Transfer Learning Gaussian Anomaly Detection by Fine-tuning
Oliver Rippel
1 a
, Arnav Chavan
, Chucai Lei
and Dorit Merhof
1 b
Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Indian Institute of Technology, ISM Dhanbad, India
Anomaly Detection, Anomaly Segmentation, Transfer Learning, PDF Estimation, Visual Inspection.
Current state-of-the-art anomaly detection (AD) methods exploit the powerful representations yielded by
large-scale ImageNet training. However, catastrophic forgetting prevents the successful fine-tuning of pre-
trained representations on new datasets in the semi-supervised setting, and representations are therefore com-
monly fixed. In our work, we propose a new method to overcome catastrophic forgetting and thus successfully
fine-tune pre-trained representations for AD in the transfer learning setting. Specifically, we induce a multi-
variate Gaussian distribution for the normal class based on the linkage between generative and discriminative
modeling, and use the Mahalanobis distance of normal images to the estimated distribution as training ob-
jective. We additionally propose to use augmentations commonly employed for vicinal risk minimization in
a validation scheme to detect onset of catastrophic forgetting. Extensive evaluations on the public MVTec
dataset reveal that a new state of the art is achieved by our method in the AD task while simultaneously
achieving anomaly segmentation performance comparable to prior state of the art. Further, ablation studies
demonstrate the importance of the induced Gaussian distribution as well as the robustness of the proposed
fine-tuning scheme with respect to the choice of augmentations.
Anomaly detection (AD) in images is concerned with
finding images that deviate from a prior-defined con-
cept of normality, and poses a fundamental com-
puter vision problem with application domains rang-
ing from industrial quality control (Bergmann et al.,
2021) to medical image analysis (Schlegl et al., 2019).
Extending AD, anomaly segmentation (AS) tries to
identify the visual patterns inside anomalous images
that constitute the anomaly. In general, AD/AS tasks
are defined by the following two characteristics
1. Anomalies are rare events, i.e. their prevalence in
the application domain is low.
2. There exists limited knowledge about the anomaly
distribution, i.e. it is ill-defined.
Together, these characteristics result in AD/AS
datasets that are heavily imbalanced, often containing
only few anomalies for model verification and testing.
For a general, exhaustive overview of AD we refer the
reader to (Ruff et al., 2021).
As a consequence, AD/AS algorithms focus on
the semi-supervised setting, where exclusively nor-
mal data is used to establish a model of normal-
ity (Bergmann et al., 2021; Schlegl et al., 2019;
Ruff et al., 2018). Since learning discriminative rep-
resentations from scratch is difficult (Rippel et al.,
2021c), state-of-the-art methods leverage representa-
tion gained by training on ImageNet (Deng et al.,
2009) as the basis for AD/AS (Rippel et al., 2021b;
Defard et al., 2020; Andrews et al., 2016; Bergmann
et al., 2020; Cohen and Hoshen, 2020; Christiansen
et al., 2016; Perera and Patel, 2019; Li et al., 2021).
Fine-tuning these representations on the dataset
at hand now offers the potential of additional perfor-
mance improvements. However, fine-tuning is hin-
dered by catastrophic forgetting, which is defined as
the loss of discriminative features initially present in
the model in context of AD (Deecke et al., 2021).
In fact, fine-tuning is so difficult that it is simply
foregone in the majority of AD/AS approaches (re-
fer also Section 2.1). While methods have been pro-
posed to tackle catastrophic forgetting (Reiss et al.,
2021; Deecke et al., 2020; Perera and Patel, 2019;
Liznerski et al., 2021; Ruff et al., 2020; Deecke
Rippel, O., Chavan, A., Lei, C. and Merhof, D.
Transfer Learning Gaussian Anomaly Detection by Fine-tuning Representations.
DOI: 10.5220/0011063900003209
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering (IMPROVE 2022), pages 45-56
ISBN: 978-989-758-563-0; ISSN: 2795-4943
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
et al., 2021), they currently ignore the feature correla-
tions inherent to the pre-trained networks (refer Fig-
ure 1, (Rodr
ıguez et al., 2017; Ayinde et al., 2019)).
Moreover, many of the aforementioned methods em-
ploy synthetic anomalies as surrogates for the true
anomaly distribution to generate a supervised loss, a
concept called outlier exposure (OE) (refer Figure 1)
(Hendrycks et al., 2019). While performance gains
have been reported here, a significant dataset bias is
also induced by OE (Ye et al., 2021).
