Provisioning Security in a Next Generation Mobility as a Service System
Tope Omitola
, Ben Waterson
, Niko Tsakalakis
, Richard Gomer
, Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon
Tom Cherrett
and Gary Wills
Electronics & Computer Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
Maritime & Environmental Engineering, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
School of Law, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
Immuta Inc., U.S.A.
Transportation Research Group, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.,,
Security, Security Analysis, STRIDE, Next Generation Transportation Systems, Privacy, Mobility as a Service.
The urban mobility landscape is evolving at an amazing rate, with the number of mobility services growing
rapidly around the world. This evolution has brought about the concept of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) in
providing transportation services. MaaS capitalises on the Internet of Things to provide access to seamless
multi- and inter-modal mobility to the end-user. A well implemented MaaS scheme involves many stakehold-
ers, including passengers, producing, sharing, and consuming (personal) data. In order to encourage MaaS
uptake in the general population, participating stakeholders must be confident of the ensuing data privacy
and security, as part of their interactions with the system. In this paper, we use STRIDE Threat Modeling
framework to analyse the threats that may arise in a MaaS ecosystem. From these threats, we develop mitiga-
tions that can be used to eliminate and/or reduce such threats. This threat elicitation and their accompanying
mitigations can be used as springboards to establish the necessary security to engender trust in MaaS usage.
Mobility affords a range of societal and economic
benefits, from access to services and employment to
economic development and cultural exchange. But
current transport systems suffer from a number of in-
tractable problems, including congestion, emissions
of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and local air pollu-
tants, accidents, social isolation and inaccessibility of
amenities and services (Rahman and van Grol, 2005).
At the same time, urbanisation, a growing popula-
tion, delayed car ownership, electrification, increas-
ing connectivity, and automation are ushering in a
new future in transportation, with disruptive ramifi-
cations for many stakeholders, especially operators
and regulators, plus new service expectations by cit-
izens. This transformation has enabled the evolu-
tion of Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) into a concept
that promotes the integration of transport services to
provide one-stop access through a common interface
(Mukhtar-Landgren et al., 2016). MaaS capitalises on
Internet of Things technologies (IoT) to provide ac-
cess to seamless multimodal and intermodal mobility
to the end-user. It has the potential to provide an alter-
native to private car ownership and could contribute
to reducing traffic congestion, the impact of climate
change and improve access to mobility for aging pop-
ulations. For these reasons, interest in MaaS is in-
creasing across the world (e.g., (Citymapper), (Dubai-
In theory, a well implemented MaaS scheme could
lead to a reduction in private car usage and im-
proved access to mobility for certain groups of peo-
ple. Achieving these aims is desirable because they
could help solve many of the pressing challenges
of modern living, including traffic congestion, poor
air quality and public health, concerns about climate
change and social isolation, and could help bring to-
gether the different MaaS stakeholders.
Omitola, T., Waterson, B., Tsakalakis, N., Gomer, R., Stalla-Bourdillon, S., Cherrett, T. and Wills, G.
Provisioning Security in a Next Generation Mobility as a Service System.
DOI: 10.5220/0011043900003194
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2022), pages 166-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-564-7; ISSN: 2184-4976
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is the integration of, and
access to, different transport services (such as pub-
lic transport, ride-sharing, car-sharing, bike-sharing,
scooter-sharing, taxi, car rental, ride-hailing and so
on) in one single digital interface suggesting the most
suitable solutions based on the user’s travel needs (Fi-
dler). A MaaS system or application will be avail-
able anytime offering integrated planning, booking
and payment, providing easy mobility and enable life
without having to own a car. Figure 1 shows a MaaS
Figure 1: A Mobility as a Service Exemplar (from (Fidler)).
