WisdomOfAge: Developing a Seniors Digital Platform for Knowledge
Transfer through Participatory Design
Katja Antonia Rießenberger
, Samira-Salomé Hüsler
, Anja Bruggmann
, Simone Eicher
Leen Stulens
and Sabina Misoch
Institute for Ageing Research IAF, OST Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences,
Rosenbergstrasse 59, St. Gallen, Switzerland
in4care/Happy Aging, Interleuvenlaan 10, Leuven, Belgium
Keywords: Active Aging, Aging Population, Aging Well, Individualization of Retirement Process, Adaptation of the
Labor Market, Social Inclusion, Digital Divide.
Abstract: WisdomOfAge is a platform for knowledge transfer connecting retirees with experience in technological
fields with industrial companies. The goal is to establish a mentor-mentee relationship between both parties.
Companies will benefit from vast practical experience of seniors and the seniors from an opportunity to
actively participate in their former field of work with a workload as high as they choose. This possibility
promotes an individualized approach to retirement, active aging, and awareness of the work experience of
(soon to be) retirees. Since the project is developed in close cooperation with older people, it also fosters
inclusiveness within the technological development process.
The increasing life expectancy of the average
population and the continuously declining birth rate
in Europe are leading to a general change in the age
structure and in society (Eatock 2019). Its impact
evokes many societal challenges and affects
individuals and their life planning, as well as modern
work environments. Especially due to the changes
within the new age composition of the labor market
(Cedefop 2016). Consequently, not only images of
aging must be reconceptualized, but also the economy
needs to reorient and adapt itself. In this context, the
organization and perception of retirement are
It is assumed that the transition to retirement is a
major milestone in a person's life (Schmitt 2018;
Yemiscigil et al. 2021). Retirees must face, among
other things, the fact that they will no longer pursue
their usual work activities. Even though there are
different ways of coping with this change of
paradigm, and some do enjoy their newly found
freedom, which allows a higher focus on family and
voluntary work (Kojola & Moen 2015), others would
still like to engage in some activities related to their
background and experience. This may be explained
by the fact that both paid and unpaid work can provide
a daily structure, a social network as well as a sense
of accomplishment (ibid.). The lack of such
purposeful activities can therefore impact mental
health and reduce a person's perceived quality of life
(Boss 2016; Patel 2018). Consequently, some retirees
wish to stay in touch with their field of work and share
their experience even beyond retirement.
Overall, the retirement planning of the boomer
generation (demographic cohort generally born
between 1946 and 1964) has become more
individualized (Kojola & Moen 2015). However, this
individualization tendency can be brought into line
with the activity theory. This theory assumes that a
Rießenberger, K., Hüsler, S., Bruggmann, A., Eicher, S., Stulens, L. and Misoch, S.
WisdomOfAge: Developing a Seniors Digital Platform for Knowledge Transfer through Participatory Design.
DOI: 10.5220/0011064200003188
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2022), pages 261-267
ISBN: 978-989-758-566-1; ISSN: 2184-4984
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
person wants to be and remain active and participate
in social life (Rupprecht 2008). By maintaining an
active lifestyle, older adults’ benefit from long-lasting
mental and physical health which in the end also
benefits society as a whole.
To proactively evolve, our society must address
the individual needs of retirees.
Simultaneously, valuable know-how is lost,
which is further intensified by the demographic
change and the associated retirement of the boomer
Depending on the type of company, this
knowledge could be used in different work processes.
For example, SMEs (small and medium-sized
enterprises), which account for around 99% of
companies in Europe (Gischer & Herz 2021), could
benefit in their further development or optimization
of intra-company processes, while start-ups would
profit in the development and/or validation of their
business models.
To counteract this loss of expertise, a more
dynamic adaptation of the labor environment must
take place via knowledge transfer between employees
and people who will soon retire or who are already
retired. This gap can be largely filled by providing
mentoring and other similar services.
There are of course already several online
providers (social platforms, media, or apps) trying to
match these two demands the desire to remain active
after retirement and the request of life and work
experience. However, most of those platforms only
address the needs of younger users, especially when it
comes to design, while neglecting those of older users,
e.g., most of the existing platforms contain aggressive
advertising, SPAM, complex error messages, etc.
This falls under the challenge of a growing
‘digital divide’ (see 2.1). With the digital
transformation advancing, the digital divide is
generally distinguished by a social disintegration that
derives from an unequal distribution of access to
technologies (Buchmüller et al. 2011). Said divide is
largely influenced by the social factors of age, gender,
and education (in the sense of ‘laymen’ and
‘professionals’) and often results in older adults being
pushed to the margins of social participation (van
Dijk 2006, Buchmüller et al. 2011).
In order to create an equal exchange between
companies and seniors, the needs of older adults must
therefore be given greater attention.
Accordingly, the project WisdomOfAge, or
WoA, intends to develop a new platform based on
interdisciplinary, participatory research. Thus, the
platform aims to be both socially and
developmentally inclusive.
First and foremost, the platform will be
specifically adapted to the needs of seniors, while
providing (industrial) companies with tools for
enhanced knowledge management. Through
WisdomOfAge, older people are supposed to be able
to offer mentoring, guidance, and support to
companies. This will create an innovative, flexible,
and digital space to foster the formation of mentoring
relationships between seniors and employees, thus
contributing to active aging in a digital world.
Agism – “a process of systematic stereotyping of and
discrimination against people because they are old”
(Butler 1975) is a persistent problem among aging
and digitized societies. People from their mid-60s and
older are perceived as mentally slower, less healthy,
and more resistant towards learning new things (Swift
& Steeden 2020).
2.1 Agism within Digitalization
Although already present beforehand, agism became
even more evident within the fourth industrial
revolution (Schwab 2017) through the ‘digital
divide’, where the component ‘age’ (see also ‘grey
divide’) appears to be key (Friemel 2016). On the one
hand, older adults exclude themselves when it comes
to digitalization (Knowles & Hanson 2018), while on
the other hand, they are excluded by researchers and
product developers (Mannheim et al. 2019).
The marginalization of older adults in technology
development is further aggravated by the phenomena
of design paternalism and age-scripting. Design
paternalism is the oftentimes implicit assumption that
older adults should not be disturbed by technologies
in their everyday life or when using them. They are
thus at times denied creative appropriation processes
of technologies as well as their autonomy and
freedom in using technologies that are specifically
targeted at them (Peine et al., 2014; Peine, 2019;
Neven, 2010; Peine & Moors 2015; Peine & Neven,
Age-scripting, on the other hand, describes a
process that is based on the premise that age(ing),
technologies, and social contexts are inextricably
linked. The age discourses based on this are then
inscribed unfiltered into new technologies during the
ICT4AWE 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
process of technology development (Wanka &
Gallistl, 2021), which in turn influences technology
development unreflectively and therefore often
Design paternalism and the process of age-
scripting are interdependent as and in so far that
design paternalism can be seen both as a cause of age-
scripting (as part of age discourses) and as a result of
it (based on design paternalism emerging through
age-scripts). These age-scripts as well as design
paternalism are described as two contributing factors
of agism in the field of Science and Technology
Studies (STS) and Socio-Gerontechnology because
of their restrictive, exclusionary, and possibly also
disempowering nature (Peine et al., 2021). Wilkinson
and Ferraro (2002) even argued that, in comparison to
racist or sexist notions, ageist ideas are more likely to
be accepted and even be internalized by older people
themselves. They stated that: “Many aspects of our
culture support ageism. Yet as individuals and as a
society, we have become so conditioned by the
prejudice and discrimination against age that we often
fail to recognize its existence.” (Wilkinson & Ferraro,
Age studies have long shown that public images
of aging perpetuated in media or marketing practice,
shape the cultural lens through which we perceive and
evaluate age and aging. Although yet understudied, it
can be assumed that these views on aging (of
individuals and in broader society) are crucially
linked with the development of gerontechnologies.
Images of aging are playing an integral and pivotal
part that influence technology designs and how these
technologies are marketed. Societally and personally
held stereotypical views on aging can reach an ageist
level and still end up getting implemented in
technology design. This can e.g., be traced back to the
oftentimes subconscious nature of said stereotypes
and a lack of awareness of such biases. These patterns
have been thoroughly observed and questioned by
different researchers (e.g., Joyce & Mamo 2006;
Neven 2010; Neven 2011; Vines et al., 2015; Cozza
et al. 2017; Peine & Neven 2020). These images then
not only perpetuate the public image of old age but
also beliefs that older adults incorporate about
2.2 Added Value of Senior Experience
The aforementioned and other systemically engrained
images, stereotypes, and beliefs in our society may in
turn lead to the exclusion of older people, especially
in the field of technology (including research and
design) and innovation development (Mannheim et
al. 2019). However, this lack of inclusion has a
negative impact on the ‘grey digital divide’ – which,
contrary to assumptions, is not only a phenomenon of
the current generation, but can also be passed on to
future generations (McDonough 2016).
With the increasing number of people 65+, the
economy, as well as the technology sector, will have
to involve older adults in their development strategies
However, the inclusion of older people solely as
consumers is not enough; more important is their
involvement in the labor market.
The integration of older people leads to a higher
age diversity in the labor market, which will benefit
companies. Most older people have experienced
various business challenges over the course of their
careers, which enables them to approach problems
with a more realistic outlook (Fischer 2020).
The interdisciplinary team of the WisdomOfAge
project aims to work towards an inclusive project
development as well as to demonstrate the added
value gained from the experiences of older people
within various work processes and acts as a counter-
model to typical technology development processes.
Within the project, older people are not perceived
as less capable, but as knowledgeable and
experienced. In particular, their practical experience
will assist the development and conceptualization of
new ideas. In this context, older people are
knowledge keepers and providers.
The reinterpretation of the role of older people
leads to them not only being able to pursue new tasks
and thus remain active, but also to be perceived as a
valued member of society. WisdomOfAge thus aims
to help aging societies adapt to the new demographic
The digital platform WisdomOfAge is being
developed to serve as a bridge between people aged
60+ and industrial companies (mainly in technology-
related fields). Through online courses, training,
project management, mentoring, and more, older
adults will share their knowledge with these
companies within a project-based framework and
therefore help them solve specific problems in their
Nevertheless, the goal is not only the knowledge
transfer per se, but also the promotion of active and
individualized aging.
During the first implementation phase,
WisdomOfAge will focus on the fields of technology
WisdomOfAge: Developing a Seniors Digital Platform for Knowledge Transfer through Participatory Design
and engineering. This initially defined target group
will ensure that the subject field can be addressed
more precisely.
Furthermore, there are currently no offers
specifically aimed at older people in this market
segment. Once successfully establishment in the labor
market, the concept will be extended to other areas of
work – such as marketing or data analysis.
For this project, however, the first step is to
identify what seniors require and expect from the
platform and its concept whereas the second step will
be to create a platform that meets these requirements.
3.1 Interdisciplinary Approach
Within the project, SMEs, end-user organizations,
and research institutes work closely together to reach
the aforementioned goals. Therefore, the project
consortium applies an interdisciplinary research and
development approach.
While some of the project partners are mainly
involved in data collection based on co-creation
workshops, end-user testing, and evaluation as well
as validation (Institute for Aging Research, IAF;
in4Care, Happy Aging; see 3.2), others are focused
on the further processing of the generated results,
planning, implementation, and design of the platform,
development of the algorithms as well as the business
plan (Digital Twin, Technical University of Cluj-
Napoca, TUCN, YumiTech, Arx iT). Consequently,
team discussions and the gathering of different
perspectives are an important part within the
development process of the platform.
3.2 Participatory Design/Close
Cooperation with End Users
Even though (Socio-)Gerontechnology slowly
unfolds its potential scope and has begun to renew
naïve techno-deterministic views of aging and
technology through the emergence of empirical
studies of the design and use of technology by and for
older people (Peine et al. 2021), older adults are still
oftentimes excluded from the development process of
such technologies and their design (Mannheim et al.
However, in order to be able to change design
methods of technologies and therefore apply more
appropriate designs, developers of (geron-)
technologies need to understand in which sense their
products might be problematic regarding aging
related issues.
One approach to counteract the digital exclusion
of technology users is the introduction of
participatory design. It is an attempt to democratically
involve marginalized groups, such as people aged
65+, in innovation processes of digital technologies
and thus increase their chances of digital inclusion
(Björgvinsson et al. 2010). Participatory design
approaches can therefore be regarded as suitable
methodologies to descript age in technology
development, as long as they are enhanced by critical
awareness of ageist patterns in society and symbolism
(Peine & Neven 2019, Ernst & Horwath 2014).
Consequently, it is important to assign end users a
leading role, especially in the early stages of the
development process of WisdomOfAge. Their
opinions and objections regarding the concept, the
user-friendliness, and the design must be considered.
To do so, qualitative as well as quantitative
research approaches are included in the development
of the project. Since differences in social status,
economic status, gender, personal history, or
technology literacy can have major impact on how
technology is or is not appropriated, how it is getting
used or how it is getting modified by the end-user,
especially qualitative research methods can help to
better integrate the heterogeneity of the end-users into
the final product. An aspect that is generally
neglected, especially with older consumers
(Mannheim et al. 2019). End-users are too often
defined as homogenous entities and addressed in a
simplistic manner, which neglects inter-subjective
nuances (Light & Akama 2012; Gujit & Kaul Shah
In order to generate a scientific basis and to
further develop a detailed concept, a series of co-
creation workshops were held. Based on the feedback
from these workshops, a prototype version is being
developed while the platform’s concept gets adapted.
In a further step, more tests and focus group
interviews will follow.
3.3 Matchmaking using an AI Agent
The target group of WisdomOfAge can be divided
into two groups: Mentors and Mentees.
The mentors are (soon to be) retired engineers or
people from similar work areas who offer their
knowledge and experience. The mentees are expected
to be industrial companies interested in technological
and employee development who want to improve
their knowledge in certain areas.
To ensure the best provider is found for each
customer, a matchmaking tool is developed. To
minimize the risk of incompatibility between mentors
and mentees, an AI agent (artificial neural networks -
ANN implementation) is put into place. An algorithm
ICT4AWE 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
thus matches mentors and mentees based on their
needs, skills, and experience.
After an initial matching by the algorithm, a (cost-
free) meeting is organized. Only when both parties
are satisfied with the matching, the matching process
is complete. Once the mentor and the mentee have
been successfully matched, they can start working
together in order to transfer their knowledge and
In addition to the matching offer between the
provider and the customer, there is also the possibility
to network between providers themselves. This way,
even larger work teams may be formed, and the
knowledge pool enlarged.
The first meeting after the initial matchmaking
serves to develop an overall objective and strategy.
Subsequent progress is customized through online
meetings, discussions, and training.
The retiree (mentor) then shares his experience
related to the company’s (mentee’s) particular
problem using different online tools (e.g., video
training, instructor led training or presentations,
The mentor's primary responsibilities are to
advise, coach, and train the mentee to the extent of his
or her abilities, to assist in the development of goals,
to promote mid-term analyses of project
development, and to motivate the companies to
pursue their objective. In return, mentors get to
continue or intensify their work in their field and thus
pursue an activity that they enjoy and by which they
receive additional financial incentives.
Due to the retirement of the experienced employees,
knowledge is being carried out of the companies,
namely the SMEs of Europe. To transfer their
knowledge to younger employees, the platform
WisdomOfAge is being developed. There, seniors
can offer their expertise to companies in the
technological field. The companies benefit from the
practical experience of seniors who act as mentors. At
the same time, this creates an opportunity for seniors
to continue working in their field even after
retirement, if desired. This enables them to engage in
valued and generative activity that increase their
opportunities for activity and social participation and
thus possibly contributing to their well-being.
As an alternative to typical technology
development processes, the interdisciplinary team of
WisdomOfAge has implemented all-encompassing
participatory design methods to counteract and
decrease ageist patterns, paternalism, and age-
scripting in the platform’s development.
Furthermore, WisdomOfAge aims to highlight
that the experiences of people in the third and fourth
age are important for a digitalizing world and should
not be neglected in society.
WisdomOfAge therefore approaches the
inclusion of the older population on two levels. First,
it emphasizes the added value of the work experience
of older people in terms of development and
innovation planning during the platform´s
development process, and secondly, it also aims to
include older adults in the workplace by valuing their
knowledge and expertise and making it more easily
accessible to companies. Through this, companies
will be better equipped, the work experience of older
people will be used more sustainably, and the
platform will be created and adapted in a way to
reduce agism and prejudices against older adults.
WisdomOfAge is a project supported by the AAL
program, co-funded by the European Commission
and National Funding Authorities of Romania,
Switzerland, and Belgium.
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WisdomOfAge: Developing a Seniors Digital Platform for Knowledge Transfer through Participatory Design