Better the Phish You Know: Evaluating Personalization
in Anti-Phishing Learning Games
Rene Roepke
, Vincent Drury
, Ulrike Meyer
and Ulrik Schroeder
Learning Technologies Research Group, RWTH Aachen University, Ahornsstr. 55, 52074 Aachen, Germany
IT-Security Research Group, RWTH Aachen University, Mies-v.-d.-Rohe-Str. 15, 52074 Aachen, Germany
Anti-Phishing Education, Game-based Learning, Personalization, User Study, Gameplay Analysis.
Anti-phishing learning games present a motivating, interactive approach to user education and thus, various
games have been developed and studied in the past. A common trend among these games is a limited use
of game mechanics and no consideration of learners using methods of personalization. In this paper, we
compare an anti-phishing learning game with its personalized version in the scope of a longitudinal user study
with 89 participants. For personalization, the player’s familiarity with different services is used to provide
personalized content in the form of URLs in the game. To further understand the effects of personalization,
we analyze game log data and evaluate how players interact with personalized learning game content. While
the comparison of both game versions did not yield significant differences in the participants’ performance in
URL tests, the in-game analysis confirmed that players interact differently when confronted with URLs based
on services they are not familiar with compared to those they use or know. These differences when handling
unknown URLs in the in-game analysis might indicate, that personalization could be leveraged to improve
awareness and the knowledge transfer to the real world.
A common threat to Internet users worldwide is
phishing, “a scalable act of deception whereby im-
personation is used to obtain information from a tar-
get” (Lastdrager, 2014). Current trend reports ob-
serve high numbers of newly created phishing web-
sites (APWG, 2021) as well as clicks on phishing
links (Kaspersky, 2021). While phishers employ a
diverse repertoire of attack vectors, including email,
instant messaging, and even voice phishing (Aler-
oud and Zhou, 2017), these trend reports indicate
that links to phishing websites still present an im-
minent threat to users. Teaching users to recognize
potentially malicious URLs, and therefore phishing
websites and malicious links, can help alleviate the
problem. Therefore, researchers have explored differ-
ent approaches to user education, ranging from tra-
ditional awareness campaigns to user training using
simulated phishing attacks or game-based learning.
While various anti-phishing learning games have
been proposed in the past, a common trend of existing
games seems to be the use of limited game mechanics
These authors contributed equally.
and failing to consider the learner by means of person-
alization (Roepke et al., 2020a). With phishing being
an imminent threat, users will be presented with var-
ious phishing messages claiming to be from services
they know and those they do not know. Depending on
which case, users can apply different strategies to rec-
ognize phishing and protect themselves. As existing
anti-phishing do not yet consider the learners’ famil-
iarity with different services, they fail to reflect this
situation, which presents a research gap in the field of
game-based anti-phishing education.
Considering the learners’ familiarity with services
in anti-phishing learning games can enable new ap-
proaches for elaborated feedback or adaptive game-
play to support the learning experience. Furthermore,
the use of more relevant services or a more realistic
decision strategy, which considers the learners’ famil-
iarity with a service, might have a positive impact on
their awareness in a real-world attack. To achieve this,
personalization needs to be implemented, e.g., using
the conceptual approach and framework for personal-
ization of anti-phishing learning games as presented
in (Roepke et al., 2021b). Consequently, these imple-
mentations need to be compared with traditional, non-
personalized games to better understand the advan-
Roepke, R., Drury, V., Meyer, U. and Schroeder, U.
Better the Phish You Know: Evaluating Personalization in Anti-Phishing Learning Games.
DOI: 10.5220/0011042100003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 2, pages 458-466
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tages and benefits of personalization. An exploratory
analysis of gameplay using detailed event log data
would allow even more insights into personalization
and its effects on players.
In this paper, we present a comparative user study
(N=89) of an existing learning game and its personal-
ized version in a pre-/post-test design. The used game
prototype was previously presented in (Roepke et al.,
2021a) and personalized using the personalization
framework presented in (Roepke et al., 2021b). Ad-
ditional longitudinal tests (N = 36) as well as an in-
game analyses of the participants’ gameplay (N = 49)
allow further insights into how personalization affects
the participants’ performance and behavior. While the
results of our comparison of the game’s personalized
and non-personalized version in the post-test are in-
conclusive, in that personalization did not outperform
the traditional version of the game, the analysis of
in-game behavior using game log data revealed dif-
ferences in players’ actions. As expected, the results
show that players classification accuracy differs for
different levels of familiarity, i.e. players show diffi-
culties when classifying URLs of unknown services.
