanimous:
100% of users liked the functionality of the days of
offensive, and again, 100% of users considered it a
strategy that helps motivate the student to access the
environment more often.
The seventh question wanted to know if the use of
gamification and strategies chosen motivated the user
to use the AdaptWeb exercise system. The feedback
from users was excellent, 100% considered it moti-
The last question asked the students for their fi-
nal opinion on the experiment, requesting comments,
opinions, criticisms and suggestions for improve-
ment. That question is very important because it is
precisely through the user that it is possible to see
possible improvements that end up making the system
even better. Thus, Figure 10 follows some of these
Figure 10: Final users comments about the system.
Currently, there are several strategies and approaches
that can be used in order to make the use of a virtual
learning environment more satisfying and attractive
to students. So defining this, as the main objective of
this work, we initially tried to find such approaches
that if applied correctly could bring these results.
The paradigm of the Social Web was studied,
which aims to establish connections, enabling inter-
actions of a social nature between users. To support
this paradigm there are several tools, the one studied
in this work is the Honeycomb Framework that ef-
fectively categorizes in its combs the social relation-
ships often required in environments that interconnect
Another approach that has shown potential in in-
creasing student interaction and satisfaction in virtual
learning environments was gamification, which has
the potential to main feature the inclusion of game
elements in non-playful environments. The main pur-
pose of gamification is to increase engagement among
users. However, applying gamification in a system is
not a trivial process, for this, the 5W2H framework
was studied, which defines seven main dimensions
that serve as an aid for gamification design.
In the development stage the proposed solutions
were actually implemented in AdaptWeb, and a small
Gamification of an Exercise Tool of a Virtual Learning Environment
experiment was carried out to validate the solutions.
At the end of the experiment the students were invited
to answer a 9-question questionnaire in order to verify
if the previously stipulated objectives were achieved.
The results were satisfactory, showing that the chosen
and implemented approaches increased student satis-
faction in using the exercise system, and also, accord-
ing to the students, that gamification proves to be ef-
fective in helping the teaching and learning process.
From this work on, there are several future works,
as in addition to the reputation comb, there are still
other six combs that can be better explored through
gamification elements. Some ideas were raised, such
as creating a second ranking, this one weekly, and un-
locking content, in this case, avatars.
In conclusion, the use of gamification linked to the
Honeycomb Framework has great potential in making
an exercise system of a virtual learning environment
even more attractive and seeking to keep the student’s
This work received financial support from the Co-
ordination for the Improvement of Higher Educa-
tion Personnel - CAPES - Brazil (PROAP/AUXPE).
The authors would like to thank the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Supe-
rior Brasil (CAPES) Finance Code 001, Con-
selho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient
ıfico e Tec-
ogico(CNPq) grant 308395/2020-4,and FAPESC
ao de amparao
a Pesquisa e Inovac¸
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Estado de Santa Catarina) - FAPESC 027/2020
a Infraestrutura para Grupos de Pesquisa da
UDESC, “Tenologias Educacional e Metodologias
Inovadoras para Retenc¸
ao dos Estudantes da
area de
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education