The Effectiveness of Virtual Team Learning and Its Potential Factors
in Entrepreneurship Education Courses
Li Chen
, Dirk Ifenthaler
and Jane Yin-Kim Yau
Business School, Mannheim University, L4,1, Mannheim, Germany
Keywords: Effectiveness, Virtual Team Learning, Factors, Entrepreneurship Education.
Abstract: Entrepreneurial instructors and learners are pioneers in adopting virtual team learning processes, despite its
novelty and the lack of empirical results showing its effectiveness. In this study, we present an online survey
method that was designed to collect data from both students and educators from higher education institutes,
in order to analyse the perception of virtual team learning from competence, technologies, and possible factors
influencing entrepreneurial education. Findings show that virtual team learning and technologies are effective
for entrepreneurship education. Gender, family entrepreneurial history, and prior entrepreneurial experience
do not significantly affect respondents’ attitudes. The role, education degree, and field have impaction in
certain aspects. This research will help educators and entrepreneurial scholars to adopt virtual team learning
in practice and theoretical studies.
Team learning method applied in business schools at
higher education institutes (HEIs) is mainstream
(Betta, 2016). For example, the “lean start-up”
methodology is based on group and experiment and
has been shown as an effective learning strategy for
entrepreneurship education (EE) (Harms, 2015;
Leatherbee and Katila, 2020). Entrepreneurial
instructors and learners are familiar with the team
learning method because of the benefits of the
application, namely, learners acquire working with
others and learning through experience, being two of
fifteen entrepreneurship competencies Bacigalupo et
al. (2016) by the means of team-based activities
(Warhuus et al., 2017). Educators and policymakers
adopt technological tools and devices for EE
activities. Thus, technologies of virtual team learning
are currently desirable and necessary. Therefore,
virtual team learning is on the top list of EE activities.
The effectiveness of the virtual team in the
workplace or organizations has been proved, similar
to the face-to-face team (Berry, 2011; Dulebohn and
Hoch, 2017; Newman and Ford, 2021). In the
learning environment, online teams, distributed teams,
and others instead of virtual teams and combined with
other technologies, are discussed (Jumat et al., 2020;
Wang et al., 2021). The effectiveness of virtual team
learning is discussed in an online learning
environment (Ismailov and Laurier, 2021). EE is put
into online with collaboration and cooperation
amongst learners to ensure online learning success.
Additionally, EE belongs to social discipline and
requires “learning from experience”. The competence
of collaboration is quite important for EE learners.
Learners need to build a social network with other
remote participants. Surveys revealed students
favored the online collaboration (Ku et al., 2013;
Lino-Neto et al., 2021). Virtual team adds the
component of technology, the basis of online or
distance learning. In line with informational and
digital education, except the learning management
system, teachers in Chinese Higher Education sectors
apply social media to their daily teaching and
administration. Learners send emails and messages in
the WeChat group, sharing information and
discussing within groups. The virtual team immerses
daily life and work. Virtual team is utilized in
medicine, engineering, and social disciplines. The
area of EE requires more social presence and
Chen, L., Ifenthaler, D. and Yau, J.
The Effectiveness of Virtual Team Learning and Its Potential Factors in Entrepreneurship Education Courses.
DOI: 10.5220/0011043500003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 250-256
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
collaboration amongst learners. On one side,
entrepreneurs learn through experience from
themselves and other fields (Erikson, 2003; Bell and
Bell, 2020). The other is learning from the social
network (Man, 2007) from family and employees to
suppliers. Accompanying with the digital of
education, EE courses are put into the internet and are
learned by remoted attendees. The researchers and
educators from the realm of EE, however, lack
enough first-hand data concerning students’ and
educators’ attitudes or feedback towards virtual team
learning. What’s more, educators and learners might
have different opinions on virtual team learning.
