Comparative Analysis of Neural Translation Models based on
Transformers Architecture
Alexander Smirnov
, Nikolay Teslya
Nikolay Shilov
, Diethard Frank
, Elena Minina
and Martin Kovacs
line 39, St. Petersburg, Russia
Festo SE & Co. KG, Ruiter Str. 82, Esslingen, Germany
Keywords: Machine Translation, DNN Translation, Comparison, Training, Transformers, Fine-tuning.
Abstract: While processing customers’ feedback for an industrial company, one of the important tasks is the
classification of customer inquiries. However, this task can produce a number of difficulties when the text of
the message can be composed using a large number of languages. One of the solutions, in this case, is to
determine the language of the text and translate it into a base language, for which the classifier will be
developed. This paper compares open models for automatic translation of texts. The following models based
on the Transformers architecture were selected for comparison: M2M100, mBART, OPUS-MT (Helsinki
NLP). A test data set was formed containing texts specific to the subject area. Microsoft Azure Translation
was chosen as the reference translation. Translations produced by each model were compared with the
reference translation using two metrics: BLEU and METEOR. The possibility of fast fine-tuning of models
was also investigated to improve the quality of the translation of texts in the problem area. Among the
reviewed models, M2M100 turned out to be the best in terms of translation quality, but it is also the most
difficult to fine-tune it.
With the increasing power of computers, machine
learning has made a significant progress recently and
has become an efficient mean for automation in
various domains (Cioffi et al. 2020; Usuga Cadavid
et al. 2020). One of the areas intensively using
machine learning is natural text processing, and
machine translation (MT, automatic translation of
text from one natural language into another) in
particular (Jooste, Haque, and Way 2021; Zhang and
Zong 2020).
While statistical MT dominated for decades
mainly relies on various count-based models, neural
machine translation (NMT) does the translation using
a neural network (Stahlberg 2020). With the
increasing translation quality such models have been
widely used both as third party services (Google
2022; Microsoft 2022) or internally hosted services.
Each of the solutions has some advantages and
disadvantages. Whereas usage of third-party
translation services does not require corresponding
infrastructure to run relatively heavy neural networks,
they do not provide much possibilities for fine-tuning
to specific terminology, which might be critical in
certain scenarios. As a result, hosting an own instance
of a neural translation service (either on own
hardware or using MaaS (Machine-as-a-Service)
services is the only choice in this case.
The presented type of tasks can be used by
international industrial companies to automate the
processing of requests from customers. Such
companies have offices in many countries selling and
supporting products. However, for development tasks
in the context of digital business transformation, it is
important to collect customer quotations and their
centralized analysis within a single NLP platform. To
process messages in different languages within this
platform, it is proposed to automatically translate
them into English using neural MT models.
The paper presents an analysis of different state-
of-the-art neural MT models for texts from a specific
Smirnov, A., Teslya, N., Shilov, A., Frank, D., Minina, E. and Kovacs, M.
Comparative Analysis of Neural Translation Models based on Transformers Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0011083600003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 1, pages 586-593
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
domain as well as their abilities for fine tuning based
on examples from specific terminology in the area of
industrial automation.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents information about models, metrics and
concepts related to MT and translation quality
assessment. Section 3 contains a description of the
experimental methodology, the prepared data set, and
the results of the translation experiment. Section 4
reports the results of the experiment on fine-tuning
models. Section 5 summarizes the results of the
comparison with a discussion and concludes on the
applicability of the considered models.
This section provides and overview of the state-of-
the-art research in the area of MT and related topics
such as translation quality metrics and machine
translation model fine-tuning,
2.1 Automatic Translations
The use of machine learning for automatic translation
of texts is an actively developed area of research
showing significant progress. Early statistical models
based on analysis of word usage frequency show a
result that poorly reflects the meaning of the original
phrase. However, the development of artificial neural
networks has significantly improved the quality of
translation. Over the past years, the architecture of
RNN networks has been used most often for MT
(Mahata, Das, and Bandyopadhyay 2019; Vathsala
and Holi 2020; Wang, Chen, and Xing 2019).
However, such networks do not do a good job of
keeping track of the context, and the longer the text,
the worse they do, even when using LSTM (Vathsala
and Holi 2020).
