EMBED-SoSE: Drawing a Cyber-physical System of Systems
e A. S. Ivo
1,2 a
, Sheila G. Ribeiro
2 b
and Fatima Mattiello-Francisco
2 c
National Center for Monitoring and Alert Natural Disasters (CEMADEN), SJCampos, SP, Brazil
National Institute for Space Research (INPE), SJCampos, SP, Brazil
Cyber-physical Systems, Internet of Things, System Engineering, Model-based System Engineering.
The general availability of a robust communication infrastructure facilitates and encourages the connection
between everything and anything (Internet of Things-IoT and Cyber-Physical Systems-CPS). The composition
of CPSs is a reality. Every day new systems are created from arrangements of legacy systems, referred to as
CP system of systems (CPSoS). The constituent systems of a CPSoS have very peculiar characteristics, which
hinder traditional systems engineering techniques. In addition, it is common for these systems to present many
intangible aspects, which further increases the complexity, especially in the representation of their design.
This work proposes EMBED-SoSE, an approach to the engineering of critical systems based on shared visual
thinking, which aims to facilitate and reduce the cognitive effort in the systems design process.
The ease of interconnecting pre-existing standalone
computer systems leverages availability and provides
a new set of services to users. Such a composition
of independent and autonomous systems is called the
“System of Systems”.
Technologies based on the Internet of Things (In-
ternet of Things (IoT)) are considered, by some au-
thors, classic examples of SoS. In general, the IoT
strives to facilitate the connection of Everything (IoE)
and Anything (IoA) via the Internet as a highly com-
plex SoS set (Bojanova et al., 2014).
Specifically, IoT focuses on the integration of
smart devices, where each element can be considered
an independent system, with sensors and actuators
that directly observe and influence the physical envi-
ronment, with the potential to provide new disruptive
services to our society (Bojanova et al., 2014).
The diffusion of IoT with many connected devices
consolidated the Cyber-Physical System (CPS) con-
cept. The Cyber component controls the Physical
component because the cyber component has some
“intelligence” or, at least, some strategy to lead the
physicist to reach a predefined goal. However, the
term is used indiscriminately and has become a ref-
erence to designate any system that interacts with
the physical environment, which is not true (Carreira
et al., 2020). Having identifiable cyber and physical
components is not enough for a system to be consid-
ered cyber-physical; not every IoT is a CPS. So, what
characterizes a CPS? It is well accepted that CPS con-
sists of a large-scale SoS, with a large number of com-
ponents (Constituent Systems (CS)), interconnected,
highly adaptive, and that includes human and socio-
technical systems (Carreira et al., 2020). More appro-
priately, these large-scale systems are called Cyber-
Physical System of Systems (CPSoS).
Emergent behavior is a fascinating and, at the
same time, a disturbing phenomenon in SoS. Accord-
ing to Maier (1998), the operational independence of
CSs and emergent behavior is noted as a common
characteristic of SoS (Maier, 1998). This feature,
which only becomes active or visible when CSs start
to cooperate, can provide new disruptive services to
our society. On the other hand, risks are associated
with unexpected or unintentional behavior resulting
from the combination of systems that have individu-
ally complex behavior.
As in traditional systems, CPSoS, in a higher de-
gree of complexity, can be represented by a set of tan-
gible and intangible aspects that provide the delivery
of actual or perceived values to satisfy the business’s
needs. The intangibles represent the major engineer-
ing and financial efforts required to design and main-
tain many of today’s complex systems. Tangible and
Ivo, A., Ribeiro, S. and Mattiello-Francisco, F.
EMBED-SoSE: Drawing a Cyber-physical System of Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011082600003176
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2022), pages 485-493
ISBN: 978-989-758-568-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
intangible are, linguistically, terms that refer to ele-
ments that may or may not be touched. A car or a
satellite, for example, are tangible, while the project
plan of these systems, although they can be docu-
mented, has an incorporeal existence therefore, in-
The formulation of emergent behaviors can be de-
scribed by the interaction between intangible aspects
of the CSs, which can deliver a new service that will
undoubtedly be intangible from the systems engineer-
ing point of view. Intangible aspects increase the
complexity and cognitive effort to design and develop
a CPSoS free of ambiguity.