As Figure 1 intimated, different stakeholders are
involved in the operation of a MaaS. A stakeholder
is any entity (individual or organisation) to which
a piece of data relates or that processes or gets
access (legally or not) to a piece of data at any
stage of its lifecycle (Le M
etayer and Joyee De,
2016). These stakeholders include (Kamargianni and
Matyas, 2017):
1. The Customer (or Passenger) who consumes the
MaaS offer from the MaaS Provider(s) (and/or
2. The MaaS Provider, which could either be a pub-
lic transport authority or a private company
3. Transport Operators, selling their capacity to
MaaS providers while enabling access to their
data via secure APIs (Application Programming
4. Data Providers. As MaaS relies heavily on data
and their interoperability, data providers offer data
and analytics capabilities to MaaS providers, pro-
cessing data of transport operators and collecting
data from a range of other sources (i.e. customers’
mobile phones, social media etc.)
5. Multiservice Journey Planner Providers. These
providers offer multimodal and intermodal jour-
ney planning capabilities, enabling passengers to
plan their journeys
6. Ticketing and payment solutions providers, offer-
ing (advanced) payment and ticketing capabilities
for MaaS passengers
Figure 2: Stakeholders in a Mobility as a Service System
(from (Kamargianni and Matyas, 2017)).
Other stakeholders include: Universities and Re-
search Institutes; Unions and Lobby Groups ; Reg-
ulators and Policy Makers; Investors; and Insurance
companies. Figure 2 shows many of the stakeholders
of a MaaS system.
In a MaaS ecosystem, where in order to provide
a fully integrated set of transportation services, stake-
holder interactions must occur over trust boundaries.
A trust boundary is an electronic communication
or network boundary over which two or more differ-
ent business entities conduct transactions, and where
mutual trust is needed to achieve a friction-free or
friction-less execution of these transactions.
But, there is dependence on the security of these
business entities (or stakeholders) and over their re-
spective trust boundaries. This dependence, or inter-
dependence, on the security of other actors in the pro-
visioning of transportation services brings with it the
notion of risk. The root source of risk is dependence,
especially dependence on the expectation of a stable
system and a secure state. Dependence is not only in-
dividual but mutual, and therefore in order to engen-
Provisioning Security in a Next Generation Mobility as a Service System
der trust amongst the participants of a MaaS ecosys-
tem, we need to assure and ensure the existence of a
stable system and secure state in their interactions.
The concerns of stakeholders with regards to se-
curity of interactions with one another, and the trust
held of the MaaS system need to be addressed.
As MaaS systems, as exemplars of IoT, have evolved
and become refined and effective, end-users continue
to delegate important tasks to these technologies. The
data and datasets generated and consumed in a typical
Maas system can be classified into three broad cate-
gories: (1) data pertaining to passengers, e.g. passen-
gers’ personal data, (2) data pertaining to the other
stakeholders in the system, e.g. transport service
providers, and (3) open data. Examples of such data
include (Treharne et al., 2017): journey plans, passen-
ger names, passenger location, etc. Data pertaining
to the transportation system itself include route and
schedule data, vehicles’ location data, maintenance,
staff and operations data, and companies’ financial
In a MaaS system, the prementioned data and
datasets are being generated, shared and consumed
by participating stakeholders. But, when it comes
to security and privacy of these datasets, the current
forms of IoT technologies, such as an IoT-enabled
MaaS system, have changed the nature of the prob-
lem. A MaaS system may take information collected
and generated for one purpose and re-purpose the
same data for a different use, i.e. the data moves
from primary to secondary uses. For example, pas-
senger’s location data used by the MaaS system for
location-aware services, such as available facilities at
stations, may be re-purposed for user profiling and
targeted marketing purposes. With the re-purposing
of datasets from their primary usage to secondary
uses, the value of information in these datasets has
moved from the primary purpose of why the data was
collected to secondary usages. This re-purposing of
datasets could undermine the roles assigned to indi-
viduals and other stakeholders, in the MaaS ecosys-
tem, thereby affecting, adversely, the security of the
entire system.
Therefore, these opaque data cycles in a MaaS en-
vironment result in a lack of traceability and security
of data flows that may impinge on the data subjects’
ability, especially passengers, to make informed deci-
sions about their collected information. This inability
to make informed decisions leads to erosion of trust in
data subjects while interacting with the MaaS system.