We therefore demonstrate, that there are definite ad-
vantages to using the personalized version, and pro-
pose several possible venues for future research.
This paper describes a comparative study of a per-
sonalized anti-phishing learning game with a non-
personalized version and explores the effects of game
content personalization. In prior studies on game-
based anti-phishing education, different approaches
have been evaluated and the effectiveness of games
for anti-phishing education has been shown for dif-
ferent user groups (Sheng et al., 2007; Canova et al.,
2015; Drury et al., 2022). However, existing games
have been criticized as their design may limit the po-
tential learning outcomes and does not consider the
learners and their familiarity with the learning con-
tent, i.e. personalizing presented URLs which have
to be classified as either malicious or benign within
the game (Roepke et al., 2020a). So far, personal-
ization of anti-phishing learning games has not been
explored or even implemented for possible evaluation
in user studies. There are, however, other types of
anti-phishing educational material that have explored
personalization or customization. In particular, re-
searchers have taken a look at spear phishing, a more
sophisticated type of phishing that is tailored towards
a recipient, and whether customized training can help
prevent it. In (Kumaraguru et al., 2008), the em-
bedded training against spear phishing was explored,
showing that customized content led to an advantage
when detecting spear phishing attacks compared to
regular educational material.
Beyond anti-phishing learning games, personal-
ization of games has been the subject of different
research projects (Law and Rust-Kickmeier, 2008;
Kickmeier-Rust and Albert, 2010). Here, adaptiv-
ity on a micro or macro level has been implemented
to provide personalized storytelling or dynamic dif-
ficulty adjustment, i.e. adaptive gameplay which
matches difficulty to players’ skill level. Personaliza-
tion through adaptivity focuses more on sequencing
and structuring of learning content and less on actual
adaptation of the content itself. As we did not find
any projects using game content personalization, the
respective research area still has a potential to be ex-
plored. However, outside the educational domain, re-
search on game content generation (Dey and Konert,
2016) may provide interesting approaches.
Since neither implementation nor evaluation of
personalized anti-phishing learning games has been
done prior to this work and existing games fail to
consider individual learners (Roepke et al., 2020b),
we identify an untapped potential for the personaliza-
tion of anti-phishing learning games to provide a more
suitable game-based learning environment which sup-
ports learners in their different learning contexts. Fur-
thermore, a comparison to existing non-personalized
games could yield meaningful insights regarding the
effectiveness of personalized games. With recent
work introducing a concept (Roepke et al., 2020b) as
well as an implementation of personalization frame-
work for anti-phishing learning games (Roepke et al.,
2021b), the natural next step is to conduct a study
comparing personalized and non-personalized ver-
sions of a game. In addition, an exploratory analysis
of gameplay may provide insights into players’ be-
havior when dealing with different learning content.
For the comparison of a personalized and a non-
personalized version of a learning game, we chose
a between-group design in a pre-/post-test setup in-
cluding an additional longitudinal test. The study was
performed in two batches: the first group played the
non-personalized game in November 2020, and an-
other group of participants played the personalized
version in May 2021. While the games serve as the in-
dependent variables, the performance and confidence
in pre-, post- and longitudinal tests serve as depen-
dent variables. This allows for a comparison of the
Better the Phish You Know: Evaluating Personalization in Anti-Phishing Learning Games
effect of personalization as well as the exploration
of in-game behavior in the personalized game. Ad-
ditionally, the results of the longitudinal study were
analyzed to gain insights into knowledge retention as
well as several self-reported characteristics of the par-
ticipants after playing either one of the games. Our
study was therefore designed to answer the following
research questions (RQs):
1. How does personalization affect the participants’
performance/confidence in classifying URLs?
2. How do the participants’ performances change in
pre-, post- and longitudinal test?
3. How does personalization (i.e. familiarity with
services) affect in-game behavior?
3.1 Games and Personalization
For the main intervention in this study we used the
learning game prototype All sorts of Phish” pre-
sented in (Roepke et al., 2021a). In the following, we
refer to it as the analysis game
. The analysis game
teaches the basics of the URL structure and differ-
ent manipulation techniques used to create malicious
URLs and deceive users in phishing attacks. The URL
structure is explained by introducing three main parts:
subdomain, registrable domain, and path. For each
part, different manipulation techniques are presented
to understand how phishers create malicious and de-
ceiving, but also valid URLs.
The game utilizes a sorting mechanic where play-
ers have to analyze and classify given URLs into dif-
ferent categories by sorting them into different buck-
ets (see Figure 1). Each bucket represents a spe-
cific URL category derived from applied manipula-
tion techniques for phishing URLs. The categories
are based on the URL structure and indicate, where
the original domain or deceptive keyword is present.
As such, the considered categories are: “IP”, “Ran-
dom”, “RegDomain”, “Subdomain”, and “Path”. Fur-
thermore, buckets for benign URLs (“No-Phish”) and
for discarding unknown URLs (“No idea”) are avail-
able. The more elaborate sorting mechanic extends
the state-of-the-art as most games rely on a binary de-
cision scheme in which players only classify URLs as
benign or malicious. The extended classification al-
lows for more insights into the decision process and
can reveal players’ misconceptions (e.g., by analyzing
classification outcomes for different URL categories;
see Section 5.2).
In our approach to extend current state of the art,
we adapted the analysis game by utilizing a person-
e, online, accessed 2022-02-18
Figure 1: Level of All sorts of Phish”. Players have to
classify given URLs, which are hidden behind coins.
alization framework to provide personalized learning
game content (Roepke et al., 2021b). The new ver-
sion of the game is referred to as personalized game.
The framework first provides a selection interface for
players to select services they either use, know but
do not use, or do not know at all from a set of ser-
vices (e.g. “PayPal”, “eBay”). The players’ selec-
tion is then used to compute a learner model, an ab-
stract representation of the learner’s characteristics
(Bull, 2004), in this case realized as information about
the players’ familiarity with different services. Next,
URLs for all URL categories are created using a URL
generator which applies different manipulation tech-
niques to base URLs of a given services (e.g. manipu-
lation of the registrable domain, subdomain or path).
The learner model is used as input to the generator
such that a set of URLs for different types of service
can be created (i.e. services that players use, know
but do not use, or do not know). Generated URLs are
then embedded into the game to provide a personal-
ized version of the game for individual players. The
game purposefully includes a number of services that
are less well known, which are included in the game
to understand how participants handle such unknown
services. The current version of the game presents
known and unknown URLs at a 4:1 ratio. Due to ran-
domness implemented in the rules used by the URL
generator, returning players will encounter different
URLs compared to previous gameplay sessions. Be-
yond personalization, the game fully supports event
logging of all in-game actions, timings and results.
By utilizing the personalization framework, we
are able to create a personalized version for each par-
ticipant of our study and thus, we are able to compare
the personalized and non-personalized versions of the
analysis game as well as explore in-game behavior of
players of the personalized game using event log data.
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.2 Procedure
The study was conducted as a remote lab study us-
ing video conferencing software and a web browser
on participants’ devices. It was structured into ve
phases: (1) For the introduction, participants were
briefed about the topic of the study and presented
with a definition of phishing. (2) Next, participants
were presented with the pre-test part of the survey.
(3) After finishing the pre-test, the survey software di-
rected participants to either the analysis game or the
personalized game. (4) After playing either one of
the games, participants returned to the survey for the
post-test. (5) When all participants finished the sur-
vey, a debriefing informed the participants about the
overall goal of the study and answered open questions
before closing the session.
Participants were asked to start the survey and pro-
ceed at their own pace, as no further instructions were
necessary. In case of questions or if technical sup-
port was needed, participants were able to immedi-
ately contact the instructors and receive help without
disrupting other participants in continuing the study.
The participants were not told that different games
would be tested, nor did they know which group they
were assigned to.
For the longitudinal test, all participants were con-
tacted three months after the original study, and in-
vited to take part within a four-weeks time frame.
The longitudinal study did not require additional ex-
pert support and only contained a two-part survey, as
described in the next section.
3.3 Apparatus and Materials
The following questionnaires were used in the differ-
ent parts of the study:
URL Test: A test consisting of 20 (pre) and 30
(post, longitudinal) URLs to be classified as ei-
ther benign or phishing URLs. It also includes
a question regarding the participants’ confidence
in their decision for each URL using a 6-point
Likert scale. The test was included to measure
the overall effect of the interventions, including
the comparison of URLs of familiar and unknown
services. For the post-test as well as longitudi-
nal testing, ten additional URLs were provided
to check for potential learning bias. A list of all
URLs used in the longitudinal test can be found
in Table 1, while the URLs used in pre- and post-
test can be found in (Drury et al., 2022).
Recognition of Services (post/longitudinal): A
questionnaire listing all services that were used
to create URLs of the URL tests for participants
Table 1: URLs of URL Test in longitudinal test; for URLs
used also in pre- and post-test, see (Drury et al., 2022).
URL Category Benign Benign Benign Random id=0... RegDomain id=HyB... RegDomain RegDomain RegDomain Subdomain Subdomain
Table 2: Behavioral Change Questionnaire.
App1 I have been using the things I learned in the game during
the past months.
App2 Since playing the learning game, I have been checking
the URLs of websites before I click on them.
App3 Since playing the learning game, I have been checking
the URLs of websites before I enter personal data (e.g.,
account credentials).
Int1 Playing the learning game has raised my interest in phish-
ing or other IT security topics.
Int2 I would like to learn more about phishing or other IT se-
curity topics by playing learning games.
BC1 Since playing the learning game, I have become more
aware of phishing attacks.
BC2 After playing the learning game, I adapted my behavior
in dealing with URLs.
PT1 After playing the learning game, I feel like I can protect
myself against phishing attacks.
PT2 After playing the learning game, I feel less likely to fall
for phishing attacks.
to select for each service whether they (a) use it,
(b) do not use it, but know it, or (c) whether it is
unknown to them. This test was included to be
able to analyze the effect of familiarity with a ser-
vice on classification performance and confidence
in the URL tests.
Demographics: Questionnaire which is used to
collect demographic data, including age, gender
and educational background.
Behavioral Change Questionnaire: Consists of
nine items about participants’ behavior towards
phishing after participating in the pre-/post-test
part of the study (see Table 2). Dividing the
items into four categories (with Cronbach’s α re-
liability) provides insights into self-reported ap-
plication of knowledge (App, α = .861), inter-
est in learning more about security using games
(Int, α = .629), behavioral change (BC, α = .830)
and the perception of phishing as a threat (PT,
α = .782). The items use a 6-point Likert scale
(1 = “strongly disagree” to 6 = “strongly agree”).
The URLs used in the pre-, post- and longitudinal
Better the Phish You Know: Evaluating Personalization in Anti-Phishing Learning Games
tests were generated by collecting benign login URLs
from popular websites in our country of origin (ac-
cording to Alexa
and Tranco
). Then, different ma-
nipulation techniques were applied to these benign
login URLs to create various phishing URLs. We
differentiate these manipulation techniques by which
part of the URL contains the original target domain
or a deceptive keyword: a subdomain, the registra-
ble domain, the path, or none (random URLs). We
further differentiate URLs that contain an IP address
as host from other URLs with a deceptive part in the
path. In all, 13 phishing and 7 benign URLs were
created for the pre-test, with 7 phishing and 3 be-
nign URLs added in the post- and longitudinal tests
respectively to control for learning bias of the pre-test
URLs. While all participants were shown the same
URLs as part of the URL test, the order was random-
ized to avoid learning bias between the URLs.
3.4 Participants
The study was conducted with 89 participants (N
40, N
= 49), which were recruited online by post-
ing information about the study in different social net-
work groups of universities and distributing it via uni-
versity mailing lists. Recruitment advertised the study
for people with a general interest in playfully learning
about IT security, regular online activities and little
to no prior knowledge in IT security and Computer
Science. Due to the duration of the study, a finan-
cial incentive of 15 EUR was offered to each partici-
pant. For participants of the longitudinal testing three
months later, a lottery of 4 × 10 EUR was offered.
Both recruiting and financial incentives may have in-
troduced a potential selection bias.
Among the participants, 55.06% identified as fe-
male and 44.94% as male. Most participants were
between 20 and 29 years of age (76.40%), followed
by participants aged 30 or more (16.85%). The anal-
ysis of the participants’ level of education revealed
that most participants were students with either Bach-
elor’s degree or high school diploma (82.02%). Other
participants reported to have completed a Master’s de-
gree (15.73%), or vocational training (2.25%).
For the longitudinal test three months after the
first part of our study, we experienced a dropout of
59.55%, leading to a response rate of only 36 partici-
pants (N
= 17, N
= 19). This limits the evaluation
of longitudinal effects and calls for reproduction with
a larger participant sample.
2 online,
accessed 2022-02-18
3 online, accessed 2022-02-18
In this section, we attempt to answer the RQs defined
in Section 3 using a series of analyses and statisti-
cal tests. We first present results of the pre-, post-
and longitudinal tests, before analyzing in-game data
of the personalized game. For each test, we consider
two groups depending on which game the participants
played: the analysis game group and the personalized
game group. Note, that longitudinal tests were evalu-
ated only on the reduced set of participants who com-
pleted the additional survey.
Performance scores are calculated as the number
of correctly classified URLs divided by the total num-
ber of URLs was used. Similarly, the confidence
levels were computed as the mean confidence of all
URLs. Depending on the hypotheses used to answer
our research question, one-tailed t-tests or ANOVA
were conducted with a significance level α = .05.
Parametric Student’s or Welch’s t-tests were used if
no deviation from normality was detected in prelimi-
nary data screening. Otherwise, non-parametric test-
ing was performed, e.g., Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
Effect sizes are provided using either Cohen’s d, rank-
biserial correlation coefficient r, or partial η
, de-
pending on the computed statistical test.
4.1 Survey Results
Before evaluating our research questions in detail, we
check for a potential learning bias on URLs that were
present in the pre-test (see Table 3). We therefore
compare M
to M
, as well as M
, by performing one-tailed Student’s t-tests
with the hypothesis that means for URLs that were
also used in the pre-test are higher than the new URLs
in the post- and longitudinal test. As neither of the
two tests is significant (p > .725), and means are in
fact higher for new URLs in most cases, we argue that
learning bias is negligible for our sample.
Next, we analyze the overall effectiveness of the
games. Both games were generally effective, in that
a one-tailed comparison of pre- and post-test scores
(using only URLs that were also present in the pre-
test) gives significant results for improvements: Stu-
dent’s t-test for the analysis game with t
(39) =
6.404, p
< .001, d
= 1.013 and Wilcoxon signed-
rank test for the personalized game with W
(48) =
775, p
< .001, r
= .717 (as a deviation from nor-
mality was detected; Shapiro-Wilk, p = .033).
In response to RQ-1, we begin by comparing the
post-test results on all 30 post-test URLs of players
of the two games, i.e. the analysis game (N
= 40)
and the personalized game (N
= 49). Taking a look
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Means (M) and standard deviations (SD) for performance and confidence in pre- and post-test including means on
partial URL sets for new URLs in post-test (post-new) as well as base URLs used in pre- and post-test (post-pre).
Game N Performance (relative score) Confidence (range: 1-6)
(SD) M
(SD) M
(SD) M
(SD) M
(SD) M
(SD) M
(SD) M
Analysis 40 .695 (.098) .828 (.115) .840 (.095) .853 (.140) 4.065 (.637) 5.034 (.468) 5.086 (.461) 5.065 (.764)
Personalized 49 .726 (.114) .811 (.110) .823 (.104) .855 (.123) 4.114 (.747) 4.948 (.655) 5.016 (.658) 5.259 (.478)
Table 4: Performance in longitudinal test (long), pre- and post-test scores (pre and post-pre) as well as means of partial URL
sets for new URLs in longitudinal test (long-new) and base URLs used in pre- and longitudinal test (long-pre).
Game N M
(SD) M
(SD) M
(SD) M
(SD) M
Analysis 17 .679 (.095) .865 (.077) .812 (.070) .782 (.119) .802 (.061)
Personalized 19 .679 (.121) .800 (.118) .776 (.112) .826 (.115) .793 (.103)
at the mean test results (see Table 3) reveals that per-
sonalization did not lead to increased performances
or confidences. Even though the analysis game group
performed better on average, we did not find this dif-
ference to be significant using a two-tailed Welch’s
t-test (t(85.891) = .797, p = .428, d = .169, with no
deviation from normality: Shapiro-Wilk, p > .035).
Similar results could be observed for confidence lev-
els: Here, the Shapiro-Wilk test was significant (p <
.001), a Mann-Whitney test returns no significant re-
sults (U(85.157) = 995.5, p = .901, r = .016).
As it might be possible, that the personalization
had an effect on the classification results of different
levels of familiarity in the tests, we next perform a
repeated-measures ANOVA comparing the three lev-
els of familiarity, with the games as between-groups
factor. Note, that N
= 34, N
= 39 in this test, as
some participants did not select any services as un-
known, known or used. Mauchly’s test for sphericity
is significant (p < .001), and Greenhouse-Geisser cor-
rections are applied (ε = .728). Here, we do not ob-
serve significant differences between the two games
either: F(1, 71) = .084, p = .772, η
= .001. We do,
however, find significant differences between the lev-
els of familiarity: F(1.455, 103.308) = 10.204, p <
.001, η
= .126. Post-hoc tests (Holm) confirm, that
URLs of unknown services are classified significantly
less accurately than known and used in both games
(p <= .001 in both cases), with no significant differ-
ences between known and used (p = .525). In all, our
study setup did not yield any significant differences of
performance scores and confidence levels between the
personalized game group and analysis game group.
For RQ-2, we are interested in the long-term ef-
fect of the two versions of the learning game. Due
to a low response rate for longitudinal testing, partici-
pant samples are smaller for both groups (N
= 17, N
= 19). Data exploration seems to indicate a decline in
performance between post- and longitudinal test, with
the pre-test score remaining the lowest (see Table 4).
To test for significance of the mean differences,
Table 5: Behavioral Change Questionnaire results with
item group reliabilities (Cronbach’s alpha).
Game M
(SD) M
(SD) M
(SD) M
Analysis 3.509 (1.285) 4.059 (0.966) 3.853 (1.412) 4.176 (0.557)
Personal. 4.071 (1.275) 4.684 (1.121) 4.105 (1.174) 4.368 (1.141)
we perform a repeated-measures ANOVA, using the
three tests (pre, post, longitudinal) as repeated mea-
sures and the games as between-subject factors.
Mauchly’s test for sphericity is not significant, and
the ANOVA (F(2, 68) = 28.432, p < .001, η
= .455)
confirms, that there are significant differences. Post-
hoc tests (Holm) show, that pre-test performance is
significantly lower than both post- and longitudinal-
test performances (p < .001 in both cases), while the
differences between post- and longitudinal tests are
not significant (p = .074).
Finally, we take an exploratory look at the results
of the self-reported behavioral changes questionnaire
of the longitudinal test (see Table 5). As explained in
Section 3.3 we split the items of the behavioral change
questionnaire into four constructs: whether lessons
from the game were applied after playing (Appli-
cation), how interested participants are in security-
related learning games (Interest), whether participants
changed their everyday behavior after playing the
games (Behavior Change), and to what extend the
participants perceive phishing as a threat (Perceived
Threat). As expected of a self-reported measure,
where we expect a certain amount of bias, the overall
results are rather positive (see Table 5). Comparing
the mean values, we can observe minor differences
between the two groups in all constructs. In partic-
ular, the means of the personalized game group are
higher in all four constructs. As for differences be-
tween the four constructs, it seems that participants
were less likely to have applied the learned knowledge
and changed their behavior, as the mean scores are
lower than the results for “Interest” and “Perceived
Threat”. Due to the small sample size, we refrain
from further statistical testing, but the observed dif-
ference calls for more thorough testing in the future.
Better the Phish You Know: Evaluating Personalization in Anti-Phishing Learning Games
4.2 In-game Results
To answer RQ-3, we perform an exploratory analysis
of the game log data of the personalized game. The
personalized game gives more insight into the play-
ers’ interactions with different services during game-
play, as this information is not available for the origi-
nal analysis game. Python scripts were used to parse
the in-game log data and extract different event se-
quences, including timing information as well as the
outcomes of classification events. In the following,
mean values are first computed per player and then
analyzed, e.g., as the average of all players.
We start by taking a look at the sorting outcomes
and time needed for the classification of URLs of
different levels of familiarity (see Table 6). We ob-
serve notable differences in relative classification out-
comes, with URLs of unknown services being classi-
fied with the least accuracy with a mean difference of
.068 to known and .083 to used services.
Next, we assess the differences in correct classi-
fication outcomes per familiarity level per URL cat-
egory to gain a better understanding of which cate-
gories contribute to this difference. As there is a large
number of comparisons for all possible levels of fa-
miliarity and categories, we focus on percentages of
misclassifications (phishing URLs as benign, or be-
nign as phishing URLs), per familiarity level per URL
category present in the game (see Table 7). The table
also includes the number of valid (and missing) values
per category per familiarity, as some players did not
classify any URLs of e.g. Path URLs of unknown ser-
vices. There are only minor differences between the
familiarity levels for the URL categories “Path”, “IP”,
and “Random” (mean differences <= .02), which
were generally detected very well. URLs of the cate-
gories “RegDomain” (mean differences <= .137) and
“No-Phish” (mean differences <= .044) have notable
differences, with the highest rates of mistakes for un-
known services. The classification accuracy for URLs
of the “Subdomain” category, interestingly, is high-
est for unknown services (mean differences <= .017).
Note, however, that the large number of possible fa-
miliarity and category combinations leads to a higher
probability of these differences happening by chance.
In all, the detailed analysis of the personalized
game seems to indicate, that URLs of unknown ser-
vices are classified with less accuracy than URLs with
Table 6: In-game means and standard deviations.
Familiarity Correct Incorrect Unclassified Time (sec)
Used .680 (.170) .186 (.108) .133 (.117) 4.13 (1.39)
Known .665 (.180) .192 (.142) .143 (.115) 4.11 (1.69)
Unknown .597 (.221) .250 (.187) .154 (.187) 4.27 (1.62)
Table 7: Mean of misclassifications per type per familiarity.
Category Familiarity N (Missing) Mean
IP unknown 44(5) .011
known 48(1) .006
used 48(1) .019
No-Phish unknown 46(3) .221
known 47(2) .178
used 49(0) .177
Path unknown 27(22) .000
known 24(25) .000
used 35(14) .000
Random unknown 47(2) .022
known 49(0) .008
used 49(0) .002
RegDomain unknown 40(9) .246
known 44(5) .109
used 44(5) .153
Subdomain unknown 40(9) .096
known 40(9) .113
used 39(10) .109
services of the other familiarity levels, i.e. used or
known, which can mainly be attributed to the URL
categories “RegDomain” and “No-Phish”.
In the previous section, the results of our user study
and in-game analysis were described in response to
the RQs presented in Section 3. While there were
no significant differences in the participants’ perfor-
mance and confidence between the two games (RQ-
1), we found significant differences between the lev-
els of familiarity with services. In particular, URLs
of unknown services were classified significantly less
accurately than those of known and used services.
For RQ-2, longitudinal testing revealed an overall
improvement of the participants’ performance, since
performance means of both post and longitudinal tests
are significantly higher than the participants’ pre-test
performance. Differences based on levels of familiar-
ity were also confirmed in the in-game log analysis in
RQ-3. In the following, we discuss issues and open
questions regarding the overall setup and results of
our user study and analysis of in-game behavior.
5.1 Study Setup
Our study setup uses a pre-/post and longitudinal
between-group design comparing two versions of
the anti-phishing learning game All sorts of Phish”
(Roepke et al., 2021a). Participation for the pre-
and post-test was independent from the longitudinal
test, which led to high dropout rate of 59.55% and
only 36 participants (compared to 89 participants at
first). The question arises whether only already in-
terested participants agreed to take part in the longi-
tudinal test, which introduces additional bias, in par-
CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
ticular to the results of the behavioral change ques-
tionnaire. As such, results cannot be generalized and
we recommend repeating the study with larger sam-
ple to strengthen the evidence base. Furthermore, we
would be interested in evaluating with even longer
time spans to see how the participants’ performance
changes and whether regular repetitions might be
needed in order for the knowledge to remain present.
As the selected game only focuses on teaching es-
sential knowledge about URLs and possible manip-
ulation techniques used for phishing, a limitation of
the game as well as the complete study is that we can
not make any assumptions on the participants’ overall
awareness and real-world performance in regards to
phishing attacks. Here, we do not claim that the game
or its personalized version raise situational awareness
and help avoiding phishing attacks in real-world set-
tings. For this, we would recommend additional ed-
ucational resources to teach how and when phish-
ers lure potential victims into disclosing personal in-
formation or redesigning the game to include neces-
sary information and approaches to raise awareness.
Whether personalization has an effect on awareness
might be an interesting question for future work.
5.2 Study Results
As described in Section 4, we found that while there
are no differences between the personalized and non-
personalized versions of the games, familiarity with
a service did have an effect on the classification out-
come in our study (RQ-1). We note, that the results
of our comparison do not mean that personalization
does not have an effect at all, as the URLs that appear
in the analysis game were customized and selected to
have a high chance of being known by participants.
As such, the only difference between the two ver-
sions that we can be sure of is the inclusion of the ser-
vice familiarity selection interface in the personalized
game. In particular, it is possible that fixing the ratio
of unknown services in the game to different values
(currently 20%), or integrating explicit instructions to
deal with URLs of unknown services might have an
impact on the learning outcome or awareness.
When analyzing the longitudinal test, we found
that while the mean performance scores decreased
compared to the post-test immediately after playing
the game, the scores were still higher than the pre-test
(RQ-2). Even though the sample size was small, we
found significant differences between pre- and longi-
tudinal tests, which implies that the knowledge con-
veyed in the games was retained, at least partly, by
the participants of the longitudinal test. In the self-
reported behavioral change questionnaire, we found
that players of the personalized game had higher
mean values than players of the non-personalized
analysis game. We note, however, that these results
rely on self-reported data from a custom question-
naire, designed to be used in this study setup. Thus,
our findings should only be seen as a first indicator
that there might be differences when including per-
sonalization in the games, but is far from conclusive
evidence. It is possible that personalization makes
the game more appealing and its learning content
more transferable to the real-world contexts in which
users have to deal with potential phishing attacks
from services they know and use. Future work might
explore how simply making personalization options
more present might already lead to a more immer-
sive or relevant gaming experience. In addition, we
suggest evaluating the used questionnaire on a larger
sample size and with domain experts to strengthen its
quality and suitability for future studies.
For RQ-3, the analysis of in-game data of the per-
sonalized game showed, that there are some URL cat-
egories with a larger difference in accuracy when clas-
sifying URLs of unknown services. Though we ar-
gue that it makes sense that the “RegDomain” and
“No-Phish” categories have a high impact, as these
URLs can be ambiguous if the original domain is un-
known, we also note the interesting finding that the
classification of URLs in the “subdomain” category
was performed with a higher accuracy for URLs of
unknown services. As the difference for the “subdo-
main” category is small compared to the other cate-
gories, it is, however, also possible that the difference
is due to chance. A general problem with the analysis
of in-game data is, that players might have different
strategies when playing the game, e.g., first opening a
large number of coins and only classifying the easiest
ones. These strategies might have affected the anal-
ysis outcomes, in particular some differences might
have been inflated by a small number of players.
In all, we found that service familiarity has sev-
eral effects on the participants’ classification abilities.
While our study setup and the current version of the
games did not exhaust more methods for personaliza-
tion, we argue that content personalization, which has
not been explored in much detail in other domains ei-
ther, is a worthwhile pursuit. Future work opportu-
nities include the redesign of the personalized game
to support adaptive gameplay in which players’ ac-
tions guide the continuation of the game, as well as
the inclusion of contextual information in the games
and researching the effect on situational awareness,
in particular in a personalized game that closely re-
flects the players’ real-world environments. Further
future work lies in the reproduction of our results
Better the Phish You Know: Evaluating Personalization in Anti-Phishing Learning Games
with larger participant samples and possibly lower
dropout rates in longitudinal testing to strengthen the
evidence when answering questions regarding long-
term effects.
In this paper, we present the results of a compar-
ative user study of an anti-phishing learning game
and its personalized version as well as an analysis
of in-game behavior to understand how personaliza-
tion influences the participants’ gameplay and perfor-
mance. We find, that users interact differently when
confronted with URLs based on services they are not
familiar with, both during gameplay and in the URL
tests of our user study. While we did not find signif-
icant differences in the classification performance of
participants of the personalized and non-personalized
versions of the game, we find some indications that
personalization might potentially have positive effects
on the players’ awareness. Our work therefore moti-
vates further analyses of learning games with person-
alized content and how it affects players during and
after playing the game. Furthermore, we performed
longitudinal testing three months after the game was
played and find, that while the participants’ perfor-
mance seems to drop compared to the post-test, it
is still significantly higher than the pre-test. These
results indicate, that general knowledge about the
URL structure and possible manipulation techniques
can help users detect malicious URLs even several
months after the intervention.
This research was supported by the research train-
ing group “Human Centered Systems Security” spon-
sored by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
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CSEDU 2022 - 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education