The quality of translation has been significantly
improved as a result of the development of the
Transformers architecture (Devlin et al. 2019; Wolf
et al. 2020). In this architecture, the main focus is not
on dependency tracking, but on the so-called attention
mechanism in dependency calculation. Like RNN,
the Transformers architecture is designed to
transform one sequence into another, however, it does
this not sequentially over the elements of the
sequence, but over all the sequences at once.
Currently, most MT models are based on the
Transformers architecture. For this work, the
following models are considered: M2M100 (Fan et al.
2021), mBART (Liu et al. 2020), and OPUS-MT
(Helsinki NLP) (Tiedemann and Thottingal 2020).
M2M100 is a multilingual encoder-decoder (seq-
to-seq) model trained for Many-to-Many multilingual
translation (Fan et al. 2021). The model is provided
in two types: with 1.2 billion parameters and 418
million parameters. Both support 100 languages in
total and allow for automatic translation between any
pairs of languages.
Helsinki NLP is based on the MarianMT project
that is essentially an add-on over the Marian C ++
library for fast learning and translation. Using this
library, a number of bilingual models have been
trained by Helsinki University as well as two large
models for translation from several languages into
English and from English into several languages. List
of supported languages contains 277 entries,
excluding different alphabet for the same languages.
mBART is a sequence-to-sequence denoising
auto-encoder pre-trained on large-scale monolingual
corpora in many languages using the BART
objective. mBART is one of the first methods for pre-
training a complete sequence-to-sequence model by
denoising full texts in multiple languages, while
previous approaches have focused only on the
encoder, decoder, or reconstructing parts of the text.
There are two versions of mBART: (1) mbart-
large-cc25 (with support for 25 languages) and (2)
mbart-large-50 (mBART-50, with support for 50
languages). mBART-50 is created using the original
mbart-large-cc25 checkpoint by extending its
embedding layers with randomly initialized vectors
for an extra set of 25 language tokens and then pre-
trained on 50 languages.
2.2 Metrics
Since MT is primarily aimed at translating massive
volumes of texts, manual evaluation of their quality is
time-consuming and basically impractical (Tan et al.
2020). As a result, number of metrics have been
developed for this purpose.
One of the most popular metrics is the BLEU
score (Papineni et al. 2002) based on the comparison
of n-grams of the one or several ground truth
translations and the candidate (evaluated) translation.
It is a universal language-independent metric.
Another popular metric is METEOR (Denkowski
and Lavie 2014). It is also based on n-gram
comparison, however unlike BLEU it takes into
account language-specific information such as
synonyms, paraphrasing, and stemmed forms of
words. As a result, though in general the METEOR
metric correlates with the BLEU metric, it is less
strict and often closer to the human judgement.
However, it is language-dependent and requires
Comparative Analysis of Neural Translation Models based on Transformers Architecture
additional language resources for translation
2.3 Fine-tuning of Transformer Models
Fine-tuning of multilingual transformer models is a
common practice. It is usually done to improve the
models’ performance in a given domain or for a given
language. However, unlike, for example, fine-tuning
of convolutional networks when most of the layers
remain unchanged, fine-tuning of transformer
networks usually assumes model training without
freezing any layers, e.g. (Chen et al. 2021; Mishra,
Prasad, and Mishra 2020).
Though normally, fine-tuning is done using
relatively large training datasets (thousands of
samples), in this particular research we will consider
fine-tuning on small datasets. The reason for that is
the absence of such a dataset or lack of time for its
creation, when one needs to fine-tune the model only
for several specific terms. The results of this study are
presented in sec. 4.
3.1 Dataset Preparation
The dataset used contains 210,910 domain-specific
texts in 32 languages, including English. When
clearing the dataset, the following rules were used:
1. blank lines and extra spaces were removed;
2. references to objects attached to the source
text were removed;
3. e-mails, records marked CONFIDENTIAL,
and hyperlinks were removed;
4. all numbers were replaced by 1
5. all lines shorter than 20 characters were deleted.
After cleaning, the dataset contains 147866 texts
in 32 languages.
3.2 Automatic Translation
To prepare a dataset, translate texts and calculate
metrics, the system with Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-
10900X CPU @ 3.70GHz and 64 Gb DDR4 was
used. All services were launched in a virtual
environment based on Docker with no restrictions on
the amount of resources used.
The automatic translation process involves four
models (M2M100-1.2B, M2M100-418M, mBART-
50 and HelsinkiNLP mul2en) sequentially translating
the data set from the original language into English.
