From the Sky to the Ground: Comparing Fog Computing with Related
Distributed Paradigms
Joao Bachiega Jr.
, Breno Costa
, Leonardo R. Carvalho
, Victor H. C. Oliveira
, William X. Santos
Maria Clicia S. de Castro
and Aleteia Araujo
Department of Computer Science, University of Bras
ılia (UnB), Brazil
Department of Infomatics and Computer Science, State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,,
Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Cloud Computing, Sky Computing.
Fog computing is a paradigm that enables provisioning resources and services at the network edge, closer to
end devices, complementing cloud computing and recently it’s being embraced by sky computing. Beyond
this computational paradigm, there are many other related technologies which also make use of distributed
computing to improve the quality of service delivered to the end-users. The main contribution of this paper
is to present a comparison between fog computing and nine other relevant related paradigms, namely Sky
Computing, Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Mobile Edge Computing, Mobile Cloud Computing, Mobile
Ad hoc Cloud Computing, Mist Computing, Cloudlet Computing, and Dew Computing, highlighting the
similarities and differences between them based on the main fog characteristics. A graphical characterization
for each paradigm, highlighting its computational power, communication type and position in a three-layers
architecture (Cloud-Fog-IoT) and some relevant challenges in this area are also presented.
Over the years, computing paradigms have been
evolving. Since the beginning of the modern com-
puter era until about 1985, computers were large
and expensive. Moreover, there was no connectiv-
ity between them and they operated independently of
each other. With the development of powerful mi-
croprocessors and high-speed computer networks, it
was possible to change this scenario (Tanenbaum and
Van Steen, 2007).
After that, computing technologies evolved from
distributed, parallel, clustering, peer-to-peer (P2P),
and grid until the cloud computing. There is no
doubt that cloud computing is one of the most im-
portant computational paradigms, playing an essen-
tial role in almost every aspect of our everyday life. It
brought the impression of infinite computational re-
sources (e.g. storage, processing) provided in a pay-
per-use basis, allowing fast scalability at a reasonable
cost. Nevertheless, as a centralized computing model,
computation happens in the cloud data centers, lo-
cated in specific places around the world, and far from
the end-users (Mukherjee et al., 2018).
As in a cycle, nowadays is the time when dis-
tributed computing paradigms are back in the spot-
light, aiming to overcome the limitations of central-
ized cloud computing processes. Internet of Things
(IoT) development demands this (Yousefpour et al.,
2019). Thus, new concepts were born ranging from
Sky Computing (Keahey et al., 2009), which is a
level above cloud computing and uses resources and
services from several providers simultaneously, un-
til Fog Computing (Bonomi et al., 2012), which is a
cloud close to the ground, addressing several issues of
connected devices, like high-bandwidth, geographical
dispersion, and low latency needs. Fog is both com-
plementary to, and an extension of, traditional cloud-
based models.
Although fog computing is a recent paradigm,
in the last 3 years it was the subject of approxi-
mately 20% of all publications related to computa-
tional paradigms, including Sky Computing, Edge
Computing, Mobile Edge Computing, Mobile Cloud
Computing, Mobile Ad hoc Cloud Computing, Mist
Computing, Cloudlet Computing and Dew Comput-
The main contribution of this paper is to present a
comparison between fog computing and other related
paradigms, highlighting similarities and differences
Bachiega Jr., J., Costa, B., Carvalho, L., Oliveira, V., Santos, W., S. de Castro, M. and Araujo, A.
From the Sky to the Ground: Comparing Fog Computing with Related Distributed Paradigms.
DOI: 10.5220/0011033300003200
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2022), pages 158-169
ISBN: 978-989-758-570-8; ISSN: 2184-5042
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
among them, based on the main fog characteristics.
However, as some definitions are still imprecise, even
nebulous, in the literature, we based our research on a
qualitative bibliographic approach. To present a more
accurate view of the whole computational spectrum,
from the Sky to the ground, we also provide a graph-
ical characterization for each paradigm, highlight-
ing its computational power, communication type and
position in the three-layers architecture (Cloud-Fog-
IoT). Besides this, important challenges will be pre-
sented and discussed, giving to the researchers a com-
prehensive view of the subject.