A data subject is an identified or identifiable natural
person whom the personal data relates to (GDPR).
Successful deployments and operation of next
generation transport systems will require mechanisms
for establishing and maintaining trust in the systems’
ability to provide adequate privacy and well function-
ing security of the interactions of the devices, applica-
tions and entities running between all the participants
of the ecosystem.
With the emergence of IoT, our physical world
now melds with the digital, with everyday objects
continuing to get connected to the online world
through a rapid increase in the deployment of embed-
ded sensors. This brings into view the juxtaposition
of security with privacy. There are many examples
of (personal) data leaks leading to vulnerabilities and
threats in cyber- and physical security. Names and
addresses, and other identifying details of the gen-
eral public are increasingly being stored in various
government and commercial databases, where stalk-
ers and rogue employees have been able to find ways
to abuse such databases, e.g. (Angwin, 2015) and
(Ramer). Phone companies have started selling mo-
bile phone location data to private enterprise as well
as government law enforcement (News). Our smart
phone applications location data are being used by
dozens of companies for various purposes (Times),
with no assurance of how securely these datasets are
being handled and how vulnerable they are to hack-
ing. “State-sponsored actors” hacking into and steal-
ing consumer data (Perez). The issue with these data
leaks and their juxtaposition to security is three-fold:
(a) unauthorised intruders accessing these datasets,
(b) the possibly nefarious things that may be done
to the people these data refer to, and (c) the unfore-
seen uses and all the intimate inferences that this vol-
ume of data can generate going forward (Burt), be-
cause when data is out there, it is harder to control.
Examples like these have made privacy and security
to converge (Burt). The Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD) has put their
imprimatur on this sensitive topic, by outlining a set
of principles to ensure privacy of data subjects. One
of such principles is the “Security Safeguards Princi-
ple”, which said, “Personal data should be protected
by reasonable security safeguards against such risks
as loss or unauthorised access, destruction, use, mod-
ification, or disclosure of data. (OECD).
This points to the salience of security as part of
the solution to assuring data protection and privacy of
all the stakeholders in a MaaS ecosystem, and to the
importance of analysing the security of MaaS systems
and applications.
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
There is a vast literature in the security of Intelli-
gent Transportation Systems (ITS) and also of Inter-
net of Things (IoT) of which MaaS is an instantia-
tion of these, and are applicable to it. Callegati et.
al. (Callegati et al., 2017) mentioned ITS security
threats exploiting vulnerabilities in: (i) network se-
curity (threats such as spoofing, sniffing, Denial of
Service), (ii) data security (locality, integrity, segrega-
tion, authenticity, confidentiality, privacy, access con-
trol), (iii) authentication, identity management, sign-
on process, and authorisation, (iv) virtualisation vul-
nerability, and (v) availability. A threat is any cir-
cumstance or event with the potential to adversely
impact organisational operations and assets, individ-
uals, and/or other organisations, through an informa-
tion system via unauthorised access, destruction, dis-
closure, or modification of information, and/or de-
nial of service. Threat events are caused by threat
sources. A threat source is characterised as: (i) the
intent and method targeted at the exploitation of a vul-
nerability; or (ii) a situation and method that may ac-
cidentally exploit a vulnerability. In general, types of
threat sources include: (i) hostile cyber or physical
attacks; (ii) human errors of omission or commission;
(iii) structural failures of organisation-controlled re-
sources (e.g., hardware, software, environmental con-
trols); and (iv) natural and man-made disasters, acci-
dents, and failures beyond the control of the organi-
sation (Geer and Archer, 2012). A vulnerability is a
weakness in an information system, system security
procedures, internal controls, or implementation that
could be exploited by a threat source.
In addition to the issues mentioned in (Callegati
et al., 2017), there are other security issues pertinent
to MaaS. Data exchange and sharing are inherent in
the smooth functioning of MaaS, Viggiano et. al.