To further study virtual teams in EE and improve
its effectiveness, in this research, we collected data
from both teachers and students through an online
survey research method to understand and obtain
feedback relating to the effectiveness of virtual team
learning applied in EE courses in Chinese HEIs. The
specific objectives are:
To explore the perception that learners and
educators on virtual team learning applied in
To obtain entrepreneurial participants’ ideas
about the effectiveness of technology in terms
of virtual team learning;
To identify critical factors that affect
participants’ attitudes towards virtual team
The following section shows the related
theoretical background, the third section mentions
methodology, the fourth shows the critical results and
discussion, and the last makes a conclusion.
This section presents theoretical underpinning,
namely virtual team learning and the effectiveness of
virtual team learning, and promotes the research
questions to be solved.
2.1 Virtual Team Learning
Virtual team learning means teammates collaborate
and cooperate with remote peers through the adoption
of email, e-conference, and intranet (or internet) to
transfer documents and exchange opinions.
Information and communication technologies (ICT)
extend activities and social software networking
penetrates daily and school life for digital natives,
especially for Generation Z (Janicke-Bowles et al.,
2018). This learning method has been widely applied
to various disciplines, especially in EE courses during
the COVID-19 pandemic, when instructors
emphasized the remoted students’ relationship with
one another to facilitate learning effectiveness within
groups. For example, educators utilized sub-groups
via break-out rooms on Zoom (an online conference
software) to allow team tasks to be completed and
supervised successfully. Although scholars know
little about the effectiveness and impact of EE being
undertaken completely online (Liguori and Winkler,
2020), instructors and learners widely utilize
educational technologies as a supplement to face-to-
face and blend learning. Under the circumstances of
a virtual team, teammates uploaded and shared
documents with other participants in online learning
environments. Additionally, they discussed via the
technologies and noted down their opinions and
brainstorming results with remote teammates.
Furthermore, learners can log onto the software and
check the results. Hence, this learning strategy makes
learners have more connections and social presence
whilst maintaining flexibility (Rogers et al., 2009).
2.2 Effectiveness of Virtual Team
The virtual team provides opportunities for
teammates to communicate and collaborate without
the restriction of time and location, 24/7 learning with
teammates. Virtual team has various kinds of
communication. The textual communication, email,
and message of the virtual team lack verbal cues, e.g.,
facial expression. Face-to-face communication
happens randomly, such as informal workplaces,
hallways, as well as the parking pot (Berry, 2011).
Besides exchanging information, a virtual team can
solve problems and puzzles during the learning
process. In addition, a virtual team can attract
international talents to join one learning group with
lower costs compared to face-to-face team learning.
The effectiveness of virtual team learning is
analyzed from entrepreneurship competence. The
three main areas of virtual team learning: identifying
entrepreneurial opportunities, mobilizing resources,
and taking action are core sections of the framework
of entrepreneurship competence.
Although the range of virtuality is from slight to
an extreme degree, technology is a necessary element
of a virtual team (Cohen and Gibson, 2003).
Technology can electrically store communication
data for further learning analysis. The participants can
review the messages and deepen their understanding
of the content. The function of technology is critical
The Effectiveness of Virtual Team Learning and Its Potential Factors in Entrepreneurship Education Courses
in a virtual team, but the effectiveness of virtual team
learning is not only because of technology. Scholars
proved other factors impact the effectiveness of a
virtual team, such as team diversity, trust, and so on.
From the aspects of education and psychology, the
participants’ demographical information might
influence the effectiveness. Additionally, learners’
entrepreneurial background (both themselves and
families) (Georgescu and Herman, 2020) is possible
to affect their perception. Teachers and learners might
have different attitudes. The teachers aim to achieve
the objectives of courses and the perception of
learners is the real result of courses. The various
disciplines might affect participants’ perceptions. The
learning requirements of Science and Engineering are
different from Humanities and Social Sciences. But
the former needs social presence as well (Mackey and
Freyberg, 2010).