Our contributions are as follows:
Based on findings from (Lee et al., 2018) and
(Rippel et al., 2021c), we induce a multivariate
Gaussian for the normal data distribution in the
transfer learning setting, incorporating the fea-
ture correlations inherent to the pre-trained net-
work. We thus propose to fine-tune the pre-trained
model by minimizing the Mahalanobis distance
(Mahalanobis, 1936) to the estimated Gaussian
distribution using normal data only, and forego
OE to avoid incorporating an additional dataset
bias. We furthermore show how the proposed ob-
jective relates to and extends the prior-used opti-
mization functions.
We propose an early stopping criterion based
on data augmentations commonly used in semi-
supervised learning for vicinal risk minimization
(VRM) (Chapelle et al., 2001; Hendrycks et al.,
2020) to detect onset of catastrophic forgetting.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of both propos-
als using the public MVTec dataset (Bergmann
et al., 2021), and perform extensive ablation stud-
ies to investigate the sensitivity of our approach
with respect to the chosen augmentation schemes.
Features generated by large-scale dataset training
(e.g. ImageNet) are commonly employed in literature
to achieve AD/AS on new tasks in a transfer learning
2.1 Fixed Representations
The representations of the pre-trained network are
commonly fixed to prevent catastrophic forgetting. To
nevertheless improve AD/AS performance even with
fixed representations, Bergmann et al. (Bergmann
et al., 2020) employ a two-stage knowledge distil-
lation framework to achieve AD and AS in a trans-
fer learning setting. Here, they directly regress
the intermediate representations of a ResNet18 (He
Train Val Test
Train Val Test
OE + spherical cluster
Proposed method
Figure 1: Comparison of the proposed method and related
fine-tuning approaches. Anomalies (shown in red) are often
subtle, and state-of-the-art methods use either them or syn-
thetic anomalies (shown in yellow) for OE. However, do-
ing so introduces a significant bias (Ye et al., 2021). More-
over, state-of-the-art fine-tuning methods ignore the feature
correlations inherent to the pre-trained network (Rodr
et al., 2017; Ayinde et al., 2019). In the proposed method,
these correlations are taken into account by means of the
Gaussian assumption. Furthermore, we argue that augmen-
tations used for VRM (shown in green) are well-suited for
detecting the onset of catastrophic forgetting, and can thus
be used to validate semi-supervised training that uses nor-
mal data only (shown in blue). Thereby, the bias induced
by OE is reduced/circumvented. A dot in the scatter plot
corresponds to a complete image.
et al., 2016) pre-trained on ImageNet. Furthermore,
Rudolph et al. (Rudolph et al., 2021) fit an uncon-
strained probability distribution by means of Normal-
izing Flows (Rezende and Mohamed, 2015) to the
nominal class.
Moreover, features from pre-trained networks are
also used as the basis for classical AD methods.
For example, Andrews et al. (Andrews et al., 2016)
fit a discriminative one-class support vector machine
(SVM) (Sch
olkopf et al., 2001) to features extracted
from intermediate layers of a VGG (Simonyan and
Zisserman, 2015) network. Furthermore, k-NN has
also been used to realize AD/AS on pre-trained fea-
tures (Cohen and Hoshen, 2020). Last, generative al-
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
gorithms such as Gaussian AD (Christiansen et al.,
2016; Sabokrou et al., 2018; Defard et al., 2020; Rip-
pel et al., 2021c) are also commonly employed.
2.2 Fine-tuning Representations
Even though it offers potential benefits, fine-tuning
approaches are limited by onset of catastrophic for-
getting. In contrast to the typical continual learning
scheme, catastrophic forgetting in AD/AS is incurred
by the unavailability of anomalous data. As a conse-
quence, discriminative feature combinations initially
present in the pre-trained network are lost during fine-
tuning, since they are most likely absent/missing in
the normal data (Tax and M
uller, 2003; Rippel et al.,
2021c). Ultimately this leads to a reduced AD/AS
Due to the absence of anomalies, fine-tuning ap-
proaches base their learning objective on the con-
centration assumption instead, i.e. they try to find
a compact description of the normal class in high-
dimensional representations. The most commonly
used optimization formulation for this is the Deep
support vector data description (SVDD) objective
(Ruff et al., 2018), defined as
;W ) c
. (1)
Here, Φ : R
is a neural network
parametrized by its weights W = {W
, ..., W
}, and
a hypersphere is minimized around the cluster center
c subject to L
weight regularization, with ∥·∥
noting the Frobenius norm.
To now overcome catastrophic forgetting, three
main procedures have been proposed in literature: (I)
Perera & Patel (Perera and Patel, 2019) jointly opti-
mize Equation 1 together with the original task to en-
sure that the original feature discriminativeness does
not deteriorate. Specifically, they use the arithmetic
mean as c and L
norm over the L
norm in Equa-
tion 1, and perform joint optimization with ImageNet-
1k training. Joint optimization, however, requires ac-
cess to the original dataset, which may not always
be feasible. (II) Reiss et al. (Reiss et al., 2021)
propose to make use of elastic weight consolidation
(EWC)(Kirkpatrick et al., 2017), a technique pro-
posed in continual learning, to overcome catastrophic
forgetting. This method, however, also requires ac-
cess to the original dataset, which may again not al-
ways be feasible. (III) Deecke et al. (Deecke et al.,
2021) propose to make use of L
regularization with
respect to the initial, pre-trained weights, arguing that
only subtle feature adaptations should be necessary
when fine-tuning. Alternatively, they also propose to
learn only a modulation of frozen features by means
of newly introduced, residual adaptation layers, in-
stead of tuning them directly.
All the aforementioned techniques can be applied
in combination with OE (Hendrycks et al., 2019).
Here, either synthetic anomalies or datasets disjoint to
the target domain are used as surrogate anomalies to
facilitate training of supervised, discriminative mod-
els. Ruff et al. (Ruff et al., 2020) formulate a hyper-
sphere classifier (HSC) to incorporate OE to the Deep
SVDD objective. Specifically, they optimize
;W )
(1 y
1 exp(−∥Φ(x
;W )
where y
denotes whether a sample is either normal
= 1) or anomalous (y
= 0). While generalization
to anomalies unseen during training has been demon-
strated for OE (Hendrycks et al., 2019), a bias is un-
doubtedly introduced by this method. Specifically, Ye
et al. (Ye et al., 2021) show that labeled anomalies dif-
fering subtly from the normal class have a large im-
pact in OE, possibly degrading performance on un-
seen anomaly types that are also similar to the normal
class. They further show that empirical gains can only
be guaranteed when anomalies are used for OE that
differ strongly from the normal class instead.
Nevertheless, gains have been reported by ap-
proaches that incorporate OE, such as CutPaste (Li
et al., 2021) or fully convolutional data descriptor
(FCDD) (Liznerski et al., 2021). Here, CutPaste fol-
lows a two-stage procedure, i.e. fine-tuning a super-
vised classifier by means of OE with carefully crafted,
synthetic anomalies followed by Gaussian AD as pro-
posed in (Rippel et al., 2021c). FCDD applies the
HSC objective to spatial feature maps, i.e. intermedi-
ate representations of a pre-trained network that still
possess spatial dimensions, to fine-tune the network
directly. Similar to CutPaste, they also use carefully
crafted, synthetic anomalies for OE.
Out of all related works, only FCDD and CutPaste
evaluate performance on a dataset where normal and
anomalous classes differ subtly, namely the MVTec
dataset (Bergmann et al., 2021).
In our work, we propose to fine-tune the represen-
tations of pre-trained networks based on the Gaus-
sian assumption. A motivation behind the seemingly
Transfer Learning Gaussian Anomaly Detection by Fine-tuning Representations
overly simplistic Gaussian assumption can be inferred
from Lee et al. (Lee et al., 2018). Here, authors have
induced a Gaussian discriminant analysis (GDA) for
out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. Investigations
into the unreasonable effectiveness of the Gaussian
assumption by Kamoi and Kobayashi (Kamoi and
Kobayashi, 2020) have revealed that feature combina-
tions containing low variance for the normal/nominal
class are ultimately those discriminative to the OOD
data. Independent investigations into the same phe-
nomenon for AD by Rippel et al. (Rippel et al., 2021c)
have revealed the same finding for the transfer learn-
ing setting. However, despite its elegant simplicity
and outstanding performance, the Gaussian assump-
tion has not yet been used to fine-tune pre-trained fea-
tures for AD.
The Gaussian distribution is given by
(x) :=
, (3)
with D being the number of dimensions, µ R
the mean vector and Σ R
being the symmetric
covariance matrix of the distribution, which must be
positive definite.
Under a Gaussian distribution, a distance measure
between a particular point x R
and the distribu-
tion is called the Mahalanobis distance (Mahalanobis,
1936), given as
M(x) =
(x µ)
(x µ). (4)
Let us compare the Mahalanobis distance (Equa-
tion 4) to the Deep SVDD objective (Equation 1).
When imposing a univariate Gaussian with zero mean
and unit-variance per feature, the Mahalanobis dis-
tance reduces to the L
distance to the mean, reca-
pitulating the original Deep SVDD objective with L
norm instead of L
norm. In other words, minimiz-
ing the Deep SVDD objective in conjunction with L
norm implicitly assumes that features follow indepen-
dent, univariate Gaussians with zero-mean and unit-
variance. This assumption, however, is in disagree-
ment with findings in literature, where strong corre-
lations have been observed across deep features ex-
tracted from convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
ıguez et al., 2017; Ayinde et al., 2019). Our in-
duced multivariate Gaussian prior thus actually im-
poses a lesser inductive bias than the Deep SVDD
objective, and allows for more flexible distributions.
Internal experiments furthermore showed that iden-
tical performance could be achieved when decorre-
lating the pre-trained features by means of Cholesky
decomposition prior to training them with the Deep
SVDD objective.
Since others (Cohen and Hoshen, 2020; Defard
et al., 2020; Liznerski et al., 2021) have demonstrated
that good AS performance can be achieved by uti-
lizing intermediate feature representations that main-
tain spatial dimensions, we propose to apply the Ma-
halanobis distance to Gaussians fitted to intermedi-
ate feature representations as well. Specifically, let
Φ : R
be a CNN with its intermedi-
ate mappings denoted as Φ
: R
. Then, the Mahalanobis distance of Φ
is a given by applying Equation 4 to each spatial el-
ement independently, yielding a matrix A
of size
× W
. Note that we account for small local
changes in image composition by modeling µ inde-
pendently per location & tie Σ across locations. This
has shown superior performance for fixed features al-
ready in (Rippel et al., 2021a), and we furthermore
assess its effectiveness in Section 4.2.1. Furthermore,
we use max(A) to give an anomaly score per level
m of Φ, which is also used for optimization. Using
max(A) over mean(A) is motivated by (Defard et al.,
2020), which have shown that strong AD results can
be achieved by aggregating in such a manner for fixed
representations. We argue that, when fine-tuning AD,
one wants to modify exactly those feature combina-
tions that are currently most perceived to be anoma-
lous for normal images, in order to ensure that the true
data distribution fits the estimated Gaussian distribu-
tion better, and assess its effects in Section 4.2.1.
Our overall minimization objective is thus
n · m
;W ))). (5)
Note that the parameters µ
and Σ
of the Gaussians
are not learned. Instead, we use the empirical mean
and estimate Σ
using shrinkage as proposed by
Ledoit et al. (Ledoit et al., 2004), and leave them fixed
afterwards. Doing so yields a stronger bias and has
shown to prevent catastrophic forgetting in prior ex-
For AS, we propose to upsample A
using bi-
linear interpolation similarly to (Cohen and Hoshen,
2020; Defard et al., 2020) over Gaussian interpola-
tion. Bilinear interpolation is free of hyperparame-
ters and thus more robust while simultaneously offer-
ing competitive results (selection of the Gaussian in-
terpolation kernel was shown to have a strong effect
on AS performance in (Liznerski et al., 2021)). Af-
ter their respective upsampling, pixel-wise averaging
across all heatmaps yields the overall anomaly score
Note that while OE could be easily integrated into
our proposed approach by maximizing Equation 5 for
synthetic anomalies, we forego it to avoid the induc-
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
tion of an additional bias incurred by providing surro-
gates for the anomaly distribution (Ye et al., 2021).
3.1 Early Stopping via VRM
While we forego OE, we still need to detect onset of
catastrophic forgetting. To this end, we propose to ap-
proximate the compactness/discriminativeness of the
learned distribution. Specifically, we argue that a
good model should be able to distinguish between
subtle variations of the normal data and the normal
data itself as a surrogate for AD performance. We
therefore sample the vicinity of the normal data dis-
tribution by employing augmentations used for VRM
in semi-supervised learning schemes (refer Figure 1).
Afterwards, we measure the capability of a tuned net-
work Φ to distinguish between subtle vicinal varia-
tions and normal data by means of area under the
receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AU-
ROC) as surrogate of the model’s discriminativeness.
We select both best model state based on this crite-
rion and perform early stopping should AUROC no
longer improve. As multiple augmentation schemes
have been proposed for VRM in literature, we com-
pare AugMix (Hendrycks et al., 2020) with CutOut
(DeVries and Taylor, 2017) to investigate the depen-
dence of early stopping on augmentation types. Ad-
ditionally, we compare with Confetti noise, but note
that this has been introduced as a surrogate for the
anomaly distribution originally in (Liznerski et al.,
We furthermore note that validating the model by
assessing its capability to distinguishing between sub-
tle variations and normal data could introduce an ad-
ditional bias. We argue however, that this bias should
be less strong than when using these subtle variations
for OE directly, and show this to be the case in Sec-
tion 4.2.
First, we briefly introduce the dataset used for evalu-
ating our approach as well as the employed metrics.
4.1 Dataset and Evaluation Metrics
We use the public MVTec dataset (Bergmann et al.,
2021) to test and compare our approach with litera-
ture. The reasons for this are two-fold: First, MVTec
consists of subtle anomalies in high-resolution im-
ages as opposed to the AD tasks commonly con-
structed from classification datasets (e.g. one-versus-
rest based on CIFAR-10 (Liznerski et al., 2021)).