The original language is determined automatically by
the process described in section 3.3.1. The
Hugginface Transformers library is used to run the
models. The result of the translation is saved to the
data set. After the processing is completed, the
received translations are evaluated using the BLEU
and METEOR metrics and visualization is carried out
for their manual analysis.
Additionally, an experiment was carried out with
the division of each text into paragraphs and
independent translation of paragraphs with a
preliminary definition of the language. This is due to
the specifics of the problem area. Each text can
contain parts in different languages, and automatic
language detection identifies the most frequently
encountered language, which can significantly
worsen the translation result. To circumvent this
situation, a solution was proposed with the division of
the text into paragraphs.
3.3 Translation with MS Azure Cloud
Due to large dataset on 32 languages it is highly
difficult to create reference translation manually. The
Translation service, which is part of the Cognitive
Services of the Microsoft Azure platform, was chosen
as a benchmark metric for translating texts. It should
be noted that Azure translation is also not ideal and a
better choice would be to compare with text translated
by professional translators. Therefore this experiment
should be interpreted solely as a comparison of the
translation quality of the selected models between
each other relating to the translation of MS Azure
A free Tier was used, which provides the ability
to translate up to 2,000,000 characters per month. At
the same time, there is an additional limitation on the
speed of access to the server, which should not exceed
33300 characters per minute.
Since there is a limit of 2 million characters for
using the translation service, the limit of 70 texts was
set for each language. This gave a total of 1,658
examples with a total of 1,819,898 characters. The
distribution of the lengths of all texts is shown in
Figure 1. Hereinafter, when displaying statistical
results, a box plot will be used.
In order to meet the limit on the number of
characters per minute, a delay was set in the cycle in
which the translation takes place, depending on the
length of the text that was submitted for translation.
The delay duration is calculated as the nearest integer
when the text length is divided by 550 (maximum
number of characters per second).
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Distribution of texts in dataset by length.
3.3.1 Language Detection
Since the task is to translate texts into English, then
from the remaining texts it is necessary to select those
that are presented in languages other than English.
For this, four utilities were used to determine the text
language: langdetect, langid, fasttext, and cld3. Each
text was processed by all four utilities and the results
were placed in the appropriate columns. Of the entire
dataset, a language definition conflict (a situation
when at least one of the utilities gives a different
result from the others) was found for 24393 examples.
For example, for some of the texts it could be a
situation, when the used utilities provide set of
languages like (‘en’, ‘de’, ‘fr’, ‘nl’). In this case it is
impossible to detect language, since not all models
provide their confidence levels. If at least two models
identify the same languages (i.e., set (‘en’,’en’, ‘de’,
‘fr’)) then this language is chosen as the language text
(en in this example). For the subsequent work, the
rows of the dataset were selected, for which all four
utilities determined the same language. Since
translation into English requires text in a language
other than English, additional filtering was carried
out. This was done using a filter over the data frame
to select rows that do not contain English language
detected by the consensus of all four models.
According to the results of the mask selection,
90219 texts remained. To improve the quality of the
translation, it was decided to select texts over 500
characters long. This is justified by the need to choose
the language for the text and to study the influence of
the context on the accuracy of the translation. After
filtering texts by length, the distribution turned out as
follows. The distribution of dataset texts is shown in
Figure 2.
3.3.2 Metric Evaluation
The general BLEU metric is shown in Figure 3 (left)
using the box plot. The figure shows that the
translation by the model M2M100-1.2B (BLEU -
0.51) is the closest to the reference text. HelsinkiNLP
has the lowest rating (BLEU - 0.27).
For the METEOR metric, the relative results were
the same. Model M2M100-1.2B is the leader with
METEOR = 0.74 and HelsinkiNLP has the lowest
score with METEOR = 0.56. The absolute results of
the METEOR metrics are higher due to the use of
synonyms when comparing texts. The distribution of
ratings is shown on Figure 3 (right).
Figure 3: BLEU (left) and METEOR (right) metrics
comparison by model.
For translation by paragraphs, the BLEU and
METEOR metrics were also calculated (Fig 4). The
results were noticeably lower than when translating
whole texts. Presumably this is due to several reasons.
First, for shorter texts, the accuracy of determining
the language may be lower than for large texts.
Hence, the translation quality may be lower, since
many models need to specify the source language.
Figure 2: Dataset distribution by language after filtering by text length.
Comparative Analysis of Neural Translation Models based on Transformers Architecture
This assumption is justified by the fact that in some
cases (2651 out of 23928) the language defined by the
models did not match the language defined by the MS
Azure service. Another possible reason is that when
translating a multilingual text, part of it may remain
untranslated, both when translating with MS Azure
and when translating with the models under study.