(Viggiano et al., 2020) observed that security risks
can be present if data provides special insight into in-
frastructure and the locations of the people who use
transport services which could be used in a physical
attack. They also noticed that throughout the data
management and sharing processes, there are risks
of cyber-attacks that can expose private and personal
data. Callegati et. al. (Callegati et al., 2017) ob-
served other types of security vulnerabilities pertain-
ing to MaaS operations. They observed the possibil-
ity of the presence of data leakage (which they de-
scribed as “the accidental distribution of private or
sensitive data to unauthorized entities”), the manip-
ulation of service behaviour, manipulation of service
workflows, the theft of business intelligence data, and
device misbehaviour, through actors exploiting weak-
nesses in interaction protocols of devices, applica-
tions, and services of stakeholders. Many of these
vulnerabilities and threats are exploitable by insiders,
i.e. by employees of the companies concerned. There
are other threats, such as manipulation of service be-
haviour, manipulation of service workflows, and de-
vice misbehaviour that are exploitable by outsiders,
possibly through the trust boundaries of the stake-
holders. There are various methods of MaaS security
Traditional security analysis methods, such as
urrwang et al., 2017), work with threat
models that are based on the fault-error-failure chain
model. While these models are valid to describe
threats to isolated components, they are insufficient
to describe system threats in complex interconnected
systems, as we have in modern MaaS systems. OC-
TAVE (Alberts et al., 1999) is a risk based strategic
assessment and planning technique for security, and
mainly used to assess an organisation’s information
security needs. OCTAVE is best suited for enterprise
information security risk assessments, which makes it
unsuitable for MaaS security which extends beyond a
single enterprise.
Therefore, in this work, we use the STRIDE
(Shostack, 2014) Threat Modelling framework to
analyse the threats that may arise in a MaaS ecosys-
tem. STRIDE takes a threat-centric approach to se-
curity analysis associating each threat with a partic-
ular asset from attackers’ perspective. An advantage
of STRIDE is that it helps change a designer’s focus
from the identification of specific attacks to focusing
on the end results of possible attacks. A second ad-
vantage is it helps to analyse the vulnerabilities that
may arise at the interface of trust boundaries of sub-
systems of an overarching system of systems, such as
a MaaS.
The success of MaaS requires accumulation of signifi-
cant amounts of data and information, some of which
will include information about identifiable individu-
als, i.e. personal data. And, delivering a seamless
travel planning experience to users will also require
significant sharing of these data, in real-time, between
transport operators and other stakeholders. This sec-
tion describes how we have used the STRIDE Mod-
elling framework to analyse the threats and vulnera-
bilities in a MaaS system.
Provisioning Security in a Next Generation Mobility as a Service System
STRIDE (acronym for Spoofing, Tampering,
Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of
Service, and Elevation of Privilege) can be divided
into the following stages:
Define usage scenarios
Create one or more Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)
of the system being analysed
Determine and Identify Threat and Threat types
to the system. These threats are majorly the nega-
tion of the main security properties of confiden-
tiality, integrity, availability, authentication, au-
thorization and non-repudiation.
Plan Mitigation. In this final step, proper counter-
measures and defences are introduced for threats
and/or threat types
5.2 Motivating Example and Usage
Figure 2 showed the business ecosystem and the
stakeholders that can participate in the fulfilment of
transportation services in a MaaS. In our motivating
example, we focus on a scenario of a passenger want-
ing to travel in a city offering both tram and bus trans-
portation services. The passenger uses a MaaS appli-
cation (MaaS App) as provided by the MaaS provider
to book tickets, via a third party(3
-party) ticketing
service, for their journeys that will utilise both tram
and buses.
5.3 System Data Flow Diagrams
Figure 3 shows the Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of the
The stakeholders in this scenario include:
The MaaS App (possibly provided and run by the
MaaS provider)
Tram operator(s)
Bus operator(s)
The 3
-party Ticketing and payment service
In this work, we have chosen the aforementioned
stakeholders, focussing on their relationships in order
to highlight the salient security issues involved in a
next generation MaaS system.
