Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows: Improving the Execution
of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms
Benjamin Weder
, Johanna Barzen
, Martin Beisel
and Frank Leymann
Institute of Architecture of Application Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Quantum Computing, Hybrid Algorithms, Quantum Workflows, Workflow Rewrite, Hybrid Runtimes.
With the rapid evolution of quantum computers and the emergence of different quantum cloud offerings, use
cases from various application areas, such as chemistry or physics, can now be implemented and executed on
real quantum computers. Thereby, the applications are typically hybrid, i.e., combine quantum and classical
programs. Workflows enable the orchestration of these programs and provide advantages, such as robustness or
reproducibility. However, different quantum algorithms require executing the quantum and classical programs
in a loop with many iterations, leading to an inefficient orchestration through the workflow. For the efficient
execution of such algorithms, hybrid runtimes are offered, combining the quantum and classical programs
in a single hybrid program, optimizing the execution. However, this leads to a conceptional gap between
the modeling benefits of workflow technologies, e.g., modularization, reuse, and understandability, and the
efficiency improvements when using hybrid runtimes. To overcome this issue, we present a method to model
all tasks explicitly in the workflow model and analyze the workflow to detect loops that can benefit from
hybrid runtimes. Furthermore, corresponding hybrid programs are automatically generated, and the workflow
is rewritten to use them. We validate the practical feasibility of our approach by a prototypical implementation.
Quantum computers are made publicly available via
the cloud by various providers, such as IBM or
Rigetti (LaRose, 2019; Leymann et al., 2020). Thus,
use cases from different application areas, e.g., com-
puter science, physics, or chemistry, can be im-
plemented and evaluated on real quantum comput-
ers (Weder et al., 2022). Thereby, quantum comput-
ing is expected to provide different benefits, such as
speed-ups and higher accuracy for certain problems,
e.g., for machine learning algorithms, or lower energy
consumption compared to using classical infrastruc-
tures (Nielsen and Chuang, 2010; Barzen, 2021).
Today‘s quantum applications are typically hy-
brid, i.e., consist of quantum programs executed on a
quantum computer and classical programs performing
pre- and post-processing tasks using classical com-
puters (McCaskey et al., 2018; Leymann and Barzen,
2020). Thereby, we focus on the gate-based quantum
computing model, where quantum programs are rep-
resented by so-called quantum circuits (Nielsen and
Chuang, 2010). The classical programs can, e.g., gen-
erate state preparation circuits based on the input data
as a pre-processing step (LaRose and Coyle, 2020).
These state preparation circuits are then prepended to
the quantum circuit to be executed to initialize the
register of the quantum computer with the required
state (Leymann and Barzen, 2020). Another example
of classical post-processing is mitigating errors oc-
curring due to the noise of current quantum comput-
ers (Maciejewski et al., 2020; Weder et al., 2021c).
Thus, quantum applications require orchestrat-
ing a set of quantum and classical programs, which
are often based on different programming languages,
data formats, or invocation mechanisms (Leymann
and Barzen, 2021; Weder et al., 2022). Workflow
technologies are an orchestration approach that has
been applied to integrate heterogeneous programs and
services in various application areas, such as busi-
ness process management or e-science (Leymann and
Roller, 2000b; Liu et al., 2015). Thereby, workflows
provide different benefits, e.g., scalability, robustness,
or transactional processing (Leymann, 1995; Eder and
Liebhart, 1996). Hence, workflows are also a promis-
ing means to orchestrate the programs comprising a
hybrid quantum application (Weder et al., 2020b).
Weder, B., Barzen, J., Beisel, M. and Leymann, F.
Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows: Improving the Execution of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms.
DOI: 10.5220/0011035100003200
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2022), pages 38-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-570-8; ISSN: 2184-5042
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
However, various quantum algorithms require the
interleaved execution of quantum and classical pro-
grams until a certain condition is met (McClean et al.,
2016). With a high number of iterations, the orches-
tration by the workflow is getting inefficient, as it has
to pass the control and data between the programs in
each iteration (Leymann and Barzen, 2021). Efficient
execution of these algorithms can be ensured by hy-
brid runtimes (Vietz et al., 2021) an emerging type
of runtime enabling the upload of quantum and clas-
sical programs together as so-called hybrid programs.
In this paper, (i) we introduce a method to enable
the modeling of all tasks implementing hybrid quan-
tum algorithms in the workflow model while increas-
ing the efficiency through hybrid runtimes. Hence, in-
stead of implementing a single hybrid program com-
prising all tasks and invoking it by the workflow, the
modularity is retained, increasing the reuse and un-
derstandability. However, to benefit from the advan-
tages of hybrid runtimes, (ii) we automatically ana-
lyze the workflow model to find suitable optimization
candidates, generate corresponding hybrid programs,
and rewrite the workflow to invoke them. To prove the
practical feasibility of our method, (iii) we present a
prototypical implementation based on the MODULO
framework (Weder et al., 2021a) and Qiskit Runtime,
a hybrid runtime provided by IBM (IBM, 2021c).
Finally, (iv) we showcase the analysis and rewrite
method based on an exemplary quantum workflow.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: In Section 2, fundamentals and the problem
statement are described. Then, Section 3 presents the
method to model quantum workflows independent of
a certain runtime, as well as their automated analysis
and rewrite to improve the execution of hybrid algo-
rithms. In Section 4, the prototype implementing the
presented method is introduced. Subsequently, Sec-
tion 5 validates the method with a case study, and Sec-
tion 6 evaluates its performance. Section 7 discusses
possible extensions, as well as consequences regard-
ing the monitoring and analysis of quantum work-
flows. Finally, the related work is discussed in Sec-
tion 8, and Section 9 concludes the paper.
In the following, we introduce fundamentals about
hybrid quantum algorithms and hybrid runtimes. Fur-
thermore, the need for workflow technology to or-
chestrate the different software artifacts implement-
ing a quantum application is motivated. Finally, we
present the problem statement of this work.
2.1 Hybrid Algorithms & Runtimes
Today‘s quantum computers provide a limited num-
ber of qubits and are affected by noise from dif-
ferent sources, restricting the number of operations
that can be successfully executed (Leymann and
Barzen, 2020). Therefore, they are often referred
to as Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) de-
vices (Preskill, 2018). Due to these limitations, dif-
ferent quantum algorithms, such as the HHL algo-
rithm (Harrow et al., 2009) for solving linear systems
of equations, can currently not be executed on practi-
cally useful problems (Leymann and Barzen, 2020).
To overcome this issue and to already benefit from
quantum computing during the NISQ era, so-called
hybrid algorithms are used (Leymann and Barzen,
2021; Weder et al., 2022). Hybrid algorithms split the
computational tasks and distribute them over quantum
and classical computers (Weigold et al., 2021). The
goal of this splitting is to derive shallow quantum
programs using only a small number of qubits and
operations (Cerezo et al., 2021). Thus, they can be
successfully executed on today‘s quantum comput-
ers, with their short decoherence times and high er-
ror rates (Salm et al., 2020; Preskill, 2018). Dif-
ferent hybrid algorithms also require executing the
quantum and classical programs in a loop (Mc-
Clean et al., 2016). Examples relying on this ap-
proach are the quantum approximate optimization al-
gorithm (QAOA) (Farhi et al., 2014), which can be
used for solving various optimization problems, or
the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) (Kandala
et al., 2017) to determine eigenvalues of a matrix.
Queue-based access to quantum computers is un-
suitable when executing hybrid algorithms compris-
ing a loop of quantum and classical processing (Ley-
mann and Barzen, 2021; Karalekas et al., 2020). This
results in submitting a request to the queue in each it-
eration, increasing the latency of the hybrid algorithm
significantly. Instead, access to the quantum com-
puter has to be reserved for the whole duration of the
loop, which different quantum hardware providers en-
able by booking a corresponding time slice (LaRose,
2019). However, the data must still be transmitted be-
tween the quantum and the classical programs, e.g.,
executed on a user device or some cloud offering, in
each iteration, increasing the latency (IBM, 2021a).
To avoid this, new offerings are emerging, such as the
Qiskit Runtime (IBM, 2021c) or Amazon Braket Hy-
brid Jobs (AWS, 2021), to which we refer to as hybrid
runtimes. Hybrid runtimes allow uploading the quan-
tum and classical programs of a hybrid algorithm to-
gether for execution. Then, the classical programs are
provisioned close to the used quantum computer, and
the communication between them is optimized.
Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows: Improving the Execution of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms
Start Event
End Event
Quantum Circuit
Execution Task
Figure 1: Quantum workflow executing a variational quan-
tum algorithm (adapted from (Vietz et al., 2021)).
2.2 Quantum Workflows & QuantME
The different programs implementing a hybrid algo-
rithm have to be orchestrated and required data must
be passed between them (Weder et al., 2021a). Fur-
ther, quantum applications may comprise multiple hy-
brid algorithms and additional classical programs in-
dependent of a quantum algorithm, e.g., loading data
from a database or interacting with the user (Weder
et al., 2022). An example can be found in Ley-
mann and Barzen (2021). By utilizing workflow tech-
nologies to orchestrate the programs, quantum ap-
plications can benefit from their advantages, such
as robustness, scalability, or the possibility to inter-
rupt the execution (Ellis, 1999; Leymann and Roller,
2000b). Thereby, the collection of required activities,
their partial order, and the data flow between them is
specified in a workflow model. This workflow model
can be uploaded to a workflow engine for execution.
However, the modeling of quantum workflows is
complex and requires quantum-specific expertise, as
well as knowledge about workflow technologies (Vi-
etz et al., 2021; Weder et al., 2022). Furthermore,
existing workflow languages, such as BPMN (OMG,
2011) or BPEL (OASIS, 2007), do not incorporate ex-
plicit modeling constructs for the different frequently
occurring pre-processing, quantum program execu-
tion, and post-processing tasks with their specific
characteristics (Weder et al., 2021a). To ease the mod-
eling of these tasks and to increase the reuse of their
implementations, we introduced the quantum mod-
eling extension (QuantME) (Weder et al., 2020b),
which can be applied to various imperative workflow
languages. QuantME incorporates new modeling con-
structs for different tasks, e.g., the data preparation
task, generating a state preparation circuit depending
on the input data (LaRose and Coyle, 2020), or the
quantum circuit execution task, executing a quantum
circuit. All QuantME modeling constructs define a set
of configuration properties, which can be used to cus-
tomize them, e.g., by specifying which encoding to
use to generate the state preparation circuit.
In Figure 1, an exemplary quantum workflow im-
plementing the general structure of a so-called vari-
ational quantum algorithm (VQA), such as VQE, is
shown (Cerezo et al., 2021). VQAs are special kinds
of hybrid algorithms relying on a parameterized quan-
tum circuit, called ansatz, for which the parameters
are optimized in each iteration of quantum and classi-
cal processing (Sim et al., 2019; Weigold et al., 2021).
The quantum workflow starts when a message with
the input data is received. Then, it initializes the algo-
rithm by loading the ansatz and calculating the initial
parameters. Afterwards, the hybrid loop is entered,
executing the ansatz on a quantum computer and eval-
uating the cost function encoding the solutions of the
problem to solve with the retrieved results. If the costs
converge to an optimum or another termination con-
dition is met, the workflow returns the result to the
user. Otherwise, the next iteration is entered by opti-
mizing the parameters based on the previous results.
2.3 Problem Statement
As described in the previous section, quantum appli-
cations can be modeled using workflows to benefit
from their advantages. In addition to the advantages
already discussed, their graphical notation also eases
the understanding of implemented hybrid algorithms,
even for non-quantum experts. Further, they increase
the modularization by splitting the functionality into
independent services. Hence, the implementations of
the tasks can easily be exchanged, e.g., to test another
optimizer in the example from Figure 1. However,
the orchestration of loops consisting of quantum and
classical processing by the workflow is inefficient. In-
stead, the workflow should be automatically analyzed
and rewritten to use hybrid runtimes for the execution
of such hybrid loops. Thus, our main research ques-
tion (RQ) for this work can be formulated as follows:
RQ: “How can workflows implementing hybrid
algorithms be modeled independently of the run-
time to use and automatically be analyzed and
rewritten to benefit from hybrid runtimes?”
We are addressing the RQ by splitting it into the
following questions tackling the two main challenges:
Sub-RQ 1: “How can workflows be analyzed to
detect hybrid loops, which can be executed more
efficiently using hybrid runtimes?”
Sub-RQ 2: “How can programs for hybrid run-
times automatically be generated based on such
loops, and workflows be rewritten to use them?”
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
& Workflow
Figure 2: Overview of the method to analyze and rewrite quantum workflows to benefit from hybrid runtimes.
In this section, we present our method to analyze and
rewrite quantum workflows to use hybrid runtimes for
the execution of hybrid loops. The method consists of
six steps, which are discussed in the following sub-
sections. Figure 2 gives an overview of the method
and the included steps. Thereby, steps two and three
address Sub-RQ 1 and steps four and five Sub-RQ 2.
3.1 Workflow Modeling
In the first step, the quantum workflow is mod-
eled, comprising all required quantum and classical
tasks, their partial order, and the data flow between
them (Leymann and Roller, 2000b; Dumas et al.,
2013). In addition to the native modeling constructs
of the utilized workflow language, QuantME model-
ing constructs are used to define the quantum-specific
tasks. Although QuantME can be applied to differ-
ent imperative workflow languages (see Section 2.2),
we use the BPMN (OMG, 2011) concepts for all fur-
ther considerations, as it is widely used and provides
a well-known graphical notation. The result of the
workflow modeling step is a workflow model orches-
trating the tasks of one or multiple hybrid algorithms,
as well as additional classical tasks if needed.
3.2 Candidate Detection
Next, the quantum workflow is automatically an-
alyzed to detect workflow fragments orchestrating
the interleaved execution of quantum and classical
processing, which are candidates for an optimized
execution using a hybrid runtime. These workflow
fragments must satisfy three conditions: (i) They
must contain one or more quantum circuit execution
tasks, the QuantME modeling construct to execute
quantum circuits on a quantum computer (Weder
et al., 2020b). Otherwise, no quantum computers
are needed, and thus, also a hybrid runtime is not
useful. (ii) Furthermore, the workflow fragment must
comprise classical processing, e.g., modeled using
a script or service task in BPMN. If the workflow
fragment only contains quantum processing and no
classical programs, the quantum circuits can also
be executed using batch processing, and no hybrid
runtime is needed. Another optimization for multiple
quantum circuit execution tasks can be to concatenate
the different quantum circuits into one circuit and
execute only this circuit. However, the quantum
circuit concatenation leads to an increased depth of
the resulting circuit, which can be unsuitable for
today’s quantum computers (Salm et al., 2020). Thus,
a thorough analysis of the circuit, as well as the avail-
able quantum computers is required, which we plan
to incorporate into the analysis and rewrite method
as part of our future work. (iii) Finally, the quantum
and classical processing must be executed interleaved
multiple times to benefit from hybrid runtimes. With-
out the interleaved execution, access to a quantum
computer using a queue or reserving a time slice is
usually sufficient (Vietz et al., 2021). This can either
be modeled by several quantum and classical tasks or
a loop in the workflow model. As the efficiency gain
of hybrid runtimes usually increases with the number
of iterations, we restrict the candidates to loops and
leave other scenarios as future work. Such loops are
typically represented by two corresponding splitting
and merging gateways in BPMN, but they can also
Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows: Improving the Execution of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms
be modeled, e.g., as a single gateway or by directly
connecting activities using conditional sequence flow.
3.3 Candidate Filtering
In this step, the candidates are filtered based on their
properties and the characteristics of the hybrid run-
times, as well as their supported hybrid programs.
This means the filtering is applied for each available
hybrid runtime independently, and different restric-
tions apply. Thus, a corresponding system support-
ing the analysis and rewrite method has to be plugin-
based and extensible for new hybrid runtime offer-
ings (see Section 4.1). However, the restrictions can
be grouped into the following categories, which must
be analyzed when adding a new hybrid runtime:
(1) Programming Language: The set of supported
programming languages for the hybrid programs
is typically restricted. This also limits the allowed
languages of the quantum and classical programs
implementing the tasks within the candidates, as
they must be merged into the hybrid program. For
example, only Python may be allowed for classi-
cal and OpenQASM for quantum programs.
(2) Activity and Task Types: Not all activity and
task types allowed by the used workflow language
can be represented in a hybrid program. For ex-
ample, human tasks are not suitable, as they often
result in long delays contradicting the idea of hy-
brid runtimes to have fast iterations between clas-
sical and quantum processing. Furthermore, trans-
actions can not be properly handled in hybrid run-
times and are not admitted in optimization can-
didates. For sub-processes, the candidate filter-
ing has to be applied recursively for all contained
modeling constructs. Finally, modeling constructs
such as the BPMN call activity invoking other
globally defined tasks or workflows can also be
handled recursively if their required definitions
are accessible for the analysis and rewrite method.
(3) Events: Similar to task types, not each supported
event can be mapped to a hybrid program. While
some of the events, such as catching message or
signal events, also end up in impractical delays,
other events result in technical difficulties when
generating the hybrid programs. For example, a
throwing compensation event can be mapped to an
API call from the hybrid program to the workflow
engine executing the workflow to trigger compen-
sation. However, this must then be supported by
the hybrid runtime and the workflow engine.
(4) Gateways: Some of the gateways used in op-
timization candidates might not be supported by
all available hybrid runtimes. For example, be-
cause they are event-based or have global seman-
tics, such as the inclusive gateway in BPMN.
(5) Quantum Computer Provider: Finally, the
quantum circuit execution task within the candi-
date allows specifying a certain provider or even
a specific quantum computer to use for the exe-
cution of the quantum circuit. Thus, only a hybrid
runtime supporting this provider or quantum com-
puter can be used then to execute the hybrid loop.
In addition to this runtime-specific filtering, a
general requirement for the rewrite is the availabil-
ity of the source code for the quantum and classi-
cal programs implementing the tasks within the can-
didates. Otherwise, the generation of a correspond-
ing hybrid program is not possible. This can, e.g.,
be achieved for script tasks by packaging the scripts
with the workflow model or for service tasks by at-
taching deployment models with the required code
to them (Weder et al., 2020a). However, it is usually
not possible for services from external providers, e.g.,
available through a service registry (De, 2017).
Finally, if multiple hybrid runtimes are suitable for
a candidate, the user can be asked for a selection, or
it is automatically selected based on non-functional
requirements, such as costs or trust in the provider.
3.4 Hybrid Program Generation
After determining a suitable hybrid runtime for a can-
didate, the hybrid program implementing the func-
tionality of the workflow fragment is generated (Ley-
mann and Roller, 2000a). For this, the programs cor-
responding to the tasks of the workflow fragment are
extracted. Further, code snippets implementing the
functionality of the contained gateways and events are
generated. This can be achieved by providing tem-
plates for the supported gateways and events and then
instrumenting them with the variable parts, e.g., the
condition for a gateway (Orban, 2011). Next, the input
and output parameters for the hybrid program have to
be determined by analyzing the workflow. Thereby,
the input parameters of all modeling constructs are
collected and then filtered if they are the output of pre-
vious modeling constructs within the workflow frag-
ment. Similarly, the output parameters are detected
by merging the output parameters of the constructs
within the workflow fragment and filtering them if
they are not used as input for another construct out-
side the workflow fragment. Based on the determined
input and output parameters, the interface of the hy-
brid program is created. Finally, the extracted pro-
grams and generated code snippets are merged into
the hybrid program depending on the sequence flow
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
of the workflow fragment. Additionally, variables are
introduced and passed within the hybrid program to
reflect the data flow defined in the workflow fragment.
3.5 Workflow Rewrite
In the fifth step, the workflow is adapted to invoke the
hybrid programs generated in the previous step. For
this, a new service task is inserted into the workflow
model to kick off the execution within the hybrid run-
time through the corresponding API. Further, the in-
and outgoing sequence and data flow of the replaced
workflow fragment are redirected to the inserted ser-
vice task. In the same way, boundary events of the
tasks within the workflow fragment can be added
to the service task if, e.g., the hybrid runtime sup-
ports terminating the execution when an interrupting
boundary event is triggered. Otherwise, the rewrite
must be aborted to avoid changing the semantics.
In addition, deployment models are automatically
generated for each hybrid program. These deploy-
ment models are then attached to the service tasks
to enable a self-contained packaging of the workflow
model and all required data and code (Weder et al.,
2020a). In contrast to directly deploying the hybrid
programs, this can result in lower costs when deploy-
ing them on-demand before the workflow execution.
3.6 Deployment & Workflow Execution
In the last step, the required services for the workflow
execution that are not always running are deployed.
This includes services that are hosted on classical in-
frastructure, e.g., in the cloud, using an HPC, or a
local workstation (Weder et al., 2021a). Further, the
deployment of the generated hybrid programs to the
hybrid runtimes is performed. For hybrid programs,
the created deployment models from the previous step
are utilized. All other services can also be deployed
automatically if the required deployment models are
attached to the activities (Weder et al., 2020a). De-
pending on the kind of deployment models, differ-
ent deployment systems can be used, such as Kuber-
netes (CNCF, 2021), Terraform (HashiCorp, 2021),
or the OpenTOSCA Container (Binz et al., 2013).
After deploying the services, they are bound to the
workflow by updating the endpoint information in the
workflow model with the details about the deployed
services. Finally, the updated workflow model is up-
loaded to a workflow engine and can be instantiated.
In this section, we present the system architecture
supporting the analysis and rewrite of quantum work-
flows and discuss our prototypical implementation.
4.1 System Architecture
Figure 3 presents the overall system architecture
of our framework. Thereby, the MODULO frame-
work (Weder et al., 2021a) to model, transform, and
deploy quantum workflows is extended by additional
components and services to support the analysis and
rewrite method introduced in Section 3. Existing un-
changed components are light, expanded components
are grey, and newly added components are dark.
The QuantME Transformation Framework is
a graphical BPMN modeler supporting QuantME,
which is based on the Camunda modeler (Camunda,
2021a). It comprises the plugin-based Workflow An-
alyzer, which enables candidate detection and filter-
ing. Thereby, new plugins can be added for a hybrid
runtime defining the corresponding restrictions for
the filtering (see Section 3.3). The QuantME Mod-
eler component enables the graphical modeling of the
QuantME and the native BPMN modeling constructs.
It was extended to trigger the workflow analysis and
rewrite, as well as visualization of found candidates
to enable a user selection if multiple hybrid runtimes
are suitable. All deployment-related functionality is
implemented in the Deployment Orchestrator. For
this, it uses Winery (Kopp et al., 2013), a graphical
modeling tool based on the TOSCA standard (OA-
SIS, 2013), and the OpenTOSCA Container (Binz
et al., 2013), a TOSCA-compliant runtime, to deploy
the required services. Furthermore, it automatically
binds the deployed services with the workflow and
uploads the workflow model to the Camunda BPMN
Engine (Camunda, 2021b). The Deployment Orches-
trator was extended to create the deployment models
for the generated hybrid programs by instrumenting
the connected Winery and attaching them to the new
service tasks of the rewritten workflow model.
Rewriting quantum workflows after their analy-
sis is done by the new Workflow Rewriter compo-
nent. Thus, it extracts the quantum and classical pro-
grams for each candidate and sends them to the Hy-
brid Runtime Handlers (depicted on the left) for each
hybrid runtime that was not filtered by the Workflow
Analyzer. The Hybrid Runtime Handlers are exter-
nal components that generate a hybrid program for
a certain runtime based on the given quantum and
classical programs. This is exemplarily shown by the
Qiskit Runtime Handler generating hybrid programs
Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows: Improving the Execution of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms
Hybrid Runtime Handlers
QuantME Transformation Framework
Qiskit Runtime Handler
Hybrid Program
Figure 3: System architecture of the extended MODULO framework.
for Qiskit Runtime (IBM, 2021c) by IBM. The quan-
tum and classical programs are forwarded to the In-
put Parser, which parses the programs to extract the
code that must be merged into the hybrid program.
Then, the hybrid program is created by the Hybrid
Program Generator, using the extracted code, as well
as the sequence and data flow passed by the Workflow
Rewriter. Further, required code snippets implement-
ing the functionality of events and gateways within
the workflow fragment are generated based on a Tem-
plates repository (see Section 3.4). The created hybrid
program is sent back to the Workflow Rewriter, adapt-
ing the workflow model to trigger its invocation.
Finally, the QuantME Transformation Framework
consists of two unchanged components: First, the
QuantME Transformer enables the transformation
of workflow models comprising QuantME model-
ing constructs to native workflow models (Weder
et al., 2020b). This retains the portability of the work-
flow models and avoids the need to extend exist-
ing workflow engines to understand the QuantME
modeling constructs. For the transformation, it uses
reusable workflow fragments implementing the re-
quired functionalities, which are stored as so-called
QuantME Replacement Models (QRMs) in a corre-
sponding repository. Second, the QAA Packager ex-
ports workflows with all needed information, e.g., de-
ployment models, code, or data, in a self-contained
quantum application archive (QAA). Therefore, only
this self-contained archive has to be transferred into
the target environment for the workflow execution.
4.2 Prototypical Implementation
The QuantME Transformation Framework is imple-
mented as a desktop application using the Electron
framework, consisting of a graphical user interface
and a Node.js backend. To prove the practical feasi-
bility of our method, we implemented the Qiskit Run-
time Handler as an exemplary Hybrid Runtime Han-
dler. However, with the emergence of hybrid runtimes
from different providers, we plan to extend the frame-
work correspondingly. Thereby, the Qiskit Runtime
Handler is realized in Python. Our prototypical im-
plementation is publicly available as an open-source
project on Github (University of Stuttgart, 2021c).
For the execution of generated hybrid programs,
the presented prototype is based on Qiskit Run-
time (IBM, 2021c), which is accessible over the quan-
tum cloud offering IBMQ. Qiskit Runtime is currently
in beta mode. Thus, some restrictions apply to its us-
age, as well as the supported hybrid programs, which
are planned to be resolved in future releases (IBM,
2021d). However, these restrictions also influence
the functionality of our prototype. For example, the
Qiskit Runtime programs are based on Python, and
the execution environment within the runtime only
provides a limited set of available dependencies. This
means, custom dependencies, e.g., including other
optimizers, can currently not be installed. Hence, also
the quantum and classical programs within the candi-
dates are not allowed to use such dependencies, and
otherwise, the rewrite must be aborted. Another ex-
ample is that the hybrid programs must only consist
of one file. Therefore, all code has to be merged into
this file, reducing the understandability. However, we
plan to resolve these issues as part of future work once
Qiskit Runtime is released with full functionality.
To showcase the practical feasibility of the analysis
and rewrite method, we present an exemplary quan-
tum workflow from the domain of the quantum hu-
manities (Barzen, 2021). Thereby, clustering and clas-
sification is performed on costume data. The work-
flow model is shown at the top of Figure 4.
The workflow is instantiated when a request mes-
sage with the required input is received. For the
sake of simplicity, this input contains an URL to
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Optimization Candidate 1 Optimization Candidate 2
Start Event
End Event
Quantum Circuit
Execution Task
Original Workflow
Rewritten Workflow
Costs < 0.2?
Figure 4: An exemplary quantum workflow comprising two hybrid loops which can be optimized using a hybrid runtime.
the already pre-processed costume data, i.e., categor-
ical data is transformed to numerical data, and the
dimension is reduced for the machine learning al-
gorithms (Barzen, 2021). However, these steps can
also be included, e.g., as service tasks in the work-
flow. Next, the clustering starts, whereby the quan-
tum k-means algorithm (Khan et al., 2019) is orches-
trated by multiple tasks. In the first task, the quan-
tum k-means algorithm is initialized, i.e., the data is
loaded from the URL, random initial centroids are
chosen, and the quantum circuits for the algorithm are
generated. Afterwards, the algorithm enters a hybrid
loop, executing the generated quantum circuits on a
quantum computer, and calculating the new centroids
based on the measurement results in a classical ser-
vice task. If the difference between the old and new
centroids is larger than a given threshold, the quan-
tum circuits are adapted to the new centroids, and the
loop is executed again. Once the clustering converges,
a classifier is trained based on the results using a vari-
ational quantum support vector machine (Havlí
et al., 2019). Thereby, an ansatz (see Section 2.2) and
an initial parameterization are generated. Then, the
quantum circuit is executed and the parameters theta
are optimized based on the results. Furthermore, the
cost function is evaluated with the new parameters
and if the costs are higher than the threshold 0.2, the
loop is entered again. Finally, if the costs are below
the threshold, the result can be analyzed in a user task
and is returned to the user by the message end event.
When analyzing the workflow using the QuantME
Transformation Framework, it detects two hybrid
loops as optimization candidates, which are visual-
ized as gray boxes in Figure 4. Thereby, the initializa-
tion tasks for the two algorithms are not part of the hy-
brid loop and are, therefore, also not contained in the
candidates. For both candidates, it is checked if they
can be optimized using Qiskit Runtime. As the can-
didates do not contain, e.g., invalid events (see Sec-
tion 3.4) and the source code is available as part of
deployment models attached to the activities, they are
not filtered, and the rewriting can be performed. The
resulting rewritten workflow is shown at the bottom of
Figure 4. Thereby, it comprises ve tasks, which are
executed in sequence. The two service tasks to initial-
ize the hybrid algorithms, as well as the user task to
analyze the results, are unchanged. However, the two
remaining service tasks (surrounded by gray boxes)
both replace one of the optimization candidates of the
original workflow model and invoke the generated hy-
brid programs instead when they are executed.
The discussed use-case together with a detailed
description of how to set up and use the frame-
work can be found on Github (University of Stuttgart,
2021d). Further, a short demonstration video is avail-
able on YouTube (University of Stuttgart, 2021a).
In this section, we present the results of our evalua-
tion regarding the time required to detect candidates
within different workflow models, as well as the gen-
eration of the corresponding hybrid programs and the
workflow rewrite. Further, we compare the workflow
runtime using the original workflow of our case study
and the rewritten workflow after applying our method.
Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows: Improving the Execution of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms
Table 1: Runtime Evaluation of the Analysis and Rewrite Method.
# Activities # Candidates
Avg. Activities
per Candidate
Program Generation
& Rewrite
1 8 2 2.5 0.30 s 108.00 s
2 50 2 2.5 0.44 s 108.60 s
3 50 4 2.5 0.48 s 219.67 s
4 50 6 2.5 0.75 s 323.45 s
5 50 2 5 0.40 s 314.54 s
6 50 4 5 0.59 s 631.51 s
7 50 6 5 0.73 s 929.19 s
6.1 Runtime of the Analysis and
Rewrite Method
To evaluate the performance of our analysis and
rewrite method, we modeled seven differently sized
workflow models. Table 1 shows the required time to
detect the candidates, as well as the time to gener-
ate the hybrid programs and rewrite the workflows for
the different scenarios. Thereby, the workflow models
are characterized by three attributes: (i) the number
of activities within the workflow model, (ii) the num-
ber of candidates that can be detected, and (iii) the
average activities per candidate. The number of ac-
tivities increases the search space for the candidate
detection and can influence the required time. Fur-
thermore, the number of candidates corresponds to
the number of hybrid programs that have to be gen-
erated for a workflow model. The program genera-
tion time also depends on the number of activities per
candidate, as these programs have to be analyzed and
merged into the hybrid program. Finally, the language
and length of the different programs, i.e., their lines
of code, have an impact on this step. Thus, we use
Python programs with a similar length of around 200
lines of code to implement the activities for all work-
flow models. Thereby, the target hybrid runtime for
the program generation is Qiskit Runtime.
The first workflow model in Table 1 is the case
study presented in Section 5. As shown in Figure 4,
the workflow model contains 8 activities and 2 candi-
dates. Further, one of the candidates comprises 3 and
the other 2 activities, leading to an average number
of activities per candidate of 2.5. The workflow with
ID 2 extends this workflow with additional activities,
which are not related to the execution of hybrid algo-
rithms. Thereby, the candidate detection for workflow
2 requires slightly more time than for workflow 1 be-
cause of the increased search space. In contrast, the
time for the program generation and workflow rewrite
is almost equal due to the same number and size of
the candidates. As the time for the analysis is negli-
gible compared to the program generation and rewrit-
ing, all further workflow models add additional can-
didates or adapt their size but do not change the over-
all number of activities. Thus, workflow 3 and 4 add
two candidates each but retain their average size. It
can be seen that the time for the program generation
and rewrite grows linearly with the number of candi-
dates. The reason for this is the sequential processing
of the candidates in the current prototype. However,
this can be parallelized in the future to improve the
performance when rewriting workflows with a large
number of candidates. Finally, for workflow 5 to 7,
the average number of activities per candidate is in-
creased from 2.5 to 5. Similar to workflows 2 to 4,
the time increases linearly with the number of candi-
dates. However, when doubling the average activities
per candidate, the required time grows approximately
by a factor of 2.9. The reason for this is that in addi-
tion to the doubled lines of code to analyze and merge,
the determination of the interface of the resulting hy-
brid program and the sequence and data flow between
the different program parts gets more complicated.
In general, the required initial time to analyze and
rewrite a quantum workflow is rather short compared
to the assumed runtime of large workflows, which of-
ten takes multiple hours, days, or even years (Ley-
mann and Roller, 2000b). Furthermore, the analysis
and rewrite must only be performed once, and then,
the workflow can be executed multiple times.
The presented measurements were performed on
a computer running Windows 11 64-bits with an In-
tel(R) Core(TM) i7-8565U CPU @ 1.80GHz proces-
sor and 40 GB of RAM. Thereby, the median based
on 50 measurements for each workflow is calculated.
The collected raw data of each measurement is avail-
able on Github (University of Stuttgart, 2021b).
6.2 Workflow Runtime Comparison
In the following, we compare the time to execute the
workflow presented as case study in Section 5 be-
fore and after applying our method. For this, Qiskit
Runtime was used as the hybrid runtime to execute
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
the hybrid programs of the rewritten workflow. Fur-
thermore, ibmq_lima was the target quantum com-
puter for both the hybrid programs and the quantum
programs of the original workflow. Thereby, we exe-
cuted both workflows ten times, leading to a median
execution time for the original workflow of 9617 s
and the rewritten workflow of 2634 s. The queue of
the quantum computer was empty during our execu-
tion. Therefore, the quantum programs of the origi-
nal workflow were not required to wait in the queue
until other jobs were completed. This means the ac-
complished speed-up is solely achieved by the opti-
mized execution and reduced latency of Qiskit Run-
time. Other jobs in the queue can further increase the
speed-up. In both cases, the workflow engine was ex-
ecuted on the computer described in the previous sub-
section. Finally, also the required classical programs
were executed on this computer. As part of our future
work, we plan to further evaluate the achieved speed-
up by executing various workflow models and utiliz-
ing different quantum computers and hybrid runtimes.
In the following, we discuss how the detection of suit-
able workflow fragments can be improved and how
different kinds of runtimes can be incorporated into
the presented method. Further, the problem of moni-
toring and analyzing rewritten workflows, as well as
automated quantum computer selection, are explored.
In addition to the hybrid runtimes discussed in
Section 2.1, a set of different pre-build runtimes is ex-
pected to evolve, as, e.g., announced by IBM (IBM,
2021b). These runtimes could, for example, incorpo-
rate a workflow engine or an HPC in combination
with quantum computers. Hence, they can be inte-
grated into our method by adding corresponding de-
tection and filtering rules. Further, the required soft-
ware artifacts, such as sub-workflows executed within
the runtime, must then be generated automatically.
The candidate detection and filtering are cur-
rently only based on the structure of the workflows
and the characteristics of the hybrid runtimes. How-
ever, this can be improved by attaching policies and
non-functional requirements to the workflow activ-
ities (Di Penta et al., 2006). They then have to be
taken into account for the candidate detection and fil-
tering, as well as the selection of a concrete runtime
to use. Such policies could, e.g., define that the ex-
ecution time for a certain task or sub-process is es-
pecially important or that it comprises confidential
data that is not allowed to be transferred to specific
providers. Another example would be to annotate that
a certain algorithm uses so-called warm starting (Eg-
ger et al., 2021), which requires elaborated classical
pre-processing, indicating that a runtime combining
an HPC and a quantum computer is preferable.
Due to the inherently probabilistic nature of quan-
tum computing, it is of vital importance to collect as
detailed information as possible about quantum appli-
cations and their execution (Weder et al., 2021c; Ley-
mann and Barzen, 2020). This information helps to
find the origins of errors, as well as to increase repro-
ducibility and understandability. The systematic and
automated collection and analysis of such information
are referred to as provenance (Herschel et al., 2017).
In the workflow domain, it is used to enable the mon-
itoring of running workflow instances and to store it
in the long-term in the so-called audit trail (Waters
et al., 2004). This audit trail can then be analyzed
to, e.g., improve the workflow models. However, the
rewrite of the workflow complicates the monitoring
and analysis, as the workflow model then only con-
tains one task hiding all details instead of the whole
hybrid loop. Hence, to overcome this issue, we plan
to provide provenance views in the workflow engine
as part of future work, enabling to switch between the
rewritten and original workflow model for monitoring
and analysis. This comes with additional challenges,
such as extracting intermediate data during the hybrid
program execution to support the live monitoring.
By defining a provider or even a specific quantum
computer to use in quantum circuit execution tasks,
the rewrite possibilities are restricted, as only corre-
sponding hybrid runtimes can be used then (see Sec-
tion 3.3). Thus, this should be avoided if not needed
due to non-functional requirements, e.g., the trust in
the provider. Then, the rewrite can be performed for
an arbitrary suitable hybrid runtime, and the concrete
quantum computer to use can be selected from the set
of quantum computers available through the hybrid
runtime. For this selection, tools, such as the NISQ
Analyzer (Salm et al., 2020), can be used, analyzing
the quantum circuit and quantum computer properties
and selecting a suitable one for the execution.
Different research works propose methods and tools
to analyze and rewrite workflow models during de-
sign time, as well as dynamically adapting them dur-
ing runtime, which are discussed in this section.
Bucchiarone et al. (2012) introduce an approach to
model abstract tasks with annotated goals, precondi-
tions, and effects and dynamically replace them with
fine-grained workflow fragments. Mundbrod et al.
Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows: Improving the Execution of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms
(2015) present a method to rewrite workflows by in-
jecting workflow fragments depending on the context,
e.g., the available resources for a computation. Képes
et al. (2016) describe a similar approach to dynam-
ically select a workflow fragment for a required op-
eration depending on the current situation. In con-
trast, we transform from the fine-grained workflow
model to a more abstract one. Furthermore, we do
not use available workflow fragments with the corre-
sponding implementations but generate the required
programs automatically based on the rewritten work-
flow. Cohen-Boulakia et al. (2012) present a method
to rewrite scientific workflows to satisfy so-called
series-parallel structures enabling efficient processing
of provenance data. They also do not generate new
programs but only rearrange vertices in the graph rep-
resenting the scientific workflow. Furthermore, differ-
ent approaches create new workflow models or adapt
existing ones based on the audit trail using process
mining (Agrawal et al., 1998; Van Der Aalst, 2012).
AristaFlow (Rinderle-Ma and Reichert, 2010) is
a so-called adaptive workflow engine supporting the
adaptation of running workflow instances. Further-
more, it enables their migration to new versions
of the instantiated workflow model. Another exam-
ple of such an adaptive workflow engine is Agent-
Work (Müller et al., 2004). Instead of modeling all
required alternative sequence flows, it automatically
adapts the workflows in exception cases by adding
or removing activities. However, for both workflow
engines, extensions are required to support the pre-
sented workflow analysis and rewrite method. Thus,
this reduces the portability of the workflows, which
is avoided in our approach by rewriting the work-
flow before transferring it into the target environ-
ment and uploading it to a workflow engine. In pre-
vious work (Weder et al., 2021b), we introduced an
approach to automatically select a suitable quantum
computer for the execution of quantum circuits during
runtime. For this, the required services are automati-
cally deployed, and the workflow is adapted to invoke
them. In future work, we plan to integrate our analy-
sis and rewrite method with this approach. However,
conducting the method at workflow runtime requires
generating the hybrid programs, which can result in
impractical delays for time-critical use cases. There-
fore, the user can decide if the rewrite during design
or runtime is more suitable depending on the use case.
Today‘s quantum applications are typically hybrid,
comprising quantum and classical programs. Thus,
the different programs have to be orchestrated and
required data must be passed between them. By us-
ing workflow technologies to model these applica-
tions, one can benefit from their robustness, scalabil-
ity, and automated error handling. Additionally, they
can ease the understanding by providing a graphical
notation. However, for the execution of hybrid loops,
conducting quantum and classical programs multiple
times, the orchestration using workflows is inefficient
due to the increased latency and potential queuing
times. Instead, hybrid runtimes can be used, deploy-
ing the quantum and classical programs closely to-
gether, and optimizing their communication. In this
paper, we introduced a method to analyze quantum
workflows to detect hybrid loops, that can benefit
from hybrid runtimes. Furthermore, hybrid programs
are automatically generated based on these loops, and
the workflow is rewritten to invoke them instead of
orchestrating the loops. To validate the practical fea-
sibility of our approach, we presented a prototypical
implementation, a case study showing an exemplary
quantum workflow and how it is analyzed and rewrit-
ten, and an evaluation of the required time to con-
duct our method, as well as a runtime comparison of
a workflow before and after applying our method.
In future work, we will evaluate how intermedi-
ate information about hybrid program executions can
be extracted from the hybrid runtimes to enable live
monitoring in the workflow engine using provenance
views. Additionally, we want to extend the detection
and filtering steps by taking into account additional
non-functional requirements. Once new hybrid run-
times are offered, we plan to incorporate them into our
presented analysis and rewrite framework. Finally, we
will further evaluate our method, as well as the result-
ing speed-ups, using different workflow models.
The authors would like to thank the German Research
Foundation (DFG) for financial support of the project
within the Cluster of Excellence in Simulation Tech-
nology (EXC 2075) at the University of Stuttgart.
This work was partially funded by the BMWK project
PlanQK (01MK20005N) and the project SEQUOIA
funded by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry of the
Economy, Labour and Housing.
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All links were last followed on February 23, 2022.
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science