Process Mining and Performance Business Rules
Ella Roubtsova
and Yoeri Berk
Open University of the Netherlands, Department of Information Science, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Process Mining, Performance Business Rules, Interview, Methodology, Application Process of an Employ-
ment Agency.
Process mining uses event logs to build a business process model, which potentially can be used to better
understand the business process performance. However, the understanding of performance almost always
demands definitions in form of performance business rules within the business process. This means that
process mining should be accompanied with another research method to retrieve the performance business
rules of the studied business process. This paper presents an approach showing how the process mining
techniques shape the structure of the semi-structured interviews for retrieving performance business rules to
be checked on the logged business process. The proposed approach is illustrated with a case study of process
mining and performance assessment of an application process in an employment agency.
Some modern research methods based on data
analysis are not completely self-sufficient when
they should serve the needs of business (Williams,
2016),(Dabrowski et al., 2017). One of such busi-
ness needs is the performance analysis of business
processes. Ghasemi and Amyot (2020) in their review
of process mining research papers has found that “re-
search about performance indicators measuring goals
associated with process mining is sparse”(Ghasemi
and Amyot, 2020).
Our research has been inspired by the need for
performance analysis at an employment agency. An
application process at an employment agency deter-
mines a candidate-pool that is proposed by the agency
to the client-company, looking for employees. The
correspondence of the candidates to the predefined
qualities and the speed of delivery of the candidate-
pool influence the added value, reputation of the em-
ployment agency and the next requests of clients. The
move to online job hunting has increased the reach
of job postings and thus the number of applications.
Each application has own process case, because its
applicant may forget to send a necessary document
that creates a process loop, or may be rejected at dif-
ferent stages. With this high number of applications
and the large variety of process cases, the analyzing
process performance is challenging.
Process mining is a technique that is aimed to
extract process-related knowledge (e.g., process mo-
dels) from event logs and exploit it for further ana-
lysis (Cheng and Kumar, 2015). Initial application
of the process mining tool Disco (DISCO, 2022) to a
log of agency (Berk, 2021) reveals, for example, that
for one client, 1, 472 applications resulted in 224 dif-
ferent process cases. Inspired with this process at an
employment agency we have investigated the follow-
ing research question: What research method should
accompany process mining for performance analysis
of a business process with many process cases?
Section 2 presents the results of our search of
an answer in literature. Section 3 describes a struc-
ture of a semi-structured interview for gaining per-
formance business rules. The interview has been de-
signed based on filters chosen in process mining tools.
Section 4 discusses a case study applying a semi-
structured interview with the designed structure, re-
trieving performance business rules and using them
for process mining and performance assessment. Sec-
tion 5 presents conclusions and future work.
The definition of performance found in literature have
two parts.
Roubtsova, E. and Berk, Y.
Process Mining and Performance Business Rules.
DOI: 10.5220/0011056300003176
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2022), pages 387-394
ISBN: 978-989-758-568-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
First, performance is often defined as the achieve-
ment of quantified objectives. It is often called
effectiveness, i.e.“delivering desired outputs, and
even outcomes” (Ghalem et al., 2016, page 7).
The second definition of performance includes not
only a matter of what people achieve, but also
how they are achieving it; how they are using
the available knowledge and resources; how they
are choosing the shortest(cheapest) process path
of the business process. The second definition is
called efficiency (Ghalem et al., 2016, page 7).
In this work we follow (Ghalem et al., 2016, page 9),
who “believe that performance is the combination of
these two terms (effectiveness and efficiency), how-
ever, and depending on the context in which the per-
formance might be used, other elements can be added
to define the term, such as relevance, economy, etc.
If we define an event as a data representation
of an occurrence of interest in the real-world busi-
ness domain (McNeile and Simons, 2006); if we
define a business process as a structure of ordered
events (Roubtsova and Wiersma, 2018), then
the effectiveness can be seen as reachability of de-
sired events in the process;
the efficiency, can be seen as desired sub-
sequences of events or orders of events.
