Prerequisites for Applying Artificial Intelligence for Scheduling in
Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises
Tatjana Schkarin and Alexander Dobhan
Business and Engineering, FHWS, Ignaz-Schön Str.11, Schweinfurt, Germany
Keywords: Scheduling, SME, Prerequisites of Artificial Intelligence.
Abstract: With the increasing spread of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the prerequisites for a successful implementation in
practice are becoming more relevant for large enterprises as well as for small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs). The latter are usually characterized by flat hierarchies, high flexibility, but also by a lack of AI
experts and data organisation. One field of AI application for SMEs is scheduling as part of production
planning. Scheduling belongs to the most relevant digital solution areas for SMEs. In this article, we examine
the prerequisites for the application of AI methods in scheduling in SMEs. For identifying relevant
prerequisites, we conduct a literature review and combine it with the results of three AI adoption and readiness
models. Afterwards, we describe the results of an interview study on our research question. The main findings
include a list of prerequisites. We connect our list with already existing approaches for AI adoption and AI
readiness with a strong focus on SMEs and scheduling. Furthermore, we conclude that the prerequisites are
dependent on the application context. However, the effect of the size of a company on the prerequisites
remains unclear.
The potential and increasing spread of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) in companies is undisputed.
According to a study by PWC, the effect of AI on the
gross domestic product of Germany is to grow by 430
billion euros (PWC, 2021). AI '[…]is a branch of
Computer Science, which is mainly concerned with
automation of Intelligent behavior.’ (Chowdhary,
2020) Intelligent behavior includes perceiving,
analysing, and reacting (Chowdhary, 2020).
One application field of AI is scheduling.
Scheduling means determining the order sequence in
production as part of production planning (Nguyen et
al., 2019, Takeda-Berger et al., 2020). At the same
time, scheduling belongs to the most relevant digital
solution areas for small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) (Schönfuß et al., 2021). Combined with the
importance of SMEs, as evidenced by the fact that
nearly 40% of employees in Germany work in small
and medium-sized enterprises, the application of AI
for scheduling in SMEs is a highly relevant research
topic (IfM, 2021). In addition, various solutions for
AI-based scheduling have been developed (Kumar
and Dimitrakopoulos, 2021, Ramirez-Asis et al.,
2021, Zhang et al., 2021).
SMEs are often associated with attributes in addition
to their size. Starting with flat hierarchies with
frequently person-centered decision-making
structures, through the necessary flexibility to the
qualification of their employees (Kukharuk and
Gavrysh, 2019, Cus, 1997). It raises the question of
what prerequisites are necessary for the effective use
of AI in the scheduling of SMEs. To this end, we first
examine existing research results with a systematic
literature analysis, primarily on the prerequisites for
the use of AI in general and on SME-specific and
scheduling-specific prerequisites. Subsequently, we
describe the design and the outcomes of interview
study, which aims to confirm the findings from the
literature and reveal aspects not previously
considered, particularly about SMEs and scheduling.
Our research question clearly refers to AI adoption
and AI readiness research. Here, we build on the
interview study of Jöhnk et al al., (2021). They
developed a list of 18 factors that represents AI
readiness. The factors belong to the five categories
Strategic alignment, Resources, Knowledge Culture,
Schkarin, T. and Dobhan, A.
Prerequisites for Applying Artificial Intelligence for Scheduling in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises.
DOI: 10.5220/0011064000003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 1, pages 529-536
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and Data. The model considered the research work of
Alsheibani et al., (2018, 2019), which proposed a
maturity model with four dimensions (AI functions,
data structure, people, organisations). Bettoni et al.
(2021) developed a more specific maturity model of
companies analysing the five dimensions Digital &
Smart Factory, Data strategy, Organisation structure,
Human Resources, Organisation culture. They
detected a difference in AI maturity between 9 large
companies and 30 SMEs. Baabdullah et al., (2021)
investigated the relationship between the AI
acceptance and several factors. According to the
results of their empirical study for SMEs the
acceptance of AI practices is dependent on
technology roadmapping, attitude, infrastructure
awareness, but not on expertise or technicality.
In addition to the findings regarding adoption
theory, we built our research on the results of a
literature review that focuses on research findings
from 2015 - 2021. The review considers also search
terms regarding success factors, integration,
opportunities, etc., which helps us to derive
prerequisites for a successful AI implementation in
companies. We conducted the literature review
according to the recommendations in Webster and
Watson (2002). The literature to be analysed includes
only scientific peer-reviewed articles and conference
papers (Rowley and Slack., 2004). We used the
following online platforms for our search:
ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, Springer Link,
EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, and the FHWS
database. The literature search aims to obtain an
overview of the prerequisites for use of AI in
scheduling based on current research and to review
the articles to determine the extent to which the
company size affects the prerequisites. This leads to
the following search terms ("integration of" AND "AI
methods" OR "AI techniques"), ("successful
integration" OR "integration challenges" AND "AI"),
("opportunities and challenges of AI"),
("opportunities and challenges of use of AI"),
("opportunities and challenges of ai" AND
"scheduling" OR "production"), ("requirements for
use" AND "artificial intelligence" OR "AI"), ("needs
to introduce AI in scheduling"), ("implementation of
AI"), ("implementation of AI" AND "in scheduling"
OR "in production"), ("requirements of using AI"),
("successful key factors of using AI"), ("success
factors of using AI"), ("conditions to use artificial
intelligence"). We decided against a more SME and
scheduling specific search to ensure a considerable
number of results, but we categorized the articles
according to their considerations of these two aspects.
Furthermore, the publications found were checked for
their relevance. Afterwards, we identified further
articles from the bibliographies of the received
sources. In this way, we ultimately identified 19
relevant sources. None of the sources focuses
exclusively on prerequisites. They include, for
example, challenges of using AI methods in certain
areas, from which we derived prerequisites. The
results mainly illustrate that although five sources
refer to manufacturing, none focuses on the field of
scheduling. They also show that literature sources on
the topic have increased in recent years. 15 out of 19
articles were published from 2019 to 2021.
Table 1: Prerequisites.
Prerequisite Authors
Digital data storage
and availability
Iliashenko et al. (2019), Patel et al.
(2019), Mansour et al. (2021), Sayyad et
al. (2021), Susar and Aquaro (2019),
Hildesheim (2020).
Server capacity
Iliashenko et al. (2019).
IT security
Susar and Aquaro (2019), Baviskar et al.
(2021), Rathore et al. (2021), Aktolun
(2019), Iliashenko et al. (2019).
Network quality
Mansour et al. (2021), Susar and Aquaro
(2019), Pizon and Lipski (2015), Aktolun
(2019), Iliashenko et al. (2019).
Data management
Susar and Aquaro (2019), Randaliev and
De Roure (2021), Patel et al. (2019),
Baviskar et al. (2021), Rathore et al.
(2021), Mao et al. (2019).
Test environments
Dolgih, 2019, Nguyen et al., 2021.
Patel et al. (2019), Aktolun (2019),
Randaliev and De Roure (2021).
AI expertise
Susar and Aquaro, (2019), Qui and Zhao,
(2019), Hildesheim, (2020), Dolgih,
(2019), Aktolun, (2019), Luo et al.,
(2018), Pizoń & Lipski, (2015), Ak'yulov
and Skovpen' (2019).
User training/user
Patel et al. (2019), Dolgih (2019),
Hildesheim (2020).
Financial resources
Luo et al. (2018), Susar and Aquaro
Qui and Zhao (2019), Iliashenko et al.
An overview of the detected prerequisites is given
in Table 1. In terms of content, we identified several
prerequisites. First, the equipment and the
management of the equipment are addressed by
numerous authors. Equipment-related prerequisites
are data storage, data availability, data management
server capacity, IT security, network quality, and the
availability of test environments. Furthermore,
expertise plays a certain role. Some authors define AI
expertise and cross-disciplinary expertise as crucial
for success. From the user's perspective, soft facts
such as trust, and confidence are important for AI
success. Finally, a few authors stated that the
availability of financial resources is crucial for AI
implementation. In summary, general prerequisites
are available from the literature. However, the
considered publications lack a discussion on
prerequisites concerning scheduling and company
size. Instead, the results of adoption research and the
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
differences to other application contexts indicate the
relevance of the application context.