Since the text is not translated, it is simply transferred
to the translation result, which is why it is possible
that the same parts of the text appear, which is
perceived by the metrics as a correct translation and
the estimate is overestimated.
In the case of paragraph translation, a smaller
division of the text occurs that leads to language
detection for each part, which will subsequently be
translated. Hence, the score may be lower.
Figure 4: BLEU (left) and METEOR (right) metrics
comparison by model for paragraphs translation.
Table 1 shows the estimates of the models in
terms of execution time and average metrics of
translation quality.
Table 1: Comparison of model indicators.
time by
median by
Median by
MarianMT /
4:55 0,27 0,56 0,22 0,65
M2M100 1.2B
23:58 0,51 0,74 0,39 0,73
M2M100 418M
10:56 0,36 0,61 0,35 0,71
mBART50 10:40 11:29 0,30 0,60 0.00 0,57
This section reports results of experiments aimed at
studying how translation transformer models can be
fine-tuned for correct translation of specific terms
without preparing large textual datasets consisting of
multiple (thousands) samples but only using samples
with the corresponding terms.
For experimenting we have selected specific
terms, which are usually are not translated correctly
by the MS Azure service normally used. The terms
are presented in Table 2. The corresponding
validation set have been collected including both
sentences, which contain the terms being fine-tuned,
and sentences with similar wordings where the words
are not part of the specific term and should be
translated as in usual spoken language. The goal of
this is not only evaluate how translation models are
fine-tuned, but also to make sure that the normal
translation is not broken by the fine-tuning procedure.
The fine-tuning is done as a regular training
process, which is terminated when the BLEU metric
stops to improve on the validation set.
Table 2: Training set (s – singular form, p – plural form).
Source text (de) Source text (ru)
Target (the
truth) text
s die Sensornut паз для датчиков sensor slot
s die
s Normzylinder стандартизированный
s Ventilinsel пневмоостров valve
s der Antrieb привод actuator
p Sensornuten пазы для датчиков sensor slots
p der Normzylinder стандартизированные
p Ventilinseln пневмоострова valve
p Antriebe приводы actuators
4.1 Fine-tuning on a Reduced Training
This experiment is aimed at studying possibilities to
fine-tune models based on the usage of minimum
data. We try to use the reduced training set consisting
only of Russian translations in singular (“sing” in the
table) form. However, the fine-tuned model is then
applied to both Russian-to-English and German-to-
English translations to see if fine-tuning for one
language affects translation for another language. The
results are shown in Figures 5-8.
It was concluded that M2M100 models cannot be
fine-tuned this way. They require fine-tuning based
on large textual datasets consisting of multiple
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sentences. One can see that the quality of translation
does not increase after such fine-tuning, and
sometimes even decreases. These models tend to
shorten the output to the terms used for training: e.g.,
“Ein Normzylinder hat zwei Sensornuten.” is
translated as “standard cylinder” after several epochs.
Helsinki NLP and mBART-large models can
generally be successfully fine-tuned. The metrics
increase significantly.
Helsinki NLP and mBART-large models are able
to transfer the terminology used for fine-tuning
between languages. For example, after training only
on Russian singular terms, the German translation
changes the following way:
Text to be translated: “Anfrage der technischen
Dokumentation zu MPA Ventilinsel.”
Original (before fine-tuning) translation:
“Application for technical documentation to MPA
Figure 5: Results of Helsinki-NLP fine-tuning on a reduced
Figure 6: Results of M2M100 418M fine-tuning on a
reduced dataset.
Figure 7: Results of M2M100 1.2B fine-tuning on a
reduced dataset.
Figure 8: Results of mBART-large fine-tuning on a reduced
The ground truth translation:Request for
technical documentation about MPA valve
Translation after fine-tuning:request of
technical documentation to MPA valve manifold.”
4.2 Fine-tuning on the Complete
Training Dataset
This experiment is aimed at the analysis of what
translation result can be achieved on the whole
training dataset provided. The results are shown in
Figures 9-12.
It was concluded that M2M100 models still
cannot be fine-tuned this way. They require fine-
tuning based on large textual datasets consisting of
multiple sentences. One can see that the quality of
translation does not increase after such fine-tuning,
and sometimes even decreases. These models still
tend to shorten the output to the terms used for
training (e.g., “Ein Normzylinder hat zwei
Sensornuten.” is translated as “standard cylinder”
after several epochs).