2.3 Research Questions
In order to remedy the lack of face-to-face
communication, virtual team organizers provide
activities (e.g., ice-breaking and self-introduction)
and technological tools to learners for knowing their
classmates better since the team-building activities
usually lead to more effective collaboration efforts.
Therefore, when a virtual team is applied in EE,
course organizers need to provide a manual, not
automatic, “social presence” (Rogers and Lea, 2005).
The sub-competencies of Entrepreneurial
competence include mobilizing resources, identifying
entrepreneurial ideas/opportunities, and taking
appropriate actions (Bacigalupo et al., 2016). Our
first question is, therefore:
How are entrepreneurial attitudes of
participants (educators and learners) towards
virtual team learning in EE courses?
Virtual learning and virtual team learning were
mediated by technology (Huda et al., 2018): Video
explanation is for team business ideas presentation
(Wu et al., 2018); Social networking sites are for
communication and collaboration; Digital learning
tools aims to publish and create content together, like
Murual; Serious games motivate learners and
increase interest (Swaramarinda, 2018). Hence, our
second question is:
What is the effectiveness of technologies
applied in virtual team learning for EE courses?
Except for technology, many factors impact the
effectiveness of the virtual team learning (Bhat et al.,
2017). Family entrepreneurial history (Wadhwa and
Aggarwal, 2009), gender (Nowiński et al., 2019),
degree (Paray and Kumar, 2020), and prior
entrepreneurial experience (Ngoc Khuong and Huu
An, 2016) influence entrepreneurial intention and EE
effectiveness. Similarly, students and teachers have
significantly different views on virtual team learning
in EE. Deriving from this, our third question is:
Do five factors (gender, entrepreneurial family
history, degree or working areas, prior
entrepreneurial experience, and roles) affect
attitudes towards virtual team learning applied
in EE?
Here we adopted an online questionnaire survey to
collect data as broadly as possible from both teachers
and students.
3.1 Instruments and Distributing
A questionnaire was conducted with 20 questions
(seven demographic, 11 central, and two optional
questions) from 1 March to 30 April 2021. A five-
point Likert scale ranging from 1 = fully disagree to
5 = fully agree was used to obtain structured answers.
The items measuring the effectiveness of virtual team
learning on EE are from the general effectiveness that
was adopted from the entrepreneurship competence
framework promoted by Bacigalupo et al. (2016).
During the design of the questionnaire, two experts
with an education technology background and two EE
teachers in HEIs gave feedback and specific
suggestions. We distributed the same questionnaire to
teachers and learners. We contacted teachers from
social media groups (WeChat) to get the data from the
teachers’ side. Meanwhile, entrepreneurial teachers
from Chinese HEIs distributed questionnaires
through Wechat and learning management systems to
their students seeking their completion.
3.2 Participants
382 respondents from both learners and instructors
completed this survey and the total number of valid
respondents is N = 372 (50.3% male, 49.7% female).
With the exception that four respondents did not fill
in their age correctly and were subsequently
excluded, the mean age of N = 62 faculty members
were 40.21 years old. 98.4% of faculty members were
Bachelor and over. 87.1% were from Social Science,
4.8% were Natural Science, 3.2% were Applied
Science. The educational field and degree of learners
were shown in Figure 1.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Description data of participants.
Role Mean SD Max Min
Instructor 40.21 8.616 57 25
Learner 19.62 1.197 24 16
Figure 1: The education field of learners.
N = 307 learners were 19.62 years old. 60% of
them studied for Bachelor and 38% studied for three
years college or vocational and training education.