A log of events corresponds to the definition of a pro-
cess as a a structure of ordered events and the two
performance elements can be related to a log. A log
is a textual file containing information about events
recorded in the order of happening. (Roubtsova and
Wiersma, 2018). Indeed, a log stores the ordered
events using the time-stamps. A log describes each
event using a log record that contains case designation
(process instance), activity(event) label, time stamp,
and also resource executing event or used for execu-
tion and data elements recorded with the event (e.g.,
the size of an order, the reason of withdrawal. etc.).
On the other hand, a log is the input for process
mining techniques. The question is whether there is a
process mining type that can sufficiently serve to as-
sessment of effectiveness and efficiency of the mined
business process.
The three main types of process mining are pro-
cess discovery, conformance checking, and process
model enhancement (Lamghari et al., 2019).
In process discovery, no prior process-related in-
formation is used, no quantified objectives are given.
The business process discovered by mining the event
log is analyzed to see some degree of effectiveness:
What outputs are delivered? It is difficult to analyze
the efficiency of the mined process. The analysis may
show that some cases of the process have more steps,
but it remains an observation as the analyst does not
know what is efficient for the mined process.
In conformance checking, an existing process
model is compared with an event log of the same pro-
cess. The results of conformance checking present
some descriptive elements of efficiency and effective-
ness: what events are often skipped, what resources
are scars. If the existing process model is defined
by or transformed to business rules that define de-
sired outputs, desired sequences of process steps, the
conformance checking can be used for analysis of
effectiveness and efficiency. The practical problem
is that, the desired process is often presented as a
“happy flow”, i.e. an ideal process that does not
cover exceptions and the business rules are not do-
cumented (Berk, 2021). More over, to analyze effi-
ciency, the desired time and resource restrictions have
to be added to existing process.
In process model enhancement, there is a cur-
rent (a-priori) process model (as a goal) and a pro-
cess mining of an event log. The process mining is
used to find possibilities to improve the mined busi-
ness process. Process model enhancement aims to
change or extend the a-priori model (van der Aalst,
2016). Additional requirements are used to extend the
model. They may introduce new outputs. i.e. change
model effectiveness. They may introduce new possi-
ble events, time and resource restrictions, i.e. change
the process efficiency. Any model change should have
its own goal that can be expressed in terms of perfor-
mance. This means that the process model enhance-
ment type of process mining is related to process per-
formance. As we see, this process mining type needs
some methods that provide the goal, requirements and
business rules for process model enhancement.
The concept of an organizational “performance”
can be seen as the degree to which the organization
meets its objectives (Hong, 2016). The objectives
consist of three elements: targets (outcomes) to be
reached, ways to get targets (outcomes) and process
time (van den Ingh, 2016). In order to measure these
elements of performance, business rules and perfor-
mance indicators are usually defined. Business rules
are often related to the execution order of tasks in
cases, to the involvement of a role in cases and pro-
cesses. The performance indicators are related to the
business value (costs, time) achieved in cases of the
analyzed process.
For example, the Performance Business Rule
CV Received comes before Candidate Proposed’ is
about the execution order of the process. ‘CV Re-
ceived” and “Candidate Proposed” are two events on
the business process. Another example, the Perfor-
mance Business Rule “Every handling of an applica-
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
tion should take less than 5 days” specifies the desired
time of the process “Handling of an application”. The
time of a specific case of the process “Handling of an
application” can exceed 5 days and violate this per-
formance business rule.
There are goal-driven methods for applying pro-
cess mining to performance. The process mining
project methodology PM
(van Eck, M. L., Lu, X.,
Leemans, S. J. J., and van der Aalst, W. M. P., 2015)
uses the first iteration of process mining to obtain ge-
neral insights into the process. After that the goal and
business rules are formulated. The PM
(van Eck, M.
L., Lu, X., Leemans, S. J. J., and van der Aalst, W. M.