Therefore, MVTec is more challenging and indicative
of real-world AD/AS performance. Second, MVTec
provides binary segmentation masks that can be used
to evaluate AS performance, which is infeasible for
classification datasets. MVTec itself consists of 15
industrial product categories in total (10 object and 5
texture classes), and contains 5354 images overall.
To evaluate AD performance, we report the AU-
ROC, a metric commonly used to evaluate binary
classifiers (Ferri et al., 2011). For AS, we report the
pixel-wise AUROC as well as the per-region-overlap
(PRO) curve until 30% false positive rate (FPR) as
proposed in (Bergmann et al., 2020). While pixel-
wise AUROC represents an algorithm’s capability of
identifying anomalous pixels, PRO focuses more on
an algorithm’s performance at detecting small, locally
constrained anomalies.
4.2 Anomaly Detection
We first assess whether our proposed fine-tuning ap-
proach improves AD performance.
Training & Evaluation Details. We perform a 5-
fold evaluation over the training set of each MVTec
category, training an EfficientNet-B4 (Tan and Le,
2019) to minimize the objective given by Equation 5,
and split the training dataset into 80% used for train-
ing and 20% used for validation. We choose Effi-
cientNet based on its strong ImageNet performance
(Tan and Le, 2019), as architectures with stronger Im-
ageNet performance have been shown to yield bet-
ter features for transfer learning in (Kornblith et al.,
2019), which has been further confirmed for trans-
fer learning in AD (Rippel et al., 2021c). Moreover,
EfficientNet-B4s have been shown to offer a good
trade-off between model complexity and AD perfor-
mance (Rippel et al., 2021c). To demonstrate the gen-
eral applicability of our approach, we omit the selec-
tion of best-performing feature levels, simply extract-
ing the features from every “level” of the Efficient-
Net as denoted in (Tan and Le, 2019). We also train
models to minimize the Deep SVDD (Equation 1) and
FCDD objectives. Here, we apply our early stopping
criterion to both objectives, and simultaneously use
the synthetic anomalies for OE in the FCDD objec-
tive. This is done to factor out differences in model
performance yielded by changing the underlying fea-
ture extractor (to the best of our knowledge, Deep
SVDD and FCDD objectives have not yet been ap-
plied to EfficientNets for transfer learning AD in the
fine-tuning setting). All models are trained using a
batch size of 8, Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba,
2015) and a learning rate of 1.0 × 10
. The small
Transfer Learning Gaussian Anomaly Detection by Fine-tuning Representations
learning rate is motivated by the fact that the feature
representations are already discriminative as is (refer
e.g. to the fixed baseline in Table 1), and only need to
be tuned slightly. Furthermore, BatchNormalization
(Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015) statistics were kept frozen,
as dataset sizes are too small to re-estimate them re-
liably. Training was stopped when validation AU-
ROC performance did not improve for 20 epochs, and
70% of validation data was augmented and marked
as anomalous. We randomly sample 10 times the
length of our validation dataset for validation to better
approximate overall population characteristics, and
sample augmentations from all VRM-schemes with
equal probability (refer also Section 4.2.1). In all ex-
periments, we report µ± standard error of the mean
(SEM) aggregated over the 15 MVTec categories.
Results. Analyzing results (Table 1), it can be seen
that our proposed transfer learning scheme improves
over the baseline (frozen features), increasing AD
performance from 96.3 ± 1.1 to 97.1 ± 0.8 AUROC
and setting a new state-of-the-art in AD on the public
MVTec dataset. Furthermore, it can be seen that the
Gaussian assumption is important, since SVDD and
FCDD objectives are already outperformed by our
baseline where no fine-tuning of feature representa-
tions occurs (90.5±2.7 and 87.0±3.6 vs. 96.3 ±1.1).
Still, it should be noted that fine-tuning using our pro-
posed early stopping criterion improves results also
here (86.7 ± 3.5 to 90.5 ± 2.7 and 87.0 ± 3.6). Com-
paring Deep SVDD and FCDD performances, it can
be seen that worse AD performance is achieved when
using the subtle variations for OE rather than just us-
ing them for model validation.
4.2.1 Ablation Studies
Next, we perform ablation studies to quantify
the effects of proposed early stopping procedure,
parametrization of the Gaussian distribution + aggre-
gation of spatial anomaly scores on AD performance.
Proposed Early Stopping Procedure. We perform
two different experiments to assess effects of the pro-
posed early stopping procedure.
First, we investigate effects of early stopping it-
self, comparing the proposed approach to both (I) the
training for a fixed number of epochs (250 specifi-
cally) and (II) the early stopping without sampling the
vicinity of the normal data distribution. Here, we use
the minimum loss of Equation 5 over the validation
set as an early stopping criterion and omit sampling
the vicinity, focussing only on how well the normal
data fits the distribution.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2: Reference synthesis results generated by (a) Aug-
Mix, (b) Confetti and (c) CutOut for the metal nut class.
Assessing results (Table 2), it can be seen that our
proposed early stopping criterion is the only method
that improves results. Furthermore, early stopping
based on validation loss alone leads to worse results
than training for a fixed number of epochs. Thus, val-
idation loss alone is unable to detect onset of catas-
trophic forgetting. It should also be noted that man-
ually tuning the number of fixed epochs for training
could have eventually led to improved results. Such
a tuning, however, would need to be performed in a
dataset specific manner and is not needed by our pro-
posed early stopping criterion.
Second, we assess the method’s sensitivity with
respect to the chosen VRM-type. To this end, we per-
form an additional ablation study, varying the sever-
ity of AugMix (Hendrycks et al., 2020) and investi-
gate the suitability of CutOut (DeVries and Taylor,
2017) and Confetti noise (Liznerski et al., 2021). We
sample the depth of AugMix uniformly from [1, 3],
as further increasing the depth produced too strong
variations in image appearance. We also investigate
benefits yielded by combining different augmenta-
tion schemes, where the augmentation of a sample
is drawn randomly from {AugMix, CutOut, Confetti}
with equal probability. A reference image for each
synthesis procedure is shown in Figure 2.
Assessing results (Table 3), it can be seen that
all augmentation schemes improve results over the
baseline, where feature adaptation is omitted (Ta-
ble 1). Furthermore, AugMix outperforms the other
two methods slightly, and the performance is invariant
to the severity of applied augmentations. Last, when
jointly applying all augmentations, the same perfor-
mance is reached as when applying only the best aug-
mentation. This indicates that augmentation schemes
do not affect each other negatively, and reduces the
complexity of the approach: One can simply pool
multiple augmentation strategies and still achieve the
overall best performance.
Gaussian Types & Aggregation. We also investi-
gate the effects of both different distribution types fit
to the normal class and spatial aggregation of anomaly
scores on AD performance. Specifically, we compare
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Table 1: Comparison to the state of the art for AD. We report µ ± SEM AUROC scores in percent aggregated over all MVTec
categories. Note that values reported for GeoTrans and GANomaly were taken from (Fei et al., 2020), and values reported for
US from (Zavrtanik et al., 2020). Abbreviations: SEM = standard error of the mean.
Approach Feature type Mean SEM
GeoTrans (Golan and El-Yaniv, 2018) Scratch 67.2 4.7
GANomaly (Akc¸ay et al., 2018) Scratch 76.1 1.6
ARNet (Fei et al., 2020) Scratch 83.9 2.8
RIAD (Zavrtanik et al., 2020) Scratch 91.7 1.8
US (Bergmann et al., 2020) Scratch 87.7 2.8
SPADE (Cohen and Hoshen, 2020) Frozen 85.5
Differnet (Rudolph et al., 2021) Frozen 94.7 1.3
PaDiM (Defard et al., 2020) Frozen 95.3
Patch SVDD (Yi and Yoon, 2020) Scratch 92.1 1.7
Triplet Networks (Tayeh et al., 2020) Scratch 94.9 1.2
CutPaste (Li et al., 2021) Tuned 96.6 1.1
Gaussian AD (Rippel et al., 2021c) Frozen 95.8 1.2
Gaussian fine-tune (ours) Tuned 97.1 0.8
Frozen 96.3 1.1
Deep SVDD Tuned 90.5 2.7
Frozen 86.7 3.5
FCDD Tuned 87.0 3.6
Table 2: Effects of early stopping criterion on fine-tuning
AD performance.
Method Mean SEM
Vicinity sampling via VRM 97.1 0.9
Fixed epochs 96.3 1.2
Validation loss 95.4 1.2
No Training 96.3 1.1
Table 3: Effect of VRM-type on AD performance.
Method Mean SEM
sev = 3 97.1 0.8
sev = 4 97.0 0.9
sev = 5 97.0 0.8
sev = 6 97.0 0.8
sev = 7 97.1 0.8
Confetti noise 96.7 1.0
CutOut 96.6 1.0
All 97.1 0.8
a global Gaussian distribution (shared µ and Σ across
all spatial locations of a “level”), a tied Gaussian dis-
tribution (individual µ and tied Σ) as well as local
Gaussian distributions (individual µ and Σ per loca-
tion). Except for the parametrization of the Gaussian,
training details are identical as before. For the ag-
gregation methods, we compare mean and maximum
aggregation for generation of image-level AD scores.
Table 4: Effect of different types of distribution/aggregation
methods on AD performance.
Method Mean SEM
Global Gaussian
aggregation = mean 93.7 2.3
aggregation = max 96.9 0.9
One Gaussian per location
aggregation = mean 97.3 0.8
aggregation = max 97.3 0.8
Tied Gaussian
aggregation = mean 93.0 2.3
aggregation = max 97.1 0.8
When assessing results (Table 4), it can be seen
that maximum aggregation performs best across all
methods. Furthermore, effects of max aggregation
are stronger for the global as well as the tied Gaus-
sian distribution than the local Gaussian fit per loca-
tion. Overall, AD performance of the local Gaussian
model is best. However, it also has the highest mem-
ory requirement, increasing the overall memory foot-
print of the method by a factor of 10. Notably, it also
has the highest base AD performance and only negli-
gible gains are achieved by fine-tuning. It is therefore
infeasible in practice, and not regarded further.
4.2.2 Anomaly Segmentation
Since our approach maintains spatial resolution of
anomaly scores, AS can also be achieved similarly to
Transfer Learning Gaussian Anomaly Detection by Fine-tuning Representations
(Liznerski et al., 2021; Defard et al., 2020).
Training & Evaluation Details. To factor out ef-
fects of pre-trained model selection on AS perfor-
mance and give a fair comparison to competing fine-
tuning methods, we also report AS performance of
EfficientNet-B4s fine-tuned with either FCDD + OE
or Deep SVDD. All other hyperparameters are same
as in Section 4.2.
Results. Assessing results, it can be seen that our
proposed fine-tuning scheme improves both AUROC
(Table 5) and PRO (Table 6) scores. This is in con-
trast to Deep SVDD, where both AUROC and PRO
decrease upon fine-tuning. Conversely, the FCDD
objective also improves AS performance, and we
achieve higher AUROC values for FCDD than re-
ported in (Liznerski et al., 2021). Furthermore, dif-
ferences across the fine-tuning objectives are much
lower for AS than for AD. Compared to state-of-the-
art AS methods, our method achieves similar AUROC
scores, and slightly lower PRO scores.
In addition to quantitative evaluations, we also
assess segmentation results qualitatively, showcasing
representative results in Figure 3. Here, it can be seen
that our approach performs well on low-level, textu-
ral anomalies (e.g. the “print” on the hazelnut as well
as the “glue” on the leather). However, it fails to
segment/capture high-level, semantic anomalies such
as the “cable swap” or “scratches” (“scratches” may
be similar in appearance to the background texture in
context of the class wood).
In our work, we have proposed to fine-tune pre-
trained feature representations for AD using Gaussian
distributions, and motivated this by the linkage be-
tween generative and discriminative modeling shown
in (Lee et al., 2018; Kamoi and Kobayashi, 2020;
Rippel et al., 2021c). We have also proposed to use
augmentations commonly employed for VRM to de-
tect onset of catastrophic forgetting, avoiding the bias
likely induced by sampling the anomaly distribution
for OE (Ye et al., 2021).
Evaluations on the public MVTec dataset have
revealed that the proposed fine-tuning based on the
Gaussian assumption achieves a new state-of-the-art
in AD and improves AS performance (Table 1, Ta-
ble 5 and Table 6). Ablation studies demonstrated
that onset of catastrophic forgetting can be reliably
detected using our proposed early stopping criterion
(Table 2). We have furthermore shown that the choice
Figure 3: Representative successful segmentations as well
as failure cases of our approach. We show representative
successful segmentations as well as failures for three cate-
gories (a) as well as three texture (b) classes of the MVTec
dataset. Left shows the input image, the middle the ground-
truth segmentation mask, and the right the heatmap gener-
ated by our approach. Heatmaps are scaled such that the
value range across all test images is mapped to the interval
[0, 255].
of augmentation scheme only has a limited influence
on the detection of catastrophic forgetting. Moreover,
ensembling multiple augmentation schemes yields re-
sults equal to that of the best scheme applied individ-
ually (Table 3). Our proposed early stopping regime
should thus be transferable also to other fine-tuning
approaches and can easily integrate additional aug-
mentation schemes such as the one proposed in (Li
et al., 2021).
IMPROVE 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Image Processing and Vision Engineering
Table 5: AUROC scores in percent for pixel-wise segmentation. We report µ±SEM across MVTec categories. Values reported
for US were sourced from (Zavrtanik et al., 2020).
Approach Feature type Mean SEM
(Venkataramanan et al., 2020) Scratch 89.0
RIAD (Zavrtanik et al., 2020) Scratch 94.2 1.3
VAE-Attention (Liu et al., 2020) Scratch 86.1 2.3
US (Bergmann et al., 2020) Scratch 93.9 1.6
SPADE (Cohen and Hoshen, 2020) Frozen 96.0 0.9
PaDiM (Defard et al., 2020) Frozen 97.5 0.4
Patch SVDD (Yi and Yoon, 2020) Scratch 95.7 0.6
FCDD (Liznerski et al., 2021) Tuned 92.0
CutPaste (Li et al., 2021) Tuned 96.0 0.8
Gaussian fine-tune (ours) Tuned 96.5 0.8
Frozen 96.4 0.7
Deep SVDD Tuned 95.1 0.9
Frozen 95.2 0.9
FCDD Tuned 96.2 0.6
Table 6: Area under the PRO curve as defined by (Bergmann et al., 2021; Bergmann et al., 2020) up to a false positive rate of
30%. Values for state-of-the-art methods are directly taken from the corresponding sources. We report µ±SEM values.
Approach Feature type Mean SEM
SPADE (Cohen and Hoshen, 2020) Frozen 91.7 1.4
PaDiM (Defard et al., 2020) Frozen 92.1 1.1
US (Bergmann et al., 2020) Frozen 91.4 2.0
Gaussian fine-tune (ours) Tuned 88.7 1.7
Frozen 88.5 1.6
Deep SVDD Tuned 88.7 1.9
Frozen 88.9 2.0
FCDD Tuned 89.7 1.6
We furthermore remarked in Section 3.1 that a
bias may still be introduced even when using subtle
augmentations for model validation rather than OE,
but argued that this bias would most likely be lower.
Results showed that Deep SVDD outperforms FCDD
with respect to AD (Table 1), supporting this claim.
While FCDD did outperform Deep SVDD with re-
spect to AS, this can be attributed by the segmen-
tation mask generated for the synthetic Confetti and
CutOut augmentations, which provide additional in-
formation about anomaly localization leveraged by
FCDD. Therefore, one should train FCDD without
exploiting the synthetic segmentation masks in future
work to fully validate our claim.
During our evaluations, we moreover found that
FCDD achieves better AS than reported in (Lizner-
ski et al., 2021). This can be in part attributed to
the fact that we apply FCDD to multiple levels of
the pre-trained CNN. Furthermore, we use features
of an EfficientNet-B4 compared to the VGG16 used
in (Liznerski et al., 2021), and network architectures
with better ImageNet performance have been shown
to be more suited for transfer learning in (Kornblith
et al., 2019).
5.1 Limitations
While both AD and AS could be improved by fine-
tuning, our approach failed to segment high-level,
semantic anomalies (cf. Figure 3). High-level, se-
mantic anomalies are undoubtedly more difficult to
detect than low-level anomalies, as they require a
model of normality that is defined on an abstract un-
derstanding of the underlying image domain (Ahmed
and Courville, 2020; Deecke et al., 2021). Acquir-
ing such abstract understanding has proven difficult
for CNNs, as evidenced by their texture-bias (Geirhos
et al., 2019; Hermann et al., 2020). Potentially, learn-
ing these concepts could be achieved by employing
the self-attention mechanism (Vaswani et al., 2017),
and a lesser texture bias was observed for vision trans-
formers (ViTs) (Dosovitskiy et al., 2021) recently
Transfer Learning Gaussian Anomaly Detection by Fine-tuning Representations
(Naseer et al., 2021). Thus, one should try to apply
features of ImageNet pre-trained ViTs to the AS task
in future work. As an alternative, one could also try
to leverage features yielded by either object detection
or segmentation networks, which have been shown to
generate features that maintain stronger spatial acuity
(Li et al., 2019). They have furthermore been shown
to improve AS performance when used as the basis
for transfer learning AS (Rippel and Merhof, 2021).
Moreover, we limited our evaluations to the public
MVTec dataset. In future work, we will therefore
revalidate our approach on additional datasets used in
literature, such as CIFAR-10 (Ahmed and Courville,
2020). Last, anomalies may also occur for multi-
modal normal data distributions (Rippel et al., 2021d;
Deecke et al., 2021), and our current fine-tuning pro-
cedure can not be applied here. Here, less constrained
priors such as Gaussian mixture models or normaliz-
ing flows (Rezende and Mohamed, 2015) may be used
In our work, we have demonstrated that fine-tuning of
pre-trained feature representations for transfer learn-
ing AD is possible using a strong Gaussian prior,
achieving a new state-of-the-art in AD on the public
MVTec dataset. We have further shown that augmen-
tations commonly employed for VRM can be used
to detect onset of catastrophic forgetting, which typ-
ically hinders transfer learning in AD. Here, ablation
studies revealed that our method is robust with re-
spect to the chosen synthesis scheme, and that com-
bining multiple schemes is also feasible. Together,
this demonstrated the general applicability of our ap-
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