Excluding five missing of gender, 51.8% of learners
were male and 47.4% were female. 27.9% had an
entrepreneurial family history and 10.8% had
practical entrepreneurial experiences. In general,
45.2% of learners and educators had an
entrepreneurial family background and 30.6% had
entrepreneurial experience. Without six demographic
questions, Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) is .934> .9, p
= .000. Therefore, the factor analysis can be applied
from F1_PRO to F2_OPP (central questions). The
small coefficient absolute value is over .65. At the
same time, in light of literature reviews and research
objectives, researchers set two fixed factors. Because
items 11, 13, and 14 are below .65, we deleted the
three questions. Cumulative sums of squared loadings
are 71.126% > 70%. In the end, Factor 1 includes four
items: the effectiveness of virtual team learning
(Cronbach’s Alpha .910) and Factor 2 contains four
items: virtual team technology (Cronbach’s Alpha
Statistical analysis was completed using SPSS 28
using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to understand
the cause and effect, and descriptive statistics of
factors. ANOVA easily analysis and understand the
effect of every factor with three or more groups.
According to the completion of previous theoretical
research and online survey, here we summarise key
results from this survey study and discuss them from
two sides.
4.1 Virtual Team Learning
The general effectiveness of virtual team learning is
higher than 70% positive (fully agree and agree) in
identifying entrepreneurial opportunities (F2_OPP,
M = 3.85, SD = .79), mobilizing resources (F2_RES,
M = 3.94, SD = .71), taking actions (F2_ACT, M =
3.92, SD = .70), and efficiency item (F2_EFF, M =
3.95, SD = .66). The negative response in F2_OPP is
the highest (7.3%) and other items lower than 4.4%.
It proved that the respondents agreed on the
effectiveness of virtual teams, especially mobilizing
resources, but less on identifying entrepreneurial
opportunities, even though the trust amongst
entrepreneurs facilitates exploiting entrepreneurial
chances (Bergh et al., 2011). Participants easily
shared text, video, and audio information related to
entrepreneurial content through virtual team
technologies. Every attendee was a learning content
creator through digging resources from inside and
outside of teams. In addition, virtual teammates or
tutors join teams, which extends their social network.
Therefore, they might find potential co-founders or
suitable collaborators from worldwide. However,
identifying opportunities is difficult for founders,
especially learners and educators who are in the ivory
tower. On the one hand, the “promising” business
opportunities or ideas are not distinctive and might
replicate the same format in other places. The nascent
market is ambiguous, changeable, and short-lived. On
the other hand, a promising entrepreneurial idea or
opportunity is seldom uncovered as the right product
features (Eisenhardt and Bingham, 2017). Therefore,
fostering and acquiring this competence is not an
accessible business and academic activity. Although
EE increases intention and perceives behavior control
(Rauch and Hulsink, 2015), potential enterprises
seldom take action directly. Even when they know the
difficulties and complications of starting a business,
scholars found learners’ entrepreneurial intention
decreased significantly after six months (Lorz and
Volery, 2011).
Table 2: P value of One-way ANOVA (background for
Factor 2).
Role .597 .948 .026 .235
Gender .778 .473 .702 .748
Education .454 .056 .012 .031
Field .008 .142 .018 .068
Family .716 .455 .152 .227
Experience .665 .978 .193 .191
The Effectiveness of Virtual Team Learning and Its Potential Factors in Entrepreneurship Education Courses
Referring to demographic background, one-way
ANOVA analysis showed that educational degree
influences the two competencies of taking
appropriate actions and efficiency (See Table 2).
Senior school or under respondents are different from
the other three education degrees on mobilizing
resources (p = .037). Three years of college or
vocational and technical education is different from
over bachelor on taking action (p = .014). At least
respondents from one field differ from the other three
fields on identifying opportunities (p = .008) and
taking actions (p = .018). About the role of
participants, educators and learners have different
ideas on taking entrepreneurial action (p = .026),
namely learners marked virtual team learning higher
than educators. In this study, a higher percentage of
educators have entrepreneurial experience and they
are more conservative than learners, which might
explain the difference in the effectiveness of virtual
team learning for taking entrepreneurial action. One-
way ANOVA showed that gender, family
background, and former experiences have no
relationship with the perception of virtual team
learning from both learners and teachers. This is
different from previous studies.