P., 2015) methodology provides a solution for plan-
ning and management of process mining. However,
the methodology does not explain how business rules
are retrieved from stakeholders and how the process
mining filters and techniques are selected.
Therefore, we propose to extend the methodology
with semi-structured interviews of process stakehold-
ers. We propose a reusable structure of such an in-
terview influenced by filters of process mining tools
that can be mapped on business rules. The interview
is aimed to collect the performance business rules that
can be directly reformulated into process mining fil-
Let a log structure be given. For example Case, Ac-
tivity, Time Stamp, Resources. A log entry is a record
of the log structure filled with values. Let a set of log
entries be given. This set of log entries presents a set
of cases of a process (workflow).
The filters of the process mining tools support fil-
tering the cases with true (or false) values of specified
temporal and boolean expressions. The filters can be
classified as
Followers filters : SELECT CASES such that a
temporal relation (an order) on activities(events)
is specified with operators ALWAYS, NEXT, IN-
End-Activity filters: SELECT CASES that end
with specified events or entries with specified at-
Times Frame and Attribute filters: SELECT EN-
TRIES with specified time frame and/or attribute
A workflow is a process that starts and ends with the
specified start and end activities. A log may contain entries
of many workflows (Berk, 2021).
In order to use Process Mining for assessment of busi-
ness process performance, we need to identify busi-
ness rules that correspond to filters of process mining
tools. We propose a method that combines Process
Mining and semi-structured interviews of the reusable
structure. The interview structure and, further, the in-
terview questions have been designed around the fil-
ters provided by process mining tools.
3.1 Method Combining Interviews and
Process Mining
1. Introduction. “We investigate the use of tools that
analyze logs. We do not try to influence the busi-
ness process of your company.
Look at the process identified in the log by the
(a) Do you recognize the names of activi-
(b) Rethink last process cases that you handled.
2. Visualization of the business process using the ac-
tivities named by the interviewee.
3. Performance Business Rules.
(a) What is the goal of a process (a set of cases)?
(b) What is the goal of each process case?
(c) How can you determine whether the goal is
(d) Are there examples where the internal goal of
company deviates from the external goal of the
process of clients?
(e) Are there events(activities) that should follow
one another? What is the relation of these
(f) Are there mandatory events(activities) in each
case? Why are they mandatory?
(g) When can the case be ended? What is the de-
sired outcome of a case?
(h) How is defined who executes a process or a
(i) Are there cost-benefit considerations in the
choice of an event(activity)?
(j) Are there any obligations about time duration
of a case of a business process?
(k) Is the time between events (activities) decisive
for the success of the process? If yes, between
which events(activities)?
4. Analysis of answers of interviewees to identify
business rules and performance indicators.
5. Process mining for each identified business rule
and performance indicator.
Process Mining and Performance Business Rules
Figure 1: Business process of a recruiting agency.
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
The scope of the log extraction was limited to all re-
quests received by an Employment Agency and fi-
nished during the period from 01-10-2020 to 31-12-
2020. This period was selected to rule out seasonal
market influences. The extracted log can be found
in (Berk and Roubtsova, 2021).
4.1 Introduction of Interviews
The interviews have been conducted with four re-
cruiters. On the basis of the answers, a business pro-
cess has been depicted in BPML (Figure 1). The ac-
tivities mentioned by interviewees have been used for
the process description.
4.2 Visualization of the Business Process
Figure 1 shows that a client-organization, that hires,
submits a request for a candidate (Request Candidate)
that is logged in the requests. The recruiters use this
request to track demand and handle applications.
A request is reviewed (Review Request), than it
is registered and sent to one of the hunting methods:
Open Vacancy, Promotions leaflets and Newspapers,
Database search, Use of machine learning tools. Posi-
tions are open and Applications are accepted until the
customer withdraws, the customer fills the position, a
competitor fills the position, or, in the best-case sce-
nario, the agency fills the position. The request is then
closed and the process ends (Berk, 2021).