The considerable cognitive effort required to un-
derstand, document, and design a complex system
such as CPSoS is intrinsically linked to the difficulty
of representing and communicating intangible aspects
to project stakeholders. According to Wujec (2009),
to define the meaning of something, our brain creates
a series of mental models based on the experiences of
each individual; that is, each engineer will be able to
create his materialization of the intangible aspects of
the system. As a result, each project stakeholder will
create infinite possibilities for materializing the same
intangible aspect, undoubtedly imprecise, uncertain,
and full of gaps.
In general, non-functional requirements are ad-
dressed by traditional Systems Engineering (SE) and
its successors such as Model-Based System Engi-
neering (MBSE); however, the intangible aspects of
a complex system such as CPSoS do not receive
the same attention due to the difficulty in expressing
them. The concern with the intangible aspects is la-
tent in Systems Engineering (SE) and methods that
can be more effective in understanding, communicat-
ing, documenting, and designing a system that deliv-
ers practical value to the business.
In order to meet this need, and considering that
emerging behaviors pose the greatest challenges for
CPSoS design, this work presents the EMergent
BEhavior-Driven System of Systems Engineering
(EMBED-SoSE). The main objective of EMBED-
SoSE is to bring awareness of emergent behavior to
decrease the cognitive effort to represent intangible
aspects dynamics and evolution to CPSoS design, to
establish a solid conceptual model that provides: a
well-defined overview to describe CPSoS, to help in-
vestigate emerging behavior and thus create an incre-
mental and iterative cycle of analysis and develop-
ment to support CPSoS and its maintenance.
The EMBED-SoSE a methodological approach to
Systems Engineering (SE) based on two (2) princi-
ples: i) to guide engineers in a design concerned with
emergent behaviors, one of the CPSoS/SoS charac-
teristics that most impose intangible aspects. ii) sup-
port Systems Engineering (SE) through the paradigm
of shared visual thinking, with the primary objective
of reducing the cognitive effort necessary to under-
stand the intangible aspects of the project and trans-
form them into collective knowledge. This work in-
troduces the new method and is limited to presenting
only the first of the processes (EMBED-SoSE Discov-
ery Canvas).
The main objective of EMBED-SoSE is to bring
awareness of emergent behavior to decrease the cog-
nitive effort to represent dynamics and evolution to
CPSoS design, to establish a solid conceptual model
that provides: a well-defined overview to describe
CPSoS, to help investigate emerging behavior and
thus create an incremental and iterative cycle of anal-
ysis and development to support CPSoS and its main-
This article is organized as follows: Section 2 con-
cerns the theoretical basis of the article, briefly dis-
cussing the main challenges in a CPSoS; Section 3
presents the main related works; Section 4 presents
how the proposed approach (EMBED-SoSE) empow-
ers systems engineering; Section 5 presents its ap-
plication in a real case of CPSoS, the National Cen-
ter for Monitoring and Alert Natural Disasters (CE-
MADEN); Finally, Section 6 presents the Conclu-
sions and Future Work.
CPSoS are complex to build due to the inherent com-
plexity of the problems they are intended to solve. In
general, they consist of coordinating actions to opti-
mize multiple (possibly contradictory) objectives in
systems with a large number of sensors and actuators.
The other source of complexity is more of an acciden-
tal nature and has to do with the heterogeneity of the
systems that constitute it (Carreira et al., 2020).
CPSoS are considered a class of SoS and inherit
all their characteristics and pose new challenges in
forming a system. CPSoS, according to Lee (2008),
are integrations of computing and physical processes.
Embedded computers and networks monitor and con-
trol physical processes, often with feedback loops
in which physical processes affect computations and
vice versa. In other words, CPSoS uses the cyber
component to interact with physical processes in or-
der to add new resources to physical systems (Lee,
2008) (Tr
ols et al., 2021).
SoS is the set of independent systems cooperating
with a common goal. Independent systems are techni-
cally known as Constituent Systems (Constituent Sys-
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
tems (CS)).
The ISO/IEC/IEEE 21839 (ISO, 2019) stan-
dard provides a definition of SoS and CS:
(a) System of Systems (SoS): Set of systems or
elements of the system that interact to provide a
unique capacity that none of the constituent systems
can realize on their own. Definition extensible to
CPSoS. (b) Constituent Systems (CS): Constituent
systems can be part of one or more SoS. Each
constituent is an independent and useful system in its
own right, having its own development, goals, and
management resources, but it interacts within the SoS
to provide the unique capability of SoS. Definition
extensible to CPS.
Emergent behavior is noted as a common feature
of SoS(Maier, 1998). Kopetz (2016) uses a quote at-
tributed to Aristotle to describe the fascinating emerg-
ing phenomenon: “The whole is greater than the sum
of its parts” (Kopetz et al., 2016). The interactions
of the “parts” can generate a “whole” with properties
that go beyond those of any of its constituent “parts”.
Moreover, this property makes SoS a system capable
of breaking down some barriers of knowledge, gen-
erating situations/opportunities that were hitherto un-
We use the term “phenomenon” to refer to emer-
gent structure, behavior, or property. In many cases,
these phenomena are described and explained only
after their discovery, which in most cases are acci-
dental. Formulating all emergent phenomena is an al-
most impossible task and requires much cognitive ef-
fort and financial resources, and indeed, the system’s
dynamism would lead us to fail in this mission. The
first appearance of an emergent phenomenon is often
a surprise to an observer (Kopetz et al., 2016). Fig.
1 shows a scheme for the classification of emergent
Figure 1: Emerging phenomena classification (Kopetz et al.,
While this “phenomenon” is explainable in prin-
ciple, we may not be able to explain or predict this
behavior in practice due to our ignorance of the full
scope of CPSoS, the precise temporal interactions be-
tween CS and communication channels hidden be-
hind the interfaces of a CS (Kopetz et al., 2016).
2.1 Challenges
In the CPSoS project, not all combinations allowed by
Fig. 1 are of interest; in fact, we are particularly in-
terested in the domain of behavior, that is, behavioral
emergence. Fig. 2 classifies the emergent behavior of
a CPSoS from the point of view of the consequences
of this behavior in the general mission of a CPSoS
and the prediction or awareness we can have about
the emergence of emergent behavior.
Figure 2: Emergent behavior consequences(Kopetz et al.,
The expected and beneficial emergent behavior is
the normal case (quadrant 1) that results from a con-
scious design effort. Expected detrimental emergent
behavior can be avoided by adhering to proper design
rules (quadrant 2). Unexpected and beneficial emer-
gent behavior is a positive surprise (quadrant 3). The
problematic case is quadrant 4, unexpected detrimen-
tal emergent behavior (Kopetz et al., 2016). In safety-
critical CPSoSs, unexpected detrimental emergent be-
havior can cause a catastrophic accident.
A conscious design discipline aims to move, as
knowledge progresses, more and more emergent phe-
nomena from quadrant 4 to quadrant 2, where mea-
sures can be taken to mitigate, eliminate or prevent
the harmful emergence (Kopetz et al., 2016).
Still, our knowledge of CPSoS can remain lim-
ited, and our ignorance of them can hardly be reduced
sufficiently, especially when considering COTS com-
ponents and legacy constituent systems. Most CPSoS
are built by incorporating LEGACY and COTS about
which very little is known and where the flow of in-
formation is often quite hidden (Kopetz et al., 2016).
Authors have presented works intending to reduce the
complexity and the cognitive effort necessary to un-
derstand the behavior of a SoS through the applica-
tion of appropriate simplification strategies (Kopetz,
2011) (Ceccarelli et al., 2016). The considerable cog-
nitive effort required to understand how a large SoS
works the primary engineering and financial effort re-
quired to design and maintain many of today’s SoSs.
The main works/projects that have produced advances
EMBED-SoSE: Drawing a Cyber-physical System of Systems
in the CPSoS engineering process are presented be-
1. COMPASS - (2014): The Comprehensive
Modeling for Advanced Systems of Systems (COM-
PASS) project was officially completed in 2014. The
proposed approach was based on the relationships and
guarantees of the constituent systems that are explic-
itly recorded in a formal language (“COMPASS Mod-
eling Language” (CML)) and analyzed by new tools
that exploit the formality of the semantics of the CML
to assist in the analysis and guarantee of SoS proper-
ties (Holt et al., 2014); 2. DANSE - (2015): The
“Designing for Adaptability and evolution in System
of Systems Engineering” (DANSE) project was offi-
cially concluded in 2015. The DANSE project de-
veloped a set of methodology and tools for the tech-
nical management of an SoS. DANSE’s methodol-
ogy and tools are mainly based on the frameworks
DoDAF, MoDAF and NAF (Mangeruca et al., 2013);
3. AMADEOS - (2016): The project “Architec-
ture for Multi-criticality Agile Dependable Evolution-
ary Open System-of-Systems” (AMADEOS) had as
the main objective of the AMADEOS project was
to bring awareness of time, dynamics, and evolu-
tion to design of SoS, to establish a solid concep-
tual model that provides: a well-defined language to
describe SoS, to investigate emergent behavior; out-
line a generic architectural framework; and an SoS
design methodology that is supported by modeling
tools (Bondavalli et al., 2016); 4. NIST - Frame-
work for Cyber-physical Systems - (2017): The
CPS Framework was developed by the Cyber-Phys-
ical Systems Public Working Group (CPS PWG), an
open public forum established by the National Insti-
tute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The ulti-
mate goal of the CPS Framework is to provide a com-
mon language to describe interoperable CPS architec-
tures so that these systems can interoperate within and
across domains, allowing the formation of an SoS;
5. MPM4CPS - Multi-paradigm Modeling for Cy-
ber-physical Systems (2018): The “Multi-Paradigm
Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems” (MPM4CPS)
project was officially completed in 2018. In 2020 the
book “Foundations of Multi-Paradigm Modeling for
Cyber-Physical Systems” was published, compiling
the design results, which is based on the fact that there
is no super formalism to support the multiple design
dimensions of a CPSoS, were to design effectively,
engineers (in the role of modelers) need to be versed
in multiple formalism’s (Carreira et al., 2020).
Table 1 demonstrates the comparison between the
projects and emphasizes that the EMBED-SoSE does
not intend to replace any of the proposals of the
projects but rather to cover the gap regarding the con-
Table 1: Projects comparison.
Project EMBED
1 2 3 4 5 SoSE
Artefacts models X X X X X
Framework design X X X X X X
Emergent behavior
Visual project plan X
Concern with In-
tangible aspects
cern with intangible aspects and bring emergent be-
havior’s awareness through visual project plan and
models. The EMBED-SoSE must use frameworks
and models to generate many of the system artifacts
necessary for a CPSoS, and in this way, combining
the projects can offer great resources for system engi-
In general, the traditional design of a system is de-
veloped and documented linearly; that is, a group of
artifacts is generated during the project life cycle to
support the solution design. However, the relation-
ship between these artifacts is not immediately evi-
dent from a cognitive point of view. When seeking
to understand the solution, an engineer must interpret
and analyze the generated artifacts, and in this pro-
cess, the answer to doubts may be dozens of pages
ahead. Although the project plan and its artifacts
are developed linearly, the relationship between its
components is multiple, parallel, simultaneous, and
branching. In this way, to understand the solution as a
whole, it is necessary to create a global view with all
the artifacts, which can be pretty complex in systems
such as CPSoS.
Specifically, in CPSoS, this complexity is multi-
plied by the number of constituent systems and the
possibilities of emergent behaviors. In this way, the
proposal to facilitate the cognition of complex sys-
tems is to represent them through shared visual mod-
els based on visual thinking. The proposal is to have
a model of the system created collectively and, in this
way, prevent each engineer or stakeholder from mate-
rializing their version of the system. In addition, the
proposal uses the strategy of influencing engineers in
a design concerned with emergent behavior; that is,
the method leaves this concern latent throughout the
design process, activating the unconscious creative
process. The principle is the same used in sublimi-
nal marketing messages. A subliminal message is any
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
stimulus or information exposed to a receiver imper-
ceptibly at a conscious level in an attempt to influence
opinions and decisions.
According to Wujec (2009), the better we under-
stand the functioning of the human brain and how it
creates meaning and meaning, the better we will be
able to communicate and share information; that is,
we will facilitate cognition.
In this way, this work proposes the EMergent
BEhavior-Driven System of Systems Engineering
(EMBED-SoSE), an interactive, visual, and contin-
uous method to facilitate cognition in the process of
development and maintenance of a system of systems,
as represented in the cycle Fig. 3a.
In general, as proposed by the EMBED-SoSE life
cycle, the formation of the System of Systems (SoS)
will be directly influenced by its constituent systems
(CS) and by the systemic thinking about the emer-
gence behavior. The processes predicted in an itera-
tive and continuous cycle must be executed and sup-
ported by visual tools, passing through the processes:
(a) Discovery: Its objective is to drive the discov-
ery and evaluation of the solution. This process is
one of the main ones responsible for activating the
creative process of engineers and stakeholders in the
search for the solution; (b) Requirements: Its ob-
jective is to document and facilitate the requirements
elicitation and assessment of a SoSs; (c) Design:
It aims to build the solution design based on the
previous processes; (d) V&V: Includes the verifica-
tion and validation process of the proposed solution;
(e) Development: Solution development proposed in
the previous processes; (f) Integration: Solution in-
tegration to pre-existing SoSs; (g) Operation: In this
process, monitoring, evaluation, and maintenance ac-
tivities of the SoS solution must be performed.
In general, all processes must be based on the
EMBED-SoSE visual thinking paradigm, which de-
fines that the entire engineering process must, first of
all, evaluate the SoS operation concept after keeping
mind in a Think Emergent Behavior, Draw Solutions,
Look and Share, as described Fig. 3b.
This work proposes the EMBED-SoSE Discov-
ery Canvas to guide the discovery process through a
visual tool where all engineers and stakeholders can
collaborate to construct a SoSs or CPSoS. EMBED-
SoSE Discovery Canvas is presented by Fig. 4a,
and in addition to considering the premises of vi-
sual thinking, it takes into account the characteris-
tics and challenges of a CPSoS, as described in the 2
and 2.1. In this way, the Discovery process represents
one of the most critical stages of the EMBED-SoSE
life cycle, which, in addition to supporting all pro-
cesses, is based on the EMBED-SoSE visual thinking
paradigm. The first canvas model used within compa-
nies was created by Swiss Alexandre Osterwalder, the
Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder and Pigneur,
2010). The model has become famous throughout the
corporate world and has several applications.
The EMBED-SoSE Discovery Canvas was struc-
tured to lead and activate the unconscious creative
process of engineers and stakeholders, facilitating
cognition and inducing the search for emergent be-
haviors. Based on the challenges presented in the
section 2.1, and focused on transforming unexpected
detrimental emergent behavior into known and ex-
pected cases, the process proposed by the EMBED-
SoSE Discovery Canvas must activate and facilitate
the neurological mechanisms by which our brain cre-
ates its meanings and seeks to solve problems (Kopetz
et al., 2016).
Inspired on Roam (2009), it is possible to visu-
ally clarify any problem through a visual classifica-
tion of six basic questions (who, what, how much,
where, when, how and why?).
EMBED-SoSE Discovery Canvas was structured
based on Roam’s (2009) observations on problems
structuring, in “WHERE”, “WHAT” and “HOW” to
facilitate cognition, in the same way to make the con-
sumption of information neurologically as natural as
possible, as shown in Fig. 4b.
In summary, the EMBED-SoSE Discovery Can-
vas is a large screen where information about the sys-
tem architecture will be positioned to create an inte-
grated and shared view of all possible information of
interest. The screen has been divided into “WHY?”,
“WHERE?”, “HOW?” and “WHAT?”.
The “WHY?” section defines the motivation for
which the CPSoS should exist; that is, important in-
formation that should support the existence and evo-
lution of the CPSoS is structured. This section is di-
vided into: Justification(Rationale), Objective, Bene-
fits, Strategic Needs, Information Needs, and general
rules of the CPSoS.
In the “WHERE?” section, the environments
where the CSs are located are defined. Understanding
the environment where the constituent systems (CS)
are located helps anticipate future needs and design
appropriate mechanisms (e.g., architectural) that al-
low adapting the CPSoS adequately to changes in the
The “HOW?” section defines how the CPSoS for-
mation process will be, that is, what are the con-
stituent systems (CS), the interfaces, and their infor-
mation, as well as how this information will flow.
The “WHAT?” section defines what supports the
formation of the CPSoS. CSs Goals are the common
and conflicting goals between the CS; and CSs Ca-
EMBED-SoSE: Drawing a Cyber-physical System of Systems
(a) Life Cycle. (b) Visual Thinking Paradigm.
Figure 3: EMBED-SoSE.
(a) Canvas. (b) Explain.
Figure 4: EMBED-SoSE Discovery Canvas.
pabilities and restrictions of each participant system.
This section must also capture the main emerging be-
haviors present in the CPSoS.
In the CSs Goals section, stakeholder needs
should be captured as goals. Goals can be captured
at various levels of abstraction, from high-level strate-
gic objectives to low-level technical objectives. High-
level goals are refined and modeled as AND-OR goal
trees. Goals can represent functional and quality ex-
pectations. This approach can also be valuable in
identifying conflicting goals between constituent sys-
tems (CS) and between the CPSoS itself and the con-
stituent systems (CS). It is essential to identify and
understand these conflicts because individual systems
often prioritize achieving their own goals.
In the CS Capabilities section, the goals of each
provided capability must be mapped, in addition to
the capabilities and constraints themselves. The map-
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
ping of capacity goals can represent advantages and
help in the CPSoS definition process. Goals provide
a good starting point for identifying the capabilities
needed at the system level and relating the problem
domain to the solution domain. Capabilities are re-
sponsible for providing resources for interaction be-
tween CSs.
In the life cycle proposed by the EMBED-SoSE
Life Cycle, Discovery is the first and most impor-
tant of the processes to understand the formation of
a CPSoS and directing the development of collective
knowledge to the requirements gathering phase that
must follow the same philosophy as Discovery.
This section presents an example for improving the
national natural disaster alert system, a significant
CPSoS maintained by Brazil’s Federal Government.
The National Center for Monitoring and Early
Warning of Natural Disasters (Cemaden) aims to
monitor and issue alerts of natural threats in mapped
risk areas of Brazilian municipalities. Besides that,
Cemaden also conducts research and technological
innovations to improve its early warning systems.
(Brazil, 2011). Cemaden operates 24 hours a day,
without interruption, monitoring 958 municipalities
classified as vulnerable to natural disasters (mainly
floods and landslides).
In general, the national flood risk monitoring sys-
tems are unconnected to the city siren and contain-
ment reservoirs’ floodgates control systems. Thus,
Fig. 5 presents the EMBED-CPSoS Discovery Can-
vas application for the design of the Flood Prevention
System that connects the systems.
Considering the above, the construction of the
EMBED-SoSE Discovery Canvas requires nothing
more than a few materials available in the office:
those adhesive blocks known as post-it notes and flip
chart sheets (Format A1). The sheet in A1 format,
segmented according to Figure 4a will be used as can-
vas. The sheet should be large enough for stakehold-
ers to meet around it and collaborate in the construc-
tion process. In practice, the Canvas is built as the
concepts represented by the post-its are placed on the
sheet orderly and create the necessary relationships
between these concepts. Post-its offer an explicit re-
striction of writing space, which leads to more objec-
tive writing.
The first step in the example in Fig. 5 is to iden-
tify and fill in the “WHY?” section. Start the pro-
cess by identifying the problem to be solved. De-
scribe Justification/rationale, objectives, and benefits.
Also, in the “WHY?” section, describe the needs and
rules/restrictions. The second step is identifying the
constituent systems (CS) candidates to contribute to
the solution in the “HOW?” section. From the iden-
tification of the system, also are identify the environ-
ments where they are associated in the “WHERE?”
section. Still in the “HOW?” section, the next step is
to identify which integration interfaces are available
for each identified CS, besides how information can
flow between systems and their interfaces. Finally,
the “WHAT?” defines what supports the formation of
the CPSoS.
The discovery process is iterative, where the vi-
sual creation process allows activating the creativity
in the group. In this way, the discovery canvas for
the flood prevention system was built collectively and
visually. Allowing Cemaden engineers to develop the
design of the solution in a shared way, where the main
difficulties related to the integration interfaces could
be discussed and evaluated more efficiently than the
traditional engineering model.
EMBED-SoSE empowers systems engineering (SE)
with the ability to generate a maturity profile for criti-
cal and complex systems like CPSoS. In addition, the
new paradigm based on visual thinking proposed by
this work can generate a radical change in the systems
engineering process, allowing the collective construc-
tion of a more straightforward and more effective de-
sign for the integration of heterogeneous systems such
as CPSoS without sacrificing rigor.
The paradigm based on the visual thinking of
EMBED-SoSE, when concerned with emerging be-
haviors that deliver value to the business, will con-
sequently be concerned with the main intangible as-
pects of the system and how to materialize them col-
lectively, which allows the creation of shared knowl-
edge, reducing the cognitive effort to understand the
project among the Stakeholders.
The ability to simplify the engineers’ cognitive
process allows for a much more straightforward as-
sessment of system-level behavior and, depending on
accuracy, can simulate emerging CPSoS behaviors
early in the project lifecycle. In addition, unwanted
behaviors and failures are highly likely to be identi-
fied earlier in the project.
According to Fig. 2 (Kopetz et al., 2016), emer-
gent behavior can also be unexpected, and the effort
becomes to make it known and expected. In this way,
the EMBED-SoSE Discovery Canvas process must be
interactive, incremental, and collaborative; that is, it
EMBED-SoSE: Drawing a Cyber-physical System of Systems
Figure 5: Flood Prevention System Discovery Canvas.
must be revisited to discover new emerging behaviors.
It is essential to clarify that the EMBED-SoSE
Discovery Canvas is not a flowchart of the project
since the flowchart represents a sequence of steps,
while what is essential in the Discovery Canvas are
the relationships between concepts. In some cases,
the Canvas itself can only represent a single and con-
sistent project plan, however in other projects, the
rigor of formalism may be required, so the Canvas
can be used as a primary tool to confront the logic of
the project and relate the concepts, serving as a basis
for the transcription of a project plan in the traditional
model required by formalism.
There is no doubt that knowledge about CPSoS
and its unexpected emergent behaviors can be lim-
ited; however, with a well-structured process, the
EMBED-SoSE Discovery Canvas proposes a way to
increase the ability to evidence these types of be-
haviors through stimulation and engineers’ creative
ability. In summary, EMBED-SoSE proposes an ap-
proach to systems engineering (SE), especially to
complex systems such as a CPSoS, which moves
away from the linearity of classical design and makes
the connections between the parts evident, reducing
the cognitive effort of engineers and stakeholders.
The next step for this work is to develop a case
study for proposal validation. In addition, the work
can generate opportunities for new research and the
development of tools based on the paradigm of visual
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EMBED-SoSE: Drawing a Cyber-physical System of Systems