4.2 Technologies in Virtual Team
83.4% agree (fully agree and agree) that “The chosen
learning strategy affects virtual team learning”
(F1_STR, M = 3.97, SD = .61). 79.4% agree that
“Various technologies have different effectiveness
for virtual team learning” (F1_VAR, M = 3.99, SD =
.62). 79% of respondents agree that “The frequency
of utilization of technology affects the learning or
teaching effectiveness of EE” (F1_FRE, M = 3.97, SD
= .68). 77.9% of respondents support “The degree of
proficiency of technologies affects virtual team
learning” (F1_PRO, M = 3.95, SD = .67). EE
participants are active in introducing cutting-edge
technologies, and 26.9% used artificial intelligence
(AI). Educators introduce technologies to share
documents, release notices, and distribute tasks
anytime and anywhere. They provide different
technologies, e.g., social media, serious games,
visualization (Ifenthaler, 2014), and recognize their
effectiveness. Technology is a tool for adapting to
entrepreneurial learning objectives and contents.
Serious games and learning simulation systems
mimic real life, and learners collaborate in the virtual
environment for readiness of entrepreneurship. The
familiarity with technology applications makes
learners use it efficiently.
Table 3: P value of One-way ANOVA (background for
Factor 1).
Role .168 .002 .220 .012
.611 .619 .765 .442
Education .007 .023 .018 .012
.265 .069 .097 .076
Family .292 .912 .152 .935
Experience .675 .948 .305 .429
The one-way ANOVA analysis showed that the
role of participants didn’t have a significant
difference on F1_FRE and
F1_PRO, except F1_VAR
(p = .002) and F1_PRO (p = .012). The proficiency of
technologies applied in virtual team learning
facilitates the perception of learners, compared with
educators. In other words, students gave higher scores
than educators on F1_VAR and F1_PRO. Learners
are born and live in the digital age, leading to a high
acceptance degree of technologies. Educational
degree affects the perception of participants: The
higher the education degree of educators, the more
agree on four sections of Factor 1. In general, the
higher the education degree, the higher
professionality required in entrepreneurship activities
and higher entrepreneurship intention (Paray and
Kumar, 2020). Meanwhile, gender, educational field,
entrepreneurial family background, and respondents’
prior entrepreneurial experience did not affect their
opinion on technology (See Table 3). Although the
proportion of applied artificial intelligence is 26.9%
in this research, based on the optional question “if it
is possible, please write down artificial intelligent
tools in EE”, chatbot, the interaction of thing (IoT),
and AR/VR, which are three highest mentioned.
Therefore, participants need familiarity with their
deployed technologies.
Virtual team learning is a useful method for
entrepreneurial participants, especially when
adopting home studying and ubiquitous learning.
Respondents are optimistic about the performance of
virtual team learning in general. The effectiveness of
EE through virtual teams, however, is not as good as
educators’ expectations as learners, and those
educators prefer a face-to-face learning setting
(Liguori and Winkler, 2020). Many opponents
consider technology as a remedy for online learning.
Recently, Chinese students have returned to physical
schools and educators still provide technologies to
learning environments for organizing and managing
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
entrepreneurial learning. The perception of virtual
team learning for the effectiveness of EE is positive
(all the means are close “agree”).
Education degree affects respondents’ attitudes
towards taking action and the effectiveness of virtual
team learning. Different educational fields affect
identifying opportunities and taking action. Learners
and educators have different opinions on taking
action by use of virtual team learning. Furthermore,
learners are more positive about the technology of
virtual team learning, especially in the various and the
proficiency of technology. The education degree of
participants influences the attitudes towards EE
This research study helps educators and scholars
to know the feedback from both learners and
instructors about virtual team learning after the
pandemic and returning to campus in China.
Therefore, our contributions include knowing
participants’ attitudes towards virtual team learning
applied in EE courses and potential demographic
factors, and encouraging educators and learners to
utilize virtual team learning in EE courses.
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