If an Application has been accepted, it is screened
on required parts (CV, Motivation). If application is
complete, its applicant goes through an Internal In-
take by the recruiter, Client Proposal, and External
Intake by the hiring client. There may be no match if
the recruiter or client finds the candidate not suitable,
depending on where in the procedure the candidate
is. In addition, in all of these procedures, the candi-
date may lose interest in the function or the request
may become closed due to reasons outlined in the re-
quest process. In the best-case scenario, the candidate
passes through all activities and has an opportunity to
start within the function he/she desired. If a candidate
is hired, the Request Candidate Process is closed.
The Application Process (Figure 1) can be di-
vided into the main process of handling a request of
the client and the sub-process for applications, where
each request can have a number of applications. The
processes have to be analyzed together as the Re-
quest Process has data needed for the Application
Process. Therefore, the Request Process activities
(Open, Close, Connect Vacancy) have been added to
each application log. Thus, applications within one
request have the activity “Open Request” with the
same time stamp. This makes it impossible to count
the number of Open Request activities, but makes it
possible to compare the time stamps within the re-
quests with the time stamps of the applications. The
data transformations have been done within Alteryx-
tool (Alteryx, 2021) and resulted in 326,198 records
with 1,420 requests and 48,307 applications. The
fields in the dataset are presented in Figure 2.
4.3 Performance Business Rules
In order to identify business rules in answers of inter-
viewees, the analyst should know the activities of the
logged business process. Analyzing the answers of
the interview questions, the analyst identifies pairs of
following activities in one case and uses them to filter
For example,
Question: What is the goal of the process?
Answer: “You want that the person you propose to be
Business rule: A business rule identifies a case
that has event [Proposed] and “in future” event [Ac-
cepted]. If a case contains [Proposed] and gets “in
future” event [Rejected], this case is filtered as a case
violating the business rule. The answers of intervie-
wees and their analysis are available in (Berk, 2021).
For each business rule, a new process mining pro-
cess is started. Each business rule aims at a specific
problem, e.g., the relationship between vacancies and
exit reasons. Because of the space limitation, we
present process mining for four business rules of 10
identified business rules.
Business Rule 1: A vacancy should attract candi-
dates who meet the demands requested by the client.
The agency uses vacancies to attract and select can-
didates and fill in the open positions for the client.
Each application of a candidate is screened; this takes
time. The application and the job vacancy description
are used to make an assumption whether or not the
applied candidate is suitable for the job. If this as-
sumption is incorrect, it could be caused by the qual-
ity of the job vacancy description. Not every rejection
in the screening stage is based on requirements for
the function. There are other exit reasons: hard re-
quirements, availability, accessibility etc. These exist
reasons should be specified by business rules.
The business rule 1 combines
Trace: [Vacancy opened,New,Rejected] and
Process Mining and Performance Business Rules
Figure 2: Fields of the log of the analyzed employment agency.
Source: Rejected reason =
“hard requirements”, “availability” or
The process map for all 1015 applications in the
Unit A of the agency was made in Disco (DISCO,
2022)(Figure 3). This map shows 100% of the activ-
ities and 25% of the paths. 372 (marked in Figure 3)
go directly from New to Rejected; 275 of these appli-
cations were identified by this filter.
The summary results (Table 1) show that for the
entire agency, approximately 1 of 4 applications are
from candidates who do not meet the stated require-
ments. The conclusion is: “the requirements should
be made clearer by the job vacancy description.
Business Rule 2: Select cases with withdrawal rea-
sons that should be clear from the job vacancy de-
scription: “commuting distance”, “different function
expectations”, “hours at customer”, “salary”, “travel
expenses”, “want no shifts”.
The amount of cases with these withdrawal rea-
sons is 1%. This shows that the job vacancy descrip-
tion is clear about these mentioned points.
Business Rule 6: A recruiter should react within 24
hours after a candidate’s application.