For that, this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tions 2 and 3 presents the sky and cloud computing
concepts, respectively. In Section 4 the fog computing
characteristics are presented. The related paradigms
and technologies are described in Section 5, and a
comparison is presented and analyzed in Section 6.
The challenges in this area are presented in Section
7. Section 8 brings other papers related to this work.
Finally, Section 9 concludes this paper.
The market for cloud providers has become more
competitive over time. Currently, there is a profu-
sion of services offered by different providers. Many
of them offer similar products but using different ap-
proaches. In this scenario, a multicloud approach has
grown within organizations, in which resources of-
fered by different providers make up the technolog-
ical support framework of these organizations.
This approach has been called Sky computing
(Keahey et al., 2009) and can be defined as a level
above cloud computing, since its resources are dy-
namically provisioned by different providers. It con-
sists of a layer of cloud environments’ management,
offering variable storage capacity with dynamic sup-
port for real-time demands.
Sky computing can also be found under the de-
nominations of multicloud (Kritikos and Plexousakis,
2015), cross-cloud (Elkhatib, 2016), federated clouds
(Paraiso et al., 2012), or inter-clouds (Grozev and
Buyya, 2014).This difference in nomenclature may be
related to the way the architectures deal with the re-
source scheduler, since this component can be intrin-
sic to the provider, or an external service provided by
a middleware, for example. There are also differences
regarding the form of integration between the clouds
participating in the sky computing layer, as well as re-
garding the knowledge of the existence of such layer
by the resources in their respective providers.
An important characteristic of a sky computing
environment is the consolidation of resources, whose
purpose is to offer a single view of all elements of
each cloud provider in the pool. To act in this con-
tinuous process of integration, discovery and consoli-
dation of resources, it is possible to use tools called
Cloud Orchestrators (de Carvalho and de Araujo,
2020) such as: Terraform (Shirinkin, 2017), Cloudify
(Cloudify, 2021), and Heat (Michelino et al., 2013),
for example. The sky computing characterization is
presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Sky Computing Characterization.
The underlying concept of cloud computing was in-
troduced in 1961 by John McCarthy when he said
that, in the future, computing could be organized as
a public service, as it was the telephone system in
those days (Foster et al., 2008). Computing and com-
munication evolution allowed the cloud computing
paradigm to expand and, nowadays, this platform is
largely used by academia and industries. Cloud com-
puting plays an important role as a computation in-
frastructure and impacts all other technologies and
paradigms presented in this paper.
We have observed, over the last few decades,
that computational resources, previously expensive
and scarce, have now become cheap and abundant
(Kushida et al., 2015). Cloud computing has emerged
in this transition context, enabling the computing de-
mocratization. It has encompassed two important
points: the illusion of infinite computing resources,
and to allow the radical computation acceleration.
Cloud computing makes the concept of utility a re-
In the literature, we can find in (Mell et al., 2011)
that the five essential features for cloud computing
environments are defined as on-demand self-service,
broad network access, resource pooling, fast elastic-
ity, and measured service. Therefore, the main ad-
vantages of cloud computing are the availability of
high computational power and large storage, paying
only for what is used. The elasticity has a funda-
mental function in this context, allowing the growth
or the decrease of resources dynamically. But cloud
From the Sky to the Ground: Comparing Fog Computing with Related Distributed Paradigms
computing also has some constraints. The fundamen-
tal limitation is the connectivity between the cloud
and the end devices and users, because public cloud
providers are supported by large data centers around
the world, but not close enough to the end-user, result-
ing in Quality-of-Service (QoS) degradation, which
is not well-suited for time-critical service requests
(Mukherjee et al., 2018).
Another relevant aspect is that the cloud comput-
ing paradigm is a centralized computing model, and
most of the computations happen in the cloud. Al-
though data processing speeds have risen rapidly, net-
work bandwidth, even considering a high speed con-
nection like 5G, is becoming the bottleneck of cloud
computing for such a huge amount of data (Hu et al.,
2017). Overcoming these limitations will benefit par-
ticular use cases as connected vehicles, smart cities,
virtual reality and healthcare (Naha et al., 2018). The
cloud computing characterization is showed in Figure
Figure 2: Cloud Computing Characterization.