5.3.1 Service Workflow at Trust Boundaries
Some interactions take place at the interfaces between
the entities of the ecosystem, and they are:
1. Passenger, using the MaaS App plans to make
a journey, and uses the 3
-party Ticketing and
payment service provider to plan either single
journeys or multiple journeys, using the 3
ticketing service provider’s Journey Planner pro-
2. The details of these queries are sent to the 3
party ticketing service provider’s Customer Rela-
tionship Management (CRM) process
3. The CRM, after running the queries, returns the
journey plans details back to the Passenger
4. If the Passenger is happy with the journey plans,
payment is made via the Payment process of the
-party ticketing service provider (4a), and pay-
ment acknowledgement is sent to the passenger
5. Passenger, travelling on the Tram or the Bus, will
present their tickets, via the MaaS App, for ver-
ification (5a) and verification result(s) sent back
6. Should the Passenger present multiple or shared
journey tickets, these are checked and verified
via the Shared Ticketing processes of the trans-
port operators and the 3
-party ticketing service
provider. Also included will be timetable and live
service data that will allow the Journey Planner
process to function
7. If the Passenger is in possession of Vouchers,
these can be redeemed at either the Tram operator
or the Bus operator (7a) and result(s) of redemp-
tion sent back to passenger (7b)
5.3.2 Service Workflow - Internal
The following interactions and data flows occur
within each entity:
8. The CRM process stores data into the CRM
database (CRM DB)
9. At set intervals, these data are pulled by the Data
10. . . . into the Aggregated database (Aggregated DB)
[the data in this database may be used to perform
activites such as quality of service assessments,
service level agreements audits, etc.]
Although there are security vulnerabilities and
threats in both the internal and external service work-
flows, it is very beneficial to distinguish between
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 3: System Data Flow Diagram (labels on data flows are further expanded on in Sections 5.3.1 & 5.3.2).
these two types during security analysis in order to
provide the appropriate mitigation mechanisms.
By taking a threat-centric approach to security
analysis, STRIDE provides us with the right frame-
work for threats’ determination and identification.
5.4 Determination and Identification of
Threat (Types) to the System
In the determination and identification stage, we use
each of the terms in the STRIDE acronym, applying
each to the elements of the system’s data flow dia-
gram. Each term denotes a security threat which an
adversary or attacker can use to gain illegal or unau-
thorized access to the MaaS system. In order to en-
sure its security, a MaaS system needs to assure the
following properties: authenticity of the principal (or
entity) engaged in the interaction, integrity of the data
and messages being exchanged, non-repudiation of
actions of principals (and entities), confidentiality of
messages being exchanged between principals (and
entities), availability of services (and processes), and
authorization of legitimate principals (or entities) per-
forming valid (or legitimate) actions. The STRIDE
threats are the opposite of these aforementioned prop-
erties. Table 1 show our application of STRIDE to
determine and identify threats to the MaaS system.
Once the threats have been identified, the next step
is the creative effort of planning mitigations that can
be deployed to inhibit or reduce threat occurrence.
5.5 Plan Mitigation
The hardest part of the operations manager’s and the
system designer’s job is usually figuring out what to
protect and how, and since people often end up pro-
tecting the wrong things, or protecting the right things
in the wrong way (Anderson, 2008), determining and
identifying threats to the system (as done in Section
5.4) are the corner-stones of developing secure sys-
tems (Anderson, 2008).
Table 2 shows some of the mitigation strategies
and techniques that can be deployed to mitigate or in-
hibit the threats enumerated in Table 1.
The mitigation plan is divided into the six
STRIDE threat categories/types, with each threat type
linked to the security property of which it can af-
fect. Then comes the derivation of possible mitiga-
tion strategies and techniques that can be deployed to
counter the threats.