An indication for it is, for example, a different
relevance for the users, which is significantly higher
in the medical field than in scheduling. Unlike in
medicine, the factor "interdisciplinary experts" could
also be less relevant for scheduling, since production
planning, similar to artificial intelligence, originates
from the field of mathematics or operations research
(based on mathematical calculations or algorithms)
(Gelders and Van Wassenhove, 1981, Ilieva et al.,
2019). Furthermore, the assumption is apparently that
relevant data in the field of scheduling are better
available in a structured way than in other fields
(Cadavid et al., 2019). Other technical factors, such
as external servers, computing power, networks,
testing, and cyber protection, are also prerequisites
for use in scheduling. At the same time, these factors
may be very significant in SMEs. Furthermore,
financial resources, especially investments in time,
personnel, or hardware, are prerequisites that are
related to all application contexts.
3.1 Research Design
The results of the literature review allow the
definition of analysis dimensions as a basis for expert
interviews: The general analysis dimensions are
"Expertise", "Equipment", and "Soft facts". The
former aims to measure the influence of AI experts on
the use of AI. Here, we explicitly asked about the
effect of experts and their skills on AI deployment
within a company. The analysis dimension
"Equipment" is intended to identify the technical
requirements. The latter dimension relates to the soft
facts, i.e., what role the employees' trust in AI plays
and why. Moreover, the analysis reveals how trust
can be reached in this context. As the financial
resources follow the dimension expertise and
equipment as well as user training, we do not consider
them explicitly. In addition to the dimensions derived
from the literature review, we add two dimensions
which are explicitly relevant for our research
question: Company size and Relevance of the
application field, in particular scheduling. Each
dimension includes a few questions to get information
on the relevance of these dimensions.
We interviewed a total of nine experts. The
selection of the experts follows purposive sampling in
our professional network. Experts had to fulfil two
main criteria, which we derived from the research
question. Firstly, the interviewee must be active in the
field of artificial intelligence. Secondly, the experts
must have experience in AI projects for SMEs. In
addition, the context of production planning was
relevant for the expert selection process.
The interviews were semi-standardized based on
an interview guideline. The mode of communication
was face-to-face and online via Zoom (Archibald et
al., 2019, Gowda and Ayush, 2020, Hopf, C., 2004,
Xu et al., 2019). An expert interview in the context of
this work lasts approximately 30 minutes. The
evaluation of the expert interviews was computer-
assisted using the standard software MAXQDA
(VERBI Software, 2021) for qualitative content
analyses (Kuckartz, 2019).
3.2 Results
The survey results show that more than three-quarters
of the experts surveyed see the involvement of AI
experts as a prerequisite for deployment. Only two of
the respondents rate this factor as of medium to little
importance. They justify this by stating that all users
should have fundamental AI expertise. Therefore, no
specific AI experts are necessary. The statements of
the interviewees indicate that an AI expert typically
has AI software knowledge, various programming
skills (especially Python), process understanding, and
analytical thinking skills. In addition,
interdisciplinary openness is another crucial attribute.
Six of the nine experts emphasize cross-industry
thinking and data understanding in this context.
Social skills should also supplement AI expertise,
such as communication skills. All experts emphasized
the last aspect.
Furthermore, the study examines whether
employee trust - as the main soft fact - in AI plays a
crucial role in the use of AI. All nine respondents
confirm this and justify it by ensuring acceptance of
AI and avoiding fears of incomprehensible decisions
and job loss. Eight out of nine respondents cite
communication with those affected as a confidence-
building measure. In addition, up to four experts
attributed a confidence-building effect to actively
picking up employees, user participation, expectation
management, and the creation of control options for
Another prerequisite for the use of artificial
intelligence is the equipment. It includes ERP
systems, AI software, programming and visualization
programs, and libraries, such as Keras, or PyTorch. In
addition, two-thirds of respondents emphasize the
importance of hardware for access to powerful
computers or cloud solutions. Sensors or data
generation are also mentioned. However, the highest
importance in terms of equipment seems to have "data
Prerequisites for Applying Artificial Intelligence for Scheduling in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises
management," which is mentioned by all interview
participants. It includes data collection, storage,
management, etc.
Three experts mention financial resources,
general or change management as further
prerequisites. Two experts also list the domain
knowledge of the employees, experience with an
agile approach to AI introduction, and the openness
and willingness of the users (see trust). In addition,
one respondent considers the availability of human
resources in general as a prerequisite for the use of
AI. The findings described so far refer to the
application in all contexts and company sizes.
However, our research intends to identify
specific requirements for the use of AI in scheduling
and SMEs. Here, six of the nine AI experts state that
the use of AI is not specific to the company size.
These statements are backed by the fact that even in
large companies, AI projects of varying scope in
different organisational units are taking place.
Furthermore, the experts refer to the scalability of
today's AI solutions, which make them suitable for
both, SMEs and large companies. The remaining 33%
of experts are convinced that the prerequisites for
using AI also depend on the company size. They
suppose that this is primarily caused by the less
pronounced digital data management characteristics
of SMEs. On the other hand, they recognized greater
flexibility concerning the software landscape and IT
systems in general within these companies.
Concerning scheduling, there is an ambiguous
result. Thus, four respondents state that the use of AI
is scheduling-specific, with four also of the opposite
opinion. One expert did not answer about this topic.
Four experts explain the dependence on the
application context with different data formats. For
example, data for scheduling is often available in
structured form in relational databases. Real-time
data from sensors enhance the production data. In
contrast, the statement that the AI use is not context-
specific is backed by the fact that it is purely
dependent on the use case itself. Use cases in different
application contexts can be similar but differ within
an application context. Even though only four experts
confirm an effect of the application context on AI
prerequisites, seven experts stated that introducing AI
in scheduling requires more communication skills
than for other applications. The reason for it is, that
scheduling often bothers more departments and
stakeholders than, for example, an AI-optimized
production machine.
Nevertheless, according to the experts, artificial
neural networks are currently gaining ground as a
method in scheduling, for example, and are, therefore,
a current and future research topic.
The discussion of our results will consider mainly
three perspectives. Firstly, we compare the results of
our interview study with those of our literature review
(Table 1). Secondly, we connect our results with the
AI readiness and adoption theory. Thirdly, we
emphasize again the results regarding the company
size and the application field.
Figure 1 shows a comparison between the
prerequisites from literature and those from the
interview study for each category. The dimensions
with an asterisk were addressed by all experts.
Starting with the equipment (hardware resources in
the literature include the network infrastructure and
software) it appears that the results of the empirical
study back findings in the literature. AI software and
ERP systems affect data management as another
crucial prerequisite of the dimension equipment.
(Randaliev and De Roure, 2021, Susar and Aquaro,
2019, Aktolun, 2019, Mao et al., 2019, Iliashenko et
al., 2019, Patel et al., 2019, Hildesheim, 2020,
Poniszewska-Maranda and Kaczmarek, 2015, Luo et
al., 2018, Qui and Zhao, 2019, Pizon and Lipski,
2015, Dolgih, 2019).
The results regarding the expertise show that AI
experts exert a high effect on the use of AI, as
indicated by 80% of the experts, which social
competence belongs to. It is mentioned in addition to
the prerequisites in literature. The empirical analysis
confirms the specification of expertise in the form of
technical competencies, specialized knowledge, and
interdisciplinary knowledge. It is supplemented by
cross-industry knowledge, data understanding, and
software and process knowledge. (Patel et al., 2019,
Aktolun, 2019, Susar and Aquaro, 2019, Qui and
Zhao, 2019, Hildesheim, 2020, Dolgih, 2019, Luo et
al., 2018, Ak'yulov and Skovpen', 2019, Pizon and
Lipski, 2015).
The results of the empirical study regarding “Soft
facts” show that the item "trust" of employees in AI
is crucial. Communication and education foster trust.