Fog is a cloud close to the ground. Similarly the term
fog computing refer to a computation that operates at
the edge of the network, bringing cloud-like services
to be executed close to the end-users. Furthermore,
it provides computing resources for applications that
cannot perform properly with the high latency pro-
vided by cloud-only environments (Naha et al., 2018).
Bonomi et al. (Bonomi et al., 2012) presented the
first definition of fog computing saying that it is a
highly virtualized platform that provides computing,
storage, and networking services among many com-
puting data centers or end-devices.
Various researchers have expanded and revised
this initial definition of fog computing. Vaquero et
al. (Vaquero and Rodero-Merino, 2014) and Yi et al.
(Yi et al., 2015) consider fog computing as a scenario,
composed of a high number of decentralized and het-
erogeneous devices, where they communicate and co-
operate among themselves and with the network to
perform data processing and storage without third-
party interventions. Services, applications, or basic
network functions that run in a sandboxed environ-
ment, can be supported by the data processing and
In the definition presented by Dastjerdi et al.
(Dastjerdi et al., 2016), fog computing is considered
a distributed computing paradigm. In this paradigm
the services provided by the cloud are essentially ex-
tended to the network edge. Fog computing addresses
application requirements that need low latency with a
huge and dense geographical distribution. Due to this,
fog computing supports computing resources, differ-
ent communication protocols, mobility, interface het-
erogeneity, integration with the cloud, and distributed
data analytics.
For Naha et al. (Naha et al., 2018), fog comput-
ing is a distributed platform where the edge or end
devices, that can be virtualized or not, will do most
of the processing. It resides between the cloud and
users and the cloud will do long-term storage and non-
latency-dependent processing.
Finally, fog computing was defined in NIST (Iorga
et al., 2018) as a layered model facilitating the deploy-
ment of applications and services that are latency-
aware and distributed. This model enables ubiqui-
tous access to shared devices of scalable computing
resources that are not perceptibly different from each
other, although the extremes are quite distinct. There-
fore, fog computing provides, for the end-devices,
local computing resources and network connectivity
to centralized services, when needed, minimizing the
request-response time.
In all definitions, it is possible to note that fog
computing is tightly linked to the existence of a cloud
since fog can never replace the cloud completely as
we still need it to handle big or complex data prob-
lems (Gill et al., 2019). So, it is possible to state that
fog computing is suitable to be used when the cloud
does not meet the time limit, bandwidth limitations,
or latency requirements.
Considering all concepts presented, the following
fog computing definition is proposed: Fog computing
is a distributed architecture that uses the computa-
tional resources of devices located between end-users
and the cloud to optimize the processing and to re-
duce applications’ response times, meeting demands
that until now were not possible.
4.1 Fog Architecture
According to the NIST definition (Iorga et al., 2018),
one fundamental component in fog architecture is the
fog node. A fog node is any hardware device in a
fog computing environment that has system and hard-
ware resources added to high communication capabil-
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
ity (Bachiega et al., 2021).
The fog environment can be based on a software-
defined fog architecture and use Fog Radio Access
Networks (F-RAN) (Mukherjee et al., 2018). How-
ever, layered (or hierarchical) representation is con-
sidered by Naha et al. (Naha et al., 2018) a bet-
ter way to represent fog architecture. Although this
topic has been largely researched in academia (Dast-
jerdi et al., 2016) and a three-tier architecture has been
commonly used to represent a fog system (Mahmud
and Buyya, 2016), it is possible to find proposals with
four (Tang et al., 2015), five (Naas et al., 2017) or,
even, six (Fan et al., 2018) layers, as presented in Fig-
ure 3. A comprehensive review of fog computing ar-
chitectures can be found in (Habibi et al., 2020).
Figure 3 demonstrates that although there are vari-
ations in the number of layers in the existing architec-
tures, it occurs only in the Fog Layer, with some com-
ponents being more diluted and others being more
concatenated. Another important point is that the
End-users and Cloud layers are present in all archi-
tectures. Thereby, regardless of the number of lay-
ers being proposed, the architectures can be summa-
rized in three essential layers: End-users, Fog, and
Cloud. This three-layer architecture model will be
used throughout this article to allow comparison with
other computational paradigms.
The IoT/End-users Layer, at the base, represents
all IoT devices. It is in this layer that end-users re-
quest services that will be processed in the Fog and
the Cloud Layers. The Fog Layer acts as a link be-
tween IoT/End-users and the Cloud layers to provide
the necessary extra functionalities for application-
specific processing, as filtering and aggregation be-
fore transferring the data to the cloud (Al-Doghman
et al., 2016). It is composed of fog nodes and this
layer comprises ‘intelligent’ devices that are capable
of computing, processing, and storing data in addi-
tion to routing and forwarding the data packets to the
upper tier (Sarkar and Misra, 2016).
Finally, the Cloud Layer has powerful computa-
tional resources to process all requests and responses
made by and sent to the Fog and IoT/End-users Lay-
ers directly. The Cloud Layer is a requirement in a
fog system. Similar paradigms that enable application
provisioning at the edge, as cloudlet (Satyanarayanan
et al., 2009) or Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) (Beck
et al., 2014) can operate in standalone mode.
4.2 Fog Characteristics
Bonomi et al. (Bonomi et al., 2012), writing for the
first time about the fog computing paradigm, char-
acterized it into ten items, namely location aware-
ness and low latency; geographical distribution; large-
scale sensor networks; large number of nodes; support
for mobility; real-time interactions; predominance of
wireless access; heterogeneity; interoperability and
federation; and support for on-line analytics and in-
terplay with the cloud.
Since then, the number of studies about fog com-
puting has grown and revised these characteristics
(Hu et al., 2017). Recently, NIST (Iorga et al.,
2018) defined the following six characteristics that are
considered essential in distinguishing fog computing
from other computing paradigms:
Low latency: offering the lowest possible latency
due to the awareness of logical location and la-
tency costs for communication between fog nodes
in the context of the entire system;
Geographical distribution: fog computing de-
mands widely distributed deployments for ser-
vices and applications;
Heterogeneity: processing data acquired in differ-
ent forms through multiple types of network com-
munication capabilities;
Interoperability: seamless support of certain
services requires the cooperation of different
Real-time interactions: applications of fog com-
puting involve real-time interactions rather than
batch processing;
Scalability: must be adaptive and support elastic
computing, resource pooling, data-load changes,
and network condition variations.
The fog computing conceptual model, proposed
by NIST (Iorga et al., 2018), also defines the pre-
dominance of wireless access and support for mobil-
ity as additional characteristics often associated with
fog computing. A fog computing characterization
is showed in Figure 4. Considering these charac-
teristics, some use-cases for fog computing include
smart cars, traffic control, smart cities, smart build-
ings, surveillance and security. Furthermore, it is im-
portant to note that the sharp growth of 5G technology
will leverage adoption of IoT-related services and fog
computing is very appropriate to this scenario (Santos
et al., 2018).
Apart from fog computing, there are other paradigms
based on a close proximity to connected devices and
From the Sky to the Ground: Comparing Fog Computing with Related Distributed Paradigms
Figure 3: Variation in the number of layers in Fog Computing Architectures.
Figure 4: Fog Computing Characterization.
this causes confusion about their concepts and defi-
nitions. To avoid this confusion, next sections will
present details about each related paradigm and com-
pare them with the fog computing characteristics, as
well as place them in the three-tier architecture pre-
sented in section 4.1 to clarify understanding.
5.1 Edge Computing
Fog computing is often erroneously confused with
edge computing, but there are key differences be-
tween the two concepts. While fog computing runs
applications in a multi-layer architecture, edge com-
puting runs specific applications in a fixed location,
that is, in the edge devices.
It can also be considered that the edge computing
can be limited to a few number of end-user devices
while fog computing has a bigger number of periph-
eral devices with hierarchical architecture. Therefore,
it is possible to see that edge computing is more re-
stricted than fog computing.
In edge computing the devices produce and con-
sume data, participating in the processing. Data stor-
age, computation offloading, processing, and caching
will be done by an edge node. The edge device is also
capable of distributing requests and providing cloud
services to the users (Avasalcai et al., 2020).
Furthermore, in edge computing, the devices are
not able to implement multiple IoT applications, since
there are limited resources and this can result in re-
source contention and increase processing latency.
On the other hand, fog computing can overcome these
limitations by seamlessly integrating edge devices
and cloud resources (Dastjerdi et al., 2016).
Finally, edge computing focuses on the end-
devices level, while fog computing focuses on the in-
frastructure level (Shi et al., 2016). The edge comput-
ing characterization is presented in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Edge Computing Characterization.
5.2 Multi-access Edge Computing
Previously, also referenced by some authors as “Mo-
bile Edge Computing”, MEC can be defined as an
implementation of edge computing to bring compu-
tational and storage capacities to the edge of the net-
work within the Radio Access Network (RAN) to re-
duce latency and improve context-awareness (Dolui
and Datta, 2017).
According to Beck et al. (Beck et al., 2014), MEC
is a proposal for co-locating, at the base stations of
cellular networks, computing, and storage resources.
MEC is the evolution of mobile base stations and col-
laborative deployment of telecommunication and IT
networking. They operate on the edge of the Internet
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
and remain functional even without Internet connec-
tivity (Dolui and Datta, 2017). Figure 6 shows the
MEC characterization.
The MEC computing paradigm can provide sev-
eral services including IoT, location services, aug-
mented reality, caching service, video analytics, and
local content distribution. It can also provide low-
latency access in real-time to local content or by
caching the content at the MEC server. However,
some restrictions cannot be ignored, such as the in-
stallation of the MEC server, which is specifically
dedicated to them. The increase in resource demand
over time also becomes a major scaling problem (Cui
et al., 2021).
Figure 6: Mobile Edge Computing Characterization.
5.3 Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC)
The mobile computing concept proposed by Satya-
narayanan in 1996 (Satyanarayanan, 1996) represents
the computation performed via mobile, portable de-
vices, such as laptops, tablets, or mobile phones.
However, the evolving requirements of connected
devices make mobile computing alone not enough
to address some computing challenges of our days
(Yousefpour et al., 2019).
Mobile computing has gained a valuable comple-
ment as cloud computing matured. This combination
resulted in MCC, which is defined as an infrastruc-
ture where both data storage and data processing oc-
cur outside of the mobile device (Habibi et al., 2020).
The cloud computing, the mobile computing, and
the wireless communication are combined to provide
the MCC (Mahmud and Buyya, 2016), improving the
Quality of Experience (QoE) of mobile users.
Mobile computing requires changes to some char-
acteristics of cloud computing, like the existence of
a low-latency intermediary tier, the optimization of
cloud infrastructure for running mobile application,
and the seamless offloading and remote execution.
The viability of MCC is based on a reliable end-to-
end network with high bandwidth and this can be
achieved by using virtual machines and cloudlets that
must be located closer to the mobile devices (Satya-
narayanan, 1996). Figure 7 presents a characteriza-
tion of MCC.
Figure 7: Mobile Cloud Computing Characterization.
5.4 Mobile Ad hoc Cloud Computing
MCC has a pervasive nature, but there are scenarios
where it is not suitable, for example where there is no
centralized cloud, or the infrastructure is insufficient
(Yousefpour et al., 2019). An Ad hoc mobile network
consists of nodes that form a temporary, dynamic net-
work through routing and transport protocols, build-
ing a decentralized form of network (Hubaux et al.,
Therefore, MACC consists of a pool of devices
with high computational capabilities that are closer to
the user. This low-cost computational environment
is deployed over a network where all nodes cooper-
atively maintain the network (Balasubramanian and
Karmouch, 2017).
MACC’s motivation is to address situations in
MCC for which connectivity to cloud environments is
not feasible, such as the absence of or an intermittent
network connection (Yaqoob et al., 2016). Further-
more, the hardware used, the service access method,
and the distance from users are also other differences
between MACC and MCC. MACC’s characterization
is presented in Figure 8.
Finally, when compared with the fog computing,
connected devices in MACC are more decentralized,
and this allows the devices to form a more dynamic
network in places of sparsely connected devices or a
constantly changing network (Hubaux et al., 2001).
Figure 8: Mobile Ad hoc Cloud Computing Characteriza-
5.5 Mist Computing
Mist computing can be defined as a lightweight and
rudimentary form of fog computing (Ranaweera et al.,
From the Sky to the Ground: Comparing Fog Computing with Related Distributed Paradigms
2021). It brings the fog computing layer closer to the
smart end-devices, using microcomputers and micro-
controllers to get it, beyond to reside directly within
the network at the edge of the network (Iorga et al.,
In the words of Yousefpour et al. (Yousefpour
et al., 2019), Mist computing can be referenced as
“IoT computing” or “things computing” and it could
be seen as the first location where the computation
takes place in the IoT-fog-cloud continuum.
The data transfer uses a lot of battery power and
it is desirable that data can be processed, precondi-
tioned, and optimized first before being stored. This
fact results in a data transfer much smaller, consum-
ing less power (Silva et al., 2017). The mist com-
puting paradigm can increase the autonomy of solu-
tions, and further decrease the latency period (Preden
et al., 2015). The mist computing characterization is
showed in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Mist Computing Characterization.
5.6 Cloudlet Computing
In 2009, Carnegie Mellon University introduced the
“data center in a box” concept, named Cloudlet Com-
puting (Satyanarayanan et al., 2009). Cloudlets are
composed of decentralized and widely dispersed In-
ternet infrastructure. Nearby mobile computers can
leverage their compute cycles and storage resources.
Cloudlets offer low latency for applications because
they are provided over one-hop access with high
bandwidth (Alli and Alam, 2020).
The mobile device, acting as a thin client, can of-
fload computational tasks through a wireless network
to a cloudlet, deployed one hop away (Riaz et al.,
2019). However, a cloudlet’s presence in mobile de-
vices’ proximity is necessary, as the end-to-end re-
sponse time, when executing applications, must be
smaller and predictable. If a device goes out of range
of a cloudlet, then it should gracefully switch to the
distant cloud, or worst-case scenario, rely solely on
its resources (Bilal et al., 2018).
Another important characteristic of cloudlets is
that they support local services for mobile clients by
dividing tasks among cloudlet nodes near the mobile
devices (Li and Wang, 2014). However, fog comput-
ing offers a more generic alternative that natively sup-
ports large amounts of traffic and allows resources to
be anywhere along the thing-to-cloud continuum (Cui
et al., 2017). Cloudlet characterization can be seen in
Figure 10.
Figure 10: Cloudlet Computing Characterization.
5.7 Dew Computing
In the cloud computing spectrum, the on-premises
computer software-hardware organization paradigm
is known as Dew computing (Ray, 2017). In dew
computing, the on-premises computational resources
provide functionality which is independent, i.e. that
works seamlessly without an internet connection, and
also collaborative with cloud services, e.g. when an
internet connection is available it can synchronize
data and update a copy in the cloud.
So, dew computing intends to fully realize the po-
tentials of on-premises computational resources and
cloud services (Wang, 2016) acting together without a
permanent connection. The nature of dew computing
applications can be precisely described by the inde-
pendence that indicates their applications are inher-
ently distributed and the collaboration that indicates
that the applications are inherently connected.
Dew computing takes the concepts of service,
storage, and network, and goes further, defining a
sub-platform, based on micro-services and distribut-
ing vertically its computing hierarchy (Wang, 2015).
The dew computing paradigm makes the use of hard-
ware resources easier since they are connected to a
network, covering a broad range of ad-hoc-based net-
working technologies (Skala et al., 2015). Figure 11
shows the characterization of dew computing.
Figure 11: Dew Computing Characterization.
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Based on the main fog characteristics presented
in Section 4.2, a comparison of aforementioned
paradigms is presented in Table 1. The idea is to
highlight the differences and similarities between the
paradigms and help clarify the way they compare to
fog computing.
Table 1: Fog computing and related paradigms comparison.
Low Latency
Sky - - X X - X
Cloud - - X X - X
Fog X X X X X X
Edge X X X X X X
MEC X X - X X -
MCC - - X X - -
MACC - X - X - -
Mist - X X - X -
Cloudlet X X - X X X
Dew - - - X X -
Analyzing Table 1, it is possible to notice that
edge computing is the paradigm closer to fog com-
puting. On the opposite side, MCC, MACC and dew
computing share few characteristics of fog comput-
ing, moving away from the scope of this paradigm.
Finally, Figure 12 shows the position of each an-
alyzed paradigm on the IoT-Cloud continuum. Fog
computing is located between cloud and IoT/end-
users and, although the other described paradigms are
suitable for some specific use cases, fog computing
has been seen as a more general form of computing
due to its comprehensive definition scope (Yousef-
pour et al., 2019).
Fog is a distributed paradigm that extends cloud
computing to the network edge, providing services
closer to end users. But the end users can be dis-
tributed and connected to the network by different
ways and means, according to the use case they are
executing: health monitoring use cases, industrial IoT
(IIoT), Smart Power Grid, Smart Cities among oth-
ers (Avasalcai et al., 2020). Each use case can have
specific requirements and all of them together cre-
ate a range of options and needs that must be con-
sidered on the same fog environment, or on a feder-
ation of fog environments. In such a scenario, there
could be no need to consider mobility and the con-
nection to the fog can be considered as reliable. A
much more different scenario is a vehicular applica-
tion connected to a fog node located as a Road Side
Unit (RSU), where mobility and wireless communi-
cation are fundamental characteristics. Although the
communication architecture can be the same between
these two use cases, in a 3-tier architecture as pre-
sented on Section 4.1, the functionalities’ set needed
by each of them, as well as the options for privacy, se-
curity, fault tolerance, for instance, are different and
must be provided by the fog computing environment
A relevant challenge of fog computing is related to
security and privacy warranty. Heterogeneity of user-
equipment and access network makes it difficult and
complex to implement security and privacy defense
features (Ranaweera et al., 2021). Moreover, once
the features are deployed, there is a trade-off between
the functionalities running on the user device and en-
ergy consumption. For example, the stronger the key
and the encryption process used, more energy from
user’s device will be consumed. Also, the fewer re-
sources the device has available to run these security
processes, the longer it takes to run them, increasing
the response time of an application or service being
executed and causing a worse QoE (Mahmud et al.,
2018). According to privacy and security solutions
in place, a minimum resource specification must be
guaranteed by the service orchestrator when allocat-
ing a fog node to run a service.
Low latency is a requirement to run real time ser-
vices on fog infrastructures. To meet this require-
ment, the service is placed closer to the user and,
in case of user mobility, e.g., a mobile phone inside
a moving car, the service could be migrated to an-
other fog node that is located closer to the user’s new
place from time to time. Service migration is also
used as a strategy of offloading services to a resource
richer node and in case of node failure. The chal-
lenge is to guarantee the SLA/QoE while providing
a secure communication channel between fog nodes
(Ranaweera et al., 2021).
Finally, from the resource’s management perspec-
tive, a wide-open issue must be improved. Although
the virtual machine concept is extensively in use on
cloud computing architectures and still being used in
fog environments, recent works indicate that the use
of containers, a standard unit of software that pack-
ages up code and all its dependencies (Yin et al.,
From the Sky to the Ground: Comparing Fog Computing with Related Distributed Paradigms
Figure 12: Position of computing paradigms on IoT-Cloud continuum.
2018), is more appropriate for fog features and needs.
The use of federation, a set of public and private
providers connected through the Internet, is widely
adopted on cloud computing (Rosa et al., 2018). The
development of a federation for fog computing is
needed to ensure a greater computational capacity for
this technology. Scalability may also depend on such
a federation. Fog nodes help IoT devices lessening
their load and providing fast response. This allows
a higher number of devices to connect to the envi-
ronment without overloading cloud network. But the
challenge is to recognize when the number of de-
vices connected directly to a fog node has reached
a threshold in which may overload the node itself
(Fersi, 2021), therefore requests must be redirected
to other available fog nodes, including the federated
ones. Automatic service orchestration and resource
management are also needed (Costa et al., 2022).
In recent years, an increasing number of studies have
been done about fog computing and related paradigms
and technologies. Most of them, as in (Javed and
Mahmood, 2021) and (Fersi, 2021), comparing these
paradigms to cloud computing.
In Hu et al. (Hu et al., 2017), a study about fog
computing presents a comparison between fog, edge,
and cloud computing concepts. Some contextualiza-
tion about the fog architecture, characteristics, and
applications is presented.
Yousefpour et al. (Yousefpour et al., 2019) present
similarities and differences between fog computing
and the following paradigms: cloud computing, mo-
bile computing, edge computing, mobile cloud com-
puting, multi-access edge computing, mobile ad hoc
cloud computing, and mist computing.
A comparison between fog computing, multi-
access edge computing, and cloudlet is presented
by Mouradian et al. (Mouradian et al., 2018) and
(Ranaweera et al., 2021). In Bilal et al. (Bilal et al.,
2018) the micro data center concept is compared to
fog computing. In Naha et al. (Naha et al., 2018) the
fog concept is compared with dew computing. Fog,
edge, and mist Computing are compared in (Alli and
Alam, 2020).
Gill et al. (Gill et al., 2019) presents three emerg-
ing paradigms, blockchain, IoT, and artificial intelli-
gence, exploring how they will transform cloud com-
puting to solve complex problems of next-generation
computing. A complete study of related paradigms
was done by the authors, including fog computing.
Habbib et al. (Habibi et al., 2020) present a com-
CLOSER 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 2: Related work.
(Hu et al., 2017) X X X
(Mouradian et al., 2018) X X X
(Bilal et al., 2018) X X X
(Naha et al., 2018) X X
(Yousefpour et al., 2019) X X X X X X X
(Gill et al., 2019) X
(Habibi et al., 2020) X X X
(Alli and Alam, 2020) X X X X
(Javed and Mahmood, 2021) X X
(Ranaweera et al., 2021) X X X X
(Fersi, 2021) X X
(Ogundoyin and Kamil, 2021) X X X X X X X X X
This paper X X X X X X X X X X
prehensive survey addressing the fog architectural
concepts, reviewing distinctions between cloud, edge,
mobile edge, and fog, and proposing a taxonomy for
architectural, algorithmic, and technological aspects
of fog computing. An evaluation of the current state
of the technology and identification of the potential
future direction was also presented.
Finally, the article (Ogundoyin and Kamil, 2021)
comments on the possible methods for optimizing fog
computing and brings its applications, making met-
rics of its research in the literature and testing differ-
ent algorithms for solutions in various environments
and bringing with it proposals for future trends for
optimization of computing in fog.
Table 2 summarizes the computational paradigms
that were compared in each related work presented in
this section, ordered considering the year of each pub-
lication. All papers analyzed in this section compare
the fog computing concept with few other paradigms.
In contrast, this paper shows a comparison between
fog and all other relevant related paradigms, present-
ing the main differences and similarities. Further-
more, this paper is the only one that brings the con-
cepts of the Sky Computing.
The distance of cloud computing data centers from
the end-user’s devices prompt the increase of com-
putational technologies that solve this issue. In this
paper, we present concepts, similarities, and differ-
ences of nine computational paradigms and technolo-
gies that fill in the gap between cloud computing and
the edges.
Among the compared technologies in this paper,
fog computing proved to be one of the most promis-
ing to be used closer to end-users, complementing the
services offered by cloud computing and also by sky
computing. It is a decentralized computing infrastruc-
ture that considers the best place between data source
and cloud to distribute storage, computation, and ap-
Furthermore, the concatenated three-tier fog com-
puting architecture with the related paradigms pre-
sented in Figure 12, helps understanding the posi-
tion and characterization of each analyzed paradigm.
Just like any emerging technology, these computa-
tional paradigms have some challenges to overcome,
as standardization, security, resource management,
QoS, and fault tolerance.
Unlike other related computational paradigms,
fog computing is both complementary to and an ex-
tension of traditional cloud-based models, being suit-
able to support many use-cases, mainly accelerated by
the increase of the 5G technology with IoT perspec-
Just as it was done for sky computing paradigm,
keeping up with the development of emergent com-
putational paradigms and new technologies may be
considered for future works to overcome the evolving
of the computation challenges.
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