Helsinki NLP and mBART-large models can
generally be successfully fine-tuned. The metrics
increase significantly (and even better than in the first
Of the models reviewed, the M2M100 1.2B model is
the undisputed leader in translation quality.
Regardless of the translation method, this particular
model has the highest rates in all metrics. The only
drawback is the large size and long translation time
(almost a day on the presented dataset). The rest of
the models, on average, show fairly similar results.
The mBART-50 model showed very low results in
translation, associated with duplication of texts when
translating in a loop and with the replacement of the
target language when translating by paragraphs. It was
not possible to establish the cause of this behavior, and
Comparative Analysis of Neural Translation Models based on Transformers Architecture
therefore it is necessary to conduct a separate series of
experiments to determine the causes.
The only model among the reviewed ones that can
detect language by its own is Helsinki NLP. The
model is trained to automatically recognize tokens in
all supported languages and recover text from tokens
in the target language for Many-To-One languages
model and provide only target language for One-To-
Many or Many-To-Many model. All other models
necessarily require specifying the language for the
tokenizer and the target language for translation.
Figure 9: Results of Helsinki-NLP fine-tuning on the
complete dataset.
Figure 10: Results of M2M100 418M fine-tuning on the
complete dataset.
Figure 11: Results of M2M100 1.2B fine-tuning on the
complete dataset.
Figure 12: Results of mBART-large fine-tuning on the
complete dataset.
There are several factors to consider when
deciding which model to use for automatic
translation. If translation time is critical, then the
MarianMT / HelsinkiNLP model provides the best
result with an acceptable translation quality.
Moreover, it provided the growth of the METEOR
metric when translated by paragraphs. If you need to
ensure the maximum quality of translation, then here
the clear choice is M2M100 1.2B (Large). At the
same time, the simplified model M2M100 418M
(small) is a reasonable compromise, providing
satisfactory translation quality and a fairly short time.
If the text contains words or sentences in a
language other than the language of the entire text,
there may be problems associated with tokenization
and translation. Such cases can be handled differently
depending on the model. Unknown tokens may be
excluded from the result or the model may give an
incorrect translation (M2M100-1.2B & M2M100-
M418), the model may try to tokenize and translate
the text (HelsinkiNLP & mBART-50), sometimes
with an unpredictable result.
The algorithm for dividing the text into
paragraphs can only be beneficial if the paragraphs
contain more than 10 words. In this case, the number
of errors associated with incorrect language definition
is reduced due to the larger number of examples. This
is due to the borrowing of words between languages
and related language groups (eg, Indo-European
language family), between which it is sometimes
difficult to distinguish (eg Spanish-Italian). Thus, for
short paragraphs, it is recommended not to split them
into separate paragraphs, but to define the text for the
entire text and then translate it. For long paragraphs
(more than 10 words each), the text can be divided
into separate paragraphs and translated
Regarding the fine-tuning for specific
terminology on small datasets, it was found that
M2M100 models cannot be fine-tuned using only
short terms/phrases and they require large datasets
consisting of multiple texts (thousands of training
pairs) with the required terminology. At the same
time both Helsinki NLP and mBART-large models
can be fine-tuned successfully. They are also able to
transfer the terminology used for fine-tuning between
languages. As a result, one can fine-tune models for
new terms only for few languages and the other
languages will likely be translated correctly in
accordance with the new terminology. However,
increasing the number of training languages increases
the quality of translation after fine-tuning.
The validation set is an important factor of
successful fine-tuning. It should consist of both
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sentences with the terms being fine-tuned and without
them. This will make it possible to better evaluate
when the fine-tuning should be stopped (the models
have learnt the new terms and other terminology is
not damaged). The larger validation set will provide
better evaluation of the fine-tuning results.
It was also observed that unlike the METEOR
metric, the BLEU metric is very strict and often is
equal 0 even if the translation is correct. On the
contrary, the Meteor metric may not take into account
the correctness of particular terms since it applies
synonyms to the evaluation. As a result, it is
recommended to use the BLEU metric on a
reasonably large validation set for evaluation of early
stopping point during fine-tuning, and the Meteor
metric for the final evaluation of the translation
The paper is due to the collaboration between SPC
RAS and Festo SE & Co. KG. The methodology and
experiment setup (sec. 3) are partially due to the State
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