The identified threats to the MaaS system together
with the mitigation strategies and techniques (Table 2)
can be used to: (a) understand MaaS system’s security
requirements, (b) design the system architecture, and
(c) by considering security requirements and design
early in the engineering process, it dramatically low-
ers the odds of re-designing, re-factoring, and/or fac-
ing a constant stream of security design faults, helping
to deliver a more stable and secure secure system.
Provisioning Security in a Next Generation Mobility as a Service System
Table 1: MaaS Threats.
Threat Examples
Spoofing The
Authentication Pretending to be something or
someone other than the
passenger, to the MaaS App
Spoofing the
Pretending to be something or
someone other than the
passenger, can scehdule
inappropriate or illegal
Spoofing the
Pretending to be something or
someone other than the
passenger; can use the
legitimate passenger’s
payment method to pay for
illegal/invalid and valid
Spoofing the
Attacker pretending to be
something or someone other
than the passenger, presenting
legitimate vouchers of
Spoofing the
Attacker pretending to be
something or someone other
than the passenger, presenting
valid tickets that are not theirs
and/or amending ticket
Spoofing the
CRM process
Integrity; Con-
By spoofing the CRM
process, the attacker can
change details of vouchers &
tickets; they can read
information of other processes
communicating via the CRM
process. By being able to read
& edit information, actions
can easily be repudiated
Spoofing the
Attacker can use this
opportunity to amend the
nature, type, value, and times
of shared tickets
Spoofing the
Integrity; Con-
As the Data Aggregator is
responsible for aggregating
data of certain profile,
Attacker is able to read &
amend these information
while in transit
with the CRM
Integrity Attacker is able to emend data
coming from and/or written to
the CRM DB
with the Data
Integrity Attacker or legitimate
passenger may claim that
theor tickets were not released
to them after they have made
with the CRM
Integrity; Con-
Attacker is able to modify
with the
Data DB
Attacker is able to modify
Aggregator Data DB
Threat Examples
Attacker or legitimate
passenger may claim that their
tickets were not released to
them after making payment
Attacker or legitimate
passenger may claim they did
not redeem voucher(s)
Confidentiality Attacker is able to read
payment message transferred
across the network. Attacker
may also be able to re-direct
traffic as well as execute
traffic analysis
against the
Confidentiality Attacker, by being able to read
journey planner data flows, is
able to discern passenger’s
against Ticket
& Voucher
Confidentiality Attacker may be able to
discern passenger’s itineraries,
and probably other personal
data, from ticket & voucher
This paper applied the STRIDE Threat Modelling
framework for security analysis of a MaaS. We
showed how, by taking a threat-centric approach to se-
curity analysis, STRIDE helped us to associate threats
and threat types to stakeholder assets from an adver-
sary’s perspective. Through this analysis, we were
able to identify the threats and vulnerabilities to MaaS
security, and to help plan mitigations towards elimi-
nating and/or reducing such threats. Establishing and
maintaining privacy and security are salient to engen-
dering trust in a system. By eliciting threats in MaaS
and designing mitigations to counter such threats, we
showed how MaaS security can be established, help-
ing to increase stakeholder trust in MaaS and next
generation transportation systems.
For future work, we will broaden the inclusion
of more stakeholders in our security analysis, and
as STRIDE is independent of risk assessment tech-
niques, we will explore the application of risk assess-
ment techniques, such as OWASP’s (Open Web Ap-
plication Security Project) Risk Rating Methodology
(OWASP), to prioritise the threats described in this
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 2: Threats Mitigation Plan.
Linked to
Spoofing Authentication Cryptographic
Tampering Integrity Cryptographic HTTPS/SSL,
Repudiation Non-
Logging of
Confidentiality Cryptographic
Denial of
Availability Flexible
Provision of
control lists
Watch out
such as
network &
Authorization Provision of
control lists
Logging of
This work has been supported by the PETRAS Na-
tional Centre of Excellence for IoT Systems Cyber-
security, which has been funded by the UK EPSRC
under grant number EP/S035362/1
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