Moreover, the results of our expert interviews
confirm the results in the literature. (Patel et al., 2019,
Dolgih, 2019, Hildesheim, 2020).
Furthermore, financial and human resources were
also empirically confirmed as prerequisites, whereas
time resources were not addressed at all. However,
change management, internal domain knowledge,
and agile approaches to AI implementation were
complementary (Luo et al., 2018, Susar and Aquaro,
2019, Qui and Zhao, 2019, Iliashenko et al., 2019).
As of the literature review, no effect of company size
on AI prerequisites is identified. However, the
specific attributes of SMEs suggested that specific
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
prerequisites exist here. Here, rather negative
tendency occurs in the expert interviews.
Figure 1: Matching interview study results with literature
review outcome.
The literature analysis on AI prerequisites
covered various fields, such as medicine or the public
sector. For this reason, one objective of the empirical
expert survey was to investigate the influence of the
application context. Concerning this aspect, we
achieved ambiguous results. But it should be noted
that the prerequisites depend on the specific
application either in the application context or the use
case itself.
Our interview study complements and confirms
existing research on AI adoption. Thus, we connect
our prerequisites with the factors of Alsheibani et al.
(2018, 2019), Jöhnk et al. (2021), and Bettoni et al.
(2021). It becomes clear, that our findings regarding
Expertise, Equipment, Soft facts, and Others confirm
the importance of the categories in literature.
Figure 2: Research findings and adoption models.
Additionally, the organisational factor of
Alsheibani et al. (2018, 2019) includes the company
size. Bettoni et al. (2021) explicitly show that SMEs
have a different maturity level than large companies.
According to their results, in particular, the
Digitalisation (Digital & Smart Factory) and the
Organisational structure are on a more mature level at
large enterprises. Our results seem to contradict that.
One reason might be that our interviews were
strongly project-related. The experts answered
considering their project experience. Within large
companies, there might be departments on a high
digitalisation level and those with a low one. The
reason for the statement could be also that the
prerequisites are use-case specific, but not
application-field specific. That was one argument of
the four experts that denied scheduling-specific
prerequisites. Figure 2 shows that none of the three
approaches considers the application context.
However, four of nine experts consider the
application field (scheduling) as relevant for the
prerequisite. And one reason for the denial of the
others was that they believe that the prerequisites are
use-case specific, which means that even the
application field is too aggregated. Furthermore, the
literature review shows, that we have several fields of
application. Five of our sources in table 1 analyse AI
in the context of medicine, five in the context of
manufacturing, and the others in other fields. It seems
very clear that patients as users may act differently
and are different than experienced production
planners. The personal involvement of patients is
usually higher than the one of the production
planners. This may affect the prerequisites in the
categories soft facts and Expertise. This is just one
example for the effect of the application use-case on
the perquisites.
Prerequisites for Applying Artificial Intelligence for Scheduling in Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises
In this article, we described the results of both a
literature review and an interview study on AI
prerequisites for scheduling in SMEs. With our
results, we gave an overview of current research work
of AI prerequisites from the perspectives of SMEs
and scheduling. Our overview shows that there is no
research work in the field of AI adoption so far, which
covers both concepts (SME and scheduling), or at
least scheduling. Furthermore, we figured out
indications for the relevance of the application field
for defining AI prerequisites. Regarding the scientific
discussion on the company size, we contributed some
arguments for both sides (against in our interview
study and for in our literature review). Finally, we
confirmed most of the factors of Alsheibani et al.
(2018, 2019), Jöhnk et al. (2021), and Bettoni et al.
Future research should clarify the results on SMEs
and shed light on the question of how the application
field and the use case itself affect the prerequisites.
Thereupon further research is required on how to
make an SME AI ready for specific AI application
fields and use cases. At the same time, measures to
become AI ready must be examined for their
effectiveness and, in particular, their effect on the
application goals (e.g., the acceptance of the models,
the accuracy of the models, the number of model
users, etc.).
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"Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik" of the
Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Regional Development and Energy (IUK-1709-
0011//IUK530/010), submitted by the University of
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ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems