Business Process Model and Notation for Forensic-Ready Software
Lukas Daubner
1 a
, Raimundas Matulevi
2 b
, Barbora Buhnova
1 c
and Tomas Pitner
1 d
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Institute of Computer Science, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
Forensic Readiness, Forensic-Ready Software Systems, Modelling, BPMN, Software Design.
The design and development of secure systems is an important and challenging task. However, such systems
should also be prepared for eventual disputes or occurrences of a security incident. To solve this, forensic-
ready software systems are, by-design, prepared to assist in the forensic investigation and to provide on-point
data with high evidentiary value. However, software engineering support for the systematic development of
such software systems is rather sparse. This paper tackles the problem by introducing novel modelling nota-
tion, called BPMN for Forensic-Ready Software Systems (BPMN4FRSS), including its syntax and semantics.
The notation aims to capture the forensic-ready controls and enable reasoning over them, primarily focusing
on potential digital evidence. Importantly, it is made to support forensic readiness oriented risk management
decisions. The approach is then demonstrated in a scenario where the controls, which mitigate security and
business risks, are properly represented.
The importance of security in software systems is
widely acknowledged. Consequently, the develop-
ment of systems secure by design (Geismann and
Bodden, 2020) is well established. However, the pos-
sibility of a cybersecurity incident cannot be ruled out
entirely, even in highly secure systems (Casey and
Nikkel, 2020). Once the incident occurs, it needs to
be thoroughly investigated to uncover the root cause
and possible culprit in a very reliable manner.
To meet the goals, digital forensics (Casey, 2011)
techniques are employed. However, such investiga-
tion is a costly, laborious, time-consuming, and deli-
cate endeavour, with uncertain success. The reason is
strict requirements on digital evidence, on which the
conclusions are built, to ensure a high level of reliabil-
ity. For example, the digital evidence must be found,
identified, collected, analysed, understood, and pre-
sented in a manner that does not compromise its in-
tegrity or meaning so it can be used in a potential legal
proceeding (McKemmish, 2008).
Forensic readiness (Tan, 2001) was formulated to
reduce the investigation cost and increase the value
of digital evidence. It is a set of proactive mea-
sures, primarily oriented on organisational prepared-
ness, including their systems for the possibility of
forensic investigation (Rowlingson, 2004; Grobler
and Louwrens, 2007). Recently, forensic readiness
was approached from a software engineering perspec-
tive (Pasquale et al., 2018), making systems foren-
sic by design, producing and handling the evidence
in a forensically sound way. That includes, among
others, ensuring the existence of useable digital ev-
idence, protecting its integrity, and making it easily
cross-referenceable (Sachowski, 2016).
While software systems generally produce a num-
ber of digital artefacts (e.g., logs (Studiawan et al.,
2019)), their quality and completeness are not gen-
erally assured (Daubner et al., 2020a). Furthermore,
if such ad-hoc artefacts are to be used, investigators
must spend a great amount of time to find and un-
derstand them (Kävrestad, 2018). Also, digital evi-
dence might be ruled inadmissible or has its eviden-
tiary value reduced if it is based on unreliable data or
without integrity guarantees (Casey, 2011). Further-
more, misleading data admitted as digital evidence
can lead to miscarriage of justice (Henley, 2019).
This paper introduces a new approach to sup-
Daubner, L., Matulevi
cius, R., Buhnova, B. and Pitner, T.
Business Process Model and Notation for Forensic-Ready Software Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011041000003176
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2022), pages 95-106
ISBN: 978-989-758-568-5; ISSN: 2184-4895
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
port the design of forensic-ready software systems,
enabling software engineers to build systems pro-
ducing on-point data with high quality. To this
end, we propose a novel modelling notation, an ex-
tension to Business Process Model and Notation
(BPMN), called BPMN for Forensic-Ready Software
Systems (BMPN4FRSS). It aims to capture the spe-
cific forensic-ready controls (i.e., implementation of
requirements) and allow reasoning over them, includ-
ing their validation and analysis. The primary con-
cern is the representation of data sources potentially
usable as digital evidence (i.e., potential digital evi-
dence) within the software system. Furthermore, the
BPMN4FRSS model captures mutual corroboration
of potential digital evidence to analyse its sufficiency
for an anticipated incident investigation. Lastly, the
model is aimed to serve as documentation when a
third-party investigator is required.
This paper is structured as follows: After the in-
troduction, Section 2 explores related work. Section 3
describes the forensic-ready requirements and the aim
of our effort. Then, Section 4 explains the syntax and
semantics of the BPMN4FRSS, followed by Section 5
demonstrating its application. Finally, Section 6 con-
cludes the paper and outlines future research steps.
Existing research on forensic readiness from a soft-
ware engineering perspective has focused on proac-
tive preservation of relevant and minimal evi-
dence (Alrajeh et al., 2017), automated logging in-
strumentation (Rivera-Ortiz and Pasquale, 2020), and
outlined their verification (Daubner et al., 2020b).
There also exist frameworks focusing on broader
organization-wide perspective (Elyas et al., 2015) and
domain specifics (Grispos et al., 2017b). As for the
forensic-ready requirements, a study mapping their
understanding and approach in software engineering
practice was conducted (Grispos et al., 2017a).
Aiming to identify the specific requirements, risk
management is a viable strategy for forensic readi-
ness (Bajramovic et al., 2016). A parallel can be
found in the secure systems domain (Altuhhova et al.,
2013) where risk management is principal in formu-
lating security requirements (Matulevi
cius, 2017). In
fact, the security risk-based approach was extended to
cover the forensic-ready requirements as well (Daub-
ner and Matulevi
cius, 2021).
So far, modelling approaches of forensic-ready
software systems are scarce, describing code-level
scenarios based on UML Sequence Diagram (Rivera-
Ortiz and Pasquale, 2020) and incident investiga-
tion in cyber-physical systems, including their topol-
ogy (Alrimawi et al., 2017). On the other hand, the
situation in cybersecurity-focused modelling is differ-
ent as there exist a wide range of approaches (Van den
Berghe et al., 2017; Geismann and Bodden, 2020).
Notably, this paper extends an existing ad-hoc
BPMN extension for representing potential evidence
sources in forensic-ready software systems (Daubner
and Matulevi
cius, 2021). Although the publication
presents how such representation could assist in risk
management, it has gaps in both syntax and seman-
tics. Therefore, the main contribution of this paper
is a proper specification of the extension’s syntax and
clarification of its concepts and scope to enable rea-
soning over forensic-ready software systems and al-
low further evolution of the approach.
Concerning the other BPMN approaches, several
extensions that partially overlap with forensic readi-
ness are focused primarily on cybersecurity. An ex-
ample is the modelling of security requirements, in-
cluding non-repudiation and attack detection (Ro-
dríguez et al., 2007; Chergui and Benslimane, 2018).
Another approach focuses on defining security poli-
cies by annotating the BPMN model with new graph-
ical elements and predicates (Salnitri et al., 2014).
Similarly, a language for structured textual annota-
tions of a BPMN model aims for the model trans-
formation into security policies and composition with
pre-existing fragments (Mülle et al., 2011). Security
risk management is also addressed by a BPMN exten-
sion to describe risks and support decisions (Altuh-
hova et al., 2013; Matulevi
cius, 2017). Lastly, an ex-
ample of a privacy-focused BPMN extension includes
privacy-enhancing technologies into the model (Pul-
lonen et al., 2017) to allow an analysis of data leak-
age. It is supported by a tool enabling detailed analy-
sis of those models (Pullonen et al., 2019).
With the coinage of the term forensic-ready software
systems, Pasquale et al. (Pasquale et al., 2018) for-
mulated a set of high-level requirements for such sys-
tems. The requirements are listed in Table 1, contain-
ing names and short descriptions. Furthermore, the
work also elicits the open software engineering chal-
lenges for forensic-ready systems. This paper explic-
itly focuses on one particular challenge: Representing
and reasoning about forensic-ready systems.
Tacking the challenge is a pivotal step in sup-
porting the development of forensic-ready software
systems. Proper representation aids in the mapping
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 1: Requirements on forensic-ready software.
All useful potential evidence is
preserved, prepared and
retrievable if needed.
Preserved potential evidence is
relevant to considered
incidents and scenarios.
Potential evidence
unnecessary for the expected
investigation is not preserved.
Preserved pieces of potential
evidence can be linked with
other pieces.
Preserved potential evidence is
sufficient to satisfy or refute
the considered investigation
Preserved potential evidence
should conform as admissible
evidence. Its integrity and
authenticity are ensured.
The handling process of
potential evidence records all
operations made.
The potential evidence
handling process is compliant
with laws and regulations.
of the high-level requirements to their instantiation
as forensic-ready control on a model of a software
system. Additionally, it is crucial for the verifica-
tion (Daubner et al., 2020b). The importance and use-
fulness of modelling have been shown in a risk-based
approach for forensic-ready software systems (Daub-
ner and Matulevi
cius, 2021), where BPMN-based
models support the risk management process. We aim
to expand this idea further to enable a richer and more
detailed expression of forensic-ready controls.
For this paper, we formulate the following re-
search question to drive the effort: How to model the
forensic-ready software systems to support the risk
management decisions?
We further decompose the research question into
three goals to reflect the requirements in Table 1. No-
tably, this work does not explicitly consider the Legal
Compliance requirement, but the general good prac-
tice of digital forensics is reflected in the design.
G1: Model Incident Scenario and the Relevant Po-
tential Evidence. The aim is to model the Availabil-
ity and Relevance of the potential evidence by map-
ping its sources and types directly into a scenario in
question. Secondarily, with potential evidence explic-
itly elicited, Completeness and Minimality can be ad-
dressed by analyzing the model.
G2: Model Relationships between the Potential
Evidence. Represent relationships between the po-
tential evidence. Allow specification of potential ev-
idence types to explore timing, mutual dependence,
and common data fields, addressing Linkability.
G3: Model the Lifecycle and Properties of Poten-
tial Evidence. By modeling the entire lifecycle of po-
tential evidence from the creation to the preservation,
as well as any operations performed, Data Prove-
nance can be established as needed. Additionally,
proofs on integrity or authenticity can be established
at a certain point within the lifecycle, which adds to
its Non-Repudiation.
This section describes the syntax and semantics of
BPMN4FRSS based on BPMN 2.0 (OMG, 2010).
While designing the extension, we followed the ex-
isting definition of BPMN abstract syntax and seman-
tics and methodology utilised in related BPMN exten-
sions (Altuhhova et al., 2013; Pullonen et al., 2017).
However, the semantics of BPMN4FRSS is described
in textual form. While the formal definition of seman-
tics is essential to avoid ambiguity and allow for pre-
cise analytic methods (Harel and Rumpe, 2004), we
plan it as a part of future work, together with model
analysis discussed in Section 6.2.
The BPMN-based approach was chosen for three
main reasons. (1) The process models capture a dyna-
mic behaviour that allows inspecting the interplay be-
tween pieces of potential evidence and their lifecycle.
(2) A high level of abstraction for the process model
contributes to platform independence, in contrast to
a similar platform-dependent approach (Rivera-Ortiz
and Pasquale, 2020). (3) Interconnection with risk
management, as traditionally forensic readiness is es-
tablished by formulating and evaluating risk scenar-
ios (Rowlingson, 2004). In this regard, the BPMN
was motivated by the existing extension for security
risks (Altuhhova et al., 2013), which BPMN4FRSS
complements. The downside of this approach is the
difficult mapping of potential evidence on the mod-
elled system’s broader context, namely high-level ar-
Business Process Model and Notation for Forensic-Ready Software Systems
4.1 Business Process Model and
BPMN is a language for constructing a business pro-
cess model, a standard controlled by Object Manage-
ment Group (Matulevi
cius, 2017). While syntactical-
ly similar to the flow charts, it has a rich semantic
model (Dijkman et al., 2008; OMG, 2010), support-
ing even the model execution (Silver, 2011). Figure 1
contains an example BPMN diagram, which includes
the basic BPMN constructs relevant to this paper.
User Device
Send request for
Store service
Service Provider
Request for
Generate service
Send service
Registration data Service credential
Figure 1: Example of BPMN diagram.
The diagram contains two Pools (User Device and
Service Provider), each containing a number of Flow
Objects connected by Sequence Flows within a single
pool and by Message Flows between the pools. The
most prominent Flow Object is Task (e.g., Send re-
quest for registration) representing an atomic activity.
An Event is a flow object with multiple specialised
types, depending on its location and trigger condition.
In the example, Start Event denotes the start of a pro-
cess and Message Start Event, requiring a message
as a trigger condition. On the other hand, the end is
marked with an End Event. Inside the process, a Mes-
sage Intermediate Event (Service credential received)
requires “catching” a message for process continu-
ation. The two types of flow objects not present
in the example are Gateway representing a control
point (e.g., branching) and Sub-Process representing
a composite activity.
Data exchanged between events and tasks are rep-
resented with a Data Object (e.g., Registration data),
which has its lifecycle tied to the process instance.
In contrast, persistent storage is denoted with a Data
Store (Credential storage). Associations of those con-
structs are called Data Associations.
4.2 Semantics
Planning the implementation of forensic readiness in-
cludes identifying scenarios where a digital foren-
sics approach could be required (Rowlingson, 2004).
These scenarios could originate from risk manage-
ment describing security risks (Daubner and Mat-
cius, 2021) or incidents from past experi-
ence (Rivera-Ortiz and Pasquale, 2020) that foren-
sic readiness should cover. Such a scenario can be
described as a business process model using BPMN.
However, without the principal component – potential
digital evidence
. Hence, BPMN4FRSS allows the
expression of potential digital evidence, including its
origin, handling, storage, and corroboration with oth-
ers within a business process model (i.e., a scenario).
Potential evidence is naturally the core concept of
BPMN4FRSS. Because the potential evidence is es-
sentially a piece of data, it is represented as a BPMN
Data Object, although with a specific lifecycle. Each
potential evidence is considered an instance of a par-
ticular type, called Potential Evidence Type, that de-
scribes its content. Additionally, the notion of evi-
dence context regarding accessibility to potential ev-
idence during an investigation is captured. The mo-
tivation behind this is the difference between a co-
operative device that will surrender the evidence
(e.g., server under organization control) and a non-
cooperative device whose evidence will not be avail-
able (e.g., user’s phone). In the business process
terms, different devices correspond to different par-
ticipants, thus BPMN Pools.
The first step of the potential evidence lifecycle
is to mark a point of origin, called the Potential Ev-
idence Source, which denotes a point in time (pro-
cess) where the potential evidence is created. Fur-
thermore, one Potential Evidence Source can denote
the origin of multiple Potential Evidence Types (e.g.,
sending a message generates log records on the ap-
plication and web server). Such simplification allows
the process to be high-level view or focus on a partic-
ular detail, effectively splitting the source as needed.
Finally, the evidence needs to be persistently stored to
be used later during an investigation, which is a trait
of the BPMN Data Store.
No digital evidence is self-sufficient to make con-
clusions. It must be corroborated with other pieces,
and there should be strong assurance about its in-
tegrity and authenticity. To that end, the BPMN4-
FRSS model captures relations between the Potential
Evidence Types to establish links between them and
their nature. The number of relations and their chain-
ing has a direct impact on expected evidentiary value.
A very specific relationship is formed with Proof,
which goal is to provide guarantees regarding other
Potential Evidence Types (e.g., a hash provides proof
Note the difference: potential digital evidence – poten-
tially useable for future investigation, and digital evidence
– used to satisfy or refute the investigation hypothesis.
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
of integrity for a log record). Naturally, the guarantees
depend on specific technologies, so BPMN4FRSS is
open for extensions, allowing to specify specialised
proofs while keeping the core semantical relation-
ships valid.
During its lifecycle, multiple factors can impact
the potential evidence in both a positive and nega-
tive manner. A simple example is a computation over
the potential evidence, which is represented as BPMN
Task. However, the nature of this computation must
be noted as it can influence the meaning of said po-
tential evidence. In BPMN4FRSS, we define three
core computation groups: integrity, authenticity, and
data transformation computation. Currently, they are
meant for documentation purposes but remain open
for extensions to represent concrete methods and pro-
tocols while fitting to the overall lifecycle scheme.
In addition to the guarantees from internal sources
(w.r.t. modelled scenario), external sources could also
influence the potential evidence in the form of service.
A good example is Trusted Timestamping (
c and
ca, 2010), a 3
party service testifying on integrity,
timeliness, and possibly authenticity. We included
support for such sources to BPMN4FRSS, as it al-
lows to express a wide range of mechanisms that es-
tablishes guarantees without the need to model them
in detail. As such, they are expressed by the combi-
nation of BPMN Pool and Potential Evidence Type.
Generally, however, the services are not required to
be 3
party but can be an integral part of the target
system, only abstracted for the scope of the scenario.
Similarly to the proofs, BPMN4FRSS is open to ex-
tensions representing concrete services. Explicitly in
this paper, extensions for PKI-based (
c and Ba
2010) and blockchain-based (Weilbach and Motara,
2019) services are demonstrated.
4.3 Abstract Syntax
Figure 2 depicts how BPMN is extended by
BPMN4FRSS extension on BPMN abstract syn-
tax (OMG, 2010). It contains all the essential con-
cepts, as well as possible extension points. The model
is intentionally left incomplete to accommodate more
specific technologies relevant for forensic ready soft-
ware like integrity or non-repudiation controls.
The core syntactical constructs of BMPN4FRSS
are Potential Evidence Source and Potential Evidence
Type. The former can be applied on either BPMN
Task, Event, or Data Store, but only on one of those
simultaneously as the same point of origin cannot be
shared. Originating from a particular Potential Evi-
dence Source, multiple Potential Evidence Types can
be defined. Furthermore, Data Relation relationships
can exist between the Potential Evidence Types, ei-
ther whole or its fields, with an expression specify-
ing it. A core construct denoting the locations (mul-
tiple are permitted) where Potential Evidence Types
are stored is the Evidence Storage, a specialization of
BPMN Data Store.
We defined two types of extensions to BPMN
Pool. First, Evidence Context, as the name suggests,
specifies the Pool where Potential Evidence Sources,
therefore also Potential Evidence Types can be de-
fined with information regarding the cooperativeness
level of the context. The cooperativeness can be: (1)
Non-Cooperative: potential evidence is inaccessible
(e.g., personal device), (2) Cooperative: potential evi-
dence is accessible during every investigation, and (3)
Semi-Cooperative: potential evidence accessibility is
context-sensitive and is further specified in Cooper-
ativeness Context. The second extension, Proof Ser-
vice, is an abstract construct allowing the definition of
specific services, external from the modelled process
point of view, which provides proofs for Potential Ev-
idence Types.
The proofs themselves are organised under ab-
stract Proof, a special kind of Potential Evidence
Type. They can originate from within the system,
meaning a result of a Task in the modelled process,
but also form Proof Service by a Message Flow. Re-
gardless of origin, they define further assurance of
other Potential Evidence Types (e.g., corroborated
data, integrity).
Both the Proof Service and Proof are meant as ex-
plicit extension points for more concrete and technol-
ogy-dependent constructs. The formulation of exten-
sion points in BPMN4FRSS is motivated by stream-
lining the extensibility. For example, core BPMN-
4FRSS defines Hash Proof to represent the output of
a cryptographic hash algorithm commonly used as a
proof of integrity. Other possible extensions could be
constructs for digital signatures or hash structures.
Specialised Proof Service can also define a spe-
cialised and related Proof. An example is tuple BC
Timestamp Partial Proof and BC Timestamp Full
Proof, related to BC Timestamp Service, correspond-
ing to timestamping services based on blockchain.
It is particularly illustrating as it demonstrates the
support for different real services. For example,
ChainPoint (Liang et al., 2017) and OpenTimes-
tamps (Weilbach and Motara, 2019) require both par-
tial and full proof as the full proof will be commit-
ted with a time delay, so partial proof is generated
as a temporal receipt. On the other hand, Origin-
Stamp (Hepp et al., 2018) can generate full proof im-
mediately, if required.
The last group is three specializations of the
Business Process Model and Notation for Forensic-Ready Software Systems
DataStore DataObjectAnnotation
{complete, disjoint}
{complete, disjoint}
Pool Lane
{complete, disjoint}
- cooperativeness
- input
- output
- script
Gateway Task Event
{complete, disjoint}
{complete, disjoint}
{incomplete, disjoint}
produces ►
stores ►
TimestampProof HashProof
- expression
{incomplete, overlapping}
promiseOf ►
- fields
- input
- output
- input
- output
0..1 0..10..1
originatesFrom ►
{incomplete, overlapping}
{incomplete, disjoint}
Note: Classes highlighted in green represents the BMPN4FRSS constructs, and classes highlighted in orange are the
BMPN4FRSS extension points.
Figure 2: Abstract Syntax of BPMN4FRSS.
BPMN FRTask, which represents a Task relevant for
forensic readiness scope. These represent specific
computations related to establishing data integrity, au-
thenticity, and handling. Each of them specifies input
and output data. Additionally, the Data Transforma-
tion defines a script for the transformation, allowing
for its documentation and validation to assert the im-
pact on the meaning of potential evidence. Again, it
is possible to extend either of them to address specific
schemes. Notably, the three specializations are not
disjoint to support schemes that address both authen-
ticity and integrity simultaneously.
4.4 Concrete Syntax
Realization of the BMPN4FRSS modelling notation
is done by introducing new visual elements and
stereotypes for existing BPMN constructs. More-
over, the stereotypes are further specified by param-
eters, which provide details regarding the application
of a particular stereotype. The stereotype-parameter
concept is rooted in the concept of profiles, stereo-
types, and tagged values used in UML (Arlow and
Neustadt, 2005). For the sake of clarity, we opt to use
green colour to highlight the constructs.
Table 2 contains a summary of the concrete syn-
tax and its mapping on the abstract syntax. Each ab-
stract syntax construct is mapped on either visual ele-
ment, stereotype, or parameter in the concrete syntax.
Therefore, some of the relationships are expressed as
parameters rather than visually. This choice was mo-
tivated by finding a balance between visual expres-
siveness and readability.
Core Concepts of the BPMN4FRSS deal with es-
tablishing the potential evidence, including its ori-
gin, context, and storage. Figure 3 describes a sim-
ple scenario, where both Business Data and Audit log
are marked as potential evidence. The difference be-
tween those two is that Business Data is an integral
part of the scenario, while the Audit log is its byprod-
uct but relevant for the possible investigation. Both
are organised under Evidence Context, which param-
eter Cooperativeness informing that the potential ev-
idence is always available if needed (e.g., under full
control of the responsible organization). Lastly, the
scenario deals with the persistent storage of Business
Data, so the Data Store is marked as such.
Device «EvidenceContext»
Business Data
Business Data
Business Data
Data Store
Audit Log
Type: Cooperative Stored Potential Evidence: [Business Data]
Figure 3: Concrete syntax of BPMN4FRSS core concepts.
Proof specifies an explicit corroboration of some
other potential evidence captured by the Evidence
Data Relation, which is visible in the Evidence View
(see Section 4.5). Figure 4 represents a scenario
where a digest was created for Business Data to prove
its integrity. The principal part is the Integrity Com-
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 2: Concrete syntax of BPMN4FRSS.
Abstract Syntax Concrete Syntax Parameters
Evidence Source
Evidence Type
Data Fields,
Evidence Data
«EvidenceContext» Cooperativeness
Evidence Store «EvidenceStore»
Stored Potential
Hash Proof «HashProof»
PKI Timestamp
«PKITimestampProof» Originates From
BC Timestamp
Partial Proof
«BCTimestampPartialProof» Originates From
BC Timestamp
Full Proof
«BCTimestampFullProof» Originates From
Promise Of
PKI Timestamp
BC Timestamp
«AuthenticityComp» Input, Output
«IntegrityComp» Input, Output
Input, Output,
putation Task which takes one Data Object as input
and produces a Hash Proof as an output. While not
included in the example, the storage of both the po-
tential evidence and proof greatly impacts its qualities
(e.g., storing them on separate devices). The same
input-output logic applies to other FRTasks as well,
and possible extensions might include additional in-
put or output (e.g., key).
Device «EvidenceContext»
Business Data
Compute Hash
Business Data
Business Data
Figure 4: Concrete syntax of BPMN4FRSS proof.
Proof Service establishes an external entity to
corroborate a Data Object. Figure 5 presents a sce-
nario of using a blockchain-based timestamping ser-
vice. To that end, a signed digest (output of Authen-
ticity and Integrity Computation) is sent to the service
to receive a partial proof. While some services of-
fer an instantaneous commitment to a blockchain, in
which the partial proof is skipped, we model a case
when the service firstly presents an acknowledgement
of receiving the data and the full proof at a later time,
when it is actually committed. In all cases, the full
proof is the desired and reliable guarantee. The PKI-
based timestamping service is modelled analogously,
as the Proof Service abstracts the inner mechanisms.
However, there are different guarantees from different
services and technologies in practice.
Device «EvidenceContext»
Potential Evidence
Send to Blockchain
Partial Proof
Store Partial Proof
Partial Proof
Proof Store
Evidence Store
Full Proof
Store Full Proof
Full Proof
Blockchain Timestamping Service «BCTimestampService»
Figure 5: Concrete syntax of BPMN4FRSS proof service.
4.5 Model Views
PSP «EvidenceContext»
Request for
Generate parking
service credential
Parking service
request log
PSP credential
Send service
reply log
audit log
audit log
request log
reply log
Figure 6: Scenario View (left) and Evidence View (right).
Visual presentation of every part of BPMN4FRSS,
specifically Evidence Data Relations, can be prob-
lematic, resulting in an overly complicated model di-
agram. A possible solution could be not to visualise
some relations and leave them in purely textual form.
Instead, we opted to provide two concurrent views on
a model, a well-known approach for software archi-
tecture modelling (Kruchten, 1995). Specifically, one
view focuses on the scenario and the other on the ev-
idence relationships.
Furthermore, we adopt the model view approach,
allowing us to combine several models into a single
goal-oriented view (Bruneliere et al., 2019). Specifi-
cally, a separately modelled and reusable process de-
scribing the lifecycle of potential evidence is formu-
lated to supplement the main process model.
Scenario View is a default view displaying the
Business Process Model and Notation for Forensic-Ready Software Systems
core BPMN diagram enhanced by the BPMN4FRSS
visual elements and stereotypes. However, the Ev-
idence Data Relations between Potential Evidence
Types are omitted, as the clarity of the scenario is
favoured. An example is depicted in Figure 6 (left).
Evidence View is a specialised view focusing on
the relationships between Potential Evidence Types.
This includes annotated Evidence Data Relations and
timing information derived from the process repre-
sented with the direction arrow. An example is de-
picted in Figure 6 (right). The labels on each Ev-
idence Data Relation depicts expression parameter.
For brevity, the shared data fields are displayed, and
more complex functions are enlosed in curly brackets.
Lifecycle Process is a separate process, an exam-
ple depicted in Figure 5, capturing the lifecycle of
potential evidence. It also covers its processing and
strengthening (integrity and availability proofs). Al-
though the same can be expressed in the main pro-
cess, the separation promotes reusability and read-
ability. Furthermore, the Lifecycle Processes can be
shared among multiple Potential Evidence Types and
cascaded (i.e., new Potential Evidence Type in a Life-
cycle Process can have its own) but must be acyclic.
The Lifecycle Process cannot be used if the target Po-
tential Evidence Type is handled in the main process
apart from its creation.
To demonstrate the BPMN4FRSS, we apply the no-
tation to represent forensic-ready controls in the Au-
tomated Valet Parking (AVP) scenario (Nwaokolo,
2020). This particular scenario was previously utili-
sed to demonstrate a risk-based approach for forensic-
ready software systems (Daubner and Matulevi
2021), which discussed the risks and their mitigations
by forensic-ready controls. While the work provides
a good foundation for designing forensic-ready soft-
ware systems, the used BPMN modelling notation
aims for ad-hoc support of risk management deci-
sions, with only a basic syntax definition. Its major
shortcoming is the inability to support deeper reason-
ing and analysis of the scenario models due to a defi-
ciency in both syntax and semantics. We expanded on
the results and filled the gap by introducing a properly
defined notation with validation and analysis in mind.
Consequently, the scenario is ideal for validating our
approach, allowing a comparison to the current state
of the art in forensic-ready software design.
User device
Store parking
Make payment
Parking permit
Parking permit
Parking request
Send parking
Send parking
permit to user's
Parking permit
Parking reservation Parking permit
parking permit
Send parking
Parking permitPLT parking
permit storage
Parking reservation
Check access
Figure 7: Excerpt from Automated Valet Parking scenario:
Issuing a parking ticket.
5.1 Default Scenario
Figure 7 is an excerpt from the BPMN diagram de-
scribing a scenario of issuing a parking ticket. Con-
cretely, the presented part describes the process from
the payment made on an Autonomous Vehicle (AV)
to generating a parking permit by Parking Lot Termi-
nal (PLT), all facilitated by Parking Service Provider
(PSP), which sends the parking permit back to AV
the user device.
In the default setting, numerous vulnerabilities
and a complete lack of sufficient forensic-ready prop-
erties have been shown (Daubner and Matulevi
2021), giving malicious parties not only the possibil-
ity to attack but also making them hard-to-detect. To
enumerate the risks related to the scenario, a risk man-
agement process is employed (Matulevi
cius, 2017).
This demonstration assumes that risk management
was performed and the specific risks (including se-
curity and business) are known. Specifically, the fol-
lowing four risks are considered in the demonstration:
R1: A malicious insider injects a parking permit into
the PLT parking permit storage out-of-the-process
due to their capability to access it. Leading to a loss
of parking permit integrity.
R2: An attacker fabricates a fake Parking reservation
and sends it to PLT due to access control tampering.
Leading to the loss of Parking permit integrity.
R3: A dishonest customer repudiates a Parking per-
mit received from PSP, demanding a reimbursement,
leading to a financial loss.
R4: An attacker uses zero-day vulnerability to fab-
ricate a Parking reservation. Leading to the loss of
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
parking permit integrity.
Reliable digital evidence is needed to detect and
prove the occurrence of the listed risks. To this end,
forensic-ready controls must be established, typically
in the form of new potential evidence sources and po-
tential evidence.
5.2 Forensic-ready Scenario
Figure 8 describes the scenario enhanced with foren-
sic-ready controls represented by BPNM4FRSS. It
explicitly covers all the listed risks by ensuring that
their occurrence can be detected and investigated.
Additionally, the relations between the potential evi-
dence, important for the risk treatment evaluation, are
visualised in Figure 9 depicting the evidence view of
the scenario.
The evaluation is performed manually by compar-
ing the potential evidence types produced in the parts
of the process describing the event of interest. Addi-
tionally, the evidentiary value of potential evidence is
determined based on relations with others. The risks
are addressed as follows:
R1: The actions of a malicious insider injecting
a parking permit into the PLT parking permit stor-
age are recorded as instances of the PLT permit stor-
age audit. Moreover, if the injection is performed
out-of-process, some evidence links will be missing
(PLT reservation incoming log) and thus detectable.
A possible issue involves tampering with potential ev-
idence, mitigable by adequate storage, e.g., remote
storage, representable in a lifecycle process.
R2: By itself, a fabricated parking reservation is in-
distinguishable for PLT, but it is detectable based on
the potential evidence introduced by forensic-ready
controls. Firstly, the instances of the PLT access audit
should record any modifications. Secondly, the fabri-
cation can be detected by reconstructing the evidence
links (e.g., PSP reservation outgoing log will be miss-
ing) and comparing the contents of PLT and PSP park-
ing permit stores.
R3: If a dishonest customer repudiates a parking
permit, any potential evidence on the user device is
unavailable due to the privacy and user’s unwilling-
ness (i.e., non-cooperating device). The overall goal
is to reinforce the timeliness, authenticity, and in-
tegrity of parking permits. This was achieved by
introducing the blockchain-based timestamping ser-
vice OpenTimestamps, which generates proofs of the
parking permit verifiable by 3
party. BPMN4FRSS
captures the proofs and their relationships within the
R4: The forensic-ready controls assist in tackling the
zero-day vulnerability by proactively preserving po-
tential evidence in key areas. It is characterised as
"making the attacker noisy". Examples of such areas
are interfaces and storage as denoted on the model.
It could be argued that traditional security controls
could address the risks without the need for foren-
sic readiness. However, they do not fully mitigate
the risk in many cases. For example, the security
controls might not adequately cover business risks or
risks from insider threats, like R3 and R1. Forensic-
ready controls are in a sense complementing the se-
curity controls to provide means to detect and investi-
gate an occurrence of an incident.
Our work tackles the challenge of representing the
forensic-ready software system controls, and with the
combination of risk management, making reasoning
over them accessible also for software engineers with
only a basic knowledge of digital forensics. Addition-
ally, the intended use goes beyond software develop-
ment, promoting documentation of the systems use-
able during the investigation. Consequently, our re-
sult contributes to the evolving state-of-the-art in the
development of forensic-ready systems and is an en-
abler for evolution in this area.
6.1 Answers to Research Goals
The introduced BPMN extension can support the de-
velopment of forensic-ready software systems by en-
abling their modelling. We validated this claim by
enhancing an existing scenario with defined risks to
model their mitigation using forensic-ready controls
systematically. Arguably, BPMN4FRSS met the set
goals in the following way:
G1: Modeling the scenario itself is possible using
plain BPMN, which is often the case in practice and
demonstrated in Figure 7. The BPMN4FRSS enables
enhancement of the scenario by marking the poten-
tial evidence and their points of origin within the sce-
nario. As a result, the scenario can be evaluated if it
is sufficiently covered with respect to the risks.
G2: BPMN4FRSS allows detailed documentation of
potential evidence in a textual way. However, to pro-
vide deeper insight into the relationships, we pro-
posed a specialised evidence view that visualises the
relationships in a tangible way. Consequently, non-
linked potential evidence and the clusters of related
or inadequately linked potential evidence are visually
detectable. Arguably, such presentation could be ben-
eficial also during the investigation to communicate
the available data with an investigator.
Business Process Model and Notation for Forensic-Ready Software Systems
OpenTimestamps «BCTimestampService»
AV «EvidenceContext»
User Device
PSP «EvidenceContext»
PSP payment confirmation
incoming log
Parking request
Parking reservation
Store parking
permit proof
Send parking
Send parking
permit to user's
PSP reservation
outgoing log
PSP permit
incoming log
PSP permit
outgoing log
PSP permit proof
incoming log
Parking permit
«Evidence Type»
Parking permit BC proof (full)
PSP parking
permit storage
PSP permit
storage audit
PLT «EvidenceContext»
Send parking
Send full proof
Parking permit
BC proof (part)
PLT permit
storage audit
Store partial
Partial proof
Full proof
Parking permit
BC proof (full)
parking permit
PLT permit
outgoing log
Parking reservation
Check access
access audit
PLT permit
outgoing log
PLT reservation
incoming log
Parking permit
«Evidence Type»
PLT parking
permit storage
Figure 8: BPMN4FRSS model of enhanced AVP scenario (scenario view).
{hashIs(digest, "SHA-256")}
permitID, userID,
{hashIs(digest, "SHA-256")}
permitID, userID,
permitID, userID,
permitID, userID,
PSP payment
incoming log
PSP reservation
outgoing log
permitID, userID,
PSP permit
incoming log
PSP permit
outgoing log
PSP permit
storage audit
Parking permit
BC proof (part)
PLT permit storage audit
Parking permit
BC proof (full)
PLT permit
outgoing log
access audit
PLT permit
outgoing log
Parking permit
PLT reservation
incoming log
Figure 9: BPMN4FRSS model of enhanced AVP scenario
(evidence view).
G3: Establishing the potential evidence origin is not
sufficient for a holistic representation of its lifecycle.
For that reason, BPMN4FRSS contains constructs to
express storage and handling of the evidence using
BPMN terms. A particular focus is given to strength-
ening the potential evidence by providing guarantees
on its authenticity, integrity, and timeliness, which is
a key task of forensic-ready software systems. We
provided support for both the internal creation of
guarantees and the involvement of an external service
to give as much flexibility as possible. While it is un-
reasonable to elicit every possible method, we opted
to create extension points within BPMN4FRSS to in-
clude them once needed.
6.2 Future Work
The modelling notation is an important contribu-
tion in approaching forensic readiness from a soft-
ware engineering point of view. It is an enabler for
analysing forensic-ready risk scenarios, and in ex-
tension, forensic-ready software systems. While cur-
rently, the analysis is performed manually and infor-
mally, we build the BPMN4FRSS to support auto-
mated analysis, which is the objective for future work.
Furthermore, BPMN4FRSS models are a key compo-
nent in a bigger picture towards assurance methods
for forensic-ready software systems (Daubner et al.,
2020b), representing the manifestation of forensic-
ready requirements within the system for validation
and verification.
Semantic Validity of the model must be estab-
lished in the first place (Dijkman et al., 2008). While
the abstract syntax of BPMN4FRSS poses static re-
ENASE 2022 - 17th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 3: Examples of BPMN4FRSS model semantic restrictions.
Rule Explanation
Data Objects and Data Stores with the same name in a single model
namespace are considered the same object for all intents and purposes.
This rule enables seamless linkability across multiple models into a
comprehensive view.
Non-Cooperative Evidence Context must not contain Potential Evidence
Sources nor Potential Evidence Types.
This rule forbids invalid definitions of potential evidence in contexts
where it would be inaccessible during an investigation.
Hash Proof must be an output of an Integrity Computation Task. This rule enforces the correct semantic of a cryptographic hash function.
PKI Timestamp Proof must be an output of Event, which has Message
Flow directed to it from a PKI Timestamp Service Pool.
This rule enforces the correct usage of PKI Timestamp Service.
Related BC Timestamp Partial Proof and Timestamp Full Proof must be
produced from the same BC Timestamp Service Pool.
This rule enforces the consistency of BC Timestamp Proofs.
strictions, the semantic ones are no less important.
Their examples are listed in Table 3. While the se-
mantic restrictions can be formulated in a textual way,
analogous to the catalogue of mistakes in UML di-
agrams (Chren et al., 2019), a formal definition of
semantics is desirable for automation and ambiguity
reduction. For example, first-order logic could be
utilised, as shown on the inter-process communica-
tion in BPMN (Houhou et al., 2019).
Model-based Risk Analysis should automati-
cally investigate the effect of risk occurrence within
the modelled scenario. The goal is to determine
whether the employed forensic-ready controls are suf-
ficient to detect the risk in question. For example, the
outcome would be sequences of potential evidence
generated under the default setting and under the risk,
which must be different. This approach would have
to combine additional modelling support to represent
a cybersecurity risk in BPMN, such as Security Risk-
Oriented BPMN (Matulevi
cius, 2017), which can be
employed side-to-side with BPMN4FRSS.
Toolset is needed for the effective creation, vali-
dation, and analysis of BPMN4FRSS-enhanced mod-
els. Besides being crucial for broader adoption of
BPMN4FRSS, the need for proper tool support has
been identified as a software challenge for forensic-
ready software systems (Pasquale et al., 2018).
This research was supported by ERDF "CyberSecu-
rity, CyberCrime and Critical Information Infrastruc-
tures Center of Excellence" (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/
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