The 24-hour reaction time on an application is a
standard by the agency to ensure that candidates are
not waiting in the process and are quickly open for
new opportunities. In addition, candidates could find
a job via other agencies; thus, the faster the agency re-
sponds, the less opportunity there is for other agencies
to get in contact with the candidates. When a candi-
date applies for a job, the application is automatically
added to the request, which is registered as “New” in
the log. The candidate then goes to screening, which
results in either “Reject Candidate” or “Plan Intake”
in the log, which is shown in Figure 1.
The choice between “Reject Candidate” and “Plan
Intake” is not made mandatory in the system; there-
fore, in this business rule, we look at any activity that
occurs after “New”, which results in this business rule
that identifies processes that do not meet the 24-hour
reaction time.
The business rule combines the trace that starts
with New and follows by any other event (activity)
Trace: [New,*] Time between events New and the
next following event is: > 24 hours.
Based on the data for the entire agency (Table 1),
the reaction time is above 24 hours for approximately
1 of 3 applications. Thus, for these cases, the stan-
dard of reaction has not being met. The validity of the
standard of reaction should be discussed in agency.
Business Rule 7: The agency works to prevent the
cases when each “Proposed” candidate is “Rejected”
by the client.
The cases with a fragment
Trace[Proposed, Rejected]
violate the business rule 7.
47% of the candidates proposed by the agency are
rejected by the client. This is a warning result that
agency should discuss and understand.
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Percentage of cases violating Business Rules.
N Business Rule % of Agency
1 Each vacancy should attract candidates who meet Total cases 27%
the requested demands from the client
2 Each vacancy fully described Total cases 1%
the employment conditions
3 Each vacancy is directly opened after Total cases 15%
receiving a request
4 Each vacancy is closed in time to get Total cases 44%
a chance to every applied candidate
5 The number of cases with intake is limited Cases with intake 38%
6 The recruiter reacts within 24 hours after Total cases 33%
receiving of each application.
7 Each candidate proposed to the client Cases with Proposed 47%
meets requested requirements
8 Proposed candidate had an internal intake Cases with Proposed 49%
9 Candidate turns up at his appointment Total cases 0%
10 Proposed candidate fits within the team of the client Cases with Intake s 10%
Figure 3: Disco Map for Business Rule 1.
Process Mining and Performance Business Rules
4.4 Summary of the Application of the
Proposed Method
The semi-structured interviews have retrieved 10
business rules that have been mapped to process min-
ing filters. In order to answer the interview questions,
the interviewees should have knowledge of the de-
tailed steps of the process. Thus, most useful answers
have come from the operational employees. Some an-
swers have not mentioned the activities of the busi-
ness process.
Table 1 presents the results of Process Min-
ing for analysis of violation of 10 business rules.
Disco (DISCO, 2022) filters based on the business
rules have been used to separate wanted and unwanted
process cases. The percentage of wanted cases to all
cases gives an information about performance of the
process. The agency has identified the process frag-
ments for which improvement can be made.
Process discovery has been used to observe how
the performance business rules affect the process
map. Each of the unwanted processes can also be ana-
lyzed separately to identify reasons for deviation from
the expected process.
The results reported in this paper provide an evidence
that process mining directs business to well under-
stood and defined performance analysis, to formula-
tion of goals and business rules.
We have proposed a method that uses filters avail-
able in process mining tools to shape the semi-
structured interviews. The interviews are aimed to
identify the performance business rules for these
types of filters. Filters are related to the business
process performance and are used to understand and
formalize the desired outcomes and desired process
sequences, their time and resources restrictions. As
we identify performance business rules, our research
combines elements of goal-oriented methods with
process mining techniques.
In this paper the method has been used for per-
formance analysis of a business process at an em-
ployment agency. In near future, several projects
will reuse the combination of process mining and
semi-structured interviews for identification of per-
formance business rules in different business do-
mains. The aim of this replication experiment is to
generalize the types of performance business rules ap-
plicable for process mining.
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ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering