Factors Favoring the International Positioning of Companies with a
Registered Trademark in Colombia
Campo Elías López-Rodríguez
, Gerson Jaquin Cristancho-Triana
Rony Alexis Moscoso-Aldana
and Greicy Katerine Martínez-Cruz
ECCI University, Bogotà, Colombia
Keywords: Positioning, Brand Management, Trademark, Marketing.
Abstract: The international positioning of brands is a relevant competitive advantage for organizations with a high
market orientation. Therefore, this study used bivariate correlations through Spearman's Rho coefficient to
identify the factors that favor international positioning in organizations that have a registered trademark in the
city of Bogota, Colombia. According to the size of the companies, the factors are: the capacity to generate
income through licenses of use, the cultural perceptions of the market around the brand and the existence of
trademark registrations; with respect to the time in the market that these organizations have, the factors
visualized are: the capacity to turn the brand into one of the most valuable assets of the organization, the
power to increase market share and finally to obtain trust and support from the market towards the brand.
International branding is the activity from which
company’s position their products using strategies
that link the brand to various values that strengthen
the bond established with the customer and other
stakeholders (Otero Gómez & Giraldo Pérez, 2019).
It is the strategy that allows companies to create
differentiation through their own image and the
association of values with the public. According to
Sánchez-Torres, Montoya & Potes-Arce (2018)
branding is understood as brand building its
management, aiming to support sales and engage in
relationships with customers and other stakeholders.
For some organizations the trademark is an
element without transcendence in front of the
development of its social object, considering it
exclusive of large companies, and they observe it as a
costly procedure, which involves financial resources
that are not invested in an adequate manner (Espinoza
& Monar, 2019). This thinking has been generated by
ignorance or lack of interest of organizations to create
and maintain a solid image that allows the market to
feel an identification with it. It is relevant that the
business sector perceives the cost-benefit ratio of the
registration of trademarks, being one of the
endorsements to the quality that they give to their
offers, to the interior of their company and to their
employees, who feel the brand as theirs and transmit
it to the outside generating an emotional connection
with it (Chen, 2010).
Colombia had a total of 317,231 trademark
registrations at the end of 2017, while a decade ago
about 24,000 trademarks were requested per year, in
2016 there were about 42,000 registrations (Bogotá
Chamber of Commerce (2020), a figure that shows
that a significant number of entrepreneurs have
understood the benefits and importance generated for
their organization to register their trademark.
Trademark registration is a highly effective
strategy in the positioning of a brand internationally,
because it offers guarantee values and quality to the
products it represents in the market; as indicated by
Herrera, León & Vargas-Ortiz (2018) a positive
perception of the brand is visualized in the behavior
of consumers towards the goods and services
supported by it, thus strengthening the nature of
López-Rodríguez, C., Cristancho-Triana, G., Moscoso-Aldana, R. and Martínez-Cruz, G.
Factors Favoring the International Positioning of Companies with a Registered Trademark in Colombia.
DOI: 10.5220/0011069900003206
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business (FEMIB 2022), pages 115-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-567-8; ISSN: 2184-5891
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
positioning from the ability for the products and their
brands to be present in the mind of the potential
market (Changchenkit, 2018).
From the above, the concern arises to recognize
the relevant factors that favor international
positioning in organizations that have a registered
trademark in the city of Bogota, Colombia. To this
end, it is necessary to understand the importance of
international branding and its contributions to the
commercial development of organizations, to
recognize the management of branding and
positioning in companies that have a registered
trademark and finally to identify elements that
enhance the international positioning of organizations
with a registered trademark located in the Colombian
capital according to their size and time in the market.
2.1 Relevance of Branding in
Branding associates the brand to a set of particular
attributes which give an additional value to the
product itself, in order to generate different strategies
in the brand building process (Castillo-Villar, 2016).
For Otero-Gómez & Giraldo-Pérez (2020) the brand
is the set of values that represent the product or
service of a company, and this is the reason why great
marketers spare no expense in its management. Aaker
(1996) comments that the brand is based on a set of
assets that generate financial value for organizations,
each of which has a different impact on the company's
corporate identity in the market. Identity is an aspect
that other brands cannot copy and that allows to better
connect with audiences and exchange values and
experiences with them (Yin Wong & Merrilees,
2007); therefore, each brand maintains its own colors,
logo and presentation in order not to be cloned and
easily reproduced in the market (Barão et al. 2017).
Branding itself is the result of tactics that highlight
the attributes that a product or service has, which
highlight the ability of these characteristics to convert
them into business revenue (Castillo-Villar, 2016).
This is why López Rodríguez & Neme Chaves (2020)
indicate that in order to have a successful brand, it is
necessary to analyze consumers, their motivations,
unsatisfied needs and consumption trends. When this
identification is achieved in buyers, brands establish
their personality and through it transmit what they
want within the market and generate key
characteristics for the consumer to clearly identify it
at the time of purchase (Baalbaki & Guzmán, 2016).
Similarly, for Araya-Castillo and Escobar-Farfán
(2015) the brand and its personality are objects that
provide a symbolic function or self-expression for the
The brand is the name with which the consumer is
attracted, therefore for Changchenkit (2018) the
objective of a brand is to guarantee relationships that
create and ensure future benefits through an increase
in consumer preference and loyalty. The existing
competition in the current market turns the brand into
the differentiating element in the consumers' purchase
decision process (López-Rodríguez et al. 2020); that
is why currently, one of the most valuable elements
of a company is the ability to strengthen its brand, as
stated by Hoyos (2016) when he highlights that
"branding is an integrative process, which seeks to
build powerful brands, widely known brands,
associated with positive elements, desired and
purchased by a broad base of consumers" (p. 42).
2.2 International Positioning of Brands
For organizations with an international profile,
entering new markets is a complex process that arises
from the need for companies to expand their
participation in the external market (López-
Rodríguez et al. 2020), a scenario in which the brand
plays a strategic role (Erdil, 2013) and in view of this,
the leaders of marketing activities in companies must
analyze and determine objectively the image they
want to reflect in their target market (Fregidou-
Malama & Hyder, 2021), as well as the different
factors that will enhance positioning as a competitive
advantage based on differentiation (Porter, 2008),
which will allow strengthening the value proposition
for stakeholders, especially consumers (Sukrat &
Papasratorn, 2018), and even more, when talking
about global brands, positioning faces the challenge
of managing benefit statements for audiences with
tastes that may not be perfectly homogeneous (Seo &
Buchanan-Oliver, 2019).
Positioning can be defined as an organized system
for positioning brands in the consumer's mind (Ries
& Trout, 1981). Aaker & Joachimsthaler (2006)
approach positioning as the process of building brand
identity. For Herrera, León & Vargas-Ortiz (2018)
positioning is a process aimed at creating an
imaginary in reference to a product, of individual and
collective acceptance in the market.
Brand positioning refers to the place that goods
and services occupy in the mind of the consumer
(Ries & Trout, 1981), in this regard, Aaker (1996)
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
states that a correctly implemented brand positioning
brings advantages to the organization, among which
stand out an orientation and refinement of the brand
strategy, proportion of expansion options,
improvement of memorization, granting of meaning
and concentration to the organization, generation of
competitive advantages, development of a solid
position against the competition, ownership over a
communication symbol and provision of efficiencies
in terms of execution costs.
Bivariate correlations were used through Spearman's
Rho coefficient, which is a measure of linear
association that uses the ranks, order numbers, of
each group of subjects and compares these ranks
(Kumar & Abirami, 2018). For this study, this type of
correlation is convenient because the variables do not
follow the normal curve (Camacho-Sandoval, 2008).
Bivariate correlations determine whether two
variables have a relationship with each other, their
direction and their intensity, which can be strong,
moderate or weak (Yun et al. 2019).
The population investigated were the managers
(general managers, marketing managers or
commercial managers) of the companies in the city of
Bogota that have their trademark registered
complying with the total legal requirements for such
registration; and according to the Bogotá Chamber of
Commerce (2020) the city has a total of 1097
organizations. As for obtaining the sample,
probabilistic sampling was used, since it allows
distinguishing the probability that each unit of
analysis has, this must be integrated to the sample
through random selection, thus comprising the simple
random sampling procedure (Posso, 2014). From a
confidence level of 95%, a margin of error of 5%, and
according to the coefficient of positive and negative
variation of 50% each, the sample was 285.
The instrument for the collection of information
was a survey, which according to Dwivedi et al.
(2021) are conversations with a large number of
people using a specific questionnaire that serves
mainly to obtain information delimited from various
points of view and thus obtain a wide variety of
trends. This instrument is divided into two parts: the
first presents six items that aim to characterize the
participating companies by means of nominal
questions with a single answer; the second part
presents twenty-two items that characterize the trends
of the international positioning of brands in
organizations that have a registered trademark by
means of Likert-type questions organized in five
dimensions: commercial benefits that can be
visualized after registering the trademark, knowledge
about international treaties related to trademark
protection, brand management, elements that drive
the success of brands in international markets, and
finally the factors to be taken into account for the
international expansion of the brand.
The information gathering was carried out in the
second quarter of 2021 and the validation of the
instrument was developed through a pilot test of 29
surveys, that is, 10% of the sample obtained through
the Cronbach's Alpha test which is a coefficient used
to evaluate the degree to which the items of an
instrument are correlated (Bianchi, 2020), obtaining
satisfactory results for each of the five dimensions of
the second part of the instrument, as shown in table 1.
The statistical package SPSS® 26.0 (Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences) was used for this
Table 1: Reliability statistics for each dimension of the
alpha based
benefits that can be
visualized after
registering the
0.824 0.825 5
Knowledge of
international treaties
related to trademark
0.917 0.917 7
Brand management. 0.774 0.771 2
Elements that drive
brand success in
0.801 0.801 4
Factors to take into
account for the
expansion of the
0.791 0.796 4
Among the organizations that took part in the study,
those in the commerce sector stood out with 26%, the
Factors Favoring the International Positioning of Companies with a Registered Trademark in Colombia
industrial sector with 12%, the services sector with
11% and the construction sector with 10%
participation. Of these, 18.6% were microenterprises,
42.1% were small, 30.5% were medium-sized, and
the remaining 8.8% corresponded to large companies.
Likewise, 13.3% of these organizations have been in
the market for less than 3 years, 21.1% have been in
the market for more than 3 years and up to 6 years,
29.1% have been in the market for more than 6 years
and up to 9 years, 18.6% have been in the market for
more than 9 years and up to 12 years, and 17.9% have
been in the market for more than 12 years.
The factors underlying the international
positioning of the brands were identified, with which
there is a significant level of association with the size
of the company and the time in the market of the
organizations studied. These factors are: generating
revenue through licensing, cultural perceptions of the
market around the brand, management of brand
registrations, the ability to make the brand one of the
most valuable assets of the organization, the ability to
increase market share, and finally, the ability to
obtain trust and support in the market.
Considering that the significance (bilateral) of
Sperman's Rho in the elements of the dimensions
found are less than 0.05, the null hypothesis is
rejected and in turn the alternative hypothesis is
accepted, finding significant relationships at a level
of 95% reliability and 5% error (Cao et al. 2019).
These associations are shown in table 2.
Table 2: Association between the factors favoring the
international positioning of brands with respect to the size
of the companies studied and their time in the market.
Factors that underpin the
international positioning
of brands
Generate revenue through
Cultural perceptions of
the market around the
Trademark registrations. 0.000
Time on
the market
Make the brand one of the
organization's most
valuable assets.
Increase market share. 0.001
To obtain confidence and
support in the market.
Table 3 shows the bivariate correlations between
the factors that favor the international positioning of
the brands and the size of the companies studied, for
which a statistically significant, weak and directly
proportional linear relationship was found between
the size of the company, the generation of income
through licenses of use (rs= 0. 286, p<0.01), and
scarce trademark registrations (rs= 0.214, p<0.01)
and the market's cultural perceptions of the brand (rs=
0.150, p<0.05). In this sense, there is also a
statistically significant, weak and directly
proportional linear relationship between revenue
generation through licensing and brand registrations
(rs= 0.264, p<0.01).
On the other hand, there is a statistically
significant, weak linear relationship with a tendency
to moderate and directly proportional between market
cultural perceptions of the brand and brand
registration (rs= 0.467, p<0.01). These results suggest
that company managers perceive a weak relationship
between the size of the company and the perceived
benefits of having a registered trademark, not only
from the perspective of revenue generation, but also
from the perspective of the value perceived by the
market; however, this does not mean that it is not
relevant. It is worth noting that there is no significant
correlation between the generation of income from
licenses of use versus the cultural perception of the
market, which allows inferring that managers attach
greater importance to protecting the trademark than to
obtaining income from its use.
Table 4 shows the bivariate correlations between
the factors that favor the international positioning of
brands and the time on the market of the companies
studied. A statistically significant, weak and directly
proportional linear relationship was found between
time on the market and making the brand one of the
most valuable assets (rs= 0.141, p<0.05), in increasing
market share (rs= 0.179, p<0.01) and obtaining trust
and support in the market (rs= 0.245, p<0.01), in that
sense, having a significant relationship, it is not
relevant in terms of time on the market.
A statistically significant, weak and directly
proportional linear relationship was found between
making the brand one of the most valuable assets,
versus increasing market share (rs= 0.422, p<0.01)
and gaining trust and support in the market (rs= 0.407,
p<0.01). Therefore, it is consistent that the
relationship between increasing market share and
obtaining trust and support in the market (rs= 0.449,
p<0.01), being weak, tends to be moderate, and this is
because, by increasing market share, the brand will be
directly valued, and will be perceived as a trustworthy
brand in the market.
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
Table 3: Bivariate correlations between the factors favoring the international positioning of brands and the size of the
companies studied.
Spearman's Rho
revenue through
licenses of use
perceptions of
the market
around the
Company size
1.000 .286** .150* .214**
. (bilateral) .000 .011 .000
285 285 285
licenses of use
1.000 .097 .264**
. (bilateral) .101 .000
285 285
perceptions of
the market
around the
1.000 .467**
Sig. (bilateral) .000
N 285
Sig. (bilateral)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (bilateral).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (bilateral).
Table 4: Bivariate correlations between the factors favoring the international positioning of brands and the time on the market
of the companies studied.
Spearman's Rho
Time on
Make your
brand one of
your most
valuable assets
Increase market
Get confidence
and support in
the market
Time on the
1.000 .141* .179** .245**
. (bilateral) .017 .002 .000
285 285 285
Make the brand
one of your
most valuable
1.000 .422** .407**
. (bilateral) .000 .000
285 285
market share
1.000 .449**
. (bilateral) .000
Get confidence
and support in
the market
. (bilateral)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (bilateral).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (bilateral).
Factors Favoring the International Positioning of Companies with a Registered Trademark in Colombia
From a theoretical point of view, positioning is a
fundamental part in the process of brand management
in an organization, and is part of a process that starts
from the conception of a business idea until it is
perceived through products as necessary in a group of
consumers not only for its intrinsic value (Sharma &
Klein, 2020; De Ruyter et al. 1997) but also for its
symbolic value (Baudrillard, 2009; Hernández-Gil et
al. 2018).Every entrepreneur must strive not only to
create a brand, but also to express in a product, an
idea, a feeling, a value, which allows it to be
perceived, identified and possibly accepted by a
market, which is usually influenced by various offers
generated by the same communication actions of
companies in the same economic sector (Neme-
Chaves & López-Rodríguez, 2021). This makes it
difficult to manage brand positioning oriented to the
long term, given that the expected results are pressing
in an environment increasingly focused on obtaining
market share and revenue growth.
The relevance of brand positioning from an
international perspective is relevant, since the high
competitive intensity present in developing countries,
not only for national brands, but also for the entry of
foreign brands, makes this economic environment an
opportunity for a brand to develop
internationalization exercises, where the perceived
value generated by a positioning exercise with a
strategic sense and leveraged by a registered
trademark favors its acceptance in those markets,
favoring the increase of its income, its market share,
job creation, and thus contributing to the economic
development not only of an organization but also of a
It is increasingly relevant to understand the
relationship perceived by the managers of the
companies in terms that favor the registration of a
trademark in international markets, for which factors
related to the size of the company in reference to
increasing the positioning of the trademark, in
relation to variables such as generating income
through licenses of use, cultural perceptions and
trademark registrations have an acceptance which is
evidenced by a significance of less than 0.05
generated by the Spearman correlation coefficient,
which implies that there is a relationship. However,
when interpreting the perception by the managers of
the companies regarding the relationship of the size
of the company with the generation of income
through licenses of use, they relate it positively, and
allow inferring, that being a large company allows
having many registered trademarks and that the use
of such trademarks in a different scenario can have an
impact on the organization's income; however, this
depends largely on the companies that allow doing
co-branding (Newmeyer et al. 2018) or co-promotion
exercises (Aaker & Keller, 1990).
The relationship between the size of the company,
cultural perceptions and brand registrations, although
they are positively related at a statistical level, their
significance is weak, given that it is possible that for
managers these variables do not represent a factor that
potentiates international positioning and this can be
understood from the degree of consumer
ethnocentrism (Solomon, 2006; Shiffman & Kanuk,
2010) and on the other hand from the perspective of
perceived value (Zeithaml, 1988; Sharma & Klein,
2020; Konuk, 2019) by the potential consumer, who
does not assign much value to the size of the
manufacturer of such product but to its functional and
symbolic benefit, which favor the reputation of the
brand (Keller, 2009).
Regarding the relationship between time in the
market with variables such as the ability to turn the
brand into one of the most valuable assets, increasing
market share and obtaining trust and support in the
market, the result generated by Spearman's
correlation coefficient is a significance level of less
than 0. 05 for which it is interpreted that there is a
degree of relationship between the variables;
however, among these aspects, the most relevant for
businessmen is the ability to obtain trust and support
in the market, since it is possible that the market
interprets that if a brand has lasted over time it is
because its promise of value is adequate, and
therefore, it is part of a set of elements associated with
credibility and can be used as a positioning strategy
by attributes (Ries & Trout, 1981).
The relationship between the time in the market of
the companies with the brand as one of the most
valuable assets and the capacity to increase market
share is scarce, with a tendency to be null, which
implies that businessmen do not necessarily relate it
as a fundamental factor to obtain a greater
participation in the international market.
To conclude, it can be inferred that the
organizations with registered trademarks located in
the Colombian capital recognize the relationship
given by their size and their time in the market with
the capacity to generate income through licenses of
use, with the advantage granted by trademark
registrations and with the obtaining of trust and
support in the market that potentiate their
international positioning; nevertheless, it is important
to emphasize in further studies to go deeper into
FEMIB 2022 - 4th International Conference on Finance, Economics, Management and IT Business
factors such as brand personality (Aaker, 1997) and
its relationship between cultural perception,
acceptance and trust in the market in an international
context. Therefore, studies of brand positioning and
personality based on models developed for a Latin
American context acquire importance from the
academic and business perspective as a development
axis that allows understanding the dynamics of these
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